Straits Echo, 28 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2270 1 A. E. SKEELS. 3/, Beach Street, JLU'J'.iaiHtf h L V S. N. Co. r p H E mail steamers may lie expected to I iirivo Outwards, and leave Penang Homewaris on the following dates Mail Service. Mail Rates of Passage I-BI.M PENANG to Single Retukn 1st. 2nd. 1st. 2nd. Hongkong
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    • 7 1 A. E. SKEELS. *v 31, Berch Street.
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  • Money Market.
    • 124 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1/11 4 months' sight Bank 2 3 Credit 2/04 3 Documentary 2/0, 3 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 147$ 3 days’ sight Private 149 J Bombay, Demand Bank 147 J 3 days’ sight Private 149 J Madras, Demand Bank 147| 3
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    • 197 2 Bersawali Gold Mine Co., Ld. 19. —buyers Bruseli Tin Mining Co.. Ld. 8.25 sellers Clieudariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co.. Ld S 25.— sales Fraser Neave, Ld sloo. —buyers 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 26.— sales. Howarth Erskine, Ld. $l9O. —buyers International Bodega $lOO. —buyers Jelebu Mining A Trading
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    • 166 2 Tin 74.00 buyers Gold leaf 84, B.Pepper(W.Coast3ll>s.soz.)s 29.40 sales White Pepper 50. sellers Trang Pepper 36. sellers Cloves (picked) 35 50 Mace $lBO. —sellers Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 70. —buyers No. 1 7. sales Sugar 2 5.30 Basket (Chinese) 4. —sellers Tapioca Flour 2.15 sales Copra
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  • Shipping
    • 131 2 Zamania, Br. s.s. 2,893, Aclieson, 28th Aug., Singapore, 26th Augnst, Gen., —Beng Bros. Co. Benledi, Br. s.s. 1,481, Clark, 28th August, Yokohama, 11th July, Gen., —S. B. Co. Rotorua, Br. s.s. 576, Brown, 28th August, Singapore, 26th August, Gen., —Koe Guau Co. Kistna, Br. s.s. 524, Fletcher, 28th August,
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    • 17 2 28th August Zamania. for Negapatam, etc. Omapere, for Port Swettenham Malacca. Lady Weld, for Teluk Anson.
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    • 194 2 A. Apcar, Br. s.s. 2,931. Fay, 28th August, Hongkong, 19th August, Gen., —A. A. Anthony Co. Avagyee. Br. s.s. 247, Morier. 28th August, T. Anson, 27th August, Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Antonio Padre, Ita. sl.,s. 1,420, Fortunato, 26th August,—New York, 19th April, Oil,—C. S. Seng. Carlyle, Br. s.s.
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    • 40 2 Ye***t* From Agent» Due Lennox Glasgow 1 S. B. Co. 31st inst. Palawau Japan P. A O. 31st Simla London do. 3rd Sept. V aletta Sintra pore do. 5th Beulawers London S. B. Co. 6th Benvorlieh do. do. 20th
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    • 110 2 VetreU For Aje>it$ Leaver A. Apcar Calcutta A. A. Co. 29th inst. C. Apcar Singapore do. 29th Lennox do. b. b. Oo. 31st t Palawan Colombo P. A 0. 31st Simla Singapore do. 3rd Sept Valet t a Colombo do. 5th Benlawers Singapore S. P. A Co. tjth lieuvorlicli
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    • 55 2 Inirrad —Per Zamania.” from Singapore, Mr. C. H. Jones. Per Kistna,” from Port Swettenham, Mr. and Mrs. Lim Chin Guan. Mrs. Lim Mah L**ong aud Mrs. Foo Thye Lin. From Singapore. Mr. Hansen. Per “A. Apcar,” from Singapore, Mr. Rodgers. Per Avagvee,” from T. Anson, Messrs. Young. Wilson, Graham,
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    • 91 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOB: Deli—Per Vidar, to-morrow. 11 a.m. Port Swettenham —Per Mary Austin, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat—Per Jin Ho, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Perlis and Setul—Per Chan Tai, tomorrow, 1 p.m. Calcutta —Per A. Apcar, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Avagyee, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe.
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  • 62 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AX TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL per annum. (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (*est Free) CABLE ADDRESS: “E c h o —P ena n g Telephone No. 188. Editor, Chesnet Duncan. Sub-Editor,
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  • 861 2 The Americans Seek Knowledge on the Subject. The, in many respects, disappointing outcome of the American occupation of the Philippines is instanctd by General Leonard Wood’s mission or rather enquiry as to the management of natives by the great Coloni.l Powers of The ex-Govemor
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  • 623 2 Stirring Address in t!:e Federal Capital. We are intebted to a Chinese resident of Kuala Lumpur for the following report of Mr. Kang Yu Wei’s visit to Selangor:— Mr. Kang Yu Wei, ardent patriot and indefatigable reformer of China, arrived in Kuala Lumpur last Saturday
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  • 113 2 The Philippine Government has appointed three Commissioners to in juire into the opium traffic in neighlxmring colonies. One of them is Bishop Brent of the American Methodist Episcopal Church. ILe other Commissioners are Major Carter of the Manila Board of Health, and I)r. Albert, a Filipino
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    • 168 2 To the Editor of the Straits Echo. Dear Sir. —Will you please allow your correspondent, “A Jaftna Tamil, who wrote at length on “Jaffna Tamils in the Native States” in your issue of the Bth instant, to let me know through the medium of vour paper
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  • 107 2 On the 18th inst., a Government notice was posted iu Labuan declaring Brunei, Trusau, Lawas and Provinces Clarke and l)eut to tie infected districts, “choleraic diarrhoea lieiug prevalent there. Consequently all arrivals from those places would lie quarantined. It is stated that some suspicious deaths have already occurred ia
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  • 218 2 (From our Correspondent.) Port Swettenham, 26th August —On Sunday the 23rd instant the s. s. Kistna arrived from Penang with a European prisoner amongst the passengers for Singapore, The prisoner was locked in a second class cahin and at about a quarter to one he got his liberty
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  • 229 2 The Deli Races. We are indebted to one of our sporting friends for the following notes ou the forthcoming Deli Races:— Our esteemed fellow-townsman Mr. Chung Tlive Phin has given a Cup for the Deli Races which has been thankfully accepted; value 8200. This Cup will be
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  • 285 2 The following is the account given by Capt. Marshall of the Empress of India of the collision with the Chinese cruiser Huang Tai alxnit midnight on 17th inst, brief particulars of which the Echo published the next day. •We were proceeding on our way from Shanghai,’ when
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  • 304 2 loke yew's latest We hear that Mr. Loke Vw the brated tiu magnate and inilli.„ ia rp giving his attention to Kwantan ov on the coast of Pahang, Eas; Malasa? is said that he has secured a Urve tj! 1 land, some 10,000 acres of g< H xl
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  • 425 2 The latest number of the Asiatic Quarterly Review contains an article entitled Reformed China and H»r Destiny from the pen of Mr. Taw Sein-ko, m. k. a. k., of Burma. Mr. Taw writes hopefully of China and believes that there is a great future before her. Aided bv
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  • 125 2 Following' are the returns of thtf Corporation for June Tons of ore crushed, 2,370 oxide of tin produced, 454 tons: approximate value $40,000; with 40 head of stamp running for 28 days working expert** $30,750. Pahang Kabang results are. —Tons t ore crushed, 810 oxide of tin produced
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 249 2 Pritchard Co. PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG tor THE BRITISH EXPRESS DAIRY Company's BOMBAY BUTTER ALWAYS FRESH PUljp, FIRM CREAMY Sold in 1 !b. tins 75 cents per tin. Consignments received regularly. PRITCHARD CO. PENANC. 4n For Defective Sight. SPECTACLES! Please Note. An ire deal direct irifh one of the
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    • 64 2 WANTED AN Overseer, to take charge of a GuttaRambong Estate in Padang, W. C. Sumatra, who thoroughly understands about painting and tapping the above industry. Fair salary with good inducement to a capable man. Apply to A. F.” c/o The Straits Echo, Penang. 21k JUST RECEIVED Light Yellow Buff Envelopes
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    • 5 2 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. McAlister c©.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 305 3 The ThirJ Contest. sil AM litH *K BADLY BKATEX. (Siroits Echo Special.) I»n«lon,27tli August (9-40 p.m.):. The thii.l race of the* series i»f conM foi the America Cup was sail('l w .,lin- in a very light breesse, and it j 3 t untetl “110 race” because which
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  • 40 3 Finnish Nobility Not Wanted at the Russian Court. (Ijabienetcs Special Service.) •St. Petersburg. August 10th.—Finnish noblemen an* person# turn grata at the Court of the Tsar. Their actions in the Russian js>licv in Finland cuuaeil the ban.
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  • 91 3 *uv Conflicts in United States Between Inion Men and Employers. (Cablelo irs Special Service) NVw York. August 10.—The trouble "'tween labour and capital grows more anite all over the United States. There w a dozen big strikes raging now—specially is there friction between 010,1 of the printing
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  • 219 3 France, and Germany Announce Approval of Russian Fleet 'loving on Constantinople. t (CaW< news Special Service.) August 18th The f l‘*et of Russia has sailed for «tephorus. The announced intenot the Admiral commanding is to "4 in the name of the Tsar reparafrom Turkey for the
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  • 128 3 Kaiser Demands an addition of 40,000 men to the Strength of his Army. (Cableneirs Special Service.) Berlin, 19tli August.—The Kaiser has asked for an addition of 40,000 men to the army. [The German Army ou a peace footing lias 581.519 men in its rank and file, and
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  • 378 3 The latest available estimate of tbe situation in the Bulkan Peninsula is that of Mr. H. H. Munro, published in the Morning Poet, and dated from Sofia the 6th July. The Eastern Balkans at the present juncture resemble a danger building" in which shells are being
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  • 306 3 Fresh Names Incriminated Before the Inquiry. Vienna, Ist August The circle of prominent men who are accused of complicity in the Hungarian bribery scandal widens daily. In addition to the Minister-President Count Khueu, Count Nicholas Bauffy, aud Count Julius Teleki, Count Khuen’s brother-in-law, are now involved. Deputy Veszi,
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  • 372 3 <Manila Cable newt, 11th August.) The price of Mexican currency continues to go up. The prevailing rate of exchange yesterday in the Banks and Chinese shops was 2.10 to 2.12 for gold bought and 2.12 to 2.16 for gold sold. There is said to
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  • 598 3 Sequel to the Cape Ragging” Case. Charles L. Prior, of Jermyn-street, S. W„ was suiumoned before Mr. Plowdeu at Marlborougli-street, London, on the 15th, July, for assaulting Percy H. Dagg. Mr. Simmons said Mr. Dagg was a solicitor's clerk in the employ of Messrs Field. Dagg, and Co., and defendant
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  • 302 3 DtAR Sib I am aliout to sail for America on a business trip, aud my agent, after carefully going over the field, has referred me to you ;is being in the market with some desiiable daughters. i I enclose with this a certified copy of mv
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  • 1007 3 An important issue affecting the treatment of natives arose in a case tried in King's Bench Court, London, on 31st ult. Mr. Horace Lyall, Manager for the Cliubwa Tea Company in Assam, sued the proprietors of the Investor's Review for alleged libel in their publication, dated September,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1806 4 ,N GHEE CHOON CO. Ao. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, Provisioned and General Imrokteks. Agents fur TOAVKAY FOO CHOO CHOOX, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. 29a Allan 41 Irving. Penang. engineers, Iron Brass Founders, BOILER MAKERS AND Bridge Builders. IRON \ND STEEL MERCHANTS IRONMONGERS, OIL MERCHANTS.
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  • 1578 5 The list half-yearly general 111 t i ll was held on2lst July attheCanm.n Street Hotel. Mr. Richard B. Martin, M P., presided, and, in moving the adoption of the report, stated that the revenue for the year ended December 81 last amounted to 8824.152, which showed
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  • 602 5 The half yearly meeting was held at Hongkong on August 14th and in the course of ills spieech, the Chairman, Mr. A. T. Raymond, said Looking at the figures you will observe a considerable failing off in the current account depiosits. Six months ago our London
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1019 5 ESTABLISHED AT MEDAN» DELI. Hast Coast of Sumatra.) ,1 j. i>t 11KER, L.i.-u.. Advocate ,,„1 Solicitor to the High Court of .i,.' in Netherlands India at Batavia. '«A Kesawaa» Medan, Deli. 58h NOTICE. I undersigned 1**# to inform the iml'lie of Penang and the lieighUmrN States that they have been
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    • 265 5 CHF.ONG LVE THONG BROTHERS. Sc. v* CUV LI A STREET. (bsUBUSHKI) 1S77.) I>M. to mforni the public of Penang as well us out-pert a that they nmlerfake to fill, clean, adjust or extract teeth and provide artificial dcuturcs. At Moderate Charges. Tfstiwoxisi_ When I was acting as Resident Councillor of
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    • 854 5 ir Special STRONG “B-F” I Manila Envelopes $3 per 1000 THIS OFFICE. c TRADE MARK i ~CHlN HIN B( OTHERS, General Storekeepers, Horse Dealers Livery Stables No. 50r>, PENANG ROAD. Telephone No. 265. The following Goods always on hand. Best single and pair English, American ind Calcutta-made Harness and Saddles,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2148 6 Graham Co., Ld. V-i J w»-> i« wholesale chemists, Beach Street, Penang. L/ u > a Q O o s. A. W. Anti White- Ant. A Valuable 0i1..Mixture for destroying white ants and preserving attackable substances from the Echo’s History of Penang,” 'T HIS CONCISE, AUTHENTIC AND INTERESTING History of
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