The Straits Budget, 11 December 1963

Total Pages: 19
1 19 The Straits Budget
  • 8 1 The Straits Budget, Wednesday, December 11 1963 I
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  • 497 1  -  S. NADARAJA Knantan NO PLAY Kota Bharu USE KIM KKE Kuala Lumpur ...and people who live in glass houses rnHE two letters which appeared in your columns on Dec. 2 are typical of those which appear with unfailing regularity whenever there is any talk of better wages
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  • 106 1  -  DEMOCRAT Singapore PRESIDENT Lyndon a Johnson's speech at the joint station of the American Congrats was a great and proving one. It has re-affirmed my faith tn America and made me be* lieve once more that she is a great country. Let the death of President Kennedy
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  • 217 1  -  (Dr.) NO YOK HING m i I a i rfSiuf di> Rotary Club Ipok I WISH to refer i to 1 year report (S.T. Dec. A) on Tengfcm headlined “Heartbreak of a boy who wanted so much to be a soldier.*' The last
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  • 58 1  -  ROSLEE AHMAD Kuala Lumpur r FHE D.T.C Graduates 1 Union is undoubtedly the best channel through which the interests of the D.T.C. trained-teachers can be fought for. Instead of relying on a union which has been “lifeless” as far as fulfilling the needs of the D.T.C. graduates are
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  • 300 1  -  UNFORTUNATE Ehurapare SINCE the question of invigilators for the l nenlor Cambridge and H.S.U. examinations has been brought out in two pu bashed letters, it Is time this was thoroughly examined. While the extent of these exanitnauunp has vastly increased with tne
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  • 88 1  -  ■KW 'IKWHill Mknui. m Dcduu recto, wH 5. Sintaporr 'lit v Vi* w Reference is made to the letter from “Hard HK” (8.T- Nov. 27) complaining about the lack of a bus shelter at tk bls. Bukit Ttmah Road, t regret hjgto Inconven: thQ J H been caused
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  • 285 1  -  (Prof.) FAC. OEHLERS President Academic Staff Association. University of Singapore Y'OUR readers will be aware of the recent controversy between the Government and the University of Singapore which has resulted In the resignation of the Vice-Chancellor Dr Sreenivasan’s resignation, and the fact It was made a prerequisite
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  • 160 1  -  BUSINESSMAN Kuala Lumpur AS a Mala, mM l cannot understmM ■< wn some go ment apartments ta„ ;<*,£■ Ume to settle v.., ret((Jf 3B from time to time ineiB tain cases it is tour to i months before I receSI payment •>*X a® expected to rente prompt and
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  • 205 1  -  •iN NAIR c v r u.i- n 00 Singapore 1 WOULD like to inform “Graduate" iS.T Dec. 4) that If he has not beta offered a Dart-time teaching appointment by u* Adult Education Board# could be due to one of us following reasons THE BOARD conducti' full courses
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 737 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 2 Singapore’s new budget—the fifth to be introduced by Dr. Goh Keng Swee—does not bear any obvious marks of “confrontation.” True there is a change in the education programme which the Yang di-Pertuan Negara’s address attributes to the loss of earnings from the stoppage
      —Straits Times, Dec. 2  -  737 words
    • 291 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 2 Setting targets is a tested method for marshalling energies and resources for attaining policy aims. It is a method that should be applied more widely to agricultural diversification. “Grow more oil palm” is a far less effective slogan than “450,000 acres of oil palm in
      —Straits Times, Dec. 2  -  291 words
    • 413 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 3 Extinction awaits Chinese schools unless they teach more English. This thesis has been put forward by the Association of Teachers of English in Chinese Schools. The supporting arguments are as follows: English instruction in Chinesemedium primary schools begins in the third year, and is
      —Straits Times, Dec. 3  -  413 words
    • 679 2 —Straits Times. Dec. 4 No-one doubts that the Malayan Trades Union Congress has a vital part to play in the trade union movement. This role is not vitiated by the reminder that it is not registered as a trade union and cannot act as one. Yet
      —Straits Times. Dec. 4  -  679 words
    • 395 2 —Straits Times. Dec. 4 Malacca’s achievements in rural development have been considerable. Since 1961, eight land schemes have been completed, bringing nearly 4,000 new acres under cultivation. On another 20,000 acres of padi land and smallholdings, irrigation works have brought prospects of higher productivity. Many miles of road
      —Straits Times. Dec. 4  -  395 words
    • 630 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 5 President Soekarno has proposed a second survey of popular sentiment in Sarawak and Sabah towards Malaysia. If the second survey confirms the first, then he will drop “confrontation.*’ But Malaysia in its present form must be crushed. It must be crushed because it was
      —Straits Times, Dec. 5  -  630 words
    • 334 3 —Straits Times. Dec. 5 The new venture in rural trading launched yesterday by the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, is of immense importance and promise. The Minister presented to the Malayan Co-operative Wholesale Society a cheque for $500,000 to help the society set up
      —Straits Times. Dec. 5  -  334 words
    • 360 3 —Straits Times. Dec. 6 The flavour of the hustings is strong in the current budget session of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly. Fresh elections are around the corner, and fU ie Opposition’s most versatile snipers are firing at random. There have been charges of inefficiency and suggestions of
      —Straits Times. Dec. 6  -  360 words
    • 682 3 —Straits Times, Dec < The more often President Macapagal or his spokesmen explain the Philippines' claim to Sabah, the more inexplicable this claim becomes. The United Press correspondent who interviewed the President in New York clearly remained as unenlightened at the end of the talk as he
      —Straits Times, Dec <  -  682 words

    • 64 3  -  VISITOR Singapore MONTHS ago i?A clpal Council ed to take steps t0 terests of public j. curb the increasing to nuisance In n e ve But nothing seems been done. T ltE Ipoh So courteous AM a t0^ r v n v \yullSineanore \vi.n n 0 j ter I
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  • 331 4 KUALA KANGSAR, December 1 in the handling ot applications are leading people to think that the only way to get the Kuala Kangsar Town Council to do anything is to approach councillors with red packets, an independent councillor, Dr. S. Underwood, charged
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  • 70 4 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. I—The hours for making telephone caUs to several countries will be extended from Dec. 3. A Government statement said today that the new hours of service wou d be from 6 a.m to mid* night daily except Sundays. The countries are
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  • 43 4 IPOH, Dec. I—An1 —An Alliance candidate. Mr. Wong Fong Mun. was returned to the Lenggong Local Council in a by-election yesterday. He defeated a Socialist Front candidate. Mr Chee Yon*, bv majority of 10 votes. Mr. won* received 159 votes.
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  • 225 4 I(UALA LUMPUR, Dec. AV I.—The Fist National City Bank of New York has produced a booklet on Malaysia to attract American businessmen to invest in the country. Thousands of copies have been sent to branches of the bank for distribution to clients and likely
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  • 308 4 SINGAPORE., Dec. 1 the secretary-general oi the Singapore National L trades union Congress, Mr. c. V. Devan Nair, today expressed the hope that the action ol the Malayan Kegistrar ol Societies, Mr Chin Hon Hian, "is nothing more than an example ol unimaginative,
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  • 45 4 PEN AN a. Dec. 1.—The Boyanese community here is planning to juild a clubhouse for its members A plan has been drawn up to uise $20,000. Donations will be ought from the Boyunese In Penang as well as frum other c&lt; mmunittes
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  • 62 4 SINGAPORE, Dec. I. The City Division of Singapore Umno today unanimously passed a resolution calling on the Central Government to extend the national service registration to Singapore, Sarawak and Sabah "to enable the citizens of these States to show their undivided loyalty to Malaysia and to give
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  • 118 4 PENANG, Dec. 1 The Saudi Arabian Government has notilied Jit Malaysian Government that In future Muslims going to Mecca must llrst obtain visas. In the past, Malaysian pilgrims going to Mecca had only to obtain passes from the Pilgrimage Control Ollice here. This
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  • 250 4 Kuala Lumpur. Dacambar 1 TH E Wages Council has received a number of representations on its proposal to fix the minimum pay of more than 50.000 shop assistants in nine main towns in Malaya at $B5 a month. The council’s secretary. Mr
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  • 350 5 KUALA LUMPUR, December 1. pLANS for expanding the oil palm industry in Malaysia during the next decade could involve capital expenditure of about $6OO million, a Government official said here today. This would be the approximate cost of bringing a further 300,000 acres
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  • 59 5 SINGAPORE. Dec. I.—A naval exercise will be held between Lima Island and Johore Shoal Buoy in the vicinity of the 10 fathom line from Dec. 2 to Dec 7. The Director of Marine, Capt. J.A.L Pavitt. said that buovs and dummy mines would be laid. He
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  • 19 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 1—The Budgpt meeting of the Selangor legislative Assembly will be held on Dec. 3.
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  • 197 5 DENANG, Dec. I.—The Socialist Mayor, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew, declared today the Socialist Front was not against national service if it was to defend this country against foreign aggression. “We will be in the forefront if this is the case,” he told the Straits Times.
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  • 93 5 PENANG, Dec. I.—Two senior employees of the Penang branch of the East Asiatic Co.—Mr. Ang Hong Tat and Mr Chua Tong Kee —were presented with gold watches for long service at a farewell dinner to the Penang branch manager, Mr. J A Hansen,
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  • 124 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. Former Malayan Ambassador in Washington, Dato Nik Ahmad Kamil (above), has joined Umno. He said today: “I intended to join Umno when I came back from Washington. “I will do my best for the organisation if my services are required." Dato
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  • 182 5 KUALA LUMPUR, December 'f HE Sultan of Selangor will open the budget meeting of the Selangor Legislative L sembly tomorrow. There will be a ceremonial parade to mark the occasion. A guard of honour, formed by 100 men of the Royal Malaysia police, and
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  • 30 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 1—The annual inspection ot the Kuala Kumpur St. John Ambulance Brigade will be held at the Stadium Merdeka on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m p.m
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  • 232 5 Kuala lumfur, Dec. 1. The Malaysian Indian Congress today called on the Central Government to establish immediately a system of local defence corps to prevent Indonesian attempts at infiltration. This was one of a long list of resolutions passed at its two-day annual delegates’ conference
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  • 241 5 I/'UALA LUMPUR, Dec 1- The National Union of Journalists Malaya, and the Straits Times section of the Selangor branch of the National Union of Employees in the .Printing Industry, have agreed to observe today as “Solidarity Day.” A resolution to this effect was unanimously approved
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 78 5 THE H.H AND FAR EAST builder A Bi-Monthly a m«u&gt;m «mm win mim* j. 1 t artfcitactarai ui riai iftata aatifitfae periodical 01 &gt;■ Malaya, Siaf apart. Naif U*. n -if. D i Siaa, Tli PlilippiMi, iarM# Ml TM Far lart. Building of Real "taiiiitai itu tU i. waitu! true
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  • 522 6 IPOH, December 2. THE budget meeting of the Perak State Legislative Assembly today rejected an Opposition members suggestion to raise the quit rent cn foreign-owned rubber estates. Inche Mohamed Fajar Ali (PMIP -Pasir Puteh) made the suggestion when speaking on an
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  • 65 6 MR. WOO HIN WAI (above), a second-year engineering student at the University of Malaya, who has been awarded a Shell engineering scholarship. Mr. Woo. an old boy of the Anglo-Chinese School, Ipoh, is the second student to receive the award for this year. The first
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  • 95 6 SINGAPORE, Dec. I.—A private limited company to be known as the Singapore Drydocks and Engineering Company will be set up by the proposed Port of Singapore Authority. This is one of the provisions of the Port of Singapore Authority Bill introduced
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  • 30 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. I—The Minister of Education. Hajl Abdul Hamid Khan, will present diplomas to successful students of the Technical College at a graduation ceremony on Dec. 7.
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  • 343 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 2 Malayan officer will shortly take over oommand of the rapidly expanding Malaysian armed forces for the first time. He is MaJ.-Gen. Tengku Osman bin Tengku Mohamed Jewa, Chief of the Armed Forces General Staff, who will
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  • 397 6 MALACCA. D«c. 2 'J'HE Governor of Malacca, Tun Haji Abdul Malek bin Yusuf, today outlined a threepoint programme to bring more progress to the State. The programme includes: THE SETTING up of a large industrial estate; IMPROVEMENT to the Malacca port; and THE ESTABLISHMENT
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  • 136 6 PENANG, Dec. 2. City Council employees, who have attained the age of 55, are being allowed to continue working on passing a medical examination pending a final decision on the retiring age issue, the Penang Municipal Services Union reports.
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  • 43 6 SINGAPORE, Dec 1 Several shopping centres here were open today to cater for some 1.350 tourists who arrived here bv tie round-the-world cruise luxury liner Arcadia. Most of the tourists were elderly businessmen and Government officials and their wive*.
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  • 185 7 CORRUPTION ‘CANCER OF SOCIETY SINGAPORE, December 2. CORRUPTION in the public services “eats away” the foundations of a stable society and must, like cancer or any other disease, be stamped out, the First Criminal District Judge, Mr. J. B. Jeyaretnam, said today. He Jailed Police Cpl. Adam bin Mohamed Yassin,
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  • 167 7 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 1 2. The Malaysian 1 capital is growing fast and the municipality can work efficiently only with the co-operation of the public. A spokesman for the municipa.lty was commenting on a letter published In the Straits Times today criticising the department for taking
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  • 51 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. I. A group of 133 Malaysian teachers who have comnleted their training at Hrineford Lodge will return here from London bv a chartered KLM jet on Dec 13 Officials of the Education Ministry in Kuala Lumpur will be a; the Singapore Airport to meet
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  • 53 7 BANTING, Dec. 2 Mr. S. P Cecil nas been eiectea president ol the Salak Malayan Indian Congress at a meeting held at the Salak Malayan Chinese Association Youth Club Other officials elected were: Vice-president. Mr. A Chelllah; secretary; Mr K. Soundrapandian. assistant secretary. Mr P Pichan. treasurer
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  • 62 7 SINGAPORE. Dec. 2. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. will give a dinner at Sri Temasek at 8 pm. on Dec. 9 to about 175 Singapore scholarships winners, who have returned from abroad on completion of their studies. Among those present will be representatives
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  • 22 7 BANTING, Dec. 2—Inche Sulaiman bin Mohamed Don has been appointed president oi the Kuala Langat Rent Assessment Board for 1964
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  • 139 7 JJ'UALA TRENGGANU, Ik Dec. 2.—The Minister o. Agriculture and Cooperatives, Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari, said here today that the Government intended to set up a number of ice factories in fishing villages to help fishermen to get their supply as cheaply as possible He
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  • 37 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 2.—Dr. John Lowe, of the extra-mural department of the University of Singapore. will address the Lions' Club on "Extra-mural studies In Singapore.” at Its luncheon meeting on Dec. 4 at Prince's Restaurant.
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  • 207 7 IPOH, December 1. rpHE People’s Progressive Party hopes to capture five or six constituencies where the Indian votes will be the decisive factor in the Perak state elec- tions next year. The PPP secretary-general. Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam. expressed this hope at a meeting
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  • 84 7 SLIM RIVER, Dec. 3. More than 60 families living here have been evacuated to a nearby school and community hall after their homes were flooded by torrential rains over the past 24 hours. Some of the low-lying areas were under eight feet of water and speedboats and
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  • 51 7 PARIT BUNTAR, Dec. 2. A youth club has been tormed in the coastal fishing village of Kuala Kurau The cubs members are drawn from diUerent races, and It is the only voufh club !n the district in which both English and the national language are
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  • 50 7 MR. AND MRS. Liew Chen Chuan pictured after their wedding in Kuala Lumpur on Dec. 1. The bridegroom is a reporter in the Kuala Lumpur office of the Sin Chew Jit Poh. The bride was the former Miss Sze Wai Chun, attached to Fraser and Neave (Malaya) Ltd.
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  • 192 7 SINGAPORE, December 2. YIALAYSIAN Airways today announced that with the acquisition of a second Silver Kris jet aircraft next April, making two jet airerfat in all. it will extend its jet services not only within Malaysia but also to other parts of South-East Asia.
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  • 134 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 2. The Party Rakyat Singapura today expressed surprise over the sudden disappearance of their assistant secretary-gene-ral. Johari bin Sonto. who is believed to have left Singapore with 10 other men for Indonesia two weeks ago. A party statement said Johari had asked
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  • 20 7 SEPANO, Dec. 2—The Teluk Merb-&gt;u national primary group school he-e will hold its Parents’ Day on Dec. 4.
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  • 67 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Dei Heavy ram this eve I2 i; r 1, cap* .several parts of the* ital. tramTie worst hit area e pong Bharu. Houses a v Road and Perkins Road nri t Sunday Market) were unu* to three feet of water The
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  • 396 8 SINGAPORE, December 2. b URTHER rise for the seventh consecutive trading day took the tin price today to just below the levels at which it stood during the Korean War. Today s rise was four dollars and the price was quoted in Penang
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  • 33 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 1—Mem’*rs of the Seiangor Foochow Coffee Merchants’ Association to1 ght ce ebrated their 17th annl* rsary with a dinner at the Ibu Kota Restaurant In Jalan Raja Laut.
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  • 117 8 Reuter. OANGKOK, Dec. 2.—A 16-year-old Malayan girl who underwent a heart operation here nearly three weeks ago died on the night of Dec. 1 hospital officials said today. She is Yee Yen Hor of Ipoh. The officials said the operation performed by a Thai
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 40 8 PENANG Dec. 2. Penang has formed a State committee for the control of cholera. The committee will be preparing detal ed plans to be put Into operation In case of an outbreak of cholera in the State
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  • 287 8 'OINGAPORB, Dec. 3. Twenty-six distinguished political scientists and sociologists from all over the world will meet on Dec. 1 at the University of Singapore for a symposium on “Leadership and authority in Asia.” The week long conference will be opened by the
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  • 153 8 Malacca, Dec. 2.— The State Legislative Assembly today passed estimates totalling $9,848,945 for next year Against revenue of $8,137,838 the deficit expected next year will be $1,711,107, The deficit this year is $1,495,285. Withdrawals Next year's deficit will be met from withdrawals from the
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  • 305 8 KUALA LUMPUR, December 2. 'THE Malayan Railway has postponed the date of A its conversion into a corporation originally scheduled to take place on New Year’s Day. 'TV.,. t. iL. J The secretary to the Ministry of Transport, Inche Noor bin Zainal, who said
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  • 41 8 SINGAPORE. Dec. 3.—The Yang dl-pertuan Negara. Tun Yusoi bin Ishak, will open the lecond Malaysia Student photographic exhibition at the Poilytechnlc at 5.30 p.m tomorrow. The exhibition, organised by the Polytechnic Photographic Society, will end on Dec. 9
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  • 53 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 3. —An expatient of the Woodbrldge Hospital, Teo Seng Ho, 26, was found dead this morning at his Norfolk Road home. Beside Teo’s bed police found an empty bottle of pills. They believe that he had taken an overdose of the pills No foul
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  • 250 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 2. Italian businessmen will in future send their goods to Singapore direct instead of through other foreign Arms because the State offered a very good market for their goods. This was stated today by a spokesman of the 30-man Italian trade mission, Mr.
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  • 47 8 IPOH, Dec. 2.. —Hoong Ah Chye, 19 unemployed was today oound over to be of good behaviour In $500 for 12 months after he pleaded guilty to stealing $1.70 from a public telephone booth In Cock* man Street on the night of Oct. 20
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  • 81 8 SINGAPORE, Oct. 3 The Inquiry behind closed doors Into a move to deprive a millionaire rubber magnate, Mr Tan Lark Sye, of his Singapore citizenship cr itinued today. It was the fourth session of the Citizenship Inquiry Committee with Mr. E H d’Netto as
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  • 706 9 *but FOR THIS WE SHOULD BE AT OUR WITS’ END KUCHING, Dec. 3 |F Sarawak had remained as a State on its own, taxation would have increased way above Malayan levels, said the State Financia 1 Secretary, Mr. B. A. St. J. Hepburn,
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  • 40 9 PENANO, Dec 3— Ahmad Ur. Hussain, 55. a gardener employed at the Penang Botanic GaidrrJ. collapsed yesterday evening while working and died soon after He was to have retired at the end of this month.
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  • 357 9 An interim pay boost for Cable Wireless men SINGAPORE, Dec. 3 T'HE Cable and Wire- less management today asked the Singapore Industrial Arbitration Court for an adjournment in the hearing of a case between itself and its stall union until the Joint commission which is to review terms and conditions
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  • 162 9 SINGAPORE, December 3. r Malaysian Government is now waiting for the Philippines to make the next move in present efforts to settle the Malaysia dispute and to patch up relations between the two countries. The Permanent Secretary to the Malaysian Ministry ot External Affairs. Datu
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  • 43 9 SINGAUORE, Dec. 3—One more of cholera has been confirmed in Singapore, bringing the total to 22 The new case occurred at Jalan Kaki The Middleton Hospital has so far discharged 10 cholera patients, four of them carriers
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  • 189 9 KUALA LUMPUR, December 3 THE Union of Post Office Workers has given the Government up to Dec. 23 to start negotiations for upward revision of salaries to postal officers, failing which it will take industrial action. in a statement today, the jre&aeni oi tne union. Mr.
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  • 90 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 3 Two overseas delegates to the receu first Asia consultation ol tne M* thodlst Church at Port Dicksc*will give their Impression of conference at the Tamil Met Church In Short Street ut 5 3° pn on Dec. 5. The Rev T Thangerat. tr&lt;
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  • 42 9 PARIT BUNTAR. D«; J' one-man Co-operative D l* n (Mr office in Bandar Bahru here has been closed Tl r he idru* the officer in charge. Inch bin Zainuddin. tra f fl err Maiav Sungei Patani as acting Co-operative Officer.
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  • 755 10 Speaker stops motion of ‘no confidence’ after 90 minutes |POH,Dec.S. The Speaker of the Perak State Legislative Assembly, Inche Mohamed Ali bin Zaini, today took the unprecedented step of halting a PMIP "no confidence” motion. Inche Mohamed Fajar Ali (PMIP-Pasir Puteh), in calling for a
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  • 85 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. &gt; The Prime Minister, t'engku Abdul Rahman. K aid today that Tun Abdul Kazak will accompany the Vang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Permaisuri '?ong when they leave for P-angliok later this month °n a State visit to Thai* •and. The Tengku said that
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  • 446 10 KUALA LUMPUR, December 4 r £HE Selangor Legislative Assembly today rejected a Socialist Front motion to provide land for estate and mine workers. The Mentri Besar, Dato Abu Bakar dismissed the motion as a "propaganda stunt" lor the forthcoming parliamentary and state elections next
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  • 288 10 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 4. The Selangor State Financial Officer, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Haji Mohamed Ali, today presented a balanced budget to the State Legislative Assembly. The State will spend $38.861..690 next year against an estimated revenue of $39,027,670, a surplus of
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  • 151 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 3. A conference of leaders of four unions, representing about 1.300 newspaper workers, will be held in Singapore on Dec. 8. The leaders are from the Singapore Printing. Employees Union; the Singapore National Union of Journalists; the National Union of Journalists, Malaya; and
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  • 323 11 QUESTIONNAIRE TO BE COMPLETED BY END OF MARCH KUALA LUMPUR, December 4 GOVERNMENT officials here are putting the finishing touches to plans for Malaya's first major industrial quiz. Final draft of a questionnaire to be sent to 14,000 firms throughout the mainland is now
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  • 70 11 PENANG, Dec. 4 Representatives of the various chambers of commerce In Penang will meet the Italian trade mission when It arrives here on Dec. 9. The meeting will be held at noon at the Rotary Room of the E and O Hotel. Each chamber
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  • 322 11 OENANG, Dec. 4. There is no discernible trend by Malayans to apply for permits to go to Sabah or Sarawak to seek employment, a spokesman of the Federation lmmlgra tion headquarters said here today. He was commenting on a statement
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  • 345 11 TAIPING, Dec. 4 'PHE five Alliance members of the Taiping Town Council, which is controlled by a United Front coalition, walked out together over a move to criticise the Minister of Commerce and Industry at the council’s monthly meeting last
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  • 128 11 PENANG, Dec. 4 —The Sultanah of Kedah, national Poppy Day organiser for the second successive year, last night met the Penang Har) Bunga appeal committee at a tea party given by the chairman. Mr saw Seng Kew. at his Cantonment Road home “We
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  • 87 11 JOHORE BAHRU, Dec 0 4.—Expenditure for Johore State is expected to amount to $42,753,115 next year. An appropriations Dili to approve this sum will be in. troduced at the State As*embly meeting next week Or this. $16,141,141 is for contributions to statutory funds. Other items
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  • 77 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec 4 -Mr Qoro H.tra. direc.ur at t..e t.\ port and Import Ban* Japan predicted today tnai there wuu.d be an increase in Japanese investments in Malaysia, in Industries. Mr Hara, who flew in from Bangkok, is on a tour ot Asian
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  • 31 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec 5Director of Veterinary Services. Inche Joharl bln Haji Mohammed Daud. flew to Singapore today to attend a six-day Pood and Agriculture Organisation conference on pig breeding.
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  • 169 11 PARIT BUNTAR, Dec. 6. RELIGION and politics do not mix, the Sultan of Perak said today after he had opened the $B,OOO mosque at Balai Bukit, near Semanggol, which is a Pan-Malayan Islamic Party stronghold. On coming out of the mosque after prayers the
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  • 57 11 PENANG, Dec. 5. The Maru. a 1 215-ion training of Shimonosekl University Fisheries in Japan, is «thedu to drive here on Thursday The vessel. with seien searchers and 65 cadets four courses—fisheries r f ur es ing. agriculture and m a f ufaCt fron &gt; —is on
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  • 40 11 IPOH, Dec. 5. A by-eW^ will be neid in Kampar A?ton vacancy in the Kampor« j y r ward caused by the lea S. Ayahsamy member Kampar town council lnes day Nomination day is and polling day Jan. 4
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  • 752 12 MALAYSIA’S REPLY: WHAT GUARANTEE IS THERE THAT JAKARTA WON’T REJECT THE U.N. FINDINGS LIKE THEY DID THE LAST TIME? KUALA LUMPUR, December 4 MALAYSIA today said “no” to a proposal by President Soekarno for a second United Nations survey to re-assess the wishes
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  • 37 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 4. The Specialist Teachers Training Institute in Cheras Road here will hold an exhibition of work done during the year on Dec. 9 and 10. commencing from 9 am. each day.
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  • 860 12 Kuala Lumpur, Dec. 3 THE Sultan of Selangor today called on State Government officials and the public to play a “more positive role” to ensure the prosperity of Malaysia. His appeal was made in an address at the opening of the budget
    sembly on Dec. 2.—Straits Times picture.  -  860 words
  • 43 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 3- A live man delegation from the Malayan Trades Union Congress, led by its president. Mr. Ycoh Teck Chye, will arrive here tomorrow to investigate tin* naval base strike dispute .at the. request of the Nuvai Buse Labour Union
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  • 231 13 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 4. Malaysia is pursuing a poncy of “remaining calm” in the face of Indonesia’s latest confrontation tactics, Tengku Abdul Rahman said today. The Prime Minister, speaking to newsmen after the weekly Cabinet meeting, was commenting on yesterdays report that the
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  • 106 13 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 4. A party of 21 Malay sian fishermen will leave for Bangkok on Dec. 8 for a 10-day study tour of the fishing industry in Thailand. They have been selected from Kedah, Perils, Penang and Perak and will make a special study of
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  • 28 13 BYDNEY, Dec. 4—Malaysian students and their counterparts of the Indian League will hold a Joint function at the Malayan Students’ Association club here on Dec. 13.
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  • 399 13 JESSELTON, December 4 A DUSK-TO-DAWN curfew was imposed today on the Malaysian side of Sebatik Island (opposite Tawau) and its territorial waters. The curfew order came a few hours after a warning by the Chief Minister, Mr. Donald Stephens, that Indonesians in the State were
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  • 147 13 LUMPUR, Dec. **4. —Three new teachers’ training institutions and 29 units of prefabricated timber teachers’ quarters have been built in Malaya in the past five months under the Ministry of Education s “eras h” development programme. Three hundred trainee teachers have already moved into
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  • 61 13 SINGAPORE, Dec. 4.—A sevenman organising committee ot the Chinese Chamber of Commerce today decided to invite Singapore Government representatives to be advisers to Its proposed trade mission to Sarawak and Sabah next vear. The committee, headed by Mr. Toh Reng Tuan also decided to invite the
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  • 40 13 KAJANG, Dec. 4. The next monthly meeting ot the Ulu Laneat District Wplfare Committee will be held here on Dec. oat 2.30 pjii. at the District This will be the committees last meeting for 1963 Office conference room.
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  • 132 13 Kuala lumpur. Dec. 3. Malaya s external trade for the first 10 months of this year totalled $4,400.1 million This is $151.8 million more than that for the same period last year. According to preliminary figures issued today by Statistics Department, exports for January to
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  • 45 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Fri.—Tenders have been called for the construction of television transmitter buildings at Ounong Kledang in Perak and Gunong Tarnpin, Negri Sembilan, as part of the official plan to gradually expand the T.V. service after its inauguration here later this month.
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  • 449 14 KUALA PUMPUR, Dec. 5. pLANS for the establishment of a multimillion dollar Italian car and scooter plants have been submitted to the Malaysian Government. This was disclosed by the spokesman of a 32man Italian trade mission which arrived here tonight to
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  • 53 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 6. A bill to provide subsistence and mileage al owances for the Minister of Sarawak Affairs will be Introduced at next week’s meeting ot Parliament. An explanatory statement says that unlike other ministers who lived in Kuala Lumpur, the Minister of Sarawak Affairs is
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  • 28 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 6 —The former British Deputy High Commissioner here, Mr. M. J. Moynihan. has been appointed British Deputy High Commissioner in Trinidad and Tobago.
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  • 252 14 SINGAPORE, Dec. 6.—A visiting four -man delegation from the Malayan Trades Union Congress today called on the secretary-general of the National Trade Union Congress, Mr. Devan Nair, and the secretary-general of the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, Mr. G. Kandasamy. Mr. Yeoh Teck Chye, who
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  • 205 14 MAPHILINDO COULD BE ‘DANGEROUS KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 6. jyjAPHILINDO could be “extremely dangerous” if it should become an instrument of Communist policy, a senior spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs here warned tonight. He said the three-nation get-together could never oe come a reality if one member was determined
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  • 148 14 OINGAPORE, Dec., s—The O leader of the Singapore industrial survey mission to Australia, Mr. Hon Sul Sen, tonight described the results of the mission’s efforts to lure Australian Investment and technical know-how as “highly satisfactory.” The mission, he said, had brought home many
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  • 79 14 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 6.—A case of cholera was reported In Kedah today. The victim Is a 19-year-old Malay girl from Kampong Jambol, 19 miles south of Alor Star. She is now in the Alor Star General Hospital. One other suspected cholera case from the Sebrang Perak area
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  • 50 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. G—The Minister of the Interior. Dato Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, will talk on registration for national service over Radio Malaysia on Sunday at the following limes English service. 7.10 p.m.; Tamil, 9 p.m.; Malay. 9.15 p.m. and Chinese. 10 35 p.m.
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  • 319 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 6. THE Central GovA ernment today listed seven ways by which foreigners may be allowed to enter and remain temporarily in the country. These are included in the new Immigration Regulations drawn up with the concurrence of the Chief Ministers
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  • 433 15 IPOH, December 6. THE Perak Legislative Assembly today rejected an Opposition motion calling for the setting up of a committee to study and report on the rate of implementation of special aid to Malays in accordance with the constitution. The motion, by Inche Baharuddin
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  • 129 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 5. The Vang ai-Pertuan Agong and Prime Munster Tengku Abdul Rahman today sent messages of greetings to the King oi Thal,and on the occasion of his 36th birthday. The Agong in his message said 'On this august and joyous
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  • 52 15 SINGAPORE. Dec. 6.—The Australian Commissioner. Mr. R. a. Walcott, will present a paint mg to the Government and people of Singapore on behalf of the Australian Government and peop.e tomorrow. The Deputy Prime Mims er, Dr. Toh Chin Chye. will receive the painting at his office in
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  • 252 15 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 5.—The Selangor Legislative Assenioiy was told toaay mat me dUO-aere Laba land development scneme in bepang, 40 nines south of nere, was "peremally unaer water. 1ms was stated by Mr. Lim Auun biong tsr'oepangi, wno moved a resomuon criticising tne
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  • 24 15 PORT DICKSON, Dec. 6.—An anti-Soekarno rally will be held at Pastr Panjang. 16 miles from here, on Dec. 8 at 7 p.m.
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  • 164 15 IPOH, Dec. 6 4 N emergency censure motion against a Pan-Ma-A layan Islamic Party member will be moved at the Budget meeting of the Perak State Assembly here tomorrow. Notice of the motion, to be moved by the Mentri Besar, Dato Sha’ari bin Shafiee, was given
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  • 410 15 SINGAPORE, December 4 X H E Singapore Government denied today that any Federal officer had told a pore officer, on the night of Dec. 1 that the Central Government would abide by the iindings of the Industrial Arbitration Court shortly before 1,000 postal
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  • 220 15 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 6.—A Food and Agriculture Organisation coconut economist said today that the economy of Malaysia could be improved if coconut was grown on a large scale on the vast sand y stretches of the East Coast. Mr. E. Muttukumaru. who has
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  • 52 15 PENANG. Dec. 3—The Raja Tun Uda Al-Ha; praised the Shaw Organ Isa. "the confidence they In Malaysia's stability' by another SI million thea.Penang i« •This substantial ln e y' an eloquent expression o| faith in our young nation. when he declared oner j Theatre at Da
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  • 255 16 PENANG, Dec. 6 \JALAYA will be self-sufficient in rice in 1970, the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, predicted here last night. Addressing an Alliance rally of about 500 farmers and fishermen at Balik Pulau, the Minister
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  • 209 16 L'UALA LUMPUR, Dec. 5. The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, will open the first biennial delegates conference of the National Union of Government Clerical Workers at the Federal House canteen on Saturday. About 90 delegates and 130 observers from all parts of Malaya will
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  • 253 16 ITUALA LUMPUR. 11 Dec. 5. The Director of Fisheries, Mr. Soong Min Kong, will urge the Central Government to introduce a three-point plan for the development of the fishing industry in all parts of Malaysia. He told the Press about his plan
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  • 37 16 SINGAPORE, Dec. I—A1 —A member of the Legislative Assembly or local authority or a public servant can be appointed to tht Housing and Development Board under an amendment Bill intro duced in the Legislative Assem
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  • 180 16 r}H, Dec. 6—The Sultan of Perak is a very good amateur artist and his paintings could be passed off as those of professionals This tribute was paid by Miss Sunyee a well-known professional artist who is attached to the Singapore Academy of Arts
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  • 215 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 6. 'J’HE Selangor Mentri Besar, Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda, today called on the ministries of health and education to work together to organise some form of school health service. “Many schoolchildren, especially those In the rural areas, sutler from malnutrition.
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  • 91 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 6—The Raja Permaisuri Agong and other honoured guests will attend the annual Radio Star contest organised by Radio Malaysia to be held at Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka tomorrow Tickets tor the public at S 4, $3, $2 and $1 are available
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  • 61 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 6. The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, will visit the Kwong Wal Siu free hospital in Upper Serangoon Road at 2 pm. on Dec. 14. Kwong Wai Siu is the oigg«\3* private hospital in the State run by philanthropists. It has 400 beds
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  • 228 16 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 5. A delegation of union leaders will see the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin, to protest against the “shabby treatment” of the Malaya Trades Union Congress by the Registrar of Societies. Mr. Chin Hon Hian. The
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  • 49 16 JOHORE BAHRU. Dec. 5 A Kuurn Ibu delegation led by Datin Patimah blnte Hajl Hashlm, chairman erf Kaum Ibu of Malaya, will arrive here on Monday to help reorganise the Johore branch. Datin Fatimah will address three meetings of Malay women while she is here.
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  • 110 16 KUALA LIPIS, Dec. 8-Flve women and a man who arrived from Thailand without passports on Nov. 30 were arrested when they boarded a bus for Kuala Lumpur, the magistrate’s court here was told yesterday. The women. Kam Lai. 22. Boa Kel, 22 Soon Nam.
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  • 225 17 KUALA LUMPUR, December 5. A MOVE to form an all-Malay society for “greater participation in commerce and industry’’ was made here today. The society will be called Society of Malay Executives in Commerce and Industry in the Federation of Malaysia and will have its
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  • 189 17 IZ'UALA LUMPUR, Dec. 6. The Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin, said today that legislation for the introduction of the “Swiss system” of paying industrial workers was being drafted. He was commenting on a statement by Mr. P. P.
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  • 108 17 SINGAPORE, Dec. 8. The Urban and Rural Services Consultative Committee has approved more rural projects costing more than $86,000. This was disclosed by the committee chairman. Mr Hn Cheng Choon. after its halfmonthly meeting on Friday. Mr Ho said the committee was now finalising a blueprint
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  • 284 17 Othman Wok’s ministry gets more work SINGAPORE, D«c. 8 'J'HE Singapore Government has announced a number of changes in the portfolios of some of its Ministries Most affected by the reshuffle Is the Ministry of Social Affairs, which has taken a large slice of
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  • 78 17 ner was held here last night In TEL UK ANSON. Dec. 6—A dinhonour ol Dr Ng Kam Pon, a Malayan Chinese Association cader and Mr Leow Lai Swee. a contractor, who have been made Justices of the Peace by the Sultan ot Perak It was
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  • 40 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. s.—The Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lim Swee Aun, will visit Dindings district. Perak, on Saturday. During his tour he will present a cheque for $2,000 to the Dindings Tourist Association.
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  • 113 17 Kuala lumpur, Dec. 4. —The Government Medical and Health Employees National Union has decided to accept the Government s latest offer to backdate a pay award to March I—but1 —but it will continue to fight to get it backdated to Aug. 1 last
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  • 49 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 5. Two schools In Sabah have sent a total of $2,768.45 to the National Patriotic Fund. The contributions came from: The teachers and students of the Chung Hwa School. Jesselton, $2,086.30: the teachers and students of the Shan Tao School. Jesselton. $682.15.
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  • 139 17 IPOH. Dec. 3 TWO hungry Indone--1 sian fishermen found wandering about in Kuala Kurau Ashing village in the Krian district in search of food have been arrested by the police The Indonesians Ooi Ah Lin. 29 and Samln bln Ahmad 25. were arrested in a restaurant
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  • 182 17 SINGAPORE, Dec. 8. Four new blocks of five-storey flats at Siglap, costing more than $500,000. are due to be let out in the next few weeks. This was announced today by Mr. Tan Kla Gan. chairman of the Housing and Development Board, after a tour
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  • 56 17 IPOH, Dec. B—The muradpa l president, Mr. SP s eo V' ‘!uth celebrated his birthday re champagne party at hi&gt; 11 last sidence in Tiger Lane here night. bt A hve-tiered cake his brother. Mr D R- s cU t sagam. and his two sisters. e by Mr.
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  • 46 17 KAMPAR. Df c 5 She election will be held to *n Asto;1 vacancy for the Karr-i. nere Ward, of the Town Cou cii n caused by the dea A?abAll’ance Councillor. Mr samy. _&lt;■ 1 be Dec. Nomination da&gt; 4 11 and polling day JR«
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  • 1118 18  -  by EPSOM JEEP,’ QlntflltAM A IIMSt V rrWO UPSETS marked the opening day of th* December meeting at Buklt Timah this aiternoon. ■wt Oat CL. a OIV fir SuIUK P»htni’« W ,s ?*B£a§»i“ M U L (6j lUI Tere Q|j 1 (561—133) Sublan 2 (4&gt; Affeelatftsn $.7
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  • 983 18 rpRE table at ehnree on the A Malayan stock Exchange above hud business to Nov. 94. (A) and last towlnsss stooo that date (B) with I sad i Handing lee Highest aad Lowest badness for this yew to date. dbesiatats a t a# MS* bucu Uk
    983 words
  • 70 18 'PHS Matayan Cishang* Banks' eaelatlan rr.ada thaaa chansaa Is Its rates to merchants on Saturday rail rates to 1100): Sawing TT or Ol raady: Oeutaeke Marks 199); llelgian Pranae lSl#t: Italian Lire *****. On the fraa asatiang* market m Mens Ken*, the U S. 4H ar was quoted
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  • 41 18 )M t Dm. 1 Dm. Dee 6 Dec. 6. Dee. 1. IndwtrUb: SSm IW «7 I*7 6. JJJ-JJ WJ JJ Tina: 111.51 l»H Itl.M I rubber.: 10* 85 101.05 16* 05 161.60 161.65 161.60 Dec 26. I*6? 100
    41 words
  • 32 18 RUBBER TIN' (per lb.) (per pleul Dee. 8. *9% eta. 9*94.en S. 46 k eta. S49R.UO 4. 99% eta 5. ITS* eta M9R.541 6 91% Ms 94M.1S H 7. 9494.00
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 101 18 MtSZOS ttifti tmti mm mm turn mm imn imi&gt; umi mmo mm mm mm mm mm urns item »tmt turn mm nmt umi Him mm mut mm »nm mm mm mm tuns hnii huh turn mm turn mm mm hhii mat rtmt mm mm nmt vtiut tiotci nmt rtttti wmi
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    • 515 19 THE Malayan Rubber Market has contirwiedj very quiet throughout the week, but there has been a decidedly better undertone state H.C.B. Co. Ltd. In their latest re- pOrt. i Consumer interest In terminal markets has improved according to reports and this has caused improved demand
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    • 84 19 ’T'MC Malayan gxehang* Banks’ Association mad* these changes In lta rates to merchant* yesterday (all rates to 1106): Canada: buying TT 35 7/16, airmail OD 35 3/16, 00 d/at. 36 1/10 credit bills. 36 1/8 trade bills. telling TT #r OD ready: Canada 35 1/16. L T On
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    • 15 19 Further .Novemer rubber crops Included: Ayer Molek 66.700 and Buklt KatU 60.620 lb.
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    • 34 19 {Managers* Prises) First Malayan 2.00 2.00 Second Malayan 1.40 1.67 Third Malayaa 1.04 1.11 Flret Hong Kong 1.05 1.00* Second Hong Kong .76 .80* Sterling Commodity 4/4 4/0 (*Hong Kong currency 1.
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    • 1895 19 From Our Market Correspondent J'HE Malayan Stock Exchange last week was unexpectedly buoyant with heavy turnovers in firm tin and industrial sections. A new note of optimism was discernible with ail thoughts of Indonesian confrontation kept well in the background. No doubt that rises In
      1,895 words
    • 145 19 SSiS.: S7l. sellers 67i buyer* Ki; lm Jan. buyers ST*, sellers 67J R#t IRT. 2 R buyrr* 67i er n&gt; r’iS i? v aileri 67 buyer, t Total number of leodrrs at 5 pn I Rffhhw Afbeatatlen #f s r, Fite ratlin at Malays Rukbr, L,.h,ri tt
      145 words
    • 49 19 N* Current Date gt ratal foul for t pnymeni MV men! for prvvlcu* vest »ear Boast end 10 cto Jin 2) l MnbursB Tnbneon- b% Jaui. SI 10% MeUu Box 7% Jan I 11% Wearwe Dec 1« M% W% Aokpm 124% Jin W L L."4 .’wWM* L
      49 words
    • 532 19 rt (oliovlnt n a oomplois t Ust of raiiae* qboUHooi for the week endod Saturday Dec. 6. :i industrials u.. am orda. 12.43 r **.oo Bouetead m.. ..««h l-O i Central Prop. L33 cuy De«. .at .a C.S Hotdtng ...u. T/4* T/f Con Tin Homo lB
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