The Straits Budget, 4 December 1963

Total Pages: 19
1 19 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYSIA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER tEKiES 582. KUALA LUMPUR, DECEMBER 4, 1963. Price 40 cents (Malaval or 1 shilling. KDN 879.
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    • 176 1 mg A f* r 1* A V 32 *&v <5* ••>• ft* V m <■ mm ■■■■A •M V. LW//-X m M v 1 A .v* mm Sfxj a SBC m n '■■< 1 < 4 >•■■ Si em V. A V m m r: m <i mA >'■ S.
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    • 283 2  -  PARENT Ranb IT is an unfortunate fact that the results of school examinations in smaller towns are always below the standard in the major towns such as Kuala Lumpur and Ipoh. It disappoints and discourages school pupils. The factor cannot be explained by
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    • 88 2  -  OTTO BAUMAN Singapore MR. Kesselrlng shows either a complete lack of understanding of Mr. Goldwater’s principles or Is deliberately attempting to discredit him because of selfish motives and Interests. Throughout the UB. Mr. Goidwater is considered by the huge middle class group of people the answer to keeping
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    • 97 2  -  MEMBER Singapore A CORRESPONDENT complains about the student congestion in Ipoh library. This problem also exists In the Singapore National Library. The library is packed with students who seem to be studying and it is almost impossible for a reader to get a seat, specially during the examination season
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    • 305 2  -  PERTIRBED Singapore JANUARY 1st being New Year’s Day is celebrated by millions throughout the world. Singapore should be no exception. It Is a day for rejoicing and gaiety. It is as important to those who celebrate It a» it Is to
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    • 111 2  -  K. R Malacca I THINK It was H.O. Wells 1 who compared Napoleon to a cockerel on a dung hill Instead of using his opport unity and power for the Improvement of Prance and Europe, he thought he could conquer the world He ended
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    • 142 2  -  FAIR PLAY Kuala Lumpur AM quite in agreement 1 with the right of Government employees to strike for their legitimate claims. But can they all claim they are giving their full worth in time and service to the Government and the public? The unions no doubt support
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    • 159 2  -  CITIZEN Kuala Lumpur complaints r that Government departments fail to send a reply, or at times even an acknowledgment, to letters received cannot but undermine the confidence of the public. It would be a great advance if the public could feel that the services they pay for
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    • 156 2  -  PATIENT Ipoh rpUERE is traffic oon1 gestion in the mail, streets of lpoh because there is not sufficient space for the movement of traffic. Hugh Low Street Is snch an example. Owing to the frequent occurrence daily heavy traffic and of traffic Jams, It
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    • 33 2  -  INDIGNANT Singapore THE public telephone 1 outside Newton Post Office is often out of order It Is very disappointing. Why not give It a thorough repair once and for all?
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    • 138 2  -  RESIDE** Kiang 48 filthy as ever T'HE other dav a colleague X remarked mat Klang town was awfully dirty. Too true. The place is filthy. 1 took my friends to the busy mee stalls one night. The rain had Just stopped. Tie paths along the stalls were muddy
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    • 104 2  -  g chER LOW SK;.t L", Post il services P uncnl Singapore V REFER to the ette f 1 from “Mall fan ,s Nov. 15) about the .ate W livery of mall from Kiwnw Road Post Office 1 might pernaps explain that It was transfer the deliv- y c
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 478 3 —Straits Times, Nov. 25 Ifj nil Dr. Lim Swee Aim’s of a Malaysian export K' n :,es the unpleasant fact K klt Malaysia is spending more Ubn'ad than she is earning. |E in ,t last year we have been jHjjp} into savings for dev■lopmmt purposes. Up to a
      —Straits Times, Nov. 25  -  478 words
    • 127 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 25 Government clerks belonging to unions affiliated to Cuepacs have formed an “action committee" and are threatening to go on strike. The Government is probably not unduly worried, for only 5,000 of its 18,000 cleiical employees are union members and of these a section belongs
      —Straits Times. Nov. 25  -  127 words
    • 288 3 Straits Times. Nov. 26 Preliminary revision of the Malayan electoral roll is complete, and speculation on the timing of a general election will accordingly increase. It remains for the Election Commission to present the registers for the scrutiny of the political parties and the public, to deal with
      Straits Times. Nov. 26  -  288 words
    • 692 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 27 Malaysia’s Borneo border with Indonesia will be danger ridden for as long as confrontation lasts. A pattern of incident and threat has been estab- j lished which will be wearing on Malaysian nerves, and hard on the livelihood of villagers in Sarawak and
      —Straits Times. Nov. 27  -  692 words
    • 276 3 Straits Times, Nov 27 Malaysia and Indonesian confrontation have markedly changed the pattern of development spending originally outlined for this year, and have altered out of all recognition the investment targets of 1964 and 1965 —the two final years of the Malayan Five Year Plan. The big new
      Straits Times, Nov 27  -  276 words
    • 626 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 28 Official recognition of Azahari and his colleagues as the “government” of Brunei and the Borneo States of Malaysia may be the next Indonesian move in the “confrontation” gamble. Much will depend on the international reaction to a hint which appears to have been
      —Straits Times. Nov. 28  -  626 words
    • 349 4 —Straits Times, Nov. 28 Mr. Tan Siew Sin’s announcement that the Government has set aside $10 million to help civil servants buy their own homes has failed to placate the unions. While the offer of low-interest, easy-payment loans has been welcomed, the civil servants want more. Yesterday’s protest
      —Straits Times, Nov. 28  -  349 words
    • 456 4 —Straits Times. Nov 29 President Macapagal’s statement in Washington that the Philippines is trying to play peacemaker between Malaysia and Indonesia will cut no ice in this country and must also puzzle the Americans. A peacemaker needs to be uninvolved and impartial. How can the Philippines claim
      —Straits Times. Nov 29  -  456 words
    • 646 4 —Straits Times. Nov. 30 The problems which the rupture of trade with Indonesia pose for Singapore lie unpleasantly in the path of progress. They were given full attention by Dr. Goh Keng Swee in his budget speech in the State Legislative Assembly. He did not minimise
      —Straits Times. Nov. 30  -  646 words
    • 340 4 Today’s Australian general election has more than usual interest for Malaysia. Policy on defence assistance for this country is a major issue. Both the Liberal-Country coalition led by Sir Robert Menzies and Mr. Arthur Calwell's Labour Opposition agree that Australia should come to Malaysia’s aid in the event
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    • 218 4 —Straits Times. Nov.JO__ It must be presumed that 3 determined attempt is being made to avert the Singapore postal strike. But t\v 0 days before the deadline, neither the Amalgamated Unun of Public Employees nor the Ministry has informed the public hew negotiations are progressing or even whether
      —Straits Times. Nov.JO__  -  218 words

    • 68 4  -  r,H 5 ERVFH Singapore IT Is high time 1 complained bein? Chinese progr. i 5 A!t ft put by TV Sing tl' re the People’ has bj 1 tn lhat televised, siicce.- >• j s Television 8:RjW running out o{ ‘/.‘dying Other films whK ot b e of
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  • 260 5 SINGAPORE, Nov. 27. 5 —No new case of cholera was reported here today, a statement from the Health Ministry said free inoculations continued at all the 31 Government centres today. T> date over 117.000 people have been inoculated. I co-operation with
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  • 39 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 27 Mure than dot) construction ikers employed oy Hume In;tries and Gammon iM) Ltd. formed a trade union. Known as the Construction alters Union, it is open to all ’.ruction workers in Malaya
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  • 935 5 WE ACHIEVED AT THE U.N. WHAT WE WERE ANXIOUS TO ACHIEVE’ ‘We would not play into hands of Indonesia’ KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 28. jyjALA\ SIA z Permanent U.N. Representative, Mr. R. Ramani, said here tonight that it was an over-simplification of the problem to suggest that
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  • 49 5 IPOH, Nov. 27—A schoolgirl Yoong Souk Ha. 17. was rushed unconscious to the General Hospital here suspected of having taken sleeping tablets yesterday evening. She was still unconscious today. Yoong was found by her aunt in their Simpang Pulai home here after they had a quarrel.
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  • 294 5 KUALA LUMPUR. **Nov. 27. —The president of the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services, Mr. V. E. Jesudoss, said today that Tengku Abdul Rahman should be “more ashamed’’ of the official side of the Whitley Council and
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  • 174 5 SINGAPORE, Nov. 27.Senior Postal and Tele communications ollicials here were finalising eme r g ency plans today to meet the threatened strike by 1,000 workers in the two departments. A spokesman for the Postal Department said that the strike. If it materialised would not a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 94 5 Hong Kong &'Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Estate Activities in Hong Kong and the Far East. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions «n Hong Kong and other parts An indispensable source of information for oil concerned in
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  • 301 7 THIS TIME. WE REALLY MEAN BUSINESS' I ll ALA LUMPUR, I Nov. 24. GovernI ment clerical unions I aililiated to the ConI gress of Unions of Employees in the PubII lie and Civil Services decided today to issue I strike ballots to their
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  • 203 7 I/UALA LUMPUR. Nov. v 24.—A Socialist Front M.P., Mr. V. David, has been dropped from the team of Malayan Trades Union Congress officials to visit Singapore for an on-the-spot i n v e st i g ation of the trade union situation
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  • 80 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Nov. 25 The Johore Religious Allairs Department has banned a book written by an Indonesian religious leader on t he grounds that tt contains religion." rulings contradictory to those practised by Muslims In Malaysia The book, entitled 'Questions and Answers on Islam by Hassan Bandung,
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  • 118 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 24—The ».1a Permalsurl Agong paid a Mortal visit today to view the ex- bltion of paintings by Mr. f, huah Thean Tene at the British ouncil Centre. The exhibition is r Arts Council of Malaya presentation. Her Majesty was received at the f,)
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  • 225 7 SINGAPORE, Nov. 25. The first jungle survival course ever to be held for women by the Royal Air Force almost ended in disaster over the weekend. Flying Officer Yvonne Neale. a 27-year-old physical training instructor at Changi. was injured by the branch of
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  • 224 7 KUALA LUMPUR, November 25. TRIBUTE was paid today to Malaysian industry and commerce for recognising the importance of management training in increasing the efficiency of national productivity and the economy. The bouquet came from Mr. S. A. Abishegam, director of the
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  • 304 7 'PAIPING, Nov. 24. A Mr. S. Sabaratnam, a leader of the United Front which controls the Taiping Town Council, suggested today that the Interest of Dr. Lim Swee Aun, the Minister of Cornmere and Industry in bringing industries to Taiping “may be
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  • 98 7 PARIT BUNTAR, November 24. DEMOCRACY call only be preached and practised in an educated country, Inche Mohamed Ghazali bin Jawi, the Assistant Minister for Rural Development, said yesterday. "Your duty, therefore.” he told 300 adult education teachers attending a civics course, ‘is to help educate our
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  • 46 7 SINGAPORE. Nov 25—A 40-veur-old businessman, Khor Km Yung, was found dead In a lane behind Aoblnson's In Raffles Square eurly today He hud a fractured skull and Is believed to have fallen from an adjoining building No foul pl»v n suspected
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  • 328 8 KUALA LUMPUR. November 25. \JR V. DAVID, a Socialist Front M.P. and general secretary of the Transport Workers* Union, said today that the Malayan Trades Union Congress did not have the “guts** to stick by its decisions. Mr. David was to have been
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  • 64 8 SINGAPORE Nov. 24 —Representatives from Singapore and Malaya were among tho.'p from many countries who attended the memorial service held at the Wesley Church in Fort Canning here this afternoon for the late President J. F. Kennedy. The other representatives Included those from the Netherlands, Japan. Germany,
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  • 513 8  -  by LIM BENG TEE Singapore. Nov. 24 TIIL Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, was 1 slightly hurt by exploding crackers during his tour of Kampong Kembangan constituency today to mark the beginning of his second round of visits to the 51 electoral
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  • 109 8 KUAT LUMPUR. Nov. 25 Normal train servlets between here and Singapore were resumed today. Tite services had been interrupted since 1.40 a m yesterday following the derailment of a goods train. 01 miles south Of Seremban, which pulled up a half-mile section of the
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  • 294 8 K u :'m La No,. I niorial servkv “for T I k- te P i' esicient John f I Kennedy was held the Wesley I Church here this ewt I More than loo n eo n.. I mostly from the Peace I and
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  • 262 8 SINGAPORE. November 'THE University of Singapore Students lr io: t0 day abandoned a plan to hold 11 c’einonstration tomorrow morning at the r front of the City Hall when it failed to f a j. ermit. The demon.-t ration was to have been staged in conjunction
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  • 307 9 D r Lim replies to a charge by the United Front KUALA LUMPUR, November 25. THE Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. 1 Lim Swee Aun, said today that the Central Government would not discriminate against any town council controlled by opposition parties. He
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  • 114 9 MALACCA, Nov. 25. The Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan siew Sin. arrived here during the weekend to visit his constituents in Malacca Central. he visited Bachang. Krubong and Ayer Salak. Today he went to Sungei t’ lang. Bukit Beruang and Buklt Pn-tu. At
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  • 173 9 Kuala lumpur, Nov. 25—The Government has allocated a further 529 million for rubber replanting schemes next year. Ot this sum, $l5 million will be the first contribution to scheme No 2—a $2OO million grant approved earlier in the year to heip the rubber industry
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  • 85 9 SINGAPORE. Nov. 25.—The first Mahvsian conference ot represenutives of tourist agencies and tourist promotion officials, sch dulrd to be held in Singapore this week, has been postponed to eailv nC Mr y ß ir 'H. Melwani, chairman of the Singapore Tourist Association. XIT.KnM.rInK the
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  • 110 9 \I1SS Rugayah Mohamet! Ali (above) has joined BOAC as passenger relations officer in Singapore. With another newcomer, Miss Rose Yeap. and Miss Rosalind Wong, who has been BO AC’s only passenger relations offieer in Singapore for the past 18 months, they will be giving
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  • 178 9 MALACCA, November 26. VfORE than 600 labourers from two divisions of the Kemuning Estate at Tebong, 27 miles from here, went on strike on Nov. 24 in sympathy with 133 labourers of the Kru division of the estate who stopped work on Nov. 18
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  • 75 9 MUAR. Nov. 25.—The Assistant District Officer, Inche All bln Abu Bakar, yesterday presented certificates to 36 candidates who had passed their six-month truinlng course on rubber replanting and research at Tanjong Guding, five miles from here Inche All urged the candidates to use their knowledge of
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  • 133 9 Kuala lumpur. Nov. 25. The Government sponsored $5 million pineapple cannery at Pekan Nanas, near Johore Bahru, will be completed in May next year. Work on the project started last month. The Government last year allocated $2.5 million In Its development estimates for the project
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  • 300 9 ROME, Nov. 26 THE entire educational system in Malaysia will have to be re-orientated towards a scientific and technological bias, the deputy permanent secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Mr. Lew Sip Hon. said here yesterday. As leader of the
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  • 25 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov 26 The Shaw Brothers Organi-sati >n <** Icbrated its 35th anniversary uith u dinner at the Uukit Biutung Bark here tonight.
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  • 295 10 SCORES WILL TAKE DAY OFF KUALA LUMPUR, November 26. (JIVIL servants here are all set to picket the Treasury and Federal House tomorrow morning over the long delay in settling claims at the National Whitley Council level. Mr. V. E. Jesudoss, president of
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  • 137 10 KUALA LUMPUR. November 26. TWO Malaysian executives of Shell Company have been appointed to higher positions. They are Mr. Stephen Sim See Loy. 34. who becomes personnel manager in Kuala Lumpur and Wan Makhzan bin Ahmad. 36. who will be personnel and public
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  • 144 10 White man’ s Merdeka —by an ex-Minister IPOH, Nov. 26.—The former Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives. Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak. wt is now leader of the National Convention Party last night mounted a People* Progressive Party platform to address an election rally here. Inche Aziz said that “the Merdeka
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  • 44 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 26. Geography students of the University of Malaya are to conduct a socio-economic survey in Petaline Jaya as part of their practical training The survey is expected to reveal information on population growth, family size and occupations
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  • 126 10 -Reuter Kuching, now 26 Five representatives of the parents of nolnical detainees in Kuching, accompanied by the chairman of the Sarawak United Peoples’ Party. Mr Ong Kee Hui. and the secre-tary-general. Mr Stephen Yong. this morning had an hour-long meeting with the Chief Minister. Mr
    -Reuter  -  126 words
  • 77 10 SINGAPORE. Nov. 26. Inche S O.A Alsagoff has been re-elected chairman of the Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce. Other officials are: Raia Mohamod Yuxof bin Ahmad Alhaj. deputy chairman; Huji Mohamod Khan hon treasurer < re-elected >. Sved Alwee AlkafT. hon secretary < re-electf d>: Inche
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  • 526 10 SINGAPORE, November 2(5 i r pHE Admiralty today emphatically denied a Singapore Naval Base Labour Union allegation that officials had burned “vital dor- merits'* of the union intended as High Court exhibits and damaged property in the union pre- raises. They also dismissed as
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  • 61 10 Thf SINGAPOR. N v. YS Smgipore Printing r cht Union held a dinner P for its president. Mr D krishnan. in honour Jt selected on a study .intend a seminar at lion.oa. He will deliver a paper w nomics at the conten net-, expected to last
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  • 63 10 SINGAPORE No\ esi Hap Hin has been e eite gr0 dent of the Internationa pa therhood Magicians pore. Tan Other officials J re j t Mr Choon Tee. vtce-preskie. Te0 Tan Bah Chee. secreta*. Messrs Kok Chal. treasurei. a- K e Mic Ng Bo Oen. Khoo
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  • 288 11 tun yusof to speak on GOVFS POLICY for next year SINGAPORE, Nov. 25. —The Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng S'A'ee, will present in the Legislative Assembly on Nov. 28 the first Budget—expected to be a standstill one—since Singapore joined Malaysia. Dr Goh will Introduce
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  • 59 11 MR. FOO YEOW TAT. of the City Council Information Bureau, helps his bride, the former Miss Annie Chee Guat Liew, to cut their wedding cake at a reception in the Long Say Building in Penang following their wedding at the Registry of Civil Marriages
    Marriages on Nov. 24.—Straits Times picture.  -  59 words
  • 55 11 PENANG, Nov. 26. A 10-year-"ld victim of a motor accident. Mansor Eladi. died in the Penang General Hospital early this morning. Mansor was reported to have een knocked down by a car at Weld Quay yesterday. He was lushed to the hospital with head injuries and
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  • 47 11 CHITRAL DUE IN S’ PORE SING APORE, Nov. 26.—The P and O Orient Lines luxury liner Chitral will arrive here on Dec. 12 with about 350 passengers. The Chitral. which left Southampton last week, is on her way to Japan. She will return by the same route.
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  • 297 11 The toothache that costs $250, 000 a year CHEAPER-CURE PLAN FOR THE ABORIGINES KUALA LUMPUR, Novepiber 26. JIIE expensive (more than $250,000 a year) practice of flying aborigines with toothache from their jungle homes to hospitals is to be stopped next year. Instead, a mobile dental clinic will be sent
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  • 221 11 PENANG. Nov. 27 THE deputy president of Penang Umno, Inche Aziz Ibrahim, said last night the Alliance •’must win” both the State and the parliamentary elections next year. “We cannot afTord to allow irresponsible and mischievous leaders to take over the government,” he told
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  • 156 11 Kuala lumpur, Nov. 20.- The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will inaugurate the first phase of Television Malaysia on Dec. 28. Tiie Assistant Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Datu Mohamed Ismail bin Mohamed Yusof, announcing tills tod.'iy. said the initial service would cover
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  • 25 11 I’ENANO. Nov. 2*: Tie* fh"'*'rasta M;ilny Sc hoi l '>vsil hold ms Parents’ Day and annual art and cruft exhibition tills Dec 1
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  • 403 12 KUCHING. Tues. THE Sarawak Medical Department has been 1 disappointed at the difficulties in persuading local doctors to join the department, the acting Director of Medical Services, Dr. R. Dickie, said today. He was commenting on criticisms on the department which appeared in a
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  • 116 12 KUALA LUMPUR, November 26. 'PHE National Union of Hotel, Bar and Restaurant 1 Workers today distributed strike ballot papers to its members seeking powers for industrial action at the Cameron Highlands Hotel —a subsidiary of Hotel Merlin Ltd. The union has given the management until
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  • 78 12 ALOR STAR, Nov. 26 —A restricted resident. Teow Cheow Choi. 18. was today sentenced to two years jail for failing to comply with an order by the Minister of the Interior to remain indoors at night. senior Inspector P. Arunasalam prosecuting, told the Sessions
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  • 279 12 Kuala lumpur, Nov. 26. Three charming tourists today described the Malaysian capital as “a real cool town.” They are Miss Barbara Coleman. 22, an arts graduate from Massachusetts; Miss Wendy Joan Taylor, 21, a stenographer from Sydney; and Miss Elsa Glickman.
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  • 29 12 IPOH, Nov. 26.—A public memorial service for the late Presllent Kennedy will be held in the Wesley Methodist Church here at 6 p.m. on Nov. 28.
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  • 30 12 BATU PAHAT. Nov. 26—Free anti-cholera inoculation will be given by the Health Centre here for a month to those who have not yet been Injected against the disease
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  • 161 12 ITU ALA LUMPUR. Nov. 26. More than 400 delegates and observers from all over Malaysia will attend the twicepostponed Malaysia education conference to be held here from Dec. 19 to 23. Among the observers invited to the conference are sorm trom Thailand. South Vietnam. India.
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  • 386 12 KUALA LUMPUR, November 26. SHORTAGE of labour was the most urgent problem facing development in Sarawak Inche Abdul Rahman bin Ya'acub. Assistant Minister of Rural Development, said today. Both skilled and unskilled workers were needed immediately so that development projects cou d begin
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  • 261 13  -  By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN: Kuala Lumpur, Nov. 25 r iIL Central Government w ill foot a bill of more than i>72o million under its first Malaysian development estimates, to be presented to the Dewan Ka’ayat,
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  • 165 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 28. G A 20-member group Formosan industrialists today submittal a draft proposal to the Economic Development Board for setting .ip of a number of industries in Singapore in conjunction with local capital. The leader of the group. Lee Ah-mu, said that the
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  • 300 13 1/UALA LUMPUR. Nov. IV 2G. Crown Princess Margrethe, the 23-year-old heir to the Danish throne, will be given a rod carpet welcome on Xov. 28 at the airport here. She is due to tly In at 1.23 m from Bangkok and will e received
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  • 360 13 at siungei Be.ii a.ll have extcna.ons costing $2 i million and on ihe camp iiseli a lurther $2.7 mdlion will be spent. Accommodation ior t*ouith Brigade dulls vv. t cost S2.i> uninon ano me cantonaienl am need 51.4 million Anotiier
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  • 44 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 27. The University of Singapore was back to normal today following the Students Union’s one-day boycott of classes yesterday in protest against v-hat it described as '’lnfringement of university autonomy and academic freedom by the Singapore and Central Governments."
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  • 207 13 Kuala lumpur, Nov. 26. Defence expenditure for the remaining two years of the second Five-Year Plan is being increased more than five times as a result of the formation of Malaysia and of Indonesia s confrontation policy. According to the first Malaysian development estimates to
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  • 119 13 I/UALA LUMPUR, Nov. 26. —Two lecturers in mathematics are leaving the University oi Malaya. They are Mr T. 11. R. Skyrme, acting head of the Department of Mathematics, and Mr. M. Idaikkadar. Mr. Skyrme ha.s been ap pointed to the chair of Mathematical Physics at
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  • 230 13 I/UALA LUMPUR, Nov. 1V 26. Sir Arthur Tange, secretary of the Australian Department of External Affairs, today described the Biiut Valley land settlement scheme as a “show piece” of rural development in South-East Asia. Sir Arthur, who u*lt neu today lor Singapore,
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  • 94 13 JESSELTON. Nov. 25 Mi J II Dusing Patel, all administrative officer from .1 esse 1 ton, hus left for Hilo, Hawaii, to give a series of lectures at the University of Hawaii to a ({roup of United states Peace Corps volunteers who will
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  • 48 13 II»OH. Nov. 2C. A lor. itten Lee Hoi Hong V2 died live hour* after h road accident In Hoad here yesteidav afernoon He was vtnndl.’.tt near Ills !<iiry when he was knocked down bv cur. He was rushed to hospital where he died
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  • 971 14 PENANG, November 27. THE Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee, 1 assured the State Legislative Assembly today that Penang's financial position would ‘‘continue to be sound and strong in 1964.'* In moving that the Penang State Supply (1964) Bill be taken through all stages. Dato Wong
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  • 318 14 SINGAPORE, Nov. 27 —Sabah's Chief Minister, Mr. Donald Stephens, said here today that as far as he was concerned the case of the Manila claim to North Borneo was now “closed.” He dismissed the Philippine proposal to take the claim
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  • 289 14 PENANG Nov. 27 THE State Government has not shelved plans, or 1 abandoned its decision, to acquire land for a university college, the Chief Minister. Dato Wong Pow Nee. said today. Factors “beyond the control of the State" in the setting up of this college,
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  • 82 14 MUAR. Njv. 27.—The Mt r.tri Besar. Dato Haji Hassan bin Haji Yunos, will open six community halls, three midwife clinics and a new road next month. Between Dec 8 and 10 Dato Haji Ha«san will open the immunity hails at Kampong Tengah Sungei Tcrap, Pant Zin Bakri,
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  • 54 14 SINGAPORE. Nov. 27. The principal of Ngee Ann College. Prof Liu Yin Soon, left Singapore yesterday for a week’s tour of the mainland to survey the needs of the students there for admission to the college She will meet secondary school principals and arrange for setting
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  • 184 14 SINGAPORE. Nov. 25 —The Rev. Preston L. Peach, SO. forme: head of Methodist schools here and in Malaya, will pay a three-month visit to mission’s schools and churches in Malaysia beginning next month. Rev. Peach, who was a.' Education Secretary Methodist school.- in Singapore
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  • 646 15 Honour that pact first, Tengku tells Philippines ‘SAVE THEIR FACE? WE HAVE OUR OWN FACE TO SAVE...’ KUALA LUMPUR. November 27 THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that the Philippines should not use irrelevant “bargaining points" to resolve the Malaysia issue but should honour the Manila
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  • 183 15 SINGAPORE, Nov. 26. The German academic exchange service is ottering scholarships to Malaysian citizens to study at universities and technical universities in West Germany. The scholarships will cover the period from Oct. 1, next year, to Sept. 30 1965. and will comprise a monthly allowance
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  • 66 15 PENANG. Nov. 27—A woman, O. Rajamany, §5. was yesterday fined $175 or six weeks* jail for attempting to re-sell 27 cinema tickets for a late show at the Royal Theatre on Monday night. Raiamany the prosecution stated was arrested by a policeman at about 8
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  • 32 15 RAUB. Nov. 26.—The Methadist Girls' School here will hold its annual food and fun fair at the school premises on Nov. 30 in aid of the school’s building fund.
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  • 455 15 SEREMBAN, Nov. 28. development works, including the opening up of more land for the people, water schemes and rural projects will be undertaken by the Negri Sembilan Government, the Yang di-Pertuan Besar said here today. Addressing the Budget meeting of the Legislative Assembly, he
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  • 79 15 SINGAPORE, Nov. 28 The Singapore Government has decided to shorten the name of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Social Welfare to the Ministry of Social Aifairs A Government statement aaid that Inche Othman Wok will henceforth be known as Minister for Social Affairs. With the
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  • 267 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 28. thousand hospital employees throughout Malaya have threatened to take industrial action over pay claims. The president of the Government Medical and Health Employees National Trade Union. Mr. S. Manickam, said today: “If no satisfactory reply is leceived from the Government by Dec.
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  • 121 16 Kuala lumpur. Nov. 28—The Malaysia Peoples’ Solidarity Committee today regretted that the Japanese and Australian Governments had not replied to letters asking both the countries to stop giving assistance to Indonesia. The secretary of the committee Inche Osman Arof. said: ”It Ls now
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  • 120 16 SUNGEI PATANI, Nov. 26. The Bishop of Penang, Mcnsignor Francis Chan, at present attending the Ecumenical Council in Rome, will be returning in mid-December. Together with Bishop Vendargon of Kuala Lumpur, he is due to attend the tercentenary celebrations of the French foreign missions
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  • 48 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 28 A Rill to simplify procedure tor insurance companies to start operations has been sent to the House of Representatives Named the Insurance (Amendment) Act 1963. it will come Into force on Jan. 1. 1964. It will apply only to Malaya
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  • 794 16 90-MINUTE DISCUSSION ON UNIVERSITY AUTONOMY AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM SINGAPORE, November 26. READERS ot the University of Singapore Students* Union today met the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, to discuss issues of university autonomy and academic freedom. The 90-minute meeting was in conjunction with their one-day boycott
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  • 79 16 SINGAPORE, Nov. 26—Two men died in separate road accidents here yesterday. A cyclist. Sapari bln Omar was travelling along Serangoon Road at about 9 a.m. when he was involved in a collision with a goods van Sapari. of St Georges Road, died in hospital three
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  • 1105 17 Out of unions and politics for good KUALA LUMPUR, November 28 THREE Singapore political detainees picked up in the big swoop code-named “Operation Cold Store” last February were released today by the Central Government. They are: S. WOODHULL, former vice-chairman of the Barisan Sosialis. J. J. PUTHUCHEARY, who
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  • 290 17 KUALA LUMPUR, November 28 THE Government today released the two Pan--1 Malayan Islamic Party religious leaders—* Haji Mohamed Noor bin Haji Abdullah, 37, and Haii Daud bin Osman, 43, both of Pasir Mas—who were detained nine days ago under the In- ternal Security Act. A
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  • 36 17 SINGAPORE, Nov. 28 —Police screened 481 people in anti-secret society raids during the past 24 hours Fliteen were detained -tour under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance and 11 under the Societies Ordinance.
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  • 280 17 IPOH, Nov. 28 A TIN MINER, Chee A Hoi Voon, was today acquitted by the magistrate's court here on a charge of wilfully inserting false particulars on four separate schedules purporting to be an authority for sale of tin ore. Chee defended by Mr Fred
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  • 149 17 A LOR STAR, Nov. 28. The Kedah Government will spend over $l2 million on development projects next year. This was approved by the State Assembly at its budget meeting last night. The biggest allocation, $5 million, is to build kainpong roads and bridges.
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  • 51 17 PENANG. Nov 28—Senior AlrcratUsman J. A L) liuchun ol Ihe KA P Butterworth was yesterday awarded a gold medal by ttie Penang Blood Transfusion Association on the eve ol ins return to Scotland. SAC Buchan has donated 15 pinLs of blood to the Penang Blood
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  • 53 17 JOHORE BAHRU. Nov 28 Ihe Jotiore Bahru branch Ol lII® National Union of roarhers will hold lUs annual meeting on Nov 30 at 9 a m at the Secondary A social ami dance will oe m id in the Civil Services Club at 8 o m on
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  • 39 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov 28 Four lawyers- Messrs W Satciilthanandhan. IVvcrajah, Jagilt Singh GUI and Gurdial Bakan Singh, were ’od.iv admitted to the Fed’i iMoti Bar n V Mr Justice Sved Shell Barakbah the Chief Justice
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  • 228 18 SINGAPORE, November 28. THE vice-chairman of Nanyang University L Council, Mr. Lau Geok Swee, who came here from Penang 10 days ago in anticipation of resumed talks with the Government on the future of the university, tonight Hew home without any talks being held.
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  • 98 18 OENANG. Nov. 89—The ang EAD RA RF RR OD Chairman of the Penang Port Commission, Dato Laksmana Haji Mohamed Razalli will leave for Germany on Sunday to sign the agreement for a $l5 million loan for the partial financing of the proposed deep-water wharves
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  • 59 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 29—The PMi£* conn ouea State Government of Kelantan has been “very cooperative"’ in preparing for registration for national service, the Controller for Manpower. Mr S. Kumar, said today, before he flew to Penang to make final arrangements for registration there Arrangements had been made
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  • 208 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 28. I'HE Depuuty Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, told 70 women adult education teachers here today that it was their duty to spread the knowledge they had acquired to kampong people when they went back to their respective states. Speaking at a
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  • 80 18 SINGAPORE, Nov. 28.—The Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers' Union today appealed to the State Advocate-General to begin proceedings against 15 employers for allegedly contravening the Industrial Ordinance. The union, in a letter, offered "every assistance” to start legal prociedings against the employers following complaints
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  • 48 18 IPOH. Nov. 28—Inche Moharnod Fajar All bin Hassan (PMIP Pasir Puteht is to move a no-confidence motion against the State Government at its budget meeting here tomorrow “for its failure to implement the Assembly's resolution banning liquor and ballroom dancing at official functions in the State.”
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  • 126 18 SINGAPORE, Nov. 28 About 40 distinguished political scientists and sociologists from all over he world will meet in Singapore next month for a Unesco-spon-sored symposium on leadership and Authority in Asia.” The symposium, to be held at the University of Singapore, will b e opened
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  • 227 18 ITUALA LUMPUR, V Nov. 28. The Gentral Government today gazetted the various centres in the Federation where citizens in the 21-28 age group can register for national service beginning on Dec. 9. SELANGOR: Former Police Post. Banting; Civil Defence Headquarters, Harper Street, Klang; Territoiial Army Office.
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  • 994 19 U V VLA JUIUXVirUK, Nov. IV J 7 —Six I In .Stable, wl > came into racing wi/i two New Zealand i:: jrtations, have certaiiily struck It rich. Raet One CL. ft. DIV. I—ft^F pil .stable's 0) WINDY WILLIES 8
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  • 885 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. I.—Tanah Ayer Ku, an emergency acceptor who got a chance to run when Korovou was scratched, sprang a $194 surprise when he won the Cl. 4, Div. 1,9 f trophy race here today. IMI One CL. ft, DIV. «—«F. B- iiiiog Stable's (1)
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 61 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: ($113,946) 1ST No. *****4 ($39,885) 2ND No. *****6 ($11,394) 3RD No. *****5 ($5,697) STARTERS ($813 •aeh): No*. *****5; *****3; *****2; *****7; *****0; *****8; *****5. BI6 SWEEP TOTAL POOL $129,692 1st No. *****1 $45,392 2nd No *****0 $12,969 3rd No *****3 6,484 STARTERS ($540 each): Nos. *****6
      61 words