The Straits Budget, 5 February 1964

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER sF.RIES 3 KUALA LUMPUR, FEBRUARY 5, 1964. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 shilling. KDN 691.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 61 1 The new LRH 410 I.» LATEX CONCENTRATOR Expert advice readily and freely given by Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., and McAlister Co., Ltd. Specialised servicing given at our Ipoh workshop i P LAVAL WORKSHOP. IPOH y A DE V .,-v i 'c < p Ast F V> 9 A McAlister co.. ltd
      61 words

    • 306 2  -  SIM LAI HEE Manager, Slm Lim Co., Ltd. Singapore ALLOW me to reply to your correspondent “motorist” (S.I. Jan. 28) because my company is supplying and ms tailing the cables irom Jurong to woodland*. He was incorrect In castigating the rublic Utilities Hoard workmen.
      306 words
    • 47 2  -  SIMPLETON Ipob A 8 agreed recently. European mining companies have paid a month’s salary as ex-gratla payment to dally rated employees Monthly rated employees were left out of the deal These monthly-rated employees do their share of the work and have proved loyal and devoted
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    • 259 2  -  ISAAC PAUL Director, Employment Bureau, University of Singapore Students’ Union HINTS ABOUT CUSHY WORK, FAT SALARIES pLEASE allow me the opportunity to reply to letters written in your paper referring to “undergraduate employment.” Reference was made to students looking for “cushy jobs” and “fat salaries.”
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    • 229 2  -  S. SAB/. HATNAM Publicity flicer, United Front Taiplng JV/IR. O H Ont asks when 1 the United Front will reduce the Taiplng rate of $6 for double bucket and $3 00 tor single bucket sanitation This question haunts the mind of the United Front. The obstruction
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    • 159 2  -  M.S. MURTHI I 9 IT A Kuala Lumpur AS a Hindu I do not appreciate the way certain religious bodies try to influence devotees who go to Batu Caves to celebrate Ihaipusam. On the eve of I haipusam, the board of management appealed through the Straits Times to
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    • 224 2  -  H J- BURGESS Director, Technical ir.. i Structures Ltd. nuala Lumpur YOUR editorial of January 28 suggests that evidence of the ability of rubber to remain in good condition after some 50 years under the sea may be "of strictly limited value except for publicity purposes."
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    • 35 2  -  RESIDENT Singapore RESIDENTS of Paya Lebar would like a bus service direct to the city As it is we have to change buses even when making the shortest trip beyond Paya Lebar Road.
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    • 198 2  -  G A MG V® 1.1U Engineering S.-dion, Broadcasting Division Ministry of C ulture Singapore Recept n difficui ii in Mala a ACORRESPONDEN’l lai raised the quest] 1 0 the reception at Ipc 0 f Radio Singapore’s E. programmes. Radio Singapore’s b adcasts in all the four an. guage
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    • 73 2  -  PERT l BED Alor Star IN Kampong PeraK AJor 8tar. some tu ness premises were parti torn down by a number of jpie recently. The police who were early on the cent made no arrests Wt they failed to carry out heir duty Is hard to unde: and
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    • 59 2  -  L. tee Inoh Radio singap <es evening broadca In the English service, rom 6 30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m the 476 metres wavebant and the 41 metres shoi ave band often give verv oor reception. Whenev I tune in I find grea’ tflculty. I hope the a’ ri*
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    • 44 2  -  TV Ov EB Johore Bahru \V E are told that < of TV sets must iW out licences at $24 a Could the post ti< owners of TV sets in Johore. who at the m receive TV Singapur< w grammes only, be cln
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 632 3 Ulll V 1 vlll pi upvl H V* —Straits Times. Jan. 27 on stockI c tirularly with coming more i< reserve ncreMed to! l® aVe# <i, 0 (V) tons f disposal on ires) and the l S« nate stockL ciK are being rnrd to more cautious
      Ulll V 1 vlll pi upvl H V* —Straits Times. Jan. 27  -  632 words
    • 254 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 28 Tidying up Malaya’s rural co-operatives apparently is proving a bigger task than Inche Mohamed Khir Johari had thought. The “year of consolidation” which has just drawn to a close s to be succeeded by a “year of cleanup”—an extension of the goslow period which
      —Straits Times, Jan. 28  -  254 words
    • 676 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 29 A world forewarned is reacting to French recognition of Communist China in much the expected manner. Taiwan is angry and humiliated, but seems unable j decide how far i' is wise to go in its resentment. The impulse, to sever relations
      —Straits Times. Jan. 29  -  676 words
    • 673 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 30 Mr. Robert Kennedy is back in New York, pleased with his South-East Asian trip. There is a cease fire and there is to be a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. If the conference breaks down then
      —Straits Times. Jan. 30  -  673 words
    • 255 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 30 An assessment of the success of the Malaysian rubber trade mission which has been touring consumer countries, East and West, must await a much fuller report from the mission leader, Mr. Gan Teck Yeow. News of the mission during the seven weeks it was
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30  -  255 words
    • 354 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 30 There are many reasons, beyond those of the businessmen now so frequently quoted, why Malaya should grow its own sugar. It would add another crop to an economy too dependent on rubber; it would save foreign exchange; it might help spare the consumer price
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30  -  354 words
    • 212 4 —Straits Times. Jan 31 Firemen did well to coniine the lire which killed live children and gutted hall the business section of Langkap new village in Perak. They saved a block of shophouses only ten feet from a burning building and a school only twenty feel away. And
      —Straits Times. Jan 31  -  212 words
    • 699 4 -Straits Times. Feb 1 The ceasefire agreement and the tripartite talks are gravely endangered by yesterday’s exploit by the Indonesian air force. Leaflets were dropped in the Tawau district, instructing Indonesian guerillas not to come out of the jungle, but to stay where they are. One aircraft
      -Straits Times. Feb 1  -  699 words
    • 201 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 1 The need for promoting family planning may one day disappear, but only when the battle to adjust population and production has been won. In the meantime it must be fought with an urgency which will grow greater as our numbers increase. Inche Khir Johari
      —Straits Times. Feb. 1  -  201 words
    • 674 4 n —Straits Times. I Disagreement over the Borneo ceasefire gives fresh urgency to the Bangkok meeting ot Foreign Ministers. They assemble there cn Wednesday. Their first task obviously must be to agree on the terms ol the ceasefire, and the supervision of this agreement by the Thai
      ... n – —Straits Times. I  -  674 words

    • 41 4 GOODE to Anne and Stephen at Attaunta Host COOMBS. lo Kvelyti Ron on 21 1 HI at St Mar Thnnk« to do< tor and MOIISINAC: To Uon< (Maureen) a (laughter Chile Bungtmr ward 23 1 (M thanks to apeclalfst and
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  • 521 5  -  -From- VIC NAYAGAM: SEREMBAN. January 30 f[E All-.iiice Government, though a right-v/ing government, is more socialist in its policies than many so-called socialist countries, the Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, said today. Mr. Tan, who is also national president
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  • 271 5 S’ PORE UMNO CALLS MOVE TO ADJUST WARDS PREMATURE SINGAPORE, Jan. 30 SINGAPORE Umno today described the Government move to adjust electoral bounoaries so that there would be more equal representation throughout all the 51 constituencies as “premature.” The secretary general. Dato Syed Esa Almenoar, said: “In view of the
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  • 92 5 SINGAPORE. Jan. 28.— The Minister for Rational Development, Mr. Lim Kim San. will open the new $75,000 Thomson agriculture ana veterinary exten51°h centre on Feb. 1. iiKt e ,i e ntre be the fntref to s even other buht by the Govern- ment to help farmers reduce
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  • 202 5 IPOH, January 31. A PLEA for a new and better Town Hall for Ipoh’s 200,000 people was made by Mr. C. H. Yin at the municipal meeting here last night. In his adjournment speech, Mr. Yin (PPP) said that he was surprised to
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  • 163 5  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND SINGAPORE, Jan, 31. Malayan estates and smallholders in December produced 75,343 tons of rubber an all-time record since the industry was established in this country. The 784,699 tons produced In 1963 was also a record. Last year’s producUon was 157,311 tons more
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  • 115 5 MARRIED THREE MONTHS AGO JPAIPING, Jan. 30. A A teacher, married three months ago, has been missing from her home in the Pokok Assam new village here since Jan. 27. She is Roslta Palbathy, 31, wife of Mr. E. Roberts, a clerk in the Rubber Replanting
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  • 29 5 SINGAPORE, Jan. 26—Prof. Victor M. Flc, of the political science department of Nanyang University, has returned after attending the 26th International Congress of Orientalists in New Delhi.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 97 5 THE K.K. AiC FAR tA&T builder A Bi.Month! v d I,er Elding ttaie the A Magazine dealing with building, architectural and real estate activities Malaya, Singapore. Hong Kong, Siarr. The Philippines, Borneo and The Far East. 'tablished in 193E this bi-monthly trade paosr is bnugiit on yearly subscription by architects,
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  • 275 6  -  AT RACEHORSE OWNERS’ By ABUL FAZIL: SINGAPORE, Jan. 27 RACEHORSE owners' luxuriously furnished private club in Upper Aljunied Road was mysteriously bombed at dawn today. A bomb, ascertained by army explosives experts to have been home-made, was lobbed into the club, which is a first-floor flat in
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  • 81 6 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27. A Japanese port expert flew here today to make a four-day survey of port and harbour operations in Singapore and Penang. Mr. T. J. Seo, assistant harbour master of the Port of Osaka Authority, will meet officials of the Singapore Harbour Board
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  • 78 6 SINGAPORE. Jan. 27—A Jjoint exhibition of electrical household appliances, radios and TV sets by 28 Italian manufacturers was opened this evening by the Italian Consul-General. Dr. D. Pollici. at the Victoria Memorial Hall. The exhibition is organised by the Italian Institute for Foreign Trade under
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  • 195 6 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 27. —The visiting Foreign Minister of Denmark, Mr. Per Haekkerup and his wife were received in audience by the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri Agong at the Istana Negara today. They were accompanied bv the Danish Ambassador, Mr. F.
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  • 242 6 PORT SWETTENHAM, January 27. INDONESIAN gunboats struck again in international waters 31 miles from here on Saturday and towed away two Malaysian fishing boats and gear worth $8,900. According to the police, four Malaysian fishermen from Pulau Ketam were fishing in two boats near One
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  • 56 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 31.—Dr Hugo Boyko, secretary general of the World Academy of Art and Science, will give a public lecture on "The use of saline water and sea water without de-salination for the cultivation of economic plants" in Arts Lecture Theatre B. University of
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  • 139 6 Reuter. DRUNEI TOWN, Fri. The Sultan of Brunei yesterday inspected arms captured from terrorists in Sabah recently. The arms were captured following a fierce dash between a patrol of the 1st Bn., Royal Leicesters, and a gang of terrorists near Long Pasia, 50
    Reuter.  -  139 words
  • 94 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 27. —Twenty-three expatriate police officers in Malays have retired since January 1952. Another 29 officers are still s> erT ing. A police headquarters man said 14 of these are a 'ichej to headquarters. They are < mainly on administrative a.. S
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 8 6 rfiMUMiiiiiiiitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiHiiiiiiiniiiimiimninniminHiHinminHiiiiiuiiniMMHiiiiMii s a STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES IIIIMHIlHlimilllMHUIIHmilHIIlU
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  • 364 7 IPOH, January 27. pERAK police have embarked on a bold new move to rehabilitate the 450 gangsters who have been restricted to various parts of the State, either under the Restricted Residence Enactment or the Prevention of Crime Ordinance. Under the new
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  • 25 7 -OAPORE, Jan. 27—A susL described by police as uu 10 8. was arrested In 1 yesterday and has >nlned under the Societies “unce
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  • 68 7 TAIPING. Jan. 27 —The Indian children's welfare home here, which Is looking after 50 boys and girls under 16 years of age. has drawn up a board of visitors of 14 women to visit the home this year. The president of the home. Mr. H.S. Rama Rao,
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  • 52 7 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27. The Australian Deputy High Commissioner. Mr. W B. Pritchett, tonight toasted the Yang di-Per-tuan Negara. Tun Yusof bin Ishak, at a reception held at his residence at Dalvey Road to mark Australia Day. Tun Ishak proposed a toast to Queen Elizabeth. About 300 guests
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  • 38 7 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27. Water rationing In Singapore will be reduced to three days a wt;ek from tomorrow The ration days now are Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 pun
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  • 173 7 Kuala lumpur, Jan, 27.—About 90 international personalities are expected to gather here for a conference next month to discuss ways of reducing world tensions. A spokesman for the organising committee said today that the conference would be held at the Dewan Bahasa
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  • 49 7 SEREMBAN, Jan. 27.—The national president of the Malayan Chinese Association, Mr. Tan Siew Sin. will make an extensive twoday tour of the association's branches in Negri Sembilan on Jan. 30 and 31. He will be accompanied by Mr. Khaw Kai Boh. Minister without Portfolio
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  • 34 7 TAIPING Jan. 27. The proposed Malayan Chinese Association trade fair, scheduled to be held here from Feb. 12 to Feb. 26, has been cancelled due to lack of support from firms.
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  • 386 7 SINGAPORE, January 27. A YEAR-LONG squabble over a re-develop-ment site in Holland Road ended in tragedy for two schoolboys today. The boys, Tan Lai Kiat, 11, and Tan Chye Huat, 12, had gone for a swim in a pool, which had formed around
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  • 122 7 TUNIS, Jan. 28,—The Prime x Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today called on the Tunisian President, Mr. Habib Bourguiba, at the President’s office here. Mr. Lee, who arrived here yesterday on a 24-hour visit during a tour of African countries, handed Mr. Bourguiba
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  • 262 7 IPOH, Jan. 27 A CALL to all opposition political parties to consolidate against the Alliance in the coming general elections was made by the national assistant secretary general of the Socialist Front, Mr. Chan Kei Hee, here yesterday. “A straight fight between a strong
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  • 633 8 UNION'S FINANCES AND MR. RAJAH SINGAPORE, January 27. M R T. T. RAJAH, legal adviser to three deregistered left-wing trade unions whose financial transactions are the subject of a commission of inquiry, today said he sent a bill of $4,300 for legal
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  • 40 8 JESSELTON, Jan. 27- A flvethe Kennedy Bay area, near Lahad Datu, will be handed over to the Government for safe-keep-ing until the Sabah Museum is us tablishfed. The tusk is the biggest yet found in Sabah.
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  • 38 8 SINGAPORE. Jan. 29 The Comptroller of Income Tax filed a writ in the High Court Registry claiming $122,392 from Chong Moong Beng, of 9, Oxley Road, as being money due and unpaid for income tax.
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  • 179 8 JESSELTON, January 27. JHE acting chairman of the Sabah Chinese Association, Mr. Francis Chia Nyuk Tong, said today a joint appeal by the association’s branches would urge the Yang di-Pertua Negara ef Sabah, Dato Mustapha bin Harun, to withdraw his resignation. He added that
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  • 38 8 SEREMBAN, Jan. 27 Fifty young men were recruited here on Jan. 25 for the Malaysian Armed Forces. J in- rerniltlne team will be in Kuala Lumpur on Jan. 28. 29 and 30-
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  • 50 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 27. More than 90 competitors from all the units of the Royal Malaysian Army. Navy and Air Force will take part in the armed forces’ annual Koran reading competition at 8 p m. on Jan. 28. 29, and 30 at the Port Dickson Garrison Mosque.
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  • 35 8 JESSELTON, Jan. 27. Response to the recruiting drive for the 2nd Battalion, Malaysia Rangers, ‘‘is not as good as anticipated” Major J. J. Plain said He hopes to recruit 166 young mtn.
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  • 266 8 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 27.—The Director for South-West Pacific Affairs in the li.S. State Department, Mr. James Bell, today spoke of how Mr. Robert Kennedy, the U.S. Attorney-General, successfully avoided getting into details in his efforts to find a solution to the Malaysian issue.
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  • 196 8 Kuala lumpur j ar 28. The chairman of the Elections Com" mission, Haji Mustapna Albakri, announced today that the results oi the forthcoming p ar liamentary and State elections would be known the following day—not on the samnight as in the prei vious elections.
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  • 62 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 28—The Nilai Bangsa Physical Culture Association will hold a ‘‘Miss Easter Beauty Queen” contest durir.g its Easter gala ball on March 28 Prizes of $500, $300 and $200 will be given to the winners. Aparticipants must be M iaysian citizens and be above 16
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  • 146 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. A visiting proressor from Britain said here today there was a possibility that even typists in his country would have a university education in the not too distant future. Professor H. J. Emelus was speaking at the luncheon meeting of the
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  • 496 9  - 500 made homeless F OUR DIE in FIRE SHOPS COMPLETELY GUTTED WHILE THE TOTAL iMIAGE is estimated at OVER $600,000 From XHAM SOON KENG: Teluk Anson, Jan. 28 THREE children and a girl of 18 died and 500 were rendered !\,n.oless in a noon blaze today ti d ro: red
    Barch among the ruins. *— Straits Times picture.  -  496 words
  • 59 9 KLANG, Jan. 28.—An escapee from police custody. Zainuddin bin Mohammed 20. of Kuala Laneat, 21 miles from here, surrendered at the Klang police station Zainuddin w’anted in connection j with a case of housebreaking and theft in Kuala Lnngat. eluded the policeman who was escortine him
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  • 30 9 JERSELTON. Jan. 28—Commemorative stamps issued to mark the ninth Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference will be withdrawn from sale on Feb 3. an announcement said to 1 day
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  • 166 9 KUALA LUMPUR, January 28. /GOVERNMENT servants who have reached the 55-year age limit are waiting for details of the increased benefits which the Government has promised them if they agree to serve until they are 60 Mr. V. E. Jesudoss, president of the Congress
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  • 86 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. The Natural Rubber Producers’ Research Association will celebrate its silver jubilee with a scientific conference to be held at Cambridge. England, from April 7 to April 9. The chairman of the conference will be the Controller of Rubber Research for the Malayan
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  • 334 10 KUALA LUMPUR, January 27. British High Commissioner in Malaysia, Lord Head, returned today from his London consultations and said he hoped the leaders involved in the Malaysian dispute would "talk less" now that round-table discussions had been arranged. “The less said the
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  • 20 10 SEREMBAN, Jan 30.—A former Tampin schoolteacher Mr Ttiara Singh Stndhu has been admitted to the Federation Bar
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  • 71 10 SINOAPORE. Jan. 27 —Two industrial survey missions irom For tnosa and Hong Kong will arrive in Singapore in the next two months. Ihe Formosan mission, which is scheduled to arrive here on Jan. 31. will look into the feasibility ot setting up drug and
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  • 164 10 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 28.—The Pan-Mala-yan Islamic Party is willing to cossider forging an “electoral understanding” with other opposition parties in certain areas. This was stated by the PMIP secretary-general, Inche Abdullah Zawawl today He was commenting on a statement by the national
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  • 57 10 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27—Qantas today announced the appointment of Mr. D J. Hillinger as the new area manager for South-East Asia. Mr. Hillinger, who for the past two years has been the airline s manager in Malaya, will replace Mr. N. H. Powell, who will take up
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  • 174 10 KUALA LUMPUR, January 27. INDONESIA is one oi the four countries which will 1 not send delegates to the South-East Asia regional Muslim conference beginning here on Jan. 21. The other three countries are Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong. The conference, to be held
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  • 95 10 SINGAPORE, Jan 30.— Mr. I. S Foong, sales suppervisor of Kodak (Malaya) Ltd., in Kuala Lumpur left today for a six weeks’ course at the Banff School of Advanced Management In Canada He is one of four Malaysian company executives who have been offered
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  • 41 10 RAUB. Jan. 30.—Senior Inspector Taufik bin Haii Ismail. who ha been acting OCPD here has been transferred to Jerantut as the OCPD. succeeding Mr E J Maeness. who has been transferred to Police Depot, in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 355 10 KUALA LUMPUR, January 28 IJUNDREDS of students coached by the 11 Government’s further education classes have gone to study in universities here, Singapore and abroad A spokesman of the Ministry of Education said this today in commenting on the opening of further
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  • 58 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28—Sir Wilfred Kent Hughes, a Libera) member of the Australian Parliament and former chairman of the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee, is due to arrive here on Feb. 1. He plans to spend about one week in Malaya before visiting the Borneo States as
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  • 28 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30 Recruiting dates for soldiers for the Malavsian Armv are Penang. Feb. 1, 3 and 4. and Ipoh Feb 6. 7 and 8.
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  • 308 10 Kota bharu, Jan. 28. —The secretary of branch of the Malayan the Kelantan State Indian Congress, Mr Majid Thanikodi, said here today that he had sest notices to all Mic offices in the State to hold their general meetings immediately after the
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  • 61 10 PENANG, Jan. 28 Th' new Commander Officer of the 1st Green Jackets, Lt.-Col. D G Hn'ise. officially took over command ol the battalion today from tin rP tiring C.O., Lt. Col H J Swnmey, Lt. Col House came from ’h f Ministry of Defence in Loth:
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  • 29 10 SUNGEI PATANI, Jan. 2i American Peace Corps voir Miss Iris Anna Palm from consln. has been ported to t at the Sungel Layar r School here.
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  • 419 11 CO-OPS AND POLITICS DON’T MIX KUALA LUMPUR, JAN 28. The Minister of Agriculture and Co-opera-tives, Incite Mohamed Khir Johari, today not to turn co-opera-tive societies into political “battlegrounds.” He was addressing 45 people at the opening ot a course tor Chinese co-operators at the Cooperative College
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  • 207 11  -  By LIM TOW BOON Kuala Lumpur, Janue/y 28 i 50-year-old woman and her teenage daughter are among 45 delegates attending the one-week course for Chinese co operators which opened at the Cooperative College at Petaling Java today. They are Madam Mak Choy Ying
    — Straits Times picture.  -  207 words
  • 164 11 KUALA LUMPUR, January 28. 3jOHp: than 200 youths turned up at the Ministry Defence at Gurney Road here today to enthe Malaysian Army, but only 40 were *V IV A tv Jr kji tv 11 A V selected. Tn-1ay was the first of
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  • 182 11 PENANG, January 28. cane cultivation, if successful, would contribute greatly towards agricultural diversification in Malaya, a spokesman of the Malayan Sugar Manufacturing Co., a joint Malayan-Japanese refinery in Prai, Province Wellesley, said today, j “I am confident sugar cane will grow well In
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  • 23 11 JESSELTON, Jan. 28—The last three Malaysian soldiers who were wounded during the Kalabakan attack will be flown to Malaya before Harl Raya.
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  • 332 12 By ABUL FAZIL: Singapore, J a n. 29 TWO police cars answering a 999 call this ,fte r noon chased a car for two miles from bus* Sims Avenue into Aljunied Road, where tin c was abandoned by its three occupants, 0.. e G
    police car. Straits Times picture.  -  332 words
  • 364 12 KUALA LUMPUR, January 28. r £HE Danish Foreign Minister, Mr. Per Haekkerup, said here today that his country was prepared to hold discussions with Malaysia on proposals for joint business ventures. Mr. Haekkerup said this before leaving by air today for Singapore on
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  • 185 12 Kuala lumpijr, Jan. 29.—The Secretary to the Ministry of the Interior, Inc h e LoKman bin Yusol, said that a plan to establish an island penal settlement oil Malaya nad been shelved. The whole question would have to be reviewed, taking into consideration
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  • 42 12 PORT SWETTENHAM. Jan. 29. —A fisherman Tan Ming Yong. 27. was vtstfiday cluuUea to ft in front of his house at Pulau Ketam, 15 miles from here. According to police. Tan had earlier been involved in a quarrel.
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  • 145 12 ESSELTON, Jan. 29. The Chief Minister of Sabah. Dato Donald Stephens, told the Muruts in Pensiangan yesterday that the Alliance Govern inent had not forgotten them. Dato Stephens Hew in a helicopter with the Deputy Federal Secretary. Mr. Yeap Kee Aik. to speak
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  • 204 12 SINGAPORE. Jan. 29 rpHE Singapore PolyJ- technic is to organise a three-day symposium—the first ol its kind—on technological and scientific research In Malaysia in August at the Polytechnic and the University of Singapore. The University ot Singapore. the University of Malaya and other institutes Of higher learning
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  • 246 12 I/UALA LUMPUK. Jar 28. —A special committee under the jorr.: chairmanship of tfcj Minister of Finance. M: Tan Siew Sin, ai Minister of Edik aLx Laji Abdul Hamid Una: lias been set up t sider financial s schools which are n urgent need oi sions.
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  • 145 12 pjENANG, Jan. 29. 1 Full precautions must be taken to ensure that ballot boxes are not tampered with before the counting of votes, Mr Ooi Thiam Siew chairman of the Penang division of the Socialist Front, said today. He wa s referring to
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  • 498 13 Happy to meet you,’ said Red rubber officials KUALA LUMPUR, January 28. pOMMUNIST rubber purchasing officials were happy to have us visit them and som e even went to the airports to meet us,” the laeder ot the Malaysian Governmentsponsored rubber trade goodwill mission, Mr. Gan Tech Yeow, said today.
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  • 148 13 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 28. The Defence Minister, Tun Aodul Razak in a message to troops in the Borneo territories said that although there was now a cease fire on the border, "vigilance” should be their watchword. The message sent through the Director of
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  • 102 13 Kuala lumpur, jan. 29. The Sarawak Government is looking for a superintendent to take charge of detention camps. The non-pensionable post carries a salary in the range $690-$1,170. Candidates should be at least 45 years old and have experience in prison work, preferably in
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  • 19 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29—Mr. N.K.N Nagappa has been elected president of the Nattukkottai Chettiars' Chamber of Commerce.
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  • 171 13 SINGAPORE, January 29. T'HE Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers’ 1 Union has postponed a strike at the Tay Koh Yat Bus Co. scheduled to start tomorrow over its claim for recognition This follows a meeting between the management and union representatives under the chairmanship
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  • 568 13  -  By PERCY JOSEPH: Kuala Lumpur, January 29 'J’ENGKU Abdul Rahman said late tonight that Malaysia had also sought military assistance, in the way of equipment and training, from New Zealand and Canada, apart from Australia. The Prime Minister was speaking to reporters at the
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  • 134 13 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. The East Division of Singapore Umno will seek an assurance that graduates of Malay secondary schools will have equal opportunities with school certificate or Chinese middle school certificate holders for Government posts. The division’s chairman. Inche Ahmad bln Hajl Abdul Rahman,
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  • 72 13 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29—‘The Sabah Government has extended to the end of this month the closing: date for tenders for the $2 miJ!;on hospital project at Tawau to a low Singapore contractors time to take part in the tendering This was disclosed by the Sabah Minister for Communications
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  • 41 13 KUCHING, Jan. 28—Better methods of farming were needed in Sarawak, said the Resident of the Third Division, Mr. A. R. Griffin, today He was speaking at the opening this morning of the divisional agricultural conference in Sibu.
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  • 949 14 CASH BALANCE OF 34 S.G.E.U. BRANCHES TOTALLED SIS,OOO—UNIONS INQUIRY TOLD QINGAPORE, Jan 29. —The commission inquiring into the financial transactions of three deregistered unions today heard evidence about “voluntary contributions” to the branches of the Singapore General Employees Union. These contributions were not
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  • 37 14 SINGAPORE, Jan. 31.—The Singapore Government today announced the appointment of a former journalist. Inche Mohamed Ghazali bln Ismail, as publicity liaison secretary to the Minister for Culture. His appointment will take effect from tomorrow.
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  • 259 14  -  By PHILIP KHOO: SINGAPORE, Jan. 29 GANG of five armed men, using an oxyacetylene torch, failed in an attempt to cut open the vault of the Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporations branch in Malacca Street last night. The robbers, two armed with revolvers and three
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  • 66 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29 A 28-year-old staff nurse-midwife In charge of the Ipoh Hospital Maternity Unit, Miss Chang Kean Sang, left here today for New Zealand to begin a post-graduate course In the administration and teaching of obstetric nursing. She will study on a Colombo
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  • 170 14 LUMPUR, 29. The Central Government is out to encourage “diversitica. tion in education apart from agriculture —to meet the nations needs. The Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, in. che Mohamed Khir Johari said this at the graduation dinner of the Coliege oi Agriculture Students’
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  • 147 14 VfUAR, Jan. 28. The Penambang (Ferry Workers Union has asked the Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications, Date V. T. Sambanthan, to hasten his arrangements with the Johore Government for land for ferry workers in the State who will lose their jobs because bridges
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  • 56 14 IPOH, Jan. 29—The by-< in the Slim River Local <■ for the seat made vacant > death of an Alliance Mr. Swee Hock, has resol* a straight fight between M Chin, an Alliance etndid 1 7 Mr. X.T.P. Pathrose. an Ir ent candidate. c The Alliance
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  • 494 15 TELUK ANSON, January 29 $30,000 FROM GOVT AND PROMISE OF NEW HOMES 'J’HE Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, flew here this afternoon and presented a $30,000 cheque from the Central Government to the fire victims of Langkap new village,’near here. He ordered that
    fire victims. Straits Times picture.  -  494 words
  • 39 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan 29—A donation of $659 50 from the mem bers of the Bar Association, of Perak, for the National Patriotic Fund was today received by the Straits Times here, bringing Its total to $145,725.19.
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  • 77 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 31—The national secretariat of the Young Christian Workers here announced today that a training centre for hair dressing and sewing will be opened on Feb. 2. The centre, which will be known as “Chez Rosa,” and operate at Jalan Brunei Selatan off
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  • 31 15 KUCHING. Jan 29.—The chief Minister of Sarawak. Mr. Stephen Kalong Nlngkan leaves Kuching today for his first official tour of the Fourth and Fifth divisions of the country
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  • 248 15 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 29. —The Australian Trade Commission here is seeking a senior marketing adviser to investigate the “trend towards more sophisticated manufactures” in Malaysia. The Australian Trade Commissioner in Malaysia. Mr. W. R. Hudspeth, said today the post would assist in strengthening
    248 words
  • 448 15  -  By CHEONQ YIP SENG: Singapore, Jan. 31 'J'HREE armed robbers this morning ambushed three Gammon (Malaya) Ltd. employees and grabbed a $30,000 payroll from them outside the Chartered Bank sub-branch in Hill View Road, off Bukit Timah
    448 words

  • 322 16 SINGAPORE, January 31. 'JHE Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, today urged the creation of a world image for Singapore. “Whether we are selling cars, electric bulbs, tooth paste or what have you, the first and basic object of sales promotion is
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  • 65 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30 Two Maalysian army otticers have been selected to attend a platoon commander’s course at the School of Infantry. Hythe, Britain. They are Capt. Mohamed Fedzll bin Ahmad and Lt Abdul Manap bin Ibrahim of the Royal Malay Regiment They will leave
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  • 125 16 IPOH, Jan. 31.—Mr. Justice Ong allowed an appeal in the High Court here today and ouashed a seven months’ jail sentence on a rubber tapper, Mohamed bin Musa, 24, imposed by the Teluk Anson magistrate, for theft. In allowing the appeal, the judge said: “Every
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  • 55 16 SEREMBAN, Jan. 31 Thirteen young artists, mostly teachers and shop-assistants, who stud.ed art during their spare time will hold a two-day exhibition at the town hall beginning tomorrow. Known as “The February Art Group”, the exhibition will be opened by the Dato Klana Putra, Undang of Sungei
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  • 259 16 KUALA LUM1Y PUR, Jan. 31. The Royal Malaysian Air Force is to be equipped with jet planes in the near future, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Razak, said last night. In a broadcast over Radio Malaysia on the expansion
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  • 211 16 SINGAPORE, Jan. 31 rpHE blast furnace burst to life. Molten steel flowed down the conveyor. Balloons wafted skywards as guests sipped drinks. It was the opening of the National Iron and Steel Mills Ltd., cornerstone of the ambitious Jurong industrial project. In opening the whole
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  • 33 16 PENANG, Jan. 31 A youth, Abdul Malek bln Mohamed, 19, today pleaded not guilty to a charge of stealing a trisha from Sungel Pinang Hoad last night Ball was allowed.
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  • 312 16 PENANG, Jan. 31 THE Penang State MCA today claimed that the Socialist Front and United Democratic Party had reached a secret agreement to form an anti-Alliance front for this year's State elections. But this was later denied by the Socialist Front. An MCA
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  • 174 16 OINGAPORE, Jan. 30The parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Culture, Mr. Fong Sip Chee, will open a pedestrians’ underpass across Connaught Drive near Anderson Bridge next month. Construction of the underpass began three month: ago and is now almost c a* pleted The cost:
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  • 19 16 IPOH, Jan. 31—Thirty f" participate In the month ternatlonal trade and inJ hlbitlon which begins h morrow.
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  • 268 17 ROUSING SEND-OFF FOR EX-SPECIAL BRANCH CHIEF SINGAPORE, January 30. pOLlCE officers, political and community leaders and friends were at the airport here this morning to give a rousing send-off to Mr. Ahmad Khan, retired Superintendent of the Singapore Special Branch. Mr. Khan, 52, is
    — Straits Times picture.  -  268 words
  • 331 17  -  By TAN TOCK SAIK: Kuala Lumpur, January 31 THE Central Government is negotiating with the World Bank for a loan of more than $150 million for the development of
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  • 15 17 1 -The Selangor approved 126,000 !*?uie Upper for I '»nva* Trrwn Board.
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  • 74 17 SINGAPORE, Jan. 31—The Economic Development Boaid is organising a 10lecture orientation course in “work study for managers.’ 1 tie course, starting on Feb. JO. will be held at the University at Singapore, every Thursday at 530 p.m Mr. S Richardson, senior lecturer in Production
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  • 34 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 31—The Amateur Swimming Association of Selangor will hold its inaugural neeting on Feb 4 at 5.30 p.m. at Watson and Company Ltd., off Sungei Besi Road here.
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  • 73 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan 31—The University of Malaya is receiving help towards the establishment of a multi-discipline laboratory In addition to teaching and study fellowships from the China Medical Board of New York. The Board was created in 1914 and helps medical programmes in Asia. It is
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  • 159 17 SINGAPORE, Jan, 30. The Minister of Health, Mr Yong Nyuk Lin, today praised the work of the school health service which, with a small staft. had attendtd to 145,000 cases at the institute of health and 115.000 in schools last year. Mr Yong
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  • 82 17 PENANG, Jan. 30 —The Penang branch of the United Democratic Party said today It did not intend to form a united front with the Socialist Front for the State elections merely for the expediency of winning a few extra seats. ”We are motivated only by
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  • 189 17 SINGAPORE, Jan. 30 THE Government of Thailand has offered a number of awards for Singapore students wishing to study in Thailand. The awards, which are being offered under the Unesco programme for this vear, fall under three cate gorles They areFELLOWSHIPS, for con ducting
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  • 1060 18 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29 There were more upsets in heavy going at Bukit Timah toclay and in the last race the forecast tote paid out a dividend of $2,631. Race One CL. 6, DIV. 3—7 F Bel.lios Stable’s *7)
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  • 1240 18 SINGAPORE, Feb. 2 West Australia jockey Fred Moore scored a double at Bukit Timah today. Race One CL. 4. niV. 3—7 F. Shaw Stable's (8) TARZAN II 8.3 (1827—715) Moore 1 (11) Polaris Missile 8.12 (1632—590) Wilson 2 (3) Soochow 8.9 (337
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 121 18 BIG SWEEPIOTAL 1’OOL: *133,730 1st No. *****1 —*71,281 2nd No. *****1—*20.300 3rd No. *****0—*10.183 BIG SWEEPTOTAL POOL: §160,745 1 No. *****9 (§86.831) 2 No. *****4 (§24.809) 3 No. *****9 (§12,404) Starters (§1,200 each): Nos. *****6, *****6, *****2, *****2, *****1, *****9, *****9, *****3. *****7. *****1, *****5, *****3. *****6. *****6, *****9, *****4.
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  • 312 19 KUALA LUMPUR, February 2. 400 people lost their homes when a < A i about 40 squatter huts in Batu Lane i Foong, 23, a r, was forced h.s wedding tu His newly u>e, specially d with tables the feast, was “mp: ■lr0>'c<i- rVc and
    312 words
  • 80 19 OEREMBAN’, Jan. 30. The Central Government has granted a loan of s2£ million to the Negri Sembilan State Government to develop the 700-acre industrial site three miles north of here, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Llm Swee Aun, said here tonight. Dr. Llm,
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  • 33 19 KUCHING, Jan. 28.—Sarawak police have arrested a man who is alleged to have been connected with the Indonesian based terrorists who landed at Paloti In the Third Division on Jan 8.
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  • 131 19 SINGAPORE, Feb. 2.—The Belgian community in Singapore turned up in full force at the Singapore airport this evening to welcome King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola who flew In for a brief private visit Also present at the airport to greet the royal couple
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  • 48 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 31. Mr. Allen Bordow lecturer in psychology at the Language Institute, will talk on “An Introduction to Psychology” at 4 p.m. on Sunday at 29, Ipoh Road. Sponsored by Kuala Lumpur Psychology Club, the meeting will be open to the public.
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  • 683 19 THE following is a complete list of revised quotations for the week er.rd Friday lan. 31. ’NOOtTRIALft I B a \,h ords 12 45 IS 00 Boustead 1 82 1 84 Central Prop 1.57 1.50 City Dev til .til* C S. Holding 3.36 340 Con. Tin
    683 words
  • 210 19 OEREMBAN, Jan. 30. The Sabah Minister ot Works and Communications, Dato Khoo Siak Chiew, today expressed confidence that Singapore would be able to supply the necessary labour ior Sabah’s development projects. Speaking at the airport here before flying to Kuching. Oato Khoo made It
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    • 2418 20 From Our Market Correspondent THE Malayan Stock Exchange continued as unpredictable as ever last week and as a result industrials put up a somewhat disappointing performance. When Indonesian confrontation against Malaysia looked blackest industrial shares boomed but last week when the possibility of an accord
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    • 51 20 DIVID ENDS ANNOUNCED Current .)atc ol To»a Total for payment cavincnt for previous year year Hongkong Bank 11s 16s. Katnur ting 121 *£>1 March 7 Kinta Hellas Tin 20% 1 Feb 17 407 e 25% Bedford lluht'cr 71 %1 Feb 26 Kinta Kel*a!> Itubher Id t C on. Salak 5%<
      51 words
    • 35 20 lilJBBEK TIN (per lb.) (per picul.) Jan. 27. 63% cts $321.87'( l 28. 63>' 4 cts $522.75 29. cts •a^a.wii •*0 65 i cts $o.vS.2a 31. 31 cts $526.75 Feb. 1. $525 50
      35 words
    • 41 20 (Managers' Prices) First Malayan 2.11 2 20xd Second M tiayan 158 l.ttflxd Third Malayan 1.14 1.21 Malaysian C. A 1 94 1.02 First Hong Kong 1.11 1.16* Second Hong Kong .80 .84* Sterling Commodity 4/4 4/9 (*Hong Kong currency)
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    • 67 20 THE Malayan Exchange Bank* Asio elation made this change in it* rates to merchants yesterday (the rate Is to $100): Selling TT or OO ready: Deutsche Marks 129 3/8 On the rres exchange market m Hong Kong yesterday the U.S dolla was quoted at 5 731 for T7
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    • 26 20 January 31. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 64J cents (down five-eighths of a cent). TIN: $526.75 (up $1.50.) Estimated unofficial offering 240 tons (up 10
      26 words
    • 53 20 A J 7 Jau 29 Jan JO )«n 3' ftn l Industrials 10J 03 }OC 26 107 4, 108 39 10fi 23 {rubbers- nj ft 58 *22.25 123 29 123 50 5 rubbers. 10C 04 106 64 106 4 ***** 106 44 Dec 31 1963 100 Dec
      53 words
    • 569 20 PRICES adv ed steadily durin the past week as thu ea that Russia is mg indirectly in this arket gained a folK ng report H.C.B. &Ci Ltd. in their weekly r iew of the Malayan It »ber Market. Profit-taking 01 the advance caused nor set-backs
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