The Straits Chronicle, 11 January 1946

Total Pages: 2
1 2 The Straits Chronicle
  • 13 1 The Straits Chronicle No. 99. MALACCA, FRIDAY, JAM ARY 11. 1916. 4fe «*t*.
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  • 756 1 Task Of U.N.O. Is Noble But Onerous Says British Prime Minister New Delhi, January 11. riEi nrst session of the United Nations Assembly opened in the British capital yesterday amidst an atmosphere of serenity and splendour. The British I rime Minister welcoming
    756 words
    • 542 1 Pursuant to our editorial yesterday it occurs to us that correct values of life must be inculcated into the minds and hearts of the rising generation, through the right type of education. Purely mercenary motives obscure higher moral values of one’s personality. This was much in
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  • 256 1 London, Jan. 10. The Indonesian Premier Dr. Sharir is reported to be back in Batavia from Jogjakarta where he is supposed to have had consultations with the Indonesian President Dr. Soekarno. He told correspondents in Batavia that he had made arrangement with the British
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  • 40 1 mu Malacca, Jan. 10. three Chinese appeared before Lieutenant W. E. L. Fletcher for obstructing a public highway nW^ Wkl uF Ware Th< accused pleaded guilty to the charge and they were fined two dollars each.
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  • 176 1 Ills lordship the Bishop of Maiav, 0 Wh is maki "K lour of Malaj ,i is expected to arrive hero Irom .serentb»,, this ev,.„i„,,. h„ ‘D heit* until Sunday Bonung when he will celebrate Che -t r,? ni T ni n at at ,i
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  • 58 1 urkr Eales and Mr. S. J. Williams made a trip to Singapore on Monday returning on the next day with a consignment of eighteen tons of Rod Cross Sup(dies comprising tinned food.stuffs, butter, cheese, biscuits, edible flesh etc. These will be distributed to the various
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  • 461 1 “Prospects Not Bad But Difficult”General Marshall DETAILS OF SETTLEMENT WORKED OUT irnnMTvm Melbourne, Jan. *0 KF °*™TAN<. and Communist representatives i' l l L h r^ k 1R are .reported to have had another (We M- ."T C a in the Presence of General V« d S,a Dcta,la f° r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 100 2 In a reply to the appeal sent *>y the Chinese Chamber of Com- merce on the question of rice rations the Assistant Food Coni troller has officially informed the Chamber that both urban and rural areas will be rationed with i rice on varying scale: The scale
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  • 1056 2  -  (By Gabriel M. David, (By Gabriel ill. David, Staff Reporter, Straits Chronicle) Straits Chronicle) Impertinent perhaps! impudent may be! But all the same I feel that it is about time that one got some unpleasant things off one's chest even if it results in the: ruffling of reelings
    Straits Chronicle)  -  1,056 words
  • 55 2 Special Chinese classes for those attending English schools in the morning will be conducted at the St. David’s Mission, 545 I’ianquerah, in the afternoons. Both boys and girls will be admitted t.o these classes and those wishing to attend these classes should apply for further particulars from
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  • 190 2 A Malay Hamid bin Kedut was charged for theft of five fowls. He pleaded guilty to the charge and in his statement to the Court he said that he had stolen as he had no employment and he wanted to sell the fowls to buy some
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  • 81 2 Take the vegetables from the tin and place the quantity required in a clean vessel. Add just enough hot (not boiling) water to cover them. It is important that the water addPd is only just enough to cover the vegetables. The addition of
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  • 179 2 M. C. F. C. (To The Editor, Straits (’hronicle) I quite endorse the opinion of ‘A Member’ in his article of yesterday’s date. Much prominence had recently' been given to the famous rendezvous. Who can deny that the name of M.C.F.C, is not a misnomer? For
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  • 57 2 Malaya’s monthly import tonnage has increased by 42.650 tons since September. Official figures are: September 4750 tons, October 6850 tons November 41,200 tons, December 47,400 lions. Up to the end of November cargoes were of salt and rice only* but during December sugar, milk, dehydrated vegetables, canned
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  • 85 2 Saturday, 12 January FOOTBALL LEAGUE 19 Lancers vs. Indian Assn. (M.C. Gi’ound). Malays vs. 2 Ind. Grs. (Police Depot Ground). HOCKEY LEAGUE 37 Fd. Sqn. A vs. Eurasians (B.H.E.S. Ground). Medicals vs. 37 Fd. Sqn. B (High School Ground). Sunday, 13 January FOOTBALL LEAGUE 1 Indep. Bdg. Tps.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 403 2 Resumption Of Direct Parcel Post Service Wiih China With effect from the 14th of January, 1! id, direct parcel post services will be resumed with China. Only ordinary parcels not exceeding 11 lbs. in weight will be accepted at ail Malayan post olliees and postal agencies at the undermentioned rates
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    • 232 2 FINANCE PROCLAMATION NOTICE Remittances Outside Sterling Area The operation of exchange control in Malaya is resumed as from January 7. Persons who wish for any reason to remit funds outside the sterling area should first apply to a Bank where full details and the necessary application forms can be obtained.
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    • 119 2 NOTICE RE DANCE COUPONS The Management of the CITY CABARET hereby notify that New Issue of Dance coupons with Red Line and bearing the Signature chop of “J. Chan will be. put on sale as from this date and that Old Issues bearing the Signature of J. Chan and “S”
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 150 2 THE CITY PARK CANTONESE WAYANG Jan. 11 CHOW YEE KWAI TIN S Jan. 12 Day: CHOW SEE FUN KOH Jan. 12 Night: CHIP SEE THYE POON ENG HYLAM WAYANG Jan. 11 Tiang Soo Jiu Wah Jan. 12 Siew' Lek Yin Hiang CITY OPEN-AIR TALKIES Jan. 11-14 Soei-ga Paisoe (Malay >
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