The Straits Budget, 19 June 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NtWSPAMft Kfrjt*Mtmmm Kuala Lumpur, June 19,1065. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or I shilling. KDN 379
    27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 287 1 ?'2- iSQR *1 C> J Ij t»V *V'J J>> £$P??iO 7 1 ■j!« Y-* <. i' •vVrvi-*.T-J mi ♦apw .r t-‘ hJ v W [Vi ‘s'«%■,'{. %m& xTivi N. Ofc' i --•i.'O T+. i "JF X -VS* V>-;' A* t! ~e /> v ,'^vJOf T:*-. SS^rt^KHf '•.arV W-X'H. 0 •krl
      287 words

    • 487 2  - HOUSING BOARD RENTS. 3. THIRCJCHELV AM Chief Executive .Officer Housing and DeveiopmeiU Board Singapore a* r -£r> /I realistic approach to subsidies J REFER to Mr. P. C. Marcus’s letter in the Straits Times of June 8 commenting on the Housing and Development Board’s rentals. Mr. Marcus is under the
      487 words
    • 136 2  -  TAXPAYER Singapore ]L|Y employer usually deivl ducts my income tax dues from my salary and pays it to the Income Tax Department. Until lasi month the Income Tax Department used to Issue receipts for such payments. This month, it appears, the Income Tax Department issued only a single
      136 words
    • 254 2  -  LOW SIOW CHRK Publicity Liaison Officer, ostal Services Department Singapore TN answer to the complaint of “Collector* (S T. inne 8) about a record sent from New York arriving in a damaged condition, it Is apparent from the description given that the damage was In
      254 words
    • 115 2  -  KUMAR Singapore IN this era ol progressive 1 sophistication In the tiade unions, it is strange that the unionists who design the hauners and poster: have not oecome sub --'tjer in their public appeal T The posters displayed outside a strike-bound office are very crude The
      115 words
    • 71 2  -  T ROBERT Teraertoh tup main football field at 1 Temerloh ts in a «very bad condition Some- parts of the field are bare particularly near the goalmouth The sbll at this part of the field has been washed away up to about two inches deep leaving behind stones
      71 words
    • 77 2  -  TEACHER Ipoh IN the unified teaching 1 scheme booklet, it Is stated that?* any teacher who wishes' i get promotion should apply when they see a vacancy advertised in the local newspapers But so far there have been no vacancies advertised in the papers In Perak, except for
      77 words
    • 163 2  -  MEGAT NURDIN Information Officer Central Electricity Board Kuala Lumpur *7 ••■■7 WITH reference J to the letter by /“Amused” (8.T. May 24), the CEB would like to state that at no time has the board refused electricity supply to any of multi-storey buildings in Johore Bahru. In
      163 words
    • 111 2  -  MOTORIBT Koala Lumpur JALAN KBKKVVKIN used to provide a convenient tllort cut for motorists and not a few pedestrians crossing from Jalan Berkeliling (formerly Davidson Road) to Pudo Road But for some three weeks the e "A haS SftP shut by a Ja,an r«tuo sign while
      111 words
    • 56 2  -  MOTORIST Kuan tan I T J? really sickening to drive q cai In Kuantan. The cyclists are contemptuous of motorists. Often nve to six ride abreast and a toot from vour horn only earns abuse. What Is the law doing around here in s2* °f regulation which disallows
      56 words
    • 84 2  -  l AN iM Singapore 1AM grateful to the Housing and Development Board for accommodation, for the flies buzzing in the back part of my flat, for the mosquitoes that sing a Mfev ;,-«J cine-saiesi. mejl rouna oil*, f c °hq« ••res anci bil nuiae. a c11 otg am
      84 words
    • 121 2  -  I'KstRvm Singapore f WAS takt: .toack bM when i aW a Jt being wahhe., n Rob.ioaJ »aa r Looivi:... around* noticed wet pa of rofl under four er C arsJ these had als-j Dcen wasbl ed. On femonstrjtuig the washer-r that J was washing cars whel water
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    • 86 2  -  SANDRA Johore Bahru I AM an Engii-h girl, my family a- d 1 haveflM returned frcn. wondeqM holiday on tie teaudM Island of Penang 1 4 write and tell y< a lhat JH beaches, parti early Ferrlngl. are among J* most lovely ai c;eanes™ have yet seen rhe
      86 words
    • 77 2  -  mCC -vs •IE*.' -V'Jretl W ,jsecr*4 E j Singapore 1 REFER u t "*JB Ipon the WlM > 150 rmlllion < ;ve V jM This is Incot pM iS^ our (> piv carSed ac< the p* rime -S&SH j namely, tha ce nt3B asked to gJ- of fe
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 712 3 —Straits Times, June 10 lit was od y ear finan Kllv S mgapore’s Finance Ester, renewing the State’s ft r 1962 in his 1963 ■jget statement. It was in■pj. Dr- Goh Keng Swee Kgetttd for a deficit of $3 Kion. He finished the yeai K a surplus
      —Straits Times, June 10  -  712 words
    • 143 3 —Straits Times, June 10 The latest ot many suggestions for earning tourist dollars is offer a package torn oi Hong Kong, Manila, Jesseiton, Singapore, Kuala Lumpui and Bangkok. This “golden circle”, as it is to be called, certainly encloses a wide range ot Oriental exotica—but not necessarily a
      —Straits Times, June 10  -  143 words
    • 731 3 —Straits Times, June 11 There is no reason why the Singapore Government should be too modest about its effot ts to provide a sound infrastructure for industry, and very little chance that it will be Because of the drive it ha.-, imparted to industrialisation there is much more
      —Straits Times, June 11  -  731 words
    • 350 3 —Straits Times, June 12 The Manila conference has achieved success beyond the i iignesi expectations, “in the context of tneir close and brothel ly association, uie tiuee i Ministers nave reached "com- piete agieement on Uie means l by wmen they will resolve l problems arising out
      —Straits Times, June 12  -  350 words
    • 218 3 —Straits Times, June 12 Whether or not the National Ait Gallery has yet become “a signihcant force in the cultural hie of die nation,” art is certainly the one area of national culture in wnich there is some signuicant hie. The colony of Malayan artists is fairly numerous
      —Straits Times, June 12  -  218 words
    • 676 3 —Straits Times, June 13 Against all recent likelihood, the view from the South-East Asian summit looks fine Before the end of July the heads of the governments of Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaya will meet to confirm the agreements reached by the Foreign Ministers at their
      —Straits Times, June 13  -  676 words
    • 318 4 —Straits Times, June 13 After five days of disruption, Singapore hospitals art once more fully staffed. The return to work of the nurses called out on strike by the A.U.P.E. is a matter for relief, but it needs to be repeated that the strike should never have
      —Straits Times, June 13  -  318 words
    • 217 4 —Straits Times, June 13 It can be taken for granted that a commission of inquiry will be appointed to investigate the administration of Penang City Council. Mr. D S Ramarathan led the demand for It, and is supported by five other Councillors who voted with him in Wednesday’s
      —Straits Times, June 13  -  217 words
    • 355 4 —Straits Times, June 14 Fourteen months after it was announced that the Malayan Government would be recruiting doctors from the Philippines, no doctors have arrived The delay is probably due ir part to an interlude (now happily past) of strained relations over Malaysia and Manila’s claim
      —Straits Times, June 14  -  355 words
    • 213 4 Time Times —Straits Times, June 14 Take no note of Time! How can we not, when we are by Time’s fell hand defaced? In the cascade of words both preceding and following the death of the Pope, Time magazine writes, “most of the world's newspapers somehow mail aged to submerge
      —Straits Times, June 14  -  213 words
    • 615 4 Malaysia is stiu Ultr —Straits Times. The recommendations of the Foreign Ministers meeting in Manila have been publisheo just in time to head off a fresh find unhelpful bout of speculation. Enough was being said, and not said, to leave everyone perplexed. In particulai fa- too much
      Malaysia is stiu Ultr . —Straits Times.  -  615 words

    • 17 4 j ogj WIGO: T” ‘oiyn son Mark W ar d, K 10th at Bung?a r Lumpur
      17 words

  • Article, Illustration
    2164 5 MR. LEE ON TNTER-GOVT. discussions Big snag is 1961 ‘prosperity yardstick he tells House SINGAPORE June 10 THE Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, made the following statement in the Singapore Legislative Assembly today on the Malaysia finance talks between the Singapore and Federation Governments. committee
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 60 5 STRAITS budget Su bscription RATES (Payable in advance) l' n 9opore UQl LuT ur No posto iorne^ J JVQ Br< North ,r *cl. postage l r C w fT!th 0re '3n i md. postage Corn Kir 5d0m by c' UAroU Only E "Press Airfreight Quarterly 5.20 5.75 6.75 12.00 Va-Yeerly
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  • 573 6  -  by_ LIM BENG TEE SINGAPORE, June 10. MEETING scheduled between the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, and representatives of two rival unions in the nursing profession to end the four-day old nurses' strike was called off this morning because the unions could
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  • 204 6 SINGAPORE, June 10.— Tengku Abdul Rahman. who arrived in Singapore yesterday for a short private holiday, played golf this morning and went shopping in the afternoon with his wife and children. The Tengku Is taking a rest here alter his hectic activities in the
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  • 31 6 KUALA TRENGGANU. June 10 —The Mentri Besar of Tronccanu Dato Had Ibrahim Fikn bin Mohamed. yesterday opened a $6,000 -•omnium tv hall at Kampone Pantai. Batu Rakit. here.
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  • 38 6 LUMPUR, June 11. Mohamed All Kassim has been elected chairman of the Selangor blanch of the Police Administrative and Clerical Services Union. Mr !p; P atr lck is the secretary and Mr. Cheong Kim Theam treasurer.
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  • 136 6 WUA L A LUMPUR. June 10.—The former Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives. Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, is to launch a new political party soon. Datuk Kampo Radjo. a Selangor State Assemblyman who is one of the sponsors o; the new party, said
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  • 44 6 SUNGEI PATANI. June 10.—Dr A L Dunlop, medical officer. Be done group hospital, will leave Malaya on retirement this week alter more than 30 years service in this country. He will be succeeded by Dr Seow Weng Sim
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  • 123 6  - Police escort as runaway Stella, 14 returns By RUDY be LTRan K V A 1 LUVmtj a.'te?| a.m. today. Bobby laid;'*' ’st'e 4? seem y „p,, In hell I aSrU ll V lv rp had been she lauulLd said Singapore. ‘Forgiven her “My father has w., her and mother prepared”
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  • 64 6 SINGAPORE. June The Singapore 5a ness Houses Employ* Union has r. lied cS sit-down strike by:* 85 employ ees of pore Oxygen Ltd I Bukit Timah Road® lowing an agreemB with the company. Under the agreement* dispute over the mr.® ment’s change of employee h
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  • 25 6 PENANG. Jut 1 nor, Raja Tun Uda spect the St J' ;;11 J3 Brigade's parade a: in <-FH at 5.30 p.m. on
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 93 6 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Estate Activities in Hong Kong and the Far East CONTAINS full plans, perspectives and P"; Orophs of new and pr l«J constructions in and other parts. An pensable source af 1 tion for all concern architecture,
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  • 108 7 DATO Setia Marsai bin Maun (centre). Brunei s Mentri Besar and leader of the delegation, with l)ato (Dr.) Ismail oin Dato Abdul Rahman (left) the Federation’s Min ster of Internal Security, before the talks on Brunei's entry to Malaysi i at Tengku Abdul
    delegation. — Straits Times picture.  -  108 words
  • 144 7 rt'ALA LUMPUR. June n The post of ••Father to j.OOO Malaya:. students in Ausralui which has been meant for the past two months, is to be filled Euuil T:.f riicial title is Director k Malayan Students in l.r.t o! the Malayan Stu Department.
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  • 97 7 for leniency AjLOR STAR, June 10.— With two babies in her arms, a housewife. Lim Swee Eng. 27, today pleaded for leniency for possessing dutiable liquor and a manufacturing still. The Sessions Court president. Inche Abdul Manan bin Othman, fined Lim 5665 for having 12
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  • 152 7 jjlN’GAPORE, June 10. Australian rainM't Mr. Edward uith, who flew H I'*’ night, to help o.vf Singapore’s w r ater today started study of local a conditions. i,;/ 1 morning he met r < and discussed r t f A Haiendram, Dior,'; 4| p Malayan MeP
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  • 238 7 KUALA LUMPUR, June 10. PLAN to further boost Malay participation in commerce and industry was announced today by the outgoing Assistant Minister of Commerce and Industry, Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman. The plan includesOrganising Malay retailers in every district into a wholesale
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  • 25 7 IPOH. June 10. —A coffee stall owner. How Chin Yat, 47. was fined $3OO lure today for assisting in running a characters lottery
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  • 77 7 KUALA LUMPUR. June 10 —The La Salle School at Petaling Jaya will put on a charity show, “Seranade.” at the Lido Cinema here on June 12 and 13. The proceeds will go to the La Salle extension fund. There will be five shows dally at
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  • 65 7 SINGAPORE, June 10. The Industrial Arbitration Court will hear a bonus dispute between Transport and Storage Ltd., and the Singapore Manual and Mercantile Workers Union tomorrow The Second Arbitration Court will hear an application for variation of a schedule in a collective agreement between the Singapore General
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  • 35 7 SINGAPORE. June 10. Mr. Chaucer C. F. Yang, a member of the Nanyang University, has been awarded a fellowship at Stamford University. California, to study teaching of business administration in developing countries.
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  • 42 7 SINGAPORE. June 10. —An action filed by Hongkong and Shanghai Hanking Corpn., against Po Guan Co., on April 4 this year, claiming $23,733.79 ns acceptors of two bills of exchange, has been discontinued following ti settlement between the parties
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  • 335 7 kUALA LUMPUR, June. 10. World fishing experts will meet here next year for the eleventh session of the Indo- Pacific* Fisher ies Council. The Minister ot Agriculture and Jo-operatives, Inche Mohamed Khir Joharl, ex tended the Invitation at the opening of the council's exe
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  • 49 7 SEREMBAN, June 10. Forty members of the Negri Sembilan Petty Traders’ Association were urged today to learn Malay to understand the country's adminls tration and customs. They were attending a two-dav civics course opened by Mr Lim Kim. a member of the State Ltgislatlve Assembly.
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  • 560 8 PERCENTAGE OF TAXES, AND $50 MILLION IN FIVE YEARS $75 m. for defence is accepted I SINGAPORE. June 10 THE Singapore Government is considering two proposals which may solve the deadlock in the merger financial talks. The Prime Minister,
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  • 87 8 SINGAPORE. June 11.— A 48-acre park will rise from the present mud land oft Bedok. This was stated In the Legislative Assembly today by the Minister for National Development, Mr. Tan Kia Gan, when he replied to a question by Mr David Marshall
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  • 29 8 PENANG, June 10—The Chieff Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee. will open a three-day refresher course for officials of youth organisations at the Penang Civics Centre on Friday.
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  • 219 8 KUALA LUMPUR. June 1V 10. —The Conference of Rulers, which begins on Wednesday at the Istana Negara here, will be significant for two reasons: IT IS the last one befor* Malaysia: and IT WILL be a session where Tengku Abdul Rahman
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  • 349 8  -  Tro-n DOUG LACKERSTEEN LONDON, June 10 MALAYA and Singapore may expec t a vier.erous share of the £500.000 the Family Plain;-: Association in Britain will be raising here work overseas, it was officially stated here. An announcement said the campaign will be launched in
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  • 39 8 SINGAPORE. June II Vang dl-Pei tuali .:a i: Yusol bin Ish.iK. present the I•' n coat-of-arms to e A Medicine at a ct- :n Alumni Assoclatt V. tre. Collect On He will then ui arms.
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  • 14 8 KUALA LUMPUR The Rotary Clu its annual inst h... the 8elangor Cl
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  • 111 8 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11.— Mr. John Galvin, Australian founder of Eastern Mining and Metals Ltd, multimillionaire has been made a Dato (Honorary Panglima Mangku Negara) by the »ang di-Pertuan Agong in a supplementary birthday list published Mr. Galvin, who now lives ISn r
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  • 269 9 I MW LAWS WILL STOP I 'QUIT ASSEMBLYMEN I FROM CHANGING SIDES, I SAYS PREMIER LEE SINGAPORE, June 11. my\lY Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, told P the Legislative Assembly today that fcfter Malaysia new laws would compel an E ssel nblyman to vacate his
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  • 106 9 14 UAL A LUMPUR, June 12. —Australian writer-jour-' Ronald McKie has completed a full-scale studi of Malaysia. raitd Ma.aysia m Focus,’ the x)uk examines social and poll •cio ule in the Malaysian ternones it contains prohies oi several political and intellectual leaders r.ciud.nß Tengku Abdul
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  • 152 9 Kuala lumpur, June 11. Lawyer Miss P.G. Lim was granted a decree nisi yesterday, to be made absolute in three months, from her husband Mr. G.R.A. Turnbull, on the grounds of adultery and cruelty. Mr. Turnbull, a former District Officer, did not contest the suit.
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  • 102 9 U MPUR June 11. u. a a Ambassador Dato Onp hT ,!r m Is expected here for mij consultations" on i will be achi P ‘it e b y hls wife This s annr'o V P home s,nce hp r,e 1 ,fd to
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  • 211 9 EX-M.C.S. MAN IN CRASH KUALA LUMPUR, June 11. A retired Malayan Civil Service officer, Mr. GS Rawlings. 59, and one of his 18-year-old twin sons, Hugh, were killed when their car collided with a lorry near Jalalabad in Afghanistan last week AnenrHincr tn
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  • 60 9 SINGAPORE. June 10 Pour men armed with daggers held up a housewife. Oh Chwee Lin. 45. as she left her house in New Bridge Road this morning to go to a market. They forced her back into the house and took away $l2O in cash
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  • 1009 10  -  P.J. SCHOOL SHOWS HOW IT IS DONE 4»y PETER POLOMKA KUALA LUMPUR June 1 1 Take the case of Vlus tapha bin A r i f t of Kajang At 22 he is about to begin work as ar executive trainee with a
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  • 274 10 IPOH, June 11. The A Ipoh Alliance today promised to reduce the rentals on the Municipal controlled Waller Court flats and the Yau Tet Shin shopping centre, if it was returned to power in the Ipoh Municipal Council elections. I '-'Pie to
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  • 167 10 gINGAPORE, June 11. A tree planting campaign was ordered by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew today to help bring rain The target: 10.000 a year The Government will plant 5.000 along new reads, on traffic circuses, in housing estates, school grounds and oarks Mr Lee hopes
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  • 159 10 SINGAPORE. June 11 fTIHREE students from Sarawak and three from North Borneo have arrived in Singaoore under the Colombo Plan technical cooperation scheme to studv a* the Singapore Polvtechnic Those from Sarawak are Mr Llew Teck Fook and Mr Chan Eng Kiat. who are taking
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  • 41 10 o A SINGAPORE ‘5 jjan bv about 100 M f ]erW, a teleprinter ed other office vr,: < s{ *ct day today wltc >* J p ptfljL settlement h pa j*i, peacefully o-r-i L c Static ters and Central Fob*
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  • 1726 11  -  ‘TAMMANY HALL-TYPE SKULDUGGERY’ CHARGE BY RAMANATHAN: KEAN SIEW MOVES AMENDMENT by KHQR CHEANG KEE, GUNN CHIT THYE and OH KEE TIANG -PENANG, June 11- 'JWO Socialist Front Councillors, Mr. Tan Chong Bee and Mr. Lee Kok Liang, resigned from the party tonight
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  • 122 11 »LOR STAR. June 11 I* A police constable Boday testified that a Brrry which knocked ■own a pedestrian was ■avellinu: on the wrong ■do of r he road. ■The lorry driver. Pang Kim ■rus. pleaded not guilty to ■x:.£ the death of
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  • 139 11 KEREM1UN, June. \Z— Ir I he Prime Minister Abdul Rahman. P d the Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Siew f, n address an AI-P-nn* ejection rally here l° n triday. L T lV‘ on the eve Icnim S( r<,mha n town ‘oincil elections, will
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  • 541 12  -  by CHEAH BOON KHENG: Singapore. June 11 JHE nurses’ strike is off. The Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, which called it, agreed this evening to order the nurses to resume duty tomorrow morning. The decision followed a 75-minute meeting between Mr. Lee Kuan Yew
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  • 53 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11.—A consignment ol 500,000 doses of cholerrt vaccine arrived from Japan by air today as a gift to the Fade ’atlon Government rtie gift was announced oy he Japanese Government to Urine Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman when he was In Tokyo for talks
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  • 36 12 TELUK ANSON, June 11.—The Lower Perak District Welfare Committee, a voluntary organisation, plans to put up an office and a meeting room of its own this vear to provide better service to the public
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  • 20 12 BANTING, June 11.—Mr. P. M. Palamsamy has been elected president of the All Malaya Tamils’ Association, Banting branch.
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  • 147 12 PENANG, June 11. —All kathis and their assistants in Penang have been told to seek co-operation of village headmen and imams to prevent divorces. When neither the headmen or the imam could settle a dispute a Kathi himself should intei vene, says
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  • 133 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11. —The Federation Government will establish liaison ottires in North Borneo and Sarawak before Malaysia Day The Principal Establishment Officer. Tengku Mohamed bin Tengku Burhanuddin. said this before he led a seven-man delegation to Jesselton. The delegation, comprising secretaries and
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  • 360 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June. 11 |'HE Malayan Medical Association has bee* accused ot prejudice against the recruit. n:ent of Filipino doctors. The Philippine Embassy here believes that it reason for the delay in bringing them to Mala vat! ease the shortage of doctors
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  • 128 12 Three PMIP ‘strongmen’ join U mno KOTA BHARU, June 12 I'HREE Pan-Malayan Islamic Party “strongmen* In Kelantan a state assemblyman and two former town councillors have resigned from the party and joined Urn no They are Tengku Ahmad bln Sultan Mohamed assemblyman for Paslr Puteh Utara; Inche Salleh bln Yusof
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  • 758 13 Assembly debate on financial policy I SINGAPORE, June 11 Government was criticised bv all the Opposition parties xutv when the Legislative AsP1 abiy debated a motion askjo ilk House to approve the fjvc: hinents 1963 financial pocv. Y. otion was carried on
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  • 84 13 MK. AND MRS. Wong Shun Khing, who were married in Ipoh on June 9. The bride, formerly Miss Chan Chee Meng and a typist in Kuala Lumpur, is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chan Hock Teng of Ipoh. Mr. Wong, a
    Straits Times picture.  -  84 words
  • 248 13 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11. TiHE SESSIONS Court president, Mr. Chan Siew Yoon, today advised a lawyer to cross-examine -like a gentleman.” He then adjourned the hearing. The lawyer. Dato R. P S Rajasooria. called as he was leaving “Your honour. 1 want an apology for
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  • 51 13 KUALA LUMPUR. June 11. The Federation oi Malaya Postal and Telecommunications Cooperative T.irift and Loan Society is to h.lve a new headquarters at the end of this year The building which will cost $200,000. will be three storeys high and will be built in Jalan Pasar
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  • 54 13 KUALA LUMPUR. June 11 A fashion show in aid ot the odanpor Cheshire Home will be held at the Hotel Merlin on June 21 at 10 30 a m Tickets at $3 are now mi sale nt the Merlin. Susan Peter: 'who is sponsoring the show)
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  • 34 13 SINGAPORE. June 11. Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, Minister for Education. will address Tanjong Katong Secondary School at its prize giving and speech day on June 21. He will present the prizes.
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  • 33 13 SINGAPORE, June 11.—'Tlie new premises ot the Mstiv-lan Soel'Morlcal Research Institute will be mened bv Mr G H Klat at Oxlev Mansions. Oxley Road, on June 23 at 10 a m.
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  • 270 13 SINGAPORE June 12. Mention of Mr. John Profumo touched off an unroarious discussion for a few minutes in the Legislative Assembly here today. It happened alter Dr. Lee Blew Choh (Be risen Rosialis-Queenstown) had alleged that the Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan
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  • 288 14 PORT AUTHORITY TO TAKE OVER KUALA LUMPUR, June 12. THE Malayan Railway’s 50-year association with Port Swettenham officially ended today. From July 1, the port will be administered by a new eight-man Port Authority. A lunch attended by all 15 members ol
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  • 262 14 SINGAPORE, June 12. THE Barisan Sosialis has come out with another “Who’s Where” of political detainees in the latest issue of the party’s bi-monthly organ, Ple- bian. Pleblan last month gave details of where detainees, rounded up in “Operation Cold Store” on Feb
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  • 117 14 Meeting of associations CINGAPORE, June 13. A meeting of tourist associations of Singapore, the Federation. Hong Kong, the Philippines. Thailand and North Borneo is being planned to discuss ways of pooling their resources for a joint publicity effort Mr. Roy Knowles chairman Df the newly-formed Tourist
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  • 94 14 SINGAPORE, .June 12 The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. gave notice today that when the Legislative Assembly adjourned on Saturday it would‘not meet again till Aug. 7. He said that in view ot the delay that had taken place partiv because ol Brunei (difficulties teyarding oil), and
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  • 85 14 SINGAPORE. June 12. —The Asia Foundation today made a grant of $105,888 to the University of Singapore to enable its Department of Economics to set up an economic research division. In an official handing-over ceremony at the University Art Museum. Dr. J. Kokoris, representative of the
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  • 281 14  -  by KHOR CHEANG KEE PENANG, June 12. Penang’s Socialist Front Mayor, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew, said today that if a commission of inquiry was set up to investigate the administration of the City Council, the party would not hesitate to expel any of its
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  • 439 14 SINGAPORE, June 12.—The Singapore .Manual and Mercantile Workers’ En ion was today held “collectively responsible” by the Second Industrial Arbitration Court for the action of its members in P. A. R. Malayan Paint Works Ltd. who had adopted a go slow policy. In an award,
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  • 868 15 Attempts to contact Kandasamy all in vain Singapore, June 13. fc The Minister for teilth and Law, Mr. E y Bvrne, told the illative Assembly foda'v that the Government was prepared to lunsider appointing a Commission to inquire r to the conditions
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  • 112 15 I/UCHING, June 13. The people must not expect overnight improvements with Malaysia, Mr. Donald Stephens North Borneo Alliance leader, said yesterday. Mr. Stephens said he and his colleagues were aware of the need to help the people in the ulu. who had been forgotten in
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  • 101 15 SINGAPORE. June 13.—The tree-planting campaign launched by the Prime Minister Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. is meeting with gpod response from the public. The Curator of the Botanic Gardens. Mr. A. G. Alphonso, said today his staff had been receiving telephone inquiries about suitable
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  • 288 15  - Stock exchange seats’ at $50,000 each by TAN TOOK SAIK: Kuala Lumpur, June 12 gl'KINESSMEN who to become "okers must now 1 ats” in the Ma- :1 Stock exchange p" brokers in the and New York hi. ’go<5 1 "'’ires of the “seats" pecified but are i by the exchanges
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  • 33 15 KUCHING, Juno 10. Sarawak and North Borneo have each promised to donate $5,000 to the United Nations scheme for an Asian Economic Planning Institute to be set up In Bangkok. UPI.
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  • 298 15 SINGAPORE, June 13. jyjR. LEE KUAN YEW said today that Singapore favoured a confederation of Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia if it meant economic, cultural and social co-operation. But if it meant that Singapore was politically absorbed in an unknown entity “then we
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  • 89 15 IPOH, June 17—Mr. L».L». Cooper, chairman ot Guthries. who has worked In almost all the firm’s branc hes in Malaya. was entertained at a farewell dinner by the 70-member staff of the Ipoh branch here last night He was presented a scroll bv Mr Wong Wee
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  • 302 16 KUALA LUMPUR, June 13. 'J’HE Malaya Borneo Building Society and Hume Industries (M) Ltd., are to issue shares to the public. THE MALAYA BORNEO BUILDING SOCIETY will otter 5,000,uu0 ordinary stock units of $1 each at $1.07 early in August. HCME INDUSTRIES will
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  • 218 16 LUMPUR, Juiu. 14. The completion of the new $10 million Parliament House by Aug. 31 depends on the arrival of materials in the next 15 days. The building is in its final stages of completion and ah ».ne finishings—flooring and windows are being worked on.
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  • 324 16 SINGAPORE, June 14. —The Finance Minister, Dr. Goh Keng Swee. told the Legislative Assembly today that there was no need for the Government to use community centres to “beat down” the Barisan Sosialis. He was speaking in the committee ox supply
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  • 196 16 Kuala Lumpur, June 14 YIR JOHN DARK, associate producer of the United Artists film, “The Year of the Dragon,” wrote a letter of thanks to the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman yesterday for his help in making the film possible. He left here by air
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  • 339 16 KUALA LUMPUR, June 13 THE extensive and expensive programme of replanting in Malaya was described todav,. an “act of faith’’ in the future of the rubber in dustry. The statement irom a speech preoarwi h. Mr. G.S. Oakley, president of the Malayan PiantiS industries
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  • 132 16 OANTING, June 14. Inche Abdul Aziz zin Ishak’s new party will be called the National Convention Party. The former Minister ol Agriculture and Co-operative.-told a rally here last nighi that the party aimed to “wipe out” ail forms of colonialism —including “Alliance colonialism.” Inche Aziz said:
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  • 68 16 PENANG, June 14—Election committees to spearnead the Alliance campaign in every ward of the forthcoming City and Rural District elections were set up bv the Penang state Alliance at a meeting in the Umno Hall here last nignt. Tomorrow night the executive committee of the Penang
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  • 109 16 A PEACEFUL DAY AT R AF RECRUITING CENTRE KUALA LUMPUR, June 14. —The RAF recruiting centre at the Chin Woo Auditorium here, which faced a near riot by 2,000 job-hunting vouths yesterday. had a comparatively smooth day when interviews resumed today In all 40 youths are needed for technical Jobs
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  • 232 17 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14. IhE Federal Hotel’s 210 employees may strike I **at any time” over a demand for recogni|m oi their union. fc'he National Union of itei. Bar and Restaurant Irkers today handed to Mr. L Yow Cnuan, the hotel's Snaging director,
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  • 68 17 AJ ANr. Un e 13—Kajang’s first 4 *s icaay ioi occupale T new Gliding Is at Jalan K( c -'ear the District ,lal It cast $100,000. e twc <r C rey structure has 12 e: ll the top and four ji L u, -d
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  • 34 17 RK June 12—Mr. Edea r- K r 1,1 Jervols Road, retee --lunelor o! Science Kalama t a L 0, i'„ o; 'he 1.200 eradun their degrees i tCTn Michigan Univer*
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  • 115 17 KtALA LUMPUR, June 14— lengku Putri Kamanaji (above), 21-year-old daughter of the Sultan of Pahang, has joined the Tourist Promotion tsureau. At ner office at the Police Co-operative Building nere today sue said: "its lun to be independent and it’s great to be living on
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  • 90 17 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14—The Malayan Agri-Horucultural Association will stage a livestock exhibition in conjunction with its annual show to be held at the Selangor Turf Club grounds in August. The exhibition Is in line with the aim of the organisers to stress the agricultural
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  • 142 17 PENANG, June 14. rfTHE Mayor, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew, last ia lf L lenged the former Socialist Mayor, Mr D. S. Ramanathan, to name any City Councillor or Councillors “guilty of malpractices. n HOC “If Mr. Ramanathan has any evidence of corruption, he should
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  • 195 17 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14. —A world Health Organisation consultant j said today that Malaya could be a source of danger to her neighbours if she did not launch an all-out campaign to eradicate malaria. He is Dr. S. Ramakrishnan. Director of the Central Institute for Communicable
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  • 136 17 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14.—The Federation Government today reminded parents who are federal citizens that under Article 15 (2) of the Constitution they can apply to have their children registered as citizens and hence possessors of blue Identity cards. An official statement said the authorities
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  • 401 17 SINGAPORE, June 12 r pHE Minister for Health and Law, Mr. K.M. A Byrne, caid in the Legislative Assembly today that the Government was prepared to grant an entry permit to any foreign doctor with registrable qualifications to come and practise in
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  • 171 17 l/'UALA LUMPUR, June **l4.—The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman. who flies to Britain for initialling the Mal a v sia agreement next week, is to be asked to settle one other question while he is in London. He will be asked by the 10,000-strong
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  • 829 18 PENANG, June 15. FILIBUSTER late Numismate, ridden by owner Dr. Chan Wai Hong, won the main Class 1 event over B£i at the Penang amateur race meeting here today. The day's racing opened with an upset when Mahjong li beat a Class 5 held over 2
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  • 321 18 SIEW SIN: N O LOSS OF POWERS SEREMBAN, June 14 The president of the Malayan Chinese Association, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, said tonight that the recent Manila talks between Malaya, Indonesia and the Philippines did not envisage any form of political union involving loss of sovereignty for any of the
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  • 109 18 KUALA LUMPUR, June 12. —The Malayan Brunei talks on the question of the State’s oil revenue after Malaysia were resumed at ministerial level this afternoon. Brunei’s Deputy Mentri Besar. Dato Setia Pengiran Haji All bin Haji Daud. who is ttie deputv leader of the
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  • 85 18 IPOH, June 13.—Four members of the United States Peace Corps, who were among the latest batch to arrive in Malaya, have assumed duties in Ipoh Mr. Karl Joseph Reeh. 28. of Longview, Texas, has be* come librarian of the Ipoh Library. Miss Barbara
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  • 84 18 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 The Malayan Ambassador J® t h United States and United Nations, Dato One Yoke Lin. said tonight tnat member countries of the United Nations had now a “true understanding of Malaysia/* He was speaking at a dln- ner to welcome him home by the
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  • 241 18 Kuala lumpur, June 13. —The Sultan of Brunei and Tengku Abdul Rahman are to step into the protracted talks on Brunei’s entry into Malaysia. The talks, which centre on control of Brunei’s oil revenue, ended this afternoon. They will be resumed only if the
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  • 209 18 SINGAPORE. June 13. THE SINGAPORE Bar Committee confirmed to 1 day that the Prime Minister sought ihn viei )i the majority of members serving on th -ommittee before Mr justice Wee Chong Jin ti appointed Chief Justice Mr. ST Banl < Barisi Soslalis), claimed in tl
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  • 57 18 SINGAPORE^ by some 100 pol; c,,li a ,'j p rK jud teleprinter ope a’ la other office st>r J* it w do 10th day today still prospects of se'.ti-;”'-- 1 The strikers, w i 1 are of the amalgamate uni Pc employees, nr,’ fully outside CTT ra
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  • 26 18 'flip ppfljOj PENANG. June U-J ftold 19 Indian Film feoca-J annual meetiru ft e Rofld gt n* Hall in Sc.tlani a.m. on Sunday.
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 43 18 —BIG SWEEP ioial ruuL 888,367 1st. No. *****7 85b,634. 2nd. No *****2 816,874. 3ld. No. *****8 88,437. STAKTfcKS: (81,178 each): Nos. *****), *****3. *****6, *****4, *****6. *****3. *****8. *****2. lUNNOLAllON (8500 each). Nos. *****8, *****2, *****8, *****6. *****3. *****7, 246a84. *****1 *****4, *****4.
      43 words

  • 155 19 KUALA LDMPUR, June 13. T L sport Workers’ Union served a 14-day p uiice on the manager ol the Klang 5 bus Co. today because the company had r ur employees and had not recognised 1 today, P, S? g, ,-tant generai- i«5S r
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  • 45 19 BANTING, June 11.—The Government will ee asked to study a a scheme to establish a coffee production factory here, t .This was stated today by the Minister of Agriculture and Co-oper-atives, Inche Mohamed Khlr Joharij who was visiting farmers
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  • 658 19 |e fn’ -ing Is a complete [h. t vised qootatlons Bd tn ti.e Malayan Stock fcaiu »n Friday* Jana 14. jST rials ord«. 480 M ic« no e, JS5sMP Tru- B OO.},.—^ 5 80 .JR. lead l.« ric d I/*SW sW Tin t i\srJr Bt 17/PS&
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  • 36 19 (MSnagMV Prl«*»> First Malayan 1.88 }-JJ aaoond Malayan 1.42 180 Third Malayan 1.02 1.09 First Hots Kong 06 l.OV Second Hong itoag .13 Starling Commodity 4/8 4/ 11 (•Hong Kong currency). B Tyy a
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  • 139 19 Kuala lumpur, June 14—Informal financial UaIu on merger between Mr. Lee Roan Yew and it keagnu aiiuuI suuunaa today reached an “important stage." He was to have returned -to Singapore tonight but will now stay until tomorrow to complete this stage of Vjhe
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  • 251 19 I UNI first grao* rubber buyer* f.e.b. alaaad at p.m. in dlngapars and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 721 oents par lb. unchanged. The tone was amative. a.A.a. pad P.M.R.I. eleslng prices la cants per lb. yttltrday: lat. 1 R-S.B. prompt fjab. buyers 73< cell--6» 74: Ibt. 1 Ks
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  • 77 19 t ",ZiVi'AJi AX .-33 'HIHH9C Praduaa Sx«*iang4, Sing. para naan prlaaa par {Haul yasta. days Oaeanut alii bulk f43* aallers, drun |461 aallera. Capra i June/July UK/Continen |2T* buyer*. Poppar: Muntok white |146 aallers, Sarawak white |142* sailers, specie Sarawak black $100 sailers, garbles black $132* seller*. ASTA
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  • 22 19 June 11 MALAYAN RUBBER PRICE: 731 cent* (unchanged). TIN: $464.75 (down $5,371). Estimated unofficial offering 235 tons (down 15 tons).
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  • 159 19 MALACCA June IS—Eleifl Ten Alliance candidates were retained unopposed when nomin- ations closed today for Malacca’s three rural dis- > trict councils. t' Poll! of Day Is July 11. T!m Alliance nominated candidates for all 5S seats—--19 each for Malacca Tenfah
    159 words
  • 838 19 The UWe of lUm an the "7 MsUyaifc. Stock' E*ch*nfc last business to June 6. (A) and last basineso since that date (Bi with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business for last yea t and this year to date IHDU8 TRIAL* t is Ale*
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    • 2072 20 From Oar Market Correspondent Vw* a ryr% •vV'* ,v‘. THE latest communique of the International Tin Council will no doubt be interpreted by local investors as mildly bullish although there is really nothing to it except the one laconic sentence: “The council continued to keep
      2,072 words
    • 32 20 r: rubber tin (PIT lb.) (per picul). June Is. 73% cts. $467,87% II 74% eta. $443.87% 12. 73% cts $466.23 It. 71% cts. $470.12% 14. 78% cts. $484.75 15. $467.5$
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    • 96 20 0! Um Malayan Ex change Banks* Association and of the Exchange Banka’ Association of the Federation of Malaya have agreed aa from July 1 to adhere to the code of Uniformed Customs, and Practice for Commercial Documentary Credits as recently revised by the International chamber
      96 words
    • 34 20 /HE Malayan ImIimi* Dank** Aaaaalatlan mad* Umm cMbjm id iU tatea to merchaota on Saturday (all ratca to $100): V V'l Balling TT ar OB raadys •alglan Franc* t«lB|; Italian lira 2018*.
      34 words
    • 35 20 tManggaca* PM**, > Jlrat Malayan i.w l.M 9«cond Malayan 1.42 1.50 J? 1 1 1.01 108 SSSLftX K °P* 6 i.w Soctmd Hong Kong 70 74Star ling Co-n modify 4/S 4/4J <*Hong Kong ourraacy).
      35 words
    • 60 20 SSSA 4 Total Total for payment payment for preview C«M Store Holdlnj. 3% Julj 31 gjj f&Sr** s*!»' 'W ,dIK ">-™- IS *i 76 i7h4 rSLVn- ’{?>’ iff <K,Ul mi Tronob fid £J5’ il n “L. U3d V 0(1 Aug. 14 2s. 9d 3*. 3d. SSTLST I# ,s
      60 words
    • 502 20 M-l a>an Kubtl «d dull •chotitSI week, stab i, r» f JM in r K J I Jnarket rep._,t of T fh. re i POr: 'he "'|J u,,< r >"ion u9 1 r on trad!9 •g®SS£ J*** r official 9 f jy
      502 words