The Straits Budget, 22 February 1961

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 30 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER B 9 vrnrmmmmmmmm *ries 757. Kuala Lumpur, February 22, 1961. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 76 1 When trade with the rich Far Eastern markets was still ifJf BWP f■ s H 77 afee carried on in sailing ships, McAlisters was established in Singapore. It’s a far cry since those days, but through jtfrffif !NT fj |;lf the intervening years McAlisters has grown and prospered vgJf^ MM
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    • 144 2  -  L.K VIEW Serein ban. MR. MCLEOD'S su tlon Is excellent: i nl there should be a d once between Federal aim 10n Federal citizens. I do not think m;..;. ernment servants ire indispensable. Anyhov: do some ol us get re.t aras and some blue identity cards?
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    • 265 2  -  MOTORIST ,'ohore Bahru. THANK YOU for reporting the latest list of traffic "dont’s" in Johore Bahru. I d like to add to that list some "don’ts” oi my own. DON’T ignore the speed limit; don’t go slower either (the other day the
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    • 211 2  -  NOW CAN THE GOVT. JUSTIFY RAISING THE RETIREMENT AGE? MOHD. ZAIN Butterworth. the proposal to advance the retiring age* of pensioners to sixty, may I ask the government just how it intends to justify this? I also read with amusement that after the age of 55 it
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    • 120 2  -  PRO BONO Kuala Lumpur. IAM still waiting to read how the Government and the Staff Side of the Whitley Council arrived at the recent unique proposal to increase the retiring age from 55 to 60. As a tax-payer I have a right to know what
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    • 31 2  -  N.S. Singapore. WILL the authority concerned confirm if a National Serviceman in the S.M.F is entitled to the same military concessions enjoyed by regulars or the same and other services?
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    • 183 2  -  J.F.S. Johore Bahru. IT is regrettable that Indonesia should be so unsympathetic towards the idea of regional co-operat-ion in the cultural and economic field. Surely most of our economic problems are best solved in co-operation? And there is little need to point out the good which cultural exchanges
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    • 106 2  -  B 1 Singapore. T’HE members of f he Singapore Books; rs Association who decide to stop importing une/. legated copies of Chatterley r s Lover” simply being old fas;; »ned. I, a teenager, many of my friends i*?ve read the book and it had absolutely no on
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 633 3 —Straits Times. Feb 13 .';ivan Medical As- .!> submitted to tbe 5 <ter of tin- Fedr;‘f u inorandum on the I .at(iical faculty in 6 it only toucher of the larger prolil ‘hat the planners of hool will have to s probably a good iiaustive than
      —Straits Times. Feb 13  -  633 words
    • 350 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 13 The extent of unemployment in the Federation is almost completely a matter of guesswork, but there are some suggestive conclusions in the Ministry of Labour's latest monthly report. At the end of the year just over 30,000 unemployed were on the books of the
      —Straits Times. Feb. 13  -  350 words
    • 691 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 14 The root of the Congo crisis has been in plain view for months. There is no central government. The country has been split into four parts, and none of the four local governments can restore central authority. The U.N. force in the Congo
      —Straits Times, Feb. 14  -  691 words
    • 663 3 Straits Turns Feb la There have been few political murders as stupid as the slaving of Patrice Lumumba and his two aides. Mr. Lumumba was killed because as long as he was alive his enemies held him in mortal fear. Dead, he may still undo them. The
      – Straits Turns Feb la  -  663 words
    • 696 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 16 More than the Congo is stifling into the elnss in winch I'nti ice Lumumba lies burn d. Unless the Mini!! nations grasp tin* significance ar.d intent of the Rushan demands, the United Natrons organisation itself may he destroyed, with due consequences to rawly
      —Straits Times. Feb. 16  -  696 words
    • 590 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 17 tion, principally by the Belgijms and the Russians, but by one or two of the African Governments which, next to the Russians, are clamouring loudest for Mr. Hammarskjoeld’s blood. Ironically the independence cl the Congo has been the prime effective obstacle
      —Straits Times, Feb. 17  -  590 words
    • 602 4 —Straits Times, p,; The chief recommendation of the Hill Commission on railway disputes is that joint machinery should be set up for negotiations between the railway administration and its employees. Of almost caual importance—and perhaps of greater immediate interest to the railwaymen—arc the Com- mission's views on
      —Straits Times, p,; •  -  602 words
    • 194 4 —Straits Times. Feb 13 The first reaction in h *n the Federation and Singap, to letters in London’s Tin i urging British manuf.uiuicrs to profit from industrial opportunities in Malaya will be a certain pleasure even complacency. For the lat» at least, there is no warrant. In a
      —Straits Times. Feb 13  -  194 words

  • 55 4  -  INTEREST1 Kuala Lumpur. T SEE that the General Service Medal is t be issued to ex-members ot e police force. May I ask: 0 IS this the -Brithh General Service Medal with Malayan clasp or a Malayan General Si Medal? 0 ARE ex-Auxiliary Police and ex-Ho:ne
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    • 74 4 MORRISON: To Sue ami las on 16th February Oatnh Hospital. A son Much. A brother for Andrew SCOTT: On 16th February a» Singapore Nursing Hr Mary and James a daughter son. Both well. ALBUQUERQUE: To Ka Ned at Kandang Kerbau H in 16th February. 1061. a for Ronnie Deo
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  • 20 4 acknowledgment w MRS. SHEILA thanks all friends for then messages, wreaths and gn a ness shown on the death husband.
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  • 916 5  -  by VERNON BARTLETT Singapore. Feb. 14 TO the most fasci n a t i n g press photograph of rhe last 10 h 3v was that of an or-dinary-looking bungalow in a London suburb. was fascinated just
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  • 256 5 JPOH. Feb. 14. —Senior science students and hers of the Pei -‘*i: High School in Kampar have success- •-■>' designed a rocket when fired by rer;u control, is capable aching a height of I 000 ft. i'V-:ic demonstration of 4 "ding of the
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  • 142 5 Feb. 1*4.— < valence in sup;d a! qimlifica'C'cdrc! for a l] I < di/.enship. Many state- j ■*c* pa 1 h vr ’< ’*nn* eliablc.” I •“in annountonight. ,n doi omenta ry fevidence must produce a testimonial as to the period of' residence. This
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  • 67 5 KUALA LUMPUR Feb 14 A total of $38.872.38 was collected on Poppy Day in Selangor last year. It was raised by street sales of poppies, a concert, a b;\ll and rugger and soccer matches. The state organiser, Che Khatijah Ghazalie, today thanked the public for their
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  • 68 5 KLAN’G. Feb. 13 The K.ang Boy Scouts Associati >n has tarter) ,i building fund and tinting wit b the <lov- < r’.ment lor suitable land to i- own premi At the association's meeting today. »he following or \ls were elected Chairman. Mr. |G»'h Tian Chin
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  • 614 6 BYRNE CALLS FOR GOOD WILL ON BOTH SIDES TO MAKE NEW INDUSTRIAL LAW WORK SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. A NATIONAL union of journalists absorbing three unions the Singapore Inion of Journalists, the C hinese Journalists’ Fnion and the Malay Journalists’ Association was inaugurated here today. The* new
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  • 181 6 NOBODY IN SARAWAK WANTS COMMUNISM’ JESSELTON. Feb. 12. Seven Sarawak councillors on a visit here declared emphatically that "nobody in Sarawak wants Communism.” They were answering Questions at a Pres* conference held in the Secretariat conference room They agreed that the idea of federation between North Borneo and Sarawak was
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  • 167 6 MOUNTBATTEN ON VISIT TO S’ PORE SINGAPORE. Feb. r_ I\ARL Mountbutten, Chief of Britain's D- u-nce-Fa Stall and Admiral of the Fleet, arrivt Changi airrield this evening. As he stepped out of an RAF Comet, he was greeted bv the Commanding Officer. RAF Changi. Group Captain Nigel Maynard, who was
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  • 140 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. LJ. r PHE Miciti.t- East Airlines is to organise special flights for Malayan pilgrims going to Mecca A representative of the airline. Mr. Wafic A.iouz. who has arrived to make arrangement s. said today that Comet aircraft would be used. The “pilgrim
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  • 151 6 NCOs and aircraftmen of No. <».'* (Held) Squadron. Royal Air Force Regiment. Tengah, hand in their contributions to the Straits Time s and Rerita Harian cheer fund for Malayan soldiers in the Congo. Looking on is their squadron commander.
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  • 596 7 Experts to meet on details K( ALA LUMPUR, Feb. 13. YIALAYA, Thai1 land and the Philippines today deto go ahead wiln the formation of an Association of South-Fast As ia n (ASAS). step will r ea ‘h country to experts, inofficials to "--itiers which immediate value” to l
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  • 318 7 BUTTERWORTH, Feb. 13. cheerfully "Here we go, at last, to the Congo," the second batch of 66 Malayan troops boarded a Globemaster I his afternoon for their Ihrice-poslponed trip lo Leopoldville. The corps of drums of the 7th. Bn., Royal Malay Regiment. played
    and Khartoum —Straits Times picture.  -  318 words
  • 58 7 SINGAPORE. Feb 13. Twenty-one-year-old Ahmad bin Buang pleaded not guilty today to kidnapping Sariah binte Sofri, a girl under 16, from her lawful guardian. Abdullah bin Harun, at Coronation Road on Dec. 18 last >ear. He was allowed ball of $2,000 until Feb. 16 when the
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  • 47 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb 13 The Senate today passed Bills referred to it by the House of Representatives: The Notaries Public Amendment) Bill, the Age of Majority Bill, the Guardianship of Infants Bill, the Control of Supplies Bill, and the Minor Offences < Amendment) Bill.
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  • 95 8 IWKNTY-ONE-YEAR-OLD Singapore model June Stewart (centre) who was crowned "Miss Publicity at a ball in Singapore on the night of Feb. 12. The title carries with it a free trip to Hong Kong plus a number of
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  • 230 8 SINGAPORE. Feb. 12 rrllE Singapore General Employees’ Union has call- ed on the Singapore Government to curb a “signilieant minority of employers” who “use violenee against trade unionists.” Im aa article entitled “We violence”, the executive committee said: “A series of assault cases on trade
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  • 65 8 GLASGOW. Feb. Ill More t Ilf) Malayan stud< i.\ of Glasgow University and the ege of Scienci and Technology were present :n Glasgow to meet the du'-’an High Commissioner. Tcr.gku Ya acob He was ending a tlnee-day tour of Scotland in which h m* t
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  • 135 8 Kuala lumpur, Feb. 12. Talks between the Philippines, Malaya and Thailand on the proposed Association of South-east Asian States (ASAS) will start at the Residency here tomorrow. The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, the Thai Foreign Minister, Mr. Thamat Khoman. and the Philippines Foreign Secretary.
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  • 287 8 CRIME OFFENSIVE IN SELANGOR: 142 SUSPECTS HELD RAIDS ARE STEPPED UP PATROLS INCREASED ON EVE OF CHINESE NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 12. TH1L Selangor police have launched a nev\ offensive against gangsters and secret society thugs in the State in an attempt to
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  • 23 8 RAWANG, Feb. 12.—A cyclist Chang Yong, 79. collapsed and died here yesterday while riding from Rawang new village to Rawang town
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  • 146 8 SINGAPORE. Feb 12 Eight under*; rads of the University or' Malaya here have .on praise from the M aster for Labour .*ad Law, Mr. K. M. Byrne, tor volunteering to carry out a “lau.aole project.” The project, a surve., c: wages and condition c:
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  • 26 8 KLANG, Feb. 12— people took part in the >- l s of the annual Selangor "in reading contest at the que here which ended > today.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 97 8 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly perioilical of Building of Real Estate Activities in Hong Kong and the Far East CONTAINS full occounrs. plans, perspectives and phrtographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong ond other parts. An®W»•<pensable source of inform; tion for all conce-neo architecture,
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  • 445 9 SENATOR URGES GOVERNMENT: ASK FOR MORE CO-OPERATION SINGAPORE STEPS UP PENALTIES SO BOARD WILL STOP AIDING SINGAPORE CHARITIES KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 13. TUI sale of Social Welfare Lottery tickets has dropped because of the Singapore (;<>\(Turnout's decision to punish more severely nivono found with these
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  • 215 9 SINGAPORE. Fob. 13. Police are puzzling over the mystery of how 151 live fowls were stolen from a Chinatown market stall without a sound being made. The fowls, part of a Chinese New Year stock, vanished without a trace from their cages
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  • 52 9 LORD MOLNTBATTEN. chief of Britain's defence staff and Admiral of the Fleet, chatting with Singapore's Yang di-Pertuan Negara. Inche Yusof bin Ishak. when he called at the Istana Negara on Feb. 13. Lord Mountbatten took the surrender of the Japanese in Singapore 151 years ago.—Straits Times picture. —Straits
    —Straits Times picture.  -  52 words
  • 99 9 IT I ALA LUMPUR. Feb. 13. IV The Federation Armed Forces are to be re-equip-ped with modern arms and equipment under the second five-year development plan. The entire army will be given self-loading 7.62 mm calibre rifles. An order has been placed in Australia and
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  • 215 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. 13. EARL Mountbaltcn of Burma, Admiral of the Fleet and Chief of the British Defence Staff, spent a busy day in Singapore today. Lord Mount batten started his two-day visit to the State this morning with a call
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  • 43 9 SINGAPORE. Feb. 13 —The Assistant Coroner. Mr Lnk< Slew Hoong. today recorded a verdict of death by misadventure on Lim Tionc Gee. eight of Crescent Garden who was knocked down bv a car at Alexandra area on Oct 26 last year.
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  • 165 9 ALA LUMPUR. Feb. 13. The Federation Government has banned the newspaper Suara Rakyat (Voice of the People), oflßcial publication of Party Ka'ayat, Singapore. A spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior said today that the paper’s application for a renewal of its permit to
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  • 220 10 THEY FEAR FOR LIFE OF WEALTHY MERCHANT 1/ l ALA I.I .MITK, *»-i cl>. 1:*.—The Selangor < .1.1). rliicl. .Mr. 1’. It. M. Krislnun. s:ii«l 1 ikI.i v that the family of tilt* missing wealthy lice businessman, Mr. Vap ew .Men", "would not co-operate." S -ores
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  • 40 10 TEMERLOH. Feb 12 Mr Wong Woh, a postal clerk attached to the Temerloh Post Other, has been transferred to Karak as the postmaster. He succeeds Inche Yahaya bin Dusseh who has taken his place at Temerloh.
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  • 32 10 SINGAPORE, Feb 13—The Chief Justice, Sir Alan Rose, will be leaving fur Britain on three months’ leave during the middle of April. He will return to Singapore in July
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  • 40 10 MR. John Michael Catling, manager of Dobb and Co Ltd., and his bride. Miss Snellen Margaret Darwood, who were married at St. John's Cathedral in Kuala Lurrpir on Feb 11 —Straits Times picture —Straits Times picture
    —Straits Times picture  -  40 words
  • 105 10 |£UAXTAN. Feb. 12 —The Pahang coast is being “invaded” by giant turtles which are arriving, in far greater numbers and much earlier than in previous years, to lay their «*ggv Old residents here said that never before had such large numbers come up so early in the
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  • 218 10 SINGAPORE, Feb. 12. T>EVENUE collected by the Singapore Customs in January was Sl,14:>.000 below the figure for the same month last year. The yield for the month, however, exceeded the figure estimated by $1,045,000. says the department's report for January.
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  • 90 10 (SINGAPORE. Fob. 12. Pre-Chinese New Year cracker-firing sparked ott a fire that nearly brought panic among hundreds of villagers at 7th mile. Jurong, today. The fire started at 1.30 p.m. in an open air cinema. Flames rose to a height of more than 20 It. and
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  • 153 10 DTJTTERWORTH, Fv' 12. —The president of the National Government Pensioners Connell, Mr. L. M. Netto. t day accused the Government of “discourtesy and slackness “I have sent letter- 1 Kuala Lumpur. but hr 4 not received any ackiv vledgement or reply." he the council’s annual
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  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 278 11 IT’S AN AIM OF BOTH iiNGAPORE AND THE FEDERATION, SAY WO VISITING EXPERTS SINGAPORE, Feb. 14. Y30 1 il the Federation and Singapore aim to Have schools of radiography, to turn out j radiographers with qualifications recog‘d abroad, according to two visiting experts. K C. Denlev. secretary
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  • 137 11 \|K K. Henning. formerly a leading planter in Perak. has died at Launceston. I ngland. He uas 72. Mt Henning t ame to Malaya in 1913 as an assistant on a Perak estate after working tor the P. O. Company In World War I
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  • 79 11 M VIAII, Feb. 14.— A •‘'i.! mother, who hud 1 sli(| in coins to give pous” to her 23 1 tiildrrn. burst into "'t*T(lay when she home and found ms** destroyed. »«n a, her i belongings were des- i (i n a
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  • 28 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 14 Seven hawkers w’ere lined a total of $80 by the Second Magistrate’s court here today for various offences connected with their trade.
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  • 124 11 SELF-LOAD’ RIFLES FOR FEDERATION SOLDIERS [(UAL A LUMPUR, Feb. 13.- -Top priority is being given to a scheme le-equip the Federation Armed Forces with modern arms and equipment as part of the Government’s second-five-year development plan. For a start, the entire army will be given selfloading 7.62 mm calibre ritles.
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  • 95 11 Kuala lumpur. Feb. 14. State religious departments will send out teams to the hills and sea tomorrow night to watch for the new moon. If it is not sighted by 11 p.m. the fasting month will begin on Feb. 17. If it is sighted
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  • 426 11 A FORTUNE OUT OF LAW? THOMSON SAYS THINK AGAIN’ SINGAPORE, Feb. 14 J AW students at the University of Malaya here have been given a word of advice by Dato Sir James Thomson, the Federation Chief Justice. 11’ they hope to make a lot of money, he says, they should
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  • 66 11 SEREMBAN. Feb. 13 —Members of the Corporals’ Club at Headquarters, 17 Gurkha Division, today held a Chinese New Year party ror 60 orphans from the State Welfare children’s home here. The treat includel a film show and a feast of bun* and cakes Before the children left
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  • 458 11 SINGAPORE, Feb. 14 rpHE new Bishop of Singapore and Malaya, the Rt. Rev* C K. Salisbury, is expected to arrive in Singapore on Feb. 24. to be enthroned at St. Andrew's cathedral on March 1. Writing in the latest issue of the Courier, the Dean of
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  • 444 12 PENANG BUSINESSMAN, SEES FOR $l-100, CLAIMS: IPOH, Feb. 14 A PENANG businessman told the sessions court here yesterday evening that after having paid $2,(i00 to a lawyer as litigation fees the lawyer “forced” him to settle a claim out of court five
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  • 596 12 Kuala lumpur f< *b. 14. Th«» Prime Minister. Teiniku Abdul Rahman, today called on other nations to send more troops to the Congo immediately to strengthen the hand of the United Nations there in view of the killing of the deposed Prime Minister.
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  • 132 12 DETAINEES FREED FOR THE HOLID AY SEASON SINGAPORE Feb 14 Twenty-seven p t »iu tical detainees b< r held under the Pn Nervation of Public security Ordinance \\e. 0 released from Chuim Prison at 4 p.m. today, to allow them to celebrate the Chinese New Year with their families. But
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  • 57 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb 1 The Minister of Health and Social Welfare. Dato On~ v Lin. today presented a cheque from the Social fare Services Lotteries B< a: to I t -Gen. Sir Rodney M Chief of Staff of the Federation AYmed Forces, as an .u.jnuai
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  • 410 12 VOUCHING, Feb. 14 Seven Sarawak councillors and leaders, who formed the first goodwill mission to North Borneo, returned yesterday expressing strong support for a federation of Sarawak and North Borneo. The delegates made a two-week tour of North Borneo under a scheme to promote mutual understanding between
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  • 723 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 15 WHAT TO AVOID TO GET R-E-S-U-L-T-S: HIS list spells the word IJEADS OF GOVERNMENT departments have been H warned that they must not be found guilty of committing any of the “seven deadly sins of development” to ensure the success
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  • 152 13 I' h, o -The Rev. S.S. so. pioneer i, and Pastor of M,|. V h,,Ul>: Church in ,or niore than half tr at the dis- -Pita! here today. >,a,; iy i in 1!*04 s, r '«*d in parishes n* country and nhant;.
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  • 337 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 15. A YOUNG Malayan scientist who has been seeking human blood samples for research today criticised the apathy of the Chinese, including the English-educated, towards giving even a few drops of blood. Mr. Lawrence Lai, 27, a Bachelor of Science
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  • 38 13 BATU GAJA H, Fob If.. Tile body of an unidentified elderly man was lound in the' Kinta River near here yes-1 terday by mining labourers, i It was removed to the Batu Gajah hospital. I
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  • 88 13 SINGAPORE. Feb. 15 The head of the department of the Teachers’ Training College, Mr. Chan Kai Yau, left by air with his wife today to take up a twoyear scholarship for a course of study leading to the M.Sc. degree in mathematical statistics at the University
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  • 61 13 KUALA LUMPUR Flo Zb. Air Marshal Suryadi Suryadarma of Indonesia and a small party accompanying him in two planes t, India stopped here tonight. l hey w> re mi t at ti r port by the Mini-t* r ot rr -;>■ rt Inche Sard i and
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  • 473 14 1mil. NEW YEAR’S EVE FIRE TWELVE SHOPHOUSES AND PADI STOCKS GO UP IN FLAMES IN PERLiS: 2 FIREFIGHTERS HURT KAXGAR, I eb. 15. DAMAGE estimated at more than 41,000.000 was xullered last night in a fire at Simpang Ampat. a small town seven miles from here, which destroyed 12 houses
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  • 206 14 ITUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 15. Malayan Airways has arranged for its Kuala Lumpur manager. Mr C J. Talalla, to be attached to British Overseas Airways Corporation in London for a short period. The visit—he leave.* on Feb. 28—Is part ot the overall
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  • 19 14 SKRKMHAN Feb 15. Sercmban .Taycc ;>Jan lo build swimming ;.>< i at Puntal this year l<jr underprivileged children.
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  • 565 14 Kuala lumpur. Feb. 15. A Federation lice merchant who was kidnapped on Feb. 10 from ins home was released last night just in time for a Chinese New Year reunion with his family. A ransom of $42,000 was paid to secure his release. During t
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  • 330 14 LEGAL PROFESSION IS NOW MADE IN MALAYA’: VARSITY SINGAPORE. Feb. 15. T'HE legal profession in Malaya, which once depended on lawyers -made in England', now welcomes a new type of legal men— thOsr who are “made in Malaya/* says an editorial :n the University of Malaya Law Society's graduation souvenir
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  • 24 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb l St. Mary’s Christian Women' Association will hold monthly meeting at t Jubilee Hall on Feb 24 9.30 a.m.
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  • 246 14 ‘Useful cultural contacts’ trip SINGAPORE, Feb. 15 TH E parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Culture, Mr. Lee Khoon Choy, said here last night that he had made useful cultural contacts with India and Burma during his private visit there. Mr. Lee returned alter attending a seminar on “South and
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  • 116 15 l i M l.l’MPl’K. Feb. —I ederution postal ..iioritic* are investi- .nns reports of illegal of British and M.iIin.ui postal orders. I lie Postmaster-Gen-r..l. Mr. K. M. May. conMied today that lnwere now leeway. 'I* Mould not elaborUe not wish to .ke any t
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  • 40 15 TWOSAR. Feb. 16. plane gave five*o 124 people hero *cv paid $5 each. which took oil •"> ground, was piMr. V. Barkell. or of the Penang h Mr. N. Ellem. and Uning. n will be given to-
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  • 38 15 Feb. 16 mion" 22 coun u e now particl‘‘H* Internationa) V ess exhibition .hi organised > with the World < mbly n 0W j n Indian caa record of na(ss mid Internaration in the -uth.
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  • 377 15 7mil. request by Telecoms Government, U.N. to fa asked to help in building new training institute KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 16. i RATION telecommunications authori- -es plan to ask the Federation Governor- md the United Nations to assist in buildint ';,000,000 ultra-modern telecoms training institute in Kuala Lumpur. r project also
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  • 152 15 KU A L A LUMPUR. -Feb. 16.—The Parliamentary Secretary to the Australian Minister for Trade, Mr. R, W. Swartz, arrived here today to discuss trade matters with Federation Government officials and local businessmen. He said: ‘‘We feel there are many opportunities to Increase the
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  • 129 15 r |'ELUK ANSON*. Feb 10. Former member' o: the Security Force.' in Lower Perak are t enli t public uipport in their tight :nr 1,500 acres of land at Hendang Pongy r. They took thi de<. at a meeting today. Members < t
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  • 38 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 16. After a one-night stopover here the chief of the Indonesian Air Force, Air Marshal S. Suryadarma. left by a special plane this morning for a 10-dav goodwill tour of India.
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  • 527 15  -  COUNTRYMAN'S JOURNAL H AN I),!I;K THE DUSUN, Friday Feb 10. "pHE weather favours a flowering of the indigenous fruit trees, and heavy leaf shedding by the Durian trees is a good sign While it is foolish to count your durians before they fall
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  • 90 15 KUCHIN’G. Feb 16 —The British Government, which has already made a Colonial Development and Welfare grant of $212,000 to cover 85 per cent of the cost of a new road being built from Lundu to Serayan, has made a fur- ther allocation of $30,600 towards
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  • 154 16 SINGAPORE. Feb. 16. About 70 Indonesians who arrived here on Feb. 14 from West Irian are still awaiting repatriation to Indonesia. They are among 401) people retrenched by the Netherlands New Guinea Petroleum Co. in Sorong, West Irian. They decided to return
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  • 20 16 KOTA BHARU, Feb. 16. The Rural Co-Operative rice mii: at K'»ta Lanas bus install*-} a iew $7,000 maehin*'
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  • 364 16 GOVT. PLANNING TO BUILD SHOPS FOR TRADERS START FUND TO HELP THOSE WHO LOST HOMES KAXGAR, Feb. lti. Tin; Perlis State Government plans to build temporary shophouses for the victims of the SI million fire on C hinese New Year Eve at Simpang Ampat, seven miles
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  • 414 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 1 6 MALAYA car. Lam much Australia in the .L'veloprnent oi pad: •uhivation and can u.'so take a lesson from the v.a\ in which rice farmers there hen* r from the marketing and credit f a c i l
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  • 261 16 VEW YORK. Feb. 16. The New York Times said in an editorial today: Alter discussions at w Kuala Lumpur, the Federation of Malaya. Thailand and the Philippines have taken the first steps towards forming a new grouping of SouthEast .Asian nations.
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  • 386 16 |(UALA LUMPUR, IG. Belgium is prepared to put at Malaya's disposal engi--11 *rs, technical advis- < rs and consultants “with considerable cxpern nep in matter of economic development in tropical countries.” Fx-King Leopold of Belgium told Tengku Abdul Rabm.’.; i tMi at a meeting t
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  • 26 16 TELUK ANSON. i The Rungkup-Baga: Transport Co-Operr.* riety Ltd., which r service between Si::.? and Rungkup Dai here, made a net >12.796 last year
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  • 21 16 KrC’IINC Fen panese eight-man the Nippon Coal Mini has arrived here t > 1 investigations into cr posits at Silantek
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  • 151 17 i l AI A LUMPUR. Feb. IV Sehmeior police ay this Chinese Year was the i test m 15 years. crime was ret over the holiday because of prevention taken over the l.i r t>\v weeks. ID spokesman also se i the many
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  • 211 17 DEMAND FOR NATURAL WILL GROW’ SINGAPORE, Feb. 17. ;aDING American rubber execulive to:;y predicted that the world demand for would grow over the next 10 years, and major portion of this increase would be f; up by natural rubber. 'T’hp PVP!»lltivf» VTr .T P 'Mie executive. Mr. J. E Trainer,
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  • 313 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 17 ci'* Uiriat of the s Union Con-v-ty urged all o join in any d< monstration tin* killing of Lumumba, ‘lie first Proih Congo. was made im- the forma .'.•-man sub- plan a con*>h-. Students '> organisa- impure u the against the 'O of the
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  • 225 17 I/UALA LUMPUR, Fob. 17.—Can ,a magistrate acquit a man without hearing case? NO. said the Deputy Public Prosecutor. Tengku Ahman Rithauddin, who quoted several law books to support his submission on the powers of magistrates. The D.P.P. was appealing today against the judgment
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  • 31 17 PENANG. Feb. 17. T h e Penang Chin Kang Hoa.v Kuan will celebrate its 42nd anniversary with a dinner at its Macalister Hoad premises at 8 p.m. on Feb. 19.
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  • 222 17 LONDON, Feb. 17. NEW Malayan students' group is being formed here against a background of still unsettled arguments over the desirability and “feasibility of separating those who come from the Federation and those from Singapore. An “interim committee,” the embryo
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  • 82 17 Bangkok. Feb. n seato has decided to send observers to investigate foreign interference in Laos, reliable sources said today. Seato communicated the decision to the Laotian ambassador in Bangkok yesterday. The government of Prince Boun Oum made an explaratory approach for Seato to send
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  • 104 17 I/-UALA LUMPUR. Feb. 17 A delegation representing five South African organisations. led by Mr. Yousai Dadoo. is expected to arrive lure early next month to eniist support against tin- South African Government'.' apartheid policy. A Press .'tiPemeui 1 sued by the Indian High Commission here today
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  • 195 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 17. rrHE Chiei Justice, Dato Sir James Thomson, to- day set aside a month-lom* jail sentence against a hospital attendant. A. Annamalai, who was con- I virtue! Ui causing hurt. Instead. Dato Thomson I f ound him over in $500
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  • 453 18 KUALA LUMPIJR, Feb. 17. AUSTRALIA is embarking on ail extensive trade drive this year in a bid to capture a bigger slice of the Malayan market for her goods. Sales promotion aids planned in tin* campaign include: 0 A FLOATING .diop window in the
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  • 122 18 [{UAEA LUMPUR. Feb. 17 Foreign businessmen and companies look on Malaya as the ‘‘centre of interest” in Asia for expanding their business, said Mr. Ronald A. White, on his departure for Bangkok today. Mr. White, marketing manager. Victorian Butter Factories Co-operative Co.
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  • 121 18 pKNANG. rch.17—More than 5),000 cars, lorries anti buses trussed the water b> IVnang Port Commission ferries during the hinese New Year holidays. To cope with the rush as well as the heavy trailic on the maiden voyage of the new 1’,500-ton pilgrim ship. Kuala
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  • 140 18 h r UALA LUMPUR. Feb. l7. A social worker and civil servant. Inehe Abdul Jamil bin Rais, has been tipped to be the next secretary to the Treasury. Inehe Jamil. presently deputy secretary to the Treasury. is expected to take over from
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  • 263 18 PENANG, Feb. 17. S2-5-A-MONTH cashier who was “looking for a fool’s paradise" punting on horses, was today jailed for two years lor criminal breach of I rust. “I must make an example of you so as to deter others from committing similar
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  • 114 18 JPOH, Fob. 17—Police arrested a youth immediately after a group of gangsters attacked a funeral procession at the junction of Theatre Street and Cowan Street this morning. There was a brio! commotion when people attending the funeral procession were with flying bottles and knives, very
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  • 42 18 SINGAPORE. Feb. 17.—Two men were overcome by fumes in the hold of a ship today and died. The two. who were fumigating the Thai freighter Thempamat. were EusofT bin Rahman, 27, and Kee Thian Bee. 36.
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  • 305 18 Feb. 17 The second Malay student to .join x un yang University today said he would work for ‘•closer economic relations between Malays and Chinese in Malaya.** Wan Azkia bin Haji War Yusotr. 23. of Kuala
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  • 59 18 SINGAPORE. Feb. 1 7 i dak <Malaya) Ltd will cially open its $1 n, i building in Alexandra on Feb. 24. The two-storey bin 1 which is completely auditioned, contains the modern mechanical ami tronic photographic proc equipment in South-La and affords a sales ir
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  • 811 19  -  I -;PS0M JEEP K Lumpur, Feb. 16 5ACE ONE DIV. 4—ABT. If i p. Bioxham’a 11KRA 8J ,j 26 7) McGrewdJe 1 1 -114)° Barratt 2 lung 8.12 r .;*06) Bougoure 3 i, i aiiia 8.11 o —248) L® 011 4 w r-s EASE 7.12 ;of> 91)
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  • 856 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP: Kuala Lumpur, Feb. 19 RACE ONE CL. 5, D1V. 4—#F. Jade Garden Stable’s <9, BONANZA 8.7 (1482—348) Lee 1 1 2 Rita Rio 7.8 carr 7.10 (998—318> McGrowdie 2 5i Blanche Ncife 8.5 u»43-240) Wilson 3 tii Tiong Bahru 9.0 (223—149) Donnelly 4
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 135 19 BIG SWEEP Total pool $160,500. 1st prise *****5 $43,335 2nd priso *****9 $21,667 3rd priso *****1 $10,833. Starters. ($2,166 each): Nos. *****6, *****8, *****3,*****3, *****1. CONSOLATION ($963 each): Nos. *****6, *****7, *****2, *****3. *****2, *****1, *****7, *****1, *****5, *****7. ft BIG SWKEP: Total Pool—$169,500. First No: *****4 $45,765. Second: No.
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    • 1032 20 By Our Market Correspondent THE MALAYAN share market concluded its short week only three and a half days on a very firm note with tins particularly in demand and signs of an upward turn in industrials. There was selective inquiry for both sterling
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    • 21 20 (Managers' Fries*) Flrat Malayan i.2fl 1 34 Mcood Malayan 1.04 iu First Hon* Konfc 128 1.31 (H K. currency)
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    • 42 20 KUALA KUBU BAHRU Feb. 18.—Mr. S. Tambiah, senior mathematics master at Kajang High School, has been appointed headmaster of the Government English Second, ary School here. He succeeds Mr. T. Navaratnam, who has been transferred to Klang High School.
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    • 30 20 JOHORE BAHRU, Feb. 19. A.S.P. Mokhtar bin Marahakim, 34, an assistant offleer-in-charge, criminal investigations, Johore, leaves next Saturday to assume duty as officer ln-charge criminal investigations, Trengganu.
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    • 15 20 Current Date of Total Total for payment payment for previous Ltnyyl Plants 25
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    • 213 20 SINGAPORE, Feb. 18.—Business in the trading room on the Singapore section of the Malayan Stock Exchange today, with the number of shares in brackets, was: Industrials; S. Darby (1,000) 7a 7sd.; U.E. Ords (1,000) $1.12; W. Jacks (1.000) $1.49. Minings: Ampat (500) 11s. 9d.; A
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    • 36 20 24mil. water scheme TELOK ANSON, Peb. 18.— The State Government today announced a $24-million scheme to improve the water supplies for 340,000 people here. Water will be brought from the Sungel Woh near the Cameron Highlands.
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    • 16 20 RUBBER i (per lb.) (p; ;/icuii Feb. IS SlleU. i U H II W.0g
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    • 1300 20 rE stale of shares on the Malayan Stock Exchance showing last business to Feb. II (A) and last business slnee that date (B), with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business last year and to date, was: INDUSTRIALS N L A AIM Iridu. 1.00 .10
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