The Straits Budget, 27 February 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NIWSMfU Se, Kuala Lumpur, February 27,1963. Price 40 cents (Malaya), or 1 »hlDlng KbN 379
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    • 222 2  -  HASHIM bin AMB1A London WE Malayans are composed of many different people originating from many different countries, thus representing many different views and SentI- ments. An acid test is necessary to prove our allegiance to th§i country, the fruits'of whbse soil we are all enjoying.
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    • 203 2  -  L. R ALLEN. Commonwealth Education Scheme, Victoria Institution Kukla Lumpur rmay be of Interest to your readers to learn how the New Zealand Department of Education at. tempts to solte the problem of staffing country sehools A young graduate may. if he so wishes, start his teaching career
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    • 140 2  -  OBSERVER Ipoh /{'HE traffic control system in looh is in need of a complete reorganisation. Never have. seen such flagrant disregard for traffic rules anywhere In the Federation. In the mornings we see school children cycling three and four abreast, and seldom have 1 seen a traffic policeman
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    • 83 2  -  ANOTHER PARENT Singapore 1 AGREE with “Parent” that sports secretaries of some schools spend too much of their time away from their class, thus neglectmg the children. These children have to sit for an examination at the end of each term together with other children who have had
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    • 153 2  -  MALAYSIAN Ipoh IF deterioration of a country since attaining its independence la an achievement, then Dr. Subandrio would be perfectly y correct 41 fct, compared the achievements of his country with those of the Congo. One who has been to Indonesia pre-war should visit the country
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    • 126 2  -  PUNTER Singapore Regarding the slump in totalisator receipts perhaps I can enlighten the chairman ol the Singapore Turf Club on the matter. The amount going Into the main tote depends to quite an extent upon the patronage of the bookies For In order to bring dowi. the dividends
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    • 180 2  -  TELLY Singapore [A INNER period In the average .Malayan home Is between 6.30 and 7.30 pjfi. and family togetherness at dinner time Is an essential part of household discipline, especial y among Chinese families This age-old pattern of Malayan family life Is now
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    • 76 2  -  V. A. THOMAS Controller of Telecoms., Johore Region iohore Bahru VARIOUS readers In Muar have expressed dissatisfaction over the long delay of calls from Muar. Will those readers and any others who may have complaints regarding the telephone service In Muar contact the Asst. Controller' of -Telecommunications. Muar.
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    • 54 2  -  X. j w O. Ipoh rACHERS in the school where I am. employed get even less than a Division Four government servant. Eurely there must be some regulation governing the pay of private school •Jeachers? Of course we can I rwtfiVjHit people it, who have to supp family
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    • 171 2  -  MALAYAN INDIAN Sitiawan AS a Malayan Indian. 1 feel even more strongly thart our Senators Tan and Chan that the Government of India is perpetrating a psychological blunder of the first magnitude In Insisting on visas for Malayan Chinese The Infliction of this pinprick. while securing little
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    • 76 2  -  PARENT Singapore 1HAVE a daughter studying in a Government English primary school. Every Saturdays shp goes back to school for at least three hours for sports practice, singing and handwork. According to the Llm Tay Boh commission report on the “five-day week" for schools, we are made to
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    • 21 2  -  JALAN Singapore r PHE condition of Jalan 1 Ayu oft Tamplnes Road is deteriorating and requires repair very badly.
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    • 137 2  -  T. WILLIAMS Singapore MAN? way for 'traflu on M your right Is the en rule of the road in Si a oofe and Malaya. Ann e t the many times I have r. rowly avoided colliding with private vehlc es drive, oy 4 service people makes n e
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    • 80 2  -  JAMES CHE AH Sydney r t< 7 |\R. SUBANDRIO has said 1/that “with such a hostile Malaya at the head of Malaysia there will be in- cidents It will be difficult to avoid war/’ What nonsense! Malaya la not in a position to go to war with anyone.
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    • 49 2  -  T' < JjR Port Dickson VVTHEN a teacher i" Me unified scheme is transferred his greatest problem is housing. A teacher with a family has hard time looking for < house In a strange place. Could the Government at least build more quarters for the benefit of sur
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    • 57 2  -  A. PAt L Kuala Lumpur THE Government, in its attempts to increase res venue, finds the remedy by charging fifty cents foi a registered letter. An increase of twenty cents fr :n the normal rate of thi r y cents is astonishing An increase of five to
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    • 61 2  -  L. ROBLEi Controller of P 0,,( Kuala Lumpur, I refer to a letter by “E asperated” (8.T. Feb. U) concerning delays In d* livery of letters at Kiu Li pis In complaints of tb’ nature, It Is essential have a sight of the cov i which suffered delay
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 709 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 18 is easier to “guide" ■eraoernej (especially when Hi] the guns are n govemKent hands) than it is to coaN Hrosperitv out of economic Hha.s. But Indonesia cannol ■o S t pore much longer the conHontation with economic probHms which the Government ■as been able
      —Straits Times, Feb. 18  -  709 words
    • 300 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 18 A good reason for Cabinet reshuffles and transfers in general is that a new man can mean new ideas. This was not the only consideration in Inche Khir Johari’s transfer to the. Ministry of Agriculture ana Co-operatives, but he does promise to have a
      —Straits Times, Feb. 18  -  300 words
    • 614 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 19 The Jesselton rally in support .of Malaysia is a thundering answer to Leftist opposition in Malaya, and an open challenge to Indonesian and Filipino I hostility. In justice to the Filipino attitude it should be admitted that there has been Ino nonsense from Manila
      —Straits Times, Feb. 19  -  614 words
    • 288 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 19 Dato Sambanthan’s criticism of the Indian Government for discriminating against Malayan Chinese in the matter of visas is heartening, though not unexpected. Both the Malayan Indian Congress and the Mai ayan Chinese Association givi the main stress to the firs' w’ord in their titles,
      —Straits Times, Feb. 19  -  288 words
    • 639 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 20 There is merit in the Philippines’ proposal for a Malaysian conference of South-East Asian countries provided that full notice is taken of the Jesselton rally and the desires of Sarawak and North Borneo. It would seem, however, that the Philippines Government is concerned
      —Straits Times, Feb. 20  -  639 words
    • 219 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 20 One of the less obvious effects of Indonesian confrontation has been the undoing of work by scholars, in Malaya and across the Straits, who had hoped for ultimate fusion of the two national languages. The first step was to unify the spelling. This accomplished,
      —Straits Times, Feb. 20  -  219 words
    • 625 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 21 Time has helped to put in perspective the debacle at Ap Bac village in early January when Vietcong guerillas inflicted heavy casualties on a much larger and better equipped force of American-led South Vietnam Government troops, downed five helicopters with rifle fire and
      —Straits Times, Feb. 21  -  625 words
    • 662 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 22 For the second week running no tin has been sold from the American stockpile. Bids foi the usual two hundred tons were rejected as too low. Sales since December have totalled 830 tons ot the 1,400 tons on oiler. The Mew York
      —Straits Times, Feb. 22  -  662 words
    • 285 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 23 The new Arts Degree structure adopted by the University of Malaya is a distinct improvement. It corrects a misplaced emphasis on specialisation and closes an anomalous gap between the earning power of those who know a lot about a little and those whose
      —Straits Times, Feb. 23  -  285 words
    • 291 4 —Straits Times, Feb New Kopisan, sited 11 mile; from Ipoh, is attracting mo:* attention than all the otne “new villages” put togetne: Under notice to make way i:. a mining group’s operations the villagers or rather number oi them have Da: pressing their problems up-:: State Assemblymen,
      —Straits Times, Feb  -  291 words

  • 41 5 f r TKrrK AX*OX Feb. 17 I i < d to I: ler the MX- r.narv P n'n\ plan bv the ve,day Partrnent Lower V Riven to the I: :r i l i Van 13 miles week.
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  • 258 5 Man saves father and son —then tries third rescue... SEREMBAN, Feb. 17 TER saving two lives, Mansor bin Musa, 21, risked his own once again by diving into a mining pool to attempt a third rescue —too late. lie saved Sadu Singh, 05. who had tried to rescue his two
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  • 67 5 SINGAPORE. Feb. 17. A BOAC Boeing Airliner covered the 4,250 miles route from Tokyo to Honolulu in a record-breaking five hours 27 minutes last month, it was announced today. The plane was piloted by Captain Anthony Lorraine The statement said the a r craft,
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  • 205 5 l/'UALA LUMPUR, Feb. l7—An Irish sculptress. Irene Broe, who has been commissioned to make a bust of Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that there was a great need for an art college in Malaya. She said ‘There is ample artistic talent in this
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  • 36 5 SINGAPORE. Feb. 17.—A woman. I ee Ah Hong. 58. died in hospital l.,st night after being knocked down by a car while walking along Yen Chti Kang Road at the 5*4 milestone.
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  • 835 5  -  By EPSOM JEEP; PENANG. Feb. 24 Race One CL. 5. UIV. 2—5V6F. K.Y. Lim’s (2) HI BIN A 8.10 (618—244) Mitchell 1 (9) New State 8.5 (364—142) J. Wilson 2 (3) Nazafat 8.0 carr 8.1 (71—44) Moxham 3 (8) Pari
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 52 5 STRAITS budget subscription RATES (Payable in advance) ,n S3pore ,u !g Lumpur No postage Bor r i' ,0loyo Br North incl. postage p r health sn incl. postage r Kingdom Jifem Australia Only °y Express Airfreight Quarterly 5.20 5.75 6.75 12.00 V2-Yeorly $10.40 11.50 13.50 24.00 Yearly $20.80 23.00 27.00
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 43 5 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $86,458 1st No. 175U53 $48,876 2nd No. *****7 $16,292 3rd No. *****1 8,146 Starters <$1,018 each): Nos. *****6, *****6, *****0, *****9, *****2, *****6, *****7, *****5. Consolation ($500 each): Nos. *****9, *****1, *****6, *****2, *****5, *****3, *****9, *****1, *****3, *****4.
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  • 95 6 SINGAPORE. Feb. 17—Fifteen Thais have arrived in Singapore after what Is claimed to be the longest motor scooter trip under taken in South-East Asia The J.000-mile trip from Bangkok took seven days The team, led by Mr. Kwan Phungprapa, is attending the first Middle
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  • 59 6 Frb 17—Constable Zaknria bln Man (Grorge Town Dlstric* > was champion reader for the second year In the Penang Contingent Police Koran reading contest for all ranks and their families, held last night. Twenty readers took part. y Constable Ghazall bln Ycpe Motinmed Yutlm (Headquarters)
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  • 37 6 KUALA LUMPUR. F.-b. 17-Six Brunei political leaders will arrive here by air on Peb. ID for two days of fa ks with the Prime MinisAbdul Rahman. and P®p ut y Prime Minister. Tun Abdul Razak.
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  • 269 6 K LUMPUR, Feb. 17 A PUBLIC Works Department architect today called for the setting up of a building research centre in Malaya. Inche Ikman Hisham Al. oakri. who has just returned from a Colombo Plan scholarship in Britain, said r
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  • 60 6 TELUK ANSON, Fob. 17—Inche sulalman bin Bulcm, Deputy Mentrl Besar of Perak, yesterday uinounced the dissolution of the Lrwer Perak District Alliance .ommlttee, of which he was the as a result of the recent breaking up of the Lower Perak umno into three divisions one In
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  • 20 6 JOHORE BAHRU, Feb. 17 The Johore Government has set aside $20,000 for National Language Month expenditure this year.
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  • 194 6 When we differ with Federation by Lee OINGAPORE, Feb 17 Mr. Lee Kuar' last night reiterated that Singapore woui always co-operate with the Federation on na tional issues benefitin', the people of Malaysia* But. he added, or, m t“-» matters like chickens iS eggs. It would have to tt2 Federation
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  • 100 6 ITUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11 17.—Many footballers and officials of the Footoall Association of Malaya were among the 500 people who attended the funeral this afternoon of Mr. S.C.E. Singam, who died yesterday after a stroke. Also present were members of the Railway Services Commission.
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  • 171 6 1 ALOR STAR, Feb. 17. PADI planter, Ali bln Awang, 32, who took a 14-year-old girl to an imam at three o'clock one morning last December to be married, was today convicted of kidnapping her. He was bound over in $500 for
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  • 519 7 K. LUMPUR, Feb. 17 Minister of Commerce and Industry, Dr. Lim Swee Aun, tonight announced t)ii.ins for the formation of a Malaysia solidarity .aion committee “to mobilise world in favour of Malaysia*’ and to check lordw ii intervention. Sn iKir.y: to reporters at
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  • 81 7 IPOH, Feb. 17—A confidence trickster talked a club ooy, Chong Ting, into parting with a one-armed bandit 1 fruit-machine) from the Shoemakers' Guild in Horley Street here yesterday. Chong believed the man when he said the guild president had authorised the removal of the
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  • 297 7 K. LUMPUR. Feb. 17 Tllh l niled Nations will spend $1.9 million this year providing experts and fellowships tor Malaya under its extended progr am me of technical assistance, its regional representative here. Mr. Ilarr> 1.. Spence, •»r., said today added that
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  • 115 7 K U ?M Iu MPUR, Feb. Several postscholarships m.'V x lng offered to --r.a by universities u;stralia, New Zeai and Pakistan un- bo Commonwealth oJ 0 shl P and FellowshlP Plan. rltb must be Federal b r 1 s 35 and must f »nours degree or equl'lualuicatlons.
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  • 268 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 17. 'JHE Malayan Indian Congress today criticised the Indian Government for “introducing a highly undesirable principle” by imposing visa restrictions on Malayans of Chinese origin. It also passed a resolution urging the people of Malaya to be firm in
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  • 174 7 I/UALA LUMPUR, Feb. 17 —Several Filipino doctors have applied to come to Malaya under an ASA arrangement to help overcome the shortage of doctors here. The Director of Medical Services, Dato cDr.) Mohamed Din Ahmad, said yesterday that several Filipino doctors had responded
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 THE H.K. AND FAR EAST builder A Bi-Monthly periodical ol Building of Heal Estate Activities in the Far East. A Magaiiae dealing with building, architectural aad real aatata aebfitiee m Malaya, Siagapara, lane Kang. Siam, The Philippian Baraaa ami The Far laat Mtahluhed ia 1U6 this hi meattly trade paper
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  • 268 8 IPOH, Feb. 18 IRON ore miners here are preparing for vital talks on the future of the industry in Malaya with representatives of Japanese steel mills. The Japanese delegation is expected in Malaya curly next month. The talks and visits to mines
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  • 181 8 Malacca, Feb. is. Mr. Tan Siew Sin, Minister of Finance and national president of the MCA, has resigned as chairman of the Malacca state branch. His resignation ae cepted with regret at yes terday’s meeting of tin branch Mr Tan said in a
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  • 57 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 18. liiiec 1 uuuiit.'.suti) Ami) ol 1 leers arrived here on their way to the c,,n K»» t«> C rnmaud the Garuda Hi made ot the U N Congo Force. 1 hey are Brig -Gen Ketnal Idrl.s, Col. Sablrln Muchtar and 11 c
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  • 39 8 SINGAPORE. Feb. 18.-Mrs. Thio Su Mien, a law Hiailuate ol Hie University of Malaya, was admitted to the Sine,.poie Hal by the Chief .Justice. Mr Justice Wee Chone Jin, today Mrs Tlilo obtained her decree In 19G1
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  • 250 8 (SINGAPORE, Feb. 18 The Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam, said that the reported television ban in the Indonesian held Rhio Islands would be no “loss to us.” An Indonesia daily. Suluh Indonesia, reported that orders had been sent from Ja. karta to
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  • 33 8 MUAR. Fib. 18. The Town Council has called on owners of all colteeshops. eating nouses and bars to ensure that their employees have a medical check-up at least once a year.
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  • 284 8 MALAYA ‘NOT AFRAID OF JAKARTA KUALA LUMPUR, Feb ig THE latest issue of “Malaya Merdeka”, A publication of Umno, said today that M ,1, was not afraid of Indonesia’s threats of coi r r? tion and armed conflicts. la It added in an editorial We with to tell the Indonesian
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  • 282 8 ‘Confrontation warning to no-union estates K. LUMPUR, Feb. 18 VIR. P. P. NARAYAiTI NAN, secretarygeneral of the 300,000strong National Union of Plantation Workers, today warned of possi--1) 1 e “confrontation” with Asian employers and their administrative assistants in the rubber industry if they persisted in failing to recognise trade unions.
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  • 103 8 Kuala lumpur. ieb 18. —Kuam Ibu—the women’s section of I'mno today declared full confidence in Tengku Abdul Rahman’s handling of Malaya’s relations with Indonesia. Datin Fatimali binte Ilaji llashim, head of Kaum Ibu. said in a letter to the Tengku: “We stand firmly be. hind
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  • 144 8 OINGAPORE, Fob. 18. The Goverument has renewed the licence of the Boon Hita Printing Press in Hoy FaRoad after puliins if up for printing many “undesirable publications” in the p .>t Today the firm uncec it had decided to a journals of t h e Barman
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  • 37 8 SINGAPORE. Feb. 18. Peter John Moniey, an ariv and solicitor of the Fedei Supreme Court, was admitted the Singapore Bar oy the t > :t Justice. Mr. Justice Wee C Jin, In the High Court today
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  • 184 9 Kl ALA LIMP1R. Feb. IS—it was a sad day lot Miriam binte Manat IS. of Jalan Hose here w hen >lu* learnt that "be would not be in a croup of 13 Colombo 1’lan Mudints leaving for \iMrali i tomorrow. Mariam
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  • 356 9 IfUALA LUMPUR, 18. Back to school went Miss Lai Yoke Heong today and it was time for laughter and tears. She went to apply for readmission and will attend classes again tomorrow, continuing her studies where she left off nearly
    Straits Times pictures.  -  356 words
  • 74 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 19—The three-man Indonesian contingent to the Singapore open golf championship will not travel to Kuala Lumpur for the Malayan open One of the golfers, A Z. Naruwi, said today that the team would not be travelling there and added; "I will have
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  • 217 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 18. AN Indonesian delegation of Foreign Office economic and. banking experts is expected to arrive here from Jakarta before the end of this month, the official news agency Antara said today. A UPI report from Jakarta quoted Antara as saying that
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  • 106 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 17—A group of Royal Marine commandos have left the sea for an overland journey home. The men, just back after anti-rebel operations in Brunei, are travelling in two blue Land Rovers. They expect to be on the road for three months. They will
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  • 95 9 OINGAPORE, Feb. 18— Professor Tregonning, Professor of History at the University of Singapore, has left for the United States on a travel grant Issued by the Carnegie Corporation. He will visit centres of South-East Aslan studies there during his threemonth stay. Mr H D Lewis, Registrar of
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  • 303 10 Kennedy’s support in ‘spirit of friendship ALOR STAR. Feb. 18. 'rENGKU Abdul Rahman, said today that Presi- dent Kennedy’s support for Malaysia was made “in a true spirit of friendship.” “I naturally welcome his statement, which was obviously prompted by his desire for the continued stability and well-being of this
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  • 126 10 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 18.—The ban on (ire cracners will be lilted from 6 p.m. on Feb. 24 to midnight on Feb. 2G for tne nan Raya celebration. Rut, said a police statement today, the ban on meriam buloh (bamboo cannon) stays. It added: “The
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  • 47 10 MUAR, Feb. 19—Muar Umno ha asked the Government to break oil diplomatic relations and cancel all friendship trade and "uitural ties with Indonesia A resolution to this alTect was adopted at n meeting last night It lias been sent t lengku Abdul Rahman
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  • 115 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18.— The Amalgamated I nion of Public Employees has decided to delay its threatened strike bv about 2.0«« City Council monthly -paid staff over the termination of ser vices of a council employee as the council has agreed to talk things over
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  • 200 10 SINGAPORE. Feb. 18 The United States Ambassador to Indonesia. Mr. Howard Jones (above), said here today his country regarded South-East Asia as an important developing area in the world. The United States, he added, would continue to maintain great interest in this region.
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  • 90 10 SINGAPORE. Feb. 18.—Mr. Ted Smith, project superintendent of Malayan Airways Limited, left here last night by air for Amsterdam to be the Malayan Airways technical resident representative at the Fokkers plant there. Mr. Smith will be responsible for all technical liaison with Fokkers
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  • 447 10 SINGAPORE. Feb 13 REPRESENTATIVES of the newly-firmed Brunei Alliance flew in tonight for talks with Tengku Abdul Rahman on the urgenev of setting up Malaysia including Brunei as quickly as possible. They also warned Indonesia to keep her hands ofl Brunei
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  • 136 10 PENANG, Feb. 18. SEVENTEEN grandchildren of towkay Lim Lean Teng, the 94-year-old Penang millionairephilanthropist whose funeral was held yesterday were allowed to enter Malaya from Hong Korea or. 1 9 9 “compassionate grounds.” They arrived by air on Feb. 16 to attend the
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  • 66 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb /J A soldier was killed ar.J pillion rider serious'v it' 1 when their motorcycle Involved in a head-on slon with a lorrv on Kuala Lumpur—Kua'a h road this morning The soldier was Lann S Nathan 21. of the Forces Signal Squadron tinned at
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  • 265 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 19. 1>KI M poetical parties will have the opfa wrt unity of making counter-proposals if thev arc not satisfied with the terms and conditions under which their State will join Malaysia. Viprp tnrinv TH w Mated here today i
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  • 92 11 S Feb. 19. ‘"o men went to the f,7:; tcrn Watch Comyesterday to “buy’ etches. K; > t °'l e of them. Tan uf“ ;r wa «s charged In Magistrate’s Court w .i lf theft of two ■i V u^ ocl guilty and
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  • 37 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 19. Chong Chin Cheng. 20. of Jinjang new village was fined S5OO or three months' jail today for stealing 931 katis of tin-ore worth 5250 cn Feb. 10. He pleaded guilty.
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  • 122 11  -  By JUDY YONG SINGAPORE, Feb. 18 Brigadier Jean Rivett-Drake’s face flushed as she snapned: “What has the nuclear age got to do with us?” She added- “We are every bit as good as men in any age.” Brigadier Rivett-Drake rose from an ambulance
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  • 229 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 18.—The Australian High Commissioner. Mr. T. K. Critchley, today wished a group of Malayan students a safe journey to Australia. They are the first batch of Colombo Plan students to leave this year to studyin Australian universities. They will take courses in
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  • 260 11  -  By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN: Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 19 \JR. CHARLES F. BALDWIN, American Ambassador to Mai tya, said today that Malaysia was an extension of the “excellent record” which Malaya iiad made in casting off colonialism. “In fact,” he told me, “the Malaysia plan is
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  • 17 11 SINGAPORE. Feb. 19 -Dr. Ho Yuen has been elected president of the Singapore Medical Association.
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  • 70 11 IPOH, Feb. 19—A charge of irmed roobery was prelerred gainst Chan Kee Tuck. 24, in the Magistrate's Court here today He was alleged to have robbed the occupants of a house in la lan Chempaka in Pasir Put eh here Of 54.01 H at 10 a m
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  • 35 11 KUCHING, Feb. 19—The British Ambassador to South Vietnam, Mr H A F Hohler and his wife arrived In Kuching today for a short visit They are staving with the Governor. Sir Alexander Waddell.
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  • 362 12  -  ‘BE KIND, POLITE AND HONEST,’ HE SAYS, ‘AND THEY ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU’ by- LIM BENG TEE SINGAPORE, Feb. 19. ('ABBY Ng beamed as he read the letter. Then, putting it away with more than 50 others, he said: “Be kind, polite and honest
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  • 57 12 KUCHING. Feb. 19 Three Mud'tils hiTt nave oven awards Australian Government Colombo Hi.m scholarships lor Bachelor ot Arts degrees to oe tollowed oy Hachei training courses T tv are Miss Rose Chin. 21 and Miss Ursuhna Chi. 18. Doth ot St Teresa’s Convent School, and Mr Lee
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  • 27 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 19 —Professor R Paterson win sueak on cancer research at the Rotary Club's weeklv luncheon at Prince's Restaurant on Feb. 21.
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  • 212 12 iPOH, Feb. 19—Perak branch of the Malayan Indian Congress is to make a determined drive for support among young people. With this in view, the executive council of the branch has appointed Mr V N Kathirgamar. 35. as its vouth leader. The oilier Alliance partners
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  • 238 12 MUAR, Feb. 19. piSHERMEN here said today that for years they had bribed Indonesian marine police to let them fish in Indonesian waters. "In fact,” one said, "the Indonesian marine police are not bad at all. They take our gifts and close an
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  • 33 12 TAIPING, Feb. 19—A recruitini’ tp-im from the British Armv will be at the Kwanetune Association in Temple Street here on Marrh 1 at 9 am to recruit youths for the army
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  • 121 12 KLANG, Feb. 19. Percy John Lazarus. 21 unemployed, of Klang was charged in the Sessions Court here today with arm?d robbery in a doctor’s c inlc at Kuala Kangsar. Senior Inspector M S Low told the court that Lazarus wpnt into Dr S
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  • 254 12 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 19—A meeting here tomorrow will consider vesting the Government with special powers to prevent strikes by referring disputes to industrial courts for settlement. The Straits Times understands that the meeting, oi the sub-committee of the National Joint Labour Advisory Council,
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  • 129 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 19. T'HE Brunei Government was today urged to hold national election before the state formally joins Malaysia by Aug. 31 this year. The call was made oy Ha.'J Ghazali Umar, preside: rf* the Brunei People’s Party Haji Ghazali and t< ur Brunei
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  • 57 12 KUALLA LUMPUR, Feb 60-year-old man, who had i er lipstick and perfume amor things, was today jailed 1 months for possessing su 1 stolen property. Pv Chong Kia Elng, of Sent r sar. pleaded guilty to havit clippers, lipsticks, perfunv razors, all worth $1,182, in a
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  • 437 13 WHILE COLUMN WILL SPEED TO ANY r \UT OF MALAYA UNDER ATTACK KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 19. \i\i \YA’S c ivil defence force, which is 2.000-strong, may be increased to 10,000 volunteers. -\iing to the Secretary for Defence, Inche \adir bin Shamsuddin, the Ministry of
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  • 224 13 V U A L A LUMPUR, Ftb. 19. Problems I vital to the security of Malaysia will come unI dor scrutiny in the next four days with the visit I hen ot the Chief of the Imperial General Stall. General Sir Richard Hull >ia‘s coni'.
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  • 22 13 U-A LUMPUR, Feb. 19. —Mr. tiiom HihK oi ."hiur awarded a Malayan 1 Clan scholarship to train veterinary assistant here
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  • 218 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 19—Asnawi bin Abdul Rahman (above), a meter-reader employed by the War Department. had mapped out a bright future for his 1 (>- year-old adopted son. Ep'ooni Woodi For the past four years he has saved part of his
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  • 71 13 KUCHING. Fob. 19—Members ol tin World Bank Malaysia Economic Mission have arrived in Sarawak for a four-dav survey The mission is led by Mr Leonard B Hist, acting head of the mission in the absence of Pro icssoi Routt Others are Mr Jean Rover, a tariff
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  • 49 13 PENANG. Feb. 19 Johan Ariffin, director of an advertising agency, todav pleaded guilty to a charge of failing to submit his firm's income tax returns for 19G3 within the stipulated period of 21 days. The First Magistrate. Mr. Ng Mann Sau, fined him $llO.
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  • 246 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 19. \lOST delegates at the International Planned 4 ’t Parenthood Federation conference agreed that legalised abortion is a “stop-gap” and not a permanent solution to the problem of controlling population growth. Nepal’s sole delegate. Dr. Narayan K. Shah, said today before flying home.
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  • 51 13 SINGAPORE. Feb. 19.—Tan Ball Bee. 31 who snatched a goif' neck ace from a stenographer. Mrs. Yeo Hock Leng in Robinson Road yesterday, wa sentenced today to two years’ jail Tan pleaded guilty Senior Inspector T. S. Zain said that Tan was caught by an
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  • 154 13 A lor STAR, Feb. l9. —Tengku Abdul Rahman warned the nation last night to “prepare for the worst” in view ot the latest outburst from Indonesia. lie told a rally at Bukit Chorus, 21 miles from here: "All along we have tried to please Indonesia,
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  • 43 13 IPOH. Fob. 19—Mr. Soo Wal Sun 23. was admitted to the Federation Bar by Mr. Justice Neal in the High Court here today. He is the first University of Singapore law graduate to be admitted to the Bar hera.
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  • 107 13 ALOR STAR, Feb. 18. T'FIWKU Abdul Rahman, said here today it was 1 “very sporting” of the Civil Service Clerical Federation to call olf its work-to-rule campaign in the national interests. “I appreciate their patriotism and their loyalty," the Prime Minister said in his fa an
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  • 59 13 KUCHING, Feb. 19 A British sailor was lost trom a Royal Naval craft during a storm in Brunei Bay last night, according to a report received here today. This morning two sailors were wounded when a Sten gun fired accidentally while thev were boarding n prahu
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  • 386 14 ‘NOT VERY GOOD’ AT SCHOOL BUT KEEN TO BE SCIENTIST SINGAPORE, Fob. 20 LX)R Eric Peris. 22, the most intriguing item r in Feb lfith's Stiaits Times was the page one artist's impression of Britain s lutuie nuclear-powered passenger liner. Kric born
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  • 112 14 PENANG, Feb. 20.—Miss Ooi Cheng Gaik (above*, daughter of the Mayor of Penang Mr Ooi Thiam Siew, is one of the two top students of the Penang Free School who scored three distinctions in the Cambridge Higher School Certificate Miss Ooi. 20. who obtained
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  • 66 14 SINGAPORE. Feb. 20. A Japanese tanker Is expected here tomorrow after being towed lor more than 50 days from the Persian Gulf The tankir, Daisy Maru. is being towed by tin* tugboat Ajax Daisy Maru is the fifth Japanese tanker bought by the Singapore syndicate. Malayan
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  • 224 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20 Britain has the resources to meet any external threat to Malaysia, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, General Sir Richard Hull, told reporters on arrival here today. Sir Richard will spend four days In Malaya reviewing the
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  • 125 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20 than 1,500 men will be recruited toi the Federation Armed Forces this car. a Ministry of Defence spokesman said here today. l'he big recruiting drive follows the (ioveriiment's announcement of an immediate build-up of its forces in view oi
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  • 187 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 20. ORUNEl does not want to be left out of Malays:just because of opposition from Indonesia an: Philippines The Deputy Prime Minister. I'un Abdul Kazak, was told 'Ins today ov a Brunei dele--ation ot live who met
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  • 39 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Fob. 20— Inclie Mohamed Noor bin Yusof, assistant editor of Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and Literature' Agency), will leave tomorrow for the United States for a four-month specialist course in textbook publishing.
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  • 22 14 BRUNEI TOWN. Feb. 20-Forty-three people, Including 15 women have leit here for Mecca. Another nine will leave on March 25.
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  • 118 14 SINGAPORE, Feb. 20.Singapore pianist u Chun Yee (abo\e>. lu > gave a recital at \Nign lor f Hall, London, on Feb. nhas been described «> the music critic o! tne Daily Telegraph, to have a “keen poetic feeling ,,,r his instrument Quoting the Daily
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  • 142 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20. Abdul Rahman said today that if Indonesia kept on retusing to acknowledge Malaya’s diplomatic efforts to solve the present MalayanIndonesian crisis, “we will have to start thinking differently.*’ He was commenting on an Antara news agency report yesterday
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  • 243 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 20 ALL Royal Malayan Navy patrol craft have been told how to deal with violation of territorial waters by Indonesian gunboats. The Secretary for Defence, Inche Abdul Kadir bin Shamsuddin, announcing this todav, said Malayan patrols had been stepped up since Indonesia adopted its
    243 words
  • 123 15 Kl.\l\ U MPl’R, Feb. Jo.—rniled Nations intervention ou*r Malaysia is unnecessary because “t r>tlung is under conin'* l«‘t.gku \bdul Rahman said today. Put it would be a good i'ti a n the V .V would in-N'-tiuate the diftereiues on Malaysian problems, he
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  • 61 15 K .re BAIIRU, Feb, 20— 29, an amah o in d ectr( S uted in a .burning. an Dapat here IlVlV’ r ,‘Tho 1 H yer t OUI d Um e;, j( n f l a l J l e tl0 °r clutching an ■it.‘ n' as
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  • 82 15 JAKARTA, Feb. 20.—The Foreign Minister, Dr. Subandrio said today what Tengku Abdul Rahman said now was aimed at ‘‘defending his position.” Dr. Subandrlo was commenting on the lengku’s address at a mass rally in Penang, in which he said Jakarta was trying to arouse Malays to
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  • 92 15 JAKARTA, Feb. 20.—Indonesian airline employees denied today that Brunei rebel leader A. M. Azahari parachuted into British Borneo en route to Jakarta last month. They confirmed that Azahari disembarked in Jakarta after a flight from Manila on Jan. 31. They said the Garuda Airways flight was
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  • 93 15 Kuching, Feb. 20. Sarawak’s plans for its pre-Malaysia general elections were announced today. On Feb. 22 the Governor. Sir Alexander Waddell, will issue a writ dissolving the present Council Negri as from June 1. This will also have the effect of dissolving the district
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  • 185 15  -  By BOB PERIES: Singapore, Feb. 20 gINGAPORE and Johore police in a joint operation have smashed a pan-Malayan syndicate which is said to have sold hundreds of forged Federation identity cards to illegal immigrants. A total of 11 people have been detained in
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  • 103 15 UNITED NATIONS. Feb. 20— Mr. Mohammed Zafrulla Khan, Pakistan President of the 17th General Assembly, yesterday named an 11-member “watchdog” committee to keep South Africa’s apartheid policies under constant review. Mr. Zafrulla Khan announced that the following member governments had accepted his invitation to serve
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  • 16 15 RAWANO, Feb. 20—Mr. V. Nadarajah has been re-elected president of the Rawang Youth Club.
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  • Article, Illustration
    212 16  -  Fishermen decide to heed ‘burn your boats’ warning—and give up deep sea fishing by ROBERT SINNIAH Klang, Feb. 21 DEEP sea fishing has been abandoned by fishermen living in (he coastal areas of Selangor. Nearly 700 of them held a meeting last night on Pulau Ketam, 15
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  • 32 16 SINGAPORE, Feb 21 Gnruda Indonesian Airways lias extended its weekly Jakartn-Uangkok service through Singapore tr> Hour Kong The service leaves Jakarta on Wednesdays and Hong Kong on Thursdays
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  • 243 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 21 TWO BOYS were killed and 20 people injured nine seriously in two separate road accidents here today The two deaths bring the accident death rate to nine in the past week. The buys—Ong Pun}* Seng eight and Lee Ong Nga, seven
    — Straits Times picture.  -  243 words
  • 93 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 21. The Malayan Christian Council has approved a resolution supporting the formation of Malaysia on the basis of the free decision of the territories concerned. The council believes that Malaysia will benefit the people in these territories. This was announced today by
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  • 264 16 SINGAPORE, Feb 21 AIR. Teo Eng Gee, a Singapore manufacturer of rubber footwear, warned today that many workers in the industry might lose their jobs if if were not given Government help. Mr. Teo, a partner In the Asia Rubber Works, was testifying before a
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  • 21 16 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21 Ms \trways has designed a new It*lit ban fnr distribution an v o air passengers
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  • 173 17 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21 Trailed by officials, fire victims and newspapermen Prime Minister. Mr. Kuan Yew (right hand outstretched) is >een touring the scene of a fire in Kainpong Eunos. The blaze yesterday evening wiped out eight attap huts leaving 24 families
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  • 158 17 TAIPING. Feb. 21. AIALAY VS strained relations with* Indonesia 1 should not cause too much worry or fear. Inche Suiuiir. m bin Bulon, deputy to the Mentri Besar ot Pt-rak, saicl today. l dressing coin clllors t r >m surrounding areas added: Cur Government, under
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  • 55 17 11 TOWN, Feb. 21—Two f 'ii Brunei' 1 ni ‘rvr a sslslaiUs of t ii‘i D «yangku Intan M*! ran A pong and DaMet iii left V‘‘ m n Per >giran a-enli 1 l Br taln yesterday to i« overseas 6 hr 66 h tralning course l
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  • 84 17 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21—The Ro yal Air Force here is trying tc solve the mystery of a wrockae* found in the dense Jungle ofl Malacca. Pieces of the wrecked aircraft, believed to be a De Haviland Hornet fighter, were examined by RAF experts and the
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  • 71 17 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21 A 10man team of Japanese housing experts and real estate agents arrived by Alitalia tonight from Bangkok for a three-day visit to familiarise themselves with housing development activities and l techniques here. The team, now on a tour of Seuth-East Asia, will meet
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  • 135 17 Kuala lumpur. Feb. 21 The Malayan Ambassador to the Philippines, Inche Zaiton Ibrahim bin Ahmad (above), said today that he was optimistic that the Philippines Government would revise its attitude towards Malaysia. He said this just before leaving for Manila after five days of
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  • 312 17 SINGAPORE. Feb. 21 LEADING British cancer fighter, Professor Ralston Paterson, said today he had advised the Singapore Government to set up a radiotherapy unit with modern equipment at a cost of SIJ to S 2 million to treat the disease. "I am
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  • 78 17 HONG KONG. Feb. 21. Shaw Brothers have announced agreement with Shin Film* ot South Korea to produce jointly two films, to be shot both in Hong Kong and in Korea The first will star actor Shin Yong-Kyong of South Korea and actress Ltn Dal. Mr Shin
    —Reuter.  -  78 words

  • 656 18 New arts structure to serve better interests of all K. LUMPUR, Feb. 22 THE Vice-Chancel-lor of the University of Malaya, Dato Sir Alexander Oppenheim, announced today a change in the university’s arts degree structure which would bring about “an education in breadth.” Tne
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  • 241 18 IT U A L A LUMPUR, 22. —A special meeting between the Malayan and British Governments is to be held to discuss the build-up of the Federation Armed Forces, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, said tonight. Tun Razak who described the talks he
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  • 107 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 22. Sixteen police officers have been promoted in the Federation, a Government Gazette stated today. Those promoted to acting Deputy Superintendent of Police are Mr. S. K. Mahallngam, Inche Jalalludln bln Kasslm, Mr. Teoh Khocn Huah and Mr. Robert Lim Kwong Heng. Those
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  • 16 18 SINGAPORE, Feb. 22 Four people were detained under the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) yesterday.
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  • 1058 18 SIINGAPORE, Feb. 22. 'JHE University of Singapore is seeking $40 million from the people in the state to finance the university’s expansion programmes. The Vice-Chancellor. Dr. B. R. Sreenivasan, told a Press conference today that he hoped to raise funds within five years. About
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  • 371 19 By IGCK SAIK: Kuulu Lumpur, Fub 22 Miv :v\[y forces have begun a campaign to v ends and influence aborigines to Government against the Cbm|nu ’Tjrists# W; r day to two typical Jungle forts to see wo y are doing
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  • 94 19 Kuala lumfur, Feb. 22.—Dr. Wane GangWu, senior lecturer at the University of MgUya. who has been appointed Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Bis appointment was announced by the uni- versfty’s Vice-Chancellor, Dato Sir Alexander Oppenheim. today. Dr. Wang, who is a
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  • 115 19 u I I MPUR, Feb.M f Mentri Besar -tnu, Dato fbraE m r bin Mohamad./ 1 ready to saori■ert, lives nd I»°E <*<*«?«! the lrp 1 l he COQntr y now Ewers U d by 1 tot n ■Knr as s P ea
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  • 85 19 “SMART tarn oat well done very Impressive, thank you,” the Chief of the Imperial General Staff. General Sir Richard Hull, tells Capt. Hussein bin Hashim, guard commander, after inspecting the goard of honour formed by men of the 1st Bn.. Royal Malay Regiment, when the
    in attendance. — Straits* Times ■ictnre.  -  85 words
  • 74 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 22 Two datos and a university professor have been appoint ed members of the Board ot Trustees of the National Art Gallery. They are Dato Loke Wat, Tho, Dato L. O. Hoffman and Professor Ungku Abdul Aziz Others also appointed tc the 20-member board
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  • 41 19 SINGAPORE, Peb. 22 -V ThV' Fourth Magistrate, -Mr. John Dorat Raj, has been appointed! criminal district judge. A barrister-at-law, Mr. DOral taj Joined Government service tp 1959 as an Assistant Director ‘of the Legal Aid Bureau. ,x
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  • 17 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 72 January donations to tJEle Lady Templer Hospital Fund totalled *7,M3.
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    • 1012 20 From Oar Market Correspondent THE week on the Malayan Stock Exchange which preceded the Hari Raya holidays can he quickly summed up as difficult with a considerably reduced turnover. Indeed on Friday, the quietest day for some months, turnover was down to a trickle except
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    • 453 20 'THE market this weel. has been dull and listless report H.C.B. Co. Ltd., In their current rubbei market survey. While the declint was forecast sometime ago it was very orderly when it came and disappointing, in that the lower levels uncovered very little new interest
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    • 35 20 (ManagarV Frlsst) nm Malayan 1 M 1.83 gacond Malayan 1.17 JlSS Third Malayan *6 .M Tlrat Hong Kong 1.00 1 04* Soeond Hong Kong .7* .‘77* Starling Commodity 4/4 4/10 flipas Kong curraaoy).
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    • 917 20 rfHI table of shares on the Malayan Stock Exchange shows last business to February 19 (A) and last business since that data (B> with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business w last year and this year Is dote. IMSBSTBIAM St S At lee let
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    • 121 20 U 0 A L A LUMPUR, -Ik Feb. 21.—The Prime ...ulster's Department bus taken the lead to urge its staff to contribute to the “Malayan Patriotic Fund" as a gesture of their loyalty and patriotism in the face of Indonesia’s hostile attitude towards
      121 words
    • 24 20 PENANG, Feb. 17. —The Penang Muslim community will distribute cakes and other delleaoies to oatlents In Penang Oeneral Hosplon w*ri Tuva
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    • 35 20 RUBBER TIN (per (per lb.) piculi Feb. IS. 711 /Sets, f427.5* IS. 78 eta. 8426 871 8*. 78 1/8 eta. 8*26.50 21. 77 8/8 eta. 8426.5* 22. 77 eta. 8128- 76 28. $426.75
      35 words