The Straits Budget, 5 July 1961

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA S NATIONAL NfWSPAPtR IVfW .ics ?76. Kuala Lumpur, July 5, 1961. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 43 1 so mm where m 0000 HULK GOES! 4 if 1 m00 <*y*&&s i, u x mm -Vl.-TSv •SS?K>. > 3)* K w/>«T Z* c ™ZK' (Tot \J6 m3 3 r £<!5f McAlister co., Distributors for Malaya Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Penang Port Swettenham Kuching
      43 words

    • 213 2  -  OBSERVER Ipoh IT is neartemng to read that the National Union of Plantation Workers is going to organise youth clubs on Malayan estates The union should have launched this scheme long *How many estate manager* take an interest in the education of
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    • 190 2  -  GILTEDGE Singapore T WAS highly intrigued to read the article by your Market Correspondent for the Malayan Stock Exchange on June 26 when he mentioned that history was made with the quotation of Singapore Government 5|% Loan of 1960 being traded at $100.25. As a holder
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    • 51 2  -  RESIDENT Singapore MANY major accidents have occurred at the junction of Telok Kurau Road and East Coast Road —in the last a man was killed. The reason is plain: the junction is too narrow The Government should widen the junction no matter what It costs and install traffic
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    • 207 2  -  TEACHER Singapore THE Ministry of Education should be congratulated for building mor e and more schools to meet the growing demand for education. To staff the schools, more teachers are urgently required. and the laudable educational policy of the Ministry will be defeated
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    • 256 2  -  T.C.P Klang THE implementation oi the unified salary scheme 1$ a step in curtailing the existing facilities offered to teachers who are not under the Benham scheme. It will result in lowering the facilities offered to teachers much below that of other classes ol
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    • 58 2  -  i III! HI." Singapore THE Central Widen 1 Fund had ben operat Ing for five yen’ and ye the Board of Go' rnors ha not Indicated whether 1 proposes to raise ne P re sent per cent interest year on contribi ns. The' Federal!' has at ready Increased
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    • 43 2  -  V(.N Singapore ris time *oin> '-"P was imposei. 1 of public stand nrt Prime Minister ed the public to sparingly, but erected at Gove? are being atroct ed. Clothes are b» T by both the ricn even taxi drive? cars vi.N
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 742 3 —Straits Times, June 26 kidnapper approved by nliament with ,l- ion as was 1 »pore. Four City State’s the rope round neck the diihr iU* •pinu company rPCtOl k 1 t U >v gang which outside his v. a thoroughly U S and the vicjjrrK’. sk e
      —Straits Times, June 26  -  742 words
    • 341 3 -Straits Times. June 26 The star of the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party continues to wane in the East Const as that of the Alliance waxes. This trend, which began in th-> Kclantan town council elections, in which the P.M.I.P. won only 14 of 40 seats it contested, has been
      -Straits Times. June 26  -  341 words
    • 132 3 —Straits Times. Juno 26 Rent Control is to continue in Ipoh Town Council areas for another year, as in other parts of Perak. The State Government has been welladvised thus to take second thought on its earlier decision to single Ipoh out for abolition of rent restriction. Its
      —Straits Times. Juno 26  -  132 words
    • 672 3 —Straits Times June 27 Tiu' impression that Malaya, Singapore and the three Bornean territories are on the eve of the first big step towards c loser political association has little more to sustain it than widespread discussion of the Tongku’s recent speech at a foreign correspondents* luncheon.
      —Straits Times June 27  -  672 words
    • 379 3 -Straits Times June 21 The Prime Minister’s appeal to the people of Singapore to be sparing in the use of water must be taken with the utmost seriousness. An abnormally long dry spell following on an unusually mild monsoon has left the island with the lowest reserves since
      -Straits Times June 21  -  379 words
    • 809 3 —Straits Times. June 28 Th«> new tin agreement looks like being stockpiled. There is not much else the International lin Council can do v.ith it. Fo» the Council is even more helpless now that it na s no tin. than it was when it had no cash.
      —Straits Times. June 28  -  809 words
    • 192 4 —Straits Times. June 28 The Cabinet committee on Government expenditure, according to the Minister of Finance, has been examining the superscale establishment with a view to correcting grading anomalies. There is a case for extending this study to other parts of the judicial service, where a clear anomaly is
      —Straits Times. June 28  -  192 words
    • 731 4 —Straits Times, June 29 Malaya is probably the least concerned of all Commonwealth members about the consequences of British entry into the European common market. There is even a growing feeling that it will hi* better for Malaya in the end if Britain docs ioin, and makes
      —Straits Times, June 29  -  731 words
    • 228 4 —Straits Times, June 29 His Highness Saiahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah was yesterday crowned Sultan of Selangor in the royal town of Klatig, maintaining a line of succession that stretches back to the turn of the 18th century. The new Ruler walks in distinguished footsteps; his father was much
      —Straits Times, June 29  -  228 words
    • 394 4 —Straits Times T Recent discu I the Minister loi national leader. has resulted V B clarification I Government ;J .|j, I Chinese scho I education, h, I year, will hi- fi,,. I end the medium ,1 be the choice o, i. That is well-km I i w
      —Straits Times T  -  394 words

    • 35 4 lllli i MCINTOSH To In son. at B.M.H. Kim i June 19G!. DAVIS: To Judy. Harold Newson D:«' Hospital on 27th -'in ADAMS: To Mm 1 u n son. Oeoffrev Rio Kies 28th June
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  • 437 5 I SINGAPORE, June 25 T* HE BRITISH heads of the three Borneo territories are to have |to?-a vet talks tomorrow with Lord Ise kirk. Britain’s CommissionerI Genera! in South-East Asia, on iTeovko Abdul Rahman’s “Mighty I Maidysia" plan. I hr.
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  • 416 5 PMIP LOSES ANOTHER STRONGHOLD KUALA LUMPUR, June 25. Alliance was jubilant today over another victory in a P.M.I.P. stronghold. It has won nine out of 12 seats in the Kuala Trengganu Town Council elections. Tengku Abdul Huhman. the Prime Minister, who yesterday forecast victory
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  • 182 5 iJfUALA LUMPUR, June 26.—The post oi Malayan High Commissioner in Australia, now held by 4 he former Ministi l of Interior. Dato Sulaiman bin Da to Ahdul Rahman, was t.oda.» specified as a noti-Punlie Services Commissicr appoint ment. The latest Federation Government gazette publishes
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  • 22 5 BKNTONG. June 26. The Sultan of Pahang Ls scheduled to pay hl.s annual five-day visit here beginning on June oO
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  • 272 5 IPOH, June. 26 IJ EASONS for the Perak 11 Government’s recent decisic i (which was later reversed) to lift rent control in Ipoh will be sought at the next meeting ol the State Assembly by Mr Too Joon Ting (Independent) Mr.
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  • 588 6 KUALA LUMPUR. June 25 ARROGANT BOSSES MUST CHANGE THEIR WAYS OR BE BRUSHED ASIDE' A WARNING that the Malayan Trade I’nions Congress will not hesitate to embark on “retaliatory measures’* against employers who continue to obstruct the legitimate functions of trade unions was given today by
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  • 83 6 MR. K. HAL AN. 42, who was released in June last year by the Federation Government after 12 years of detention, was married at the Chettiar Hall. Kuala Lumpur, according to llinuu rites on June 24 His bride is Miss M. Sivapakiani,
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  • 160 6 KUALA LUMPUR. June 25. A HIGH standard of insurance ethics is aimed at by the newly-registered Insurance Association of Malaya. Mr. E. D. Couper, secretary of the association, said today that besides its general aim of taking joint action in the interest of members. the association would
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  • 193 6 KUALA LUMPUR. J,.lie 25 rHE Kuala Lumpur Co-operative Housing Society 1 will spend $400.00J to build 50 low-cost home.this year. Most of them will be in Petalhi-r Jaya The Federal capital’s Commissioner. Mr. A. D. York, who was re-elected president of the society today,
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  • 241 6 SINGAPORE, Junt POLICE are investigating the slashing of women’s underdo' other garments at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital nurses 1' Twelve nurses have reported finding their uniforms and underwear, left hanging to dry overnight, slashed by an unknown vandal. Hospital authorities called in the police as
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  • 278 7 j0 Ht;RE RUBBER WORKERS hiEADQUARTERS T0 TO HAVE A c0 i,.a’SE STARTED KLUANG, June 25. rniK .Mlnuv branch of the National Union of l>l j iii ion Workers, at its biennial general meeting ‘Hit* yesterday, passed a resolution allins its headquarters to press for the opening m'
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  • 18 7 'f I R Juno 26 rio will Rive ;ust ration at J ‘t Nanas, to- nm.
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  • 136 7 KUALA LUMPUR, June 23. Malaya is among >9 extra nations which India has urged should be invited to the proposed neutral summit, scheduled to open in Yugoslavia on Sept. 1. No official comment was available here today on this report, contained in a Reuter
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  • 76 7 PENANG. June 26. The renang Old Frees Association will soon start a project to build its new clubhouse. A sketch plan of the proposed building, prepared by Mr. Johnny Heah, an Old Free, will be submitted to the association’s annual meeting on July 2. Old
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  • 53 7 BUTTERWORTH. June 26. Police recovered a stolen car two hours after its owner. Mr. Khew Meng Kuan, had reoorted its loss yesterday. The car was found abandoned outside a military camp at Kubang Boyah, two and a half miles from where it had been stolen. It
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  • 171 7 IPOH June 26 —The Ipoh Rotary Club has ordered over $3,000 worth of equipment for the treatment of crippled children in Perak. The immediate past president of the c;ub, Mr. Lau Hun Chiong. said today that as soon as the static and exercising machines
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  • 33 7 SINGAPORE. June 26 —The west area branch of the St. John Ambulance Brigade will hold its annual inspection at Brigade headquarters >n Beach Road on July 2 at 5 pm
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  • 73 7 VETERAN painter-sculp-tor, Mr. O. Don Peris, 67, of Johore Bahru and his plaster of paris plaque of the Federation Premier which he presented to Tengku Abdul Rahman in Johore Bahru last week. “I was so honoured when the Tengku accepted the bust. I had
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  • 170 7 Kuching. June 26. The Sarawak National Party, one of the three political bodies in the territory, has called on all members to back the Government education policy. Tlie policy, which aims to make English the main medium of instruction in all secondary schools, is
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  • 212 7 SINGAPORE, Juno 2(3. The Singapore Government Technical Services' Union at a general meeting tonight confirmed its decisioii to reject the new rates of variable allowances because of the “final settlement’' clause. The meeting, which was held at the civil service canteen in Empress Place, also
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  • 49 7 IPOH, June 26. The new $300,000 police quarters at Rifle Range, off Douglas Road, here are now nearing completion. They consist of 12 blocks of two-storey buildings, each containing four units tor the rank ar.d file, and nine blocks of semi-detacted houses lor officer v
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  • 53 7 SINGAPORE June 26 A fatal accident in South Bridge Road this afternoon held up traffic for more than an hour About noon a hawker. See Eng Liat. 36, was knocked down by a bus and killed Traffic heading towards New Bridge Road was held up for
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  • 539 8 KUALA TRENGGANU, June 23 Airstrip welcome for the Tengku was in a mess: Trengganu State Secretary THE Mentri Besar of Trengganu, Inche Daud bin Abdul Samad, today would not say why he was no 4 at the Dungun airstrip yesterday to welcome the Prime
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  • 176 8 I/UALA LUMPUR, June 25. -The Federation Government will spend about $175,000 on the first Colombo Plan conference to be held here in November. The Government will provide* a secretariat, compri inti about UK) lull-time -tail, transport and other facilities its chief conference officer Incite Abu Dakar
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  • 88 8 SINGAPORE, June 26. An expert from Singapore is now helping to train a team to study the reading and radio listening tastes of the people in Sarawak. Brunei and North Borneo. Mr Tan Chee Keong, ot th« e( ntre for marketing research and social surveys,
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  • 132 8 SEREMBAN Jun e 25—Inche Mohammed bln Ujang. M.P. for Jelebu-Jempol, was elected chairman of the Scremban division of Umno at its annual meeting today by one vote majority Inche Abdul Jajil bin Haji Aminuddin got 17 votes to inche Mohamcd’s 18. Dr. Mohammed
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  • 383 8 KLANG, is set for the coronation of tl v of Selangor at the Istana Alam S'* :r on June 28. Hi.s Highness Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah ibni Al-Marhum Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah will be acclaimed by hLs 1.200.000 subjects with joyous celebrations throughout the
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  • 266 8 KUALA TRENGGfNU June 25 FULL results of elections to the Kuala Trengganu town council on the night of June 24: Pulau Kambing: Syed Hassan Al-Hadi (All) 361; Endut bin Mohamed (PMIP) 251; Abdul Rahman bin Haji Omar (Neg) 104. Paya Bunga: Dato Nara DiRaja <Neg) 381;
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  • 159 9 i »-\\C* ><!!»* k .ssemblyffal Wan Ah Haji Wan i .>aid today dissatisfied of exfor *12,000 )r of a in*- the MenXI f r -mu during a ;1 h State Assemr. supplementary additional $792,790 for moved by r Dato s]
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  • 66 9 Mr UR. June 26. Iv>h Kwang t ile a gold p" 1 Mej.h.g child v 'j t (day seni.v’s jail and our months' nd magistrate. 'Mini bin Haji laid, who was r grandmother’s inis in Ipoh that someone i" chain, her Narayanasamy, uming away. \j j‘
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  • 66 9 K 11.» ,l, ne 26.—Fire t'l “ing to a big '?ere had to al(»ng. it'd because. nisi ,j hre, which 11 damage but s a woman gave birth. Mother and the child are now well. The blaze destroyed a bui'dir.g which housed the labourers’
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  • 397 9 KUALA LUMPUR, June 23. Malayan Chinese Association is now making a strong attempt to regain lost support so it can continue to be one of the pillars of the Alliance. To afhiev' this, the M.C.A. wi 1; undergo a thorough re-organisation from which
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  • 211 9 pENAN’G, June 25. The Mayor. Mr. Ooi Thiam Slew, said today that all political parties should be given the same rights as the Alliance to use political campaign speeches tape-recorded by the police for “other purposes". He was referring to a statement made
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  • 69 9 Vf EMBERS of the Selangor Cirl Guides’ Association went on a house-to-house mission in Kuala Lumpur on June 26 collecting clothes, used and unused, in connection with Malaya’s part in the World Refugee Year. Similar projects will be undertaken all over the Federation. Straits Times picture shows
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  • 187 9 II J OH, June 2(*. A busi--1 nessman, Tan Kun Ouan, 42, told the Sessions Court here today that a man pushed a pis t o 1 against his stomach when he opened the door of his hotel room one morning in answer to a
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  • 216 10 KUALA LUMPUR. June 23 I THE CABINET committee examining Government servants’ salaries Ls directing its attention only to super-scale posts. A Government statement said today that there was "no question of any general salary review being undertaken at the present time.” (In
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  • 571 10 KUCHING, June 23 A II)EI) schools which (tecline to use English the medium of instruction w ill lose their recurrent and capital grants as well as their loans Their capital grants and will cease forthwith and their recurrent grants will
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  • 113 10 SANDAKAN, June 23.—Mr. Washington Simatupang. of North Borneo, who has now made his home in Arizona. U.S.A., has w ritten to the Sandakan police, asking for help in tracing his parents. They are Mr. Frederick Togatorop Simatupang and Mrs. Soniina Hutasoit Simatupang. Mr. Washington
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  • 94 10 KUALA LUMPUR June 25. —Mr. Pen r Thorneycrott, Britain's Minister of Aviation. will arrive here on i lie morning of June 30 instead of June 28. as originally announced. He will discuss the question of the European Common Market with the Minister f Commerce and
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  • 209 10 Malacca. 2S The P' i:j of Eastern N j,; M- I- Oki;..V‘ 4 VS here today pi whole fac o: > Vi 1 r,v vVU a ‘h&nge if it could a any* \j a lay: m know-how on >»< r her estates. He said this
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  • 60 10 KANGAR. June 25. The Speaker, Inehe Yusotf bin Abu Bakar. abruptly adjourned a debate in the Perils State Assembly today when he was suddenly taken ill. The Speaker said he had a “severe headache” and ad- lourned the mt minutes. Dr. Natar tn« cal officer attach*
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  • 290 10 KUALA LUMPUR, June 23 NEW chemical compound. just released on the Malayan market, has presented a new concept In weed contrrl on estates during the critical early stages of a rubber tree’s growth Trials conducted on 80 estates over the last
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  • 358 11 0 1 EAN SIEW CALLS FOR STRONG ELECTION TEAM PENANG, June 25 rnu; M i etary-general of the Socialist Front, Mr. Lim Kean Siew, to1 outlined a two-point programme aimed at a Socialist take-over 0 f the Government in 1964. ucceed in
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  • 69 11 KLANG June 25.—Nominations i tile Klang Town Council rv,-election in Telok Gadoi: H sar Ward will be cn 10 a m. and noon on Ju!> will be on Jiny "(4 ■lection was eaus’lie seat for the 1 iiued vacant beau<( \iiiance candidate uned Yamin bin r
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  • 95 11 KUALA LUMPUR June 25 The “Alliance Francaise de Kuala Lumpur”—an association to promote the French language—was officially inaugurated here last night. The association will also propagate French art and thought, exclusive ol all political or religious matters. It now has about 60 members and 120 students learning
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  • 185 11 Kuala lumpur, June 25. —English-medium schools will take In more than half of the 13,500 six-year -olds joining primary schools here next year. Children registered for 19G2 admission fall into these categories: Engli>h medium 7,600 (1961 6.800); Malay medium 1,750 (1961—1,543): Chinese medium 3.600 (1961—3.817)
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  • 135 11 FJOLONEL Abbas bin Abdul Manan (above), until recently the Principal Staff Officer in the Federation Ministry of Defence. has been promoted to the rank of Brigadier and appointed commander of No. 1 Federal Infantry Brigade. Klis promotion and appointment have been approved by the Yang
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  • 41 11 SINGAPORE, June 27. —Mr. Teng Ah Kye has been reelected president of the Singapore Police Civilian Staff Association for the third successive year. Messrs. Chong Kam Chong and Neo Siong Llm are the new secretary and treasurer respectively.
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  • 241 11 SINGAPORE, June 26. —The strain oi waiting for news of her kidnapped husband has told so much on Mrs. Tay Kie Thay that she has left Singapore for a rest cure. It Is now 26 days since Mr. Tay, 52, a shipping
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  • 75 11 KUALA LUMPUR. June 25 The Supernumerary Clerical Services Union wants its members, who are In the lower divisions of Government service, put on pensionable establishment and the unified salary scheme. They want this done before Aug. 31, the annual meeting of the union decided
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  • 195 11 |)ORT DICKSON, June 25. 1 —The president of the Malayan Association of Youth Clubs, Tengku Abdullah, took over with a big “thank you” today a $40,000 holiday youth camp built here by the joint efforts of the Seremban and Kuala Lumpur Rotary riu bs.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 71 11 CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned in architecture, building and allied trades. Subscription enquiries should be addressed to one of the following offices LONDON OFFICE 234/5 Temple Chambers. Temnle Arenue,
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  • 174 12 Government sources tell about committee's wort KUALA LUMPUR. June* 2:5. A GOVERNMENT committee set up 10 into the question of specialist fees in hospitals is making “good progress” in its attempts to And an equitable formula. Headed by the Director of Medical Services, Duto Dr.
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  • 76 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June 25Police Investigating the kidnapping of a 13-year-old tin miner's son, Lim Cheng Koon, have detained a second man for questioning. It is understood he is the owner of the house at Sungei Buloh new village where the hoy hidden. The four children lound
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  • 105 12 KUALA LUMPUR, June 23. —Dato (Dr.) Lee Tiang Keng (above) has returned to the Federation after a three-year term as Malaya’s first Ambassador to Japan. He is tipped to be Malaya’s Ambassador to West Germany. The Malayan Ambassador to Thailand. Syed Shell bin Syed Sliahabuddin,
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  • 110 12 KUALA LUMPUR. June 25.—Malaya’s own Film Censor Board will begin operating in Petaling Jaya by the end of next year, a spokesman of the Ministry of Interior announced today. The censorship of films for Malaya will continue on a joint-operational basis with Singapore until then. The
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  • 138 12 SINGAPORE. June 23.—A British soldier based in Singapore was Howm to Britain six hours after he received a “come home” plea from his wife. An army spokesman said today that Corporal James Hoy. 21. who arrived in Singapore about seven weeks
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  • 52 12 SINGAPORE Jun e 23. A youth was fatally stabbed by thugs today at the busy junction of Victoria Street and Bugis Street. Tec Ah Seng. 20. wa> picked i! by police at 3.40 p.m. and i :en to the General Hospi’al. where he died from his wounds an
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  • 30 12 KUALA LUMPUR. June 25. The Selangor Government Servants’ Co-operative Thrift and Loan Society will hold its 38th annual meeting at the Eastern Hotel here at 5 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 350 12 KUALA LUIVIPUR, June 25. 'pOP-LEVEL discussions have been held betX ween the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun \bdul Razak, and all the Mentris Besar about streamlining the policy of group settlement land schemes. The Federation Government wants n T these schemes more attractive
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  • 258 12 U A L A LUMPUR. June 23. The Prime Minister of Eastern Nigeria, Dr. M.I. Okpara, and his party of five arrived here today on a nooriwill-cum-busi-ness visit. Dr. Okpara was met on arrival at the airport by the Assistant Minister for Rural Development.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements

  • 328 13 SINGAPORE. June ?6 MK deft) congratulates Mr. Gabriel Perera, ins > Tvr(l on the I'.S. consular stafT in Singapore i»r 1 )iMrv In centre is Inche Kesot bin Dawan. win* ii.t' H years* service.—Straits Times picture. ‘.S. Consul-General in Singapore, Mr. Wi’liam P. Maddox, lodav
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  • 50 13 June 26. —An r 'i“ lull Bench High Court V,' 'in the Court June 29 at hr.,. welcome Lord Chief Justice v ho is: visiting 'i the Federa- r ly n> Australia assembly, the Justice, Mr 1 ah, will hold chambers J to meet legal service
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  • 220 13 MALACCA, June 26. r j"'HE Prime Minister of Eastern Nigeria, Dr. M. I. Okpara, today said that Malaya's land development scheme offers a solution to his country's rural problem He said this after visiting the 4,000-acre Kemendore land development scheme. 30 miles from here.
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  • 84 13 PENANG. June 26 The secretary-general of the Socialist Front. Mr. Lim Kean Siew. has been re-elected chairman of the Penang division of the Labour Party, with Messrs. Tan Phuan Kim and N. Patkunam as vicechairmen. Mr. Ooi Thiam S:ow as hon. ecretary and Mr. Tan Phock Kin
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  • 134 13 SINGAPORE, June 27. An 11-year-old girl has run away from her home in Alexandra Road for the seventh time. She is Mariamma. daughter of Munian Munisamy. a City Caui.-dl worker. Mariamma has been missing since 7 p.m. on June 17, when
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  • 284 13 SINGAPORE, June 27 'THE Metal Box Company 1 of Malaya Ltd. proposes to i .sue 1.500.000 bonus shares. The shares will go to the present shareholders. at the rate of one for every four of the 6.000.000 $1 shares now held by
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  • 77 13 MISS PAULINE GOH HONG LUAN. who will leave on July 5 for New Zealand on a Colombo Plan scholarship for a three-year occupational therapy course. Miss Goh is the fourth daughter of the late Mr. Goh Sim Chuan and Mrs. Goh, and a cousin
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  • 165 13 •SINGAPORE. June 2b. Two men were attacked by a “scooter gang’’ armed with parangs and sticks in Lorong Bakar Batu, oil' Macpherson Road early today. The victims were Yap Cho<> Guan, who was riding a motor-cycle and his pillion rider. Yap C’noon Kam, Both were admitted
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  • 294 14 SINGAPORE, June 27. 4 SQUAD of detectives has been alerted to catch a youth who is terrorising schoolgirls in the Victoria Street-Middle Road area by scratching their faces with a sharp object. At least three girls from the St. Anthony's Convent in Middle Road. have been
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  • 129 14 SINGAPORE. June 28.—Professor Lim Tay Boh has Deen elected president of the council of the Malayan Economic Society. Other officials are: Prof. Ungku A. Aziz and Mr. Lim Chew Swee, vice-presidents, Mr. Koh Scow Tee secretary, Miss Tan Siow r Yue assistant secretary and
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  • 91 14 SINGAPORE. June 28 Queen Elizabeth has made Inche Yusof bin Ishak, the Yang di-Pertlan Negara of Singapore, a Knight of the Order of St John of Jerusalem This knight nood does not entitle the holder to use the title “sir.” Inche Yusof has been
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  • 128 14 IIPOH. Jun e 28. The New Zealand Government has presented 68 Bren guns costing $64,000 to the Federation Army The 7th Bn., the Royal Malay Regiment, on behalf of the Federation Army, took delivery of the gift today from the 2nd. Bn.. New
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  • 57 14 SINGAPORE. June 27.-Mr. V.M. Chemburkar. overseas officer of the Cotton Textiles Export Promotion Council of India, today presented a cheque for $2,371.50 to Mr. Richard Eu, chairman of Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association. The cheque represents the gross proceeds from three fashion parades of Indian cotton textiles, presented
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  • 114 14 SINGAPORE, June 27. An American broadcasting executive, Dr. Paul Stevens, flew into Singapore today to record Malayan music for a world-wide network of 1,400 radio and television stations. Dr. Stevens, executive secretary of the Radio and Television Commission in America, is on a radio
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  • 167 14 WATCHMAN WHO TIED UP A MAN IN GOOD FAITH TELUK ANSON June 28.—An estate watchman. Ram Singh. 59. who acted “in good faith" by wrongfully confining a labourer in his quarters was yesterday bound over in $2OO for two years without having his conviction recorded. In addition, he was ordered
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  • 221 14 SINGAPORE, Ju'u A TEAM of searchers of the Singapore Cus-< r% toms Department uncovered a $250,:<ou c r signment of gold bars, American gold coins and watches hidden in a secret compartment 7n th. hatch of an Indonesian registered motor V
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  • 236 14 KUALA LUMPUR June 26 An Alliance senator today appealed for higher pay for magistrates who start on $478 basic a month -$7B less than their subordinate senior interpreters. Dato Sheikh oin Bakar said magistrates felt “very small” because of this and if the paction
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  • 127 14 CJIXGAPORE. J: Elisabeth .dar> Nunn. 23. accused on t.»’i counts under the Women and Girls Protertion Ordinance, was discharged today on botr by the second criminal district court. “The discharge dees Rf amount to an uruuitta-. said Mr. E.H. d'.NVttn tm judge, approving a: y
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  • 311 15 n|\(:.\lMi!!!'June 26.—A f radio engineer today >p „ke "i wh> he threw up his career to become a priest The K* v \lban\ t o. itO. mar* ried. uho was made a dea,„n b> the Xnglican Bishop of Singapore and Mali) a. the
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  • 106 15 A LOR s ;\\R. June 27. p sius of Kampong Rsuam Jejawi. near t to a young womaiy i; last night and ;,P. IU 7 man alleged to •ned her with an axf 'ham Kelei. 23. •iat the man onfronted her and proposed M-cted
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  • 107 15 KUANTAN. June 30 —A postal clerk. Abdul Samad bin Haji Said. 20. was today jailed for six months for criminal breach of trust in respect of stamps and stationery valued at $216 The President ot the Sessions Court. Incite Azmi bin Dato Haji Kamaruddin,
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  • 260 15 KUCHING. June 26. SARAWAK traae unions nave been refused permis- sion to open night schools An official statement today' said the Government lelt that tradt J unions should have no legitimate part in formulating or putting into operation the education policy ol the
    260 words
  • 351 15 KLANG, June 26. 'MINE pieces of royal regalia will be prominently featured here on June 28 uuiing the coronation ceremonies of the Sultan and Tengku Ampuan of Selangor, in the Islana Alam Shah. The Sultan’s crown replaces the 1826 “Mahkota Leleng" belonging to the
    351 words
  • 142 15 HANGAR, June 26. A big celebration has been planned I’or the birthday of the Raja of Perlis—who is also the Yang di-Pertuan Agong —in the royal town of Arau, six miles from here, on July 15. The town will he floodit and decorated with
    142 words
  • 52 15 KUALA KANGSAK June 28. —A smoke-bomb was dug out yesterday by Inche Taib bin Abdul Majid, a fireman, near his home at Talang. The bomb, which was rusty, is believed to have been left behind by British troops during the war. Police took the bomb away
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  • 139 15 PENANG, June 26. A housewife was changing in a hotel room one night when she saw a man looking in from a window, the first magistrate’s court was told today. The man a house painter, him Ghim Boon. 35. plead ed guilty
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  • 956 16  -  By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN KLANG. June 28 ANCIENT Malay tradition v.ith flashes of m odor n procedure highlighted t h i s morning’s coronation ceremony of Salahuddiii Abdul Aziz Shah as Sultan of Selangor, the most developed State
    956 words
  • 363 16 l/’UALA 1 Ki;\(,. I AV GANr,.lun. a- J The Prime Minister .1 Tengku Abdui l{ ;l h’ I man, will dis« «s S his I Malaysian icdiTiition I plan with Mr. Harold I Macmillan wlu*n the I British Prime Mini. I ster visits Malaya I
    363 words

  • 46 17 STEEL DOOR DIDN’ T STOP THE THIEVES A steel door ■'oi. both iocUi tnieves from h two type- $505. from •v.*t oi Lands Hoad during tin thieves y> o» a mas--1 1 budcn Estate j'o the house Hhuan. a storewas out. and cash and tet $6OO
    46 words
  • 593 17 KLANG, June 28. THK Sultan of St*- langor, Salahuddin \bdul Aziz Shah, today pledged to follow the footsteps of his late father, the second Y a n g di-Pertuan Agong, in carrying out iiis duties as a eonstituticnai Ruler of the
    593 words
  • 74 17 Kt \i •'i'll, June 28. r lent; was Vi,,/' u “t <d the -d, al 11 Christian ilt l; *vu;\la Luinn,Jai t7]r s i;| tion’s anHi, nt( presented tvVO retiring members, Mrs. A. K. Men/ies, wife of the Canadian High Commissioner in Malaya, and Mrs. J.
    74 words
  • 269 17 SINGAPORE, June JO. THE Malayan Airways/Qantas Empire Air--1 ways Local Employees' Union has explairfed that” its request for Malayanisation of expatriate posts is not to get rid of the expatriate stall' but a genuine desire to fulfil the local Asian stall' s legitimate
    269 words
  • 222 17 SINGAPORE, June 30 Commercial and industrial leaders today welcomed the basic trade agreement which Singapore’s E ina n c e Minister, Ur. Goh Keng Swee. signed with Indosia's Trade Minister. Mr. Aralin Harahap. in Jakarta yesterday. In the absence of details, they said they could
    222 words
  • 47 17 IPOII, June 28 An attendant of the Central Men*a! Hospital in Tanjong Rambutati, Sulaiman bin Baharuddin. 29. was today sentenced in the Session Court here to one year's jail for theft of a blanket worth $6 from the hospital on Nov. 23.
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  • 625 18 He calls on all subjects to avoid inter-racial misunderstanding and to live in peace, harmony KLANG, June 29. f pHK newly-crowned Sultan of Selangor said today that his paramount wish is that all his subjects would live in peace and harmony and avoid inter-racial misunderstanding. “I
    —Straits Times picture.  -  625 words
  • 196 18 IPOH, June 29. T3EGULAR cash gifts from the Perak State Government and the United KingdomCharitable Trust will enable the first anti-vice vocational training institution for girls in Malaya to open here soon. The institution arau> i o| Mr M V a trustee i
    196 words

  • 801 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP K. Lumpur, June 29 uaT ye, an AusH tr three-yeur-gel caused a sensat: >1 upaet »n jn the! race here todayHU a- ye, ridden by Qtorge '■Vest, paid .divider.' > $294 (win) nnd $5 i“C e on the tote. RA>*£ ONE fL
    801 words
  • 840 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP Kuala Lumpur, July 2. CHAW STABLE’S Film Studio IV completed a hattri-K of wins here today dpn he scored cleverly rwer 9f (Race 6) with I uric Johnson up. Film s iciio IV started an evci: oney favourite and w without giving is 6a
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 87 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $144,100 Ut: *****0 ($31,907) lad: *****7 ($19,453) 3rd: *****9 ($9.7261 STARTERS ($l t $89 each) Nos: *****2. *****1. *****7. *****9. *****1. *****1. *****0 CONS O L A T I 0 N ($864 each I: Nos: *****0. *****2. *****2. *****4. *****7. *****9. *****1. *****3. *****3. *****9 BIG
      87 words

    • 1390 20 From Our Market Correspondent pOLLOWING the success of previous issues, Malayan Unit Trusts Ltd., this morning are launching their third Malayan Fund. From today until Monday July 10 the managers are offering the public 500,000 units at a dollai each. Tfte fund will be
      1,390 words
    • 1269 20 T'HE state of shares on the 1 Malayan Stock exchange showing last baslaeas to Jane 24 (A) and last business since that date'Jß) with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business last year and to date, were: IMBVStVIALS N i A t Ala* ’Buck* i
      1,269 words
    • 25 20 (Miniiin* Mill) Fir*t Malayan 1.93 1T1 Second Malayan 1.32 1*41 FI ret Hons Kong 1.33 1.41* Second Hong Kong 100 1.09 (H.K. currency)
      25 words
    • 28 20 Rubber ,ln (per ib.) p;; ;5' June 28 83 rj- 27 82*, Jiii’ib 28 83 cb 29 83!* cts. JJ'JJ'jJ 30 84 ct, Jg July 1
      28 words
    • 19 20 Current Date of T ?*J payment payment r yjtf Metal Box 10% July 19 25% Lambak 20%
      19 words
    • 42 20 WIIK’I OTOCK IHOICIO v> June SO June 27 June 20 J«"* J iT4 J, InOueOrlelei lfl.ll ITI.BB 174.04 .«g JJJJ Tlmi Mo.Tt aetw r 4. 341 Rubber*l 243.09 243 02 242 3* 100 Jen. 1 100« «ni>
      42 words