Straits Echo, 11 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Shipping.
    • 210 2 Pino Bury, Br. s.s. 4,150, Warrall. Bth August—Liverpool, 11th July, Gen.. W. Mansfield Co. Socotra, Br. s.s. 6,008, Benton. 10th Aug., London, 11th Julv, Gen., —P. O. '~nßnr. Co. Coromandel, Br. r'.s. 2,788. Montford, Bth August,— Shanghai, 27th July, Gen., P. A O. S. N. Co. Van OutHoorn, Dut.
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    • 71 2 lltli August Mary Anxtin. for Port Swettenliam. Canton, for Pangkor Teluk Anson. Sumatra, for Deli. Fin* Onthoorn, for Singapore. Socotra, for Singapore, China A Japan. Benalder, for Singapore, China A Japan. Vidar, for Deli. Tong Chay TJn, for Bat u Balira and Asaliau. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Trtir Tong,
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    • 130 2 Avagyee, Br. s.s. 247, Morier, 11th August, T. Anson. 10th Aug.,— Koe Guan Co. Elbino, Ger. s.s. 3,610. Schultz, 31st July, —Sydney, 24th June. Gen., Belin Meyer Co. Glenturret, Br. s.s. 3.025. Webster, 6th August.,—London, 3rd July, Gen., Boustead A Co. Halaban. Dut. s.s. 395, Bilsen, 7th August.
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    • 69 2 1 Vessele From Ayente Due Bavem Colombo B. M. A Co. 12thAuir. P. ’Heinrieh Singapore do. 12th Sambia Colombo do. 14th Lightning Calcutta A. A. ACo. 14th S&nuki Maru Singapore B. A Co. 17th Beuledi Singapore 8. B. A Co. 20th G. A pear Bingaj>ore A. A. A Co.
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    • 89 2 YeeeeU For Aijenlt Lea re* Bayer n Singapore P. Heinrich!Colonibo Lightning [Singapore Benledi London G. A pear Caleiitta i B. M. Co. 12thAng. do. 12th A. A. Co. 15th S. B. Co. 20th A. A. Co. 218t We wmil.t direct the at»ciiti.« of Ann* tc.the which Steamer* Expected and
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    • 73 2 Iittrartl Per Taw Tong." from Brandau. Messrs. Smith. Wong Yen and Low Tit J Mi. Per H«> Kwei." from Deli. Mr. and Mrs. E'liiribhigU-rg. Messrs. Flinzner. Armothis, Koelfsina. Mentigu, Sabins. Rose], Goldeulierg, M>‘- alid Mrs. W. Hallifax, Mr. and -Mrs. Bernard. Per van Outhoom." from Acheen, Messrs, van d.
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  • Money Market.
    • 120 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ...1/lOf 4 months’ sight Bank ...l/10-f$ 3 Credit ...1/111 3 Documentary 1/11 T 3 6 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 141 3 days’ sight Private 143 Bombay, Demand Bank 141 3 days’ sight Private 143 Madras, Demand Bank 140$ 3 days’
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    • 231 2 BersawaliGold Mine Co., Ld. 17. —buyers Bruseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., lid 8 25 —tales Fraser A Neave. Ld 8 95. —buyers 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 8 26. —gal eg. Howarth Erskine. Ld. 8190. International Bodega 8100. —buyere Jelebu
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    • 174 2 Tin 8 76.50 sales Gold leaf 8 86. B.Pepper(W.Coast3lbs.soz.)S 29.40 sales White Pepper 8 51.50 sellers Trang Pepper 8 36. sellers Cloves (picked) 8 35'50 Mace 8180,- nom. Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 70. —sellers No. 1 7. sales Sugar 2 5.30 Basket (Chinese) 3.70 buyers Tapioca
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  • 47 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR: Perlis and Setul—Per Chan Tai. tomorrow, 1 p.m. Teluk Anson—Per Aragyte, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Singapore Per Lindnla, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli, Pnlo Well. Olehleh and Padang—Per Both, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Deli Per Ho Kicei, 13th iust., 2 p.m.
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  • 63 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sundays.) AT THS CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, LAICAL $24 per auuuui. (Poet Free) S 7 MAIL EDITION (Poet Free) 15 CABLE ADDRESS: “E c h O—P0 P enang." Telephone No. 188. Editor, Chksxey Duncan.
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  • 399 2 Wk find in the Singapore Free Press of Otli instant a paragraph of more than ordinary interest to the seafaring community and to shipping firms in general. We gather from the paragraph that on Tuesday (tlie +th Aug.) Captain Brown of the British steamer Jirtoma owned by
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  • 2639 2 Anniversary of the British Occupation of Penang 1786 —1903. .u. Interesting Historical Facts Relative To Hoisting The Union Jack. :o: CAPTAIN LIGHT’S PROCLAMATION. EXTRACTS PROM THE DIARY OF THE FOUNDER OF GEORGE TOWN. To-morrow Penang will enter upon the one hundred and eighteenth year of its existence under British Rule,
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  • 420 2 Some 260 years ago Willis wrote The writing of our common English is faulty,” and though the language lias considerably improved since those days, it has not done so to the extent that might be expected, its faultiness being a crying evil at the present time. Yet, in spite
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 122 2 NOTICE. Consulate for the Netherlands. TP to Moiulav the 12th October 11*03. at t the office at Tandjoug Pinang of the Resident of Rhio and Dependencies, tenders will l>e received for the following farms in the Residency of Rhio and Dependencies (with the exception of the islands known as Poelau
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    • 131 2 THE FALLS OF ETTRICK" ASHORE. —w As briefly stated in our last issue, the Kritish four-masted barque Fall of Eitrick Captain Williams, is seriously ashore on the Windsor Rock, near Aujer. It seems that she left Panurukau. Java, on July 16th, lnnmd for Delware Bay with a cargo of sugar
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    • 4 2 ENGINEERING TOOLS McAlister Ce.
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    • 8 2 HARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTION 8 McAlister k C*
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 46 3 Numerous Amendments Carried against Government. Reuter Submarine Cable.) London, August Brli-—TI e Irish Land Bill passed through Committee 0 f the House of Lords. Irish peers tarried a number of amendments against the Government, und it is expected that the Commons will disagree.
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  • 95 3 Captains W. G. Walker and G. M. Rolland Decorated. (Renter Submarine Cable.) London, August Bth —Captains W. G. Walker and G. M. Holland have been awarded the Victoria Cross for distinguished bravery wlaii assisting Captain Gough during his action in Somaliland on the
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  • 32 3 Alleged Swindlers. (Renter Submarine Cable London, 9th August: —The trial of the Humberts has been opened at Paris. The Hiunlierts are charged with forgery and swindling—Ed. S. A’.]
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  • 27 3 A Brilliant Ceremony. iHrutcr't Sufntuinw Cable.). London, 10th August: —The Coronation of ex-Carditml Sartos, now Pope Pius X. was a brilliant ceremony.
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  • 53 3 By A Turkish Gendarme. (Renter» Submarine Cable.) London, August 10th —The Russian Consul at Monastir, Mr. Rostkowsky, while returning to town from the plains, was shot dead hr a Turkish (few lnr me with with whom it is stated he had some altercation anent the gendarme*
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  • 91 3 demand for immediate exemplary punishment. Renter'» Submarine Cable) London, 10th August: —Rostkowsky ’s murderer hasbeen a» rested. Ihe Grand Vizier of Turkey and tlie Foreign Ministers called upon the Russian Embassy and expressed their regrets at the death of M. Rostkowsky. Later. London. 11th August: —The Sultan
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  • 33 3 Minister fired upon at Marseilles. < Renter Submarine Cable.) London, August 10th: —M. Coin lies, Minister of the Interior, Was fired at twice with a revolver at Marseilles. He escaped unhurt.
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  • 178 3 Twenty Killed and 200 Wounded. (Reuter Submarine Cable.) I .ondon, August Bth :—Four battalions of well supported artillery routed 1,700 Bulgarians near Satovitch on Thursday the 6th instant. Governor Nekolaieff received a scalp wound, and a police officer was mortally wounded, during the rioting on
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  • 23 3 Distinguished Conduct Medal. {Renter Submarine Cable.) London, August 8 :—Three aHomaliland Boers have been decorated with the Distinguished Conduct Medal.
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  • 239 3 Twelve Desperadoes Still at Large. (Special to Echo.) e Kuala Lumpur. August 10th:— On Friday afternoon at about half past three, while 2441 prisoners were working in the sheds yard, outside the walls of Pudoh Jail, a blinding rain squall, registering inches in a
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  • 43 3 The Goodwood Cup. London, 30th July.—The result of the Goodwood Cup is as follows Rabelais 1 Cuppa White Merry Saint 3 The Goodwood Plate. The race for the Goodwood Plate has resulted as follows s Genius 1 Coalsack Friar Tuck
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  • 86 3 London, 31st July.— Yorkshire lias beaten Gloucestershire by an innings and 183 runs. The matches Essex v. Hampshire and Kent c. Surrey had to be abandoned. Yorkshire has beaten Surrey by an innings and 97 runs. Mr. H. W. Fibmstoke who arrived here from Singapore on Saturday the Bth
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  • 71 3 (Oefaeiatieehe Lloyd Special.) Berlin. 24th July.—The Silver Committee assembled here has passed a resolution in regard to a unity of the Chinese coins. It is therein stated that it would bo desirable to make silver coins legal tender in China and necessary that the exchange between silver and
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  • 77 3 Disqualification of Volunteers. (Indian Daily Netr* Special.) London, 27th July.—A sensation has been caused at Bisley by the publication of a notice permanently disqualifying two members of the North Country Corps from competing at the National Rifle Association Meetings one of them was a competitor for the
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  • 91 3 (Indian Daily Neir» Special.) Lahore, 27th July:—News has readied here of the accidental death in Denmark of Mr. F. Delassoe. for many years Political Agent with Sirdar Ayub Khan in the Punjab. While at home on leave he occupied a room in Copenhagen reserved for
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  • 52 3 (Indian Daily New» Special.) Allahabad. 28th July.—A serious epidemic of cholera lias broken out on the Simla-Kalka Railway at Barragh tuunel, near Dliarampur. On Sunday sixteen cases with six deaths occurred. Cholera is also prevalent in the villages in the neighbourhood of Narkhonda and Rampur In the
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  • 393 3 Abyssinia’s Attitude. Kivu meneuk's prime minister INTERVIEWED. On the 2nd ultimo the Matin l Paris) published an account of an interview which its Marseilles correspondent has had with M. Ilg, Prime Minister to the Emperor Menelik. M. Ilg affirmed that relations between France and Ethiopia were excellent.
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    • 165 3 TO TIIK KHITi.R STRAITS Kl HO. Dear Sir. Referring to the paragraph iu your issue of the 28th July, I ain asked by the Attorney of Towkay Yau Tet Shin to inform yon that the statements or runn.urs therein contained are quite unfounded.
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  • 299 3 TO TUB BillToK STRAITS Kl 110. Dkak Sir, —Kindly allow me spacj in your paper to contradict your Kedah correspondent’s statement in your issue of the sth instant with 'regard to the completion of the telegraph lint l»etween Kedah, Perlis and Satool. Your.,correspondent is not correct
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  • 529 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Sir. —It affords not a little interest to I have read a couple of letters published receutlv m your widely-circulated journal under the above heading. Will you please. Mr, Editor, allow me a little space to air
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  • 454 3 A TWOFOLD ANNIVEKSAKY. Members of the Juvenile Club. Ihtto Kramut Road, last evening celebrated the first anniversary of the Club in conjunction w \t\\ King Edward's Coronation, both events liaviug taken place on the same day of Iasi year. Invitations to numerous friends and
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  • 240 3 The old saving that tire is a good servant but a bad master was exemplified last Sunday morning shortly after the witching hour when a dense volume of smoke shot heavenward from the rear of Mr. Boyer’s dispensary in Penang Road and the flames, fanned by a
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  • 296 3 Kwala Lipim. 31st July:—Mr. Juppeaux, the victim of gang roblwrs in the Tembeliug. as already reported, is still alive, but his condition continues to cause the gravest anxiety. [Latest news is to the effect that the unfortunate victim has succumbed to his wounds. —Ed. S. E. 1 If
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  • Article, Illustration
    312 3 Open:no of t e Meetino. 1}lj Our (hrII Hrprrftuhxticr). uiping, August 10th. Then* is every pro. pect of the meeting proving a gigantic success. for everv condition favours that assumption. Rain fell in torrents last night and early this morning, but it has had little *>i no effect
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  • 907 3 On Saturday night a large gatheriug of Mohammedan gentlemen of this Settlement assembled at “Ceylon Villa," Bunnah Road, the residence of Mr. Hadjee Mohamed Quasim Sahib Ali Sailam. the President of the Muslim Society. The gatheriug partook of the nature of a Coronation dinner. The
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  • 333 3 yesterday's sport. Ihe Penang Hunt Club vesterdav turned out in force for a day’s sport. The assembly was as follows: Rider. Uoree. Mr. J. F. Wreford Yes Tor Mr. H. Starr Vanguard Mr. J. Stark Marie Mrs. Couway Glassie Mrs. Buttery Xilkv Mr. J. G. Allan Joe Mr.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1783 4 SIN GHEE CHOON CO. No. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, PkOVISIONKRS AND (jrKNKRAL IMPORTERS. Agents for TOWKAY FOO CHOO CHOON, OF LAN AT, PERAK, AND The Perak General Farms. 29(i BZEETUEDTr CO. Atjents for William Younger Co.'s Ale and Stout Monk Brand Caldbeck Macgregor Co’s Wines and Spirits. Bollinger
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  • 928 5 “S C," ffliote Vile» to the Mra&i Time: on “Justice in the F. M. 8 we reproduced in our issue of Ist August Inis returned totlie charge and in tlie •S’ T. of 4th inst.hasa very interestiugarticleon the subject. It reads as follows: “Reverting
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  • 153 5 stewards' cup at OOODWOOD. Following is the result of the contest for the Stewards Cup at Goodwood on 27th July:— Dumbarton Castle 1 Nabob t 2 Leßlizoit i 3 JOCKEY STATISTICS. The following list is compiled up to July 3rd: Mounts. Lost.- Won Lane. W 205 236
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  • 172 5 The King Approves the Movement Foa Arbitration. The Kiug. we are informed, expressed his approval during the recent visit of M. Loubet of the movement which is in progress on both sides of,the Channel for the conclusion of an arbitration treaty between France and Euglaml: His Majesty* thought
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  • 716 5 {Times Correspondent.) Paris'. 13th Jolt: In an interesting letter from Bangkok, published in the Aurore, tlie rip*r caljs attention to the efforts of the Jumuef** ty extend their influence in Siam anti to the considerable success which they haVe already Secured. He says that, thanks to their
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  • 219 5 A new rublx*reproducing creep *r. called Rhviichodia Wallichl. lias b *en discovered in the Pegu district bv Mr. Hear.rev. Divisional Forest Officer, Shwegvin. This creeper is found growj ing abundantly on low land in light forests o:i both sid»*s of the Railway line in the Nvanuglebin sub-division, but is
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 971 5 Federated Malay 8tates Railways. Pritchard Co. VroTLCE in Itarebj given to all eoncerned that oil and -from Friday the 7tli instant the undermentioned train» will not mil: C. EDWIN SPOONER, General Manager. Kiml i Lumpur. 5th August, 1903. 0-17 62 h .federated Malay States Railways. NOTICE. vN ud from Saturday
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    • 20 5 4NY Subscriber receiving the /V Echo at an unreasonably late hour will greatly by reporting the matter to the Ma™ger.
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    • 203 5 JOO SEING Co., 212 Beach Street PENANG. General Import and Export Agents. •50a C. E. Johnson. IMPORT MERCHANT. Agent JULES PERON CHAMPAGNE. “ROYS” WHISKIES. WORTHINGTON'S ALES. GALLET CIE WATCHES. c. G. BOXKHILL’S SPORTING GUNS AND RIFLES. Fine Arts Direct Supply Limited. KING AND BARRETT’S Staffordshire Pottery. SAMPLES ON EXHIBIT. at
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    • 530 5 THE Penang Forage Co. 96, Klawei Road. HAMITS EEGISTEEEJ PATENT HOUSE FOOD. PRICK: SM><) A BALE. ALSO Taik Ghee C«. ESTABLISHED 1890.) IS, 28 34, Church Street, Penmng Shi. 1 Chandlers, Mining and EnglnMriM Storekeepers and AeratedVate Requisites. Ha\t* just rttviml a nhij moiit of the following good»: Price Ac
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  • 85 5 OBITUARY. (Between 1st and 10th July I'.Hj-l.) Viscount Do Vesci. the well-known Irish landowner. Sir Samuel Lewis. the Native Knight of Sierra Leone. Roltert Moss Kino, formerly of the Civil Service. Henry Godfrey Estell. octoiiemirian exJ O vilfla Surjr»*>n-General. Archil mid Fraser. Rev. Dr. Pop»', a prominent Wesleyan, j W.
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  • 735 6 r Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. j 11th. -13th, and loth Awjutl. VJOii. First Day4 Tuesday 11th August. •1. The Maiden Plate. Value For Maiden horses. Exgriffin allowed 14 lbs. weight as per wale 10 stone. Entrance $10. Distance 1 mile. 2. The’ Waterf'all Stakes. Value $250 and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1459 6 Sandilaiids Buttery Co., liang Lee Co. 29» Beach Street, PENANG. Merchants and Generaljmporters, PENANG ANDREW USHER C0.S' Wholesale Office53, BEACH STREET. General Store Department:— 95, BEACH STREET. LARGE stock of Goods of all varieties Special Reserve O. V. G. AVHISKY. CRAIGELLACHIE GLEN LI VET A'l _£jL kept on hand. Orders
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    • 15 6 PENANG FOUNDRY Co., (Established 1876.) ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, iVC., &c. Weld Quay, 37 Beach Street, PENANG.
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    • 243 6 .MKKMW Jauer AGENTS HUTTENBACH BROS. LAMPS. The Finest Light in '-J, IT TO 'T- f Z l j y{ S| HUTTENBACH BROS. r si MACHINERY, ETC Steam Engines «jBejiw» 4t Horse-powers, Petrelemn, Ga**» Stationary and Marine Engines. Huttenbach Bros. Co, LEVER BROS. LTD. SUNLIGHT, LIFE BUOY and other Soajis. Sole-Agents,
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