The Straits Chronicle, 13 November 1945

Total Pages: 2
1 2 The Straits Chronicle
  • 12 1 The Straits Chronicle No. 48. MALACCA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1945. 10 eta.
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  • 590 1 ALLIED AIRMEN BLAST INSURGENT STRONGHOLD: BRITISH CASUALTY LIGHT New Delhi, Nov. 12. official British statement from Batavia declares the operations in Sourabaya city were progressing according to plan. Large areas of the city have been deserted by the Indonesian extremists and British forces taking over
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    • 531 1 Just as a man yearns for more water to satiate his thirst, when, a mere drop falls on his parched tongue, so are the Japanese masses, liberated from tyraßny crying out for the freedoms of Democracy. Students of history will readily agree that Japan, until she tasted
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  • 696 1 AUSTRALIANS AND INDONESIAN INDEPENDENCE NOT INTERESTED IN N.E.I. POLITICAL SQUABBLE Melbourne, November 11. “IT cannot be denied that a state of hostilities exists between the I British military forces in Java and the Indonesian Nationalists who are fighting to get free of Holland’s colonial domiifation. It cannot be denied that
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  • 67 1 Rangoon, Nov. 12. Heavy fighting continued north and south ol the Great Wall in North China between Communist and Kuomintang forces. Reports state that the heav.cet engagements including artillery duels are centred round Ching Wangtao an important port on the east coast. 100,000 Chinese
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  • 114 1 While fighting is raging in many parts of China a new political party has sprung up in China to intervene between the two opposing forces to stop civil war immediately. The new party styles itself as the New Democratic League of China and observers forecast
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  • 54 1 Dr. 1). C. Richards, Health Officer Malacca, informs that the lecture on DDT by Col. Scharff, which was scheduled to take place tomorrow, has been postponed to the 15th instant at 10 a.m. at the Office of the Assistant Director for Civil Affairs (Medical) Southern Zone
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 M. SALEH CO. MILITARY SUPPLIERS. No. 63, Wolferstan Road, MALA C C A ’Phone No. 146. EDITOR’S NOTE Other letters from our readers are held over and will appear in, subsequent issues as space permits.
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    • 27 1 BLUE BIRD CO. Provision Contractors. Fresh Fruits, Vegetables, Poultry Egg Suppliers. No. 153, Wolferstan Road. MALACCA. ’Phone 116. j SUPPLY DEPOT FOR 50 Indian Tank Brigade, j
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  • 171 2 November 12. The Japanese Premier, Baron Shidehara had his second meeting with Ceneral Douglas Mae Arthur since the •f 01 met* took over the reins ol the Japanese Government. Prior to this meeting Shitlehara had a series of meetings with prominent business men. In a new directive
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  • Letter To The Editor
    • 509 2 To, The Editor, The Straits Chronicle, Malacca. Sir, With the establishment of tin* B.M.A. in Malaya, peace and order have been restored in an amazingly short time. Government clerks are re-employed and several commercial firms which have resumed their businesses have also reengaged their former
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    • 144 2 To, The Editor, The Straits Chronicle, Malacca. Sir. We have had enough of being bothered very frequently to hoist Jap ensigns during the Jap regime although it was against our hearts’ wishes to do so. But sad to say, with the restoration of Malaya by the British,
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  • 216 2 Large Gathering Present The Malacca Club was the venue of much rejoicing on Saturday night when il.c 24 i.G.Ii. (C) R.A.M.C. organised a veiy successiul Armistice Dance. vVhhc banners, buntings, and evergreens adorned the hall the Royal .miinard and flags of the British Empre were prominently displayed.
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  • 399 2 QA.I.M.N.S. Heat Eurasians To eyes jaded with continuous sight of men indulging in sports almost every evening on the padang here, the ladies Hockey match between the QA.I.M.N.S. and the iocal Eurasian girls on Armistice Day proved a welcome diversion. The game provided much fun and laughter;
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  • 113 2 A Requiem High Mass will be sung on Thursday, 15th instant, at 6.30 a.m., in the Chapel of St. Francis’ Institution for the repose of the souls of seventeen Christian Brothers who were brutally murdered by the Japanese in the Chapel of the Christian Brothers in Manila.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 401 2 PUBLIC NOTICES Hiitish .Militar Malay Peninsula THE FCC ONTROL PROCLAMATION Declaration of ntrolled Articles In exercise ol ie powers contained in section 4(1 )(i) of the Food Control Proclamation delegated to me by the Food Controller under section 11 ol the said Proclamation 1 hereby declare the following articles to
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    • 180 2 WHEN you are in need of Printing, Rubber Stamps. Account Books or WHEN you are thinking of Publishing a book we solicit your enquiries. The usual maintenance of printing works at the MA L ACC A COM M ERCIA L PR ESS, No. 3, Second Cross Street, MALACCA. B. CHUNILAL
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 167 2 THE CITY PARK SRI CITY OPERA Nov. 13 Prince Hamlet. Nov. 14 Tidak Mungkir Janji CANTONESE WAYANG Leading Artistes—Koo Yoke Meng, Sin Yen Lan and Fah Wan Lan. Nov. 13 Yeh Toh Kah Wong Ku. Nov. 14 Ngo Kam Bang Thong Seng» Day Show every Sunday at 2 p.m. CITY
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