Straits Echo, 20 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2378 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street, iMII'J'fLS'HH® 'm S. N. Co. T IHF :..ail steamers may be expected to a ve Outwards, and leave Penang Homewards on the following dales Mail Service. Outwards. Sep. CM. Sep. Oct. Mail Rates of Passage From I’ENANG to Ist. Hongkong Shanghai Nagasaki Kobe Yokohama
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    • 7 1 A. E. SKEELS. *v 31, Berch Street.
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  • Money Market.
    • 117 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1 /11 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11§ 3 Credit —l/11 3 Documentary .».1/11^ Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 144 3 days’ sight Private 146 Bombay, Demand Bank 144 3 days’ sight Private 146 Madras, Demand Bank 144 3 days’sight Private 146
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    • 219 2 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 19 buyers Bruseh Tiu Mining Co., Ld. 8 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 5 25. sales Fraser Neave. Ld sloo.— buyers n 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary S 26. sales. Howarth Erskine. Ld. $l9O buyers International Bodega sloo,— buyers Jelebu
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    • 175 2 'jj n 75.50 tales i Gold leaf 8 85. B.Pepper( W.Coast 31bs. soz.)s 29.40 tales White Pepper 8 50 tellers Train; Pepper °6. sellers Cloves (picked) 3 35 50 yj ace $lBO. nom. Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs ilOs 09. sellers (No. 1 7. sales Sugar < 2 5.30
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  • Shipping.
    • 86 2 Langkat. Br. s.s. 187, Lingard, 19tli Aug.. Malacca, 18th Aug.. Gen.,— Koe Guan Co. Thaiping, Br. s.s. 160. Wheeler, 19th Aug., —Port Weld, 18th August, Gen.,—H. Liebert A Co. Siak. Dut, s.s. 240, Schuur, 20tli August, T. Poera, 19tli Aug., Oil,—Katz Bros. Petrel. Br. s.s. 158, Higgle, 19th August.
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    • 36 2 20tli August Jin Ho, for Langkat. Vidar, for Deli. Canton, for Paugkor A Teluk Anson. GlenogJe, for Singapore. Lindula, for Rangoon. Batlaarat, for Singapore and China. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon. Haldis, for Rangoon. Petrel, for Tongkah.
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    • 56 2 Alboin, Br. s.s. 649. Curtis. 19th August, Bombay, Bth August, Gen., —Huttenbaeh Liebert Co. Carlyle, Br. s.s. 331. Mugford, 19th Aug., —Port Swettenhain. 17th Aug., Gen., Straits Steamship Co. Langkat. Br. s.s. 187, Lingard, 19th Aug.. Malacca, 18th Aug., Gen.,—Koe Guau Co. Said, Br. s.s. Buchanan. 17th August,
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    • 65 2 Vessels From Agente Due Hong Moh [Singapore B. Bros. 21st inst Kuni Sang Calcutta B. Co. 21st G. Apcar Singapore A. A. Co. 21st Bengal do: P. O. 22nd Badenia do. B. If. Co. 22nd Borneo Suez P. 0. 25th Benledi Singapore 3. B. Co. 26th Lennox Glasgow 3.
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    • 124 2 Vessel# For Agents Leaves Ballaarat Singapore P. A O. 20tli inst Kuui Sang do. B. Co. 21st G. Apear Calcutta A. A. A Co. 21st Hong Moh Singapore B. Bros. 22 nd Borneo Singapore P. A O. 25th Benledi London S. B. A Co. 26th Lennox Singapore S. B.
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    • 24 2 Inward —Per Laugkat," from P. Swettenham, Mr. and Mrs. Horth. Per Lindula." from Singapore. Mr. Caulfield. Sergeant Dunn. Mr. Holloway and Mr. Fontaine.
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    • 90 2 A MAII. WILL CLOSE FOK Langkat—Per Siak, to-morrow, 11 a.m. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Tair Tony, tomorrow. 1 p.m. Deli Pangkalan Brandan —Per Quorra. to-morrow. 1 p.m. Port Swettenham and Malacca—Per Omapere, to-morrow. 2 p.m. Teluk Anson —Per Lady Weld, to-morrow. 3 p.m. Deli —Per Sumatra, 22nd inst., 1 p.m. Langkat
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  • 60 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ld„ No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL *2l P« auuuui. (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Ptet Free) IS CABLE ADDRESS: “Ec ho —Penang.” Telephone No. 188. Editor, Cuesney Duncan. Stib-Editor, Harold F. Piper.
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  • 118 2 BIRTHS. Os 20th July, at Kuling, China, the wife of Wilson Herbert Geller, London Mission, of a daughter. Os 6th August, at Swatow. China, the wife of F. C. Butcher, of a daughter. Os 10th August, at Hongkong, the wife of Major F. W. Caullield, loth Bombay Light
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  • 946 2 Interesting Side-Lights. Whkv this little weakling ventured to suggest in a leader the other day that some Jaffna Tamils in the Federated M .lav States Civil Service are not exactly profound English scholars a veritable storm in a tea-cup was raised by two Jaffna Tamils—non-sup-porters of
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  • 183 2 During the European difficulties with China no little divergence of opinion was expressed as to the population of that great Asiatic empire. A new census of China has just been completed and the returns indicate that the population has l**en rather underestimated than overcalculated. At least it shows
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  • 233 2 The learned doctor had related many interesting tales of the Far East to a small but vastly interested audience, but the general enjoyment was marred somewhat by the frequent silly interruptions of an obtuse German. Ach, mein lieber Herr Doctor! ejaculated the Teuton, dose relichums of der East
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    • 1242 2 To Tim Kditok Or The Stkaits Echo. Deak Sir —The publication of the Resi-dent-General's Annual Report on the administration of the F. M. S.. w ere reference is made to the backward state of the Malays, has, inter aha, drawn forth numerous adverse criticisms from various quarters suggesting
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  • 500 2 BY OUR MAN-ABOUT-TOWS. Penang with commendable activity is not going to be behind the times, and ere a few months have run their C o UI> it will pejoice in the posst sion of an electric installation which will litrhten the darkness of our streets niuTth» dispel
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  • 286 2 DIRECTOR COMMITTED AND CASHIER IN HOT WATER. At Bow-street Police Court on ltith nij Messrs. Alfred B. Harding and Samuel J Massey appeared before Mr. Justice Marslm in response to a summons charging them* directors of the London and Suburban Bn| Limited. Henrietta-street. Covent-garda with publishing a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 WEATHER. The following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— The rainfall during the 2-t hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 41 2 DEATHS. At Haiphong, on 1st August. John Williamson, second engineer, French steamer Hanoi (native of Wanlockhead. Dumfries. Scotland): aged 35 years. Os the 24th June, at his residence. Weuhamholt, East Liss.. Hants. Alfred Tidswell Duval, aged 59, formerly of Canton, China.
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  • 69 3 Alarm in Constantinople. i Renter Submarine Cable.) August 20. Russia has resented a supplementary demand ofit pelitioJil nature to the Porte, the tenor of which is not known. I'lio movement of the Russian squadron is now producing considerable alarm at the Turkish Capital vlieiv it is believed,
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  • 39 3 (Renter* Submarine Cable.) London, August 20th :—The Albanians have broken out in open rebellion against Turkey between Monastif and Uskub. The situation at Salonika is most critical. A reign of terror prevails at Uskub.
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  • 39 3 Alpine Tourists Alive and Kicking. Reuter'* Submarine Cable.) London, 19th August:—The report that seven tourists in attempting|to ascend L’ Aiguille Grise met their deaths is unfounded. They fell into a crevasse and were injured and not killed.
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  • 44 3 The Reliance Concedes time to Shamrock 111. (Renter Subpiarine Cable.) London, 19th August:—The Relin nee and SI to utrork 111 were measured yesterday with the result that the defender of the great yachting trophy has to allow the challenger, 105 seconds.
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  • 465 3 Americans Aroused Over Situation. II'SSIA PUTTING OBSTACLES IN WAY OF FOREIGNERS TRADING WITH MANCHCRIA. Washington, 7th August:—Business niMi all over the United States are aroused at the possibility of losing entrance to Manchuria for American goods. Though some days ago there was assurance that there
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  • 771 3 THE PENANG BAND. We have l>een asked to publish the following communication which we do with great pleasure:— Penang Club. Peuaug, 19th August. 1903. J- W. Hallifax, Esq. Hon. Sec. Penang Hand Fund. Deak Sib.—l have much pleasure in handing over to you the sum of $7OO. for the
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  • 1063 3 There’!* a ciiiel amans ye taking note**, and faith he’ll prent ’em.” Since landing in Penang one of m v chief regrets is that lam not a capitalist. Heretofore the even tenor of my ways has not been greatly disturbed by vaulting ambition. Generally speaking I have a
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  • 739 3 (Financial Sew*. 4th July.) The eighth sale of the season for Sumatra and Borneo tobacco was held on Friday, the 10th inst., concluding the first and more important part of the 1903 campaign. The Sumatra leaf offered amounted to tales and the Borneo to 427 bales; but
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 4 3 &n»PINUILLE’B STOVES. McAlister to.
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    • 3 3 MUMM’S CHAMPAGNE McAlister
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    • 104 3 WANTED, ~TY T ANTED a smart busmens man, TY thoroughly acquainted with English and Get man correspondence, bookkeeping and the general import trade. No use applying without first class certificates. GOLDENBERG ZEITLIN. Penang, 56 Beach Street. NOTICE. Straits Steam Ship Company, Limited. T'IRST Class Return Tickets between Penang and Telok
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    • 1292 3 Rest House, KWALA LUMPUR. Only two miuutes' walk from Selangor Club. CIOMFORTABLE rooms for Visitor*. Table and attendance good. For Board and Lodging four dollars per day. TERMS CASH. George Newman, Lessee Best House, K■ L. CENTRAL SALES ROOM. PRELIMINARY NOTICE Important Auction Sale. AUCTION SALE. S. HI. C. No.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1828 4 SIN GHEE CHOON CO. Mo. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, Provisioners and General Importers. Agents for TOWKAY FOO CHOO CHOON, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. 29a Allan a Irving. Penang. ENGINEERS, Iron Brass Founders, BOILER MAKERS AND Bridge Builders. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS IRONMONGERS, OIL MERCHANTS.
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  • 676 5 A Chinese Baba who crossed over to Bnkit Mertajam on Coronation Day to spend a dav's holiday thue, writes ns:—l went over to the Province with an idea of nothing more than mere holiday.and on mv landing at the Station from the train that conveyed
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  • 933 5 Mr. Frederick Vemey writes from the Siamese Legation in London on 16th July to the Times An article appears in this month's National Review signed by M. Eugene Etienne,“ Vice-President de UlChambre des deputes, president du groupe de politique exterieure et coloniale.” Iu this article, which is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 661 5 55 Federated Malay States Railways. NOTICE. \Niaml from Saturday the 15th August through train service between Perak and Selangor will be instituted. A train will leave Taiping daily at 7 a. in. arnyiug at Kuala Lumpur at 5-5 p. ni., and a tAm will leave Kuala Lumpur at 8-30 a
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    • 5 5 AMERICAN CARTS McAlister A Co
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    • 899 5 PENANG FOUNDRY Co., (Established 1876.) E X GIX E E R S, M I L L W RICH T S, &c,, &c. Weld Quay, 37 Beach Street, PENANG. 27a Tiang Lee Co. Merchants and General Importers, PENANG~ PERRIER JOUET CHAMPAGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Wholesale Office: -53, BEACH STREET. General
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2139 6 Buttery Co., 29, Beach Street, PENANG ANDREW US "tER CO.S Special Reserve o. V. G. WHISKY. CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s G A E Li IC “OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. James Buchanan Co. 's “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. William Teacher and Sons’ Old Glenlivet Whisky. To bo had of all dealers. JEYES
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