The Straits Budget, 30 October 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 42 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES t>-JLi w-v ‘J i a i' /S A'wj# \k^L44\i*r: *4T* 'V u, MALAYSIA S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER brli 571. Kuala Lumpur, October SO, 1963. Price t» cento (Mricya) or l KPW 47*. *——————————i-—————
    42 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 75 1 k FOR STRENGTH BUT IT MUST BE "WOLF" BOTTLING -*A' *w MI XrW La K I ia. I y 5T V/ V 7^ X 4 y fe* iu r r 3 T'*? w TJSe'j .7f r c J 4. “4h(VVJfir.y If fiMif •'.*»4 7 T7ryr 1 >•■ t V..fri 'K.
      75 words

    • 176 2  -  L.H. TAX Singapore 'IX) hear that “height” is an advantage for teachers in training Is ridiculous We all Know that the vertical growth of a human being is natural and has ttg restriction. At preset the range of unemploytftent in
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    • 151 2  -  F S. Koala Lunipur DRAINAGE work involving L the digging up of the road is In process it the Junction of Jalan Pudu and lalan Buklt Blnting. It is one of the busiest Junctions in Kuala Lumpur. All day on Monday the road was being taken up.. Just
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    • 226 2  -  H. S. ROBINSON Manager, Employees Provident Fund Pointing iaya V iT. y ajf* o*. WITH reference to the letter by “Contributor* (ST. Oct. 5) It is not true to say that all members who wish to withdraw on medical grounds axe put to any expense
      226 words
    • 153 2  -  TURriTE Kuala Lumpur to Hie Selan .q.. gar Turf Club vary successful meeting. On the last day the crowd wag so greet that although I arrived on Hi# court# at I p.m. ovary seat in the now stand was occupiod, and I, together with
      153 words
    • 259 2  -  (Mrs.) LEE KONG TEW Singapore I AM a school teacher with about ten years of teaching experience, and I feel that I should say something about the advertisement published by the Ministry of Education on Monday. This year, like the previous year, the Ministry stresses the Importance of
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    • 177 2  -  GOLDSMITH Malim Nawar There is a village four miles from Gopeng on the Batu Gajah-Gopeng Road that has every appearance of "having been deserted by their M.P., by the P WD, by the D.I.D by the Mines Department and indeed by every known and unknown authority. It
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    • 158 2  -  LEE KIM KEE Kaala Lumpur MAY I remind the Kuala Lumpur Municipal '.health Inspectors that It would be pointless to try to keep the town clean if they do not practise what they preach. I refer to the sawmlllß near the 3rd mile Ipcfo Road which for many
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    • 116 2  -  N.K.K Ipoh 1 AGREE with your correspondent that there Is no necessity for a compulsory pass in the oral test in order to qua'lfy for the 1L8.C. Malay written examlna- V, 1 think the oral test ought to stay; whether optional or compulsory,
      116 words
    • 199 2  -  E. C TAT Penang A|| tiOT of publicity has been given in the Press regarding the high-handed methods adopted at the Penang Turf Club premises on race days. In continuation of their course of action to stamp out illegal book- making and betting, the following warning has been
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    • 113 2  -  \PlDAff Singapore ris learned that the government secondary four school certificate (Chinese) examination and the Cambridge school certificate examlnati are to be held at the same time Thl* arrangement Is disappointing. Candidates who are preparing for both examinations will have to drop one, unless the time allotted to
      113 words
    • 64 2  -  DIS< < ENTED Kuala Treoggan IT is time the rrengg ln 1 State Govern ent qulred Into th< or* ladk of It— carrie. at land office The volume of wor about by the va ur r0 and rural deve: n L p t to Jects Is not disp
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 348 3 Straits Times, October 21 Since the victory of the people's Action Party in the Singapore State Assembly election*. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew tas been at pains to stress his desire for co-operation with the Malaysian Central Government. This theme occupied his short speech at the swearing-in 0 f the
      Straits Times, October 21  -  348 words
    • 654 3 —Straits Times, October 22 A strong sense of humour is Jjllon g the essential qualifications of the copy-taster who Us t deal with the day’s news r m Indonesia. The convictions of official stateflagrant and repetitive u gl) they are, do not present an y particular
      —Straits Times, October 22  -  654 words
    • 167 3 —Straits Times, October 23 The recent Malacca drought has knocked a suostantial hole in the Municipal Council s budget. The waiving of water charges tor the tour months when the taps gave forth a sedimented and undrinkable supply, nas meant a revenue loss of $120,000, while an extra
      —Straits Times, October 23  -  167 words
    • 668 3 —Straits Times, October 24 Tun Thanat Khoman’s efforts to bring the Foreign Ministers of Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia together again, this time in Bangkok, are appreciated. But what purpose would such a meeting serve? There was agreement in Manila on all the problems arising from
      —Straits Times, October 24  -  668 words
    • 369 3 —Straits Times, October 24 The transfer of the Selangor State Capital out of Kuala Lumpur is now “definite”, says the State Secretary, Inche Shamsudin bin Mohamed Ya’acob. It ought to follow that all the problems associated with the move have been considered and solutions to them found. The
      —Straits Times, October 24  -  369 words
    • 135 3 —Straits Times, October 21 Of the several thousand victims of the Cheras flood those whose rehabilitation poses the greatest problems are the squatter-farmers. They have no claims on anyone, fox the land on which they grew vegetables and raised poultry and livestock was not their own. Having been
      —Straits Times, October 21  -  135 words
    • 631 4 —Straits Times t October 25 On the last occasion the Fed eration Government was asked whether it intended to enforce arbitration procedure, on the Singapore model, the Minister for Labour made it clear that be would not favour compulsion gainst the wishes of the trade unions. Arbitration
      —Straits Timest October 25  -  631 words
    • 360 4 —Straits Times, October 25 Few' will quarrel with the Federal Capital Commissioner’s view that Kuala Lumpur's housing needs have grown too great to be met by putting up the odd block of flats from time to time. The removal to a new tow'n of the seat of the
      —Straits Times, October 25  -  360 words
    • 625 4 —Straits Times. October 26 The taxpayer will want to know more about the intentions of the proposed review of the structure of government salaries and wages before welI coming it. But clearly there -'s a strong case for review. The last general revision of salaries was ten
      —Straits Times. October 26  -  625 words
    • 330 4 —Straits Times,’October 26 The new rules announced by the Federal Education Ministry on Chinese and Tamil instruction in national and nationaltype schools should go a long way towards re-assuring those who still misunderstand the Government’s attitude towards the language and culture of the two immigrant communities. It should
      —Straits Times,’October 26  -  330 words
    • 262 4 —Straits Times. October -5 The post of student director at the Malaysian High Cot. mission in Australia ha s nevei appeared so important as J the seven months it has been vacant Though the facts d 0 not justify some ot the more alarming expressions ot ar*. xiety
      —Straits Times. October -5  -  262 words

    • 111 4  -  H. K. AKM^'KOV; h a b safes Singapore ON Oct. 11 you published a letter from Mr. Mjc* Kay on the state of -f breaches at Changi T. e.e are already a number w posters on these appealing to the pubdc keep them clean. R e bins have
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  • 141 5 KUALA LUMPUR, October 20. THK Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Kazak, said today that emergency laws wvit* being enforced in Sarawak to meet the thi at to security from Indonesian-based terrorists. We aie now lacing a state of emergency in Sarawak,” he told reporters. run
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  • 65 5 KUALA LIPIS. Oct. 21.—The Sultan of Pahang opened five rural development projects in the Kuala Lipis district during his recent one-week tour of the disThe projects were a $30,000 Malay school at Merapoh Bahru, a $162 000 sub-health centre at Bukit Betong. a $27,000 mosque at
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  • 181 5 —Reuter OYDNEY, Oct. 20. Australia’s friendly relations with Indonesia would remain under a cloud as long as Indonesia continued its confrontation policy towards Malaysia, Sir Garfield Barwick Australian External Affairs Minister, said today. Inevitable Sir Garfield said this after the return from flue United States, where
    —Reuter  -  181 words
  • 356 5 pENANG, Oct. 20. The Chief of the Malaysian Naval Stall, Commodore A. M. Synnot, said in Penang today that the Malaysian Navy was prepared to meet any attack by the Indonesian Navy. "We are strong enough to tace any eventuality.” he
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  • 281 5 KUALA LUMPUR, October 20. Abdul Rahman will be briefed on the efforts by the Thai Foreign Minister, Tun Thanat Khoman, for a tripartite meeting between Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia to solve the Malaysia dispute. The Malaysian Ambassador to Bangkok, Inche Yaacob bin Abdul
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  • 39 5 TOKYO. Oct,. 21 —Takehara Shipbuilding Company ami tnt itu enu Trading Company of lokyo nave reached an agreement with Brunei's business leaders to establish joint shipyard In Brunei the Nik kan Kogyo Shimbuti said today UPI
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    • 97 5 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Estate Activities in Hong Kong a nd the Far East. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned
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  • 345 6 SINGAPORE, Oct. 20 AFTER SEVEN MONTHS 29 STRIKERS IN BROKERS' FIRM SAY: WE WERE MISLED r £HE 29 sinking employees of Fraser and Co., stock and share brokers in Union Building. have appealed to the Government to help settle their dispute with the management. The strikers,
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  • 141 6 pEXANG. Oct. 21.—A 1 Comet service from Penang to Bangkok and Singapore is planned. Dato Sardon bin Haii Jubir. Transport Minister, announced today. “With faster services. I am confident many more visitors will find time to come here." he told businessmen and community
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  • 123 6 OINGAPORE. Oct. 21. The Algerian Ambassador in Cairo. Mr Lakhdar Brahimi. this morning called on the Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. and had a 90 minute discussion with him. The Prime Minister told newsmen later: “We had a valuable discussion and an
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  • 20 6 SUNGEI PATANI. Oct. 21—Dr. Khoo Soo Keng. from Alor Star, has been transferred to the District Hospital here.
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  • 325 6 Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 21 i ANOTHER $2,259 was received today by the Civil Disaster Fund for the Cheras flood victims, bringing the total to $155,928.31. The day’s biggest single donation of $l,OOO came from the chairman of Rothmans of Pall Mall (Export) Ltd., London, Mr
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  • 230 6 r rAIPING, Oct. 21.—Dr. Lin; Swee Aun, Minister of Commerce and Industry, has called on all Chinese to support the Malaysia solidarity rallies. “Otherwise their loyalty might be misunderstood.” He said he travelled 198 miles weekly from Kuala Lumpur to Taiping. his constituency, to
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  • 426 6 BUKIT MERTAJAM, October 20. JHE deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Ruzak today accused leaders of opposition parties of maintaining contact with Indonesia He mentioned in particular Inche Abdul Aziz termer Minister of Agriculture and now leader of the National Convention Party, who, he
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  • 56 6 IPOH, Oct. 21.—A stran*-' spent lust night in a 1 h er e. pie in Chemor. 12 miles ic cf a robbed the woman cay* gold chain valued at $i' 4 m a!. The caretaker. A. told the police that a in the temple the
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  • 187 7 SINGAPORE, October 2. JHE Singapore Housing and Development Board is to launch a scheme early next year to help its tenants own* the tlats they are occupying now. First news of this scheme came from the Pnme Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, at
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  • 63 7 ITUALA LUMPUR Oct. 2.—Malayan Airways will soon cnange its name to Malaysian Airways. The Minister of Transport, Dato Sardon bln Haji Jublr. who said this today, added that the Government’s approva* was now awaited. Dato Sardon was speaking to reporters before flying to Penang to open the
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  • 42 7 SINGAPORE, Oct. 21. The p*-ts limes nas received $3 an anonymous person in D-ngun. Trengganu. for Che jkwah binte Talb. widow of a ••iiio Malaya comedian, who died a read accident last month, winging the total collected to **048.61.
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  • 93 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 21 The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, has been Invited to attend a two-hour show of Malay dances and songs in the auditorium of t:te Malayan Teachers College at Pantal Valley on Thursday and Friday. Staged by the Malay Language Society
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  • 272 7 SINGAPORE, Oct. 4L—Barisan Soalis today proclaimed its loyalty to Malaysia but condemned the despatch of troops to Sarawak. It said in a statement: “We stand for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our Malaysia. ‘‘At any time in defence of our country we are ready
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  • 276 7 BALING, October 21. conditions would return to the Malaysian territories and South-East Asia if Malaysians stayed solidly united behind the Central Government during the present state of preparedness, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, declared here today. Tun
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  • 77 7 MALACCA, Oct. 21.—A 17-year-old schoolgirl, Theresa Lim, died on arrival at the Malacca General Hospital from Injuries she received in a motor accident about nine miles from here yesterday afternoon. She was cycling back to Malacca after visiting a friend at Bukit Rambai when
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  • 80 7 SINGAPORE, Oct. 21.—A German seaman, Herbert Paul Gusta Lohker, 22, was murdered in a backlane off I Tras Street in the Tanjong I Pagar area early yesterday. Lohker. who was found un- conscious at 6.40 a m., died in the General Hospital 12 hours i after admission.
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  • 29 7 PENANO, Oct. 24—Police here will hold a gala dance in aid of their sports and welfare fund at the Chinese BwUmnlng Club on I Nov. lfl
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  • 288 7 SINGAPORE, Oct. 21. The seven-month old strike by 29 employees of the Fraser and Co.— stock and sharebrokers in Union Building—has ended. But the workers’ chances of getting their old jobs back looked uncertain this evening. The workers called off the strike after
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  • 407 8  -  'Gang forced open my mouth...tasted like whisky 9 by RUDV BELTRAN: Kuala Lumpur, October 21 WATCHMAN was doped with a liquid that "tasted like whisky" when a gang of armed robbers raided a warehouse in Petaling Jaya early this morning and got away with
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  • 154 8 I>IDOR, Oct. 21.—Des- pite heavy rain, more than 5,000 people attended a rally on the town padang here yesterday in protest against the Indonesian confrontation policy. A 12ft tall effigy of President Soekarno bound with ropes was dragged round the
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  • 224 8  -  By JACKIE SAM: Singapore, October 21 STATEMENT will be made by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in the Legislative Assembly tomorrow. The statement is the fourth item lor the first business sitting ot the new Assembly, which begins at 10 am The statement is believed
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  • 242 8 SINGAPORE. Oct. 21— The new Minister of Labour, Mr. Jek Yuen Thong, and several trade unionists were at Singapore Airport this morning to see Mr Devan Nair off to Tokyo—but found that he had already left. Mr. Nair, who Is secretary, general
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  • 18 8 o, rhe Sultan TAIPING. Oct. al zed of Perak will open on Nov. 28.
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  • 330 9 SINGAPORE, Oct. 21. 'JMII. Cathay Organisation, in conjunction with several leading businessmen, is to build a chain of bowling alleys throughout Malaysia. Announcing this at a Press conference todav the deputy chairman of the Cathay Organisation Mr. Heah Hock Meng, also disclosed plans
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  • 72 9 SINGAPORE. Oct. 22.—The Industrial Arbitration Court will resume hearing of the wage dispute between the Postal and Te leeoms Department and the Amalgamated Union of Public Employees on Oct. 31 On Nov 4 the court will resume nearing ol a dispute between the S.ngapore Manual and
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  • 48 9 Datn'a‘v"} LUMPUR. Oct. 21man i iCiulla b bln Abdul Rahtiai re slened from the JudtmitrpH ce ln May, was today adJustfro o the Bar by the Chief ,j s Uce Syed Sheh Barakbah. He Kaaift v merl y president of the 18 1 rengganu Sessions Court
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  • 26 9 ct 21—The Klang rat rJ unc11 has employed two in r hers t0 Ret rid of the rats todon, rnment buildiHRs and An here.
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  • 40 9 Speaker’ s party KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 22. Iho Speaker of the House ol Represent.tnve.v I)ato Hau Noah b.n onur. will hold a reception lei gat< att< ndlng the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference tomorrow night at hS residence in Clifford Road.
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  • 211 9 PALA LUMPUR. 11 Oct. 21.—The Director of Information Service. Inche Mohamed Sopiee, said today that tlie more President Soekarno “and hi s clique” attacked Tengku Abdul Rahman, the more Malaysians would love the Tengku He was talking to reporters at the airport on
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  • 191 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 21. \CALL to more than 5,000 Postal, Telecommunications. Police and Armed Forces clerks to Join he National Union of Government Clerical Workers was made here yesterday. The general secretary of \'UGCW. Mr. G. N. Rajan. appealed to them to
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  • 42 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 22 Tile Sultan ol Selangor and the Tengku Ampuan today visited the Employees Provident Fund building In Petaling Jaya. They were accompanied by the Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Slew Sin. and Mrs. Tan.
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  • 335 9 Brothers fuel tank ruse foils SIX pirates FARIT BUNTAR, Oct. 21. brothers today told how they saved their fishing boat from six armed pirates at the mouth of the Kurau River, nine miles from here, on Saturday night. Ong Aik Kee, 17, and Aik Chin, 16, who came from Pulau
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  • 141 9 OENANG, Oct. 21.—Tun Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Rural Development, yesterday awarded a “special gift” of $50,000 to Bukit Mertajam Rural Development Committee for minor works in the district. This Is in appreciation of the good work you have done In your
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  • 117 9 PENANG. Oct. 21—One hundred and three applications have been received from Muslim students In Malava and Singapore for 10 scholarships to Iraqi universities and co’leges. The scholarships were offered by the Iraqi educational authorities during a recent visit to Iraq by the PM.IP
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  • 70 9 IPOH, Oct. 22. —The Minister of the Interior, Dato (Dr.) Ismail bln Dato Abdul Rahman, will lay the foundation stone of Sungel Pari Towers, the $2 million Municipal Council's low-cost housing project on a nine-acre plot ofl Ourudwara Road, on Nov 5 The Federal Government
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  • 33 9 TELUK ANSON, Oct. 21—The new church for the Seventh Day Adventist Mission will be declared open on Saturday at Changkat. Jong near here, by the Rev I C. Chin.
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  • 348 10 INSTALLATION OF THE SULTAN OF PERAK AND RAJA PEREMPUAN KUALA KANGSAR, Oct. 21. 17-GUN salute tomorrow morning will signal the start of the official week-long celebrations in connection with the installation of the Sultan and Raja Perempuan of Perak in this royal
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  • 130 10 will beat retreat on the Malay College ground. On the same ground, the band of the Kedah Police will be in attendance for a Police Field Force Tattoo. There will be other variety side-shows on the children's playground OCT. 26: Installation 01 the Sultan,
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  • 156 10 Malaysians already being given top posts in firms’ Kuala lumpur, Oct. 21. —The president of the FMS Chamber of Commerce, Mr. A. J. M. Ramsay, said here today that it was already the policy of the majority of British firms in Malaysia to employ Malaysians where possible in Oct. 21
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  • 42 10 MUAR, Oct. 21.—Mr. M. P. Kumarun. a State Assemolyman, nas oeen elected president of the Johore Malayan Indian Congress Othei otllclals are. Vice-presi-dent. Mr K. R. Nadesan Chettiar, secretary Mr K M.M Taha. and treasurer, Mr Q. Pasamamckam
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  • 65 10 SINGAPORE. Wed. Mr. Justice Tan Ah Tah told two young Indonesian illegal immigrants in the High Court today that the oflence of illegal entry into Sinpore was becoming very prevalent. and it was necessary to impose a deterrent sentence. He dismissed the appeai of Haris bin Mallm
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  • 209 10 SINGAPORE, October 'J\HE Malaysia Solidarity Committee, which few days ago cancelled an anti-Indonesian rally, is now planning another rally but un der a different organising committee. The new team, which plans to hold the rally at 3 p.m. on Oct. 26 at the
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  • 32 10 PENANG, Oct 21 —A lorry driver. Ng Cnin Guan, was tinea $95 today tor overloading nis vehicle on June 20 Ng carried excess weight ol more than one ton
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  • 150 10 OINGAPORE, Oct 22. The 29 employees of Fraser and Co., stock and share brokers m Union Building who called on their seven months strike yesterday, have lost their jobs The management, unasked tl they would back, said today -\Vt J not consider
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  • 290 10 IFOH, Oct. 21. The Perak Education Department is spending about $6 million this year on 206 new class rooms and 67 teachers’ quarters. The building programme includes the first Malay secondary school in Teluk Anson, five secondary continuation schools and two rural trade
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  • 42 10 KLUANG. Oct. 22 A bus Inspector. Yap Mel L the "Mr Southern 1 the Diamond Jubilee H >-. nl ht \iohamec The runner-up K j ua ng Aklp bin Ibrahim. rliai 25 and third was Liang H of Muar.
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  • 379 11  -  r ANSWER T 0 SOEKARNO’S CONFRONTATION: MOBILISATION OF ABLE-BODIED CITIZENS -By- NELSON RUTHERFURD: Kuala Lumpur, October 22- Registration for National Service will begin throughout ■Malaysia shortly as a first step Itowards possible mobilisation ■against Indonesian confrontation. I It is understood this latest phase in the
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  • 122 11 I/UALA LUMPUR, Oct. 22. The Malayan Chin e se Association s education sub-commit-tee met today and decided to ask for the appointment of an Assistant Minister of Education. This was one of several resolutions adopted at the meeting which was presided over by its
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  • 37 11 TELUK ANSON, Oct. 21—Inche Mohamed Hashim bin Moh» Tassv chief clerk of the Distr.c office here has been transferret Po.he State Forest Office In Inch and will be succeeded hy Ong Telk Joo. from Tapah.
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  • 556 11 KUALA LUMPUR, October 21. 'j'HERE can be no meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines as long as Indonesia persists in its anti-Malaysia campaign and threats of war. A spokesman of the Ministry of External Affairs said this today in reply
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  • 218 11 KU ALA LUMPUR, Oct. 21. Heavy rains, which fell last night and today caused flooding in low-lying areas and made several roads impassable to traffic in some parts of Malaya. In the coastal region ol Kelantan, Inhabitants wer« caught by surprise by tne advent of
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  • 132 11 The chosen few’ —by the Governor of Penang PENANG, Oct. 21—The Governor, Raja Tun Uda AlHaJ, today urged students of the Penang Free School not to take things for granted, but to be “brave enough to stick to your principles.” He was speaking at the annual prize-giving ceremony of Malaysia’s
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  • 235 12 SEQUEL TO THAT ‘IN CONTACT WITH JAKARTA' CHARGE KUALA LUMPUR, October 21 INCHE Abdul Aziz Ishak, former Minister of Agriculture, today issued a challenge to Tun Abdul Razak to swear on the Koran at the Kampong Bahru mosque on Oct 24
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  • 232 12 I/UCHING, Oct. 21. The Federal Minister for Internal Security Dato (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, this evening welcomed the Sarawak Constabulary “into the Malaysian police family.” Dato Ismail presented long service medals ana first and second bars to the medal to several
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  • 155 12 SINGAPORE, Oct. 22 The Singapore Association of Trade Unions today hit out at the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions as "a hired tool of the American Imperialists.” The Satu commenting on the ICFTU’s tribute to workers here for not
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  • 377 12 SINGAPORE. Oct. 21 tyOMEN members of the Naval Base Labour Union this morning moved in to “relieve and encourage” men who have been taking turns at the picket linea at the various Naval Base gates since the strike began 15 days
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  • 98 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 22 New Zealand’s Education Minister Mr. W. B. Tennent (above), who is leading his country's delegation to the ninth Commonwealth Parliamentary Association conference here, was admitted to the Lady Tempter Hospital last night following a "mild heart attack.” This morning.
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  • 69 12 TAIPING. Oct. 22—A housewile, Che Gaya binte Omar- iti who pleaded guilty to driving without due care and attention was fined $35 in the magistrate.court here yesterday. Inspector 3 E Nathan said Che Gaya was driving her car on 0( ;t 10 at l p
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  • 588 12  -  By JACKIE SAM SINGAPORE. Oct. 22. The newly, elected Legislative Assembly's fiist session opened today with the Barisan Sosialis in a quandary. Although tht party opposes Malaysia, one by one, eight Barisar. members stood up in the House today to swear allegiance to
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  • 221 13 i; U A L A LUMPUR. IV Oct. 21. An Indonesia! 1 newspaper report that Inche Ahmad Boestamam was ‘‘prime minister and defence minister of the Republic of Malaya” confirmed the Socialist Front’s connections with Indonesia, said Mr. Cheah Theam Swee, secretary general
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  • 450 13 ‘TIME IS RIPE FOR ACTION’ A PROPDSai KUALA LUMPUR, October 22. ployees in thM^h? QniSe .j^ e on 9 ress °f Unions of Emoraanisminn'' u Ub l' C Qnd Clvl Service s into a “dynamic here this weekend 6 d,SCUSsed at the congress
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  • 87 13 '.LA LUMPUR. Oct. 23.— v>ciy of a four-year-old girl. n i S jo Yee. the 14th victim r heras flood disaster was recovered in the Chan Sow Lin v-,terday. Dl r‘"as identified bv her at m froni the clothes she wore 1 time of her
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  • 260 13 ICFTU REPLIES TO SATU’S ‘HIRED TOOL OF U.S. CHARGE SINGAPORE, Oct. 23. The Asian regional organisation of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions said today that its membership of 56 million people from 109 countries “firmly contradicted” the charge by the Singapore Association of Trade Unions that the ICFTU
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  • 59 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct 23 Hajl Osman bin Haji Yusol, Malaysian charge d’AfTaires in Saudi Arabia, returned today to hu> post after spending two months in Alor Star. rie nau come here because his son, Amaran, 12, was serious y u as a result of a brain
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  • 256 13 IfUALA KANGSAR. Oct. 22.—Thousands of people flocked today to the Istana Iskandaria here for a look at the palace and the throne room in which the installation ceremonies of the Sultan and Raja Perempuan of Perak will be held this weekend. The Sultan, who
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  • 85 13 OINGAPORE, Oct. 23. The Immigration Department here is now issuing Malaysian passports, in common with those in other Malaysian territories. The Issue of Singapore oassports has ceased The Controller of Immigration. Mr H E Noble, said today that temporary Malaysian passports were being issued They
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  • 18 13 KLANO, Oct. 23—Dr V. Rudralingam. of Kuala Lumpur, has been posted to the district hospital here
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  • 159 14 PREPARATIONS FOR OFFICIAL OPENING ON NOV. 2 IT IS a race against time x for these men and women who have been told to make every effort to finish work on the $l6 million Parliament House in the Kuala Lumpur Lake Gardens in time
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  • 191 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 23. THE Malayan Ambassador to Thailand, lnche Ya’acob bin Abdul Latiff, said today that whether Malaysia will have talks with Indonesia or the Philippines was a matter to be decided by those two countries. “It is up to them. The
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  • 42 14 TENGKl’ ABDIL RAIIMAN and the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Kazak, on their half-hour tour of the nearly-completed Parliament House yesterday, accompanied by the architect. Mr. \V. I. Shinlcy.—Straits architect. Mr. \V. I. Shipley.—Straits Times picture.
    architect. Mr. \V. I. Shipley.—Straits Times picture.  -  42 words
  • 60 14 Reuter. LONDON, Oct. 23. Tengku Malmunah. wife of Malaysia's High Commissioner here, yesterday me-named in Chatham, a Royal Navy Minesweeper which which has been taken over by the Royal Malaysian NavyThe ship, formerly tne Hexton (450 tons), was named the K.D. Ledang, after a mountain
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 31 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 23 The Department of Labour and Industrial Relations will open a new office in Kuala Kangsar un Nov. 1. It will serve Dindlngs and Upper Perak.
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  • 76 14 TEMERLOH. Oct. 23. The Minister of Health. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Haji Talib, told members of the Tcmerloh district Red Cross Society here that the Red Cross symbol had no connection with the Christian religion. Speaking at the first annual parade of the society here, he
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  • 166 14 Kuala lumpur. ext. 23.—A Bill to provide lor a $200 million rueber replanting grant tor estates and smallnoiQmgs aurmg the next nve years will be tao.ea curing the Budget meeting ot the new Malaysian House ot Representatives next month. A spokesman ol the V.T.lsiry
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  • 35 14 SINGAPORE- Oct Captain Douulas B e Battle of Britain air orn Singapore by Qanta' vi ;t ing for Syria on a < Now managing direi >* y Aircraft Co in last arrived in Singapore night.
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  • 31 14 n«l A ClO^ SEREMBAN Oct oa-it tower costing &ua rl poi5<* e In from of the K" »,;h Station 12 miles from contributions front nagers in the areu
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  • 246 15 NATIONAL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS HAVE BEEN FINALISED, SAYS TUN RAZAK KUALA LUMPUR, October. 23 THE CALL-UP for Malaysia’s National Service “could be made any time now," the Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Razak, said today. He confirmed that registration for National Service would begin soon
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  • 427 15  - The day seaman came back from the dead’ A mother’s dream comes true...wandering son home (for three hours) after 30 years by HODERICK PESTANA: Singapore •October 23- ft’HEN 15-year-old Osman Yadi left home to go to sea as a cabin-bov and did not return for years, his family gave him
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  • 52 15 SINGAPORE. Oct. 23 The Straits Times In Singapore today received a donation of $5 from Mr Rustam Aii. ol Jalan Riong. Kuala Lumpur, for Che Hasnah binte Taib. widow of a Radio Malaya comedian, who died in a road accident last month, bringing the totul collected in Singapore
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  • 111 15 Kuala kangsar, Oct. 23. Palace and Government officials made it clear today that no liquor will be served at any State functions being held In connection with the installation of the Sultan and Raja Perempuan of Perak. The Sultan’s Ball on the night of Oct.
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  • 280 17 KUALA LUMPUR, October 24 itHE new “father" to the 6.000 Malaysian 1 students in Australia and New Zealand sat in an oilice at the Ministry of Education here todav and agreed that his job was goine to be >verv tough indeed." 8
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  • 432 17  -  VICE-CHANCELLOR’S THREAT TO RESIGN—BUT THE GOVT STANDS FIRM by JACKIE SAM: Singapore, October 24 DISPUTE between the Government and Dr. B. R. Sreenivasan, Vice-Chancellor oi the University oi Singapore, is coming to a head. Ur. Sreenivasan s decision on his luture will
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  • 168 17 DEXANG. Oct. 24. Three Indonesian seamen who entered 3 e::a::g in a motor sampan last night have been given special landing passes to enable them to stay here for a week Ihr passes were issued to r.tir after intensive question* :.i "y the
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  • 54 17 LUMPUR. Oct. 24.— ku Abdul Rahman kU(:: b told the Chief Mintsi Penang. Dato Wong Pow Nee, that Penang's 1 V into the Malaysian Market would be I until Penang could persuaded to accept heme. A’ong led a nineJv e:ril, ‘T Alliance delega2°; to confer with the
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  • 23 17 S; 4tAR, oct. 24—Variety shows, \l J 'i a Darade will mark c a ')t Johore's 69th oirtn- 0n Oct. 28.
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  • 53 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 24—Mr. Tan Soon Seng. 30. tire and safety ifTirer at the Shell refinery at Port Dickson, leaves on Oct. 30. for two months’ industrial safet\ traiing in Britain. Mr Tan will also attend a course to be conducted b\ Royal Society for the
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  • 41 17 BANTING Oct. 24 —Incite Zanan «,n Alxlul Itartud. the A,sistant District Ot licet ot bf n mu, h V«S tjeen elected to serve on the Kmla La neat branch committee of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
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  • 170 17 MALAYSIAN BUY TIN AND RUBBER APPEAL Kuala lumpur. Oct 24. The presi dent of the Federation of Rubber Trade Associations. Mr. Tee Teh tonight appealed to Commonwealth countries to give their support by buying Malaysian tin and rubber. He was speaking at a dinner given by the association to delegates
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  • 77 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 24. A report from Jesselton said today that one of two men shot during an encounter with security forces on the Malaysian side of Sebatik Island on Oct. 17, had now been identified as a member of the Indonesian Naval Marine Corps.
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  • 21 17 DATINO. Oct. 24 The fourth quarterly conierence ot the Mp j thociist Church here has been postponed to Nov. 3.
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  • 280 18 KUALA LUMPUR, October 25 A TOP-LEVEL Government committee has been appointed to solve a $5 million mix-up. The money, according to Government sources was to have been paid to destitute and underprivileged families and to numerous voluntary welfare organisations in Malaya. Originally,
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  • 148 18 I rr UALA LUMPUR. Oct. 25 IV The Minister of Commerce and Industry. Dr. Lim Swee Aun above*. said today he hoped that the Wally Byam Caravaneers would tell their irier.ds of the wonderful tourist opportunities in Malaysia.” when they returned to the
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  • 164 18 KUALA LUMPUR, October 25. rpHE Commissioner of the newly-formed Manpower Department, Mr. S. Kumar, left here today for North Malaya to co-ordinate preliminary groundwork for the Malaysia-wide registration for national service. All he would say to reporters at the airport was; “1 am
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  • 57 18 SINGAPORE, Oct. 25—Mr. Mo hamed Noor bln Mat Diah, a nominee of Sabah, has been selected bv the Government ol India for two years’ (1963-1965 > training in the rangers course at the Southern Forest Rangers College. Coimbatore under the technical co-oneration scheme of the Colombo
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  • 70 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 25—The Yang di-Pertua Negara oi gao«n. Datu Mustatla bin Datu Harun. Hew m here today on his way to IduI) to attend the mstal ation ceremony of the Sultan ol Perak tomorrow. He was met at the airport oy Sabahs Minister tor Local
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  • 120 18 MUAR. Oct. 25 ABOUT 350 representatives from 128 Chinese guilds and associations here met last night to set up a Chinese Patriotic Action Committee to rally support for Tengku Abdul Rahman in facing Indonesian confrontation policy. The meeting elected Mr. Lee Kim Kam as chairman. He told
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  • 571 18 Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 25 'J'HE Government was asked tonight tjn^i. tute a i’uli inquiry ‘‘immediately** into the working of the Whitley Council with a view to improving this negotiating machinery between the Government ana its employees. Tlie call came from Mr. V.
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  • 126 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct 25 new course which maV e l f 0 f teacher training ba^ Malaysia and Singapore h fl j announced by the l T ri vers Queensland. r a n This is stated oy t». High Commission here Kin( j The course,
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  • 1106 19 Sing''' or Oct- 24 |v-\s OR, this year’s I*' g J Vase winner, ■chalked up another I brill, it success at ■guki Timah today, Iwinn. ig the main 7f I race for top-class Isprin rs. I .aea One I ti \SS 4, DIV. 4—(V
    1,106 words
  • 1153 19 ■SING APORE, Oct. 27. 1° A.?NOS made Mala|yan Turf history >’ when he became the first > horse to win the |l4f r ngapore St. Leger at K licit Timah today. I Race One I GASS 4. DIV. 6—6F. I 8 haw table’s I ,5)
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 106 19 —BIS SWEEP—TOTAL POOL: $168,885 1st No. *****0 ($91,654) 2nd No. *****6 ($26,187) 3rd No *****3 ($13,093) 8TARTEB8 (81.200): Nos *****2 *****3 *****3 *****4 *****0 *****9 *****1 *****5 *****9 *****8 *****0 *****4 *****7 *****0. CONSOLATION ($750) Nos; *****5 *****0 *****9 *****7 *****5 *****0 *****1 *****6 *****5 *****3 *****4 *****2 *****4 *****7'
      106 words
    • 102 19 -The Big Sweep H TOTM. PbOL; $116,110 $ra NO. *****9 ($10,606; .jSfisa was sssssss sss CONSOLATION <$750; NjDe. »«W6 *****9 *****6 *****6 *****2 *****6 *****0 *****7 *****6. i* T a A CONSOLATION ($200 each; Not. *****8 *****4 *****3 *****2 *****2 *****9 *****6 *****4 *****0 *****7 *****5 *****2 *****2 *****0 *****9.*****1
      102 words

    • 1767 20 From Our Market Correspondent ACTIVITY oa the Malayan Stock Exchange last week was characterised by the smallness of the turnover, the narrowness of price movements in industrials and the disappointing response of tin shares to the shsrp rise in the metal price. It was a
      1,767 words
    • 23 20 lUmiimii Stoat lie Mesa 1-91 *J* Dbcornf MatoyiXi S»' 1.22 Third Malapaa J2 LeM VI 4/7 7 Bona Moac comocy). 1
      23 words
    • 49 20 JHI MM— Sm— Wane** Aimrate* to aaa—i mtadii (all rate U«a>: is dais TV IT OB mg: DwhWi tejrk. i»i; *«wa Mt am aS—*y—ts—T'S S?Miw WU quoted at S.7SI ter TT aatf &.UI for asm. dfifteS wsa qaot*e a* )1N and ana tea# of e— si mel-
      49 words
    • 489 20 r[E complete lack of any deftnite inform- i ation on Russia’s November purchases led to very quiet trading during the past week report H.C.B. ft Co. Ltd. in their current rubber market review. This; reflects the treat dependence ef the Malayan market on
      489 words