Straits Echo, 4 July 1903

Total Pages: 6
1 6 Straits Echo
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 2162 1 A. E. SKEELS. c *o 3i, Beach Street P.&O. /IsV S.N.G rpHK mail steamers may lie expected to I arrive Outwards, and leave Penang Homewar ls >n the following dates Mail Service. Outwards. Juh 9 Bengal connecting with China 23 Vah-tl<i do Victoria \ug. 6 Chvmu do Himalaya 20 Parramatta
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    • 7 1 A. E. SKEELS. *v 31, Beach Street.
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  • Money Market.
    • 124 2 (By courtesy of the Chartered Bank.) London Demand Bank 1/B}s 4 months’ sight Bank 1 9 T 3 ff 3 Credit l/9f 3 Documentary 1 /9 T 7 Calcutta. Demand Bank Rs. 130$ 3 days’ sight Private 132$ Bombay, Demand Bank 130$ 3 days’ sight Private 132$ Madras, Demand
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    • 207 2 STOCKS SHARES. Bersawall Gold Mine Co., Ld. 7.75 «tom. Bmseli Tin Mining Co., Ld. 8.25 sellers Chendariang Hydraulic Tin Mining Co., Ld 25. —sales Fraser Neave. Ld S 95. 6% Debs. par George Town Dispensary 8 26. sales. Howarth Erskine. Ld. $190. International Bodega sloo. —buyers Jelebu Mining Trading Co.,
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    • 160 2 Till $81.90 sales B.Pepper(W. Coast 3lbs. soz.)s 31. White Pepper 54.50 sellers Trang Pepper 36. sellers Cloves (picked) 35 50 Mace $166. sales Mace Pickings 140. sellers Nutmegs 110 s 80. No. 1 7. sales Sugar 2 5.30 (Basket 3.94 Tapioca Flour 2.35 sellers i Copra... 7.25 sales (Takbun
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  • Shipping
    • 60 2 Yidar, Br. s.s. 191, Murray, 3rd July,— Deli, 2nd July, Gen.,—Koe Guan A Co. Qcokra, Br. s.s. 120, Russel, 3rd July,— Brandan, 2nd July. Oil, —Huttenbach Liebert Co. Jin Ho, Br. s.s. 110, Hastrup, 3rd July,— Langkat, 2nd July, Gen., —Beng Bros. Pegu, Br. s.s. 294, Coysh, 4th July,—
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    • 44 2 4th July. Mary Austin, for Port Swettenham. Vidar, for Deli. Jin Ho, for Langkat. Chan Tai, for Perlis and Setul. Aragyee, for Teluk Anson. Carlyle, for Port Swettenham. Kum Sang, for Singapore and Hongkong. Zibenghla, for Singapore. Alesia, for Singapore, China and Japan.
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    • 105 2 Hong Wan I, Br. s.s. 2.060. Pentney, Ist July,—Singapore, 29th June. Gen., Beng Bros. Lindci.a, Br. s.s. 2.199, Stewart. 30th June, —Rangoon, 27th June. Gen., —Huttenliach Liebert A Co. M. Bacquehem, Aus. s.s. 2,744, Russerich, 3rd Julv,—Trieste. 26th Mav, Gen., S. K. A Co. Mohammam, Br. s.s. 1,252,
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    • 84 2 Vessel8 From Agents Due Bengloe Loudon S B A Co. 4th inst Ziltenghla N'patam H. L. Co. 1th Canton China Kawachi P. A O. 5th Maru Japan B. A Co. 6th Braeinar Glasgow S. B. A Co. 6th A. Ajtcar Singapore A. A. A Co. 10th C. Apear Calcutta
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    • 147 2 VetteU For Agent» Leave» Zibenghla biu^uporc H.LACo. nth iust. Bengloe do. S. B. A Co. 5th Mohammadi Sinara pore A. A. A Co. t>th inst. MarquisB&cquehem Singapore S. K. A Co. Canton Colombo P. A O. Kawachi Maru Colomlro B. A Co. Braemar Singapore S. B. A Co. 7th
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    • 11 2 Inward —Per Jut Ho. from Langkat, Messrs. Sandel and Hamlvn.
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    • 44 2 A MAIL WILL CLOSE FOR t Moulmein —Per Janet Nicoll, 6th inst., 1 p.m. Singapore— Per Mohammadi, 6th inst., 1 p.m. Pangkor and Teluk Anson —Per Canton, 6th inst., 2 p.m. Singapore, Hongkong. Swatow Amoy Per Hong Wan I, 6th inst., 3 p.m.
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  • 62 2 Established Jjiac Ist, 1903. Published daily (except Sunday?.) AT THE CRITERION PRESS, Ld., No. 226-232, Beach Street, Penang. PRICE: DAILY, LOCAL $2l pel annum (Post Free) 27 MAIL EDITION (Post Free) 13 CABLE ADDRESS: “E c h o —P enang." Telephone No. 188. Editor, Chesney Duncan. Sub-Editor,
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  • 19 2 BIRTH. Gawthoene, On tie 3rd iii3t. at the Homestead Nortluun, Road, Mrs. Thomas Gawthrne of a daughter.
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  • 1122 2 With Good Prospects. These are indeed the days of gigantic schemes and enormous financial enterprises. We have grown accustomed, from the daring projects of millionaires and the vast schemes of promoters of trusts, to think in millions. New undertakings in Australia and in Canada are proposed to the
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  • 239 2 The ridicule which the tunnel bungle and the crazy embankment between Bukit-Gantang and Padang-Rengas have excited against the Railway Administration has served one good pmrpose in spurring it into activity to complete the remainder of the line. Ballast trains are how passing the whole night
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  • 1687 2 Result of the Poll. At -1 o'clock yesterday afternoon our interest in tins Competition, which has provoked comment, adverse and otherwise, ceased. The total number of coupons received exceeds six thousand cr, during the twenty eight publishing days nearly 300 per day: a fact which amply testifies to
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  • 522 2 That the Municipality hns i Ust thened its Health department I v a real, full-blown, live, sanitary and that great things sboiiw expecte 1 from them in that line That whoever is responsible f drainage of the town should 1 glK r pretty smartly a!rout the state t
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  • 90 2 One thousand seven hundred and guilders, mentioned in connection vritJ V Dutch Royal Packet Service subside*- 1 really an extra subsidy to the old one®* subsidy, and will only be paid to theo of the Royal Packet Service providing
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  • 99 2 Ouu Singapore special com s u vl telegraphed yesterday that unable to obtain accurate into about the various tenders sent several syndicates for the Excise of the Straits Settlements. Je ll Kedah. Although tin* 11 received by the respective Govcr on the 2nd instant, no inform:!' 11 obtainable
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 94 2 A NY Subscriber receiving the ii. Echo at an unreasonably late hour will greatly oblige by reporting the matter to the Manager. HOUSE WANTED. A HOUSE suited for one or two Iwehelors —rent moderate—furnished preferred—the nearer the Town the better. Replies to Q. E. D.. c/o. Echo office. Penang, 15th
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    • 66 2 NOTICE. THE Subscription Ball in aid of the Organ Fund for St. Mark's Church at Butterworth P. W. has lteen indefinitely postponed. For Sale. rjHHE PRIORY, Northam Road. JL. Applv U> PRESORAVE MATTHEWS, Solicitors. 31 1.1. 8. Beach Street, Penany. ADOLF STERNBERG. UPHOLSTERER AND FURNITURE DEALER. AI.SU BEST KIND OF
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    • 6 2 METTAR’S STOVE WOOD BURNING. McAlister Co.
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    • 4 2 ENGINEERING TOO»-* McAlister Co.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 27 2 WEATHER. The following report is kindly supplied by the Signal Director of Fort Cornwallis: The rainfall during the 24 hours ended at 9 a.m. to-day was nil.
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  • 238 3 STARTLING RUMOUR. (Spec ini tn Kch o.) Kuala Lumpur, July 4th:—lt is rumoured that tho Governor, Sir |<Yank Swedenham, has been called home to the Colonial Office by cable in order to explain his reasons tor giving the general farm to Towhav Bok Vew without tender. The
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  • 66 3 The Porte Indignant. Reuter'» Service.) London. 4th July:—The Porte indignantly denies the Bulgarian allegations regarding the concentration of troops, and says the renewed activity of the revolution»- j vies necessitates the continuous movement of troops to the frontier j districts. Bulgaria, replying to the denial, charges Turkey
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  • 35 3 The Cape Assembly Oppose the Importation of Asiatics. I Eetiter'# Service. London July 1th —The Cape As- j senibiv have agreed upon a motion j strongly opposing the importation of Asiatics.
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  • 88 3 Reuter s Serrjce.) London July 4th:—A meeting of burghers, convened by General 1 Louis Botha, has been held in i Heidleberg. After a spirited speech byGener- al Botha resolutions were adopted j protesting against the system of education proposed to be carried out by the British Government,
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  • 141 3 w Politicians oppose taxing the food of the People. (Reuter's Service.) London, July 4th-In a discussion in the House of Lords on the Tariff i Question, the Earl of Rosebery, in demanding more information regarding the Government enquiry, doubted the existence of any such enquiry. The Duke
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  • 42 3 (Special to Eiho.) New Yo'k, July, 2nd: —The Queen of Holland is now in a much i better state of health. Hie is not, i as has been officially denied by the Dutch Government, suffering from tuberculosis. 1
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  • 129 3 An Extortionate Fee To Be Exacted Fioni Each Of The Faithful. (Speciat to E'ho.) Aden, July 2nd:—lt is now decided to proceed with the work of building the I led jaz-Mecca Railj way with ail despate and thereby, in the near future,
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  • 79 3 (Special to Echo.) Teluk Anson, July 3rd:—ln ninny parts of Perak the telegraph wires j of the Government service are runI intr alongside of thick foliage and anything in the shape of a storm would certainly spell interruption. At the place where the wires cross Sungei
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  • 26 3 (Special to Echo.) Kuala Lumpur, July 3rd:—lt has now been definitely arranged for the Great Conference to open proceedings on the 20th inst.
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  • 57 3 (Special to Echo.) Kuala Lumpur, July 3rd:—The s.s. Malacca, in a squall near Malacca, pluckily rescued two fishermen whose boats had been capsized. The Iris'n of the Malacca was carried away while trying to save the occupants of the upturned boat, but he, in
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  • 24 3 Mr. Kean: Your letSer to baud. and will be publish™! in the Echo iu the courto of a couple of days.
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    • 891 3 TO THE EDITOR OF THE ETHAITH ECHO." I Dfar Sie. Will you please allow me a small space in your valuable paper of to-day's issue for mv humble opinion in regard to the “Beauty Competition which has created not a little interest in our small community. I have
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  • 725 3 Taiping Races, 1903. Programme. llth. tm. and i:>th AnjnU, l&M. FIRST DAY. Tuesday 11th August. 1. The Maiden Plate. Value s3oo.—For Maiden horses. Exgriffin allowed 14 lbs. weight as |x-r scale 10 stoue. Entrance 8 10. Distance 1 mile. 2. The Waterfall Stakes. Value 8250 and $5O
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 4 3 RIPPINGILLE’B stoves. Mcalister Co.
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    • 3 3 refrigerators. McALISTEK Co.
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    • 2003 3 «I iSSJ »1 Ds, PERAK TtiRF CLUB. WAT Taiping Races, 1903. I'rognunmc. I Ilk, id}, om} I'itk A ujvet, wmi. l IKST DAY. Tuesday 11th Auuuar. 1. The Maiden Plat»:. Value »300,- -For Maiden iionett. Kigriffin allowed 11 Hw. weight as» j»-r scab* 10 stone. Entrance »10. Distance I mile.
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    • 499 3 WANTED A. Chine.** Book-keeper for I poll. Abie u> write a good hand, and give security for *****. Apply l>y letter, stating age and salary required, Aylesbuuy A Garland. J Il^b. LEE CHYE DISPENSARY, A" ?$6\ CARNARVON STREET. PENANG. Open day and night From 6 a.m. to 9 p.n>.. Prescriptions
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    • 677 3 fouling OXU KIT YE PANG. (Chop) j KHYE GUAN. r Tin fchuelters and lmporters of v Raw Opium, Taiping. KilOO BUAN PHUAN. (Chop) GUI SENG MOH. 208 Main Road, Taiping. Tin Miners, Advancers and General Goods Store. HONG SING. 12 Main Iload, Taiping. BOOT SHOE MAKER. HONG BEE CO, General
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 1722 4 MOTOR CARS. B\ THE FAMOUS FRENCH MAKERS Dion Boston Co. PARIS. GRAHAM '4 Co., LIMITED., The undersigned are now booking orders for all Classes of Motor Vehicles from 4 to in horse power. Attention is drawn to the new 1903 6 H. P. DE DION POPULAIRE, Which is suitable for
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  • 1046 5 Borneo and Mala; a. Mr. Pipir, a mining; expert, who has lx*en prospecting and exploring in Borneo for about a year, has given an account of his experiences in a:i Australian newspaper. Mr. Piper stated tlmt he was not optimistic with regard to tin* mining prospectc of Borneo'.
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  • 803 5 Euteric fever is unfortunately prevalent here just now, and several eases have been re*p*>rte»i amongtt the European community. Naturally the cause is not very far to fiu’i: in ail probability the had supply of drinking water is at the l»otto:n of the outbreak. It is certainly time that
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 369 5 Sandifands Buttery Co., 20, Beach Street, PENANG. ANDREW USHER CO.S’ Special Reserve O. V. G. WHISKY. CRAIGELLACHIE GLENLIVET DISTILLERY Co.’s GAELIC OLD SMUGGLER” WHISKY. James Buchanan Co. 's “HOUSEOF COMMONS” WHISKY. William Teacher and Sons' Old Glenlivet Whisky. To be had of all dealers. JEYES PERFECT PURIFIER. Tin? I test
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    • 226 5 NOTICE. To r oKKi:sF»M>fc>TS: It is requested that :> 11 coin lnuuicatiou* relating to Subscriptions. Advertisements' Ac., be addressed to tile Manager, StmiU Echo ami uot to the Editor. All cheque? should be crossed. Le't ts ou Editorial nr other mat tel? intended for publication or use in the Erhu
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    • 990 5 NOTICE. lVralc, T IKWS of Penang. Singapore, Selangor. au 1 Sumatra. I'hotOo enlarged, various siz *s up to 3 t': oa Bromide paper. W. JONES. King Street, Penang. Photographer ON SEANG. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER. No. 398 c CiIULIA STREET, PENANG. dot? MUNICIPAL NOTICE. X’’ OTICE is hereby given that
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1682 6 Straits Settlements Post and Telegraph Department. PUBLIC TELEPHONE EXCHANGE PENANG. L.IBT OF CONNECTIONS. Name. •No. ■Allan ami Irvjiig (Fmikdrv) Allan. Allan it Irving (Offirei Anthony, Stephen. Anthony, J. M.' Anderson, A. F. (J. Avetoom, Dr. T. C. Anglo-Chinese Reading R«K>m. Anthony Co. Aitken, J. B. Adams. A. R. 169 170
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