Straits Echo, 15 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2293 1 A,. E. S K-E ELS. o 31, beach Street, a'jainuMHa VAl 'S S. N. Co. mail steamer» may be expected to arrive Outwards, ami leave Penang Homewards on the following dates Mail Service. Outwards. w 20 Ballaarat connecting with India 3 Simla do Rome < 1" Coromandel do Arcadia t
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    • 6 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Be/ich Street.
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  • Money Market.
    • 120 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1/10-{ 4 months’ sight Bank ...11 li 3 Credit -1/11^ 3 Documentary ...1/112 Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Bombay, Demand Bank 142 3 days’ sight Private 144 Madras, Demand Bank 141 J 3 days’ sight
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    • 221 2 Bersawali Gold Mine Co., Ld. 19. —buyers Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. S 8.25 sellers Cliendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 8 25. —sales Fraser Neave, Ld 8100. —buyers 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 8 26. sales. Howarth Erskiue. Ld. 8190. —buyers International Bodega 8100. —buyers Jelebu Mining
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    • 162 2 Tin S 76.50 sales Gold leaf 8 85. B.Pepper(W.Coast 31b5.50z.)$ 29.40 sales White Pepper 8 51.50 sellers Traug Pepper 8 36. sellers Cloves (picked) 8 35 50 Mace 8180.— nom. Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 70. —sellers C No. 1 7. sales Sugar < 2 5.30 Basket
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  • Shipping.
    • 172 2 Vioab. Br. s.s. 191, Murray, 14th August, Deli, 13th August, Gen., —Koe Guan A Co. J in Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 14th August, Langkat, 13th Aug., Gen., —Beng Bros. Quorra. Br. s.s. 120, Russel, 14th August, Brandan. 13th Aug., Oil, —Huttenbach Liebert A Co. Thaiping, Br. s.s. 160,
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    • 57 2 14th August Petrel, for Tongkali. Vidar, for Deli. Mary Austin, for Port Swetteuhaiu. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Shautuny, for Pulau Sembelan. Avayyee, for Teluk Anson. Rotorua, for Port Swettenham A Singaj>ore. G. G. ran Lansberge. for Edie, etc. Kistna. for Port Swettenham A Singapore. Carlyle, for Port Swettenham. Lightning,
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    • 125 2 Kennebec, Br. s.s. 3.301. Wallace. 12th August. Yokohama. 24th June. Gen., G. W. A Co. Laurens Pit. Dut. s. s. 154. van Orden. 14th August.—Bagan. 11th August. Pepper.—H. Lieliert A Co. Mathilde. Ger. s.s. 678. Rieke. 14th Aug., T. Anson. 13th August. Gen.. —H. Lieliert A Co. Nam
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    • 66 2 Yettel* Front Aye ;itt Due Saiubiu Sauuki Coloml>o B. M. A Co. loth Aug Maru Singapore B. A Co. 17th G. Apcar Singapore A. A. A Co. 20th Baliaarat Colombo IP. A O. 20th Beniral Singapore 1 do. 22nd Badenia do. B. M. A Co. 22nd Beuledi Singapore 3.
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    • 84 2 Vessels For Agents Leaves G. Apciir Calcutta A.A.&Co. 20thAug. Benledi London 8. B. Co. 26th Beulawers Singapore S. B. Co. Benvorlich Singapore S. B. A. Co. We would direct the attention of shipping Anus to the style in which Steamers Expected and Projected Sailings” are published in the Echo
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    • 11 2 Inward —Per Quorra,'' from Brandan, Mr. J. van der Hyden.
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    • 49 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR Batu Bahra and Asahau —Per Laurens Pit, 17th iust.. 9 a.m. Calcutta Per No in Sang, 17th iust., 11 a.m. Deli Pangkalau Brandan—Per Quorra, 17th iust., 1 p in. Pangkalan Brandan—Per Taw Tong, 17th iust.. 1 p.m. Rangoon—Per Unify, 17th iust., 3 p.m.
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    • 112 2 Per P. O. s.s. Co ro in a iid ou 8th inst:— For Colombo. 1 Case Silk Goods: 440 Pis. Boiled Rice; 1(.G Pis. Sa«;o; 24 Pis. Black Pepper. 10 Pis. Black Pepptr 103 Pis. Sago. For Bomlmr, 100 Pis. 104 Pis. Sa;jo; 12 Pis. Tiu: 06 Pis. P.
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  • 59 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published uaily (except Suudays.) AT TUI CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, l/JCAL }2l per annum. (Poet Free) iJ MAIL EDITION' (l’ust l'rec) 13 CABLE ADDRESS: Ec ho—Penan g.” Telephone No. 188. Editor. Chesney Duncan. Sub-Editor, Harold F. Piper.
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  • 70 2 BIRTHS. Os 12th August, at Woodside, Singapore, Mrs. J. Bumney Nieholson, of a son. Os the 31st July, at Shanghai, the wife of the Rev. J. W. Cline, of a daughter. On the 24th July, the wife of the Rev. E. Thompson, C. M. S., Taichow, China, of
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  • 1209 2 On the 2nd June the Echo chronicled j the fact that some subordinates of the Post Office in George Town. Penang, were dismissed from the Service owing i to several inward registered letters having been stolen. We then urged that if the clerks in question wen* 1
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  • 598 2 The perfect continuity of Russian policy, especially as regards the Far East, was never more strikingly illustrated than in the issue of a ukase by the Tsar—which Router reported yesterday —appointing Admiral Alexieff, whose headquarters are at Port Arthur, “Viceroy of the Far East/’ About seven years ago
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  • States’ News.
    • 1003 2 From our Correspondents.) Kwala Lumpur, 11th August; Last week the cricket and footl»all matches Wtweeu Penaug and Selangor were played and drew cr«>wded houses.” The results are already well-known. The visitors lost the cricket match, but in the two games of “footer,” they certainly made a splendid show, sharing
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    • 466 2 To Tiik Editor Of The Straits Echo. s r I have read with extreme surprise and disappointment a para, in vour issue of the sth instant respecting a rickisha-puller who wasinulctedby Mr. Hamilton, Registrar of Rickishas, in the sum of two dollars. The reason assigned
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  • 84 2 Spectator writes us that I night of the 3rd instant ace al I hulv eloped with a Eurasian W 1 resident of George Town, am a* I “Dame Rumour savetli thai t >n(l I the vouug ladv objected to her sll j, M tlie midnight flit." It
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 48 2 WEATHER. The following report is kiudlv supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— 5 p.m. '■> a.iu. ihwu Yestmlnjr Today Today Th. ar* nrt/.i s ir Wr. I>r:n/.liiu< Thick' Thick Wd. S.K. North Scuth The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.ui. to-day w«us 0.28 inches.
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  • 8 2 DEATH. At Shanghai, Walter Pauliui. aged 25 vears.
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  • 51 3 Reuter's Submarine Cable.) Lo, 1( loii, August loiliTurkey hRS ffl eed to pay to the family of ('oiiMil KostkoWsky, who was shot 1)V a S( »li(lcr a few clays ago at Moiiastir, four hundred thousand francs as an indemnity for the cmtriipt*. •f| ie murderer has been
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  • 24 3 Renter's Submarine Cable.) bomloii, August 14th:—Lord Salishui-Y is very unwell and the J ates t bulletin describes his condition as considerably exhausted.”
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  • 96 3 Heater s Submarine Cable.) London. August 14th: —Lord George Hamilton has announced that owing to the concensus of public opinion in India, and reports from the Government of India, being adverse to Mr. Brodrick’s prolyl to make India responsible for part payment of the cost of keeping
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  • 55 3 The King's Speech. (Renter's Submarine Cable.) London, loth August: —Parliament has been prorogued. The King’s speech sets forth that the situation in the European provinces of Turkey continues the subject of general anxiety. “My Government,” said His Majesty, “and other Powers liaco used their best efforts to
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  • 59 3 krushewo Captured. Reuter's Submarine Cable.) London, August loth. —The Turks have captured Krushewo, but deperate fighting continues outside the town. On the I'dth inst. Router reported that four Turks, with artillery, had surroundfl Krushewo where the insurgents, after repulsing two assaults, offered conditional •urtvniler. hut the Porte
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  • 66 3 {Reuter'» Submarine Cable.) London, loth August:—The ratifications of the Anglo-Chinese Commercial (Mnckay) Treaty have been «changed, and certain portions come into immediate operation. Unthc 18th inst, the Echo published Uns information, the announcement reod--IBK “A *|>ecial cable from the Pioneer'» —, <hited London 29th July, T that ratifications
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  • 167 3 New j ork, August I.—The immigration authorities at this port I‘iue received from their agents in ,uro pe notice that they may be Pupated for a tremendous inpourUl Kof Jews from Russia and its surrounding territory. The pr,.liability of there being a large of Jews into
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  • 504 3 If Signs May be Credited the Tsar and the Mikado Will Cross Swords Before Long. (Cablenews Special Set-vice.) Shanghai, August 3.—lt looks like war between Japan and Russia, with England as Japan’s ally drawn into the combat, and the United States making ready to support those Powers
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  • 205 3 (Cablenews Special Service.) Algiers, August 3. —A new outbreak in Morocco threatens to make a tremendous row. The Moors attacked a battalion of French troops guarding a camel train. A dozen French soldiers were killed, and the train cut out and captured. The attack is an outcome
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  • 81 3 (Cablenews Special Service.) Tokio, August 1. —Despite the reports here that Japan, England and the United States have reached an agreement on the Manchurian question, preparations for war go on. The Japanese nation believes that war is imminent and is getting ready for it. News from America is
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  • 35 3 (Cablenews Special Service.) London, August sth.—lt is mi uounceil in last night’s Gazette that Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India, will remain at his post after the expiration of his first term of office.
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  • 124 3 Japan to send Ultimatum to Russia. (Cablenews Special Service.) Tokio, sth August: —Newspapers in Japan gay that Japan may deliver an ultimatum to Russia on the Korean question. Japan firmly believes Russia not only intends to stay in Manchuria and anmx it, but wants a
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  • 594 3 (Cablenews Special Service.) New York. 3rd August:—A despatch from Bt. Petersburg says: If Russia is not preparing for war, the judgment of financiers is not worth much. M. de Witte, the Minister of Finance, has arranged matters so that in an emergency an
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  • 114 3 (Cablenews Special Service.) Naples, 30th July: —Mount Vesuvius is in eruption. The country lying south east of Naples towards the volcano is depopulated. Peasants are flocking by thousands towards the shore of the bav. No serious damage has yet been done The appearance of the eruption at night
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    • Article, Illustration
      265 3 (From our own Representative.) Taiping, August 15th. Thye Phin Cup Substituted. The Thye Phin Cup having fallen through a scurry has lieen substituted with an open programme with a Cup, value 850'), presented by Mr. Chung Thye Phin. with 8250 added. Five horses have entered. Weights, etc., are
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  • Second Day.
    • 655 3 (From our oun Reprteentutivc.) Taiping. August 14th. The racing yesterday was far from high class. The weather all the week has lieeu vile, rain failing iu torrents and making a new course treacherous iu the extreme. To .,1m* candid, the course, surrounding a worked-out tin claim, at the
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  • 785 3 By students of the Pexaxu Free School. A few days ago Mr. Dumlas Muuatt j offered a prize for the best essay on Exchange contributed by students of the Penang Free School. We have not the prize winner, but the two next, the first of which
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  • 521 3 We an* authoritatively informed tliat Admiral Aloxicff, the “Viceroy of the Far I East." as the Tsar styles him, does not intend to hold a durbar this year, and the rumonr that he has sent out iuvites for such a function to l>e held in Tokio
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  • 203 3 St. Ulokue'u Chvccii (Church of England 10th Sunday after Trinity:—Matin». (Choral) 8 Holy Communion 8-30 a.m., Chinese Service 9-15 a.m., Sunday School 5 p.m.. Evensong and Sermon 6 p.m., Daily Service at 8 a.m.— The Rev. Frank W. Haines. Colonial Chaplain. Nobtham Roau (Presbyterian) 6 p.m.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1736 4 SIN GHEE CHOON CO. No. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents Provisioners and General Importers. Agent* for TOWKAY TOO CHOO CHOON, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. 29a WONG KIM MUN. Allan a Irving. Penang. ENGINEERS, Iron Brass Founders, BOILER MAKERS AND Bridge Builders. IRON AND STEEL MERCHANTS
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  • 217 5 The Manila Cable neves of 20th July says:—To-day the new pesa as legal tender in the Philippines becomes reality. The Commission has issued orders that now and in the future the new coins shall be disbursed in the payment of all employees of the
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  • 959 5 (The Globe, 13th July) The extraordinary gathering of eminent Russian functionaries now being held at Port Arthur must have some definite and important purpose. But what that is remains an open question for conjecture to disport itself in. The assemblage includes such great personages as the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 863 5 FederateJ Malay States Railways. NOTICE. O N Saturday the 15th instant a Special train will leave Taiping at 7-30 p. in. for Penang calling at intermediate stations as requited to alight passengers returning from the llaces. Passengers for intermediate stations should inform the Station Master Taiping, at which station they
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    • 66 5 The Criterion Press LIMITED. Nos. 226, 232, Beach Street, Penang. JUST RECEIVED STRONGLY BOUND Foolscap Books :i (jI'IUK-S, I‘KICE s■>.“» Foolscap Books 5 QUIRES, PRICE $3.50 Ledger Books 5 QUIRES, DEMY FOLIO SIZE, PRICE *7 Journal Books 5 QUIRES, DEMY FOLIO SIZE, PRICE $7 Plain Foolscap Books 3 QUIRES, 5‘2,25
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 2355 6 Buttery Co., 29, Beach Street, PENANG. ANDREW USHER CO.S’ Special Reserve 0. V. G. WHISKY. CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC “OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. James Buchanan Co. 's “HOUSEOF COMMONS” WHISKY. William Teacher and Sons' Old Glenlivet Whisky. To be bad of all dealers. JEYES PERFECT PURIFIER. ,'flit; best aiid most]powerful
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