Straits Echo, 5 August 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2311 1 A. E. SKEELS. c* 3f, Beach Street, '11 !i IS* 5S £1 t. o. tplli-8. N. Co. 'Av«v S'O ■y \<. 5V mail steamers may be expected to I arrive Outwards, aud leave Penan llonicvaris on the following dates:— Mail Service. Ait'S.f. Km(let. Mail Raies of Passage FuoM Hongkong Shanghai
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    • 6 1 A. E. SKEELS. 31, Beach Street
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  • Money Market.
    • 126 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank ..l/lO, 1 4 months’ sight Bank ...l/10, s fi 3 Credit ...1/104 3 Documentary l/10 f 9 ff Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 137 3 days’sight Private 139 Bombay, Demand Bank 137 3 days’ sight Private 139 Madras. Demand Bank 136
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    • 195 2 Bersawah Gold Mine Co., Ld. 12.50 buyers Brusell Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld S 25. —sales Fraser Neave, Ld S 95. —buyers 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 26.— sales. Howartli Erekine, Ld. $190. International Bodega sloo. —buyers Jelebu Mining Trading Co.,
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    • 159 2 Tin 77.50 sales Gold leaf 86.00 B.Pepper(W.Coast3lbs.soz.)S 30.50 sales WTiite Pepper 52. sellers Trang Pepper 36. sellers Cloves 35 50 Mace slBo.—mom. Mace Pickings 126. —sales Nutmegs 110 s 79. —sellers No. 1 7. sales Sugar 2 5.30 Basket (Chinese) 4. Tapioca Flour 2.15 Copra... 6.B Qbuyers (Tahbun 330.
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  • Shipping.
    • 155 2 Fitzpatrick, Br. s.s. 730, Davev, 4th Aug., Rangoon, Ist August, Gen., —Hock Chong. Glenogle, Br. s.s. 2.398. Warner, sth August,—Singapore, 3rd August, Gen., Hock Chong Co. Purnea. Br. s.s. 2.127, Packham, stli Aug., Singapore, 3rd August. Gen., —Huttenbacli Liebert Co. Hong Wan I, Br. s.s. 2.060, Pentney. sth August,—Amoy,
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    • 32 2 sth August Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Quorra. for Langkat Pangkalan Brandan Avagyee, for Teluk Anson. G. G. van Lansberge, for Edie, etc. Purnea. for Rangoon Calcutta. Glen ogle, for Rangoon.
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    • 139 2 Canton, Br. s.s. 105, Meriean. 5th August, T. Ansou, 4th Aug.. Gen., —Ah Hing. Carlyle. Br. s.s. 331, Mugford. 4th Aug., -—Port Swettenliam, 3rd Aug., Gen., —Straits Steamship Co. Elbing, Ger. s.s. 3,610, Schultz. 31st July, —Sydney. 24th June. Gen..—Behn Meyer Co. Fitzpatrick. Br. s.s. 730. Davey, 4th
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    • 99 2 Vestel» r rotn Agent» Due Chusan Colombo P. A O. ♦5th Aug C. Apear Singapore A. A. A Co. 7th Coromandel Singapore P. A O. Sth Benalder London S. B. A Co. ath Socotra Suez P. A 0. loth Bavern Colombo B. M A Co. Pith P. Heinrich Singapore
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    • 113 2 Vessels For A <teuts Leaves Cliusan Singapore P. A O. 6th Aug. C. Apcar Calcutta A. A. A Co. 8th Benalder Singapore S. B. A Co. 8th Socotra do. P. A O. 10th Lightning Singapore A. A. A Co. 15th Beuledi Loudon S. B. A Co. 20th G. Apcar
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    • 50 2 Inward- Per Glenogle, from Singapore. Mr. and Mrs. Cheah Kee Ee, and Mr. Tau Soon Ee. Per Purnea, from Singapore. Messrs. Greaves. Scott. Frayne. Holloway and De Fontaine. Per Hong Wan I, from Ainov, via S pore. Mr. C. Pell. Per Carlyle, from Port Swettenham, Mr. H. A. Wooltou.
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    • 81 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR t Deli—Per Laurens Pit, to-morrow. 11 a.m. Deli—Per Hebe, to-inorrow, 11 a.m. Langkat— Per Jin Ho. to-morrow. 1 p.ui. Batu Bahru and Asahan—Per Resident Hale icy n, to-morrow. 1 p.m. Deli—Per Vidar. to-morrow,-2 jlui. Pangkor and Teluk AJison—Per Canton, to-morrow, 2 p.m. Perlis and
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    • 13 2 Per s.s. Hermann Lerche, on Ist August:— For Odessa, *****.18 Pis. Copra.
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  • 65 2 Established June Ist, 1903. Kublishcd daily (except Sundays.) AT TUB CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE DAILY, LOCAL $24 per annum. m (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION' (Ptet Free) 15 CABLE ADDRESS: “E c h O—P0 —P en a n g.” Telephone No. 188.
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  • 100 2 BIKTHS. On the 15th July, at Kotagiris, Nilgiris, South India, the wife of R.E C. Gompertz, of a sou. On the 15th July, at Woodcock Hall. Ootacamund. Mrs. Thomson, of a daughter. On the 16th of July, at Narav angungc, the wife of the Rev. T- O Ransford.
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  • 918 2 JOLLY TIMES AT MR. LIM KEK CHUAN 8 COUNTRY HEAT. Diamond Jubilee Lodge, tlie cosy, cool and comfortable country residence of our deservedly popular and highly respected fellow-townsman Mr. him Kek Chuan, has, during the past fortnight. been the rendezvous for a great many who have the
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  • 556 2 PENANG v. SELANGOR. Kwala Luinpor, 4th August, 1903.) The match commenced here this morning I in tine weather. The wicket was fast and good. A start was made punctually at 10 a. in., Dunn and Gillingham being the first liatsmen for Penang, and Cochrane and Whitley opened for Selangor.
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  • 726 2 Dr. Tan. Yew Wei. It affords us great pleasure to be able to add one more name to the list of brilliant Straits-Chinese scholars who have attained distinction in one of the leading professions of the day. We refer to Dr. Tan Yew Wei, a Straitsborn Chinese
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    • 417 2 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STR AITg Year echoing Echo.— (if CB what is this disease tha s h, *'>n, Why, you are so greedv U "P'n u>don't leave a scrap for to a splash with. YouV j to niake J since you made your mt n<),, v
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  • 563 2 TO THE EDITOR OF THE STRAITS ECHO. Sir, —Notwithstanding ail that wiswrittM in your paper and its local contetaporani few weeks ago about “coffin ships'” wehaw still another of the same class in this pm In this case one of the sailors mallei hole in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 WEATHER. The following report is kindly supplied oy the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis:— The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 211 2 DEATHS. On tlit* 13th July, 1903, at Uptons. Haslemer, Surrey, Major-General I). M. Strong, c. B.. late 10th Bengal Lancers. On the 12th July, at Landour. of enteric fever, Harold Maurice Stocker. Lieut. B. A. Gujerat Mountain Battery. aged 22 years. On the 29th June, at the Koval Hotel. Inverness.
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  • 46 3 The New Commercial Union. (Heater Submarine Cable.) London, August 4th.—A large j (i irty ..f Commoners will return the visit of the French Deputies to London on the 25th of November. Seventy Commoners have already accepted the invitation of their new commercial allies.
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  • 25 3 Reuter Submarine Cable.) J,, ,(k»n August 4-tli—The Irish Uml Hill has been read in the llou-v of Lords a second time.
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  • 35 3 Need Hot Lead. (Heater Submarine Cable) Loudon August 4th—Mr. St. John Brodrick, speaking in the House of Commons, stated that ammunition possessing greater “.stunning” powers than the Service Ammunition had lieen sent to Somaliland.
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  • 267 3 Pius X. Spiritual Rather than Political. (Heater Submarine Cable) London, August sth.—Cardinal Sarto lias been elected Pope. The Pope Ims assumed the name of Pius X, and the scene, when the announcement of his election to the Supreme Dignity was announced, is described as being of the
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  • 79 3 I’enang v. Selangor. (Special to Echo.) Kuala Lumpur, 4th August: In the second game of football the result whs again indecisive, either side scoring one point. hi Selangor’s second innings at cricket, Xelmder took five wickets lor 41 runs, and Sharp 4 for 38 ditto. Last night an interesting
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  • 53 3 Old Committees Out. Singapore, sth August: —At a special meeting of the Singapore Sporting Club yesterday afternoon ne 'v connnitties were elected. Ihe Club Committee now consists Messrs Fort, Nicholson, Maxwell, Melge, Cadell, Gumming and Schaefer. The enquiry Committee ,s composed of Messrs Derrick, Robinson, Schaefer,
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  • 151 3 Preparing for the Fray. MIKADO OUDKItS NAVY AM» ARMY RK.SKRVK TO HOLD TH LMS ELVES READY. Cablenew* Special Service.) Tokio, July 2 t. —Japan is getting rea<ly in earnest to tight Russia. It may be that forehandedness in preparation for battle is the l)est earnest of peace,
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  • 158 3 Politicians Backed by the Army Seek to Overthrow Carlos I. For State Reasons. [Cablenew* Special Service.) New York, July 19.—A special despatch from the London Times to the Tribune says that a deeplaid and powerful plot to dethrone the King of Portugal has been discovered. The
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  • 393 3 P lanned by Anarchists. [Cablenews Special Service New York, 21st July, —A special despatch to the Xeir York Tribune from Berlin tells of the discovery of a plot to kill the Kaiser. The schemers were the usual lawless gang that finds a home in London, and they had
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  • 957 3 (From ovr Correspondent.) Kedah, dlht July: On Monday (27th) H. 11. Ra ja and suite including Mr. F. E. Ross, his English «Secretary, left for Penang to attend the Races, after which His Highness will, I believe,. attend to the settlement of the Kedah Opium Farm before returning
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  • 1648 3 Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. 1 ltk, 13th. ami loth A uynst, 1303. First Day. Tuesday 11tr August. 1. Tue Maiden Plate. aloe $300.—For Maiden horses. Exgriffin allowed 14 Urn. weight as per scale 10 stone. Entrance $10. Distance 1 mile. Mr Chung Ah Youg's b a m
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  • 154 3 Orders for August. Squad Drill of the Fort every Tuesday and Thursday, at 5-80 p. in. Company Parade Tuesday 4th, Fall in at the u Gottieb Tree at 9 p.m. Dress, Drill order witll caps. Company Drill at the Fort on Wednesday 12th, at 5-80 p.m. Dress, plain
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  • Page 3 Advertisements

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1774 4 SIN GHEE CHOON CO. Afa. 129, Beach Street, PENANG. Commission Agents, Provisioned and General Importers. Agents j or TOWKAY F00 CHOO CHOOX, OF LAHAT, PERAK, AN1> The Perak General Farms. C. S. SENG CO. Chop SIN GIM HO 33c Beach Street, PENANG. WONG KIM MUN. 29a Specialities always on hand:
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  • 744 5 Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. 11th, 13th, and loth A njatt, t!'</■>. First Day. 1 Tuesday IItji August. I. Thk Maiden Plate. Value $300.— For Maiden horses. Exgriffiu allowed l l lbs. weight as per scale 10 stone. Entrance 8l0. Distance l mile. 2. The Waterfall Stakes. V
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  • 1325 5 Here is the oldest known mention of England's national game: Cresj f ?loj let’.* f. Crlc .e: an 1 jaaie*. It was found in an account liook for the wardrobe expenses of King Edward 1.. in the year 1300. and the charge was for
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  • 284 5 At an extraordinary meeting of the Iloya! John*.* 'din Mining Company held on 25th ult. it was agreed, on the j recommendation of the directors, to transfer the .company's waterfall rights on tin* Pelepaii Kauai: river to Messr Httfteiibach fir.V. on the following terms To
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  • 352 5 At a meeting of the Faculty of Actuaries in Scotland held in Edinburgh. Mr. Spencer'C. Thomson, b. a. (Cantab,) manager and actuary of the Standard Life Assurance Cbmpany. Edinburgh, read a paper entitled Notes on Mortality in India and other Tropic il Countries.*’ Mr. Thomson
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 Sardilands Buttery Co„ 29, Beach Street, PENANG. ANDREW USHER GO.S’ Special Reserve 0. V. G. WHISKY, j ci-aigellachie GLEN LI VET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC “OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. James Buchanan Co. 's "HOUSE OF COMMONS” WHISKY. William Teacher and Sons' Old Glenlivet Whisky. To be had of all dealers. JEVES PERFECT
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    • 17 5 PENANG FOUNDRY Co., (Established 1876.) ENGINEERS, MILLWRIGHTS, <fcc., &c. Weld Quay, A 37 Beach Street, PENANG. 1W'<
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    • 221 5 NOTICE. to ioKRKsr<»i>KNT3: It is requested that ail com mr.nicatious relating to Subscriptions. Advertisements' &c., be addressed to the Manager, Strait# Echo” and not to the Editor. All cheque* should be crossed. Letter* on Editorial or other matters intended for publication or use in the Echo should be sent to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1773 6 o o < t c§ OQ rg{ ‘OJD A C »1*4 o to ST U4 U4 s </) 5 03 13 »4 RS **5 <N| V© |N 00 OQ W PC 04 Z o PC w H PC H o E- >» Pm 0 fc < w ft Merchants and
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