The Straits Budget, 20 June 1962

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAY AS NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ■pries t Kuala Lumpur, June 20, 1962. Price 40 cents (Malaya or 1
    27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 172 1 aa— m mmggm HU Wmm y s»si !»<::v :*>W': it. 1 napi V- V? f y i I m •N y :|$S> >«<•« iSfeyi* V <- >. •-f •,v:-\ 1 I •:•••> > v W&M K'SS&Xv MM •y c* %ir ******^vH8 ft-SSm >■•:>: y v-< RSHI Mi, ifm i 6JT
      172 words

  • 1229 2  -  ON THE DAY OF HIS INSTALLATION AS CHANCELLOh OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA IN KUALA LUMPUR by NG YOOK YOON KUALA LUMPUR. Jun* 15 THE Prime Minis ter, Tengku Abdul Rahman, spoke today—on the eve of his installation as Chancellor of the University of
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  • 68 2 SEREMBAN, June 14.—The Seremban Town Council elected its 1962 president tonight —six months later than provided for in its constitution. The attention of the Council was drawn to this matter by the State Government on Tuesday and an emergency meeting was held immediately after the monthly
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  • 40 2 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14. —Special 10-cent, 20-cent and 50-cent postage stamps will be on sale throughout the Federation from July 21 to mark National Language Month. Sale of official first-dav covers will begin on June 21
    40 words
  • 214 2 JZ UA L A LUMPUK. Y June 13. Bright youngsters who cannot find places in Higher School Certificate classes can join further education classes where H.S.C. subjects are also being taught. A Ministry of Education spokesman said this today in reply to a complaint
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 292 3 1 Times. June 11 I ,nths. martial I l.tU'd in Pakistan, IV, "*1 I ying, however, I 10 has not been f 1 1 the new coni' brought into trace of the r'V of o.rliamentary der:;V east aside when Pre|A Khan look over l.V fJrcv lies in a
      1 Times. June 11  -  292 words
    • 190 3 —Straits Times. June 11 r t further releases K Ann rican stockpile iicum of grief, ingenuity about e *>ts required for 1 additional 12,000 Jr rubber which Tho Defencc r rf vlsin 8 its certain sizes ‘ding mater- of a high m ore nthetic rubber, nat u
      —Straits Times. June 11  -  190 words
    • 618 3 —Straits Times. June 12 It is all too true, as Mr. Cheah Theam Swee says, that as long as the American Government does not clarify its intentions on the disposal of tin from the stockpile, the market will be upset by rumour and uncertainty. Unfortunately the
      —Straits Times. June 12  -  618 words
    • 257 3 —6traits Times, June 12 The Government’s announcement that it intends to take drastic measures against new squatting on State land comes none too soon. Unauthorised building has become an increasingly serious problem, felt most acutely in areas where development is in progress. Penang, Ipoh, Malacca, Klang —all the
      —6traits Times, June 12  -  257 words
    • 755 3 —Straits Times, June 13 President Kennedy’s assurances on the fair disposal of surplus stockpile tin went down the drain in the Senate stockpile sub-committee hearing on Monday. The plans for disposal have been so devised that “there will be no undue market impact,” said Mr. M. Connell,
      —Straits Times, June 13  -  755 words
    • 307 3 —Straits Times, June 13 Speaking at the opening of the Municipal low-cost flats at Sungei Besi, the Federal Capital Commissioner, Haji Ismail bin Panjang Aris, dropped a strong hint that a separate housing administrative department may soon be set up in Kuala Lumpur. Such a self-contained unit, adequately
      —Straits Times, June 13  -  307 words
    • 677 4 —Straits Times. June 14 If 1961 was a turning point, 1962 looks like being a year of decision, observes the Sarawak Government’s official annual report, published as Sarawak awaits, with North Borneo, the recommendations of the Cobbold Commission. Whatever the outcome of the Commission's inquiry, the stimulus
      —Straits Times. June 14  -  677 words
    • 368 4 —Straits Times. June 14 Out of date though it is, the report of Singapore's Inland Revenue Department for 1960 is worth more than passing interest, for in the period under review the income tax authorities were given new and wider powers to combat evasion. Secrecy provisions in the
      —Straits Times. June 14  -  368 words
    • 224 4 —Straits Times. June 14 The story of the six buildings that blossomed on a plot of State land off Circular Road on Saturday night, and were open for business on Sunday, evokes a grudging admiration. Yet if this can happen in the Federal Capital, what other feats of
      —Straits Times. June 14  -  224 words
    • 705 4 tra s Jan" In the broadcast forum last night on Singapore’s national referendum bill the air fairly rang with demands for a single question to be put to the electorate. A simple question that can be answered by a plain yes, or a plain no. With all
      ®tra'(s Jan"  -  705 words
    • 204 4 —Straits June 15 As one nomination day fol. lows another in the nationwide series of 1 teal counc; elections, scores of free seats continue to flow into Alliance keeping. Yesterday the second round of nominations in Perak (there are two more to comet gave 84 out of
      —Straits June 15  -  204 words
    • 158 4 Ill Dir 11 —Straits r i:L The American pi' e j 4 been boxing the with its Wall St: < et coM*m Last week Mr. Kennedy wj being urged to rescue the twj bitten. Now comes the soj suggestion that hie husinej or part of it. is hoping
      Ill Dir 11 —Straits r’i:L'  -  158 words

  • 154 5 I»0TA BHARU. June K 10 S«t. Zainuddin bin wahah. who was to among the b22 officers and men of the 2r.ri Bn.. Royal Miia> Regiment, leaving on June 15 for the Coniio. was today killed in t road accident here. He w
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  • 64 5 hv Iu «>« 10—The K'i B-ti, un Mamie M control of the cl ln the State I 1 their candll Ine oi the 12 F?ht 'fnpedak last hje oti-,. Peka: u p seat> all r :ir d were ll ance made ix si- ,t
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  • 613 5  -  by K. BASKARAN MENON KUANTAN, June 10 JJUNDREDS of people have swamped the State Secretariat here in the last two days, seeking more details of the rich iron ore find o in South Pahang. The State Secretary. Dato Ismail bin Mohamed Jamil, said today
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  • 134 5 SHARIF All SALIVA, eldest daughter of the King and Queen, makes a speech at the Balai Besar, Arau. during her visit to her home State on June 10 wi'h her husband Tengku Suleiman. On behalf of herself and her husband, she thanked the people of
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  • 396 6 Number up ‘by at least 30 per cent’ KUALA LUMPUR. June 10. ACCORDING to a woman sharebroker here today, the number of her women clients lias increased by at least JO per cent since last year. This point emerged when a reporter made mquiries. following
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  • 39 6 KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 —A “Miss Golden Voice ot Selangor’' competition will be held in the Kuala Lumpur Exchange Building here on June 20 Female telephone operators ot the Selangor region will take part in the event
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  • 293 6 SINGAPORE, June 10 T'HE first congress of A Muslim organisations today unanimously resolved to accept a social uplift tax plan. A committee was set up to study its implementation. An exhortation to Muslims to “wake up to pool our scattered resources into an irresistible
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  • 153 6 Kuala lumpur, June 10. Toh Puan L e o n g Yew Koh, 68, wife of the Minister of Justice, Tun Leong Yew Koh. died in the Assunta Hospital in Petaling Jaya at 11 p.m. today after a heart attack. Tun Leong was
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  • 314 6 SINGAPORE, June 10. r rHE Minister for Culture, Mr. S. Rajaratnam. 1 warned today that certain “reckless and destructive trouble-makers” were trying to create suspicion and disunity among the various races. “These reckless and irresponsible elements are not Interested in doing solid
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  • 137 6 Kuala h mpi r. June u Mr. Richard Yap. .sec. retary-general of United National Kaadzan Organisation of North Borneo, said yesterday that only big Chinese businessmen in his country opposed Ma. laysia. He added: “As for the other people, especially the local people, they
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  • 73 6 AtLOR STAR. June 11-J l Government o c ing a $l3O milium irr.**-" scheme in Kedah, the n l Minister. Tengku Abd... man. told a crowd 01 '’eat 200 people in Kuala the end of a twe -dav tour the State. He said the
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  • 106 6 SINGAPORE, June 10.—The Chairman of the Siglap branch of the Singapore People’ Alliance. Mr Koh Tee Kin, and five other members of the branch committee have resigned from the party The others are inche Ismail Haji Rais (vice-chair-man). Mr J Chelliah (secretary) Mr
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  • 333 7 minister denies uplift scheme H/i$ FAILED TO REACH PEOPLE KLUANG, June 10. P|j\ idul Kazak yesterday denied allega1 ti „,w that the rural development pioiramr.ii hud failed to reach the people. r He s 4id the people, right down to those in the .v
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  • 40 7 KLANG. June 10.—A mass parade of 400 Umno youths from eight branches will oe held here on June 17 to mark the visit of the Umno Youth chairman and Minister of Transport, Dato Haji Sardon bin Hail Jubir
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  • 153 7 I PENANG. June 10. NT” A IN ED teachers of English in fully-assisted Chinese schools will be given a last chance to 'raiin-cl during the end-of-term holidays. :isiVe three-week will be given at the 1'.aM..,:; lechers’ College in a: ‘‘uci Kuala Lumpur the August and
    153 words
  • 43 7 KUALA KANGSAR, June 10. Mr. D. Bennett, the Chiet Education Officer, Perak, who L leaving on retirement soon, was entertained here last night to a farewell dinner by the old boys and the present and nnst stall of the Clifford School.
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  • 107 7 KUALA LUMPUR. June 10. The World Muslim Conierence. which ended in Bagdad recently, Ls to send a note to the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman. congratulating him on his foresight in proposing the formation of Malaysia. This was stated today
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  • 76 7 TELUK ANSON. June 10— Mr. K. V. Swamy, president of the Andhra Association of Malaya today called on Telegus in Malaya “to learn the national language as quickly as possible and be loyal to the Federation of Malaya and the King.” He was speaking at
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  • 162 7 JOHORE BAHRU. June 10 AN appeal to the police to allow for a period of educating the public before rigidly enforcing any new traffic regulation was made by Mr Tan Peng Khoon (AH.-Bandar Penggaram) speaking at yesterday’s meeting of the Johore Legislative Assembly. Mr.
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  • 310 7 IPOH, June 10 'J'HE Alliance in Perak is aiming its Statewide electioneering campaign for local councils at the “parish pump” level. Eight teams have already tanned out to various parts of the State and will continue the campaign until the last of
    310 words
  • 230 7 Jane 10. Sharifah Salwa, eldest daughter of the King and Queen, and her husband, Tengku Suleiman of Johore, were accorded a rousing welcome today when she returned to hir home State for a twoday visit. A big crowd, including more than 1,000 schoolchildren, lined the
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  • 309 8 KUALA IUMPUR. June 10 1 ADAM Chee Soo Ngah, 50, at 6 a.m. today put a young burglar to flight with her umberlla. Madam Chee caught the burglar by the arm in her shop In Batu Road and asked him:
    —Straits Times picture.  -  309 words
  • 208 8 PENANG. June 10. r rHE Governor of Penang, Raja Tun Uda Al-Haj. today declared open the first piped svstem of water supply to Pulau Jerejak, an island ott the cast coast of Penang. “This marks one of the happiest occasions in the history of
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  • 190 8 KUALA LUMPUR, June 10.—A “boating paradise' is being planned for the National zoo In Ulu Klang, the chairman of the council of the Malayan Zoological Society, Mr. V. M. Hutson, said today He added that facilities would be provided for sailing and rowing in the
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  • 306 8 KUALA LUMPUR, June IQ THE Federation Government has a, rwrt 1 nut the claims for revision ot sahru.TV 0 sul> nne officers to arbitration, the Minister",?/ rev Inche Bahaman bin Shamsudin n.,, buUt today. announced He was opening the annual delegates conference of the Customs
    306 words
  • 193 8 jrfUCHING, June 10, The appeal of Holl Tini. chairman of tl Mimanggang branch! the Sarawak Unite People’s Party, again his conviction undi the Public Order Ord nance of making a fal statement likely cause public alarm despondency, was di missed by the Kuchfi High
    193 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 41 8 HHutimmiHiiiiHimiimiimtii—mnmiwinm^ STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable m advance) Singapore Kuala Lumpur No pottage F ed Malaya Br. North Borneo incl. postage Br. C wealth Foreign incl postage United Kingdom F.ostern Australia Only by Express Airfreight j by E UNfUMNtHtttlllMIMlmtMIMHMMMtNtNMmNH i J
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  • 304 9 Advice to women unionists: Don’ t expect favours |£UALA LUMPUR, June 11.—The Minister for Labour, Inche Bahaman bin Samsudin, told women trade unionists here today that they should not seek special concessions “just because your are women Inche Bahaman, who was opening —.A. a trade unionism course for women said:
    304 words
  • 78 9 )|1» tno Bing Sum abow). former pupil of the Bukit Bintang Girl’s ‘School. Kuala LumpuT, has tjkt n a Bachelor of Arts honours magnum cum laude) degree at Clarke I toll»‘go. in Dubuque, lowa, one oi the oldest women’s c °H p
    78 words
  • 375 9 SINGAPORE, June 11 rpHE sponsors of the Muslim social development voluntary tax plan which was adopted by the first Congress of Muslim Organisations here yesterday, hope to raise $250,000 in the State. This sum will come from some 10,000 Muslims employed
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  • 217 9 |fp 4: SINGAPORE, June 11. oi the Workers’ Party, Mr. David 5 today protested against Radio ariangements for a forum on the i!,; :fn Bl scheduled for recording to- to Mr Jon-. ca&tiVi of die broadm J ‘4 ,!:v n Mr. Marsnai) li V h
    217 words
  • 189 9 KUALA LUMPUR, June 1 1 rpHE Federation Military College is recruiting officer cadets for the Federation Army, Royal Malayan Navy, and the Royal Malayan Air Force. Applicants must be Federal citizens and must have attained the age of 17| years but not their 21st birthday,
    189 words

  • 275 10 OJ, iQfin IRRIGATION SCHEME FOR DOUBLE CROPS IN KEDAH, PERu s CANALS WILL COVER 252,000 ACRES: A NEW HYDRO PLANT ALSO PROPOSED KUALA LUMPUR, June 11. SIX-POINT $130 million irrigation plan has been drawn up lor padi cultivation in Kedah and Perlis. It includes proposals
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  • 59 10 SINGAPORE, June 11—The Vice-Chancellor of Nanyang University, Dr. Chuang Chu Lin. today announced the appointment of Dr, Chaucer C.F. Yang as head of the Department of Industrial Management in place of Professor Wallace Liu. who has resigned. Dr. Yang recently returned after a nine-month tour
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  • 40 10 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11— Thirty-one Malayan Muslims, including six women, returned by air today after a pilgrimage to Mecca. The party included Tengku Mandak binte Tengku Mustapha. wife of the late Mentri Besar of Pahang.
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  • 98 10 IFOH, June 11.—Negotiations between the Malayan Mining Employers’ Association and the All-Malayan Mining Industry Stall Union, which had reached deadlock in December last year, were resumed here today. Conference sources indicated. however, that today’s talks also had not progressed satisfactorily. The union’s negotiating team will
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  • 45 10 SINGAPORE. June 11.—The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan .Yew, will address members of the four chambers of commerce, who will hold a dinner at the Cathay Restaurant on the night of June 13 to welcome him back from his recent world tour.
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  • 47 10 SINGAPORE, June 11.—The leader of the Workers’ Party. Mr. David Marshall, will speak on “Towards Fascism” to members of the Singapore National Union of Journalists at its annual meeting on the morning of June 17. Mr. Marshall is the legal adviser of the union.
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  • 21 10 MALACCA, June 11—Thirtythree Rotarians from South Malaya attended an intercity meeting at the Town Hall here at the week-end-
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  • 104 10 MISS ANNA ONG, 19, a receptionist, who was crowned “Masquerade Queen” at a gala ball at the Selangor Club. Kuala Lumpur. She won the title from 12 other contestants. She gets a free return air trip to Hong Kong, a silver cup and a large
    Kuala Lumpur. — Straits Times picture.  -  104 words
  • 101 10 Four thugs take children’ s piggy bank’ Kuala lumpur. June 11 Eight children aged between six and 14 were studying their school lessons round a table in their home in Ipoh Road here yesterday when four youths in drainpipe trousers walked in by the bacK door. The four then ransacked
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  • 64 10 Old-folks’-home stabbing MALACCA, June 11—Two inmates of an old people’s home in Jonker Street here were admitted to the General Hospital this morning with stab wounds The condition of one of them, Kwong Ah Choo. 80. was stated to be serious while the other, Wong Heng Lock. 60. was not
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  • 170 10 K A J LUMPUR June ii. Mr A u thony Leong, son St Tim lB 6 01 Jllst ‘ce, Tun Leong Yew Koh will carry out his mother's last wi sh and many his Singapore fiancee on June lb. T°h Puan Leung aied after
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  • 26 10 PENANG. June 11. The Governor. Raja Tun Uda a!* Haj. today opened the new 5500.000 building of the American International Assurance Company in Penang
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  • 104 10 SINGAPORE. June 11. |>ARTY Rakyat Singapore is facing a c risis after the recent resignation of its chairman. low Amir bin Haji Omar, who accused the party or being "chauvinistic. Now, it is understood party factions are fig;™ over the question of whetne the
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  • 44 10 KANGAR, June 11—Th e Alliance scored a clean sweep in both the Kaki Bukit and Mahang local councils in Perils and South Kedah last night. The Alliance captured all 12 seats in Kaki Bukit and nine seats at Mahang.
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  • 83 10 SINGAPORE, June 11. An Englishman has asked the Straits Times to help trace his uncle, who has been missing for 38 years. In his letter, Mr. John Teesdale, of Basildon, Essex, said that his uncle Charles Teesdale, “disappeared” in I 1924, while sen
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  • 90 11 WO pretty girls doing the Tari Piring" Saucer Dance before the bridal couple. Syed Hussin bin Abu Bakar Al|otfre and Che Sharifah Fatimah, at their wedding in Petaling jaya on the night of |une 10. fed Hussin is with the Public Works Department in Malacca. The
    Straits Times picture.  -  90 words
  • 106 11 U A L A LUMPUR, June li. The i;" nevv s bulletin of J® 10 Malaya went off e a ’.r today because 11 a Power failure. S?han is}eners w °ndtfred w as the radio Th ilureV 1: transmission *110 ,#ntral Electrl
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  • 308 11 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11. f JTHE Assistant Minister of the Interior, Inche Ismail bin Yusof, today spoke of an organisation which put up illegal buildings on State land on weekends and holidays, then sold them to “unsuspecting’’ people. Inche Ismail announced that “new and extensive”
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  • 53 11 KUALA LUMPUR, June 11 The Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, will visit the 1st Bn Royal Malay Regiment at Sungei Besi tomorrow. He will also visit the headquarters of the 2nd Infantry Brigade and the 5th Bn., Royal Malay Regiment at Ipoh
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  • 127 11 PENANG, June 11.—Federal citizens of Indian or Chinese origin should no longer be concerned with the countries from which they or their forefathers originally came, the Chief Minister, Inche Aziz Ibrahim, declared today. “Our loyalty and devotion,” he said when declaring open
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  • 18 11 TELUK ANSON, June 11.—A youth section of the Hilir Perak division of Umno was formed yesterday.
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  • 195 11 OINGAPORE, June 11. Forty leftwing trade unions here intead to defy a Government ban on a mass meeting to “discuss” the Referendum Ini!. Notice of this was given to the police this morning by four of the 11 conveners. The meeting will be held
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  • 107 11 PENANG, June 11.—A former chairman of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Saw Seng Keu' was today elected president of the Penang M.C.A. He succeeds another rubber magnate, Mr. Heah Joo Seang, who died in London last month. Mr. Saw, a
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  • 49 11 SEREMBAN, June 11—The “Devil’s Elbow”, a sharp bend four and a quarter miles from here on the road to Kuala Lumpur, has now been straightened by a deviation which cost $100,000. At least six people lost their lives in accidents in recent years at this bend.
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  • 201 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June 12. Plans are being made for a 100-member ASA culture group to tour major towns in the Federation during the forthcoming State visit of the King and Queen of Thailand. The Director of Information Services, Inche Mohamed Sopiee. said today
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  • 58 12 KUALA LUMPUR. June 12. A school-bus ran off the road and crashed into the Railway Recreation Club building at Brickfields Road here this morning. The bus was on its way to Petaling Jaya to pick up school children. The driver and the conductor, who
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  • 24 12 KANGAR. June 12.—A Member of Parliament and Perlis State Assemblyman, Haji Mokhtar bin Haji Ismail, today resigned from the State Development committee.
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  • 110 12 LUMPUR, June 12. —The Federation Court of Appeal today allowed a former $225 a month clerk, Gurbachan Singh, to proceed with his appeal against judgement for $10,853 in connection with a dispute over tin shares. It dismissed with costs an application by
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  • 516 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 'J'HE head of an employers* association, Mr. J. N. St. G. Kirke, said today trade unions in Malaya are no more the “indifferent hit-and-run affairs of yesteryear” but are well organised and led by men skilled in the
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  • 40 12 IPOH. June 11.—Five masked men, armed with daggers and screwdrivers, held up Mr. Chin Sung Yee, a school teacher, and his family in their home in Knmpar Road and stole cash and jewellery together valued at 5315.
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  • 113 12 vfALACCA, June 12. Four schoolgirls were admitted to the General Hospital here last night with acid burns. Their condition was said to be not serious. The four are Chan Kim Swee, 20, Chong Chai Lee. 12, Ong Geok Lian. 18. and Goh Kim Geok,
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  • 148 12 K UALA 1 MPI’R, June u Federal Minister of Transport and Aviation, Mr. RA. NJoS (above), arrived here by air today for discussions with the Minister of Transport, Dato Haji Sardon bin Hail Jubir. In an airport interview Mr. Njoku. who is
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  • 30 12 HANGAR. June 11 —Sharif S iu>a. p’ r t dauehu: < King and Queen band. Tengku Suleiman, day inspect d rurai ment nroiects in the md hnmp State here.
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  • 342 12 SINGAPORE, June 12 rpHE Singapore People’s Alliance tonight said that the people in the state should be given a third alternative in the referendum on merger with the Federation. This, said the party’s secretary-general, Mr. Lee Kim Chuan, in a statement, should be wnether
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  • 92 13 THE Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Raxak bin Hussein, tries his hand with a rifle during a visit to the Sungei Besi camp of the Ist Bn., Royal Malay Regt., on |une 12. He fired three shots on the camp’s miniature range, but
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  • 206 13 KUALA LUMPUR, June. 12 JJALAYA’S armed forces are to be expanded and reorganised with better training [acilitk s not only to preserve internal peace but also, if required, “to meet enemies from outside." The Deputy Prime Minlsw and Minister of Defence, '-n Abdul Razak bin Hussaid
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  • 131 13 KUALA LUMPUR. June. 12 —An “international bazaar” will be held at the Chinese Assembly Hall here on Sept. 29 and 30 to raise funds for the Lady Templer Hospital. The target is $25,000. This was announced today by the District Officer, Inche Sidek bin Abdul Latif,
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  • 59 13 IPOH, June 12. Two brothers, Messrs. T. K. Paul and P. K. Paul. English school teachers from Malacca, will hold a three-day exhibition of finger paintings at the YMCA here from Friday. The exhibition sponsored by the Perak Arts Council, will be opened by Mr. S. P.
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  • 62 13 SEREMBAN, June 12. —Dr Ho Seng Ong. chairman of the Malayan Church Council, will address a meeting here on June 22, called to form the Negri Sembilan branch of the council. The meeting will be held at the Wesley Church at 5.15 p.m. Dr. Ho
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  • 38 13 PENANG, June 12.—The Federation’s Pilgrimage Control Officer, Haji All Rouse, who was awarded the A.M.N. on the King’s birthday last week, was entertained at dinner by about 50 friends at the Indonesian Restaurant last night.
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  • 186 13 iriLANG, June 12. Malay parents were advised today against saving to buy motor-cycles and jewellery while their children go barefooted to school. The Selangor Mentrl Besar, Dato Abu Bakar bin Baginda, gave this advice when he opened a maternity clinic at Kampong
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  • 174 13 PENANG, June 12. The Penang Socialist Front has asked its -.anches throughout the state to submit names of eligible candidates for consideration as the party’s nominees for all 1963 and 1964 elections at Federal, state, city and rural levels. The chairman, Mr. 00l Thlam Slew,
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  • 106 13 ,pENANG. June 12. The British Air Minister, Mr. Julian Amery, will visit the R.A.A.F. base in Butterworth tomorrow. Mr. Amery will arrive by R.A.F. Comet with Mrs. Amery, Air Marshal Hector McGregor, Commander-in-Chlef, Far East Air Force. Air Vice Marshal T O. Prickett, asst, chief of
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  • 439 14 SYMINGTON PLAN COST TAXPA YENS MILLIONSU.S. MINEcm Fr KUALA LUMPUR, June 13. Vf R. N. CLEAVELAND, president of the 1 Pacific Tin Consolidated Corporation, believes that disposals from the United States strategic stockpile will be geared to the prices prevailing when
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  • 212 14 Kuala lumpur, June 13. The Nigerian Federal Minister of Transport and Aviation, Mr. R.A. Njoku, said here today that the people in Malaya who received land under land development schemes should consider themselves very lucky. He said that in his country no state land was given
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  • 193 14 SINGAPORE, June 13 The chairman of the Singapore People’s Alliance, Tun Lim Yew Hock, today said the explanation given by the P.A.P. Political Bureau for not inviting the S.P.A. to take part in yesterday’s Radio Singapore forum on the merger referendum was “weak and unacceptable”.
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  • 328 14 KUALA LUMPUR, .June p JHE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman announced today the composition oi his team for the Malaysia talks in London early next month. The team will include the Deputy Prime Mu n. ter and Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Razak o’Hussein,
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  • 58 14 1P0H, June ttFine And Dandy winner of the 3.03 race here toda>. paid dividends ot S396 (win) and (place). He earned only 47 win tickey. Fine And Dandy ridden by an apprentice, I* mau Asban. beat another outside Marigold, in a do> e finish and the
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  • 58 14 SINGAPOhK 1 V; d ,J Alter a youth r tnn to two char'4f 1 ;y t p asked the may’. hl M him on pmba M d a mother t« sister to sl, J7P’ !l r < P 11 But Tan Th was rejeeted <y v h0
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 96 14 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Estate Activities in Hong Kong aad the Far East. CONTAINS full occounts, plons, perspectives and photographs of now and projected constructions in Hong Kong ond other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned in
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  • 1325 15 SINGAPORE, June 13. »»Ht£ Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, tonight spoke IT of the Double-M age—“Machine age for Malaysia” L a t dinner given in his honour by the joint chamLers of commerce. i ec said: “As a trading community I i iV
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  • 198 15 MALACCA, June 13.There was much speculation here today as to who will be elected the next president of the Malacca Municipal Council. The present line up in the council is: Alliance 5: Socialist Front 5; Malayan Party 2. Under the present system.
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  • 25 15 IPOH, June 13— Mr. Ng Chee Kong was admitted to the Federation Bar today by Mr. Justice Neal in the High Court here.
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  • 279 15  -  By JEFFREY FRANCIS Kuala Lumpur, June 13 teacher at the Kok Min National Type School in Gemas is alleged to have forced 12 boys to eat grass recently because they failed in their school exams. The allegation is made in a signed
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  • 36 15 SINGAPORE. June 14 Revenue from tobacco duties during the first five mouths of this year totalled $13,437.000 $1,200,000 more titan tin* corresponding period last year and $1,100,000 more than the estimates.
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  • 32 15 BANTING, June 14.—Cash relief totalling $355 was given to 10 tuberculosis sufferer> bv the Kuala Langat branch of the Malayan Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis this month
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  • 239 16 How Govt, officers can reach the Tengku’s target KALA LUMPUR, June 15. A BLUEPRINT on how the Federation Government can have all its officers qualified in the national language by the target year 1967 is to be submitted to the National Whitley
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  • 74 16 JOHORE BAHRU. June 14. The Sultan of Johore will officially unveil a $30,000 cenotaph built near the Straits of Johore at Jalan Seudai at 9.30 a m. on July 1. The ceremony will be attended by representatives of the three armed services and members of
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  • 30 16 BANTING, June 14Senator Athi Nahappan. president of the Selangor Malayan Indian Congress, will aJJress the seventh annual meeting of the Sepang M.I.C. at Sungel Pelek on June 24
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  • 306 16 PENANG, June 15 ALTHOUGH the Government might not have achieved “Utopia” in trying to improve the standard 'of living of the people, it was doing its best ‘‘to get as near to it as possible,” the Chief Minister, Inche Aziz Ibrahim,
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  • 73 16 LUMPUR, June 13. Malaya with 965 students topped the list of overseas students taking Australian correspondence course s under the Colombo Plan this year. According to a statement from the Australian High Commission today, there are a total of 2,723 overseas students from 11 Asian countries
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  • 720 16  -  by VALERIE NG KPALA LUMPUR June 15. —One of Malaya’s proudest achievements is its university, established in the Federal capital three years ago. Laid out in Pantai Valley, a lew miles from the heart of the city, the university is up-to-date in design and teaching
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  • 93 16 U.N. RAILWAY CONFE RENCY KUALA LUMPUR, June 13— The “very satisfactory” development of international rail traffic between Malaya and Thailand has been noted by an Ecafe railway conference which has just concluded in Melbourne. Malaya’s delegate to the talks was Mr. A. Kandiah, a senior #J'-- M aW an officer
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  • 273 17 Briefing, then he sets a deadline for preliminary work IPOH, June 14. 4F puty Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, was in a critical mood here today when he ended a briefing on rural development proas in Perak. o. took to task some departments
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  • 138 17 ENANG. June 14.— The Sociali t Front today ttallenged the Penang Alliance to dissolve the Stat* Government as well ail local councils and P to the polls “immediatef as claimed by the MCA., it is wish- Jl thinking on our part jj want to capture
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  • 104 17 SINGAPORE. June 15. The secretary general of the Singapore People’s Alliance, Mr. Lee Kim Chuan, today announced the suspension of the party’s Chua Chu Kang and Bukit Panjang branch. He said that “certain unauthorised activities” detrimental to the party were oeing carried out by a
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  • 190 17 JOHORE BAHRU, JUNE 13 fOHORE Education Department authorities are J blaming rival groups of parents for the strike at the Gooi Rubber Estate Tamil School in Ulu Tiram. about 11 miles from here. A spokesman for the Department said today: “Attempts are now being made
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  • 40 17 KUALA LUMPUR. June 15. The Australian Minister for External Affairs, Sir Garfield Barwick, will arrive here on June 2a during a tour of South-East Asian countries. This will be his first official visit to the Federation.
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  • 32 17 KUCHING, June 14—Malayan film star. P. Ramlee and his wife. Saloma, will perform in an 'Aneka Hiboran Ra’ayat’ here on June 30 to raise funds for the Ra’ayat Secondary School.
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  • 32 17 BATU PAHAT. June 14—A $2 million Irrigation scheme at Tampok will be officially opened by the Minister of Agriculture. Inche Azte bln Ishak, on June 21 at 0 30 a m.
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  • 414 17 KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 |yjALAYA will be double-cropping 100,000 acres under rice by 1964. The target date for selfsufficiency is 1965. The gigantic plan, first started as an experiment in Province Wellesley and Kedah, has now spread to all the 11 states,
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  • 181 17 KUALA LUMPUR, JUNE 13 A CANADIAN Colombo plan expert today praised the quality of made-in-Malaya goods and spoke of the favourable atmosphere in industrial relations here. Mr. Philip Stuchen, who was talking to members of the Rotary Club here, stressed these points: THE FIRST made-in-Malaya trade
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  • 115 17 SINGAPORE, June 13 Three Japanese police narcotics experts were so impressed by Singapore’s opium treatment centre at St. John’s Island that they have recommended that their government build one modelled on it at Yok( \ama. This was disclosed today by a spokesman for the Japanese
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  • 415 18  -  By JEFFREY FRANCIS >: Kuala Lumpur, June 15 Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, will be installed as Chancellor of the University of Malaya tomorrow in a ceremony conducted mainly in the national language. Except for the presentation of congratulatory messages and the Foundation
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  • 109 18 BHARU, June. 15. A seven-year-old girl and a taxi driver were killed in two separate road accidents both involving taxis in Kelantan yesterday evening. Ismail bin Harun. 35. was killed when his taxi and a van collided head-on at the 3rd mile. Kota BharuMachang
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  • 202 18 pENANG, June 13. The Penang branch of the Malayan Chinese Association today predicted that the Alliance would not only retain the State G< vernment in 1904 but would also “put up a good fight against the Socialist Front in the 1963 City Council election.” “W(»
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  • 151 18 Kuala lumpur, June 15. Sharifah Salwa. daughter of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. will present a challenge cud for a floral arrangement competition at the Malayan Agri-Hor-tlcultural Association exhibiticn at Stadium Negara from July 5 to July 9 This will be the first such
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  • 291 18 BATU PAHAT .lITMr, THE Minister of Commerce and iminct. Ell A Mohamed Khir Johari, said here lr Inc opportunities provided by foreign invest,. 0 that participation in new industries hurt, for N expectations. 1 XCee ded k„ He said this when he declared open
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  • 220 18 SINGAPORE. j une 14, A visiting American nusband-and-wife r search team today spoki glowingly of Malaya' progress and its m limited future „*T e have a tre mendousre* §fna for wbat Malaya an fh2? a R?i re are doln and It {kat this country is
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  • 115 18 PENANG, JUNE 15 DETWEEN 8,000 and 10,000 toils of frozen 1 will be shipped to the United States ever. by a Malayan-Japanese tuna Ashing and can company in Penang Malayan Marine Ltd. will start this big PJ drive in October to meet J
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  • 32 18 Bab y in river r 11 The body 0 IPOH. June J 4 ,-7 T foU r a new-born ba til in the Sungei P o0 i) newly-constructed bridge here yc. terd
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  • 819 19  -  By t i :-0M JEEP: IPC; June, ,13 sV insider and a orecast tote f cl of $3,836 ‘hliiii a the second f ni i’erak Derby feetit.. here this EC Dandy, with F rice Ismail sban o?at another Bide i-trigold, in a ose fi, and the $2
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  • 838 19  -  I By EPSOM JEEP: I IPOH June, 17 |]R K.Y. LIM’s Nor- val Lad scored a hock win in the $30,100 Perak Derby over H miles here today. hn outsider in the field 13. Nor val Lad paid ■9 on the win tote. I Race
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  • 134 19 A straight fight with Socialists in S’ gor RANTING, June 17. A straight fight between the Alliance and the Socialist Front will be staged for the 12 seats in the Tanjong Sepat local council elections on July 15. These are the candidates: A Ward: Alliance Urn Cheng Choo, Lee Guan
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  • 73 19 QINGAPORE, June 17. Six people were Injured when a bus travelling towards the city crashed Into a tree near the 3rd milestone Bukit Tlmah Road. They were Hajl Mohammed bln Ibrahim, 41, Kasslm bin Adnan, 35. Ahmad bln Mohammed Yusof, 21, Choo Kee Siong, 28,
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 87 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL 1 145.900 1ST t PRIZE: No. *****4 $38,770. 2ND PRIZE: No. *****3 $18,221. 3RD PRIZE: No *****7 $9,304. STARTERS ($1,384 each): No*. *****0. *****0. *****5. *****2. *****4. *****5. *****3. CONSOLATION ($14)00 each): *****8, *****9. *****4. *****7. *****4. *****6. *****8. *****3. *****6, *****6 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL—$170,400
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    • 1296 20 From Our Market Correspondent fpHE Malayan Stock Exchange last week was decidedly gloomy in sentiment and it would have been remarkable had it been otherwise. Not for a very long time have so many influences converged on the market together. With the tin price at
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    • 513 20 OTOE weakness In the L New York Stock Market made itself felt more strongly here, and the decline that started last week has been extended by over 2 cents report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their weekly Rubber Market report. Overseas markets have shown
      513 words
    • 33 20 (Managers' Prlaaa) First Malayan 1.39 1.47 Second Malayan 1.0ft 1.13 Third Malayan 77 .82 First Hong Koug 1.02 1.08* Second Hong Kong .7S ,80id* Sterling Commodity 4 4/S l*Hong Kong currency).
      33 words
    • 44 20 dune 11 duns 12 duns 13 dune 14 dune 18 dune IS Industrial* 169.44 187.37 163.77 160.24 158 12 158.03 Tins: 267.35 263.83 258.80 254.46 247.71 248.90 ruMtarst 190.58 188.53 188 53 188 53 183 40 183.40 dan. 1 1988 *106
      44 words
    • 993 20 THE state of shares on the A Malayan Stock Exchange show last bnsineos to June 15. (A) and last business since that date (B) with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business this year to date were: INDUSTRIALS Ml A B A'ei Bricks 720 80
      993 words
    • 41 20 l otal i« Current Date of prrvlo* payment payment vj* r Kramat Is. July 18 y] i2'J r Benta Rubber 5%t July 18 8.8. Timber 20% P.O. Lukut 2Mjd. Aug 9 H Sungei Punter 7V4% July 20 t interim.
      41 words