The Straits Budget, 28 July 1965

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 42 1 The Straits budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER REGISTERED AT THE G.R.O. U.K. AS A NEWSPAPER v£V *Yi mat 38Ntik,.£* V SERIES 667 KUALA LUMPUR, JULY 28, 1965. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or I Shilling KPN 1102-1812
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 200 1 jSgjgkap* AA .1134 jSv fci mt a fcS* > u** k f* k > *vA* 5$S >V. j n ffl f >* j w J .1 A *7 w i*.. x t vwtn ri sArfej* B^kT 1 s Uw 1 r^C' m. for absolute security ana friendly service HBW v
      200 words

  • 433 2 MALACCA, July 23. THE State Government has written to the Deputy President of the Malacca Municipal Council, Mr. Koo Eng Kuang (Independent), asking him if the special meeting to discuss an important motion, called for by six councillors, had been held. The State Secretary,
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  • 52 2 KUALA LUMPUR, July 23—The president oi the National Women Teachers Union, Mrs P. R. Bhupulan, left today for Addis Ababa to attend the World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession which will be held from July 31 to Aug. 9 Bhe will be away for
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  • 185 2 fTiELUK ANSON. July 23. Three members of the Australian' Labour Party parliamentary delegation today expressed the hope that the “political turbulence* between the Cen- cral and Singapore governments could be settled "amicably in the interest of Malaysia." Mr. pouglas McClelland, said on
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  • 89 2 SINGAPORE, July 23. A visiting grouup of American students were today briefed on Singapore’s education policy when they called on 1 the Education Minister. Mr Ong Pang Boon. The visit of the students is Jointly arranged by the University of Singapore Students* Union an the
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  • 25 2 KUALA LUMPUR, July 23—Bank Negara today collected $267,200 from the'tale of National Defence Bonds to 65 applicants, bringinir the total sales to $2,878,350.
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  • 182 2 IPOH, July 23 THE “prophets of doom” who say that mission and Chinese schools will oe taken over by the Government should be silenced “once and for ali” by the Education Minister’s latest pledge. The assistant educational secretary of the Methodist Mission
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  • 152 2 KUALA LUMPUR, July 23 EM3RTY-ONE teachers from Los Angeles Cali r fornla, are now here on a three-day visit Under the auspices of the Affiliated Teachers' Organisations of Los Angeles, the group composed of teachers from all levels of schools, is on a one-month “orientation
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  • 107 2 PENANG, July 23.—The Minister Of Transport, Date Sardon bln Halt Jubir. today urged transport operators to encourage and help Malays and the indigenous people to play a bigger role in the transport industry ••The Government has ho intention of nationalising the transport industry,” he
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  • 182 2 KUALA LUMPUR. July 22. THE United Arab Republic Ambassador, Dato 1 Abdul Moneim Hassan Tawflk tonight reiterated his country’s “complete support” of Malaysia’s participation in the Afro-Asian conference in Algiers on Nov 5. In a broadcast marking the UAR National Day. he said:
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  • 88 2 KOALA LUMPUR. July 23 Dr Chien Mu. regarded as a world authority on Chinese especially neoonfunionism, ha*, assumed duties as visiting professor in the Department of Chinese Studies at the University of Malaya During nis one-year terra ot office. he will conduct courses on tne
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  • 32 2 KOTA BHARU. July 23 The deputy Chief Education Officer. Kelantan, Mr C V. George today opened the annual meet ng of the National Union of National School Teachers, Kelantan branch
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  • 102 2 SINGAPORE. July 23. O Singapore’s Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew/ last night called on workers to work hard and bring about a better future for Malaysia, so that her prosperity could be ensured He was speaking at a buffet party
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 615 3 —Straits Times, July 19 The South Vietnam Government and American military commanders in Saigon have separately recommended to Mr. Robert McNamara that American combat forces in South Vietnam be increased. There is little question that the recommendation will be acted on, and American forces in Vietnam
      —Straits Times, July 19  -  615 words
    • 673 3 —Straits Times, July 20 In the shadow of the Malaysian Malaysia controversy are financial and common market problems between Singapore and the Central Government about which little has been said and less still is known. Mr. Tan Siew Sin touched upon them at the dinner of the University
      —Straits Times, July 20  -  673 words
    • 558 3 —Straits Times, July 21 The possibility of sales of American strategic equipment to Indonesia being resumed is almost incredible news. The matter is being taken up by the Malaysian Government, “surprised and gravely concerned,” as Tun Razak’s statement puts it, that Washington should consider supplying sophisticated military equipment
      —Straits Times, July 21  -  558 words
    • 154 3 —Straits Times. July 21 There seems no reason why the Philippine Air Lines’ application for landing rights at the new Kuala Lumpur airport should not be granted. The proposed service would bring our two countries closer together just at a time when every such step forward is to
      —Straits Times. July 21  -  154 words
    • 676 3 —Straits Times, July 22 Malaya’s second five year plan did not get off to the best of starts. A progress report by the Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department, covering the three year period up to the formation of Malaysia, contained the hint that targets
      —Straits Times, July 22  -  676 words
    • 182 4 —Straits Times, July 22 The administrative side of elections in Sabah next year should present no great problems. The Election Commission, which the Cabinet decided yesterday should immediately begin the work of marking off constituencies, has long been expecting this assignment and should be ready to go ahead.
      —Straits Times, July 22  -  182 words
    • 670 4 —Straits Times, July 23 It is to be assumed the “tricky points” remaining to be settled before Malaysia gets its $135 million World Bank loan for the Muda River irrigation scheme are not fundamental. If they were, the deputy Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture
      —Straits Times, July 23  -  670 words
    • 740 4 —Straits Times, July 24 The decision to refer to World Bank arbitration the question of the apportionment between the State and the Central Government of Federal revenues raised in Singapore, by no means closes the issue. In the exchange between Mr. Tan Slew Sin and Dr. Goh
      —Straits Times, July 24  -  740 words

    • 79 4 WILKINSON: TO RAJ and daughter on 19.7.65, sister DoC tor at OH. Malacca. Thanks to and Staff. LOW: TO JULIET and Hong Ctff twin boys 17.7.65. All ward thanks to Doctor. Staff. Bunt,. O.H. K.L. fl go n DAVIS: To Lois and R JuJy at Stephen Geoffrey on u
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  • 315 5 KUALA LUMPUR, July 16. AUSTRALIA'S military commitment in Malaysia is receiving "unanimous support back home." The deputy leader of the Australian Opposition Labour Party, Mr. E. G. Whitlam said this today before leaving for Penang after a three-day visit here. Mr. Whitlam, leader of the
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  • 89 5 SINGAPORE, July 16. An eminent American psychologist, Miss Ruth Thacker Fry. is expected to arrive here oy air on July 19 evening to address educators and psychologists. The theme of her talks will be Psychology—The Inner and the Outer World. 1 Miss Fry, who
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  • 52 5 tief^S*? 011 July 16 ~The PoliiS 9 entre will conduct cour o Ul f 1 politlcal background senior members of ani and industrial ortm July "jtV beKlnnlng on July ID af sessions will be held each 4 l= rao n between 215 p.m. and p.m. five days
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  • 37 5 LUMPUR. July 18—A thp m goodwill mission from EJK3H Unlversi ty. Tokyo, is tembor d in°fK Visit Mala y* sla in S °P* th A e coursc of a tour of Eas t Asian countries.
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  • 205 5 l/'UALA LUMPUR, July 19- A Malaysian has taken over for the first time as Director of Studies at the Federation Military College at Sungei Besi, eight miles from here. He Is Mr. Tan Cheng Or, 44, Taiplng-born graduate of the Raffles College who
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  • 45 5 KUALA LUMPUR, July 18. About 150 Chinese Muslims today attended a ceremony organised by the All-Malaya Muslim Welfare Organisation at the Language JKJMute hene to celebrate Prophet Mohamed’s birthday. They were from Klang Petaling Jaya, Sungei Buloh, Jinjang and Kuala Lumpur
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  • 52 5 KUALA LUMPUR, July 18—The new officials of the Union of Government Telephone Operators, elected today, are: President Mr, K- Decosta, executive secretary, Inche Abdul Ida Sahib, generalsecretary Inche Ahmad Zahari bin Abdul Rahim, executive committee members Mr. S. E- Gopal, Mrs. Raiam Ramiah. Mrs. T. Nunis and Mrs.
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  • 333 5 Tengku’s health excellent says doctor KUALA LUMPUR, July 19. ur pENGKU Abdul Rahman's health x is excellent/' says his personal physician. “In fact, the Tengku’s physical condition is so good that he started playing golf shortly after recovering from a recent bout of shingles/' Dr. R. P. Pillay told the
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  • 158 5 I/UALA LUMPUR, July 18.— The Tariff Advisory Board will resume its public hearings here on July 20 to consider the Inclusion of goods in Group C into the Malaysian Common Market. Among the items to be considered are electric lamp bulbs, wires, air-conditioners, electric kettles, rods,
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  • 88 5 KOTA BHARU, July 18 The Sultan of Kelantan. continuing his birthday celebrations, had a busy day today. The Sultan spent two hours In the General Hospital where he distributed over 600 food parcels to the patients. The Raja Perempuan had a separate programme.
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  • 35 5 DUNGUN. July 18—The District Officer here. Inche Mustafa bln Abdul Jamal, has invited all heads of government departments and community leaders to attend a meeting tomorrow to discuss celebrations on Malaysia Day.
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  • 400 6 MALACCA, July 19. acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said today that a centre would be set up in Malaya for officials from Afro-Asian countries to discuss and exchange views on the implementation of rural development projects. This had been requested by
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  • 134 6 SINGAPORE, July 19. Two members of an Indonesian sabotage squad captured last night off Raffles Lighthouse underwent intensive police interrogation today. Both were picked up from the sea by a Malaysian patrol vessel shortly after the patrol had killed one Indonesian. All three were heading
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  • 245 6 OENANG, July 19.—An Indian M.P., Mr. C. N. Annadurai, today predicted that Malaysia would emerge, after confrontation, as “the most powerful nation in South-East Asia.” “At present," he told a civic luncheon given in his honour by the Mayor. Mr C. Y. Choy,
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  • 79 6 MALACCA, July 19—The deputy municipal president Mr. Khoo Eng Kuan, is to urge the municipal council to adopt Chinese and Tamil as official languages in the council's administration and meeting besides Malay and English. On July 14. he made a remark to the chairman of
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  • 49 6 KUALA LUMPUR. July 16—A public talk on “the role of ideology in international politics” will be given at the Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club, 29. Ipoh Road at 4 pm. on July 25 by Dr. Saul K. Padover, an American writer, historian and professor of political science.
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  • 261 6 KUALA LUMPUR, July 18 JJARD-pressed poultry farmers in Selangor and Perak want the Government to create a marketing board to combat the severe competition of cheap eggs allegedly smuggled in from Thailand. Officials of poultry farmers’ associations both in Selangor and Perak said that
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  • 72 6 PENANG, July 16—The Minister of Transport, Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir, will be in Penang on July 22 and 23. He will meet State Alliance leaders at Umno Hall at 730 p.m, on July 23, The Umno secretary general. Dato Syed Ja’afar Albar, will hold
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  • 40 6 PENANG, July 19—The Penar.g economic affairs officer. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Yusoff, will be the guest speaker at the Penang Jaycees’ monthly dinner at the Hotel International on July 21. He will talk on “Import and Export.”
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  • 187 6 pENANG, July 18. 1 Penang Umno Youth is to organise “work camps” for members to encourage them to take a greater interest and play a more active role in solidifying the party in the State. "This decision to organise work camps,” said Inche
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  • 50 6 KUALA LUMPUR. July r 'Ltd Richard Andres was president of the Musiciai of Malaya at its annual meet here today. re Mr Other officers elected *ere Jackson Shue. vice-president. Henry Lim Seng; Hoe s er Mr. Bobby Law Choo BoK. £o( tant secretary; and Mr. Jin, treasurer.
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  • 130 7 MALACCA, July 18. ITI The acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, today congratulated the Salakau people of Biawak and Pasir Ulu, on the SarawakIndonesian border, lor high morale and great courage. He said: “This is loyalty and courage of the first degree. It is another
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  • 121 7 nS,r A LUMPUR. July 19—The Civil n f f r Sabah Affairs and Stephen? 6 0 Dato Donald Civil Defpn te 2 ained 95 dinner tSll ofl cers to a buffet here. today at his residence 16-day C^, ccrs r are attending a Staling jaya
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  • 229 7 ITU ALA LUMPUR, July 18. —The Minister of Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasagam, last night warned that the quest for power by some politicians was more dangerous to the union than the external threat. He said: “It is more dangerous in that it is insidious
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  • 212 7 SINGAPORE, July 18.— Two Indo n e s ian saboteurs were killed and two others captured when an Indonesian motor sampan shot it out with a Royal Naval patrol boat in Singapore waters off Raffles Lighthouse tonight. The Naval patrol vessel Intercepted the sampan,
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  • 180 7 JERANTUT, July 18. THE Mentri Besar of Pahang, Dato Yahya bln A Haji Mohamed Seh, yesterday called on parents to dispel the notion that progress could only be achieved through the English language. A j w He said this when he opened a new Malay
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  • 56 7 PENANG, July 19—Two visiting Indian MPs Mr. C. N Annathurai and Mr. R. Chezhlan. paid a courtesy call on the Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee. this afternoon. Mr. Annathural presented Dato Wong with a cheque for $2OO for the National Defence Fund, on behalf
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  • 61 7 KANOAR. July IS— I The Perils youth standing conference—parent body of youth clubs in the State—has decided to issue a special souvenir to mark the homecoming of the King and Queen. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong, who is also Raja of Perils, will be returning to the Btate
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  • 209 7 KUANTAN, July 18. THE Central Government will soon introduce a law to make all able-bodied men between the ages of 18 and 25 liable to service in the Vigilante Corps. The director of Civil Defence, Dato Wan bin Sheikh Abdul
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  • 98 7 July 19. plastic balloon, found hanging on the top of a tree, caused a stir in the coastal village of Tanjong Gading, three miles from here, yesterday. A police party, led by the Muar OCPD, Asst. Supt. Goh Chee Seng, immediately went
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  • 195 7 DENANG, July 19. The Central Government should reconsider its decision and lift the ban on strikes “in the interest of harmonious relationships with the people," according to the Penang branch of the National Union of Teachers. At a meeting yesterday the branch warned that
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  • 35 7 A LOR BTAR, July 19—A school teacher, Baharom bln Salleh, 46, was killed when his motorcycle was Involved In a collision with a bus at the 91 mile Alor StarBun gel Patanl road.
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  • 517 8 FRONT ANSWERS THE CHARGES AGAINST DETAINED DOCTOR KUALA LUMPUR. July 19 Socialist Front today again protested against the detention of its Selangor branch chairman, Dr. M. K. Rajakumar, on June 12. In doing so, it answered the six charges levelled against him under the Internal Security
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  • 71 8 1/UALA LUMPUR, July 19. —A Selangor plantation prefers women to male workers even though one out of every four women it employed took maternity leave during the year. The monthly report or the Ministry of Labour which recorded this preference says that 140 out of the 180
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  • 164 8 J£UALA LUMPUR, July 19. —Mr. Horst Dieter Belter. 20, a German journalist detained for six months by the Vietcons: in a deep-jungle bamboo prison, is here on a five-day private visit. A former radio mechanic. Mr. Belger is working with the Cambodian
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  • 39 8 TELUK ANSON, July 19—Tl-e Alliance controlled Teluk Anson Town Council at a meeting here last night congratulated an Alliance Councillor and Member of Parliament, Dr Ng Kiim Poh. on his appointment as Assistant Minister of Finance
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  • 218 8 IMUAR, July 18. —Four iTl men saved a barge, loaded with $20,000 worth iron-ore, from sinking after it crashed against the side of a ship in the Straits of Malacca, 15 miles off here, on July 16. The four took turns diving into
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  • 69 8 PENANG, July 19—An Indian Muslim religious teacher, Ustaz M. A. Jamaluddin, who is on a three-month tour of Malaysia, will give a talk on the life and mission of Prophet Mohamed at the Rawana Mosque. Perak Road, at 830 p.m. on July 25. Ustaz Abdullah
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  • 273 8 ITUALA LUMPUR, July 19.—The “no strike” Emergency Regulations which recently evoked protests from trade unions are being reexamined by the Government. Any suggestion to modify the regulations would be "welcomed” by the Government and given “due consideration,’ the Minister of Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasagam
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  • 107 8 KUALA LUMPUR, or Dr. Clarence E. Glick. P 1 0 i of sociology at the Unh l J ic ,i Hawaii, will talk on aspects of emotional in newly independent h at 4 p.m. on July 25 at 29. JP Road. u,, the The
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  • 803 9 KUALA LUMPUR, July 20. T* HE acting Prime Minister, Tun A Abdul Razak, tonight rebutted allegations that the Alliance Government believed in the supremacy of one race over others. The country’s constitution did not provide for the supremacy of
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  • 184 9 IPOH, July 19. The Perak State Government clarified today that none of the State Executive Council members will be on the board of directors of the Perak Investment and Industrial Co. Ltd., a finance company sponsored by the State Government. A statement issued by
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  • 265 9 pENANG, July 22.—The Penang State Government and the Malaysian Industrial Estates Ltd. signed an agreement yesterday for a $2 million project to build terrace-type buildings for small industries at the Mak Mandin industrial estate, Butterworth. ‘‘We are grateful to the Malaysian Industrial Estates
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  • 45 9 KUALA LUMPUR, July 22. The Ist Bn., Scots Guards will hold a memorial service at the Cher as Road cemetery here at 9 a.m. on July 24 in memory of the officers and men of the unit who were killed during the Emergency.
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  • 33 9 KUALA LUMPUR, July 22. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong todav sent a congratulatory message to Emperor Halle Selassie of Ethiopia on the occasion of his 73rd birthday.
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  • 291 9 PENANG, July 20. T HE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamcd Khir Johari, today said that education was “a very sensitive” subject. “The less politics you bring into it, the better it will be for everybody,’’ he told an inaugural meeting of
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  • 98 9 ITU ALA LUMPUR, July 18. —The Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Haji Ghazali bin Jawi, left for Taipeh today to look at farmers’ associations and examine marketing problems and modern farming techniques He was accompanied oy the Director of Fisheries. Mr. Soong Min Kong;
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  • 77 9 PENANQ, July 20.—The Penang division of the Salvation Army Is preparing a programme to welcome 20 “Salvationists" who are paying a short visit to Penang on July 22 on their way to Australia and New Zealand after attending the army* centenary celebrations in London in May. They
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  • 143 9 SINGAPORE, July 20 A MEDICAL Progress Fund designed to raise about $4 million for the establishment of a Medical Specialists’ Institute in Singapore, will be officially launched by the Health Minister, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, on July 23. The fund-raising campaign will last
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  • 394 10 PENANG, July 20 THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today said that the Alliance Government would "never make a martyr" of the Singapore Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. He was commenting on the statement by Singapore’s Minister for Culture, Mr.
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  • 181 10 SINGAPORE, July 20. O The acting Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, will officiate at a ceremony on July 25 to commemorate the 21st anniversary of the death of a Malayan war hero, Maj.Gen. Lim Bo Seng. The wreath-laying ceremony,
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  • 42 10 SEREMBAN. July 20. —Two visiting Indian MPs Mr- C. N. Annathurai and Mr. Era Sezhtan will address a public meeting on the Station padang on July 22 at 7-30 pm. They will speak on Indian culture and literature.
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  • 322 10 KUALA LUMPUR, July 20. THE Minister of Labour, Mr. V. Manickavasagom, was asked today to set up a working party immediately to amend the Emergency Regulations banning strikes in essential industries and in Government service. The suggestion was made by the
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  • 393 11 OVER $36,000? THAT MAKES YOU LIABLE KUALA LUMPUR, July 19 THE first batch of turnover tax forms has been sent to individuals and companies by the Department of Inland Revenue, Mr. L. A. Varty, the Comptroller-General of Inland Revenue, said today.
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  • 49 11 KUALA LUMPUR. July 20—The Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari. will open a four-day conference of federal inspectors of schools here tomorrow. The theme of the conference is “Education and the Development of a Democratic Nation". Twenty-one federal inspectors of schools from Malaya will attend-
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  • 25 11 KUALA LUMPUR, July 20—The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has sent a congratulatory message to King Baudouin on the occasion of Belgium’s National Day tomorrow.
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  • 223 11 SINGAPORE, July 18. Singapore’s Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, expressed the hope iast night that differences between the Central and Singapore Governments would be resolved if his forthcoming talks with Tengku Abdul Rahman went well. Speaking at a dinner
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  • 194 11 PENANG, July 20 [NSTEAD of inspiring “selfless, loyal Malaysians” to work In the Interests of the nation, the Alliance Central Government was “engaged In a petty and pernicious poNcy of intimidating and arresting those who dared to voice their criticisms against it." “This
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  • 298 11 SINGAPORE, July 20. T'HE Singapore National Trades Union Congress 1 today warned Malaysian Airways against continuing its “anti-Malayanisation” policy in the recruitment of aircraft engineers. The president of the NTUC, Mr. Ho See Beng, said: “This serves as a warning to the Malaysian Airways
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  • 57 11 KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 Twelve supervisors from commercial firms have begun a 10-day course on leadership and human relations at the National Productivity Centre In Pctaling Jaya. The course Is being conducted by Mr. Finn Taleth. a supervisory training expert, and Inche Abu Kassim bin Haji
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  • 204 11 Kuala lumpur, July 19. —The Vietnamese Ambassador here, Mr. Tran Kim P h uo n g, warned today of a Communist Chinese plan to dominate the whole of South-East Asia through the North Vietnam regime. “The ultimate aim of the Vietcong is not
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  • 36 11 KUANTAN. July 20 The Regent of Pahang will open the twoday state agricultural exhibition at Bukit Übl here on July 20 at 3 pm. A highlight of the exhibition Is the Miss Agriculture” contest
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  • 229 12 KUALA LUMPUR, July 20. pORTY-THREE banks formed the first Association of Banks in Malaysia here today to promote and develop trade and industry in the country. The association is the integration of two existing associations into one—the Exchange Banks Association of Singapore and that
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  • 46 12 KUANTAN. July 20 —The Minister of Lands and Mines, Inche Abdul Rahman bln Ya’akub will open the $450,000 survey office at Alor Altar on July 27. The department which had its headquarters in Kuala Lipls was moved here early this year.
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  • 183 12 Kuala lumpur, July 20.—'Three Malaysians are to receive “the highest order in the French Ministry of Culture," it was announced here today by Mr. Pierre Anthonioz, the French Ambassador. They are: UNGKU AZIZ BIN HAMID, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of
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  • 34 12 KUANTAN, July 20 —The Minister for Posts, Works and Telecommunications, Dato V.T. Sambanthan, win attend the delegates meeting of the Pahang Branch the MIC at the Town Hall here on July 25-
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  • 222 12 ITUALA LUMPUR, July 10— Visitors to the annual MAHA exhibition this year wUi hear sounds unusual to the surroundings the sound of drums, gongs, violins, guitars and accordions. What is more, they wiU find non-Malays swaying to the rhythm of the ronggeng.
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  • 73 12 SINGAPORE, July 18—A Singapore Government Gazette today announced that from July 1 the examinations conducted by the Singapore Polytechnic for the professional diploma and degree course and the Australian and New Zealand Societies of Accountants would be recognised for purposes of admitting members to the Singapore Society
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  • 164 12 ‘Hammer’ —Phase Two KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 T'HE acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, announced tonight that he had ordered the immediate implementation of the second phase of “Operation Hammer" the permanent resettlement of Chinese in the 10-mUe stretch along the Kuchlng-Serian road. “The second phase has already begun," Tun
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  • 232 12 SINGAPORE, Julv 20 T'HE chairman of the People’s Action Party n' r A Toh Chin Chye, last night warned that Malaysia would not succeed unless Central Government Ministers stopped referring to non Malays as “guests” in the country. Dr. Toh, Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister,
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  • 101 12 A LOR STAR, July 20. The visiting Indian M.P., Mr. C. N. Annathurai, today compared President Soekarno to a “barking dog which does not bite/' “Soekarno only talks of crushing Malaysia but he would not dare to do so in reality,** he told a
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  • 62 12 PARIT BUNTAR, July 20.—The following have been appointed to the board of visitors to the Upper Perak District Hospital at Grik: Inche Mohamed Noor bin Dahan. Hadi Din bin Haji Jusoh. Che Tam binte Mohamed Tahir Mr. V. Suppiah. Mr. 8- Kalimul. Mr. Le Kim Seng, Mr.
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  • 182 12 If UALA LUMPUR, July 11 20.—A group of entertainers from Radio Malaysia will put on shows for security forces serving in Sarawak and Sabah. Tl*®. troupe, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence, will leave here by a Royal Malaysia Air Force aircraft for Kuching
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  • 97 12 PENANG, July 20.—A delegation of six student leaders from the United States National Student Association arrived in Penan, today. During their stay here, they will have a panel discussion witn the Malayan Training College student body and attend lectures with the student
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  • 368 13 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 ‘FOREIGN PRESS HAS WRONG END OF STICK ON SARAWAK RESETTLEMENT’ THE Central Government today criticised foreign correspondents stationed in Malaysia for "distorting the picture" of the Sarawak resettlement programme to the outside world. A spokesman of the Ministry of Defence said today: “It
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  • 38 13 SINGAPORE. July 21 Singapore’s Labour Minister, Mr. Jek Yeun Thong, will open the $2 million Singapore Trade and Industries Fair. 1965 at the Great World Amusement Pak on July 23 at 7 p.m.
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  • 248 13 ITUALA LUMPUR, July 1Y 21. —Malaysia’s first students goodwill mission to Africa and the Middle East will explain to countries in the region the true position of Malaysia and dispel any doubts there might be over her formation. The leader of the 20-mem-ber delegation.
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  • 25 13 KUANTAN, July 19—Mr. E. A. Christie Sinniah. Senior Air Traffic Control Officer here, has been transferred to the international airport in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 273 13 PENANG, July 21 THE City Council has no wish to dictate the trend of cultural activities in Penang, the Mayor, Mr. C. Y. Choy, said yesterday. “Our main aim is to help promote, in every way possible. keener interest in cultural matters,” he told representatives
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  • 451 13 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21. BISCUIT-COLOURED pencil-thick metal rod about 12in. long claimed much of the time and attention of about half a dozen top business executives and the six-member Tariff Advisory Board at a public inquiry here today. The big problem that
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  • 146 13 MALACCA, July 21. —T h e Malacca State Government has been called on to dissolve the Malacca Municipal Council and conduct fresh elections immediately. The call was made by the Deputy President of the council. Mr. Khoo Eng Kuang (Independent) when he addressed the
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  • 25 13 PENANG, July 21 The Bt. John Ambulance Association has started a Butterworth centr# which will temporarily cover the whole of Province Wellesley
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  • 488 14 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21. THE Minister of Education, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, today urged teachers to emulate the sterling example set by U.S. Peace Corps members, and volunteer to stay for longer periods along the East Coast. Addressing the opening of the four-day
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  • 162 14 LUMPUR, July 11 21 —lnche Mohamed Khir Johari recalled here today that during his first term of office as Minister of Education in 1957, the teachers looked upon school inspectors as a kind of James Bond. But the fear
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  • 255 14 ITU ALA LUMPUR, v July 21. —The Malaysian Government is to establish an External Information Department to present the “true image of Malaysia in foreign countries.” Announcing this today, the acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said: "It is urgent and Important that Malaysian diplomatic missions
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  • 355 14 SINGAPORE, July 21 CONFRONTATION was the main cause of the 17.2 per cent drop in Singapore’s tourist traffic last year, according to the 1964 annual report of the Singapore Tourist Promotion Board, published today. The report said that 90,871 tourists visited the
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  • 80 14 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 The Cabinet will next week consider the establishment of a Malaysian National News Agency, the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, said today. The idea of a national news agency was mooted in 1962 and
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  • 144 14 70 firms to exhibit at ‘Buy Malaysian fair ITUALA LUMPUR, July 21.—Seventy manufacturers will take part in this year’s 17-day Made-in-Malaysia trade fair to be held at the Bukit Bintang Amusement Park here. The fair with the theme Buy Malaysian” will be opened by the Assistant Minister of Commerce and
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  • 83 14 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21— The following Malaysian law students, who had passed their examinations, were called to the Bar at Lincoln’s Inn in London recently:— Tay Kuan Teck. Muar; Pritam Singh Brar, Singapore; Chan Hong Kiow, of Singapore; Zaitoon binte Othman, Kuala Lumpur; Rusli bin
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  • 64 14 IPOH, July 21. Mr. Michael Koodiaroof, of the Australian High Commission in Kuala Lu pur. will give a talk to •ccjnda school pupils at the St. Michae Institution here tomorrow ai 6 p.m. He will speak on Inform ation on Purther Education m Australia”. The talk is sponsored
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  • 264 15  -  ALL QUIET ON THE VICE FRONT By ABUL FAZIL: Singapore, July 21 Brothel operators here are beginning to feel the sustained pressure the Anti-Vice Squad is applying through nightly raids. In some “red light” districts, known brothels have ceased operations. Police experts say that operators
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  • 108 15 IPOH, July 21. The 1 Mentri Besar of Perak, Dato Ahmad bin Said, has taken delivery of a new beige-coloured Cadillac costing $24,000 $19,000 less than the $43,000 voted for the purchase of a new offi-r cial car for him at the last Budget
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  • 91 15 SINGAPORE, July 21— The Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce has set up a special committee to streamline its constitution to prevent rigging of its future biennial elections. According to chamber circles. loopholes in the constitution had allowed rivals for the chamber’s presidency to rig
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  • 36 15 KANGAR, July 21—The Regent of Perlis, Tengku Sulalman will declare open the State agricultural show at the Women’s Institute hall here at 10 a.m. tomorrow. More than 2,000 exhibits will be on display
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  • 145 15 Kuala lumpur, July 21 —Mr. Frans Taelemans, the Belgian Ambassador to Malaysia, today SDOke of the excellent relations between Malaysia and his country. Speaking over Radio Malaysia on the occasion of his country’s National Day. he said that they were indeed ties of
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  • 64 15 KUALA LUMPUR. July 21—A Roman Catholic missionary, Fr Joseph Liu, 42, died in the General Hospital here this evening as a result of a motor accident si* days ago In Karak, Pahang. Fr Liu, a teacher at the Catholic High School In Be.ntong, was returning
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  • 104 15 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21. Four Malaysian trade unionists, now on a monthlong tour of Britain, will leave London later this week for Carlisle and Keswick in north-west England to visit industrial estates in the area. They are Messrs. T. P. D. Nalr and Yeoh
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  • 53 15 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21—A group of senior police officers who are now attending a seminar at the Police College in Kuala Kubu Bahru. Selangor, today attended a special briefing at the Ministry of Defence on the organisation and work of the Malaysian Armed Forces by the Chiefs of
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  • 137 15 Kuala lumpur, July 19. —gighty-flve senior Civil Defence officers from all over Malaysia are now being trained at the Mara College in Petallng Jaya to deal with any national emergency such as an enemy attack or natural disaster. The 16-day advanced course includes
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  • 20 15 RAUB, July 21—The first patch of 85 Civil Defence recruit* here started their basic training od July 21.
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  • 246 15 Kuala lumpur, July 21. —Sabah will hold Its first general election next year, the acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said today. He added, however, that th« responsibility of holding the election was with the Sabah State Government. After the weekly Cabinet meeting. Tun Razak
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  • 214 15 KUALA LUMPUR, July 21 ]I/|R. PAUL CHANG, a" Chief Inspector of the Federal Inspectorate of Schools, said here today that a plan for the re-organisation and expansion of the inspectorate had been submitted to the Ministry of Education. Addressing the opening of the conference of
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  • 297 16 KUALA LUMPUR, July 22. THE Malaysian Trades Union Congress was today urged to convene a meeting of all trade unions in Malaysia to consider "a scientific action programme" for the survival of the labour movement as a democratic force. The National Union
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  • 113 16 SINGAPORE, July 22. The chairman of the Barisan Sosialis, Dr. Lee Siew Choh, left here today for Tokyo on an “anti-bomb” mission He will attend the World Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs as a representative of the Malayan Peoples’ Afro-Asian Solidarity Committee. Dr.
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  • 28 16 PENANG, July 22. Forty Kaum Ibu members from ipoh Umno division will arrive in Penang tomorrow on a one-dav visit to Kaum Ibu branches here*
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  • 509 16  -  INSUFFICIENT NOTICE GIVEN OF VENUE CHANGE, SAY WALK-OUT COUNCILLORS By A. SRIPATHY MALACCA, July 22. Seven councillors boycotted last night’s monthly meeting of the Malacca Municipal Council in protest against the meeting being held in the Municipal Town Hall instead of the usual airconditioned
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  • 173 16 IV/lALACCA, July 22.- The Malacca Municipal Council has d e elded that Chinese and Tamil should be adoDted along with the Natlonal Language and English as official languages in the administration and meetings. The meeting, held at the Town Hall, was attended by only
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  • 31 16 KUALA LUMPUR. July 22. The House of Representatives will meet at Parliament House here from Aug. 9 to 13. The Senate will hold a two-day meeting from Aug. 16.
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  • 219 16 KUALA LUMPUR, July 22. rrHE Government Employees National Trade A Unions Federation today called upon union leaders in Malaya to get together and pool their resources to train a corps of negotiators and advocates. These negotiators and advocates would be necessary to represent the
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  • 52 16 SEGAMAT, July 22—The Sega mat District Officer. Inche Ab<t u lah bln Dato Ahmad, will ope. civics course for Indian e. workers at the Batu Anam Cc munity Hall near here on J' l The course will cover subject* relating to labour, subversion frontation, rural the
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  • 469 17 SINGAPORE, July 23 THE leader of the visiting Australian Labour Party Parliamentary delegation, Mr. E. G. Whitlam, said today that Australia would help Malaysia socially, economically, militarily and educationally because Malaysia was "a good partner/' “I think we will help Malaysia as much
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  • 228 17 |>EKAN, July 22. The JL Mentri Besar of Pahang, Dato Yahya bin Haji Mohamed Seh, has warned that the “wind of communal destruction’* now blowing across the length and breadth of Malaysia would mean the disintegration of the country by Malaysians themselves if left uncurbed.
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  • 57 17 RAWANG, July 22.—A St. John Ambulance Brigade division has been set up here under the wing of the Rawang Youth Club. Mr. Lim Soo Keong was elected president of the committee which will run the administration of the division. Others elected are: Miss Siah Yoke Eng,
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  • 92 17 PENANG. July 22. The National Union of Hotel, Bar and Restaurant Workers today appealed to national M.C.A. president, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, to help stop the reported use of M.C.A. youths to break the strike by about 70 workers of the E. and O. Hotel and
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  • 66 17 KUALA LUMPUR. July 22.—The target date for the establishment of a jAint Malaysian-1 hai headauarters for operations against Communists on the border Is likely to be fixed at the next meeting of the border committee starting on July 26. The five-day meeting In Bangkok will also discuss
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  • 221 17 KUCHING, July 22. 'JHE Sarawak United People’s Party (SUPP)’ said yesterday that the remark by the Minister of Home Affairs, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, that the “Communists in Sarawak are using the SUPP as a legal party” was a deliberate attempt to
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  • 122 17 KANGSAR, July 22—The Mentri Besar of Perlis, Dato Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohamed Hashim today suggested that the police should not issue any permit to the Malaysian Solidarity Convention to hold rallies and meetings in Malaya. “This is to avoid any possible outbreak of
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  • 174 17 Malacca, July 19. —The Minister of Transport, Dat o Sardon bln Haji jubir, today told members of the Malacca Port Committee that the Minister of Finance Mr. Tan Slew Sin, was prepared to make an initial grant of $370,000 for the setting up of
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  • 81 17 KUALA LUMPUR, July 22. —About 90 Civil Defence Officers and instructors, who are attending a course at Petallng Jaya, were today given a special briefing at the Ministry of Defence here. They were briefed on the organisation and work of the Malaysian Armed Forces by
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  • 57 17 SINGAPORE, July 22—The Singapore Minister for Law. Mr. E. W. Barker, left today for Kuala Lumpur to attend the first meeting of the self*:t committee on the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Bill. The committee, headed by the Federal Minister of Lands and Min<6*. Inche Abdul
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    • 2040 18 From Our Market Correspondent IT looked more like a market in tin shares on 1 the Stock Exchange of Malaysia last week and greater interest was shown in the section than for some time past. As a result turnover in minings during the five
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    • 31 18 RUBBER TIN (per lb.) (per picul). July 19. 67% cts. $715.25 20. 68% eta. $712.25 21. 68 cts. $727.50 22. 68% cts. $729.87% 23. 69% cts. $752.371.'. 24. $737.12%
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    • 22 18 nf L ‘"f u, 4 Tin produced 3.293 piculs xL .i n oon e quarter Aprll-June »nd sold 3,294 piculs.
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    • 68 18 CHINES! Product Exchange, Singapore noon prices par picul yester* day: Coconut oil: bulk *58 sellers, drum $60 sellers. Copra: July/Aug. UK/Continent: Unquoted. Popper: Muntok white $185 sellera, Sarawak white $1821 sellers, special Sarawak black $1421 sellers, garbled Lampong black $1624(N) sellers, ASTA $175(N) sellers. Singapore Coconut Oil Miller*’
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    • 26 18 July 23. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 691 cents (up five-eighths of a cent). TIN: $752,371 (up $22.50). Unofficial estimated offering 255 tons (down 20 tons).
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    • 44 18 (Managers' Prices) First Malayan 1.70 1.80 xd Second Malayan 1.18 1.28 xd Third Malayan 92 1.02 Malaysia Commerce .76 .86 Mai. Saving Fund... 90 1.00 First Hong Kong... 1.01 1.06* Second Hong Kong .73 .77* Sterling Commodity 3/4 3/11 (*Hong Koog currency)
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    • 82 18 Tin outputs for June, all in picults. Aokan tin 2,282, Ampat 1,305, Austral Amalgamated 2,267, Ayer Hitam 2,435, Berjuntais,44B, Kampong Lanjut 3,288, Kamuting 2,935, Kramat 365, Kuala Kampar 1,872, Larut 360, Lower Perak 1.682, Malayan Tin 4,278. Pahang Consolidated 3,360, Pungah 47. Rahman Hydraulic 530. Rantau 233,
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    • 365 18 T*HE indefinite postpone 1 ment of the u.s. s pile hearings, announced on I U P day as removed the chief uncertainty of the naTt few weeks from the market which currently is dleestin® the news and seeking just Itself to a new® Zm. brium
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    • 53 18 THE Malayan Exchange Banks’ Assoelation made these changes In iw rates to merchants on Saturday (a rates to |100): Canada: buying TT 35 7/16, ah®® l OD 35 9/16, 90 d/st. 36 1/16 credit hills, 361 trade bills. ranartla n Selling TT or OD ready: Canadla dollars 35
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    • 35 18 Dunlop Rubber c n a pital acquired the entire share y of the Dutch company Nederlandse of ststoffen Industrie N Drachten, which m J n, Jange of conveyor belting and a associated products.
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    • 74 18 Current Date of Total for total lor payment payment year previous George Town l)isp. 12* Aug. 16 12*% Tronoh Mines 3d.t Sept. 10 Is. 10*d. 2s ’f!, do 6d.t Sept. 10 ls 10 d London Asiatic 25% Aug. 25 Patani Para 14% Aug. 27 30% 20 Taiping Rubber
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  • 250 19 CUT WE MUST FIRST KNOW WHAT’S EXACTLY TROUBLING LEE, SAYS KHAW KUALA LUMJUR, July 23. THE Central Government wants to know what exactly is troubling Mr Lee Kuan Yew before holding any round table conference with the Singapore PAP Government leaders to iron out their differences. The
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  • 45 19 SINGAPORE, July 23.—The Oil nums of Malaya Co-operative Stores Society Ltd. of Layang ~i ya n 8. Johore, has given 24 scholarships totalling $1,230 to its members’ children this year. «i rna ***#9 has also donated Pun°d t0 the Natlonal Defence
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  • 115 19 SINGAPORE, July 23 The Yang Di-Pertaun Negaia, inene Yusof bin ishak, is to be the new Chancellor of the (Jniversity of Singapore. A statement released today oy the Registrar of the university. Mr H D Lewis, said that Inche Yusof ‘has graciously
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  • 164 19 Kuala lumpur, juuiy 23. The Assistant luointer of Culture, Vouth and Sports. £ngku Mohsem bin Abdul nadir, today advised foreign visitors to refrain from criticising the Central Government's policies. “Not that we do not accept constructive criticism,” he said, “but some of these
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  • 113 19 TELUK ANSON, July 23. R lhe Memri Besar oi Perak, Dato Ahmad bln Said, r has urged the people not to be deceived by ‘‘sweet words from across the causeway." Speaking at Langkap new village near here yesterday, he said that a State
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  • 231 19 S pore ’s dollar-for-dollar challenge gINGAPORE, July 23.—The Singapore Government ls Prepared to match public dollar for dollar JP O r to a maximum of *2.375.000 to the Medical ffSje 3B Fund to raise •4.750.000 to build the Institute of Medical Specialtles and library extension 5 tJ e medical faculty
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  • 387 19 PRODUCE TO EXPORT INDUSTRY IS URGED Minister opens fair KUALA LUMPUR, July 23. nation was warned tonight that the outlook for exports of Malaysian primary products “is not encouraging.” “By 1970, revenue from exports of rubber, tin and iron ore will drop by $l4 million/’ the Assistant Minister of Commerce
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  • 36 19 SINGAPORE, July 23—Singapore’s Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan YeW. and the P nance Minister; Dr- Ooh Ken* 8wee, will attend the Kret« Ayer community centre’s fifth anniversary celebrations at 7.30 pm- on July 25.
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  • 234 19 TOHORE BAHRU, July M 23.—The present dialogue on Malaysian Malaysia between the Central and Singapore Government leaders was to the “good of a democratic country such as ours.” The Education Minister. Inche Khir Joh&rl. said this yesterday. He was speaking at
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  • 841 20 PENANG, July 21.-BIX In Stable’s Pot of Gold slammed the opposition by five lengths in the main sprint over bit here toBaoe On# CL. 5. DIV. 2—5 JF. Nanyang Stable*! (6) SPACE HEBO 8.5 (913 —81) Johnson t (7) Radiant Peak 8.12
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  • 821 20 pENANG, July 25. J Apprentice Jockey Luke Kang scored a clever double on Cast Iron and Carpet Bagger Race One ;"vl- i&d ,v £Fs&?■ 0 CL. I. DIV. 2—B*F Milton Tan’s (2) ELCHO PRINCE 8.10 (824 —200) Nelson 1 (1) Biraat Peter
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 87 20 BIG' SWEEP TOTAL FOOL *4M66^ 1st No. *****2 1124.622) 2nd No. *****5 0,220) 3rd No- *****7 3.110) > Starters ($518 each); Nos. *****7. *****1. 1136$?. *****4, *****0, *****7, *****3. *****3 Consolations <$3H each); Nos *****2, *****4, *****7, *****8, *****6. -******, *****4. .JiifS' *****7, *****2. tJ- > 5 e a I
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