The Straits Budget, 11 March 1964

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SEIUES 596. KUALA LUMPUR, March 11, 1964. Price 40 Cents (Malaya) or 1 shilling. KPN ML
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 240 1 y. ■A; r m :-?x& > m x i I -VI vs sw*5 II eaBk m m *em m BBBRai m, IE NNRiQKr* fl|Jj "xv v afl 4 ip? wsmm M .:•>: :-:r •••>•:•:>•:: $S8T 1 I y mm *y- r VWrtB SO >> ik V f I mm-k Vfl*
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    • 108 2  -  SCEPTIC Tanab Rata Prices drop five cents IF the Minister of Agriculture really wishes to “stabilise and raise prices received by our farmers for their crops” (S.T. March 3) why does he not restrict or prohibit dumping of vegetables from China? The fact that Indonesian dumping has
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    • 195 2  -  MINER Kampar A FEW days ago our representative on the International Tin Council came back, and at an interview on his arrival repeated the promises of the Americans: no disruption of the tin market; sales to be conducted as by agreement and promise. And then
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    • 56 2  -  P. ANTIIO V Singapore MANY Government e ployees are In d > whether the ex-gratia a\. given In 1963 Is taxabl; No Central provt Fund deductions hav been made, It appears t < the Inland Revenue Depn ment is not going to t: the in the same rr;
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    • 70 2  -  R. LIEW Singapore Fwas Indeed very rud our Soccer fans to h e hurled abuse at the Je, nese 8occer players Is this the way to treat a class national team? We must be thankful for the opportunity to watch a potential world class t* n In action.
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    • 102 2  -  URBAN DWELLER Kuala Lumpur IT was no surprise to read that a case of cholera had been detected at Salak South Recently I wrote to the press pointing out the filthy conditions prevalent in this area, made evep worse by the recent flood
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    • 155 2  -  YOONG YAN PIN Malacca ARBITRARY Charges are being demanded of passengers travelling by taxi. The drivers often demand more money when there are more passengers. The other afternoon while returning from Kuala Lumpur a taxi driver quoted $4.50 to Malacca (usual fare $4). Annoyed. I took a taxi
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    • 108 2  -  EYE-WITNESS Klang ON the night of Feb. 29 there was a musical recital by Ramanl Ammal of Bangalore at the Indian Community Hall In Klang. It certainly was a treat to hear her sing. The audience enjoyed It. But there was dissatisfaction over the seating arrangements for the
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    • 106 2  -  MALAYAN CEYLONESE Kuala Lumpur MALAYANS of Ceylonese origin owning property In Ceylon are unable to derive any benefit from their ownership. The exchange control regulations In Ceylon make It impossible for oversea owners to sell, as permission will not be granted to the vendors to draw their
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    • 196 2  -  K. H. TAN Penang f|X> judge by Dato ThuraiJ. singam’s refutation of Miss Han Suyin’s remarks on education and manual labour, she has been misunderstood. If I understand her correctly. she was urging that the underdeveloped countries must reform their education systems to resemble something more realistic,
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    • 190 2  -  LABOURER Bata P&hat I WOULD like to express my admiration for Han Suyin’s courage In expressing her views and support for China’s education policy. It is heartening to find an Intellectual who is not afraid to air her views. It Is so true In Malaya that the
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    • 147 2  -  CITIZEN Klang IF Han Suyin ia really serious in her suggestion that Malaya should adopt the Communist Chinese method of education, then she does a grave injustice to the sacred memory of Malaysians and friends of Malaysia who gave their lives in the 12year war against the
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    • 181 2  -  BEE VT Singapore CAR owners living in Jaian Rumah Tinggi are faced with the problem of where to pari their cars. There are over 2,000 fullyoccupied flats in the area but only a single car park which can hardly accommodate fifty cars. Despite the smallness of the car
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    • 127 2  -  QUAI1 BOON < Teluk Anson gINCE the publication of my letter (ST. Feb. 15 thanks to your newspaper—not only my nephev bo* also a score of his classmates who were not the “I uc f <y 15,” have now been given a second chance In the relu* Anson
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 680 3 —Struits Times, March 2 A somewhat riotous week {or tin has left miners, the market and manufacturers perplexed. It has confirmed vulgar opinion of the General Services Administration and its stockpiles sales policy, and consequently has raised a host of questions. They are not likely to
      —Struits Times, March 2  -  680 words
    • 463 3 —Straits Times. March 6 The latest date for Malayan elections, now that Parliament has been prorogued and the State Legislative Assemblies dissolved, is April 30. The earliest date —assuming election writs are issued today and allowing for the statutory minimum of 10 days for nominations and 21 days
      —Straits Times. March 6  -  463 words
    • 629 3 —Straits Times, March 3 The new Ministerial confrontation in Bangkok, which begins this afternoon, may be the “make or break” meeting which the Philippines’ Foreign Minister predicted last time. Tun Razak is not travelling in response to the Jakarta communique, which affirmed an Indonesian and Filipino
      —Straits Times, March 3  -  629 words
    • 168 3 —Straits Times, March 3 Fishermen on both Malayan coasts are in the news this week. In Malacca the plight of men nightly threatened by Indonesian gunboats has drawn from Mr. Tan Siew Sin a promise of protection. “A few months from now it will be a perilous undertaking
      —Straits Times, March 3  -  168 words
    • 619 3 —Straits Times. March 4 The .cision to introduce a sickness insurance scheme embracing the membership of the Employees Provident Fund has attracted much less attention than might have been expected from constant appeals for the extension of Malaya’s limited social security legislation. True the decision sounds more imposing
      —Straits Times. March 4  -  619 words
    • 311 4 —Straits Times. March 4 The extremists who have so long dominated student affairs at Nanyang University are under attack at both student and graduate levels. Last month a committee of 15 declared its intention to wrest control of the Guild of Nanyang University Graduates from “the small bunch
      —Straits Times. March 4  -  311 words
    • 588 4 —Straits Times. March 5 The Bangkok talks have failed. The decision yesterday evening that the discussions should be recessed need not, however, be taken too hardly. The first reaction naturally is disappointment, coupled with the feai that not only will tension increase again but the activities of
      —Straits Times. March 5  -  588 words
    • 691 4 —Straits Times. March 6 Among the more revealing glimpses of the Ministerial talks in Bangkok is the tale of the early Indonesian threat to walk out because secrets were being leaked to the newspapers. The Bangkok World reported that Dr Subandrio had been accused “of lying a
      —Straits Times. March 6  -  691 words
    • 383 4 —Straits Times. March^ The Ministerial talks i n Bangkok have ended about as badly as they could have done. They not only broke down, without an inch 0 f progress, but there is doubt whether even the limited ceasefire that was already i n force has any validity.
      —Straits Times. March^  -  383 words

  • Personal
    • 85 4 PAN TON. To Aishah and a daughter Anita Jane Frida* Many 'hanks to all at Bungsa' and wellwtshers PESTANA. To t"arol and a daughter Veronica Ann. on Many thanks to Doctor am Mount Alvernla Hospital 0 n FAIRLIE: To Mary and r (of ft.3 64 th Rift of a
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  • 200 5  -  1 VERY SMALL NUMBER OF CANDIDATES—AND WE WON'T BE FIGHTING THE ALLIANCE OR UMNO, SAYS DR. TOH by RODERICK PESTANA: Singapore, March 1 THE Peoples’ Action Party Is to contest the Malayan general election in April. This was announced by Dr. Toh Chin
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  • 425 5 Opposition parties meet to form a united front [(UALA LUMPUR, Mar. 1. —April 18 was mentioned by Syed Ja'afar Albar today as the likely date for the Parliamentary and State elections. I he Umno seeretaryKPt.erai told reporters at thr airport here
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  • 110 5 SINGAPORE, Mar. 3.—The Pulau Senang murder trta* at the Assizes was adjourned this afternoon to enable the prosecutor. Senior Crown Counsel Mr Francis T Seow. to attend an Investiture cere mony at the Istana Negara To a question by Mr. Justice Buttrose. Mr Seow agreed that
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  • 206 5 SINGAPORE, Mar. 1.— The Malaysian Minrlater of Agriculture and Co-operatives. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, said here today the Alliance Party in Malaya was prepared to take on any other parties in the forthcoming general election,, including the People’s Action
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  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 2.—The area secretary lor South and Last Asia of the World Alliance of Young Men's Christian Associations. Mr Poriiro Miraflores. will visit Malaysia next month
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  • 29 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 2—Prelects from 11 schools here today took part >n a prefects forum on the theme of ‘Closer co-oneration among schools" at St John's Institution
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  • 31 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 2—The Friends of IYmpler Park Society will ho d :ts annual meeting at the InstPutP for Med r-aI Research here at 5.30 p.m. on Mur. 4.
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  • 278 6 Kuala lumpur. Mar. 2. —A 35-year-old woman who entertained two strangers, whom she took to be her husbands “friends,” was robbed of jewellery and cash totalling $938 by them at Sentul Pasar here yesterday. Mrs. Hilda Vincent, mother of five. c aid
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  • 161 6 KUALA LUMPUR, March 2. REGISTRATION for national service is likely to take place in Singapore before being extended to cover the Borneo States. Indicating this today on his return from Cingapore, where he had preliminary consultations with otficials, the Controller of Manpower. Mr S
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  • 89 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 2.—The University oi Malaya innuunced today the results oi the examination tor Part II of the final examination for the Degree oi Bacheloi if Agricultural Science, held in January this year MONO I KS: Mck Chak Kin and Wong Tang Ka PASS- Alladin bin
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  • 46 6 SINGAPORE, Mar. 2. —Four men were trapped lor about an uour m a jammed lift at the Bank of China building in Battery Road this afternoon The lift was jammed in between the first and second floors followlne a failure in its motor
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  • 205 6 SINGAPORE, Mar. 5 rpHE Minister for SoA cial Affairs. Inche Othman Wok, today appealed to residents of Pasir Panjang to take advantage of Sata’s mass X-ray campaign in the constituency. Speaking at the opening ceremony of the campaign at the Sports Club of Pasir Panlang Power
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  • 258 6 KUALA LUMPUR, March 2. 'J'HE Minister of Health, Inche Abdul Rahman Talib, said here today that the coming general election would determine whether the people had “wavered” as a result of Indonesian confrontation. He was speaking at the opening of a
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  • 93 6 Kuala lumpur, Mar. 2. Eight workers of Hardial Singh and Co In Ampang Street here, went on strikp today over the management’s refusal to negotiate wage claims, gratuity benefits and the retrenchment of a fellow worker Mr. A B Gomez, general
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  • 35 6 PARIT BUNTAR. Mar. 6.—lnche Azizul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz has assumed dut es as District Officer. Upper Perak He succeeds Inche Yang Amri bin Kamarudtn who has left the district on transfer.
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  • 146 6 KUANTAN, Mar. 2. The Mentri Besar of Paharg, Dato Wan Abaul Aziz bin Ungku Haji Abdullah, today ordered the payment of $30.000 to fishermen and their families who are now facing near starvavation along the coast here. More than 7.500 of them along the fishing
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  • 49 6 SEREMBAN. Mar. 2.—The Yang di-Pertuan Besar ot Negri ncni D| an has asked the ReligiouDartment. Negri Sembilan. to for srerial t° p in all mosques in the Stan Mar. 6 so that “the congr^ 1 can pray to God to prevent a between Malaysia and Indent’ aa.
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  • 40 6 SINGAPORE. Mar. 2. J* member Hong Kong trade 1 dustrial mission arrived h»r* night for a week's visit to cc. 1 on-the-snot observations ol f ft land’s economic conditions view to starting factories 1 Joint venture basis.
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  • 444 7 PAP’s aim in the general election —by Dr. Toh SINGAPORE, March 2 j the Peoples Action Party hopes to A develop itself into "a force to be reckoned with" in Malaysia within five year j3y that time the party hopes to muster nou-'h support so that Umno would realise tint
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  • 154 7 PARIT BUNTAR, Mar. 2. A 19-year-old Penang Free School student, Ahmad Fathil bin Dato (Dr.) Abdul Wahab, who was to have left on a Colombo Plan scholarship to study medicine in Canada next week, was killed in a motor accident at Sungei Bogak.
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  • 304 7 Tun Razak to lead 9-man delegation Kuala lumpur, Mar. 1. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, will lead a nine-man delegation to the Ministerial talks on the Borneo ceasefire with Indonesia and the Philippines in Bangkok on Mar. 3. The delegation will leave at 8.55 a
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  • 328 7 SINGAPORE. Mar. 2 NEW Nanyang undergraudates’ organisation has been formed with a declared policy “to oppose threats, intimidation and smears by pro-Communist, anti-national extremist elements.” The birth of this body— The Nanyang University Students’ Fellowship which styles itself “a bulwark of the freedom of
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  • 41 7 IPOH, Mar. 2.—lnche Mohamed Eusoff bin Chin from Alor Star assumed duties here today as magistrate, taking over from In ehe Annuar bin Zainal Abidin who has been transferred to Alor Star as President of the Sessions Court
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  • 25 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. I.—More than 200 memoers of the Tamilian’s Physical Culture Association tonight held a dinner here to celebrate their golden Jubilee.
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  • 103 7 Kuala lumpur. Mar. 2. The $2.50 increase in the starting pay of G.C.S. clerks offered by the Government in its salary revision was today described as “bitterly disappointing” by the National Union of Government Clerical Workers. The union bulletin commenting on the revision of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 96 7 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Estate Activities in Hong Kong and the Far East. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned in
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  • 393 8 SINGAPORE, March 3. 'J'RADE and industrial circles here today described as ‘'farsighted, practical and opportune” a proposal by the Singapore Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, to set up a common market among the countries of South-East Asia. They said a common market would
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  • 58 8 PENANG, Mar. 4—Three-beaty queens from America arrived In Penang today for a five-day stay during which they will give three fashion shows and perform at a local dance hall. Penny Holland (Miss Queen of Queens). Glynda Quinn (Miss Oklahoma) and Penny Jane Medellin (Miss Utah) are
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  • 131 8 SINGAPORE, Mar. 2.— The Central Government will consider a request of the Sabah Government to provide labour for the State’s development projects. This was stated here today by the Malaysian Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin, before he left
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  • 59 8 KOTA BHARU, Mar. 3 The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Llm Swee Ann, arrived here today to attend a $lOO-a-plate dinner organised for the Alliance elections fund. He was accompanied by the Assistant Minister for Rural Development, Inche Abdul Rahman Yakub of Sarawak. This evening Dr. Lim
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  • 100 8 SINGAPORE, Mar. 2.—A person who wrote anonymously with “valuable information” to the police o-n Feb. 15 has made contact with the Special Investigation Section. A police spokesman today said that this was the result of an appeal through the newspapers. Contents of the letter
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  • 258 8 KUALA LUMPUR, March 3. 'J’HE Chief Minister of Sabah, Dato Donald Stephens, said today that efforts were being made to “dilute” the 16,000 Indonesian workers in the State so that they would not be susceptible to Indonesian subversion. He said that the “dilution” would
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  • 80 8 LUMPUR, Mar. Seven telephone exchanges have been put into the Penang telephone group, according to an announcement by the acting direc-tor-general of Telecommunications Department. Mr. Dennis Smith, today. The seven are Penang, Baltic Pulau. Batu Perringhi, Batu Üban, Bayan Lepas, Penang Hill and Tanjong Bungah.
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  • 34 8 SEREMBAN, Mar. 2—A two-day civics course-cum-tour for 34 assistant supervisors and field assistants of fringe alienation schemes was opened this morning by Negri Sembilan State Assemblyman, Indie Abdul Samad bin Idris, here.
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  • 143 8 SINGAPORE, Mar. 3. k The president of the Singapore Polytechnic Students’ Union, Mr. T.P.S. Nair, today said Polytechnic students would net be able to create goodwill and better understanding with their fellow students in Malaysia if they participated in politics and become partisan.
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  • 76 8 SINGAPORE, Mar. 3—Mr A Gonzales, Assemblyman Serangoon Garden, who P sented Adult Education certificates to over 80 success 11 candidates last night at w* Upper Serangoon conimur.-. Centre, urged the people to the fullest use of educational facilities provided by the vernment. He said it was
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  • 30 8 SEREMBAN. Mar. 4—Tilej’jJ broke into a shop here during early hours of this morning away with liquor and clg> r worth $l,OOO and $lOO in cash.
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  • 354 9 HE GETS BENEFIT OF DOUBT IPOH. March 3 THE secretary of the Peoples Progressive Party’s Kampong Pasir Puteh branch, Ipoh, Baharuddin bin Mahayuddin, alleged in the Sessoins Court here today that a PPP municipal councillor, Samsuddin bin Harun, asked for “cotfee money for jobs
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  • 96 9 LUMPUR. Mar. 4 -wi Pakiam. a widow with 13 received $155 from the Pr -nr o.. of the Government her'u c ub "hen he called at ;n Sungei Besi today. ‘x v e" e. R ff' was collected from fo-fV. r» of t the Government
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  • 61 9 Sr op o' A RE Mar After the !radin-,‘ l- er 88 n the past five s 'Jrprk 0 1 -V?* t; n today made a of $14 02* which The i. riPe back to $540.50 r, as not generally because in London is i
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  • 29 9 JESSELTON. Mar. 4—The Malaysian Minister of Labour Inche Bah.iman oin Shamsuddin today vlsi:ea the Borneo Aoava Estate, where a large number ot Indone slan labourers are employed
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  • 31 9 SINGAPORE. Mar. 4—A French frigate. Admiral Charner, arrived here today Irom Hong Kong and will stay in port for three days. The ship is on a Pacific cruise.
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  • 175 9 LUMPUR, Mar. —A rebel group of the Malaysian Indian Congress today withdrew its support for the Alliance in the forthcoming elections. In a statement to the Press, the Petaling Jaya branch of the MIC. charged the party’s headquarters with "scant courtesy and total
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  • 34 9 TAIPING. Mar. 3 A rubber tapper. Mat oin Awang, 20. was sentenced to three months' jail by a magistrate’s court here for theft of latex worth $8 from Lauderdale Estate In Matang.
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  • 126 9 KUALA LUMPUR, March 4 —More than 160 entries nave been received for the ‘Joy of Living” national art competition to be held in the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka from April 20 to 29 The exhibition is being organised by the Arts Council
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  • 262 9 PENANG, March. 4. not everybody had become a millionaire, Penang had enjoyed prosperity during the past seven years of Alliance rule, the Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee, said here today. “We have a very decent standard of living and have made progress in many
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  • 50 9 KAJANG. Mar. 4—|A rubber sheet making competition tor smallholders in the Ulu Ungat district will be held on Mar. 6 at the community centre in Dengkil, 18 miles from here. It is arranged by the Rubber Research Institute. There will be cash prizes for the winners.
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  • 108 9 TZUALA LUMPUR Mar. 3. —The position and livelihood of fhe overseas Chinese in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, South Vietnam, Ca nbodia ant Laos cannot be compared with the standard of living enjoyed by Malaysian Chinese, fhe r ecretary-general of fhe MCA, Mr. Lee Siok
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  • 203 9 By ABUL FAZIL CINGAPORE, Mar. 4. A canteen owner, Koh Mun Ting, was slashed to death early today by thugs whose amorous advances to his pretty 18-y e a r-old daughter were spurned after she had started going steady with a “rich and educated" man.
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  • 32 9 PENANG, Mar. 4—Police are looking for a new Morris Minor, registration number PD 7808, stolen from a liquor dealer, Mr Lum Chit Thean, in Malacca Street early the morning.
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  • 587 10 KUALALUMPUR, March 2. THE Malaysian team to the Bangkok talks tomorrow is expected to tabulate recent clashes along the Sarawak border to prove to Indonesia that a ceasefire cannot be effective if her guerillas are not withdrawn. According to a Ministry of External Alfairs spokesman,
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  • 152 10 1POH, Mar. 3. The 1 Alliance line-up for the Perak State Assembly elections is expected to show many new faces. A top Alliance source here said today: “You will be surprised to find how many serving Assemblymen will not be fielded by the
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  • 262 10 SINGAPORE, Mar. 3.— The Singapore Alliance today said the Peoples’ Action Party’s intention to contest the Federal elections should serve as an eye-opener to the people there of the "sinister intentions of the PAP" A party statement said that the PAP chairman. Dr. Toh
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  • 79 10 JESSELTON, Mar. 4.—A village chief from the border area who was Instrumental in getting five Indonesian oorder terrorists to surrender to the security forces was Siven a $l,OOO reward in Tawau. According to the village .chief, whose name was withheld for security reasons, one terrorist was brought
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  • 49 10 JESSELTON, Mar. 4—The In-spector-General of the Royal Malaysian Police, Dato C. H. Fanner, paid a routine visit to Tawau yesterday morning. He flew heie oy RMAP plane accompanied by the Commissioner of Police Mr Donald Matheson The Inspector-General later went on tour or Wallace Bay.
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  • 229 10 DENANG, Mar. 3.—The 1 Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee, is expected to seek re-elec-tion to the State Assembly next month in his old constituency. Bukit Mertajam Dato Wong’s name is in the list of MCA nominees sent to the State Alliance
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  • 241 10 MALACCA, Mar. 3. 11 —Any attack on the MCA by the Peoples’ Action Party i s an attack on the llmno, Malacca s Chief Minister, Inche Abdul GhalTar bin Baba, declared here last night. Inche GhalTar, national vice-president of IJmno said that the
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  • 42 10 SINGAPORE. Mar 4—Tie Deputy High Commissioner for India. Mr. Thomas Abraham, has presented the National Library with 42 books about India. This is the second time that the Government of India has donated books to the National Library.
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  • 148 10 lOHORE BAHRU, Mar. 4.—Mr. Chan Chorg Wen, national publicity chief of the Malavan Chinese Association, criticised today the People’s Action Party’s indention to contest the Malayan general elections. Mr. Chan claimed that the pAP’s ultimate motive was t) topple the Alliance
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  • 634 11  -  BOTH ARE SATURDAYS—WORK ROUND-THE-CLOCK TO COMPLETE THE REVISED ELECTORAL ROLLS By DAHARI ALI: Kuala Lumpur, March 2 Nomination day for the general election and State Assembly elections will be March 21 and polling day will be April 25. Both are Saturdays. This was announced
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  • 543 11 ALACCA, March 2. —The intention of the People’s Action Party in contesting the Malayan general election is to destroy the .Malayan Chinese Association, the Minister of Finance and national president of the M.C.A., Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said here today. Mr. Ian said that the
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  • 270 11 KUALA LUMPUR, March 2. THE Government is studying a report submitted by a Colombo Plan adviser on the feasibility of setting up a paper mill in Malaysia. The report was submitted last week by Mr. K.R. Meyer, vice-president of StadlerHurter International Ltd., a leading firm
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  • 53 11 JESSELTON, Mar. 5 —Kork on lengthening and Widening the Jesselton airport runway to permit operations Py Comets has been completed one month ahead of ichedule. Otto Khoo Siak Chtew, Minister of Communications and Works, said today Malaysian Airwnvs Comets begin a service to Hong Kong via Jesselton
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  • 1296 12 MALAYSIA: NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO TAKE MEASURES FOR DEFENCE OF OUR TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY Soekarnos order was ineffective BANGKOK, March 4 MALAYSIA announced tonight it no longer considered the ceasefire in Borneo as “operative” following the collapse today of the tripartite ministerial talks here.
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  • 280 13 PENANG, March 6 rjifiE general secrei tary of the National Union of Commercial Workers, Mr. A. B. Gomez, tonight called on all voters to back the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, at next month’s elections “if we do not want war/' "If support
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  • 294 13 OINGAPORE. Mar. 4. The People's Action Party's “invasion” of Malaya began today when a vanguard of four Ministers, led by Dr Toh Chin Chye, the Deputy Premier, left for Kuala Lumpur to set in motion the PAP election machinery. Accompanying Dr. Toh,who is
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  • 189 13 K A L A LUMPUR, Iar 2.—The French Government is offering ;t scholarships to Malaysians to study in f'.nce for the 1964/65 Ul -iciemic year. Increase of two Wcvlo h hlps than the on J in an 0u 5 c men t made "t P r
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  • 46 13 JOHORE BAHRU, Mar. 5. Police issued today the following flood reports in the state: SEGAMAT: Batu Enam—Jalan Tumang 7f milestone trunk road, two feet and seven inches (increasing*. impassable to traffic. PONTIAN: Kampong Tanjong Ayer Tama area, two feet and three inches passable.
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  • 607 13 KUALA LUMPUR, March 6 RETAILS of the 20 ceasefire violations and incursions into Malaysian territory which the Malaysian team confronted the Indonesians with at the recent abortive Bangkok peace talks were released here today. The list strengthened the Malaysian claim for a complete withdrawal
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  • 191 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. IV 6. The Malaysian Co-operative insurance Society Ltd. here hopes to borrow about $10 million for housing projects from a new international financing organisation. The society’s general manager, Mr. N.A. Kularajah, is now in Vienna attending the first meeting
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  • 28 13 SINGAPORE. Mar. 6 Police yesterday arrested 23 suspects gangsters and detained them under the Societies Ordinance. A total of 2,830 people were screenin in secirity checks.
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  • 37 13 PENANG, Mar. 6 A. Karamagam. 17 and Kalanda Mastan, 17, were sentenced to one year's jail each for stealing a fog lamp from s motor car parked at Bishop Street early on Feb 6
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  • 59 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 5 Thieves broke into the house of the general manager of Rothmans of Pall Mall. Mr. John M. Brown, In Gridle Road here early yesterday and stole $lOO and articles worth $3OO. The stolen articles Included two transistor radios, two magnifying glasses, a
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  • 364 14 WE WON’T GANG UP WITH OTHER PARTIES FOR THE POLLS, SAYS Dr. TOH AFTER SURVEY TRIP gINGAPORE, Mar. 6. The Peoples Action Party will go it alone in the Malayan general elections and will not gang up with other parties. This was announced today by the PAP
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  • 282 14 KUANTAN, Mar. 6 Minister of Health, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Talib, said here today that the PAP's “invasion” of Malaya was not a threat but a nuisance, “like Indonesia's confrontation.” Inche Abdul Rahman was speaking at the opening of a $18,333 midwifery centre at
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  • 191 14 Mar. 5. J The United Frontcontrolled Taiping Council nas deciueu no*, to hold any full counci meeting between March ana *ipni 2d as ’’tern pers might run high during the pre-electior period.” The council will Instead .old a meeting just oeiuit Nomination Day
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  • 64 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 6—Professor S. T Alisjahbana. head of the Department of Malay Studies at the University of Malaya will talk on “The Importance of the study of values in a multicultural society" at 4 pm on Mar. 8 at 29 Ipoh Road. The talk
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  • 510 14 SINGAPORE, Mar. 4 a n expulsion” order made by the Army Civil Services Union against a number of union members for refusing to pay a building fund levy imposed by the executive council of the union in October, 1962, was
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  • 175 14 Kuala lumpur, Mar. 6. —Two people were admitted to me ueneruJ Hospital here yesterday with stab wounds alter they were set upon by thugs in separate attacks. The injured were Mr. S Arasappan, 41. the manager oi Lido Theatre in Jalan Brickfields, and a mechanic,
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  • 56 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 6—T Director of the World Bank for Par East, Mr. I.B.M. Cargill. rived here today for a one-uetK visit lc hold discussions with g ,;V ernment officials regarding gress In the country Among the topics tor dlscu are the Jerantut-Maran > nn(
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  • 646 15 TENGKU: DON'T DEMAND ALL WHERE CHINESE VOTERS ARE IN THE MAJORITY, BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT GOING TO SUCCEED ‘Don’t adopt the chauvinistic line in elections’ KUALA LUMPUR, March 5 TENGKU Abdul Rahman today warned the Malayan Chinese Association against demanding all sects where Chinese
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  • 120 15 RLANG, Fri. Klang will go gay from tomorrow for two days when the Sultan of Selangor celebrates his JBth birthday here on, Mar. 9. The Sultan will entertain more than 200 guests to dinner tomorrow after praying at the Istana Alam S’nah mosque here.
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  • 32 15 KUALA LUMPUR. March 5 A French 1 V team will arrive nere next week to film Malaysia for showing in Europe The team will be here for two weeks.
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  • 201 15 CINGAPORE, Mar. 6. Indonesia s “crush Malaysia” confrontation will not discourage Hong Kong industrialists from investing in Singapore and other Malaysian states, the leader of the visiting 56-member Horfi Kong trade and industrial mission, Mr. Chuang Chung Wen, said today. At a Press conference
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  • 68 15 JESSELTON, Mar. s.—Nachiets of Sabah will confer In Labuan from March 10 to 13. Usually at this annual conference they will review the progress in native affairs and discuss native laws. Some native laws, or adat as it Is popularly known, have been modified in past
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  • 446 15 SINGAPORE, Mar. 6 THE Singapore Bank Employees’ Union told the Malayan Banks’ Association today that any industrial action taken against the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in its trade dispute with the union, was “not motivated by any hostility” to other members
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  • 236 16 PENANG, Fri. A branch of the People’s Action Party of Singapore is to be formed in Penang before March 21. the nomination day for both the general and state elections. A former Socialist Front State Assemblyman and City Councillor. Mr. Tan Chong
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  • 322 16 Bid in Sabah to sabotage Malaysia’ JESSELTON, Mar. 6 rpHERE seems to be A- an “attempt to sabotage’* the interests of Malaysia in Sabah by some officers here, Mr. Yeap Kee Aik, the deputy Federal Secretary, said here today. Mr. Yeap’s comments were prompted because of some complaints voiced by
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  • 136 16 IPOH, March 6. SIKH bullock cart driver, Puran Singh, 54, was found murdered and tied to a tree in Foong Seong Rubber Estate, in Gunong Rapat near here this morning. A police spokesman said that Puran’s body was found by a labourer of the
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  • 186 16 KUANTAN, Mar. 6 The Minister of Health, inche Abdul Rahman Talib, said here today that the Institute for Medical Research was carrying out experiments on home-made foodstuffs to determine their food value to help the rural people on nutrition and a better balanced
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  • 51 16 JOHORE BAHRU. Mar 6—'The Peninsula Malay Union *ill meet on Mar 8 at its headquarters in Ja an Sekolah Arab here to discuss a move to form a 'United Malay Front’ for the general elections. The Union recently moved Its headquarters from Kelantan to Johore
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  • 129 16 SINGAPORE, Mar. 6 The fieetness oi the magician’s hands is to be pitted against the camera’s eye at a special magic show to be given by members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians at the Shell Theatrette In Collyer Quay at 8.30 p.m. on Mar.
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  • 72 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 6—The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will open the MIC seminar on Mar. 8. which is to be attended by 450 officials Others who will address the meeting are the MIC president. Dato V T. Sambanthan, MCA president, Mr. Tan Siew Sin.
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  • 72 16 SINGAPORE, Mar. 6.—'Two Singapore Government ministers will lead a treeplanting operation on Mar. 6 beginning at 8.30 a.m. They are the Minister for National Development. Mr. Lim Kim San ana the Minister tor oi rial Affairs, Inche Othman Wok Trees will be planted along
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  • 46 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 6—An American aircraft company today held a demonstration of a E-4 helicopter at the Selangor Flying Club here. The export sales manager for Hiller Aircraft Co.. California. Mr Robert M. Boughton, is making an Aslan sales tour with the aircraft
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  • 34 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 6—lnche Ahmad Bakri bin Mohamed Basir an assistant secretary in the Federal Establishment Office, left for Tokvo today to attend a Colombo Plan seminar on technical co-operation activity.
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  • 290 16 Thurs The Singapore Bank Employees Union tociuv threatened to take industrial action, against the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation over the retrenchment of three employees. The three men. employed in the property department of the bank’s mam office in Collyer Quay, were served with
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  • 53 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 6-THe Ministry ui Commerce an is looking tor six assistant iers tor ;ts trade and ipveiopment divisions i A spokesman of the MinKrv *•> j today that the eacai nothing to do with anv ■xoansion programmp hut u Aith the Ministry's pvrr tnor*
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  • 42 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 0-I> an:( Cj Moh lined Yassin uin > j t j Tahir and Sapper Sihab i Sirat. both of the Engineers, will fly tom< Britain for a two-month e> ;jl electricians at the School tary Engineering.
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  • 497 17 i/UALA LUMPUR, Mar. 8. The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that if the Alliance lost the elections it would not be due to strong Opposition but internal trouble in the party. He said this at the Dewan
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  • 212 17 MALACCA, Mar. 8. JNDONESIAN pirates robbed six Malacca fishermen of a motor boat, 95 fishing nets, six watches, three piculs of fish, foodstuff and clothing total value $lO,OOO —in international waters on Tuesday night. The fishermen returned home last night in two of their
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  • 247 17 KLANG, Mar. 8. Sultan of Selangor today called on people of all races and creeds to live in peace and harmony. Speaking at a ceremony at the Padang Besar, here, marking his 38th birthday, he said- “At a time when we are
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  • 35 17 SINGAPORE. Mar. 8 —The Singapore Government is offering about 200 bursary awards to students In upper secondary or pre-university classes in Government and Government-aided schools The awards are worth $420 each
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  • 68 17 KUALA, LUMPUR, Mar. 6. Plans are now underway to extend the sale of Social and Welfare Services Lotteries to Sabah and Sarawak. The Minister of Labour and Si ciai Welfare. Inche Bahama!) bin Shamsuddm, disclosed this today on h:s return from a tour of Sabah and
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  • 240 17 Mar. B.—The A Sultan of Perak last night jailed on nis people to be '‘steadfast and stand together” in the face of the Indonesian confrontation. Speaxing at a civic dinner in his honour, the Sultan, who was accompanied by the Raja Perempuan. said:
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  • 184 17 KUALA LUMPUR, March 8 rpHE Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, said today the Government intended to raise the status of the two existing fishery schools up to college level. Speaking over Radio Malaysia. he said the fishery colleges would provide three
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  • 522 18 IPOH, March 7 4 NEW scheme for training teachers to meet the increased demand, resulting from the abolition of the Malayan secondary schools entrance examination, was suggested today by Mr. Teerath Ram, president of the National Union of Graduate Teachers.
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  • 91 18 MALACCA, Mar. 8. The Malacca Socialist Front will contest all 20 seats in the coming elections. The Alliance won all 20 seats U> the last elections. A Socialist Front spokesman said today that the party’s eight councillors in the Malacca Municipal Council were
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  • 31 18 KOTA BHARU, Mar. B—A young elephant which caused damage to crops and rubber plants in the Mengkebang land scheme, 66 miles from here, was killed by game rangers today.
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  • 221 18 IPOH, Mar. 8. —A free--1 lunch experiment by the Catholic Welfare Services here aoout two years ago has led to better health for about 40,000 school-children all over the country. The “one square meal a day scheme” has. in the words
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  • 195 18 KUANTAN, Mar. B.—A freelance journalist and an active worker of the Socialist Front here, Inche Abu Bakar bin Yakob, today resigned from the party to join Umno due to a clash on the party’s stand against Indonesia's confrontation. Inche Bakar, one of the
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  • 508 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 8. THE package deal proposed by the Philippines Foreign Minister, Mr. Salvador Lopez, for solving the Malaysia crisis, has brought no response from the Indonesians, the Permanant Secretary of the Ministry of External Affairs, Dato Ghazali Shafie, said today on
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  • 67 18 PENANG. Mar. 8 The CWj| Minister, Dato Wong Po* appealed last night to the versity of Hong Kone Alu or Association North Malaya, “every possible help— finanew* r or otherwise” to the State vernment’s project for a un sity college in Penang “The Government’s ff
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  • 40 18 IPOH. Mar. 8. The Natl Union of Bank Employees n-,. elded to honour Its J[ oU (le Go mf* dent the late Mr. P ol its with the posthumous a*arc. meritorious service meaa Gomez, 48, died last wee*
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  • 906 19 pt ANG, Mar. 4. l* Hanning in open or >any for the first tin Six In Stable’s fjev. Zealand importation '.’otof Gold beat a smart Class 3 Div, 1 field over 6f here today it ace One CL 5—5 IF Wall 1 5
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  • 765 19 pENANG, Mar. 8. Pizarro II set a new Penang course record for 7f today when he won the main sprint. Race One CL. 5. DIV. I—tlF J Weame’s ,J 3> K( UOVOO 8.8 (SK3—l67) Posner 1 '2* i: Eagle 7.8 r »rr 7.12 ‘l—l49> Donnelly 2 1*
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  • 51 19 BAflTU GAJAH, Mar. 8 The Mentrl Besar or Perak. Da to Sha'ari bln Shaflee. will declare open a cafeteria costing 611.000 at the childrens’ playground here on Thursday—Childrens’ Day. The same day about 300 children will participate in games sponsored by the Batu Oajah Children’s Day
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 44 19 -BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL S66.216 I si: No. *****0 536,732 2nd: No. *****8 SI2.244 3rd: No *****7 S 6.122 STARTEKS <S874 each): Nos *****4 *****9 *****7 *****5 *****7 *****2 *****4 CONSOLATIONS (S560 each): Nos *****5 *****7 *****3 *****4 *****7 *****8 *****1 *****3 *****0 *****1
      44 words
    • 47 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL TOOL 151 All 1st: No. *****1 151,521. 2nd: No *****4 519 40? 5rd; No. *****6 15.205 8TAKTEK8 5050 each l: Nos: *****6 *****0 *****2 *****8 *****6 *****5 *****5 *****5. Consolations ***** each I: Nos. *****5 2I45SO *****8 *****1 *****4 *****5 *****1 *****9 *****2 *****0
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    • 2285 20 From Our Market Correspondent CONSIDERING the seriousness of the situation, which has developed as the result of the breakdown of the Bangkok talks between Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia and the ending of the ceasefire agreement in Borneo, the Malayan Stock Exchange behaved well last
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    • 69 20 /'HINESE Produce Ciohinji, Singapore noon prioee per picul yesterday: Coconut oil; bulk s4B* seller*, drum S49| sellers. Copra i March/ April UK/Contlnent: unquoted. Popper. Muntok white f 162* sellers Sarawak white $l6O sellers, special Barrwak black sl22| sellers, garbled Lampong black Si22* sellera. ASTA $1421 sellers. Singapore Coconut
      69 words
    • 39 20 (Managers' Prteoi) First Malayan 2.17 2.28 Second Malayan 1.62 1.70 Third Malayan 1.18 1 25 Malaysian C. A I. .95 99 First Hong Kong 1.09 t.14 Second Hong Kong .79 .83 Sterling Commodity 4/7 5/(*Hong Kong currency).
      39 words
    • 49 20 M* r 2 Mar. S. Mar. 4. Mar. 5. Mar. 6. Mar. 7. Industrials: 111.92 111.37 110.80 110.10 108.44 107 89 Tins: 135.87 135.92 136.36 135.98 134 23 134 15 rubbers: 104.57 104.57 104.57 104.49 104A9 104 49 Dec. 30. 1963 100. Dec. 29. 1962 100.
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    • 36 20 Current Date of Total Total for payment payment for previous year year Straits Times 22}% March 31 32}% 30% Malayan Cement 15% Sungei Chinoh 4% March 26 Warren Rubber 12% May 1 12% 16%
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    • 79 20 r FHE Malayan Exahang* Banks' Atsoelatian made these changes in its rates to merchants yesterday (all rater to $100): s Selling TT or 0D ready: Oeutsohr Park* 129 1/8: Swiss Pranct 140 3/4 renoh Francs 159 1/4; Swedish Krone: 167 1/2. On the free exchange market 11 Hong
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    • 26 20 March 6. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 674 cents (up three-quarters of a cent). TIN: $531.75 (down $3.25) Estimated unofficial offering 260 tons (down 5 tons).
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    • 625 20 THE Malayan 4 Market has be generally steady wi improved turnover t 1 wards the end of ti week, state H.C.B. c Ltd, in their curre market survey. ti- range was between and 67i cents i March, adds the repo... As better buying came i
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