The Straits Budget, 6 February 1963

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 25 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER grid 53> Kuala Lumpur, February 6, IMS Price 40 wrote l £2122
    25 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 190 1 i i ~w 4"ri"5'w y V3*W TK*9 -V 1 Hr ”i!fcMshSOTw %f M <-- f H:; 1* S vi r" i &H 'W.TOftF’iri,v- yiffftpJ l jr'*^ r -V i-'.»V v V;. ,Hv Srttf ;ri> .rvf;-» *?W mcr|> < v^i ;>TYt*.V t‘t" l;^ HHEBHhV w? JufiftLi vi j .vVv’eK.V s -p*;.
      190 words

    • 102 2  -  U5.C. Singapore r£ archaic practice of appointlnf school principals from among serving senior teachers only should be discontinued immediately. Promotion prospects are thus the sole prerogative of senior teachers and betrays the principle of “equal opportunities” which the Ministry> of Education upholds. The term “senior
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    • 311 2  -  CHA&LUt KOH Singapore F°" the sake of half a dozen live ducks—gifts from relatives living in South Johore for the Chinese New Year —I had to waste almost one whole day obtaining an import permit To get the permit I had
      311 words
    • 173 2  -  CJ*. THAN! Seremban rpHREE months ag r re- 1 lighting of a so 2 installed off Rasah d 5 Seremban—the re* lU 2 area in which 1 liv, S Power bulb of a t < watts was Axed to J second standard wi X
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    • 123 2  -  ANGRY Tangkah CERTAIN people using public telephones are extremely Inconsiderate and they get more th*>i their money's worth yarning Into the mouthpiece. Recently I was unfortunate to be in a remote area where only one public telephone was available. I had wanted to
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    • 42 2  -  TEENAGER Kuala Lumpur rl8 most exasperating to see rude people, especially ticket sellers In our various cinemas. Is It because these people consider themselves superior? Although 1 am young and immature I understand the power of politeness. Why can’t they?
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    • 150 2  -  PARENT Singapore MY daughter was a recruit teacher last year and she had to teach a primary one class whereas the senior teacher just did some titbits of clerical work-in the office. This year my daughter, a first year student In the T.T.C., still has to teach a class
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    • 41 2  -  LABOURER Teluk Anson 1 AGREE with Madam Chan Kan Lung, mother of armless schoolgirl Lai Yoke Heong. that to rent a $350 a month house Is a waste of money. I take my hat off for her good sense
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    • 61 2  -  PARENT Singapore 1HAVE a daughter In a* Primary 5 class. I was astounded to find her teacher looking almost as young as her pupils. I am told that the T.T.C. recruits teachers by going round to schools to receive block applications from School Certificates students. Students as young
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    • 168 2  -  PARENT Kuala Pilah WAS shocked to find th« J. Education Department In Negri Sembllan directing pupils to be posted to schools aganlst the will and choice of their parents. At the beginning of the year when the Malayan secondary schools entrance examination results were released, every pupil
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    • 82 2  -  UNFAIR Penang P Singapore the revised road tax for under 100 c.c. motor vehicles is $14 a year, whereas in the Federation we are paying $40 a year a difference of nearly 200 per cent. It will be a great help to those wage earners who now Increasingly
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    • 94 2  -  RJL Singapore MOW that the people of Sarawak are sunerlng from floods, I wonder what Aiaharl, the self-styled Prime Minister of Kalimantan Utara, has done for his people. Did he order his “army" to help the refugees? Did he order his “government’' to send funds
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    • 70 2  -  BOOKMAN Malacca r)U are right when you say that In some schools library fees are collected when there are Inadequate facilities. Most schools collect $3 a year. Assuming a school has an enrolment of 700 pupils, then it would collect $2,100 g year. Over five years, say. it
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    • 100 2  -  K.R1 Maar I SUPPORT the complaint by a reader in Muar about the poor telephone service there. The > same thing has happened to me many, many times. Whenever a number is asked the operator usually says, “Hold on, I will call you later; put your receiver back”
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    • 122 2  -  WSGITSTED Kuala Lumpur T'HE Ministry of Education X has teachers all over the country to All the growInc demands of our ex panding system of education, but appears to have given little thought to the housing problems confronting the teachers in their new environment. Manj teachers must pay exorbitant
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    • 88 2  -  Y. E. Singapore VQUR correspondei MrX K. Y. Boon has l the nail on the head hletter on empty house is no use the Dover v. ent saying that it has loans of millions of d to its servants. This a jes to those who are e D
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 619 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 28 Growing realisation of the r;s)S of population in Asia ha* not ended all the old illusions. International migration within the area or to the Western hemisphere, is still held out as a partial solution although the political objections I are obvious and unconquerI
      —Straits Times, Jan. 28  -  619 words
    • 373 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 28 There was never much dcubt that Inche Aziz Ishak would eventually part qompany with Umno and the Alliance. Relieved of his Cabinet post last October, replaced as chairman of the Selangor Alliance Committee two months later, Inche Aziz was well on the way to
      —Straits Times, Jan. 28  -  373 words
    • 147 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 29 A fact of which Malaya is rightly proud is that she manages economically without foreign aid. This is not meant to be taken literally, of course, for useful assistance of various kinds flows in from numerous friendly countries and is gratefully accepted. The point
      —Straits Times, Jan. 29  -  147 words
    • 720 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 30 Inche Abdul Aziz left the Cabinet happy, according to his own account, that his disagreement with his colleagues was over. The happiness has not lasted, and perhaps not even Inche Abdul Aziz expected that it would. His replacement as chairman of the
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30  -  720 words
    • 271 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 30 The Labour Ministry’s order calling for a wages council for Penang port workers in private employ comes none too soon. It is a year and a half since the Hawkins commission recommendation was accepted by the Government, and ten months since the workers named
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30  -  271 words
    • 224 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 30 A rational education policy is not easy to devise for Singapore, if by rational we mean designed to equip students to earn a living in the most efficient way. So long as English is the language of Government administration and of those sectors of the
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30  -  224 words
    • 387 4 Straits Times, Jan. 31 Though obviously embarrassed by the Filipino claim to North Borneo, Malaya has made conscientious efforts to maintain good relations with Manila and to preserve the Association of South-East Asian States. These efforts have been poorly repaid b\ President Macapagal in his State of
      -- Straits Times, Jan. 31  -  387 words
    • 178 4 -Straits Times. Jan. 31 The drift towards better relations between Thailand and Cambodia is especially welcome because of the spate of quarrels which have recently broken out between Asian nations. There is to be a reduction of hostility rather than a conciliatory embrace, though there is hope that
      -Straits Times. Jan. 31  -  178 words
    • 260 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 1 There has been no lack ,'f vigour in the Government > efforts to find for the Malays a j larger place in commerce and industry. Malays serve on the boards of many important enterprises, and there is an encouraging number in exo cutive
      —Straits Times, Feb. 1  -  260 words
    • 297 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 1 The National Iron and Steel Mills Ltd., till now the lone occupant of Singapore’s Jurong industrial estate, will soo r acquire its first neighbour Work starts next month on a shipyard— a $3O-million joint venture by IshikawajimaHarima Heavy Industries ol Japan and the Singapore
      —Straits Times. Feb. 1  -  297 words
    • 663 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 2 There •is no stopping the mouths of Indonesian generals. Back from a tour of the 12th military region, which adjoins Sarawak, the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army told troops and volunteers at Pontianak that the army was “awaiting the order”
      —Straits Times. Feb. 2  -  663 words
    • 297 4 —Straits Times. Fib There is a responsible way to discuss the problems of the Penang City Transport Service and there is a tactless way. Courting a controversy over Malay rights is about as tactless as it is possible to be. With a little thought, Mr. Lee Kok Lian could
      —Straits Times. Fib  -  297 words
    • 285 4 —Straits Times, Feb Tiie Federal Capital C missioner’s report on .r.creases for the daily municipal workers was Lmv.;. a formality, if a iu.i one. The terms, joint!;, agreed with the Penally ip and Malacca authority an of course identical with t:. announced by the other ur.* A
      —Straits Times, Feb  -  285 words

  • 490 5 sBBm. SCHEME TAKING SHAPE: WATER RESTRICTION IS LIFTED 1 EPOH, Jan. 27. CONSIDERABLE progress has been made on I the 12 projects of the $88 million water Imply development programme for Perak. B Expenditure on these projects has already Italled more than $19.1
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  • 86 5 SINGAPORE. Jan. 28. A total of 157.200 boxes of matches were stolen yesterday from a Paterson. Simons Company godown in Magazine Road A watchman. Mohan Singh 30. told police he was on routine rounds at 3 a.m. w*hen he noticed one of the doors open. As
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  • 964 5 POLICE SWOOP AT DAWN KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 3 A T least 107 leftwing politicians and trade unionists in Singapore were arrested today in the biggest and “most important" security operation since the Emergency. The operation is continuing. The swoop, aimed at preventing subversives from
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 102 5 THE H.K. AND FAR EAST builder A Bi-Monthly periodical oJ 'Gliding of Real 'Koii Activities !l Far East. A Magazine dealing with building, architectural and real estate activities ju Malaya, Singapore, Hong Roog, Siam, The Philippines, Bornee and The Far East. F <tahlished in 1936 this bi-monthly trade paper is
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  • 258 6 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27. WORKERS in pioneer industries who are to play a key role in the industrialisation of Singapore would be “left to the wolves*’ unless employers back the Government’s plans for a unio.n to represent them. Mr. C. V. Devan Nair, general
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  • 227 6 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 27. Malaya’s National Unon of Journalists feels “no sense of loss” at being barred from the Afro-Asian journalists’ conference to be held in Jakarta and Bandoeng in April. The vice-chairman ol the Indonesian Journalists’ Association, Mr. II.A. Masslara, had said in Jakarta
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  • 145 6 SINGAPORE, Jail. 28. r rHE Ministry of Education today announced plans to recruit more Chinese language teachers for English medium schools It said that the object was to ensure that students in English medium schools would get as proficient a training in Chinese as they
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  • 96 6 VISCOUNT Weir a director of Dunlop Ktibher Co, Ltd.. London treme left), with tin* Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, Inche Muhamed Khir Johari and others at a cocktail party in Kuala Lumpur ui\en by Dunlop Malayan Industries, Ltd. in honour of the visit
    Straits Times picture  -  96 words
  • 34 6 SINGAPORE. Jan. 28 The Good Woman of Setzuan" by Brecht, will be staged by the Theatre World Association in the Victoria Theatre here on Feb. 8 and 9 at 8.45 p.m.
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  • 148 6 I/UALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. A couple in a parked car were robbed of cash and watches by four youths in Kenny Hill and then forced to drive the robbers to the airport. There the couple were forced out of the car and the robbers drove
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  • 219 6 MUSLIMS TOLD OBSERVE FAST Kuala lumpur. Jan. 27. Muslims throughout the Federation and Singapore began their fasting month today. Fasting started today instead of yesterday alter a joint announcement by the federation's Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal and the President of the Singapore Shara'iah Court said that the moon was
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  • 436 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 27. AN! V about 2.200 pupils in Selangor of the y 12.000 who failed the secondary schools (entrance examination in the state have registered to join secondary continuation schools I which open on Feb. 4. 1 The majority or the
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  • 108 7 A deity to go on tour —by silver chariot PNANG. Jan. 28.—The silver chariot of the Hindu deity. Muruga Peruman. wil; leave the Penang Street temple early on the morning ot Feb 6 for its annual visit to the Waterfall Road Chettlar Temple during the Thaipusam festival. The festival will
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  • 47 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 28. Six senior aircraftmen of the Royal Malayan Air Force will leave for Britain for further training on Feb. 4 They are: P. Colvis. Sonny Lee Jin How. Loh Bali Cheng, Nai Prasart. Ng Faik Chua and Chan Pin Slang.
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  • 235 7 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28— Watana Chowadee, master of a Thai ship, Aow Siam, told the Assize Court today that one night in November last year, he heard Predee Arayanggul, master of Aow Thai, shout out: ‘•Tawang has stabbed me.” Watana was giving evidenci at the
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  • 85 7 gINGAPORE. Jan. 28. Mr. Walter Seow, a sub-editor in the Kuala Lumpur office of the Straits Times, and Miss Juliet Yap. who were married at the Singapore Registry today. Mr. Seow is the third son of Mrs. Seow Poh Quee and the late Mr. Seow of Singapore. Miss
    pur.—Straits Times picture.  -  85 words
  • 27 7 SUNGEI PATANI. Jan. 27—Mr Ch'ng Thcan Teik. an assistant at the District Hospital here, left tor Melbourne today for a threevoar course in Radiology.
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  • 198 7 ‘Missing’ S’pore girl says I am wed in Penang PENANG. Jan. 28—A Singapore clerk, pretty 19-year-old Anne Khoo Joo Huat, said in Penang today she had not eloped, nor had she any intention of deserting her family. Anne who was reported by her father Mr B S. Khoo of Bartley
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  • 122 7 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28 A DISTRICT judge today heard how the Chemistry Department helped the police to detect a two-year-old bicycle theft. Senior Inspector M C. Jacob said that the bicycle, when recovered by the police last Nov 7, had had a stamped registered num- ber on
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  • 252 7 IPOH, Jan. 28. TWO of the biggest branches of the 4,000-strong National Union of Bank Employees will hold extraordinary general meetings tomorrow to decide whether to give its executive council a blank cheque for industrial action. The meetings will bp held in Kuala
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  • 65 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 28.—'The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has sent a congratulatory message to Australia’s Minister ol External Affairs on the occasion of Australia’s National Day. The message said: “On the happy occasion of Australia Day. the people and Government of the Federation of Malaya Join
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  • 780 8  -  Mounting hostility towards Malaya, says Tengku as British strategic troops move By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN: Kuala Lumpur, Jan 30 TENGKU Abdul Rahman said today that Malaya must establish a “state of preparedness” and not be caught
    —Straits Times picture.  -  780 words
  • 248 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. JTRESH British troops have been flown to the Borneo territories from Singapore, but a British Army spokesman denied today that they were air-dropped along the Borneo bor- der with Indonesia. “This is in no way connected with the reports of increased Indonesian activity
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  • 80 8 PENANG. Jan. 28.—The former medical officer In charge of the Pulau Jere.jak Leper Camp, Dr Homl Mehta, died In the Penang General hospital today after a long illness. He was 78. Dr. Mehta was in charge of the Leper Camp from 1936 until
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  • 31 8 PENANG, Jan. 29—Penang Second Magistrate, Mr. James Loh. has been transferred to Kuala Lumpur as Deputy Public Trustee He will take up his new duties on Feb. 1.
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  • 138 8 ALOR STAR. Jan 29—A young housewife who accepted a lift in a car was taken to a house 61 miles away from her home and confined there against he: will, Kedah police were told today. “After about 15 days. I managed to escape with
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  • 50 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29 M > laya will send 22 delegates to seventh conference of the In national Planned Parent 1. Federation in Singapore from 1 10 to 16. The delegation will be led Dr L. S. Sodhy. president of Federation of Malaya Fan-"-' Planning
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  • 274 9 The City Council explains: The post goes, man goes’ SINGAPORE, Jan. 28. TilK City Council today clarified the official •l.hition in the case of “'The Vanishing Post” that has led to a strike threat by its Huus monthly-paid staff. ...c.-rttinn Mnip as I irilioatioxi came as > aV.amated Union of
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  • 100 9 KLANG. Jan. 28 A Malay school-teacher. Che Mariah binte Ahmad, of K.tmpong Jawa Road, today appealed to a snatch thitf to return her identity card. Munuh was boaremg a ous a', the North Bus station yesterday a hen the thief snatched her hand--3;i2. Several
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  • 87 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan.29.— 1 l h^tio i 1 01 promoting -ordination of youth the Malaysian re- trm r‘-L be dlsc ussed at a meeting of the louth Council next t 'om. tbe a S^nd a will be 1 to establish a co- secretariat of th<
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  • 20 9 28 Police -uhm.s during the tirst °t the Chinese New V ,/t n U dl VG against
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  • 156 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. Two United States Peace Corps members assigned to Malaya will get married here on Saturday. Miss Janice Beth Jaeger, 22. of Blalrstown, New Jersey, and Mr. Robert E. Burns, 23, of Lincoln, Nebraska, will be married in St John’s Cathedral Miss
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  • 390 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. THE United States Ambassador here, Mr. Charles F. Baldwin, and the Minister of Education, Ilaji Abdul Hamid Khan, today signed an agreement initiating a $3,000,000 Fuloright Educational Exchange Programme between the United States and Malaya. The purpose of the programme is
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  • 147 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29Cars for the Federation have begun to arrive at Port Swettenham again following the end of the railway strike. The sales manager of one motor firm said today that mor e than 80 cars ordered by the company were due to
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  • 112 9 PENANG. Jan. 29—Thirty-seven readers, including nine women, took part In the north-east district Koran contest held at MesJid Hashim Yahaya, Perak Road, last night. Inche Ahmad bin Hussein, 30. a religious teacher from Kampong Java Bahru, won the men's district championship for the third
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  • 430 10 ‘TRYING TO STIFLE OUR ECONOMIC LIBERTY’: MISSIONS TO RUBBER CONSUMERS DEFENDED KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. f riIE chairman of the Malayan Rubber Export Registration Board, Mr. Gan Teck Yeow, today accused the chairman of the Guthrie Estates Agency, Ltd, Dato Sir John Hay, of trying to
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  • 583 10  -  By BOB PERIES SINGAPORE. Jan. 29. 4 GRISLY uici man knelt down to pray on the rain-drenched deck of a “ghost” ship as she drifted helplessly across the Outer Roads of the harbour from Tanlont? Rhu to St. John’s Island
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  • 145 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. Radio Malaya now has more listeners in the Borneo territories, a statement ly the Department of Broadcasting said today It added that this was shown by the number of requests received from Sarawak. North Borneo and Brunei for the
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  • 181 10 Kuala Lumpur, Jan. 29 THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, today c o m p 1 i m ented Public Works Department state engineers for implementing the 1902 construction programme. Tun Razak was addressing a conference of state engineers held at the National
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  • 65 10 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28 A bey who stole a bicycle on hi? I6 i oirthday wn.- today remandei W district court. pending 8 reformative training report 111 Feb 18 Tham Lui Chan of T: Bahru Road had pleaded c; v to stealing the bicvcle from Nit
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  • 29 10 PENANG. Jan. 29 About ,;0 shippers will be hosts to sling company representatives a Chinese New Year dinner at 1 Garden Hotel, Tanjong Bung on Feb. 2
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  • 302 11 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. TIIF Singapore Library Association has urged government to set up a graduate library school to relieve the shortage of trained librarians in the state. 1 in a memorandum to the Government, Mrs. \Yar.° Chen Hsiu Chin, president of the
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  • 44 11 IPOH. Jan. 29—Mr Low Wah Fatt, 33. a businessman, reported to the police today that his motorii worth $3,400 has been stolen. He parked his car along Hill Street here about 10 p.m. on Jan. 27 and found it missing yesterday.
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  • 34 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 27—The Rotary Club ol ana Po. i Swettenham nas donated Sluo u the Sarawak Flood Reliel Fun.l This brings casii donatio i* through the Struts limes to s2uu
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  • 48 11 ANG, Jan. 29.—The Chief Wonn How Nee. i,J0n <U1 exhibiton ot ohotouranhs the Hin "h'twrnrms i n Rriek Hoad at 5.30 p.m. on Feb. 1 'ik VI'V* 11 0Ul,| V ov Messrs Kat the exhibii!, into tive genera! commercial, travel science and 11 techniques
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  • 198 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. IIALAYA will be offered full facilities if an interiTl national centra for advanced labour training is established, the Director of Malaya's Productivity Centre. Mr. S. Abishegnm. said today. Mr. Abishegam returned from Geneva yesterday where .ie attended a meeting of an
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  • 163 11 PENANG, Jan. .29. l5-MEMBER delegation of Christian leaders from the Sarawak and North Borneo arrived in Penang from Jesselton today on a factfinding mission. The delegation comprises members of the various Christian sects in the two Bornean territories and includes two Catholic priests. Father W.
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  • 70 11 PENANG, Jan. 29.—The Cit.v Council will introduce an experimental clinical service froi i 7.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. for Muslims during the fasting month. “On the results of this experiment, our clinical service will expand, or be reduced accordingly.” Mr. him Kean Siew chairman
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  • 35 11 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. The crippled children's home in Tanah Merah Besar will celebrate Its 10th anniversary with a food-and-fun fair at its .grounds on Feb. 3. from 12 noon to o p.m.
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  • 50 11 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28. The Tarifl Advisory Commission will hold Its first public hearing on Jan. 30 in tiie Ministry of Finance conference room, sth floor. Fullerton Building. It will inquire into a tariff application for the imposition ol duties on flashlight, transistor and radio pack batteries.
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  • 332 11 Kuala Lumpur, j a n. 29 rpHE Federation Government is amazed and shocked by President Macapagal’s violent criticism of Malaya as being a colonial power in relation to the Malaysia plan, according to political and diplomatic circles here today. In a stale-of-the-na-tion address before a joint
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  • 81 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29.A Hong Kong girl will be one of six students to study at the University of Malaya under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan provided by the Federation Government She Is Miss Regina Mabel Yung Yet-IIlng. who will study history for
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  • 63 11 PENANG, Jan. 28 The City Council will lx* asked on Jan. 31 to 'deplore" the rejection by the Regional Licensing Board of ils applications for variations and new bus services for the City Transport Department. Mr. Lee Kok Liang a Socialist Front City Councillor, will move
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  • 180 12 LUTTERWORTH, Jan. 29. A wages council lor Penang dock workers is to be established soon. I'M is nus oeen ordered by rh»* acting Minister of Labour md Social Welfare. Mr V Manlrkavasagam. In an oth •la notification published In t h e latest
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  • 104 12 SINGAPORE clerk, Anne Khoo Joo Huat, 19, with her husband, Tan Thai San, an electrical technician, whom she married in Penang on Jan. 26. Anne, who had earlier been reported by her father, Mr. B. S. Khoo, as having "disappeared,” told the Straits
    Straits Times picture.  -  104 words
  • 163 12 IPOH, Jan. 29 The Sekolah Izzuddin Shah, the secondary religious residential school In Tiger Lane here which was closed on Nov 5 last year when Its 300 students went on strike, will reopen soon Dato Sha’arl bln Shafle, Mentrl Besar of Perak, said today that
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  • 51 12 JOHORE BAHRU, Jun. 29 Ditto Wong Slice Fun was relucted president of the Johore Hahru Chinese Association at Its annual meeting today. Vice-presidents are Mr Ng Chin Klat and Mr Ng Keng Hoon. Mr. Chen Pul I eong was elected secretary and Mr Lee Kee Klan
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  • 154 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29.—The Singapore National Union of Journalists today expressed surprise at a call by a senior official of the Indonesian Journalists’ Association to bar Malayan journalists from an AfroAsian journalists’ conference to be held In Jakarta and Bandoeng Mr II A Masslara. vicechairman
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  • 267 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. defence lawyer today told a District Court of “easily obtainable" medical leave certificates from private doctors. Mr. R. Murugason was asking Mr Goh Heng Leong. the fudge to reject a police re juest L r an adjournment ol the trial of
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  • 179 12 VfALACCA. Jan. 29. Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman has called for a report regarding two Malacca residents who nave been served with banishment orders The two. who are now detained In the Pudu Jail In Kuala Lumpur, are Teh Man floon. a
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  • 42 12 PENANG, Jan. 29—Mr. Cheah Inn Kheam has been elected chairman ol the Penang Bar Com mlttee Mr Llm Poh Earn Is the secrc'arv and committee members arc Messrs C O Lim, S. Thlllaimuthu. Wong Sui Heng ami Chong Kal) Keng.
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  • 31 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29.—Between Jan. 5 and today the traffic police summoned 387 motorists in New Market Rond and Nicoll Highway in their drive against obstruction on the roads.
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  • 234 12 TELUK ANSON, J an A 29. —All five passengers in a car, including a woman, were killed when their car was involved in a head-on collision with a bus on the main Teluk AnsunKampar Road, 23 miles from here this morning The car was
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  • 65 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29.—A taxi driver, Kartar Singh, charged with driving a taxi under the influence of alcohol, was ordered by a magistrate t > go home for a wash before his case was heard. When he returned in the afternoon, Mr N Ganesan
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  • 59 12 KLANG, Jan. 29 —Port Swettr ham last year handled a reco tonnage of 1.92 million tons goods, compared with 1.68 mild tons the previous year. The chief port manager. Mr M. Maroof, said that last yem s total could have exceeded m< v than two million tons
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  • 438 13 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29 MALAYSIA, with its promise of economic development and prosperity, was one of four reason; why Japanese industrialists had I ch )m it Singapore for a new venture. Minister of Finance, Dr. Goh Keng Swee. v t i this today by Dr. H.
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  • 179 13 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29.— After lighting rebels and floods for more than a month, British forces in the Borneo territories are now looking forward to a message of cheer from Vera Lynn. Vera, who earned the title “Forces Sweetheart" with her extensive
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  • 41 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan 29 —The islus ol Mr Sellupah -\mm < hurai. a retired senior guard he Malayar Railway who 11-< in Seremhan last year at the ieif 75 have oeen thrown into sea at Keerimalal in Ceylon
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  • 150 13 S'-.O.U-Ore. Jan. 29,-The j. superior of the ;> f 1( r an °i'der. the most Aii'-us!me sepinski is 1 arrive hi Singapore Home earlv novt a "‘hn in the course of n r T of South-East 1 < RoV Kinski is Pmne 1 SUC
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  • 268 13 ITUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. A top Indian authoress, Mrs. Kamala Devi Chattopadyaya. (above), GO. said yesterday that Indian women were copying Western and American ways of life and losing their sense of values. Slip said: “If this trend of copying the Western and
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  • 171 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. A $250,000 building to house old flies and other official documents is to be built at Petaling Jaya soon. The Chief Archivist, Dr. F.R.J. Verhoeven, announced this at a Press conference In :e today. The present premises the whole second
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  • 114 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 28. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has sent a message expressing “warmest wishes and felicitations” to the Indian President on the occasion of Indian Republic Day. Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, has sent a message to the Indian Prime Minister. Mr. Nehru. The King's
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  • 313 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30. jyjALAYS in business still face a “wall of prejudice,” the Assistant Minister of Commerce and Industry, Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman, said today. Because of this they had not so far made much headway. Though there had been a lot of verbal
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  • 68 14 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 30 The Federation Police have bought 56 motor-cycles fo: their traffic po'ice. A police spokesman said today that the motor-cycles would be distributed to various traffic branches in the Federation. So far he added, only nine motor-cycles have arrived The Selangor
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  • 159 14 I/UALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30.—A British town and country planning expert is to assist in the preparation of regional development plans in the Federation. He is Mr. George Henry Franklin, who will be sent to Malaya soon by the British Government under the Colombo
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  • 62 14 TELUK ANSON, Jan. 30—From March 1 the 240 daily-rated staff in the Teluk Anson Town Council will be placed on a monthly rate of pay A proposal to this effect by the Alliance whip, Mr Wall King Jool, was unanimously adopted by the council last night.
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  • 155 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30. i COMMITTED nus been formed to protest against the recent election of Inche Adnan bin Ma’ah *i former $4OO-a-month schoolteacher, as the new I'lidang oi Rembau The post carries a monthiv salary of $2 GOO. Inche Adnan. 31. was chosen
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  • 87 14 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28 Maria Joanne Rajendran, nee Maria Joanne Monkivitch, who petitioned for a divorce alleging adultery on the part ot her husband. Aruniugam Rajendran. a civil engineer employed by the City Council, was granted a decree nisi by Mr Justice Chua in the High Court
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  • 108 14 pENANG, Jan. 30. Fifteen Christian leaders from Borneo met Penang Christian leaders at a conference at the State Government Building here today. The meeting, which lasted two hours, was presided over by the Chief Minister. Dato Wong Pow Nee. There was a discussion on
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  • 192 14 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. pRINCE Richard, the 18-year-old younger son of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, today had a taste of life in a plantation when he visited the oil palms of Malaya Estate at Layang Layang. Johore. Accompanied by his school friend, Richard Cazenove,
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  • 82 14 SINGAPORE, Jan. 30.—Dr. Lee Siew Choh, chairman of Barisan Sosialis and Legislative Assemblyman for Queenstown, has written to the Director of Education to ask: “Don’t you even have the courtesy to acknowledge mv letter?” Dr Lee’s letter recalled that three weeks ago he had written
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  • 43 14 SEREMBAN, Jan. 30—Dr. Hugh tinker an authority on Commonwealth and international affairs, 'oriay warned that Malaya would t«n I a led If it did awav with English. He was speaking to British Anm officers and their wives at Rasah Hall here.
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  • 205 14 Kuala lumpur Jan. 30.—The railway services will be restored to pre-st rike standards by Feb. 8 an official of the Malavan Railway Administration said today. The Administration wa> however, considering scran” ping some of the se:vice> which have not been econo', mical. Services along the
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  • 160 14 1ZUALA LUMPUR, Jar 30. The 4,000* strong National Union of Bank Employees has set Feb. 15 as the target date for deciding whether to take industrial action to settle its bonus demand The secretary of the Kua'a Lumpur branch. Mr. A.M John, said
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  • Article, Illustration
    803 15 Dato Kamaruddin says Indonesia fears that Malaysia might be turned into ‘another Seato’ KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30 THE Malayan Ambassador, Da to Haji Kamaruddin bin Haji Idris, has been recalled > from Jakarta. He returned H today and will stay here I indefinitely. He told reporters at Kuala
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  • 592 15 Kuala lumpur. Jan. 28. —Dato Sir John Hay, chairman of Guthrie Estate Agency Ltd., warned today that it would be “highly dangerous’’ to subsidise production of specialty natural rubbers. Such a proposal had been made, he said It could lead importing
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  • 206 16 OENANG, Feb. 1. The chairman of the Penang division of the Socialist Front, Mr. Ooi Thiam Siew, today accused the State Government of “closing its eyes” to the active participation in politics of Government servants, contrary to regulations. “This Is deplorable especially
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  • 80 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 1.—A British gynaecologist, prof C.H.G MacAfee. will visit Singapore for 10 days from Feb. 4 during which he will act as external examiner and give a lecture. Prof MacAfee, who is a vice-president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, will
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  • 431 16  -  by- TAN TOCK SAIK KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 1. WOMAN who left Malaya 25 years ago to get married has returned from India with her four children following the death of her husband. Mrs. Padma Shivam got entry permits for herself and her
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  • 160 16 PEKAN, Feb. 1. THE Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin A Hussein, said today that landless people who have the means to develop new land without Government aid should be encouraged to do so. Tun Razak was speaking at the district rural development committee
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  • 68 16 MELBOURNE, Jan. 30.—Miss Wong Kam Thye, 22, ol Ipoh, sat up in bed yesterday for the first time since her three-hour heart operation at Prince Henry’s Hospital. Melbourne, nine days ago. Miss Wong said she would like to stay In Australia and study
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  • 92 16 ITL ALA LI MPUR. Feb 1 Tazuko Ichinoseki star dancer of the Holiday in Japan troupe, who arrived here today. will be screened by the police tomorrow before she i> allowed to dance at a Kuala Lumpur night spot If they give the «oahead she
    here a month — S‘rails Times picture.  -  92 words
  • 31 16 IPOH, Feb. I—The police warned members of the public toaa> against letting off firecrackers, which are still banned In M.'*a\a A spokesman said action would be taken against offenders
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  • 179 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 30 POUR World Bank 1 officials will arrive here next week to examine the feasibility of a common market arrangement for the Malaysian territories The team’s leader. Professor Jacques L RuefT came here In October last year for preliminary talks with government officials
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  • 435 17 the ‘TERRIFYING’ INCREASE FOR HEALTH AND EDUCATION SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. Till: Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr. Lee 11 Kuan Yew, has expressed concern over the Inumbei of incomplete abortions and the tragedy L unwanted children in the state. I Mr Lee referred to this in
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  • 239 17 V U A L A LUMPUR. I f*Jan. 31. Fourteen I Asian nations who atI haded ECAFE s trade talks in I il.nakok have welcomed I a s n by Malaya I th it “fair play code” I t >: trade among
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  • 24 17 J ,M 31 Federation 1 (h will ue in r* s,,u| ium Nopara on u„ s «m be state mSS& fr m
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  • 197 17 ALA LUMPUR, Jan. 31. Malaya is among II Asian countries which will get aid for economic development from the United Nations Special Fund. A United Nations Information Service Press statement disclosed today that the Fund's governing council has authorised a five-y ear USS 2.4
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  • 55 17 KLANG, Jan. 31.—A sehooli. Thee Ah Lok, 12. was mred by a pig in Pandamaram new village today. She was injured in the abdomen and has been placed in the danger list in the hos•ital here. A passerby went to her help when he heard her
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  • 39 17 IPOH. Fob. I—Mrs Kamala Devi Chattopadhyaya, chairman of the Indian Handicrafts Board In New Delhi, and authoress, will give a public lecture in English on "Inditin Culture” at the Anglo-Chin-ese School here at 6 p.m tomorrow.
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  • 392 17 PENANG, Jan. 31. f £IIE chairman of the City Council's transport committee, Mr. Lee Kok Liang, said today the present government policy on the admission of Malay capital into the transport industry was “shrivelling our very flesh.” “It’s absurd to apply this principle to
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  • 110 17 LUMPUR. Jan. 30. —The Commissioner for the Federal Capital. Haji Ismail bin Panjang Aris. announced today the purchase of 60 acres of land at Gombak for municipal stall housing. Forty acres had already been purchased at $10,500 an acre with an option to buy the
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  • 57 17 KLANG, Jan. 31 The AJ1 lance Party here will hold two rallies to thank the public for electing their candidate, Inche Adnan bln Chlk, at the state byeleetton cn Jan. 12. One rally will be held at Slmpang Empat here tomorrow night and the
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  • 463 18 IPOH. Feb. 1 r £HE Ipoh Municipality has decided that its finance and establishments committee should investigate and report on the implications of converting its 1,138 daily-rated em- ployees to monthly pay. This followed the Introduction of a motion by Mr. Wong
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  • 37 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 1 A fruit seller. Tun Hock Kuin, 37, was admitted to the General Hospital here tonight with serious head Injuries after falling from a moving bus near the Batu Road Post Office.
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  • 365 18 SiNGAPORE, Feb. 1 WORK on the Jurong port, which is expectf V ed to become one of the biggest bulk handling harbours in Asia eventually, will begin in March—and the first ships will be able to come alongside by December. The Singapore Economic Development
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  • 48 18 SINGAPORE. Jan. 30—A landlord Tan Eng Chiang, was fined jjUU oy a maglstiate lor not suonitnng Income tax returns of his 1961 earnings within the pre cribed 21 day*- to the Comptroller »t Income lax lan who nad four similar conictions. pleaded guilty.
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  • 20 18 KLANG, Feb. I—Mr. Goh Tiang Chin nas peon re-elected chairman of the Local Association of Boy Scouts here.
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  • 437 18 A warning after attack on ‘Malay capital KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 1. 'JHE Assistant Minister of Commerce and In dustry, Haji Khalid bin Awang Osmaa warned today that “irresponsible remarks on Government policy on Malay participation ii business may lead to undesirable consequences.' He was replying to a statement in Penang
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  • 87 18 SINGAPORE, Jan. 30.Singka Kuna Booshanam. o! the Negara Malaya Shipping Corporation, was chargtd z a magistrate’s court today with cheating Tong Serg Lighterage Company of a total of $5,000 on three occasions last year He was alleged to ia cheated the company of
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  • 63 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan 30—IncW Osman bin Haji Shamsuddm director oi tne Malayan Unit, leaves for the United tomorrow for a three-mont 1 awarded under the State I' tV ment’s educational exchancf D gramme Inche Osman will visit :ri American television and ganisatlons to observe
    63 words
  • 18 18 SINGAPORE, Jan. 30 y nr< suspects were detained und Criminal Law (Temporary visions) Ordinance yesterday
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  • 567 19 I .UMPUR, Jan. |K -Nlne-year-okl H vielody showed ,,p is stUl among ti t sprinters In I trai I ace Ot* U yg 1, DIV. 3—6F k v I Y J. I —0T> s v 'I .Pi l' 1 Ifil 4 r,;
    567 words
  • 747 19 I KUALA LUMPUR, F«b. 3C WINNING Stable’s? I Dark Romance II, with Johnny Wilson up, came from last to win a I the fir: 4 running of the 8 Tenv<old Cup over lOf. I Hot favourite Nation- > I al Joy (Garnet Bou- ffourt-;
    747 words
  • 143 19 ITU ALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11 I.—A 10-man Malayan Chinese Association committee, heaaed oy its secretary general, Mr. Cheah Theam Swee, was formed -today to speed up the machinery for the development and improvement of new villages. Announcing this, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, MCA president and
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  • 132 19 ITUCHING, Feb. 3.—The chairman of the Sarawak United People's Party, Mr. One Kee Hoi, declared yesterday his party would give all-out support for Malaysia If Sarawak was granted adequate safeguards. Mr. One said he was waiting for a full InterGoverumental committee report on
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 78 19 BIG TOTAL TOOL > 1—No. *****8 Ppif C 1—No. *****5 (113,921) 4—No. *****9 (9 Mil) Storlora ($879 oook): *****1, *****7, 21*148, *****8, *****4, *****4, *****8, *****8. iittit (MU *****8, *****V *****8, *****9, *****8, *****9. i) *****9, ‘*****1 linn *umc ‘mt:i ■usiw mm ‘66«6si 'tmu •■•M ICU) »»HW) ******9 ‘>***** *1X9X91
      78 words

    • 1187 20 From Our Market Correspondent 4, ,1 ',4\ WELL it happened last week; industrial shares T came down from their inflated prices as soon as the maricet reopened after the Chinese new year. During the week they steadied at times but at the end of the
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    • 11 20 (Managers’ Prtaaa) IS i| -I; Second Bong *<**€ Xt 4*
      11 words
    • 558 20 TWE aftermath cl tiiafl 1 Chinese New earl holidays restricted ad! I ing throughout he 1 week report 8.C.. I Co. Ltd., in their cl em 8 v rubber market repc t I Fluctuations were enM narrow and oper oii 1 were slow to open :e«|
      558 words
    • 61 20 Carnot Date ef Total Total for mjmmt payment for previous year year Austral Amal is. March 15 30% <<88% Austral Malay 3a March 33 < 40% 60% Kaauuiung 74% March 8 60% PMalinc {I oU. 15% 35% Southern Klata la 6d.+ March 33 337*% KopoM Plant f% Feb.
      61 words
    • 41 20 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Feb. 1 Feb. 2 Industrial*: 192.99 193.78 192.99 191.16 192.18 191.97 Tins: 197.77 197.77 197.44 198.95 198.38 106.82 9 Rubbers: 199.67 191.95 192.49 102.49 102.88 192.88 Qec. 29. 1962= 199
      41 words
    • 994 20 THIS table of shares on the -5 Malayan Stock Kxehaafe shows last business to January 26 (A) and last knslnius since that date (B) with H and L staaBlnc for Highest and Lowest business for last year and this year t* date INDUSTRIAL! nil f> it AH*
      994 words