Straits Echo, 6 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2398 1 krimm. fa i 31 3 each Street, 9. PHK 1 steamers may W expected to Outwhrds, and leave Penang in the following dates Mail Service. Outwards. •Au <; >!f(tu connecting with Himalaya Sep. (M 20 n-.Uaajrat 17 ruin/utilel 1 Mdt< i 15 B, tiyal India Rome Arcadia Oceana Australia Aug
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    • 6 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street
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  • Shipping.
    • 115 2 Pegu, Br. s.s. 294, Coysh, sth August— Acheeu, Ist Aug., Gen., —Bau Ho Hin S. S. Co. Langkat, Br. s.s. 187, LingarJ, sth August. —Malacca, 4th Aug., Gen., —Koe Guan Co. Thaiping, Br. s.s. 160, Wheeler, sth Aug., —Port Weld, sth August, Gen., —H. Liebert Co. Lady Weld, Br.
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    • 42 2 sth August Lauren* Pit, for Deli. Hebe, for Deli. Jin Ho. for Langkat. R. Hate try m, for Asahan. Vxdar, for Deli. Canton, for Pangkor Teluk Anson. Chan Tai, Perlis and Setul. Chumn, for Singapore, China and Japan. Fitzpatrick, for Rangoon.
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    • 193 2 Carlyle. Br. s.s. 331. Mugford. 4th Aug., Port Swettenham, 3rd Aug., Gen.. —Straits Steamship Co. Elbing, Ger. s.s. 3.610. Schultz. 31st July. —Sydney, 24th June. Gen.. —Behu Meyer A Co. Glentchret. Br. s.s. 3.1*25, Webster, 6th August,—Loudon, 3rd July. Gen., Boustead A Co. Hong Wax I, Br. s.s.
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  • 91 2 Vessel8 From Aijeuts Due C. Apcar CoromauSingapore A. A. A Co.i 7th Aug del Singapore P. O. 8th Benalder London S. B. A Co. 8th Socotnt Sues P. A O. 10th Baveru Colomljo B. M. A Co. 13th P. Heinrich Singapore do. 13th Sauibia Colombo do. 14th Lightning Sanuki
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  • 102 2 Vessels For Agents Leaves C. Apcar Calcutta A. A. Co. 8th Aug Benalder Singapore S. 11. Co. 8th Soeotra do. P. O. loth Lightning Singapore A. A. Co. loth Benledi London S. B. Co. 20tli CL Apcar Calcutta A. A. A Co. i 21st We would direct the attention
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  • 23 2 Inward —Per Lady Weld, from T. Anson Mr. W. Duncan. Per Hebe, from Singapore, Mr. and Mrs. Van Mol and Mr. Morison,
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  • 108 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR Port Swettenham and Malacca—Per Largkat, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Rangoon—Per Haldis, to-morrow, 1 p.m. Langkat —Per Asahan, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Edie, T. Semawe, Segli and Olehleli—Per regu, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Teluk Anson —Pei L idy Weld, to-morrow, 3 p.m. Singapore. Hongkong, Swatow Amoy— Per Hong
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  • Money Market.
    • 121 2 (By courtety of the Chartered Batik.) London Demand Bank .1 10 4 months’ sight Bank ...1 101 3 Credit ...1/10$ 3 Documentary 1/10{£ O alcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 138$ 3 days’ sight Private 140$ Bombay, Demand Bank 138$ 3 days’ sight Private 140$ Madras, Demand Bank 138 3 days’
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    • 222 2 BenawahGold Mine Co., Ld. 8 12.50friijera Bmseh Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8 8.25 «’//era Cbendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 8 25. *ale* Fraser A Neave. Ld 9 95.— buyer* 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 8 26.— tale*. Howarth Erskine. Ld. 9190. International Bodega SlOO. tuyere Jelebu Mining
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    • 179 2 j Tin 8 77.25 «i le* Gold leaf 8 86.00 B.Pepper(W.Coast 311w.50z.)8 30.50 tale* White Pepper 8 52. teller* Trang Pepper 8 36. tellers i Cloves (picked; 8 35 50 i Mace 8180.— nom. I Mace Pickings 126.— tale* Nutmegs 110 s 79. teller* No. 1 7. tale* Sugar
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  • 47 2 The following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— i p.m. 0 s.iu. ’Kxm Yesterday To-day To-day Th. 88" 8=1' 8<r Wr. Cloudy Hazy Pine Wd. South t'alin Sonth The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 63 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Published daily 'except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL ■XZ $24 per annum (Post Free)- 27 MAIL EDITION (Post Free) 15 CABLE ADDRESS: “E c h O—P0 —P enang." Telephone No. 188. Editor, CHEBXEY Duxcax.
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  • 101 2 BIRTH. On the 2nd August, at Eildon. Tanjong Katong. the wife of L. R. Edmett. of a son. MARRIAGES. At the Presbyterian Church. Singapore, on 1st August, by the Revd. W. Murray, m-a.. William Middleton Sime, to Arabella Waldie Pringle, m. a.. Edin., younger daughter of David Pringle,
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  • 740 2 The Amboina Case. We are much indebted to Nauticus for his letter of recent date enclosing therewith a report of the appeal to the Privy Council in re the steamer Amboina r. Milling Shave I. The appeal was heard lief ore Lord Macuaughten, Lord Robertson, Sir Andrew Scoble and Sir
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    • 783 2 A COUPLE OF SAD CASES. TiJ THE EDITOR STRAITS ELMO. Dear Sir. —The letter signed by A Chinese.’’ which appears under the above heading in Tuesday's issue of the Echo, is melancholy reading and affords food for grave reflection to all those who indulge,
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  • 380 2 THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Sir, —Complaints are rife that the Penaug Road Market has of late lieen the scene of frequent thefts committed by street urchins flocking thither at night under pretence of buying fruits. They go in large numliers round a fruit-seller in his busy
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  • 36 2 The Coronation of His Highness the Sultan of Selangor has been definitely fixed for the 13th of September. The ceremony will take place at Klang, where His Highness now resides.
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  • 111 2 Bagan Sirai, Ist August:—We have a new Inspector of Police from Bhatu Gajah, who was very busy yesterday (Wednesday,) inspecting the bazaars. The Chief Clerk of the Irrigation office goes home on a short leave. His absence will be felt, but there is a second clerk, a retired
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  • 158 2 Kuala Lumpur. 4th August: A special meeting of the above Club was heldon the Ist inst. at 6-30 with a view to appointing Mr. Khoo Keng Hooi, the popular Postmaster of this busy town, Secretary- to the Club, which has of late stood in need of energetic
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  • 172 2 The announcement of the election of the new Pope, Pius X, was hailed yesterday by the Roman Catholics of Penang' with acclamation and gladness. The bells of the Church of the Assumption pealed forth merry tunes, and the Convent children, with faces
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  • 787 2 Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. Ufh, littk, and loth August, l'j( r Second Day. Thursday, 18th Avq, t 1. The Galloway Handtcap Value 8250.—The Ipoh i\ -v er by the Europeans of Ipoh. K ways. 14-2 and under p. Distance 6 furlongs. Mr. Clover’s l, a! v,i B.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 236 2 Pritchard Co. PENANG. SOLE AGENTS FOR PENANG FOR THE BRITISH EXPRESS DAIRY Company's BOMBAY BOTTER ALWAYS FRESH PURE, FIRM CREAMY Sold in lib. tins 75 cents per tin. Consignments received regularly. PRITCHARD CO. Penanc. 4b For Defective Sight. SPECTACLES! Please Note. —As ire deal direct with one of the best
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    • 110 2 Federated Malay States Railways. NOTICE. ON and from Saturday the loth August a through train service between Perak and Selangor will be instituted. A train will leave Taiping daily at 7 a. ui. arriving at Kuala Lumpur at 5-5 p. in., and a train will leave Kuala Lumpur at 8-30
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    • 3 2 HARNESS McAlister Co.
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    • 7 2 METTAR’S STOVE WOOD BURN 0 McAlister* Co.
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  • 44 2 DEATH. At Genua. Italy, on the 9th July. Captain Franco Gaggino, partner of Gaggino Co.. Singapore: aged 48 years. At his residence, No. 10 Tongkah Road, on the 4th inst,. Francis Adisayam Pillay. suddenly, for 22 years in the service of the Colonial Government.
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  • 67 3 Term Extended. Reuter'* Submarine Cable.) Loudon, 5th August Lord Cur7()„ < term as Viceroy of India has lxH’ii extender!. Ik night it would i*e so. About a fort- jji it was announced by the Time v it i s understood that Lord Curzon 1,1'. jjiven the option
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  • 41 3 nos’ Promotion Popular. t Reu'er’s Submarine Cable.) Li i. on* August sth —The election ex-Cardinal Sartos, now p 0 j U i' us X, is immensely popular n It i v, and there is general rejoicing at Home.
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  • 169 3 i Uniter s Submarine Cable London, fitli August: —The Rt. Hon. A. .1. Balfour, replying in the House to Mr. Norman, said that Sir Ernest Satow had been telegraphically instructed to the effect that the Shanghai prisoners (the Editor and staff of the Snpan) should not
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  • 80 3 Released on Heavy Bail. (Reuter's Submarine Cable.) London, <>th August: —Mr Whittaker Wright returned to London and was immediately taken in charge. He appeared at the Guildhall on Tuesday morning to answer a charge of having issued, or being instrumental in the issuance of, a false Balance
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  • 266 3 General Insurrection Expected. Keuler* Submarine Cable.) Ixmdon, (>th August: —News from Macedonia is more disquieting and two dynamite outrages Imve occurred on the SalonikaMonastir railway. It is believed that a general in«urrection is imminent. Mona« tir is in Eastern Bouinelia and in direct line of the insurgent movement.
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  • 318 3 A Most Distinguished Prelale and Friend of the Late Pope. (Cablenews Special Service New York, 22nd July :—Archbishop Katzer, of the See of Milwaukee, is dead in Fond du Lac. Wisconsin. He Avas one of the most distinguished and most dear-ly-beloved of the heads of the
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  • 234 3 Financial Crisis has Overwhelmed Republic and Stopped Trading. (Cablenews Special Service.) New York, July 23.—A special despatch to the Washington Times from Bogota, Columbia, says The Republic of Columbia is iu the throes of a financial crisis. Business is absolutely paralyzed. Nothing is sold but necessaries, and
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  • 233 3 Beveridge, of Indiana, Hot After Nomination. (Cablenews Special Service.) New' York, 23rd July:—There is much talk among Republicans of William H. Taft, Civil Governor of the Philippines, for running mate with Theodore Roosevelt in the coming campaign. Taft lieing an Ohio man, and Roosevelt from New
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  • 41 3 (A r .C. Daily News Service.) London, 20th July, —The trials of the new Shamrock in American waters have been very successful. Captain Hall, formerly skipper of a Cup defender, believes that Shamrock 11. will win the Cup.
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  • 28 3 (N. C. Daily News Special.) Peking, 19th July —Two revolutionaries were arrested here yesterday and will be very shortly beheaded. More arrests are expected to follow.
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  • 49 3 (N. C. Daily News Specialj) Tokio, 19th July —Replying to Corea’s protests, Mr. Pavloff claims that the timber concession carries a right to all the facilities requisite for the conduct of the business, including buildings, railway, and telegraphs, and the establishing of mining offices.
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  • 1587 3 Penang v. Selangor. Ktcala Lumpor, August 4th. Penang continued their second innings at 10.10. this morning. Whitley sent down a maiden to Sharp, Zelinder hit Cochrane to leg for 4.50 up. both batsmen extremely careful. In the next over Zelinder leg glanced Whitley for 3. Cochrane in his next
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  • 314 3 At this time a very peculiar interest attaches to the remarkable poem written by the late Pope on the eve of the celebration of bis ninety-third birthday. A copy of this Latin poem was presented to each Cardinal of the Sacred College who went to Rome
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  • 370 3 SELANGOR r. PENANG. PENANG. Dainton. Graham Cater. Murray. Sells. Baideu. Farrer. Cromer. Neubronner. Jack. Cobb. Bradlierry. Spooner. Kendrick. Cropley. Vanrenen. Tyte. Skinner. Peck. Maartensz. Martin. Grey. SELANGOB. Selangor won the toss and kicked towards the cluli end and immediately forced the l>all forward aud from a rush Cropley scored
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1764 4 Sin qhee choon co. M*. 129, Beach Street, P£NANG. Commission Agents, Pbovibioneks and-General Importers. Agent* for TOWKAY FOO CHOO CHOON, C. SENG CO. Chop SIN GIM HO 33c Beach Street, PENANG. OF LAHAT, PERAK, i AND The Perak General Farms. 29u Specialities always on hand: Devoe’s Brilliant Oil. ENGINE OIL
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  • 727 5 Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. 11th,13th, and loth Augutt, 1903. First Day. Tuesday 11th August. 1. THB MaIDBN PLATE. Value $300. —For Maiden horses. Exgriffin allowed 14 lbs. weight as per Seale 10 stone. Entrance $10. Distance 1 mile. 2. The Waterfall Stakes. Value $250 and $50 to
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  • 772 5 (From Our Correspondent. Rangoon,3lst JulyTneeaseof the thirteen barristers and advocates about which I wrote a fortnight ago. which was dismissed by the Full Bench of the High Court (who severely censured one and cautioned the other) will not be allowed to drop without a good deal of further
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  • 253 5 London, sth July:—The Shamrocks on Tuesday abandoned their race off Sandy Hook owing to a slight accident to Shamrock 111., the iron bar holding the maiusheet to the deck having broken. No other damage was done. The mainsail was lowered, and the Erin towed the yacht into
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  • 117 5 f Cablt-HHgr* :>hsf July.) The new cable opens 'Saturday, 25th July. Manager Cuttress has stated that preparations will lie then completed for a good service to the United States. The commercial rate per word to San Francisco will lie £1.(15 gold: to New York 1.17. gold. The
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  • 797 5 The British Consular report on the trade of Trieste for 1902, in referring to the Austrian Llovd Steam Navigation Company, notes that the steamer Maria Valeria, which sailed for. Shanghai on January 27, was the first steamer that undertook direct transport of goods for Shanghai without transhipment. .Hitherto
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 Sairdtwfs tottery k Co., 2®, Beach Stx*eet, PENDING. .S ANDREW J49HER CO.S’ u Special Reserve O. V. G. WHISKY. CRAIGELLACHIE GLEN LI VET DISTILLER! Co.’s n GAELIC OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. Jflrhes Buchanan Co. 's “HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. n*. William >Teacher and Sons Old Glenlivet Whisky. k A To ’be
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    • 15 5 PENANG FOUNDRY Co., (Established 1876.) ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, Ac., Ac. Weld Quay, 37 Beach Street, PENANG.
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    • 28 5 ALL kinds of joUrad fancy printing executed with neatness and despatch at the “Echo” Office. A Biff Echo Advertiser says—- The Time to Advertise Is ALL THE TIME.
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    • 790 5 C. E. Johnson. t*IMPORT EXPORT* MERCHANT. j -J. Agent JULES PERON CHAMPAGNE. “ROYS” WHISKIES. WORTHINGTON’S ALES. GALLET CIE WATCHES. C. G. BONEBILL’S SPORTING GUNS AND RIFLES. Fine Arts Direct Supply Limited. Taik Ciiee Co. ESTABLISHED- 181*0.) IS, 28 34. Church Street, Penang. Ship Chandler», Mining and Engineering Store Keepers and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1674 6 c$ *0 •M 43 s 2 Pk o < S 5 w ft ►a J m w PC 2 PC w H M PC a o a w E--0 h 0 O K UJ UJ K </) 5 5 QD 55 2 <N Tiang Lee Co. STANDING ADS, Merchants and
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