The Straits Budget, 26 February 1964

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER SElUt' KUALA LUMPUR, FEBRUARY 26, 1964. Price 40 Cents (Malaya) or 1 shilling. KDN 69L
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 194 1 o When two Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta splendens) get to grips, they leave no doubt as to the earnestness of their intentions. And Cochran really mean it,too, when they make the claims they do about their famous SINUPAC ECONOMIC BOILERS. Briefly, every one of this famous, range offers a high
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    • 211 2  -  PARENT Singapore English in Chinese schools AS a parent I am strongly against the re-intro-duction of the six-day week from the second term in order to raise the standard of English in Chinese schools. It is not simply by an increase in the number of
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    • 106 2  -  CITIZEN Singapore CINGAPORE’S Education Minister said recently that 464,000 children are presently schooling. This Is a remarkable achievement and I suggest that the Ministry go one step further and see that all primary classes are held only In the mornings. Travelling down Mountbatten Road the other day I
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    • 88 2  -  CHEE PENG LIM Alor Star THE phonetic spelling of English words in romanised Malay coupled with the peculiar pronunciation of some of Radio Malaysia’s English announcers help make the task of English language teachers a formidable one. Fortunately, the standard of written English In your newspaper has kept
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    • 165 2  -  C. E. CHEW Singapore THE Singapore Government decision to sell Housing Board flats to the public is laudable, but why limit applications to those earning not more than $5OO a month? It is only fair that those earning above that sum should also be considered; they
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    • 145 2  -  K. T. CHUA Singapore Although tv singapura is to be complimented, much is still left to be desired in the way of a more realistic and convenient programme schedule and the quality of local productions. Interesting family programmes are often inconveniently scheduled during meal times, while convenient times
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    • 41 2  -  LISTENER Kuala Lumpur BEING a regular listener to Radio Singapore, I agree with Mr. Lee on the poor reception on the 41metre band, particularly after 6.30 p.m. It is so weak that two stations in between drown the programme.
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    • 144 2  -  R. F. SWALLOW Controller of Telecommunications, Selangor Region Kuala Lumpur 1 REFER to the letter from “Fed Up’’ regarding his experience in calling the telephone exchange. I would be grateful if the writer could let me have more details. I assure him that suitable remedial action would be
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    • 89 2  -  ANOTHER PARENT Singapore MY son Joined the Teachers’ Training College (Singapore) in 1957 and signed a bond that did not stipulate he should take Standard I and II Malay. A year after he qualified, he received his appointment letter on which was stamped with what is now known
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    • 104 2  -  J.S.B. MENG Singapore THE neglect of the Singapore Housing Board staff to maintain the lighting in some of the blocks of flats is a serious matter. I am a resident of a flat in the Tanglin Halt area, and most times grope my way up several flights of
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    • 145 2  -  RATEPAYER Taiping Reading the united Front representative’s letter “Taiping looks for revenue” I thought the town council would really reduce the conservancy and sanitary fees as they had publicly promised. Unfortunately, the Unit- ed Front's representative poured oil on the fire with his sarcastic remarks about Mr. Ong’s
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    • 87 2  -  AT. READ Director of Light Entertainment, Australian Broadcasting Commission Sydney T was privileged to read recently your special television supplement issued with the Straits Times. Please accept my congratulations on a highly informative and entertaining supplement. A specially pleasing and indeed satisfying feature was the coverage afforded the
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    • 41 2  -  CANDIDATE Singapore RECENTLY the Economic Development Board in Singapore Issued certificates for the courses held in *****3. Courses held and completed in 1962 have been overlooked. No certificates. Why is the board making this distinction? The lecturers were fully qualified.
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    • 248 2  - In brifeNARROW SQUEAK ON NEW AIR SERVICE SHOCKED Kuala Lumpur VICTW Singapore CO‘ ERNE® Seremban Malaysian a. ays recently st j twice-weekly Ce Service between Kuu Lum. pur and Lang} V ij Taiping. Penang Alor Star. I was a pa ger a tew days ago. Everything wo onderful, the pilot
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    • 134 2  -  VICTIM Kuala Lumpur. THE Ministry of Educa--1 tlon In a recent circular to Chief Education Officers requested them to reduce the number of col-lege-traind or Normaltrained teachers In primary schools so that D. T C.-tralned teachers may fill the vacancies. Following this circular chief education officers of
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    • 140 2  -  C. ID Klang AS a resident of Klang, I was naturally elated to read that Klang plans a public park and garden. Klang residents are not pessimists, but past suggestions of similar projects voiced publicly by the council have not materialised. For example where is the swimming pool
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    • 74 2  -  ns 1 Singapore A CORRESPON T cjjJ plains of t: of parking space e ;L nlty of the Odeo Since the Intro ;on i "pay as you pai In North Bridge ad Victoria Street. re many parking sp w are not occupic 0l As for people soap-boxes and
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 551 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 18 The first thing to be said about the Afro-Asian Rura Reconstruction Conference which began in Kuala Lumpur yesterday is that its nan ie means v hat it says. Rural problems throughout the undt rdevelope 1 regions of Africa and Asia can be solved
      —Straits Times, Feb. 18  -  551 words
    • 236 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 18 Of the many social welfare projects undertaken by voluntary organisations in Malaya. none is more praiseworthy than the free lunch scheme for needy school children. Some 27,000 pupils of rural schools in nine states now receive a daily meal of vitamin-enrichc 1 milk bread
      —Straits Times. Feb. 18  -  236 words
    • 706 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 19 We are to find out what the Borr eo ceasefire means, and what it is worth. The Indonesian Government’s decision to arrange, if it can, supply missions to Indonesian guerillas in Sabah and Sarawak plainly will _st the terms of the truce and
      —Straits Times. Feb. 19  -  706 words
    • 206 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 19 Cambodia’s Prince Sihanouk is behaving rather like a man who is threatening to commit suicide unless he is given everything his own way. How else is it possible to interpret the Cambodian leader’s threat to enter into a military alliance with Communist China unless
      —Straits Times. Feb. 19  -  206 words
    • 662 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 20 The “grave doubts” of the usefulness of further talks with Indonesia expressed by a spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs presumably will be amplified presently by a higher source. There is no reason to question the spokesman’s authority, or his views.
      —Straits Times. Feb. 20  -  662 words
    • 673 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 21 The overlords of the turf generally wrap themselves in Cassandra’s mantle when the annual meeting comes round, and the chairman’s statement to members of the Singapore Turf Club, who meet today, partly follows the pattern. The persistent decline in the popularity of
      —Straits Times. Feb. 21  -  673 words
    • 400 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 21 Prince Sihanouk’s conviction that time is running out is driving him along a tortuous path towards his goal of internationally guaranteed independence, which he calls ‘‘neutrality,” His anxiety leads him often astray, but it is only in this light that his present performances make
      —Straits Times. Feb. 21  -  400 words
    • 184 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 21 It is well that the Petaling Jay a Town Board has warned that it may not be able to supply the usual services to housing estates outside the town limits. The belief that these services can easily be had probably has much to do
      —Straits Times, Feb. 21  -  184 words
    • 706 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 22 The task which confronts President Macapagal in In- doncsia is plain enough. He must get the Indonesian Government to see sense about the ceasefire. When Mr. Lopez confirmed with Dr. Subandrio arrangements for these talks the suspicion was strong that the ceasefire would
      —Straits Times. Feb. 22  -  706 words
    • 224 4 —Straits Times, Feb -2 The Federal Capital Commissioner has a way ot making the inevitable souna also desirable. In explaining why the Kampong Pandan project will be the last ol its type, he said that living m a flat could be more enjoyable than life in
      —Straits Times, Feb -2  -  224 words

    • 16 4 WADDELL: to Rhelln f Oleneagles Hospital on LM 1 a daughter, a sister for Rosemary.
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  • 1040 5 —by a SPECIAL WRITER Semarang Feb. 17 A MILLION people are facing starvation following the longest drought and the worst rat plague within hving memory in Central lava. The deputy governor of the region, Mr Soejono Atmo. gave this estimate of the extent
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  • 313 5 TANAH RATA, February 17. VARIETY of development projects costing over $600,000 will be carried out in different parts of the Cameron Highlands this year with the funds mainly from the Central and State Governments. The biggest will be a housing scheme of 70 units,
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  • 52 5 TANAH RATA, Feb. 17. The American International Assui ance Company Limited will be holding a live-day management seminar loi 50 ot its stall, including three women, here Irom to morrow Another 20 members ot the staff will attend a second seminar Irom Feb 24 to
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  • 29 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 17Bank Negara will celebrate its fifth anniversary on Thursday with a cocktail party at the Lake Club from 730 p.m to 9.30 p m
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  • 262 5 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 17. The six-man Australian defence mission, which has been here since Feb. 10, have had talks with government officials to find out what assistance Australia can give to Malaysia in the development and expansion of her armed forces. The mission leader, Mr.
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  • 470 6 FromOur Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Fob. 17 RETAILS of the first offer to the public by a company registered in Borneo to receive a stock exchange quotation were published here yesterday. The company is San Holdings Ltd., an investment company whose headquarters are
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  • 49 6 KOTA BHARU, Feb. 17. The Permanent Secretary to the Min tstry of Internal Security. Dato Nik Daud. conferred with heads of Government departments on security matters at the State Sec retariat here today. He was entertained to lunch bv the State Government in the iftprnoon.
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  • 212 6 TELUK ANSON, February. 17. A MIDDLE-AGED couple were killed and three others injured, one seriously, in a road accident at Langkap new village, 16 miles from here, this morning. Of nine people who were In a van involved in the accident, three adults were
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  • 122 6 SINGAPORE, Feb. 17.—A young Sikh who left his Bukit Purmei home in December last year, saying that he was going to “seek his fortune” elsewhere in Malaysia was found dead in a back lane off Tiwari Street today. Horvent Singh. 22. was clad
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  • 538 6 185,000 BARRELS OF PETROLEUM A YEAR FOR LOCAL MARKET MORE THAN $6m SPENT IN S’PORE IN PAST FOUR YEARS Singapore, Feb. 17 'J'HE Government’s efforts in industrialisation have transformed Singapore from a traditionally important trading centre in oil to an important centre for
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  • 25 6 J TELUK ANSON, Fct farmer, Kong Sang ,H f I found hanging in hi' 1 Kampong Pelawan. 19 n. j 1 here today.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 95 6 lisr.g Usr.g u. Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Ks!ate Activities in Hong Kong and the Far Fast. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned
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  • 457 7 TWO LOADED GUNS AND LARGE HAUL OF COINS ARE SEIZED SINGAPORE, February 17. i\ island-wide all-night raids ending at 6 a.m. today, police arrested 19 men, described as “notorious criminals,” and recovered two loaded revolvers and stolen cash and loot. An official
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  • 167 7 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 17. —The West German Government is to send an official here on Feb. 25 to discuss with the Malaysian Government the recruitment of 20 German doctors to overcome the country’s shortage of doctors. A spokesman of the West German Embassy
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  • 84 7 SlNG.lPOE, Feb. 17--A young Chinese woman gave birth by the roadside at the junction of Changi Koad and Telok Kurau Koad at about 11.25 a.m today An ambulance was called to the scene, but arrived too late. A passerby had given the mother
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  • 67 7 KLANG, Feb. 17.—A free return trip to Bangkok by Thai International Airways will be given to the holder of the lucky admLssion ticket at the "Leap Year" dance to be held at the Indian Community Hall here on Feb 29. The dance, organised by the
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  • 93 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 17—The price oi tin continued its upward movement today and rose another $2.25 to $541.25. Th.s represents a rise of $5 75 in the past three trading days and the advance is still being aided by the promise of the General Serv.ces
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  • 54 7 Kt|ALA LUMPUR, Feb. 17. Tengku Abdul Rahman tonight gave a reception to delegates attending the Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisation conference at the Residency. More than 300 guests, including Cabinet Ministers and members ol the diplomatic corps, attended the reception. The guests were also entertained to a half-hour
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  • 141 7 PENANG, Feb. 7.—Malaya which had lung been famous fur their rubber and tin had now become even more famous for her racial harmony, the Governor, Raja Tun Uda Al-llaj. declared last night. “The presence at this function of several nonMuslims is a further indication
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  • 274 7 JESSELTON. February 17 DATO Donald Stephens. Chief Minister of Sabah, said today there was hope of .settling the Philippines claim to Sabah amicably without going to the International Court of Justice He said Malaysia was willing to consider the Philippines’ claim after
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  • 363 7 KUALA LUMPUR, February 17. MALAYSIA will send a strong delegation to the United Nations world trade conference in Geneva next month, the Secretary to the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Raja Mohar bin Badiozaman said today. “This Is because the conference will be
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  • 50 7 PENANG, Feb. 17. —New rules will be tabled tor discussion and adoption at the 62nd annual meeting of the Sepoy Lines Recreation Club at 3 p.m. on Feb. 22. This will oe toliowea oy a reunion dinner at the clubhouse In Hospital Road at 7 p.m
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  • 453 8  -  By CHEONG YIP SENG: Singapore, February 17 MR Shaw Vee Ming and his driver, Mundari bin Iklal, were released by their captors yesterday, 12 days after they were kidnapped in Andrew Road. News of the release was withheld for almost 28 hours. The Police Secretary,
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  • 37 8 KOTA BHARU. Feb. 17. Mohamea Annuar bln Khalia, 19. a former student of the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, will leave for New Zealand on Feb. 19 to study electrical engineering on a Colombo Plan scholarship
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  • 185 8 Tengku is lauded as leader of rising Afro-Asia’ Kuala lumpur, --Feb. 17.—The Prime Minister, l'engku Abdul Rahman who celebrated his 61st birthday last week was today hailed as “one of the foremost leaders of risin a Afro-Asia.” The tribute came from Mr. M.K.D Sharma secretary general of the AfroAsian rural
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  • 63 8 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18.—The Singapore Co-operative uniuii ah. iend three representatives to an International conlerence on 'The role ot cooperation in social and economic development which will be held in lokyo Irom April 19 to 26 They are the society s chair man. Mr N G Raju,
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  • 215 8 K. LUMPUR, Feb. 16 'pHE organisation ad ministration uro oedure ana practice ot the Legislatures in the Malaysian States will he discussed at the third conference of Sneakers to he held on Feb. 25 and 26 at Johore Bahru. For the first time
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  • 125 8 PENANG, February ,8. THE chairman of the M.C.A. national 1 ,bo ut 1 committee, Mr. Lim Cheng Poh, today urged the Sabah and Sarawak governm. ms t 0 recruit more clerks and labourers from M alaya “There Is an acute shortage of both In
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  • 119 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 17— An Australian radio pro gramme production com pany is radio pro gramme., to 21 countrie.* including Malaysia The February issue ol Austra News, the journal of the Austra lian Trade Comm.ssluner hertsays that the company. Ariran.s Ltd., is
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  • 36 8 TELUK ANSON. Feb. 18.—Commindpr W W Dennis irom lo hore Bahru, has assumed duties here as Harbour Master. Perak In place of Capt. J D. Sandr\ who has left for England on leave.
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  • 150 8 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18.-. Singapore's National Theatre, whose striking architectural features makes It one of the State's new showpieces for tourists, is due to o* completed by the end of March. The total bill for the project. Including equipment $24 million Only $850.0( has
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  • 28 8 PENANG, Feb. 18. Loong Hup. 20 was todav fined ifor throwing fire-crackers it* policeman Loong pleaded guilty in First Magistrate's charge of behaving in disor manner
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  • 190 8 Soekarno gets a ‘sack the Governor’ dema nd from Java unions JAKARTA, Feb. 17 The powerful Com-.munist-dominated Sobsi trade union confedration has asked President Soekarno to sack the West Java Governor Col. Mashudi, for his negative attitute” to wards leftist union at tempts to take over con trol of British
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  • 656 9 Techniques and innovations are not enough to improve economy of rural people, warns conference chairman KUALA LUMPUR, February 17 THt president ol the 1 Afro-Asian rural reconstruction conference, Dr. M. Naguib llashad, warned today that it was not en ugh for countries to introduce
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  • 28 9 P and O liner d ue in Penang :<E Feb. 17.—The P. 6 Orsoya. will arF. ,n K from Britain on 111 Singapore the fol‘Pore, 63 pasd imbarit.
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  • 121 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18.— Some 20 Anglican Bishops and lay delegates from Hong Kong, South Korea, the Philippines, Formosa and Malaysia met today for the opening session of the fourth Council of the Church of SouthEast Asia Today’s preliminary discussions on the development of Anglican churches In
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  • 84 9 Feb. 17. Singapore’s Premier, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and Madagascar’s President Tsiranana opened wide-ranging talks here today. Before the talks opened at the President’s palace, Mr. Lee inspected a colourful guard of honour and stood to attention outside the palace as a hand played Malaysia’s
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  • 78 9 IPOH. Feb. 17.—The Ipoh branch ol tiie Malayan Chinese Association cultural section gave a stage performance at Batu Gajah, 12 miles from here, .ast mgnt to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Batu Gajah MCA youth section. Among the Items wer? songs, dances and sketches.
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  • 214 9 Kuala Lumpur, February 17 T'HE political secre- tary to the Deputy Prime Minister. Inche Abdullah Ahmad today denied that a meeting took place between the Russian Ambassador in Bangkok snd the Deputy Prime Minister over the possibility »f the exchange of diplomatic representations
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  • 333 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18. —Singapore’s Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, tonight urged Malaysia to set up embassies in selected regions of Asia. Africa and Latin America. He was speaking in the second of a series or four broadcasts on “Malaysia and the changing
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  • 64 9 TAIPING, Feb. 18.—A car driven by a policeman from Ipoh. Inche Dee bln Daud, who was taking his family to Batu Kurau village, 14 miles from here, for the Hari Raya Puasa celebration, was Involved in a collision with a lorry near here. Inche Dee
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  • 486 10 MANAGING DIRECTOR OF PA PER FAILS TO APPEAR IN COURT KUALA LUMPUR, February 18 after q two-hour search this morning for the managing director of the Malayan Times, Mr. V. M. Sundram, Mr. Justice Ong ordered the police to "fan out" for him
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  • 26 10 PENANG, Feb. 18.—A sundry shop assistant, Loh Lip Teng, 24, was found dead outside his shop in Jalan Pasar, Pulau Tikus, this morning.
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  • 381 10 KUANTAN, February 18. 'J'HE Sultan of Pahang today called on the people of his State to give their undivided loyalty and full co-operation to the Government in the present crisis over the formation of Malaysia. “With your loyalty and co-operation, and
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  • 156 10 PENANG, Feb. 18.—A man who before the last war made George Town famous through his travelogues— The Voice of the Globerevisited Penang today after 27 years as one of the 450 tourists aboard the luxury liner Kungsholm. “It’s good to come back after a quarter
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  • 32 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18—Malaysian Airways. Cathay Pacific Airways and Thai International will hold a Joint Chinese New Y*ar dinner on Feb. 24, at the Peking Restaurant at 8 p m
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  • 274 10 OINGAPORE, Feb Singapore’s Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, today drove the first pile to begin construction of a new Jurong factory— Singapore Galvanising Industries Ltd. The $lVi million factory |j another Joint effort between Singapore and Japanese in. dustrialiats. “The establishment of this
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  • 72 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 17 Television Slngapura will preset <t a minute film report of the 'lsU Malaysia goodwill mission led W Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. the Premier, to Africa at 8.35 p.m. tomorro The newsreel will deal with M mission's stay In Algiers Monrovia. Conakry and
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  • 83 10 PENANO. Feb. 18.—The Central Province Wellesley Alliance elections committee will meet at the MCA headquarters in Bukit Mertaiam on Feb. 20 to plan its strategy for the State and General elections this year. A four-man committee, headed by the Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee. has prepared
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  • 804 11 PATCH VP ROW WITH JAKARTA FIRST, SAYS MACA, IN D BRINGS CONFUSION TO KUALA LUMPUR About-turn on consular offices? KUALA LUMPUR, February 19 CONFUSION was caused here today by a Philippines Government declaration that it will not re-establish diplomatic ties with Malaysia until after we
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  • 260 11 Kuching, Feb. 19.— a lecture on the evils ot gambling was given today to 30 youths, mainly Chinese, who were arrested in Serian, in the First Division, during Chinese New Year. The lecturer was the District Officer, Mr. Peter Hwang The arrested youths
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  • 32 11 SINGAPORE. Peb. 19. The Asemblywomen for Mou’meln. Mrs. C. V. Devan Nalr, will present adult education certificates at the Boon Teck Road community centre on Feb. 24 at 8 p.m.
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  • 125 11 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 19. Three Royal Canadian Navy destroyer escorts arrived in Port Swettenham today on a five-day informal visit. They are the St. Laurent, Mackenzie and Fraser, under the command of Captain G. H. Hayes. This is the second time since the war
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  • 70 11 MALACCA, Feb. 19. IVI Five Indonesian smallpox suspects were admitted to the General Hospital here yesterday. They are traders who arrived by boat in the morning The acting Chief Medical and Health Officer, Dr M Rajathurai, said today that all five were being kept in
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  • 315 11 IPOH, February 18. JF a united front opposition is not formed to challenge the Alliance in the coming general elections at national level, a modified version is expected to be established in certain sections of Perak. 0 ii^fi« stake ln Pe rak for the are
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  • 30 11 KAJANO, Feb. 19.—The Veterinary Department here has started an antl-rables Inoculation campaign for dogs in the district of Ulu Langat yesterday. The campaign will last until March 31
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  • 365 12 K UAL A LUMPUR, February 19. glERRA LEONE’S Minister of Social Welfare, Mr. M. S. Mustapha, said today it was very necessary for young co-operatives to be given status and protection against some forms of private and destructive enterprise. Speaking at a session of
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  • 100 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 20. Ponce louay said that investigations so far into the activities of notorious criminals arrested in recent raids show no connection with the kidnapping of Mr. Shaw Vee Ming and his driver. The Police Secretary, Mr. T. Chelliah, said: “The special squad
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  • 24 12 r AR m’ 20 The Um "o here will hold a political rally at Tanjong Blanla. two miles from here, on Sunday.
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  • 313 12 KUALA LUMPUR, February 19. 'J’HE Malaysian Government has submitted a long list of defence requirements ranging from weapons to training facilities to the visiting Australian defence mission. This was disclosed by the deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Tun
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  • 44 12 RIVOAPORR F(t 19 T 0 flc ine Commissioner of Police Mr. John Le Cain. w ll present commendation certificates to police ne-sonnel and a member of the pub ic at a parade at the Police Training School tomorrow at 5 15 p.m.
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  • 246 12 I/UALA LUMPUR, FeS 19. The Malaya: Technical Service: Union plans to picke: the Survey, Public Works, and Town Plaining Department: should talks on equal pay for women technicians fail. At present half of 66 r, men technicians are r.:' receiving the
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  • 157 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 19. —Straits tin continue to spiral in price today and gained a further $10.37 J to $553,371 a picul. This was the highest rise on a smg day for Lame considerable time. The last •lm- then was a comparable rV wa 5
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  • 92 13 ALOR STAR. Feb. 19.—A pad: farmer. Taib bin Arshad 60. was hacked to death at his house in the •emote kampong of Alor Baiat yesterday. Med by Asst. Supt. tied to the 6cene port of the murder lib sprawled on the P f| 77.d
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  • 62 13 PORTSMOUTH, Feb. 19 bottom Royal Army c/,„ l11 in:m Pthe cmfwyp )r Ps landing craft *rom Portsmouth yesan 8,000-mile I,- to Singapore lh.., ir carrying six offi- 68 soldiers shi 1 Of one of the Hjj.'i' ;n Michael Ranfktn- said: "These bm n boat
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  • 25 13 Mln'T.,' 1 ri p rt. 19. The O’.hrr \v 0 lal Affairs, Inche WiU present adult ut the Pasir u “t 730 pra.
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  • 335 13  -  By PHILIP KHOO SINGAPORE, Feb. 19. —Police are continuing to tlusn out gangster hide-outs in the island in a systematic and unrelenting search lor the live-man gang who kidnapped Mr. Vee Ming Shaw, eldest son ot Mr. Run Run Shaw, and his
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  • 31 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 20— The Government Daily-Rated Services Staff Council will hold its eighth annual delegates’ conference at Plantation House in Petaling Jaya on Saturday at 4 30 pm.
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  • 348 13 KUALA LUMPUR, February 19. £JOINS bearing the image of Queen Elizabeth II circulating in Malaysia were minted in 1961 at the time Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah were s 1 British colonies. Thest States were entitled to have the image on the coins.
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  • 55 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 19—The Malayan Cnmese Association headquarters announced here today the appointment of Mr. Lee San Choon, M.P.. as political secretary to the president of the MCA, Mr. Tan Slew Sin. Mr. Lee is a member of the MCA Central Working Committee and concurrently chairman
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  • 31 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 19 —The National Language Teachers’ Union will elect a Kebaya Queen at a dance to be held here at the Chinese Assembly Hall on March 1.
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  • 209 13 ICHORE BAHRU, Feb. 19. —The Johore Government has announced three housing schemes costing $2,500,000 for Government servants and Malaysian citizens in Johore. In the first scheme, costing $923,000, 64 houses have been completed at Jalan Larkin for government pensionable staff whose income are
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  • 56 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 19.—The Central Government has agreed to the appointment of Mr. P.G.D. Hendry as the Honorary Trade Commissioner for Ceylon here. Mr. Hendry, son of the late Mr. P.H. Hendry, a leading jeweller both here and in Singapore, is now away in Ceylon, following
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  • 257 13 Kuala lumfur, Feb. 19. The smell of pungent salted fish and 15 minutes spent ploughing a padi field with a buffalo were regarded by two young American women as the most “unforgettable” and “interesting” experiences they had in this country. They are Miss Vera
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  • 38 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 19—The publicity liaison secretary (political), Inche Mohamed Ghazall bln Ismail, will give away prizes at the closing ceremony of the Malay cultural drama festival at the Victoria Theatre on Feb. 21 at 8 pan.
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  • 91 13 U ALA LUMPUR, Feb. 19.—Moves are afoot to extend the Social and Welfare Services lotteries to Sabah and Sarawak, but not to Singapore Confirming this today, the chairman of the Lotteries Board, Senator T II Tan. said legislation providing for this was being drawn
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  • 441 14 KUALA LUMPUR, February 20. r JpHE brother of a murdered man told a preliminary inquiry today of his love for a bar waitress and the threats of a man who wanted the girl to earn money for him by becoming a
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  • 62 14 SEREMBAN. Feb. 20 The Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan will be entertained to a dinner and dance at the Town Hall here on April 11 by all communities on the occasion of his 42nd birthday, which falls on March 29. As March 29 Is a Sunday,
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  • 243 14 Kuala lumpur. Thurs. Workers should not only have shorter working hours but also free time “to love, learn, listen and care/’ Without this, life would be incomplete. This is stated in an editorial on shorter working hours In the latest issue of
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  • 65 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20— National Zoo ner« will oe ncner by two species ol deer and some ducks as a result ol a contribution being made by the Copenhu gen Zoo in Denmark The gift is in the form of one male and two
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  • 30 14 KANGAR. Feb. 20— The Men tri Besur. Perns. Dato SneiK All mad bin Mohammed Kashim today opened a community nail at Kampong Chantek. 17 rf.iles from here
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  • 341 14 KUALA LUMPUR, February 20. RUBBISH! That was how Senator Dato Sir Clough Thuraisingham today described novelist Han Suyins suggestion that developing countries, including Malaysia, adopt Communist Chinas rigidly regimented educational system. She suggested yesterday during a session of the third Asian
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  • 362 14 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 20.—A new $12 million tin dredge at Batang Berjuntai will operate towards the end of this year, the chairman of the London Tin Corporation, Sir Douglas Waring, said today. Sir Douglas, who is on a visit here, said that
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  • 1289 15  -  By ABUL FAZIL: Singapore, February 18 air. VEE Ming Shaw, eldest son of cine--11 ma magnate Mr. Run Run Shaw, today spoke of his "terrifying ordeal" of 12 days in darkness as prisoner of a kidnap gang. Relaxing in a lounge chair
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  • 247 15 S'UALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20.—The res. ponsioiliiy fur any laiiure ol the ceaselire agreement in the Borneo States rests squarely with Indonesia, the Ministry of External Allairs said today. In a statement issued here a Ministry spokesman expressed "astonishment at yesterday s remarks ol the
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  • 560 15 KUALA LUMPUR, February 20. appeal for universal economic planning and marketing of primary commodities to help bridge the widening gap between the rich and poor nations of the world was made by Tanganyika’s Minister for Co-operative and Community Development today. Mr. J.
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  • 175 15  -  by GEOFFREY BOLAND: Singapore, February 20 A FORMER senior executive of the Sydney Stock Exchange will arrive in Singapore next month to help the Malaysian Exchange establish a permanent executive, which has become necessary because of the huge growth in interest in stocks and
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  • 117 16 KUANTAN, Feb. 20.— Mrs. Sarahwath Shanmugam (above), wife of a Telecoms assistant, was drowned while swimming off the beach at Telok Chempedak during the Hari Raya holidays. Mrs. Shanmugam, 43. had gone to the beach with her husband, five children and some relatives
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  • 206 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 20. About 10,000 men of the Australian, British. Canadian, Indian and New Zealand navies are to take part in a Commonwealth exercise Jet 04—m the Far East between Feb. 29 and March 23 A maritime joint operations centre will be set
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  • 336 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 20. Tne Minister for Finance, Dr. God Keng in laying the ioundation stone today for tne $23 million Juiong Shipyard Ltd., said that it was the ‘•largest and most exciting industry to be set up in the State so far.” Dr.
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  • 53 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20.— The Contingent Administrative Officer of the Royal Malaysian Police, Supt Ahmad bln Yang Abdullah, left for Bangkok today with his wife en route to London for a three-month holiday He hopes to tour Britain and Europe, and on his way home will
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  • 122 16 TWO of Britain's overseas Service chiefs are now holding liaison discussions in Singapore. Lt.-Gen. Sir Charles Harington (above), Commander-In-Chief, Middle East Command, is paying an official visit to the Singapore headquarters of the Far East Command, and this picture shows him at his first meeting
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  • 58 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 20— Eight Malaysian businessmen connected with the printing Industry will leave Singapore tomorrow lor Australia on a six-day visit to inspect the Associated Pulp and Paper Mills plants. They will be guests of the company. Their visit has been organised by the firm
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  • 215 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 20 —Tin continued its upward surge on the Straits tin market today with a rise o! $13.37i, which took it to $566.75 the price since late iVlav 1951. Today’s rise, the largest on a single market da; for some years, means
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  • 41 16 JESSELTON, Feb. 20-Frar.:) Loh, vice-chairman of the S»3l- Ist Association will repf‘ sent Sabah at the Pacific A.*« Travel Association conference be held from Feb 28 to Marc." in Melbourne and 8yd net leaves for Australia on Feb. 23
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  • 212 16 Kuala lumpur. Feb. 20. The sixman Australian mission which came here to assess Malaysia’s defence needs left for Singapore today confident that “something positive’’ would be the outcome of their visit. The leader of the mission, Mr. D S. Clues, assistant secretary to the
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  • 364 17 KUALA LUMPUR, February 21 THE Government is expected to make a new pay offer 10 more than 2,000 senior officers before the end of the month. The uilicers mostly working in the Information, Customs, Social Welfare, Labour, Immigration, Income Tax and
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  • 87 17 hi S 1 T 21—The Saratr.ion V 1Pnt Aslan Officers v n partial vlctor y in C t0 1 rrt lts members adir.d t| Ch '*nese New Year Puasa. •trike r' 1 t! rpatened to RO on Lr e t„ Government’s faliclida- r :Van
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  • 149 17 Kuala lumfuk, Fed. 21 —The Malaysian Government Has recognised Uie new Government ol Zanzibar. A ministry ul External Affair* spokesman said today: *1 He Malay sian Government is satisfied that the new Government of Zanzibar is lawful a* well as in eliective control of
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  • 179 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Wednesday. ■THE Deputy Federal Secretary in Jesselton, Mr. Yeap Kee Aik, said here today that the Indonesians in Sabah were not in a position to do any further damage. Mr. Yeap, who is here for a short visit, said that the 200-odd Indonesian
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  • 26 17 KUAfIA LUMPUR. Feb. 21—The Government Dailv-Rated Services Staff Council, Malaya, will hold Its Bt!h annual delegates conference at Plantation House, Petaling Jaya, tomorrow.
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  • 27 17 KAJANG, Feb. 21—The Mentrl Besar of Selangor. Dato Aou Bakar bin Baginda. will open a $l2 000 mosque at Sungei Gahal, Ulu Langat. on Saturday.
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  • 78 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 21 Many Petaling Jaya residents were perturbed tonight by the highpitched whine of a RMAF turboprop Dart Herald which made constant runs over the town between 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. More than 1U residents telephoned the Straits Times office to ask
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  • 48 17 PENANG. Feb. 21 A Thai student, Vlvit Sayavaraont, 25. was today charged with using criminal force with intent to outrage the modesty of a seamstress, Tan Ah .*oi, 22. in Northam Road last nleht. Vivit pleaded not guilty and was remanded on bail.
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  • 210 17 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 21—The Malaysian F a r m e r s' Association delegate, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Abu Bakar, told the Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction conference today that before an exchange of farmers and experts in the region could be implemented
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  • 303 17 Producers got their message across in Washington, says our delegate in the ITC team KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 19. tin producing countries and the United States “have got the message of their problems across to one another that is the important thing,” Mr. H. M. Fuller
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  • 54 17 PENjANG, Feb 21— A stallkeeper, Nagapan, 49, has reported to the police that his 15-year-old son, Sugumaran, a pupil of the Arabic School In Tek Soon Street, failed to return home from school on Wednesday. Sugumaran left for school that (lav with $lO school fees and had
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  • 521 18  -  By AUSTEN ZECHA: Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 23 WORLD beset by tensions will cast its eyes on the Malaysian Capital this week as more than 80 delegates, representing different countries, ethnic and religious groups, attend the Conference on Development and Cooperation in
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  • 78 18 KLANG Feb. 23-The Malayan Indian Congress will hold a two-day seminar for 1.000 members at the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka in Kuala Lumpur on March 14/ 15. The secretary-general of the party. Mr. S Murugesu. said that the seminar was to instruct mem ners
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  • 78 18 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21. Mr David D. Horne, a vice-president of American International Pictures will arrive here on March 4 for a ihort visit as guest of cinema magnate Dato Loke Wan Tho and Datin Loke. Mi mane at), who 14 in charge oi his company's foreign
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  • 215 18 CINGAPORE, Feb. 23. A Japanese doctor who built a camera empire from a bombed-out shed soon after the war will arrive in Singapore on March 3 for a twoday visit. Dr Takeshi Mltaral, president of the Canon Camera Co., ranked one of Japan’s top
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  • 68 18 KUALA TRENGGANU, Feb. 21 The Chief Scout, Dato Sardon bin Haji Jubir. today awarded Muhammad bin Taib, 10. the "Bintang Kcberanian Darjah II” for saving Abdul Rashid bin Sulong. six. from drowning in Sungei Lnnbong Kemaman. here on Aug. 7 last year.
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  • 84 18 TPOH, Feb. 23.—The PanA Malayan Islamic Party, which has been dormant in Perak for the last four years has already started the campaign for the coming general elections. Two meetings were held yesterday in the royal town of Kuala Kangsar and at Tanjong Blanja, near Parit, both
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  • 460 18 SINGAPORE, Feb. 23. A MOTOR plant is to be set up in Penang for A the assembly of Toyota cars and it is hoped to begin production early in 1966. This is revealed in the prospectus of Oriental Holdings Ltd.
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  • 36 18 rP°H. Feb. 23.—Thieves broke into a house In Simpang Pulai near here yesterday afternoon and got away with $1 280 in cash and Jewellery belonging to a businessman, Mr. Nan bln Yunos. I
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  • 204 18 IESSELTON, Feb. 23- The Chief Minister, Dato Donald Stephens, told the people of Sipi* tang yesterday that Malaysia and Sabah had strong friends who, if the nation was attacked by enemies, would make sure they wene defeated. The Chief Minister paid surprise visit to the
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  • 58 18 JOHORE BAHRU. I b 21.A 14-year-old boy. Om> Men! Hock, died In hospl this afternoon. 24 hot* a e he was admitted .iTerir.* from severe burns He was found un in a back room of a tres shop l n Jalan Trus w gutted by fire
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  • 758 19 olN'l'' <E Fab *iveur, bidden r bv tes, won the Pens: Cup over a m ile the amateur race > Bukit Timah todav eat rank outsider Lanang by six 1* to pay $10. Tun Lanang paid $41. 1 SS 5—2F. Mr mham and
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  • 131 19 BATU PAHAT, Feb. 22. —Forty-seven people lost their homes today in a pre-dawn blaze that roared through a section of Sam Choon Village at 2& milestone, Jalan Kluang. Six plank and zinc dwelling houses and shops were completely gutted. Total damage Is estimated at
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  • 44 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 22.—Mr. A. Q. Anthony, a member of Kalal Pannai, will fly to India on Tuesday for a vacation. A farewell tea party will be held for him at the Bilal Restaurant at 5.30 p.m. on Sunday.
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  • 190 19 —Reuter, UPI. JAKARTA, Feb. 23. PRESIDENT Macapagal told the Indonesian Parliament today that the Philippines was now seeking economic independence and the emanciptation of its masses from poverty. In a half-hour address he said he was convinced that any national revolution would be in vain
    —Reuter, UPI.  -  190 words
  • 54 19 JESSELTON, Feb 22.—Plans for the formation or a **Babahan travelling troupe”, which will entertain Malaysian security forces guarding Sabah’s borders have been completed, according to Mr. Lim Hong Ghee, chairman of the entertainment committee for Malaysian troops. Mr. Lim said that three cultural organisations In the committee
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  • 33 19 IPOH, Peb. 23. —A woman ropemaker, Madam Lee Poong Yeng. 42. returned from work yesterday afternoon to find her house broken Into and about t 330 in cash and Jewellery taken.
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  • 788 19 rE following is a complete list of tevised quotations for the weeV endec o r Friday. Feb 21. INDUSTRIALS a. s Me* orda 12. id UO Boustead 1 99 2.00 Central Prop 1.4 b 151 City Dev 59 SO C 8 Holding 343 34$ Con Tib
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 108 19 -BIG SWEEP Total pool: $192,545 1st No. *****7 ($107,306) 2nd No. *****9 ($30,659) 3rd No. *****6 ($15,329) Starters: ($1,500 each) —Nos. *****4, *****9, *****4, *****7 *****2, *****0, *****7. *****4, *****5. *****3, *****5, *****5. Consolation ($75 each) —Nos. *****2, *****5, *****3, *****6, *****4, *****4. *****8, *****7, *****3, *****3, *****2, *****7, *****7
      108 words

    • 2510 20 From Oar Market Correspondent rfHE Malayan Stock Exchange was active from the word go on Tuesday morning when trading resumed after the 5} days holiday. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday good turnovers were reported although on Friday the volume of business written contracted somewhat. Taking
      2,510 words
    • 31 20 RUBBER TIN (per lb.) (per picul.) Feb. 17. $541.23 18. 67 cts. $543 00 19. 66% cts. $553.37% 20. 67 V, els. $566.50 21. 66% cts. $568.50 22. $580.25
      31 words
    • 42 20 (Managin' Prices) First Malayan 2 25 2.34 Second Malayan l.flj i 77 Third Malayan 1.23 30 Malaysian C. A 1 .06 1.03 First Hong Kong 1,10 1.15* Second Hong Kong 80 .84* Sterling Commodity 4/8 ft/ j (•Hong Kong currency)
      42 words
    • 27 20 February 21. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 684 cents (down seven-eighths of a cent). TIN: SSGB. 0 (up $2). Estimated unofficial offering 245 tons (down 5 tons).
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    • 68 20 'HINESE Produce Caohangs, (Ingapor* noon prices per picul yesterday: Coconut oil: bulk $494 sellers, drum 7524 sellers. Copra: Feb/March UK/Contlnent. Unquoted. Popper: Muntok white $1«24 sellers Sarawak white 5161) sellers, speclai Sarawak black |U74 sellers, garbled Lampong black |1174 sellers. ASTA *1274 sellers. Sing-ipore Coconut Oil Millers' Association
      68 words
    • 69 20 Current Date of Total Total for payment payment for previous McAlister 2 J%t vc^ r Vear Sr? a B i a, n kk 4id A P™ 17 I r a Rubber 3s. March 19 3s. 2s adan S n n < 7J% March 25 1% .n% Petaling Rubber
      69 words
    • 27 20 •indu,.rl»l,: m,? J ns 140.46 142.07 143.00 139 88 140 91 ™d«" jo, imsJioV 2 104 72 ,04 72 ,04 Dec. 2.9. 1962 100
      27 words
    • 617 20 Malayan It er 4 Market had l y emerged from lethargy of a ho]id. I long as a working e k before buyers ha»’ he bit between their >th and were spurring he market on its pi nt rise, say H.C.B. c 0
      617 words