The Straits Budget, 16 October 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 33 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES < f v j MALAYSIA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MUfICS v >5 Kuala Lumpur, October 16, 1963. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 shillinf. KDN 379.
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    • 67 1 S 801 7 /»i W Sw 196$ m mm mmm :V* ma $b s MB mmsan l I W: w e r t s*.u> >. ,v SgaBS >«x M gsM l» slw Use aim i. S i VS yOtv S& n ARC WELDING EQUIP -■■'■> i EK I mm. ■Mm
      67 words

    • 166 2  -  resident Singapore AS a citizen of Singapore I I wish to place on record my appreciation of the t new Bukit Timah and Duneam Road traffic arrangements. The present oneway set up is an excellent antidote for accidents, and as such is, in its own
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    • 106 2  -  SOLDIER’S WIFE Singapore I CAN sympathise with the correspondent who complained about not receiving mall owing to a change In street numbers. Although we ,have not had any change In street numbers lots of mfrii sent to me has not arrived. My husband Is serving with the armed
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    • 135 2  - RE-HOUSING OF K.L.’ s SQUATTERS L. C. WONG Kuala Lumpur rr Is to be hoped that the proposed housing survey in Kuala Lumpur"win not delay the clearing of slums from the heart of the town. Cannot re-housing of squatters and clearing of slums, to make way for modern dwellings In
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    • 163 2  -  RESIDENT port Dickson f PHE roads leading to the 1 residential areas In Port Dickson are In a deplorable state. During the rainy season the gravel roads are muddy and it is impossible to use them. And I am sad
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    • 106 2  -  FLAT BROKE Ipeh WHY is it that in Ipoh Day Training Centre trainees are always paid their allowances very late? At times it is only after the second or third week of the following month that the allowance for the previous month is paid. Very often many trainees
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    • 170 2  -  F. BELLINI Kuala Lumpur mHE number of robberies, 1 especially of payrolls, is on the increase. It is obvi- ous that the police cannot provide escorts for all people carrying sums of money. However, there would be a very inexpensive and effective way of curbing such robberies
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    • 210 2  -  M. E. D. EARLES Johore Bahru ITAKE strong exception to the letter from “Taxpayer'’ and feel chat it should not go unchallenged. The writer’s claim that many finance companies Sve loans at low rates of terest is rubbish. I have personally never come across a .finance company which
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    • 56 2  -  MALAYSIAN Singapore rE percentage of passes In the public national language examination Std. I both written and oral has been about 50 or less than In the last three years. This will deter many people from taking the examination. The standard set should not be too high. Otherwise
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    • 98 2  -  CHEE PENG UM Alor Star PROM your reports of the 1 Children Day’s celebrations in Kuala Lumpur one could almost hear the happy laughter emanating from the Merdeka Stadium. But why was this universal day observed only in Selangor? Aren’t the children of the
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    • 121 2  -  ANNOYED Kuala Lumpur mHE roads in the Federal 1 Capital need a great deal ot attention. Often we come across ridges and potholes caused by the surface being dug either by the Central Electricity Board. Waterworks or Telecoms. Of course we cannot blame them for they have to
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    • 78 2  -  STILL TRYING Singapore I AGREE with the suggestion that a supplementary examination be offered to those failing their Malay Std. II and Std. Ill written paper. On many occasions candidates have sat again and again only to find themselves failing in one of the three papers. If a
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    • 178 2  -  VKill AN Koala Lumpur f°r-P„ vnt M Bellini Is ver, kroner concerned at the ncnei lag number of pav-rr robberies But i ci t L r that the solution :,e S 51 the banks by the rovisic of special facilities Jr pa ing out the
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    • 88 2  -  J.F- Sungei Fatani TiHE tones from Shake 1 peare quoted by M Gilchrist. Britain's A a bassador in Jakarta, ai from “Richard II." Tt quotation and the lines thi follow, are apt. They ni as follows: “His rash fierce blaze o riot cannot last; For violent fires soot
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    • 48 2  -  C. H U Bata Fahat RY now the Tengku shou n know too well kind of people the Indon slins are. after they M’ broken and violau agreements reached oy > the countries concert* Any attempt to talk the matter would oe a of time. u ij
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    • 61 2  -  uORB |ED Alor Star I BELIEVE that we Mjjj slans are most to do our part■ rese i the effect of tlu jL break-off in trad/* 11 thl donesla. Let us b4 la our businessmen win v W5St*ta«ng »ny »< ter by not takins rese i vantage of
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 600 3 —Straits Times, October 7 Forces Day in Intoesia has Sharpened “conLtation", as it was meant to J Indonesia shows not the Lhtest desire to ease the tension or to contribute to regional security within the principles of the Manila agreeaent Ti:e Philippines’ atjuide is far less
      —Straits Times, October 7  -  600 words
    • 167 3 Straits Times. October 7 Ayer Lanas, once a land settlement showcase, has fallen on hard times. The houses of the 400 settler families who moved there in 1956 have gone to seed and urgent needs —tor a rubber processing factory, internal roads and cash subsidies —are not being
      Straits Times. October 7  -  167 words
    • 662 3 —Straits Times, October 8 The Malaysian delegation to the International Tin Council meeting which begins in London this morning left Kuala 1 umpur in more realistic moon than it displayed at the end of the last meeting. In July there were tributes to American appreciation of
      —Straits Times, October 8  -  662 words
    • 422 3 —Straits Times, October 8 The exodus from Pulau Ketam, says the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Johari, is a “blessing in disguise”. It is true the island was becoming somewhat crowded. It has no fresh water and the problem of supplying from the mainland the
      —Straits Times, October 8  -  422 words
    • 147 3 —Straits Times, October 8 The Commissioner for the Federal Capital talks good sense when he suggests that a comprehensive survey of Kuala Lumpur’s housing needs should be conducted before there is further investment in low-cost housing. Flats put up in the past have not always gone lo those
      —Straits Times, October 8  -  147 words
    • 664 3 —Straits Times, October 9 Singapore is better braced to meet the shock of Communist inspired industrial action than it was eight years ago when bloody riots held the city and island in thrall. But the threat is serious, the danger grave. Fortunately the initiative is with the
      —Straits Times, October 9  -  664 words
    • 307 4 —Straits Times. October 9 Security forces in Sarawak have scored notable successes against the rebels and the Indonesian infiltrators. Thirtytwo guerillas have been killed in the operation launched 12 days ago in the Long Jawi area of the Third Division Elsewhere the newly-formed Border Scouts have been giving
      —Straits Times. October 9  -  307 words
    • 728 4 —Straits Times, October 10 j Singapore breathes more freely this morning. ‘‘Mass action'* has failed. Only an j hour or two after a defiant statement had been handed to the Press by a Barisan Sosialis representative, officials of the Singapore Association of Trade Unions called off their
      —Straits Times, October 10  -  728 words
    • 172 4 —Straits Times. October 10 The damage caused by yesterday’s flood on the southern outskirts of Kuala Lumpur has yet to be fully assessed. similar determination to defend Several square miles were inundated, at least six people have lost their lives and six thousand men, women and children are
      —Straits Times. October 10  -  172 words
    • 636 4 —Straits Times. October H Who is the mutual friend, tile fraternal intermediary and the faithful interlocutor between Malaysia and Indonesia in the matter of confrontation? Tlie Philippines, sa\s Mr. Lopez. This may not be the most astonishing of all the many extraordinary statements on Malaysia, but
      —Straits Times. October H  -  636 words
    • 157 4 Much more »s ni u —Straits Times, Oct The damage caused by f bi Kuala Lumpur flood is great than was feared, bij rehabilitation is still a major proportions. Of the families evacuated, all b M sixty are thought likely to ofl able to eventually return m their
      Much more »s ni . u —Straits Times, Oct  -  157 words

  • 513 5 EVE 1 DETECTIVES patrolling the park...culprit GETS AWAY WITH BLAST No. 3 IN SAME AREA SINGAPORE, Oct. 7 o N G A PORE'S 3 "mod bomber" has struck againthis time blowing o car to bits outside Katong Park this morning. Nobody wos injured.
    road. — Picture by Mr. Joe Bangay.  -  513 words
  • 62 5 PORT SWETTENHAM, Oct. 6— A Singapore-registered cargo ship. Bintang Mas. left here for Jakar J a vnsterdav afternoon laden with JJ cars and 27 large crates-all belonging to expelled staff of the Indonesian Embassy In Kuala Most* of the cars were brand new. The crates
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  • 280 5 CINGAPORE. Oct. 6. The American Field Service is offering; a number of scholarships to students from foreign countries, including Malaysia. The scholarships will be available to students in secondary schools. The terms of the scholarships will include study in the senior
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  • 40 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct 6 The following were today elected officials of the Malaysian Indian Congress. Selangor branch. Senator Athi Nanappan. president; Mr. N 8. Manlam, vice-presi-dent; Mr. V. J. Balasundaram. secretary; Mr. I. Ourdlal Singh, treasurer.
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    • 64 5 THE H.K. AND FAR EAST Bi-Monthly Periodical ol H'Bng of Real ->tate Activities ift l[ Tar East. builder A Mmium dealing with tom I d« nf, arcbitectaral and real astate aetivitta* in Malaya. Singapore. Hong Kong Siam, Tie Philippines. Barnet m Thj Fee Eat JNOON ofHCI. HONG KONG OFFICE: MALAY*:
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  • 359 6 THE TALKS FAIL, THEN TENGKU SENDS ELEVENTH-HOUR PLEA: ‘NOT AT THIS TIME’ KUALA L U M PUR, Oct. 6 The strike by 3,500 amahs employed in Common wealth Services homes has been called off following an ele-venth-hour appeal by the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman. The Tengku
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  • 97 6 Malacca. Ort. 6. The president of the Malacca Municipal Council, Inche Hasnul bin Abdul Hadi, said today that the Gov-ernor-in-Council had turned down its request to appoint a deputy president. In August, the council adopted a motion asking the Governor-in-Council to amend the municipal constitution
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  • 67 6 Reuter JAKARTA. Oct. 6 The Minister of Basic Industries. Mr. Chaerui Saleh, has appointed a supervisory committee to ensure the smooth running of the Dunlop rubber factory here. Antara reported today. The British manager of Dunlop's has been barred from entering both his office and factory
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 603 6 Kuala Lumpur, 9 '*9o A CALL to all political A parties to sink their differences and make a united stand behind the Government to resist any threat to Malaysia was made by the president of the Malaysian Indian Congress.
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  • 549 6 SINGAPORE, October 6. 'J'HE Singapore Association of Trade Unions today threatened to “call for mass action” if the Singapore Government failed to settle two demands by a group of unions belonging to S.A.T.U. The demands are that the Government:
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  • 120 6 BATU GAJAH, Oct. 7—The Mayor of George Town. Penan* Mr Ool Thlam Slew, and two Social* 1st Front leaders who were id* lured In a car crash nea- rap«n on the morning of Oct 6 visited by members of their lies, friends and
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  • 35 6 KUALA KANOSAR Oct 7 Potholes in the unmeta <*■ at Kampong Station he voi) ns yesterday filled by abou. f from the Kuala Kangsar hr the Malavan Chinese av and the Malayan Indian
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  • 401 7 ‘Soekarno can negotiate with U.N. Razak KANGAR, October 6. f;N Abdul Razak said here tonight it was only p: per for President Soekarno to protest to t he United Nations if he was dissatisfied with the wav the U Thant missions carried out the Malaysia’assessment in the Borneo territories. 5
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  • 148 7 IZUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 7. A Japanese youth goodwill mission, now touring the country, will arrive here tomorrow. The 19-member mission, including live women, is led by Nihon University’s Professor of Science and Literature, Mr. Takao Yamada. They arrived in Penang on Oct. 5. A
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  • 61 7 PENANG. Oct. 7 Ahmad bln Mohamed Hussein. 18. who was sentenced to one month s Jail on Aug 24 for stealing a fowl, today pleaded guilty to stealing a shirt and a pair of trousers beonging to Ibrahim bin Sved Ahmad He was ordered to
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  • 367 7 HE PLANS A VISIT TO STUDY POSITION AT FIRST HAND KANGAR, October 7. ABDUL RAZAK, Deputy Prime Minister, today described Indonesian terrorism on the Sarawak border as “serious.” He said he intended tj visit Sarawak to study the situation on the spot. “The Government is
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  • 25 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. B—The overseas telex service will be extended to Greece t<>"> or r?* Qri Ml mum charge for calls: $36.90.
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  • 96 7 Kuala lumpur, oct. 7. Two more Malaysian students returned from Indonesia today without completing their studies. They are Abu Sujak bln Hajl Hassan, 28, of Sabak Bernam. and Che Mariam blnte Hajl Chik, 25. ol Temerloh. Abu Sujak, who was undergoing Islamic studies in
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  • 21 7 IPOH, Oct. 7 The Perak AllCommunity Action Committee will hold a rally here tomorrow to pledge solidarity for Malaysia.
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  • 134 7 LUMPUR, Oct. 6 The Commander of Operations, Eastern Malaysia, Maj.-Gen. W. C. Walker said here today that despite the recent step-up in Indonesian terrorist activities, the situation is well under control." Gen. Walker was speaking at the airport here before he left for London to see
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  • 61 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. 7 Tengku Abdul Rahman tonight attended a reception at the United Arab Republic Embassy given In honour of the new Malaysian Ambassador to Cairo. Tengku Ja’afar bln Tuanku Abdul Rahman, who Is due to take up his appointment on Oct. 16. Among the
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  • 304 7 Kuala lumpur, oct. 7. The Labour Party of Malaya said last night its primary objective next year was to win the Penang state election. The party’s new secretarygeneral. Dr. Wee Lee Fong, told the party’s two-day national conference here, which ended yesterday, that the
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  • 956 8  -  100,000 WORKERS TO BE CALLED OUT, STARTING WITH THE ‘BIG SEVEN’ UNIONS TODAY...AND THE GOVT PREDICTS ‘MORE MILITANT FORM OF STRUGGLE’ by JACKIE SAM and RODERICK PESTANA Singapore, Oct. 7 THE SINGAPORE Government warned tonight of impending violence as the Left-wing Singapore Association
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  • 113 8 Kuching, oct. 7.—An “Indonesian Confrontation Victims Relief Fund*’ is to be opened in Sarawak's Second Divsion. Leader of the move is Penghulu Tawi Sli, a Council Negri member from Simanggang, the administrativeheadquarters of the Second Division. He said today that the Indonesian confrontation policy
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  • 70 8 SINGAPORE. Oct. 6 The newly-elected PAP Assemblyman for kampong Kembangan, Inche Mohammed Ariif bin Suradi. will begin his twice-a-week meet-the-people session on Oct. 8. He will be at the party's subbranch No. 18. Jalan Kembangan, every Tuesday and at branch No. 212, Jalan Eunos. every Wednesday from 8
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  • 87 8 Reuter. BANGKOK. Oct. 7—Thailand's planning a So-4 mu.ion 40.000 Kaowatts joint hydro-electric project with Malaysia on tne Pattani River. Dr. Boonrod Bmson, secretarygeneral uf tne National Energ} Authority, said this here today. The Pattani River plant would supply electricity to Malaysian towns in
    — Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 210 8 Kuala Lumpur, October, 7 National Union of Tobacco Industry Workers has temporarily suspended its strike threat against Rothmans (Malaya) Ltd. and its demand for reinstatement of fl\c' girl employees. The union, which claims to represent the majority of the 400 Rothmans employees at Petallng Jaya. was
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  • 128 8 17’UAL A LUMPUR, Oct. 6. The Socialist Front in Selangor is planning to hold mass rallies to demand the abolition of the Federal Capital Act which puts the administration of the capital under the Central Government. A Socialist Front MP. Mr. V David
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  • 197 8 PENANG, October 7. THE skipper of a Shell oil tanker, the 5.739ton Gena, fell overboard at dawn today and was picked up five hours later by a caigo boat, the Glenroy, 10 miles from Penang. Captain J. B. Hunter was missed when
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  • 16 8 TAIPINO. Oct. 6 a f [V costing $10,000. will be -J Kamunting Garden F'>*“
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  • 67 9 ofn’ANO. Oct. 6—The Japanese ‘ir wdwlll mission now In voUl m t>e guests of the it a tea party tomorrow fV Mr t H Goh, president ot the a:.d a former Mayor of ']Jrce i'own. will preside at the Members of the YMCA
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  • 73 9 KUALA LUMPUH. Oct. 7—The i. Minister ior Commerce •rj "industry, Haji Aodui Khaiid A'.iUsman, left for Kuan ,;.i\ to finalise arrangements tour of de e;.t 1 Commonwealth Par-U-e:: ,ry Association s ninth an- !i. elmgto De neld here on N Mre ’Man 127 delegates Iron: :-.wraith countries
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  • 22 9 SINGAPORE. Oct. 7—Attractive airmail envelopes, uthograpned m colour, to advertise Malaysia will oe on sale soon at all bookstores.
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  • 336 9 SINGAPORE, Oct. 7. —Tun Lim Yew Hock has resigned from leadership of the Singapore People’s Alliance, a partner of the Ma-laysia-wide Alliance Party. His resignation it Is understood follows Oct. s’s big party probe Into the polls debacie on Sept. 21. A terse announcement
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  • 286 9 KUALA LUMPUR, October 7. r fHE Federal Capital Commissioner, Haji Ismail bin Panjang Aris, has told the world that there should be no room in local government for party politics. Speaking recently at the 16th congress of the International Union of Local
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  • 45 9 IPOH, Oct. 9—Mr. K P. Kesava Pillai, was elected protem chairman or the Perak Malayalee Association at a meeting at the Sillbin Railway Club here yesterday Mr. M A. Lateef, pro-tem secretary, and a committee of nine were also elected at the meeting
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  • 184 9 YfALACCA, Oct. 7. The State Executive Council has asked the municipal authorities here to set out in detail their complaints .to back thelri recommendation for a commission of in quiry. The president of the Municipal Council, Inche Hasnul bin Abdul Hadi, said today that the Socialist
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  • 78 9 SINGAPORE, Oct. 7—The first impact of tomorrow’s strike is expected to be felt on the roads Off the roads will be buses from all the 10 Chinese bus companies, who'-e routes criss-cross the island. Their workers belong to the Satu group. The first to suffer will
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    — Exclusive picture by Han HaiFong.  -  1,652 words

  • 294 11 A NON-SWIMMER...BUT ta nker skipper kept himself afloat EWE HOURS AFTER FALLING OVERBOARD PENANG, October 8 (-APTAIN J B. HUNTER, Who spent five hours in the sea yesterday after falling overboard from the Shell tanker Gena, today described himself os "the luckiest man alive." From his bed
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  • 42 11 Oct 8 The OoverTun Uda Al-HaJ. will np t ""dute at the march past oration of Malaya Red i,; 1 f, *v at the Esplanade at ct i 3. vi. Tengku Puan HaJp^( s ‘adah, will give away
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  • 28 11 Oct. 8 The MUar will ho’d a dance a V dn I v ros s competition in the 2 or a '3-bilee Hall here on Nov.
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  • 243 11 IT UAL A LUMPUR, Oct. 7.—The Ministry of Health is to recruit about 100 doctors from Pakistan, Australia and West Germany to ease the shortage of doctors in this country. The Minister, Inche Abdul Rahman bln Talib, said today the Ministry was negotiating with
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  • 20 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Oct. 6 Johore will celebrate the 69th birthday of the Sultan of Johore on Oct. 28
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  • 424 11 KOTA BHARU, Oct. 7 'JHE Government would not hestitate to take action against amateur theologians if their wrong rulings on Islamic laws led to chaos. Tun Abdul Razak said this at an Umno rally at Pasir Mas, 16 miles
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  • 227 11 Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 8 TENGKU Abdul Rahman said today that the “blood debt’’ issue must be settled now when “feelings are still good among the parties concerned. He spoke to reporters in the Residency after receiving a memorandum from representatives of the Assodated
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  • 90 11 KUAF.A I UMPUR. Oct. 7 Mr V. It. Nair. Chief Health Inspector witii the Seremban Tow t) Council, has returned froi* Britain after a six-month study visit under the Colombo Plan. Mr Nair was attached to the Manchester Corporation's cleansing department during the tirst
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  • 41 11 SUNOFI PATANI. Oct 7 Miss Joan, headmistress of the Sultanah Asm a School. Alor Star lias resumed dutv after her recent wor d tour. During her absence, Mr Nallii Kamar. senior assistant, acted as principal of the school.
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  • 578 12  -  REPORTERS: Jackie Sam and Philip Khoo SINGAPORE, Oct. 8 FOURTEEN union leaders —organisers of the Satusponsored general strike —were detained today under the Preservation of Public Security Ordinance. The big swoop, ordered by the Central Government,
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  • 147 12 ALOR STAR, Oct. 9—The Kedah-Perlls Chief Police Officer. Mr. J. G. Ritchie, yesterday called on MalayanThal border villagers to report immediately any Communist terrorist movements in their areas. "We need vour co-operation.'’ he told about 150 kampong leaders at a meeting held at
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  • 221 12 Kuala lumpur, Oct. 8. The Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Inche Bahaman bin Shamsuddin, said today that the general strike by at least 100,000 workers in Singapore would “naturally affect” the rest of Malaysia. He told reporters at his monthly Press conference that
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  • 693 13  -  ‘A 7 ot satisfied says leader after six-point petition is put to Dr. Toh Lark Sye appeals to them: Concentrate on studies -by JACKIE SAM and LIM BENG TEE Singapore, Oct. 7 FIVE hundred Nanyang University students r sat on the padang opposite
    .—Straits Times picture.; .1 secretary to the Prime Minister.—Straits Times picture.  -  693 words
  • 263 13 IPOH, October 8. JJNDETERRED by a heavily overcast sky and a heavy drizzle, about 15,000 people attended a Malaysia solidarity rally here this evening and condemned Indonesia’s confrontation policy. R e p r e sentatives of about 100 associations, unions and Chambers of
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  • 42 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct. B—Two Malaysian students have left for India to take up medicine at the Daibhanga Medical College in Bihar State, under the Indian Government scholarships. They are Soo Fook Mun, of Cameron Highlands, and. Yeoh Oon Hock, of Penang.
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  • 148 13 OEREMBAN, Oct. 7. Tne uin tea uemucrauc Rany s aluiuae iowa r a 5 iviaiaysm i>noulu be changed as the new nation lias become a “iait accompli.” Mr. O. Tara Singh, national legal adviser to the party, who said this today, added that the
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  • 44 13 SINGAPORE, Oct. 6—Air ViceMarshall L. R Trudlnger, Dlreo-tor-Oeneral of Royal Australian Air Force Medical Services, will visit the RA F. here from Oct 15 to 18. On Oct. 19 hp flies to the Royal Australian Air Force base at Butterworth
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  • 697 14  -  STC UNION CHIEF WARNS THE TROUBLE MAKERS —by JOSEPH YEO, Singapore, Oct. 9 \S the strike called by the Singapore Association of Trade Unions entered its second day, the transport situation improved considerably as more members of the Singapore Bus Workers Union
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  • 275 14 gINGAPORE, Oct. 9. —More employees of Singapore's bi g hotels, including the Goodwood, Cathay, Cockpit and Orchard, today joined the strike called by the Singapore Association of Trade Unions. They are members of the Singapore Catering Services Staff and Workers’ Union. Employees of other big hotels,
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  • 204 14 SINGAPORE, October 9. pOLICE arrested 14 striking Naval Base workers for rioting following a clash at the Woodlands Gate to the base early this morning. A few hours later, another striker was arrested for intimidation. Three strikers were arrested for the same offence late last
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  • 19 14 PORT DICKSON, Oct. 9— Mr N. Thambiduray has been elected chairman of the Hindu Temple Committee here.
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  • 122 14 SINGAPORE, Oct. 9. Cathay Keris film studios are looking for English-speaking Malaysians to star in a film shortly to be made here by a leading Hollywood film director. The “thriller” film, to be shot entirely in Singapore and Malaya, will have major roles for a
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  • 305 14  -  By SOH TIANG KENG OINGAPORE, Oct. 9. The second day of the Singapore Association of Trade Unions strike today hit the Peking, the Shanghai and the Cathay restaurants. More than 2.000 members of the Singapore Restaurant, Bars, Eating and Coffee Shops’ Union stopped work. Skeleton
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  • 34 14 BANTING, Oct S-The Bnrm meeting of the Na.- Ii W M Finance Co-operative Iurn be held on Oct, 20 flk eoc’.ety pur. The president of pre Dato V. T. Sambantlun, side.
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  • 1370 15  -  By JACKIE SAM. FRANCIS ROZARIO and CHEAH BOON KHENG: Singapore, Oct. 9 Singapore, Oct. 9 THE Singapore Association of Trade 1 Unions tonight called off the two-day strike here after today’s events made it increasingly
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  • 48 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 10. Hie Federation Armed Forces’ recruiting team under Major Mohamed Sheriff bin Ahmad Interviewed about 1.100 applicants In Malacca yesterday and today and elected 80 for '.he Reconnaissance Corps and the Royal Malavsian \avy. Another 600 were registered for future intakes
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  • 211 15 ‘Iron curtain rubber mission If U ALA LUMPU 1, Oct. 9. The Malaysian Government today said that rubber trade missions to be sent overseas in future will include Eastern European countries. This decision was made after a careful examination of the trend of future world rubber consumption, and of the
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  • 60 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Oct 9—Mr. Christopher Chew, an employee of Esso Standard Malaya Ltd., topped his class in 14 subjects in a special Esso training course In Australia recently. The eight-week training course was also attended by representatives from the Philippines, South Vietnam and Australia. It
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  • 161 15 Indonesians accounts: New Govt. ruling Kuala lumpur, Oct. 9. The Exchange Control here today announced that accounts of residents of Indonesia would from now be regarded as external accounts. For control purposes, however, they will be known as "Indonesian Accounts.” An Exchange Control statement issued tonight said: "No payments Into
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  • 87 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 9.—The Royal Malaysia Police reported tonight that Cheras Road was under two to three leet of water and that the Klang River was rising. At the 4£ mile Klang Road village there was one foot of water. At Salak
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  • 526 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 10 .IX JAPORES tiadc and industry returned > normal today after the two-day strike bv unions affiliated to the Singapore AssociaTrade Unions. v. Devan Nalr, general of the vatio:: 1 Trades Union Con::L welcomed the “de,Vve Tanner In which the Pricer of Singapore re-
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  • 25 17 PENANG. Oct. 10 Burglars oi ice into a service station in Dato Kramat Road yesterday and nelped themselves to the day’s takings of $330.
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  • 22 17 PENANG. Oct. 10 St. George's Girls School will hold us annual 1 speech day and exhibition on Oct. IT.
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  • 605 17 KUALA LUMPUR October, 10 the death toll of yesterday’s Cheras flood disaster rose to nine today, voluntary and Government welfare organisations and the man-in-the-street came forward to help the stricken thousands.
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  • 276 17 SINGAPORE, Oct. 9 V'SY big motor firms, k V inting presses and ruhljpr companies were n>t today as their emP |o M‘< s joined in the Sa tu strike Hip workers are mcjnJ ers of the Singapore •Motu Workshoo EmploJ. ee Union, Singapore
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  • 163 17 KUALA LUMPUR, October 10. Canadian specialists who arrived here 1/ during the weekend to help the Malaysian government in carrying out a comprehensive land. Irrest and mineral survey of the country, today ailed on the Minister of Agriculture and Co-opera-lives? Inc he Mohamed Khir Johari.
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  • 1068 18 Kuala lumpur, Oct. 9. Top apprentice jockey Subian Dalwee landed a long-priced double here today. Race One CL. 3, DIV. 3—5^*F. Veni Vlci Stable’s (2) MISS DELAWARE 84 (77—28) Maynard 1 (6' Zodiaque 8.8 (101—53) Trevena 2 (7) Tully Star 8.10 (276—97) Wilson
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  • 971 18 ITUALA LUMPUR, Oct. 13. Trainers Abdul Mawi and “Doc” Rodgers shared the limelight with three winners each here today. Race One NZ Horses Div I—7f Sporting Stable's (8) HOPEFUL ERA 7.12 (227—114) M. Lee 1 (7) Blue Tattoo 7.7 (180—105) Khamts
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 47 18 BIG SWEEP i i TOTAL POOL $133,603 1— No. *****9 $33,066 2— No. *****2 $16,533 3— No. *****3 $8,266 Starters ($826 each): Nos. *****9 *****1 *****8 *****1 *****6 *****9 *****8 *****0 *****6 *****7. Consolation ($734 each): Nos. *****5 *****9 *****7 *****1 *****3 *****3 *****7 *****0 *****8 *****5.
      47 words
    • 48 18 BIG SWEEP: FIRST PRIZE: SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE: STARTERS: TOTAL POOL No. *****9 No. *****5 No. *****3 ($80) each): Nos *****9: *****9; *****2; *****8; **********00; *****7. CONSOLATION ($641 each): Nos *****4. *****2. *****8. *****7. *****7 *****4. *****9. *****3. S 116.6 >2 $28,864 $14 432 7.21b *****4160 Jr; *****7
      48 words

  • 558 19 parly to toe week K lt previous pejfid s Mfte tu dt with trading £n ind stale bull Lid: on promtawt, -tatf .A Ca. Ltd., J, th. r current rubber a rke' surrey. p.rsi-.cnt bewtoh wnU-J-Ta >eared to b« the doult to find grounds *r lh
    558 words
  • 30 19 I rir.t »rt«M) r I'liwran 1.90 l.SS Jalayan 1.43 1.90 Jhifd 'iiayaa .M 1.0S*4 fc- J a« Kom 1.00*d* 5?!.°"* Kong .71 ommodlty 1/4 4/4*4 (*Hoog Kong cunmocy).
    30 words
  • 295 19 SINGAPORE, Oct 11 T H E na va l base strike entered its fifth dav althowK- UtUe h pe of a “y settlement! the rnornin^that 8 0 P t, istic speculation in First Urd of rd C rnn 8 t on, Britain's
    295 words
  • 757 19 T HE uw share* mi the M»lajrMi Steefc BsaMamo haw* laat^ buai— OcUboc ft. isi (B) with H an 4 L far nßirt awl Lawaal hwteaw far thl* year la Bk v/.' iHtatrtiAii 1 At Alai IrlcM SJO Atlas let LS JO Orda IS m is tffrUiits
    757 words
  • 56 19 SINGAPORE, Oct. 11.—A three Cr-old girl, Loh Yap Llan, (el) to death early today from the fourth floor ol a Housing and Development Board flat In Queen's Crescent Police said Yap Li an was playing on a bed betide an open window when she slipped
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  • 34 19 SDfOAPOM. Oct. II The French Ambassador to Malaysia, Mr. Pierre Anthonies, paid an official can on Singapore's Deputy Premier, Dr. Toil Chin Chye, yesterday. It was his first visit to Singapore.
    34 words
  • 193 19 Kuala lumpur. Oct. 13.—The Straits Times Group today received a total of $702 as contributions toward the Flood Relief Fund. This brings the total *o far to $6,202.10. 01*7 The highest d °"J[ ion of f Robincame from the staff of son and Co. Ltd.
    193 words
  • 27 19 October 11. MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 684 cents (up one-eighth of n cent). TIN: $461,374 (down ($1.1*4). a t Estimated unofficial offering *6O tons (up tons).
    27 words
  • 38 19 MUAR, Oct. 8 The Msntri Besar of Johore. Da to Haji Ha** san bln Hap Yunos. today opened three rural development projects here. The projects costing more than wttl benefit $.OOO people.
    38 words

    • 1992 20 J From Our Market Correspondent y 'THE Malayan Slock Exchange pat op a good 1 performance last week despite the strike in Singapore which fizzled oat as the resalt of strong action by the Central .Government. It was inevitable in view of the circumstances that prices
      1,992 words
    • 71 20 BINGAPOR*; Oct. 12.—About 40 Government officials. businessmen, clergymen and Journalists from the United States. Britain. Western Europe, Scandinavia. Egypt and India flew here todav by Air India on the last leg of the airline’s inaugural flight from New York to Singapore. The party will be
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    • 24 20 KAJANO, Oct. 11.—The KajangDengkll road la under 18 inches of water at the 28th milestone. It Is not passable to traffic.
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    • 17 20 rubber i :n Oct. 1 .•*--01). s’ 4 it U 1 U MfttU $Uir I46Z
      17 words
    • 723 20 rB Mlowlßi it a complete list of rerloed gBoUtWM for the week ended Friday Oct. I*. IN OUST RIALS itoXT-rr ii" j B.M TnuttM >«h«« SOS BcWn4 1.1 l t*tt CO. Holding T/. T/S Con TIB SmU Praf. M/t UjJ Orda ST/9 t/J Dudlopc f I*T|
      723 words
    • 102 20 Cwra.1 Pat* at r p^J? paymoit t»r~“ r j», Straits Trading fit Nov. 4 OopMf la.t Nov. 1ft Koch 1 ftft eta. Oct. Sf u Sngel Best 6d.t Nov. IS 5% Ayer Hitam Plant 6% 10% jL- Bata IJntany 16% Nov. 2 u| Anflo Oriental ft%t Nov. 2ft
      102 words
    • 34 20 AtOR STAR, Oct. 10. The Bultanah Anna Secondary School here will hold its annual speech day next Thursday The Bultan will address the school and the Bultanah will give away the prises.
      34 words
    • 43 20 PENANQ, Oct. 10 ra J ffl A cl »tl Racak has been mvU* Ta n« at the inaugural s didlong Bungah U«no n octsion at Batu ra ncWj 20 The four dIvWJ? In the Tan Jong B< 0 300have total meirfr'
      43 words