Straits Echo, 13 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
2 7 Straits Echo
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 2337 2 A; S. SKEEU. 31, beach Street, -CAL *>» 8. N. Co. mail steamers raav lie expected to arrive Outwards, and leave Penang HMKWarls 0H the following dates Mail Service. Outwards. 20 BottMut 1 connecting with India g i Simla do Route ]7 Coromandel do Arcadia (jj-t Mall a do Oceana
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    • 6 2 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street
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  • Shipping.
    • 248 3 Kennebec, Br. s.s. 3,301, Wallace, 12th August, Yokohama, 24th June, Gen., G. W. Co. Taroba, Br. s.s. 3,656, Nailer, 13th August. Singapore, 11th August, Gen., —H. Liebert Co. G. G. van Lansberge, Dut. s.s. 501, Boon, 13th August. Olehleh, 10th August. Gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Bayern, Ger. s.s. 3,128,
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    • 49 3 13th August Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. Lindula, for Singapore. Both, for Edie, etc. Deli, for Langkat. Cornelia, for Tongkah. Prinz Heinrich, for Ceylon, etc. Hebe, for Deli. Ho Ktcei. for Deli. Asahan, for Asahan. Canton, for Pangkor «.V Teluk Anson. Taroba, for Rangoon. Bayern, for Singapore. China Japan
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    • 109 3 Carlyle, Br. s.s. 331, Mugford, 12th Aug., Port Swettenham. llth Aug.. Gen., —Straits Steamship Co. G. G. van Lansberge, Dut. s.s. 501, Boon. 13th August. Olehleh. loth August, Gen., Huttenbach Liebert Co. Hok Canton. Br. s.s. 294. Scott. 12th Aug., Acheen. Bth Aug.. Gen.. —Ban Ho Hin S.
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    • 60 3 Vessels From Aijeuts Due Sauibia Colombo B. M. Co. 14th Aug. Lightning Calcutta A. A. &Co. 14th Zamauia N'patam H. L. Co. loth Sanuki Maru Singapore B. Co. 17th Benledi Singapore S. B. Co. 20th G. A pear Singapore A. A. Co. 20th Ballaarat Colombo P. O. 20th Bengal
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    • 89 3 Vessels For Agents Leaves Lightning Singapore A. A. Co. 15thAug Zaniauia Singapore H. L. Co. 16th Beuledi London S. B. Co. 20th <i. Apcar Calcutta A. A. A Co. 21st We would direct the attention of shipping Anns to the »tyle in which Steamers Expected A and l’rojccted Sailings”
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    • 95 3 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOE Deli —Per Sumatra, to-morrow, noon. Negapatam, Ma«lrus. Pondicherry. Cudtlalore and Karical taking Mails for Europe, etc. via Madras Per Zaida. to-morrow, 1 pin. Port Swettenham and Malacca—Per Langkat. to-morrow. 1 p.m. Edie, T. Seinawe. Segli and Olehleh—Per Hok Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Rangoou Per
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  • Money Market.
    • 119 3 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/10$ 4 months’ sight Bank ...1/11 3 Credit ...1/11^ 3 Documentary ...1/11$ Calcutta, Demand Bank Rs. 141 3 days’ sight Private 143 Bombay, Demand Bank LJJ 3 days’ sight Private 143 Madras, Demand Bank 140$ 3 days’ sight Private 142$
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    • 218 3 BersawahGold Miue Co., Ld. 17 .—buyers Bruseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25. —sales Fraser Neave. Ld 8 95. buyers 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 8 26. sales. Howartli Erskiue. Ld. 8190. International Bodega 8100. —buyers Jelebu Mining A Trading
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    • 169 3 Tin 8 76.50 sales Gold leaf 8 86. B.Pepper( W. Coast 3lbs. soz.)S 29.40 sales White Pepper 8 51.50 sellers Trang Pepper 8 36. sellers Cloves (picked) 8 35‘50 Mace 8180.— now. Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 70. —sellers No. 1 7. sales Sugar < 2 5.30
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  • 60 3 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) ▲T THE CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, LOCAL per annum. (Post Pree) *7 MAIL EDITION (Post Free) U CABLE ADDRESS: “Ec ti o —P enang.” Telephone No. 188. Editor, Ciiesney Duncan. Sub-Edilor, Harold F.
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  • 284 3 BIRTHS. On the 26th July, at Swatow, the wife of J. A. Pea rue m. m. of a son. On the 21st July, at Shanghai, the wife wife of D. Goldman. I. M. Customs, of a son. On the 16th July, at Hongkong Hospital, the wife of R.
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  • 522 3 SEVEN ISLANDS OFF NORTH BORNEO ANNEXED BY AMERICA. echo's NEWS CONFIRMED. In our issue of the 16th ultimo we published particulars respecting the annexation of some islands off the coast of North Borneo by Commander Baughton of the American gunboat Qniros. We published the news as received from
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  • 1601 3 The Abandonment of khaki. THE FAR EASTERN MAILS. A RAILWAY RECORD. (From Our Correspondent Fleet Street July 21st:—The military authorities have now finally decided to abandon khaki as the uniform color for active service in the British Army. The Boer war brought this kind of dress very
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  • 142 3 THE agenda for to-morrow's meeting is as follows 1. Minutes of last meeting to be read and '"Oilturned. 2. Auv special business the President may bring forward. 3. Questions. 4. Petition re the demolition of house No. 21, Ngali Aboo Lane. 5. A pplicat ion for-water supplv to
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  • Article, Illustration
    738 3 Memliers of the Perak Turf n t the numerous visitors to T V lu *>. oj tapping the barometer on saying “D— the clerk of t \T- »*4 wet indications.” And Wet proved to lie. rain falling it finish keeping away many *"*> thought more of their showy
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  • 61 3 IHE RUN-OIV. Taipiug, August 13th: The triple <l<*l heat between Mr. J. P. Joaquini s l *i Boul suites Kongsi’s Perftofy, aml Mr. M Crichton's Tin Prince in the ex-griffin icap was run off this morning, the jockies riding. Perfidy made all the runn«l and won by
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  • 157 3 SECOND DAY. i The Galloway Handicap: Drodee»- I The KhiAN Paw Stakes: Emperor- U The Fourth Class Handicap- rl lander. I The Derby Handicap: Benedict The Crushed Food Handicap. The Krian Stakes: Starlight. The Ex-Griffu* Late. I Theft in broad daylight weIUS 1 order of the day
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 28 3 WEATHER. The following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— •The rain bill during tlie ill hours ended at it to-dsr was nil.
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  • 117 3 DEATHS. On 23rd July, at Nagasaki. David McMurray. late Chief Engineer. Indo China S. N. Co’s., s.s. Esang: aged 46 years. On 21st July, at Shanghai. Hector Washington Sampson, aged 39 years. At Shanhaikwan. on 14th July, from the effects of an accident. Henry Richard MacNee, Lieutenant Indian Metlical Service,
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  • 41 4 Reuter's Submarine Cable.) Lon lon, August 1 Ith :—General Yali of Mon i>tir lots been recalled. Hiimi l'aclitt provisionally replaces him. London, August 11th :—There lias been further lighting near Sorovitch Tweiitv-foiir battalions have been ordered from Anatolia.
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  • 30 4 Reuter Submarine Cable.) London» 'August Ith :—Turkey assures Russia that Rostkowskv’s murderer will receive the severest punishment. A courtinartial has lH>eii sumnioned at Mormstir to try him.
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  • 67 4 Not Reassuring. Reuter'* Submarine Cable.) London, August 11th —The Rt. Hon. A J. Balfour, speaking in the House of Commons, said that he regretted his inability to say anything reassuring regarding the situation in Macedonia. It was the duty of Europe, he said, to supjrort
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  • 20 4 (Reuter Submarine Cable.) London, August lltli —An advance in Somaliland, with Boras as a base, is expected in September.
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  • 86 4 90 People 4sphyxiated. Reuter'* Submarine Cable.) London, August 12th:—A crowded passenger train on the Paris underground electric railway caught fire. Ninety Souls perished from asphyxia. Lairt-. > t London, August 12th :—The Railway accident occurred at eight o'clock last evening near Menilinontant when a carriage caught
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  • 52 4 500.000 Workmen Involved. ihUUU.UOO PERSONS DEPENDENT ON THEM. (Renter's Submarine Cable.) London, August 12th :—lntelligence from Russia* continues to ♦lepict an alarming industrial situation. Haifa million workmen were involved in the recent strikes that to ok place in the south. Three millions of people are dependent
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  • 30 4 third Reading in the House of Lords. Renter'» Submarine Cable.) London, August 12th :—The Irish Land Bill hns passed the third reading in the House of I»rds.
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  • 76 4 Conditional Surrender Offered but Constantinople Orders No Quarter. v {Renter Submarine Cable.) London, August 13th —Four thousand Turks, with artillery, surround Krushewo where, it is rumoured, the insurgents after repulsing two assaults, offered conditional "nrrender, but Constantinople when consulted ordered that no quarter W
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  • 81 4 (Strait* Echo Special.) Singapore, 12th August: The Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng has sent in to the Government his resignation of the seat he has so long occupied in the Legislative Council. It is highly probable that Mr. Tan Jiak Kim, who
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  • 37 4 Hongkong Garrison Artillery Under Orders for Rangoon. Simla, 80th July.—The eighty-ninth Company Royal Garrison Artillery now at Hongkong is to move to Rangoon, and 61 Company s.t Rangoon goes to Bom ha v next relief season.
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  • 33 4 Allahabad, 80th July.—A special cable from the Pioneer correspondent, dated London 29th July, says that ratifications of Sir James Mackay's commercial treaty have been exchanged between England and China.
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  • 95 4 Because he Told the Truth. (Rangoon Advertiser Service.) London, Ist August.—Reuter fn m Peking states that a Chinese journalist at Shenchien has been barbarously executed after a trial in which he admitted h iving planned the rebellion in Southern China, three years ago, in accordance
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  • 285 4 Indian Government’s Decision re Countervailing Duties. (Rangoon Advertiser Service.) Simla, 80th July.—A Financial and Commerce departmental press communique states that the Government of India has decided to retain, until the 81st March 1904, countervailing duties on sugar at the rates which may be in force on the 81st August
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  • 1014 4 Mr. Lim Kek Chuan elected President. BULKS PASSED AND COMMITTEE APPOINTED. The first general meeting of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce was held in the Chinese Town Hall at 8-80 p. m. on Tuesday last, the 11th inst. There were present Messrs Yeoli Paik Tatt
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  • 327 4 BPORTS HAVE A GOOD OUTING. In spite of tlie somewhat threatening meteorological aspect yesterday afternoon, sixteen riders mustered on the Parade Ground at five o'clock, aud, about fifteen minutes later, started off on a canter for an outing. Crossing the large drain of McAlister Road the hunt lead
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  • 138 4 Thus the Perak Pioneer of lltli inst: There has been recently a good deal of bother and trouble over who may and who may not occupy Rest Houses. [No wonder. Ed. S. E j Recently Driver Smith of the F. M. S. Railways was denied admission at
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  • 426 4 db. g. l. tuck feted at HOLBOBS BESTACKANT. The last mail brought news of a “send banquet tendered to that hriiiiant Straits Chinese scholar Gnoh Lean Tuck. M.A.. M. 8., 8.C., by his many friends on the occasion of his approaching return to the Straits after a
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  • 1487 4 It U not correct to tell a rough truth to a person’s face, but you may tell a smooth falsehood Itehind his lock. It is not correct to ask a man the state of his linking account, but you may ferret it out from communicative relations
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  • 217 4 The Ceylon Theatrical Company put on the boards of the King Street Theatrical Hail last night that charming play adapted from the “Arabian Nights” entitled Rond in, or the Divine Flower.” The dramatis personae consisted of nine characters, who were distinctly at home in their part;, so
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 1797 5 3IN QHEE CHOON CO. No. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, Provibionekh and General Importers. Agents for TOWKAY FOO CHOO CHOON, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. C. S. SENG CO. Chop SIN GIM HO 33c Beach Street, PENANG. WONG KIM MUN. 29a Specialities always on hand: Devoe’s
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  • 189 6 THKIR PROMISED MEDALS. An announcement appeared in November last that H. M. the King had approved of a special medal to be awarded by the Admiralty to officers of the mercantile marine serving on chartered troopships, in recognition of their services in connection with the
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  • 284 6 BY HERBERT MELTON AYRES. The newspaper scribe is a toilful wight He riseth at break of day. And snatcheth a bite from his frugal meal. Then girdeth him for the fray Firstly he hunteth the rival sheet Iu search of the dreaded scoop.” And if he faileth to
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  • 749 6 The Peking correspondent of The Times complains that the representatives appointed by China on the ThibetSikkim boundary commission have no influence either in China or Thibet, and urges that the Indian Government should not waste time in negotiating with the Chinese concerning Thibet, but should treat with
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  • 154 6 Orders for Aroivr. Squad Drill of the Fort every Tuesday aud Thursday, at 5-J0 p. m. Company Parade Tuesday 4th, Fall in at the Gottieb Tree at 11 p.m. Dress. Drill order with caps. Company Drill at the Fort on W’ednesday 12th, at 5-dO p.m. D ess, plain
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  • 521 6 Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. llth, 13th, and loth Aiujhi-I, 1003. Second Day. Thursday, 13th August. 1. The Galloway Handicap. Value $250. The Ipoh Purse presented bv the European of Ipoh. For all Galloways, j 14-2aud under. Entrance $2<>. Distance 6 furlongs. 2. The Klian Paw Stakes. Value
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 872 6 Federated Malay Btate« Railways. THE “PENANG SIN POE. n OTICE is hereby given to all concerned that on snd from Friday the 7tli instant the undermentioned trains will not run:-** N Federated Malay States Railways. NOTICE. BIWKIvCISa. ESTABLISHED AT MEDAN, DELI. i East Coast of Sumatra.) PERAK TURF CLUB. Taipinu
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    • 377 6 THEAN CHEE Co Established 1858.’ SHIPCHANDLERS, GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS, &c„ Ac. Sole Agents in the FEDERATED MALAY STATES AND PENANG FOR MESSRS. DU VIN St. Raphael-Clementie Cie’s Brandy, Wines, Liquers and Champagne. 1 Prices on Application. Thean Chee Co., 21, Beach Street. 44a NOTICE. to correspondents: It U requested that all
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    • 542 6 PERRIER JOUET CHAMPAGNES. AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. KITSON LAMPS. The Fiuest Light in Existence. Apply to HUTTENBACH BROS. Co. Sole Agents. MACHINERY, ETC. Steam Engines Boilers of various Horse-powers. Petroleum, Gasoline, Stationary and Marine Engines. Huttenbach Bros. Co. LEVER BROS. LTD. SUNLIGHT, LIFE BUOY and other Soaps. Sole-Agents, Huttenbach Bros.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 2389 7 Sandilands Buttery Go., Beach Street, V PENANG. lev. > l ANDREW k UBHER CO.S' Special Reserve JOO SEING Co., 212, Beach Street, PENANG. v O. V. G. WHISKY. CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s .GAELIC «‘-OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. James Buchanan Co. 's ‘“HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. William Teacher and Sons’ Old Glenlivet
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