The Straits Budget, 25 December 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
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    • 105 1 *1 r »Av •w s'-.* 1 M LAVAL WORKSHOP. IPOH. The q«w UKH *10 LATEX CONCENTRATOR Expert advice readily and 1 J? ,c ftHvvWU ireely given by Alfa-Lavai Co., Ltd., and I SiVkS f1 Me AUater C%, Lt4 Mir Ipoh wtrMop 6# at A‘'J iJ i i ’T' ini M
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    • 177 2  -  WORRIED Kuala PUah h VyiTH the results t>f the Malayan ~fv secondary schools examination due to he published soon, I hope that the Education Department will allow one s child to choose freely whatever school He wishes to enrol In. Last year, many pupils enrolled
      177 words
    • 88 2  -  CLERK Kuala Lumpur f|u*& general clerical ex- animation, which was hcneauied to De ne*a on Oecemoer 17 and 18, haa_ again been postponed **aue to a certain unexpected discovery/' accoicung to a spokesman from tn« VF.E.O. ttuch a postponement cleariy affects tnousands of cierks who are already stagnating
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    • 101 2  -  •1'irTItnMT anAu JUrlnulTT Wn Singapore ATN “Homes for the People JL the latest Housing and Development Board publication I find .1 can easily 'qualify for a house if not for the fact that I* am a bachelor. Paragraph 3 in this s section says: “You must have living
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    • 184 2  -  THIRSTY Singapore L. 1 i A HOW much water can you save? On a.m. 1 was informed that a nearby mains rpe had burst. cyeled to the nearest public telephone more than half a mile away, and made a report. Two > boonpassed with
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    • 157 2  -  a B. YENG Singapore 1NOTE with interest the Issue of bu»-»ti«lter* raised by your correspondent. Miss Uiey Lee (d.T December 12). In fact 1 was one of those who participated in the signing of the so-called request, which was sent by our landlord. 1 see no reason why
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    • 129 2  -  *y.y. Kuala Lumpur v UOTR SO many new Tf teachers just out from the M.T.C., Isn't it possible to relieve those unlucky* teachers who h +vh been stationed in Kelantan for four or Uve years already?*' 7, With two years spent in college, it makes a total
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    • 81 2  -  CARL T FORDHAM San Francisco AS a visitor from the A -M&ntted States-la the travel business 1 would like to say how much I have again enjoyed my stay in Singapore. 1 am amazed by the development 1 and general progress. One‘thing dismays me, however, and that is
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    • 172 2  -  C. K. SANSBURY Bishop of Singapore and Malaya Singapore V 1! SHOULD be grateful if you would allow me to/ correct a wrong impression which may arise as a result of your t necessarily abbreviated report of the press conference 1 held in London just before returning to Singapore.
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    • 51 2  -  LEARNER DRIVER Singapore AS one who speaks Tamil may I ask why the Singapore Government engages driving testers in all the main language streams except Tamfl. The Tamil speaking population is therefore at a handicap and as a result many fall the driving tests because of the language
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    • 135 2  -  FAIR FLAY Singapore YUHY is It that so many ’■Malaysian* frequently make adverse public comment about the British and their bases in Malaysia? Are their memories so short that iney have already forgotten the light against the Communists in the Malay peninsula, together, with an
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    • 98 2  -  A B. OSMAN Singapore A/idivcus. with tne letter oy Mr. Fong ib.f. Dec. 1 j) on the suoject ot aaoit education centre preumversity classes. It would be convenient for most of the adult students if the centre was ah a led to a school near Bras Baaah Road
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    • 67 2  -  teacher Taiping rpHERE are at present norJ. mol and college-trained teachers who have gained the necessary quQUficationsfor admission Into the unl- ™,™i^ t ar ’-able to pursue their stucies du* moneUry difficulties 1 They could be nven q hand by ui e qo? emment in grantn t"* 0
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    • 86 2  -  CONCERNED Kuala Lumpur are uie coiet cause xJ of the awtui con^iiion at the tramc hgnts at the Pudu Road-bunge: tstsi road junction and it wiii never be eased until either the roadway Is widened or bus bays are built. Parking on the short stretch of roadway between
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    • 57 2  -  MOTORIST Bungei Patani VICTOR accidents In Bungei Patani can be minimised if obstruction on the public roads is reduced. Vehicles park atrociously here, especially in front of the government market. Lorry drivers leave their goods on the pedestrians’ cover way opposite the market Speed cops should more often &eck
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    • 96 2  -  BAFFLED Singapore AH 8 far' as 1 am able to obaehre, the detachment of Federal police in Singapore seem to be issued with pants that can very well serve as swimming wear The Central Government surely does not have to carry economy to such lengths even In this
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    • 101 2  -  r.rtfi Koala Lumpur YOUR correspondent “Job- less” can well add case to his Ust of trustrjt ed returned 6 rad^^« s (or the others. 1 was Jobless i eight months before ob talned a posl I 8 a iting between was s P® n to Z O aop^tions
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 332 3 —Straits Times. Dec. 16 Sarawak is making impressive headway in enlarging its educational system, particularly at the primary level. The number of primary schools has increased from 750 in 1958 to just under 1,000. Last year about 65 per cent of primary school-age children were actually attending school—not
      —Straits Times. Dec. 16  -  332 words
    • 715 3 —Straits Times, Dec, 17 The first Malaysian budget will be known inevitably as the painless budget. Mr. Tan S ew Sin made a noble efTort t' alarm the House, pausing h fore the announcement of "my specific proposals for income tax” to suggest that rlumbers might wish
      —Straits Times, Dec, 17  -  715 words
    • 136 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 17 In one sense the drought which gripped much of Malaya a few months ago is not yet over —waterworks then begun to prevent a repetition of hardship must still be paid for. Johore has embarked on urgent schemes which will cost an unexpected $6
      —Straits Times, Dec. 17  -  136 words
    • 723 3 Straits Times, Dec. 18 Closer study of the first Malaysian budget does not tarnish the impression that with reasonable fortune the financial future is sound and development planning is on sound and successful lines. But it is clearer than ever that priority must be given to productive
      Straits Times, Dec. 18  -  723 words
    • 341 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 18 The Central Government’s note to the Penang Chambers of Commerce effectively disposes of any misapprehension that the island’s entrepot trade will suffer if it joins the Malaysian common market. Concern for the entrepot trade, however, is not and never has been the only reason,
      —Straits Times, Dec. 18  -  341 words
    • 206 3 —Straits Times. Dec. 18 Once Brunei decided not to join Malaysia it was likely the two states would drift apart. Now Sultan Omar has declared tin* door to Malaysia to be closed, he has suggested that Malaysian officers working in his State can no longer be spared from
      —Straits Times. Dec. 18  -  206 words
    • 722 4 —Straits Times, Dec. 19 Except to a small and closed circle of newspapermen who have been hunting for the story, the Tengku's disclosure of Indonesian efforts to sabotage public utilities in Singapore comes as a sharp shock. Of course there have been a clue or two —the
      —Straits Times, Dec. 19  -  722 words
    • 237 4 —Straits Times, Dec. 19 News that the principal and discipline master of a big Singapore Chinese secondary school are to be dismissed foi mishandling a case of studenl lawlessness should have e healthy efTect on other teachers, reluctant to accept their responsibilities. These two teachers attempted to cover
      —Straits Times, Dec. 19  -  237 words
    • 389 4 —Straits Times, Dec. 20 Tlie solution to at least one of the problems which beset the Malayan tin mining industry lies in Malaya’s own hands. Not a great deal can be done about the American stockpile but something can be done about opening new land. Uncertainty about
      —Straits Times, Dec. 20  -  389 words
    • 700 4 —Straits Times. Dec 21 So far the Opposition has scored few hits and done little damage in the budget debate. Why should it be thought damaging to accuse the Government of keeping the coming election in mind? Should it instead antagonise every voter in the country? It
      —Straits Times. Dec 21  -  700 words
    • 165 4 —Straits Times. Dec -l Many Malaysians this week must have wished to be in two places at once. While the Malaysian House of Representatives met in Kuala Lumpur for its Budget session. State legislatures, several also c aling with their budgets, were sitting in Singap 're. Sabah. Johore.
      —Straits Times. Dec -l  -  165 words

    • 58 4 BIRTH* A WENDELBOE: To I Soren a daughter at e 15 12.63 a sister foi V thanks to doctors and v n LOW: To Ruth ami Le j December 14th Materm K.L. nnn z and ONG: To Jean Boon I at Peck Lye a son Tionj V j2 (:i
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  • 434 5 Kuala Lumpur. Dacamber 15 r fHE Malaysian Trades Union Congress today pledged full support for any industrial action Malaya’s 18,000 government clerks may take for better salaries and working conditions. The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services has
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  • 64 5 PARIT BUNTAR, Dec 17 A servant. Che Roktah binte Ismail, 24, yesterday became the first woman in Krian district to register for national service. Che Rokiah told the registration team that she was ready to serve anywhere. In Pekan, Pahang, a village headman, Inche All
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  • 637 5 Treasury tells chambers: Gradual incorporation won’t hit the entrepot trade PENANG, Dec. 16 THE gradual incorporation of Penang Island within the Malaysian Common Market will not have an adverse effect on the island s entrepot trade, the Central
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  • 191 5 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 16. Tengku Abdul Rahman will open the first all-Malaysia education conference here on Dec. 19. Thirty-four delegates including teachers, students and members of literary organlsa tions—2o from Malaya, seven from Singapore, three from Sarawak, three from Sabah and one
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  • 62 5 JOHORE BAHRU, Dec 16 More than 1,000 low-cost houses have been completed In Johore Bahru, Batu Pahat, Kluang and Merslng, the State Legislative Assembly here was told on Dec. 14. Another 50 would be completed In Batu Pahat soon Two blocks of flats and 350 houses are
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  • 986 6 Minister: Malays in transport a must —but how? BILL TO ‘STREAMLINE ORDINANCE STARTS DEBATE ON DANGERS AND POLITICS b y OUR PARLIAMENTARY REPORTERS LUMPUR, Dec. 17. The Government is determined to continue encouraging Malay participation in the transport industry, but the big question is how to go about it. The
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  • 90 6 SINGAPORE’S AILEEN IS CAMPUS QUEEN IN CANADA SINGAPORE. Dec. 18 —A for. mer Cniversity of Singapore beauty queen. Miss Ailcen Yap. has become the first foreign student to win the Campus Queen” title of the ldiversity of Saskatchewan in Canada, where she is taking an honours course in English under
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  • 221 6 KUALA LUMPUR December 17 AN amendment to the Tariff Advisory Board Act. 1963. which will allow the Central Government to act on harmonising tariffs in consultation with the board, was passed in the House of Representatives today. The Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, said
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  • 53 6 SINGAPORE, Dec. 17—The University of Singapore today announced that Its department ol history lecturer. Dr. C. Jack-Hin-ton, has been awarded a travelling fellowship by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation of Lisbon. The fellowship is to enable him to visit the archives of Portugal, and to work there for
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  • 63 6 Amnesty’ offer by council SUNGEI pat AN I. Dec IT The Sungei Patani Town Ccar.;:. last night decided to give wr.trs of unauthorised buildups an “amnesty period of 30 c.tys tc report voluntarily or demo> tion proceedings in court The council also decided tfm owners should submit a plan
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  • 43 6 SEREMBAN. Dec 17— Prof K.P Ratnam ol the University ul lava will address a patberm? Dec. 18 at 6 p.m. on the remembrance day ol Arumuga N..valar. Indian saint. r la# He will speak at the thandauthapanl Temple
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  • 134 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 17. The French Ambassador to Malaysia, Mr. Pierre Anthonioz, said here today that France had put an embargo on the sale of arms to Indonesia only after an approach had been made by the Malaysian Government. He said that the
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    • 103 6 THE H.L AND FAR EAST builder A Bi-Monthly periodical oi Building of Real Estate Activities in the Far East. A Mapine dealing arltft leildlag, artlitactsral and real aetata activities ii Maleya, Siagaptrt. Nang Kaag lisa, The Philippines, laraaa aid Tie Far Fait ''tallisled in 1131 this li-maitlly trade piper it
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  • 1771 7 NO CHANGE ON PETROL OR CIGARETTES: ONLY DRINKERS, SNUEF-TAKERS AND CIGAR SMOKERS MUST PAY MORE: ALSO, DUTY ON TURPENTINE A higher tax on the nonresidents KUALA LUMPUR Dec. M 6 PRESENTING his first Malaysian Budget—showing a $61 million deficit on the current account, the
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  • 39 7 ALOR STAR. Dec. 17—The Yang di-Pertuan Negara ot Singapore, Tun Yusof bin Ishak, arrived here 'odav from Penang for a two-day private visit. He was accompanied by Puan Noor Aishah and their ihree chljdren.
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  • 254 7 SINAGPORE, December 17. M R K. V. Thaver, a former executive of the Malayan Trades Union Congress, today criticised Malaysian high commissioners and ambassadors abroad for doing “very little” to counter Indonesian propaganda against Malaysia. Mr. Thaver, who arrived here last night
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  • 94 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 17. The Singapore Government’s plan to introduce free secondary school education in the State next year has been postponed due to the Indonesian confrontation. The PAP Assemblyman for Ponggol, Mr. Ng Kah Ting, said this in the Legislative Assembly today. He said the
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  • 41 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 17— No new rases of choleru were reported here today So far over 720.000 people have received anti-cholera Inoculation. There are only four more days left before the close of the cholera Inoculation month.
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  • 481 8 IPOH, December 17. XHE Perak State Government will open up more land tor mining because the onct fabulously tin-rich Kinta Valley “is now almost exhausted of its mineral content.” This was announced by the Mentri Besar, Dat< Sha ari bin
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  • 56 8 SEREMBAN. Thurs.-Mr Vanar has been elected u■ a man of the Territorial tion of Women Institutes. ban. trir’p-ch&lt* Others elected are: v JL tjr y. man, Che Maimunah: Jf cr Tengku Hamdah: awlstant tary. Che Khadijah. rS Mrs. B. H Tan: M f J O'ennie Teneku
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  • 1284 9 Tengku tells House of Indonesian plans to blow up vital installations and launch armed revolution later KUALA LUMPUR, -December 18- TENGKU Abdul Rahman today exposed an Indonesian plot to blow up the water mains between Singapore and Johore, the Pasir Panjang power station
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  • 60 9 SYDNEY, Dec. 18. Singapore artist Lim Ming Wan, who is a teacher at the East Sydney Technical College, Is hoping to arrange an exhibition before he returns home early next year. Mr. Lim, who Is married to an Australian girl, recently turned d< wn an offer
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  • 31 9 KUCHING. Dec. 18—The Director of Operations, Lastern Malaysia. Malor General W C Walker ‘rrived here this morning accompanied by members of his Stuff for a two-day routine visit.
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  • 55 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 19.—About. 2,200 ot 2,500 government nurses have so far taken part in the three-day nursing service secret ballot to determine whether the Singapore Medical Services Union or the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees should represent them A Government spokesman said some 1500 nurses voted
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  • 26 9 KLUANO. Dec. 19. The St Louts Churcn here will hold a children's Christmas party at Jalan Omar Catholic Centre on Saturday at 3.30 p.m
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  • 428 10 IT’S ‘MISCHIEVOUS’ TO SUGGEST THAT A BRITISH OFFICER WILL STAND BEHIND FIRST MALAYSIAN COMMANDER RAZAK TELLS KARAM SINGH KUALA LUMPUR. December 17 THE Defence Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, said today that when Major-General Tengku Osman bin Tengku Mohamed Jewa becomes the Chief of the Armed
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  • 39 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 18—The House of Representatives yesterdav passed a Bill amending the Road Traffic Ordinance after a two-day debate Defects in the provisions of the ordinance found in the light of experience have been corrected.
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  • 207 10 CORRUPTION IN CABINET? ‘GO TO POLICE JENGKU Abdul Rahman said yesterday that if any M.P. had grounds to suspect corruption among Ministers he should raise the matter with the police or anti-corruption department. “So far.” the Tengku told Parliament. “there have been no complaints.” The Tengku was replying to a
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  • 169 10 ITU ALA LUMPUR. Doc lv 18. The Minister of Education. Haji Abdul Hamid Khan, told the House of Representatives today his Ministry needed a* sum of $4,732,800 for supplementary development in schools. Introducing the Ministry of Education's supplementary development estimates, Haji Hamid Khan
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  • 98 10 MUAR. Dec. 18— This :ow k went dry for 24 hours when a fault was disco c-o. the 16in. underground l'l l ;eS at Rawang. six-and-a-h.n. from here, and the nm.- re pipe line disconnected as suit. A Public Works spokesman said
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  • 383 11 KUALA LUMPUR, December 16. r JpHE Finance Minister, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, indicated yesterday that the Bank of China could carry on operating in Singapore but not in Malaya. He gave this hint while answering a question by a
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  • 213 11 U'UALA LUMPUR, Dec. 19. —The Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, said here today that the Government intended to make an all-out effort to increase Malay participation in the timber industry. He was speaking at a graduation ceremony of 40 Forest Officers
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  • 98 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 18.-A 52-year-old mother was killed and her daughter seriously injured when their car collided with another on the Federal Highway at the junction of Jalan Timor and Jalan Utara. late this evening. They were Mrs. K. Si v aghmi Plllal
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  • 351 11 by Our Parliamentary Reporters 'JHE Minister of Internal Security, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, said in Parliament yesterday that a Malaysian would be appointed InspectorGeneral of the Royal Malaysian Police Force by the end of 1965 or early 1966. He
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  • 327 11 $200 m PASSED FOR SINGAPORE DEVELOPMEN T SINGAPORE Dec. 17 'J’HE Legislative Assembly today approved a a second supplementary estimate of expenditure of more than $203 million for this year. me bulk of this amount —szuu minion—is a transfer from tne consolidated Fund lor projects under me fouryear development plan.
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  • 214 11 lOHORE BAHRU, Dec. 18. —Tne Johorp Mentri Besar, Da to Haji Hassan bin Haji Yunos, said today tnat it was not true that middlemen were making money on rural land schemes because there was not enough publicity given to the projects. Dato Haji Hassan, replying
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  • 330 12 BLIND, SHE IS COMING TO SINGAPORE FROM BRITAIN—AS A VOLUNTEER TEACHER KUALA LUMPUR, December 17. gLIND since the age of two, 17-year-old Miss Rosamund Paton sets sail from Britain for Singapore tomorrow to take up a teaching post under the Voluntary Service Overseas scheme. Miss
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  • 31 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 16. A Bill extending the operation of the Treasury Bills (Local) Ordinance. 1946. to all parts of Malaysia was passed in the House of Representatives yesterday.
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  • 30 12 SEREMBAN, Dec. 16. The Yang dt-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembtlan will open the first Pacific Regional Camp of the Boys’ Brigade at Port Dictson on Dec 22.
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  • 27 12 SEREMBAN. Dec. 17. The YWCA here will hold a dance to raise funds for its building fund on Dec. 21 at the Town Hall.
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  • 164 12 lOHORE. BAHRU, J Dec. 17. —A Socialist Front Assemblyman, Mr. C. C. Yong, said today that if the Communist Party was made legal in Malaya it would soon be known whether the Socialist Front was with the Communists. Speaking at today’s
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  • 114 12 lOHORE BAHRU, Dec. 17.—More questions were asßed today about Johore Bahru’s new $2.5 million lowcost flats when the Johore State Legislative Assembly resumed its debate on the budget. A Socialist Front Assemblyman. Mr. C. C. Yong iTanjong Petrie) said that he had been told
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  • 114 12 SEREMBAN. Dec. 17. Work has already started on a 545.000 Royal tomb for the first, Yang di-Pertuan Agong who died on April 1. 1960. The cost is being borne by 'he Negri Sembilan Government and the Central Gov'rnment equally. The Public Works Department here
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  • 224 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 17 rpHE Singapore Government today abolished quota restrictions for the export of coconut oil to countries outside Malaysia Explaining the new move, a spokesman said: ‘The quota restriction is now lifted because a Government scheme has been introduced for the stockpiling of coconut oil.
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  • 364 12 KUALA LUMPUR, December 17 SPECIAL Government-appointed com- mittee is quietly scrutinising the company law of Malaya with the aim of bringing it in line with the needs of modern Malaysia. The committee is made up of chartered accountants representing commercial interests and Government officials.
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  • 54 12 SINGAPORE. Dec. RAf otiicers have been ed the Most Blessed jf Stia Negara Brunei oy Sultan Sir Omar lW for their part in Brunei revolt a year mo orn The officers are VVing mander J R 0 B nn ett, Squadron Leader M 6 etl
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  • 38 12 IPOH, Dec. 17 Th A wan District Officer Kinta. Sidik bln Wan Ibrahim a opened a community V,‘ ce in basketball court at Pa pan etgW the Batu Gajah sub-dist* 1 miles from here.
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  • 687 13 SINGAPORE, December 18 r JpHE Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, tonight attacked the Barisan Sosialis for their “line of treachery and treason” while Malaysia was battling for her very survival as a separate entity in SouthEast Asia. Leading the Government attack
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  • 63 13 SINGAPORE, Dec. 19. Two new cases of cholera were confirmed here today bringing the total to 26. One case occurred in Club Street and the other in Ah Hood Road. Both patients had not been inoculated. The number of persons inoculated to
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  • 299 13 PENANG, Dec. 17. The blind must be accepted by the community if they are to be successfully rehabilitated. Mr. William A. Brohier, principal of St. Nicholas School for the Blind, said here today. "This requires drastic adjustments on the part of the
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  • 635 14 KUALA LUMPUR, D«c. 18 P UBBER replanting is even more vital today than when the Government schemes for assistance first started in 1955, the Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun, told Parliament today. “The view held by the rubber
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  • 374 14  -  Trader tells of confiscation, escape to Singapore By HUEN PENG KONG: Ipoh, Dec. 18 piVE Chinese merchants from the Indonesian controlled Rhio Islands smuggled themselves into Singapore one night, each paying $25 fare to a ooatman. Their 24-hour journey in an open sampan was interrupted
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  • 53 14 IPOH, Dec. 17 The Ipoh Jaycee Queen, Miss Susan Chlew Slew Har, 24, will compete In the Jaycee “Queen of Queens” contest in Singapore on the night of Dec. 21. She left by plane for Kuala Lumpur this afternoon and she will fly on to Singapore
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  • 128 14 SINGAPORE, Dec. 18.— The 511 members of the Singapore Cable and go on strike on Dec. 21. pires on Dec. 20. The two-week strike notice served by the union on the management expires on Friday. The union president. Mr. R. A. White, said:
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  • 50 14 SINGAPORE. Dec. 18—Mr. Maurice Beng Toon Giap. a teacher of the Singapore School for the Blind, has been awarded a Commonwealth teacher training bursary by the Ministry of Education to undergo a i5-month diploma course at the Royal Blind School in Edinburgh. Scotland flies to Scotland tomorrow
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  • 48 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 18—The Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Llm Swee Aun, and the American Ambassador to Malaysia. Mr Charles P Baldwin, will jointly open an American-style snack bar at No 118, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, on Dec. 23 at 1 p.m.
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  • 136 14 DENANG, Dec. 18-Tho Socialist Front Mayor of Ge r g e Town, Mr. Ooi Thiam Slew today asked the Speaker of the Malavsian Parliament to “correct a blatantly erroneous and misleading statement" by the Alliance Member of Parliament for Bagan Mr. Tan Cheng
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  • 156 14 Kuala lumpuk, Dec. 18.—A driver charged with causing the death of a 20-year-old girl by a negligent act said in his defence today in the Sessions Court that his car skidded before it struck the girl. K. Muniandy. 25, of Petaling Jaya.
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  • 213 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 19. A British Army chaplain who was visiting troops in Sarawak died of injuries received yesterday when his British Army Air Corps Auster was shot down by Indonesian light anti-aircraft guns. The pilot was wounded when the plane crashed landed at an airstrip
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  • 354 16 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 20. —The Minister of Education, Haji Abdul Hamid Khan, said today it was his earnest hope that the national education policy could be implemented throughout Malaysia. Speaking at the first allMalaysia education conference at the Malayan Teachers’ Training College
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  • 453 16 SINGAPORE, Dec. 19. 'J'HE Singapore Legislative Assembly at 3 a.m. today, after a session lasting more than 12 hours, adopted a motion by the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, thanking the Yang di-Pertuan Negara for his policy speech The House adopted
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  • 219 16 OINGAPORE. Dec. 20.The president of the Peninsula Malay Union. Inche Ahmad bin Abdul Rahim, today challenged the Malaysian Premier, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to substantiate charges that P.M.U. members had actively engaged in anti Malaysia activities. Inche Ahmad, "supremo" of the supra-r.atior.alist organisation, asked the
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  • 63 16 KLANG, Dec. 19.— The Convention Party. orKai 1 tU re former Minister of l \bdul and Co-operatives. Inr uhe( j 32 Aziz Ishak. has now branches In Malaya. {v sa id A spokesman of the nberthat they have a to a| ‘.j tha t ship
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  • 428 17 Kuala Lumpur December 19 r Abdul Rahman said today that Malaysia would spend 22 per cent of the total amount of national expenditure on education next year. Speaking at the opening of the first allMalaysia education conference at the Malayan Teachers’ College here, he
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  • 66 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 20. Tengku Abaul Rahman will speak to the nation on New Year's Eve in a broadcast over Radio Malaysia. He can be heard in English at 7.30 p m., and in Malay at 9 p.m Translations of h.s speech will come over the
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  • 36 17 TELUK ANSON. Dec. 20. The Peraa Constituency Umno division's annua, meeting at the Kwong Tong Association here on Sunday will be opened bv Inche Senu Abdul Rahman, chairman ol the party’s elections committee.
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  • 30 17 PENANG. Dec. 20— Santa Claus arrived by lie icopter at the Biltterworth air base tins mornng to bring Christmas toy to about 1.000 R.A.A.F and RAF children
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  • 176 17 KUALA LUMPUR, December 19 'THE annual values of properties in the Municipal area ot Kuala Lumpur have increased seven times in the past 10 years. Mr. Lee Yoke San. head of the Valuation Department of the Municipality and president of the Municipal Senior Officers
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  • 722 17 Education: ‘Call truce —for sake of rising generation’ Chief Education Officer on the different roads taken by States KUALA LUMPUR, December 20 jyjALAYA’S Chief Education Adviser, Inche Aminuddin bin Baki, today urged all political, cultural and communal groups in Malaysia to call a truce on education for the sake of
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  • 53 17 KUALA LUMPUR. I>ec. 20 A well-known Chinese physician, Mr Ho Po Luen. 80. died at the GeneraF Hospital tonight after a short Illness. The late Mr Ho, father-in-law of the publicity Chairman of the United Democratic Party. Mr. Lawrence H C. Huang, Is survived by 18 children
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  • 31 17 BENTONG. Dec. 20 Mr M Letehum man has been transferred to Trlang as the postmaster. He succeeds Inche Mohamed bin M ihmud. who has been sent to Tunjong Karang.
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  • 516 18 SINGAPORE D °c 20 gEVEN bills and two motions were passed in the Legislative Assembly today in one of the speediest sittings of the House. Except for the Legislative Assembly Elections (Amendment) Bill, all went through with no debate. Business which began
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  • 201 18 I£UALA LUMPUR, Dec. v 20. The National Union of Telecoms Employees will send out strike ballot papers to members unless their claims are met by Sunday. The union’s claims concern clerks, telegraphists and machine operators. Besides the NUTE. a number of other unions have
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  • 187 18 ITU ALA LUMPUR, Dec. 20. Tne appointment of Maj.-Gen. Tengku Osman bin TengKu Monamed Jewa, Cnief ol the General Stall, as Cniei ol the Armed Forces stall with the rank ol Lieutenant -Gen eral, has resulted in a series ot promotions and new appointments
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  • 121 18 OATU PAHAT, Dec. 20. Asian stuaents in Australia should make themselves approachable, otherwise they will return to their countries with the impression that Australians are unfriendly. Mr. Barrie G. Blackwell, who is visiting Malaysia on a Hotary ieiiowship, said last night in an address
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  • 25 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 20—Mohamed Kassim. 21. has been admitted to the General Hospital here, sufferng from electric shock while playing an electric guitar.
    25 words
  • 183 18 PENANG, Dec. 20.—An R.A.A.F. Sabre jet of No. 3 Squadron crashed into the sea ye 81 e r day afternoon about 18 miles northwest of Butterworth. The pilot. Flying Oflicer Leon Norsworthy, 25. of Adelaide, South Australia, ejected himself at about S.GOO feet
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  • 59 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 20 Christmas services at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Weld Road will be held on Sunday and on Christmas Day. On Sunday, children will take part in a nativity play. There will be a carol service at 6.15 pm On Christmas Day.
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  • 240 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 19. 'JliE Government has approved the recoin. mendations of the Federal Capital oramissioner, Ha ji Ismail bin Panjang Aris, for pay increases for senior officers in the Municipality. This was stated by the Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of
    240 words
  • 83 18 ‘Reuter SYDNEY, Dec. 20 children on their way here lor a Christmas hoiuttj v their mother shot deaden a train in central New uin Wales last night The woman. Mr' Ehzabeth Johnson, was shot four unte> in the head, and cnee m t* hand. Her
    — ‘Reuter  -  83 words
  • 47 18 KUALA LUMPUtf I>v sixth monthly lutiel.i inof the Federation of stitute of Public Rolan a t held at 12.45 p m tonioi Station Hotel. Viscount Head, the no jj Commissioner to Malay'U' a j. the guest of honour am s dress members and tfliea
    47 words

  • 947 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP ■vfNANG, Dec. 21 —Thio 1 Stable-s Dalcido, ith Johnny Wilson K tride, chalked up is third successive Kin when he came ■nth a well-timed run ■j beat Realm of Gold ■n the Class 4 Div 1 5*f ice here today. I Raee l
    947 words
  • 1020 19  -  BN FPSOM JEEP lAHO’ Dec. 22—Lucv lie’s champion ot infection, with eith Ixham astride, -MS Governor's Cup here Race One CL. 4. DIV. S 7F. Jonah Stable’s (4) CROWN BOY 8.11 (617—181) Trevena 1 (7) Powella 8.5 (40 —18) Johnson 2 (6) Shlaa Yeong Luh
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 42 19 BIS SWEEP—TOTAL POOL $51,663 l*t No. *****1 $28,060 2nd No. Iti8%a' 9,333 3rd No. *****8 1666 Sorters: $583 each—Nos. *****8, *****4. *****6, }WW4. *****5, *****0, *****1. *****3. Consolation: $500 each —Nos. *****5, *****0, J5515 2 ******, *****3, *****5. *****1. *****0, *****7. *****4.
      42 words
    • 47 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL 947.073 1* No. *****8 925.248 2nd No. *****7 9 2,416 Srd No. *****9 9 4,208 STARTERS (9420 each): No.. *****L *****4, 1689S2. *****2, *****7, *****7. *****4. *****2. *****5, *****1. CONSOLATIONS (9566 each): No*. *****5, *****4, *****9. *****5, *****7, *****4, *****5 *****3, *****5. *****2.
      47 words

    • 2216 20 Prom Our Market Correspondent ,y|AIN feature of the Malayan Stock Exchange last week was the revival of interest in tin shares following the sharp rise in the London ind Penang metal prices. There was a definite switching into tin shares md this was particularly the
      2,216 words
    • 42 20 fMoMOMB' RM(U ■’Iret Mnrtvyaa 2M U> <e<-ond Malayan 1 54 1.62 Third Malayan l.ft 1.14 vfaUyn an C. 4k I 05 L03 ?Trat Hone Kon* tJ2 1.H 9 4araaat Hoot Kon* .MS .at* SUritoq Ctomnarttty 4/« 4/11 (*mcmrn Kona eurrency).
      42 words
    • 29 20 Current Date of Tula Total for payment payment for previous year year Cold Store 5%t Jan. 25 L. Per.k 2s 3d.t Jan 29 Doll Dev. 74%t Interim.
      29 words
    • 561 20 N (Wt folio Wins I* ooMlete I list of revind flotations or the week ended Saturday >c. ZO. INDUSTRIAL* b a. osee d.« ■anal urn Prop. I.U 1 54 City D«. at .OH C4K Hoidtac T/14 T/4t on Orda 48/- 44/jmmbm 2.73 s.n But »nuU U
      561 words
    • 435 20 T*W_ previous drt|i im tendency Wss “LP* 016 current weex and a new io, v 8tnce confrontaticr. esubllshed f, P0 W H.C.B. Co. ltd. ln their current Mai >at Rubber Market survey^ 2 tei *s wlffe Sin d tSS? e 5SP ll i!
      435 words
    • 56 20 otni'on 1,111 rate* to merchants ’zZ'tFS -eai 36 3/16 trade bill*. SeM»n* TT nr 00 B«Ujfl 32 0/16; Cl"* 4 3 Pranas 111® 2/i o-‘f"** On the free 6*«na«M y s Hon* Kon* TT a i<l I aae quoted at 5731 tor M*h. at 15 6 Sterling we.
      56 words