Straits Echo, 22 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Money Market.
    • 118 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank .1/11$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...I lly* 3 Credit ...1/11-A 3 Documentary —l/11 g Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 144$ 3 days* sight Private 146$ Bombay, Demand Bank 144$ 3 days* sight Private 146$ Madras, Demand Bank 144$ 3 days’ sight
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    • 226 2 I Berea wall Gold Mine Co., Ld. 19. —buyers Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining C Ld 8 25. —sales j Fraser Neave, Ld $lOO. —buyers 6% Del>s. par George Town Dispensary S 26.— sales. Howarth Erskine. Ld. $190. buyers International Bodega $lOO. —buyers
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    • 175 2 Tin... 75.5 0 buyers j Gold leaf 85. B.Pepj-er( W. Coast 3lbs. 5 oz.)s 29.40 sales White Pepper 50. sellers Traug Pepper 8 36. sellers j Cloves (picked) 35 50 Mace 8180. nom. Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 69. —sellers No. 1 7. sales j Sugar 2
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  • Shipping.
    • 94 2 Bantam, Dot. s.s. 2,114, Potjewyd, 22nd Aug.,—Singapore, 20th August. Gen., Huttenbach Liebert A Co. Lawada, Br. s.s. 3,269. Henderson. 22nd August,—Amoy, 11th August, Gen., H. Liebert A Co. G. G. van Lansbekge, Dut. s.s. 501. Boon, 22nd August. —Acheen. 18th August, Gen., —Huttenbach Liebert A Co. Hok Canton. Br.
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    • 63 2 22nd August Sumatra, for Deli. Deli, for Langkat. Lanylcat. for Port Swettenham. Ho Ktrei, for Deli. Janet Nicoll, for Moulmein. i Aragyee, for Teluk Anson. Asahan, for Asahan. Kistna. for Port Swettenham A Singapore. Rotorua, for Port Swettenham A Singapore. Carlyle, for Port Swettenham. Bengal, for Ceylon, etc. Launda,
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    • 92 2 Alboin. Br. s.s. 649, Curtis. 19th August, Bombay, Bth August, Gen., —Huttenbach Lielert A Co. Canton. Br. s.s. 105, Merican. 22ud August, T. Anson, 21st Aug., Gen., —Ah Hing. G. G. van Lansbekge. Dut. s.s. 501. Boon, 22nd August, -Acheen. 18th August, Gen.,—Huttenltach Liebert A Co. Hok Canton.
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    • 54 2 Veseels Front Agent* > j Due Badenia Sinara poie B. M. A Co. 22udinst. Borneo Suez P. O. 25th Benledi Singapore 3. B. A Co. 26th A. Apcar do. A. A. Co. 28th C. Apcar Calcutta do. 2Sth Lennox Glasgow S. B. A Co. 31st Benlawers London do. 6th
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    • 108 2 Veteelt For Ayents Lea vet Borneo Singapore P. A O. 25th inst. Ben led i London S. B. A Co. 26th A. Apear Calcutta A. A. Co. 29th C. Apear Sintrapore do. 20th Lennox <lo. S. B A Co. 31st Benlawers do. do. 6th Sept. Benvorlich do. i do.
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    • 63 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR Trang and Pang Nga—Per Artsadong, 24th inst.. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham—Per Mary Austin, 24th inst., 1 p.m. Perlis and Setul—Per Chan Tai, 24th inst., 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton, 24th inst.. 2 p.m. Singapore. Hongkong. Swatow A Amoy— Per Hong Moh,
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    • 25 2 Imrard —Per Bantam,” from Singapore, Mr. Leung Tek Choon. Out'rard —Per G.. Apear,” for Calcutta. Syed Mohamed Bin Ahamed Idid. Mr. C. T. Robinson.
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  • 64 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday*.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, lAK-’AL gi per annum. (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Puet Free) Id CABLE ADDRESS:“E c h O—P0 —P ena n g Telephone No. 188. Editor, Chesxey Duncan.
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  • 489 2 Futile Appeal to Empress Dowager. We received a telegram from a States* correspondent last night. It is dated Ipoh 21st August and we gather from it that the Chinese Towkays of Ipoh and other parts of the Federated Malay States despatched a telegram yesterday to His Majesty the
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  • 501 2 English not Taught in the Schools. Tijk R< port of the Federal Inspector t.f Schools, recently published, shows t- at ccr’ug' the year 1902 a total sum of 8179,190.71 was speut in educating 11,129 pupils, or 516.90 per head. For cheapness this record cannot be
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  • 306 2 LIKELY TO PROVE SUCCESSFUL. A meeting of the upholders of the proposal to establish a Swimming Club in Penang, was held on the verandah of the Cricket Club's Pavilion last evening. Mr. Alan Wilson presided, and was supported by a large number of prominent local sportsmen. The
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  • 107 2 Last evening at about 4 p.m., a l>an«l of Hindus and a number of Mohammedans tried conclusions in Chuha Street. The fight waxed f;ist and furious for some time, and in the end the coniliatants on l>oth sides were seriously injured in the mi he. The police appeared
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    • 126 2 To Tub Editor Or The Straits Echo. Peak Sib, —With reference to my letter A limit a School" published in your valuable pajier vesterday, the offence for which he did time" aud the name of the offender appears ou the accompanying paper for your information. Yours Faithfully,
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  • 215 2 REACHES SINGAPORE IN TOW' OF THE MORESBY. W The crew of the German sailing ship IF. C. Watjen now lying in Singapore barltour. had a terrible experience, recently, The ship was towed into Singapore on the 10th inst., in a dismantled condition, by the British
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  • 572 2 The intelligence that Dr. Lim Bx>n Keng has tendered his resignation as a member of the Legislative Council and that his resignation was accepted on the 13th instant, will be received with general, if not with universal regret, savs the Straits Times. Since his taking his
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  • States’ News.
    • 610 2 (From our Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur. 18th An -„st o’clock this morning three < At a house at Serdano which r, a about three miles from Sun_-, B, 3l scan hing the house for i r with some opposition q i whom they set upon amt They then ransacked the
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  • 441 2 < From our Correspondent.) Following are particulars of a case which may interest some of your readers On the sth of August, Mr. James G. Birrell. Manager of Messrs. Fraser anJ Neave's printing establishment, and an assistant named Lawrence Pereira were before Mr. Broadrick, First Magistrate,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 261 2 Pritchard Co. m •-r y. I l'* ;J: i SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG FOR THE BRITISH EXPRESS DAIRY Company’s BOMBAY BUTTER ALWAYS FRESH PURE, FIRM CREAM Y Sold in lib. tins 75 cents per tin. Consignments received regularly. PRITCHARD CO. Penang. For Defective Sight. SPECTACLES! Please Note. —As we (leal
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    • 103 2 Central Sales Room. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALES OF HACKS, PAIRS, PONIES, CARRIAGES. HARNESS Ac., Ac.. Ac. On Tuesday, 25th August, 1903, At 2-30 p.m. At China Street Ghaut. For further particulars Apply to CUNNINGHAM, CLARK Co., Licenced Auctioneer*. Rest House, KWALA LUMPUR. Only two mimites’ walk from Selangor Club. CIOMFOKTABLE rooms
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    • 95 2 The Ceylon Theatrical Co., Patronized by their Excellencies the Governors of Ceylon, and leading citizens. "IIT ILL give their j*?rformance ou Vt Saturday, the 22nd inst.. at the King Street Theatre Hall, when the Company, consisting of 25 trained artists, will put upon the boards that charming, artistic play entitled:
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    • 6 2 METTAR’S STOVE WOOD BURNING. McAlister Co.
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    • 4 2 ENGINEERING TOOLS McAlister Co.
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    • 5 2 ROSE’S LIME JUICE. mcalister c«.
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    • 4 2 rippingilles stow McAlister u.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 WEATHER. Tlie following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 107 3 The First Race. keliance leading. (Reuter* Submarine Cable:) Londoii,' August 21st.—The first fur the Cup started on fift-tn-mile course, windward •ml 1 The wind travelling at abont knots. „'k 111 started thirty six gggond ahead, but an hour later the e f e passed her before the
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  • 32 3 <),Vti/'-rV Submarine Cable.) London, August 21st. —There is little hope of the Marquess of Salisbury recovering. Later. London August 22nd —His Lordship is reported to be .slowly sinking-
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  • 16 3 (Reuter's Submarine Cable.) London, August 21st. —Canada is negotiating a Commercial Treaty with Japan.
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  • 40 3 (Reuter'» Submarine Cable.) London, 22ml August:—The rejtort as to the mobilisation of Bulgarian reserves to strengthen the frontier as announced two days ago is semi-officially denied at Sofia. hut, nevertheless, the Bulgarian Press is distinctly bellicose in tone.
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  • 387 3 Entries for Summer Meeting. (Strait* Echo Special.) Gopeng, 21st August, 9 a. m.—(RemW li p. m.) The entries for the Gopeiig Gvinkhana Club, whose summer meeting takes place on Saturday next, art* hs follows 1. The Distance Handicap.— A handicap for all horses and ponies. Scratch 1
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  • 121 3 Chiefs Offer Submission. (Java Bode Special.) Batavia, 12th August :—The Government has received a despatch from the front reporting that Panglima and Toeanka Radja Keumala, have tendered their submission to the Netherlands Government and appeal for cessation of hostilities. General Van Hendsz refused to accede to the
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  • 25 3 (Rangoon Advertiser Service.) Simla, 7tli August:—There were 3,342 deaths from plague in India last week, of which Bombay Piesidenev claimed over 2.700.
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  • 163 3 Foreign Residents of Peking Cry Out Against Inhuman Acts of Chinese Government. (Cablenews Special Service.) Pekin, 6th August:—The foreign colony here has made a protest to the Chinese Government against the torture of members of the Reform Party which is now going on. The British and American
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  • 68 3 London, 18th August:—Mr. Justice Joyce has dismissed the action brought by Mr. Burt, an engineer of the F*ublic Works Department, against Government iu which he claimed leave and pay at the rate of two shillings, instead of the existing rate of exchange. Government pleaded that the terms
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  • 31 3 London, Bth August: —The Irish honours include six baronetcies, one being the Lord Mayor of Belfast and another the Lord Mayor of Cork. There are also nine knighthoods.
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  • 77 3 London, 9th August :—The Naval manoeuvres have begun and are being carried out on ail unprecedented scale for tlie first time on record. They are frankly oceanic, illustrating the principles of the hluewater school. The scene of operations extends from Berehaven to Madeira. Rear Admiral G. L. Atkinson
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  • 30 3 A boiler accident has taken place on board the Drake which is engaged in the Naval manoeuvres off Funchal. One man was killed and six wounded, two dangerously.
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  • 54 3 London, August 11th.—The severe comments of Justice Darling iu the recent action concerning the transaction in which Hooley wus concerned has led the Attorney-General lo investigate the case. An application for a warrant for the arrest of Hooley was made yesterday- on charges of fraud involving i 140,000.
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  • 968 3 The new rickisha regime is making itself felt in the right direction. The rickkies who have a penchant for putting it on a bit now soon show a clean pair of heels when the hire,” after paying the proper fare, refuses I more and takes the man's number. If
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  • 719 3 St. Georoe s Church (Church of England) 11th Sunday afterTrinity:—Motirs. (Choral) 8 a.m., Holy Communion 8-30 a.m., Chinese Service 9-15 a.m., Sunday School 5 p.m.. Evensong and Sermon 6 p.m., Daily Service at 8 a.m.— The Rev. Frank W. Htftncs. Colonial Chaplain. f Prye Dock 9. a.m..'Rev.
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  • 68 3 Dame Rumour hath it that anotlier fair but frail damsel living a few yards from the Church at Pulo Tikus eloped with a young man on the 19th instant. This romantic affair happened in broad daylight. The young man in question is said to have been
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  • 737 3 (From our okh iWrespondent.) Kampar, August 21st. —Mr. Kang Yu Wei, the celebrated Reformer, arrived here yesterday from Ipoh, whence he travelled in a motor-car accompanied by Mr. of Chinese. Mr. Eu Tong Seng and Mr. Chun Aik Theng. The party met with a
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  • 179 3 M. Pelletau s unpopularity in the Navy has been materially increased by the excliange of letters between himselt and Admiral Marc-chal, who had just been appointed to the command of the Far Eastern squadron, and who has now been recalled. The origin of the dispute bet wren
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  • 105 3 (Indian Daily Heirs Service.) London, 10th August:—The repeal of the prohibition of the exportation of arms to China, is gazetted. [The prohibition enforced by international agreement at the time of the Boxer outbreak in 1900 has long lieen absolutely inoperative and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1789 4 IN GHEE CHOON CO. Wo. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, PROVISIONERS AND GENERAL IMPORTERS. Agents for TOWKAY FOO CHOO CHOON, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. 29 a Allan Irving. Penang. ENGINEERS, Iron Brass Founders, BOILER MAKERS AND Bridge Builders. IRON AND STEEL, MERCHANTS IRONMONGERS, OIL MERCHANTS.
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  • 1976 5 SOME INTERESTING COMPARISONS. The enormous racing rig of the challenger, namely, 14,500 square feet, naturally suggests the question as to whether the intervening three thousand miles of ocean water between England and America has been anything of a handicap to the challengers in their long
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  • 442 5 The Gaiety Thtsitre, known all over the surface of the civilised globe, closed its doors finally aland a month ago. after providing prolific enterfhiument for countless thousands for thirty-five years. Thereupon Public Opinion's very own “Gallery Boy called for his harp and turning on the tap j
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1057 5 £d>*ji®a3= ESTABLISHED AT MEDAN. DELI. i East Coast of Sumatra. > Pj? J. J. de HEEK, 1.1. d.. Advocate ,md Solicitor to the High Court of v in Netherlands India at Batavia. Kw-awan, Medan, Deli. 58h NOTICE. rplD' undersigned l>eg to inform the public of Penang and the neighbourjn.. \,,tivt>
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    • 38 5 THE Penang Forage Co. 96, Klawei Road. EAmrs MISTERED PATENT -NORSE FOOD. 54.00 A BALE. ALSO On Hand, —Large Stocks OF Crushed Food, Bran, Oats, Barley, Linseed, Paddy, Australian Hay, Meadow Hay, Australian Chaff, Calcutta Chaff, and Bedding.
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    • 616 5 Bangkok THE ORIENTAL HOTEL. Oriental Hotel Syndicate. Cable Addrrr.: "Oriental." Proprietors. Penang. EASTERN A ORIENTAL HOTEL. UNEQUALLED FOR Situation Comfort and Catering 3 Graham 4 Co., Ld. 1 whole sale CHEMISTS, 4 Beach Street, Penang. 18a SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. KINO EDWARD HOTEL. HONGKONG A High Class Private Hotel Electrically Lighted.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2135 6 sAjittnfr Buttery «M, Reach Street, *J»EN/fNC. ANDREW USHER CO.S' Ci. i Special Reserve O. y. G. WHISKY. craigellachie GLEN LI VET DISTILLERY Co.s GAELIC "OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. •femes Buchanan Co. s ii y WHISKY. *4 II 3HT William, teacher and Sons' Old Gienlivet Whisky. To be hail of all dealers.
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