The Straits Chronicle, 2 November 1945

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1 2 The Straits Chronicle
  • 12 1 The Straits Chronicle No. 39. MALACCA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1945. 10 eta.
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  • 452 1 VIRTUAL STATE OF WAR BETWEEN BRITISH FORCES AND NATIONALISTS S Rangoon, Nov. 1. OLKARNO in a broadcast address to the Indonesians warned the Nationalists to stop all opposition to the Allied Forces and to follow strictly all instructions issued by the
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    • 537 1 SHOCKING The news of the foul and dastardly murder of Brigadier Mallaby, British Commander in Sourabaya has shocked the whole world and evoked indignant comments from all quarters. The repercussions of this cold-blooded assassination w ill have far-reaching consequences on the future status of the Indonesians and their claims for
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  • 134 1 —(Reuter). New York, Oct. 29. Professor Albert Einstein, worldfamous scientist, said today It is my belief that to give away the secret of the atomic bomb under the present anarchic conditions would lead to an accelerated armament race.”- At the continued hearing of Yamashita in
    ’—(Reuter).  -  134 words
  • 245 1 RECEIVES FRIENDLY REPLY FROM STALIN New Delhi, Nov. 1. PRESIDENT Truman in a Press statement in Washington, dtwlared that he expected Russia to participate in the Far Eastern Advisory Council. Commenting on the letter from M. Stalin which was handed to him by the American
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  • 291 1 The trial of the former I.N.A. nersonnel is scheduled to begin at the Red Fort ol Delhi on Mondav next, lhe trial is presided over by YlajorGeneral Blanksman assisted by six. British and, six Indian officers as assessors. The first to be tried will be Captain Khan
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  • 256 1 Rangoon, Nov. 1. 1 North China Chinese Communists using several tanks and having taken three towns are still driving ahead close mi the heels of the retreating Kuominfang forces. The Communists far outnumber the Government forces although they are not so well equipped as the Kuomintang
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  • 278 2 'he Senior Civil Affairs Officer foi e State oi' Negri Sembilan and the < ttlement of Malacca hereby makes u.e following Order: 1. (1) This order may lie cited as the Telephone Apparatus (Declaration ot l’ossession) Order, 1945. (2) It extends to the whole of the State
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  • 689 2 New Democratic Malaya Visualised vtr 409 member; comprising Chin* ese, .Malay i, and Indians reprtsetuing every trade, occupation, guild or association tinned out in full force at the Capitol Dance Hull yesterday morning when the Expansion and Reorganisation Preparatory Committee of the Malacca People’s Association held a
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  • 107 2 Mr. H. Truman, President of the United States of America, has broadt a momentous speech on America's foreign policy. reaffirmed the solidarity of the A kit and hailed the formation of the new inited Nations Organisation which would enforce peace, if necessary, by force. Defeated countries
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  • 552 2 TODDY To, The Editor, The Straits Chronicle, Malacca. Sir, Dining the time of Japanese administration. to the great surprise of the writer, the authorities banned the sale of toddy on rubber estates. This surprise was short-lived as he was delusioned by the fact that the Japs
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  • 40 2 Generalissimo Stalin will make his first speech since the end of the war, on the occasion of the anniversary of the December Revolution. He is expected to outline Russia’s future policy in the frame-work of nations.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 278 2 b. REQUIEM MASS BY CHAPLAIN Rev. Father M. E. Elcock, Chaplain 'to the Force II sing a Requiem High Mass at (>.•?;.» m. on Saturday, 3rd November, at the St. Francis Institution Chapel f the repose of the soul of Bro. Basils father, a victim oi Japanese atror •y. pun
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    • 203 2 THE INDIAN OVERSEAS BANK, LTD., (Incorporated in British India) 17, First Cross Street, Malacca, Telephone No. 110. P.O. Box No. 90, Head Office:— MADRAS. BRANCHES: In India:— Alleppey Karaikudi Srivilliputtur Bangalore City Kumbakonam Tanjore Bombay Madura Tinnevelly Calicut Negapatam Tiruvarur Cannanore P. Alagapuri Trichinopoly Coimbatore Pudukottah Trivandrum Devakottah Salem Tuticorin
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 147 2 THE CITY PARK Malacca’s Famous Amusement Centra® SRI CITY OPERA Nov. 2 Adat Dunia Nov. 3. Th? Son of Khadi. Coming Soon:— C antonese Wayang with wellknown Actors and Actresses. CITY OPEN-AIR TALKIES Nov. I—4. Moh Tung Moh Tai Ling. SUN OPEN-AIR TALKIES Nov. I—3. Long Voyage Home. Ronggeng and
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