The Straits Budget, 15 February 1961

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget the WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER s 756 Kuala Lumpur, February 15, 1961. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
    27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 109 1 mm a m tto MeALISTER SYMBOL OF TRADE IN THE EAST 1 9 < vv <y t **L Ay **3’ r* S* 1{• From the early days of trading in Malaya.. .when contact always brought the necessities of life to with the outside world was hard and difficult, the people.
      109 words

    • 331 2  - GCE—IT IS THE NUMBER OF SUBJECTS PASSED THAT COUNTS MILON NANDY Muar. IT pleases me to note that my comments on the standard of the GCE examination have whetted the curiosity of at» least ope of your readers. According!# I give below an extract from a pamphlet on the university
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    • 159 2  -  R. M. Uwh. rE Ipoh town council has been too liberal in granting of licences for night clubs. In this falraized town we already havt six night clubs open to the general public, one cabaret and at least one private night club catering for
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    • 121 2  -  (Mrs.) E. M. RAMA CHAN DRAM. President, Indian Welfare Society of Malaya Koala Lumpur. THERE is a labor 1 laUon that <. ,1“' under 14 years cu.. 2 employed and i the arguments by some of the P\,; »7vet UC 5r, “SI thei seivea no
      121 words
    • 226 2  -  RESIDKM Penang. Y°UR article on the MCA quotes Dato Cheah as saying that the eyes of all political parties are on the MCA. He should have added the eyes of the public are on the MCA, too. If the MCA feels Itself
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    • 72 2  -  RA’AYAT t Kuala Trengganu. TO™ not mu <* A enthusiasm has been shown by a small section of the public for National Language Month, it must be admitted that interest in in* r «i ng i M J lay increasing slowly but surely. n language hound to
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    • 117 2  -  J. B McCLEOV) Muar. |'HERE Is suggestion that the retiring age of government servants should be raised from 55 years to sixty. This will no doubt benefit the few who are high up the ladder of service. However, there Is one point I’d like to bring to the
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    • 195 2  -  cm; Malacca. THE Malacca municipal council, which will have a new set of 12 councillors in a few months’ time, is in sore need of an elected representative who is unattached to any political party. Party politics have plagued the council to such an
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 35 2 ——«7 mm v? v.v <• > <• V t" m .v.-.r x*: A* S£8 w m s 7 w cn I mm m < V^/^| 35 mm f. v* a •a-* WUA IP OI4LV THESE PIECES WOULD FIT* IN
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 802 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 6 second five year t .ji introduced with > blending of ceri caution. The Cabn »nuc Committee t torgotten the roll assailed the first plan, and they have >d that last > ear was bathed in the prosperity rubber. vement of the first line
      —Straits Times. Feb. 6  -  802 words
    • 662 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 7 Eighty per cent of the overall traffic of Penang Port, excluding bulk oil and iron-ore. is mainland cargo. It is moved in lighters or carried across from the island on the ferry service. The proportion was not always as large us this, and
      —Straits Times, Feb. 7  -  662 words
    • 659 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 8 The Hill Commission is to be congratulated for the speed and thoroughness with which it has completed its inquiry into disputes between the Malayan Railway administration and the unions. Appointed in February last year, the Commission was ready after nine months with
      —Straits Times, Feb. 8  -  659 words
    • 253 3 Straits Times. Ftb 0 The Philippines, whose I President arrives a welcome I guest in Kuala Lumpur today, ,is another near neighbour 'about which Malayans know too little. Tengku Abdul Rahman was there early in 1059 indeed this is the return visit and official contacts since then have
      Straits Times. Ftb 0  -  253 words
    • 696 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 9 Inability to fault the e conomic arid financial foundations of the* federation's second fivecar plan has led the* Opposition into some* curious byways of criticism. It is a capitalist plan, it may not benefit the rural areas (although the* ae*cent is heavily eri
      —Straits Times. Feb. 9  -  696 words
    • 180 4 —Straits Times, Feb. 9 Tlie 130 men of the Fourth Battalion, Royal Malay Regiment, who left Kuala Lumpur yesterday, will seem a meagre addition to the U.N. Special Force in the Congo compared with the hundreds who are even now being withdrawn by countries with less responsible governments.
      —Straits Times, Feb. 9  -  180 words
    • 636 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 10 A definite change of sentiment, in favour of a substantial international conferjence and away from reliance upon the return of the threenation international supervisory commission, has occurred on the question of how to end the civil war in Laos and deliver
      —Straits Times. Feb. 10  -  636 words
    • 531 4 —Straits Times, Feb 11 Friendly relations between the Philippines and Malaya have been strengthened by the resounding success of President Garcia’s visit which ends today. As much, unfortunately, cannot be claimed for the wider cause of South East Asian regional co-operation which the Philippines President and Malaya’s Prime
      —Straits Times, Feb 11  -  531 words

  • 68 4  -  R. E. BRAMMAH Kuala Lumpur. QUITE sufficient docks are banned already without the Singapore Booksellers’ Association somewhat belatedly taking it upon themselves to add “Lady Chatterleys Lover to the list. The Government is surely better qualified to judge w’hat actio:, to take “in the interest cl the
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    • 29 4 BAGPY: To Jack and P> daughter. Sister for Mark 9 Paplar Memorial Hospital. CARGILL: To Anne and P daughter Fiona Anne at Bn Hospital on 9.2.61. Both well.
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  • 95 4 DEATHS FAWCETT, Robert B.. be’ husband of Sheila. In a road accident, 9th of Fet 1961. Funeral. Ulu Pandan Mil; Cemetery. 11.15 a m. today cemetery. 11.10 a m. u'u.i.v HERBERT: Walter John a* Kidman Avenue. South Gum Western Australia on 1 loved husband of Kathler fond father of Gordon,
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  • 949 5  - CONGO FORCE: A GESTURE OF FAITH IN THE ONLY HOPE THERE IS BY VERNON BARTLETT WH Y should mors Malayan troops h v been sent to t h.. Coni?o. just when Afro-Asian gov-»rr'-.onts are withjr ig ineir own c -lgents from t K-- rountry? the Federation n ,ont understands, ban
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  • 81 5 PHE ZAHRAH ZA’BA, Radio Singapore’s Malay programme supervisor, shares a joke with Mrs. Elsie Lloyd, women’s programme organiser for the commercial division of the New Zealand Broadcasting Service. and Mr. J.L. llartstonge, head of the department’s spoken programmes. Che Zahrah is in
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  • 33 5 SUNGEI PATANI, Feb. 10. —Maj.-Gen. W.C. Walker has taken over command of 17 Gurkha Division, Overseas Commonwealth Land Forces. Malaya, from Maj.-Gen. J. A Robertson who has returned to England.
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  • 65 5 SINGAPORE. Feb. 10— A Japanese-make Toyopet Tiara car driven by Mr. C F. Pope, president of the Singapore Motor Club, and co-driver Mr C. Greene, will do a “one-car” Mobilgas economy run over the week-end This year’s Malayan Mobilgas economy run. scheduled for the Easter weekend,
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  • 806 7 NEARLY $3,000m. WAS INVESTED, JOBS INCREASED BY 310,000, OUTPUT WENT UP 20p.c. KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 5 THERE was a shortfall of 15 per cent in the Federation’s First Five-Year Plan, for 1956 to 1960, which the Government has described as “momentous years’’ in the country’s history. is
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  • 198 7 SINGAPORE, Feb. 5.— The AccountantGeneral's ofhce here today gave two reasons for the sudden shortage of coins in the Federation. A spokesman listed them as: TIIL OPENING up of rural areas under the Federation Governments rural de velopment scheme; and TIIE RECENT opening of
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  • 25 7 SUNG F.I PAT AN I. Feb. 5. Syed Sheh Shahabudln Malayan Ambassador to Thailand. returned to Ranekok by Thai Airways on Feb 3
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 95 7 Kong hr East builder t > t Oi: ihed 1936 font lily tiedl of of Real Activities J ‘“il Kong a u th( far East. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts An®indispensable source of information for all concerned
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  • 695 8 h r UAL A LUMPUR. Frb. b. The Employees Provident Fund will help to linuncc doth the public and private sectors of the Second Five-Year Plan, according to the Government, paper to bo tabled at tomorrow’s meeting ol the House
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  • 83 8 SINGAPORE. Feb 5.- Deposits m the Post Ofliee Savings Bank at the end of 1959 stood at about $3.5 million lower than in 1958 $43,853,365 compart'd with $47,243,685 in 1938. The Postmaster-G< neral. Malaya. Mr. E. M. May. who gives these figure* in his annual
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  • 197 8 Kl ALA LUMPI'R. Feb 5. Hundreds of people > (heir way home from la;* 1 i cinema shows saw fir» il* n fighting a blaze in Cro‘> Street here tonight. Flames shot out of a v i »r ware store and guieiv spread to
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  • 322 8 HONG LIM FIGHT: RIGHT WING USE ONG AS TOOL’ SINGAPORE, Feb 5 the Peoples Action A Party said today that the Hong Lim byelection would be a tight between a socialist and progressive P.A.P. and a united tront of rightwing forces “using Mr. Ong Eng Guan as their tool.” A
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  • 912 9 GO VT. PAPER STRESSES: RURAL EMPLO YMENT MUST BE EXPANDED KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 5 r > i TWEEN 130,000 1> and 150,000 worked coming into the employment market j„ < n> 1-G5 are to be il, allied by agriculturt*. r h o y represent one third
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  • 149 9 l' \l. A 1 UMPUR. Ftl). j. iV l:.i 1 JO in; n ol tile 4th Royal Malay Regi- Rationed at Men- today visited their and relatives tor a r und ol tarewell* belt avmg tor the Congo ret the Malayan i. Force. tor
    149 words
  • 203 9 IPOH, Feb. 5. societies took a bad beating as a result of the intensive action conducted by the police in Perak last year, a spokesman told the Straits Times today. i Action was taken against 155 thugs under the Prevention ol Crimes Ordinance. Action
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  • 61 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 5 The Philippine Government has established an information office at the Hotel Merlin to ensure the fullest possible coverage of the four day state tour of Malaya by President Garcia. The office will soon be displaying photographs in various parts of the
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  • 34 9 KLANG. Feb. 5 Mr. T K. Pitehandy Shunmugam, sf>. a clerk with the ChartiTed Bank here has retired after HI years' service. He joined the bank as a peon in I‘J3U
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  • 57 9 FIVE pilot officers of the Royal Malayan Air Force who left by air for training at the R.A.F. initial training school at Gloucestershire, England, on Feb. 5. From left: Shaharuddin bin Mohamed Ali, Mohamed Yunus bin Tasi, Lim Way Ann, K. Nagalingam and Huang
    .—Straits Times picture.  -  57 words

  • 465 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 6 rpiiK MLTIIOI) of giving a contract for the building of the indoor Stadium Negara in Kuala Lumpur came under fire toda> tioni People's Progressive Party members ol the House of Represents!" tives. The Minister of Works. Posts and 'IV--1» ‘ominiuiir
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  • 259 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. t> 4 RESTAURANT owner and his three ployees woke up residents in Cross S', here last night by hurling empty bottles thn windows and on the roots as lire swept a ha ware shop. We could think of no other
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  • 130 10 I/UALA LUMPUR, Feb. 'l** The Lrimr Minister. 'lVimku Abdul Rahman, said today that it was difficult for Malaya to recognise the provisional government of Algeria because they had not yet, established a headquarters. “When they have set up their headquarters to which u.e
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  • 262 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 6. THOUSAND hawkers will take pari in A a ballot tomorrow for 520 temporary sites for roadside stalls here to sell delicacies and traditional Chinese food for Chinese New Year. The ballot will be held at the Town Hall by
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  • 56 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb 6. The House of Representatives today extended for another year the moratorium (postponement of payment) on loan charges due from the Malayan Railway in connection with development loans totalling $36,730,000. The moratorium on the charges $1,536,495 for interest and $146 461 being repayment of
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  • 153 10 IYUALA TRENGGANU. Feb. 6. —A senior official of the Trengganu Pan-Malayan Islamic Party, Syed Abdullah bin Syed Alwee, has resigned from the party. Syed Abdullah. PMIP secretary for Trengganu. said today: “I am dissatisfied with the choice of the new members in the PMIP Government.”
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  • 168 10 IPOH. Feb. 6.—A Per.ik police spokesman t day urged the public be on guard, particularly in view of the Chinese New Year festivities, against crimes such as thefts and housebreaking. He warned those planr.i to hold lion dances that th must got prior permis
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  • 35 10 SINGAPORE. Feb 6 —T management of Lindetev. Jacoberg (Far East» Lt today opened wage negotia tions with the Singapor Business Houses Employ Union as the firm's striking employees return*’ to work this morning.
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  • 365 11 Learn the lessons of 1959’ LUMPUR, Fob. 6 rpiiK Federation Go1 eminent has decided that the events which disrupted the smooth working of Uu* Malayan Railway in 1959 but not the lessons learned at that time should best he forgotten.” > follows its ac;.'*ar.ce in principle
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  • 53 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 6 The House of Representatives today approved an amendment in the Customs Ordinance to raise the import duty on biscuits by three cents a pound. Moving the amendment, the Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Slew Sin. said that it was intended to protect
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  • 251 11 IPOH, Feb. 6. fPHE Town Council has adopted rules for in- troducing parking meters in certain streets but free parking will be allowed for trishas, motor cycles, scooters, bicycles and other non- motorised vehicles. Cars will be charged 10 cents for
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  • 329 11  -  By A. SRIPATHY, Malacca, Feb. 6 4 PRETTY 18-year-old girl today described her four hours of terror after two men dragged her away from her boy friend from a lovers’ lane. She is Miss Doria Lim. a reporter on a local weekly paper, the Malacca
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  • 40 11 IPOH Feb. 6.—A policp constable. Gurdial Singh. 41, of the Police Field Force, pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here today to a charge of having 15 tahils of Indian hemp. Bail was allowed.
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  • 287 11 TAXI DRIVER HEARD GIRL CRY ‘TOLONG’ Yf'ALACCA, Feb. 6.—A businessman, Mohan Manji Rana, 20, was today fined $25 by the Malacca magistrate, Mr. Ramanatha Iyer, when he pleaded guilty to behaving indecently by having sexual intercourse at a public place.
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  • 187 11 OENANG, Feb. 6.—Five Penang oilicials of the Labour Party of Malaya and Party Rakyat were detained by, the Special Branch here today under the Inter-1 nal Security Ordinance. “They are being held for suspected activities considered prejudicial to the country." a police spokesman said
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  • 298 12 Bolder public helps to bring about a spectacular decline, says the police SINGAPORE. Feb. 6. BOLDER public brought about a spectacular decline in serious crime in Singapore last year. In all fields, except juvenile delinquency and thefts, the- l.HiO crime figures, issued today, show a runarkable
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  • 183 12 Kota bharu, Feb. 3. Two nundred out of the 1,300 new settlers at Batu Makbong. in Ulu Kelantan, left their land during the weekend and returned to their former homes. They had been given jungle land by the Kelantan Land Development Hoard to occupy
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  • 18 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb 7 Donations to the Lady Templer Tuberculosis Hospital Fund in January totalled $8,647
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  • 60 12 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7 -Troll Koh Seng, alias Tiong Koh S( of Kuala Lumpur, was charged in a magistrate’s r °urt here today with cheating Hong K«e lluat of $1,500 at Pat a Lane, Kuala Lumpur, on Jan 8. No plea was recorded. He was remanded tor a
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  • 117 12 KUALA LUMPUR Feb. 3. Leopold and Princess Liliane of Belgium J today culled on the Yang di-Penuan Agong and had lunch at the Istana Negara. They spent nearly three hours at the Istana. The Vang di-Pertuan Agong and ex-King Leopold discu.ssed mostly sport, in
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  • 171 12 KI’ALA LUMPUR Feb. 7. More than 2,000 hawkers jammed the Town llall today to take part in a draw for 554 temporary sites for roadside stalls here to sell delicacies and traditional Chinese foodstufTs lor Chinese New Year. The draw, which has become
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  • 37 12 w KUALA KURU BHARU. Feb. 7.—The executive engineer in the Ulu Selangor district, Mr. H. G. Hurley, has gone on leave. Inche Ahmad Din bin Haji Arrifin from Johore Bahru, is acting lor Mr. Hurley.
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  • 175 12 LEOPOLDVILLE. Feb. A COMPANY ol 100 Malayan troops has nuv into Equateur Province to replace the Uni! Arab Republic contingent, which left last week. The Malayans will take over a task which epreviously been in the hand of 500 men anotle instance of the difficulties
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  • 80 12 j SINGAPORE. Feb. 7.— Drh' r I between 2(> to 30 yearage were involved in i* i of the accidents in here) her. a police report i> v yesterday showed. Those between 22 to 2a w 1 a “close second.” During the month, tin were 17
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  • 708 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 7 OVERSEAS INVESTORS HAVE REALISED FOCAL VALUE Of MALAYA AS A POINT POR manufacture and distribution, he says OVERSEAS investors have realised the focal value of Malaya as a central point for the manufacture and distribution of goods in South-East Asia, said the
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  • 111 13 SINGAPORE. Feb. 7. An estimated 16,000 American tourists will visit Singapore this year. This is according to a travel survey conducted by American Express in New York. The* survey indicates a record number oi tourists will visit Asia this vear It named some of the far-
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  • 156 13 SEREMBAN, Feb. 7. IJOLICE rounded up 27 people in the early hours of this morning and recovered motorcycle chains, daggers, bicycle chains and other weapons. The swoop, to forestall increases In crime and gangster activities during the Chinese New Year season, was carried out
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  • 46 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7.—The Singapore Chinese Journalists’ Union may dissolve itself when the proposed Nations! Union oi Journalists Is registered It may also transfer its assets to the new union. Tills was derided at an extraordinary meeting of the SCJIJ on Feb. 5.
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  • 346 13 SINGAPORE, Feb 7 rpHE secretary gene- ral of the Singapore People’s Alliance, Mr. Lim Choon Mong, tonight denied a People’s Action Party charge that his party was using Mr. Ong Eng Guan, former Minister for National Develop-' ment. as a stooge At the
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  • Article, Illustration
    1000 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 3 A glittering welcome at airport PRESIDENT GARCIA of the Philippines flew into Malaya today and expressed the hope that his country and the Federation would “march together hand in hand.” Speaking on his arrival here today with Madam Garcia for a four-day State visit,
    —Straits Times picture.; .—Straits Times picture.  -  1,000 words
  • 159 14 >ENANG, Feb. 8—The Penang divisional commltt«»«? oi the Labour Party ot Malaya today accused r h<* Alliance Government o: conducting a cold war against opposition parties.” A tatement by its vicechairman, Mr. N. Patkunani called on the Government to free the remaining tour Penang
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  • 328 14  -  By BALA CHANDRAN: KLANG. Feb. 6 YIYSTERY surrounds the murder A 1 days be tor-? his marriage— of a* man who found in a cemetery here with his head sewiv: Thn rr.on D on The man. R. Arumugam. 22. a wharf labourer at
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  • 51 14 SINGAPORE. Feb c P< raided two houses yesfa rd and seized a number f d pons In the first raid, tb’ swords were found oi roof of a lavatory it. in Middle Road Tn the other raid, poll, found three under staircase in a house it* Chu
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  • 875 16 Common stand on race bars KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 9. PRESIDENT Garcia of the Philippines today praised the Federation Government when he addressed both Houses of Parliament at a special session. In a 25 minute speech he said the people of the Philippines had “rejoiced” at the defeat
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  • 51 16 He’ s studying TV SINGAPORE, Feb 9.— Mr. John Duclos, head of Radio Singapore, is now studying television problems in Australia, with special reference to the development of TV in Singapore. A Radio Singapore spokesman said today an intensive programme of television training had begun for the staff of the
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  • 84 16 SINGAPORE. Feb. 9— Win,; Commander Norman Henry Nixon, of R.A.l Changi, was killed whr* his car crashed into lamp post at 1.45 a.m. today at the 8J mile l PP<' r East Coast Road. The 45-year-old bomber pilot, who was decorated with the Distinguished Flying
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  • 767 17 She is granted writ against woman who paid $l9O for girl KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 9. i REPENTANT mother today took the first A step in a legal battle to regain custody of i teen-aged daughter she allegedly abandonwhen she and her husband joined the
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  • 63 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb 9. One man was killed and two seriously injured when the ear in which they were travelling collided with a lorry at. the 17th mile Rawang Road tonight. Lee Soo Chin. 20. and Austin Gomez. 17. were admitted to the General
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  • 64 17 r A PT. Christopher Dulake, a pathologist at the British Military Hospital, Kmrara, and Miss Maureen Whiteside after their wedding at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Kuala Lumpur on Feb. 9. The bride arrived a week ago from Hong Kong, where she was
    tal. Straits Times picture.  -  64 words
  • 49 17 PENANG. Feb. 9. The Penang second magistrate, Inche Mohamed Eusoff bin Chin, 25, will leave for England on Feb. 11 to read law at Lincoln’s Inn under a Federal judicial scholarship. Mr. Ajaib Singh, senior Supreme Court assistant registrar, will take over his duties.
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  • 44 17 KUALA SELANGOR, Feb. 9.—The Sultan of Selangor, accompanied by his consort paid homage at the mausoleum of his ancestors here today. He was met by the District Officer, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Lebai Abbas, and the territorial chief. Dato Penggawa.
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  • 24 17 BUTTER WORTH. Feb 9 The district welfare committee will hold its annual meeting at the town council office here on Feb. 25.
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  • 220 17 KLUANG, Feb. 9. IyHAT made the giant footprints found on the jungle fringe 26 miles from here? The footprints—resembling the footprints which gave rise to the “abominable snowman” legend—were found leading from a drain to a nearby hill at the 49th mile Johore
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  • 41 17 PENANG. Feb. 9—The Phor Tay High School's new $600,000 building will be opened on March 1. The board of governors today asked people to buy gift vouchers for the building in denominations of $lO, $2O. $5O and $lOO.
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  • 33 17 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 9 The acting Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Cheah Theam Swee, has declared that pioneer status had been granted to building material manufacture and essential oil extraction.
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  • 520 18 PRESIDENTIAL PARTY VISITS LAND SETTLEMENT SCHEME MALACCA, Fob. 10. Ten thousand llugwaving schoolchildre n i; rooted President and Madam Garcia ol' the Philippines in Malacca today. Lining long stretches of road troth in Malacca town itseli and the countryside bey-md. they
    — Straits Times picture.  -  520 words
  • 157 18 IXMPI'R. Feb. 10.—The Vang di-Per-tiian Agong said tonight that a ’most refreshing ;l nd fruitful result’’ of the State visit by President Garcia was the agreement he had reached in his talks with Tengku Abdul Kahman for increased Filipino-Malay-an co-operation in bringing about the proposed
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  • 108 18 .TOIIORK BAHRU. Feb. 10. u 'torus men smashed mi attempt to smuggle a lor-n-load ot rubber seeds out of the country at the 24th milestone Johore BahruP ntlan Road, on the night ol Feb. 8. Export duty op the '•eds. weighing 1.080 lb.,
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  • 40 18 TEMERLOH. Feb. 10. Dr. vVong Siew Thim, Medical officer a t the Government Hospital in Mentakab. has been transferred to General Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Dr. V. M. B. Rao, from Kota Bharu. has taken his place.
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  • 437 18 NO CONGO PULL-OUT...MALAYA OFFERS TO SEND ANOTHER 800 SOLDIERS K. LUMPUR. Feb. 10 THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, pledged today that Malaya would not commit "a cowardly act” by withdrawing troops from the Congo—just because other nations had done so. And he
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  • 983 19  - DENTENTURIUS FOREST BEAU —SUBIAN’s DOUBLE l EPSOM JEEP -LA LUMPUR, ft Feb. 12—Top apnj uce jockey Subi Dalwee was again in limelight, scor|ni double on Forest B c II and Dententufill: uere today. !V £r t st Beau II neatly stol the main sprint, the Honggeler Memorial Tro]>hy over 6f,
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  • 491 19  -  COUNTRYMAN’S JOURNAL g WIIU Kill TUAN DJEK THE DUSUN, Friday, Feb 3, the New Baby was four months old his mother thought it was time to show herself to her friends down town, and to visit the temple. With her went five gaHy--dressed
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 42 19 BIC SWKfP: Total pool $165,700 lit prise *****4 $44,739 2nd prise *****9 $22,369 3rd prise *****9 $11,184 STARTIRS ($1,597 each) Nos. *****0. *****9. *****2. *****8. *****6. *****7. *****4. CONSOLATION ($994 oach) Not. *****4. *****0, *****3. *****9, *****1, *****9, *****1, *****2, *****3. *****9.
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    • 966 20 By Our Market Correspondent THE MALAYAN share market, after the sharp 1 advance of the previous week, turned irregular with no defined trend. Movements were small with, rises and falls evenly balanced. However, selective shares continued in demand and the weight of the movements was
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    • 25 20 m WALK tin r* iSTcS;' 7 7B| eta. ISB1J7! B 7Bi eta. MllJTi B 711 eta. $392,121 16 791 eta. $392,621 U $392,621
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    • 25 20 D T.UI T.UI for payment payment for previous Austral Amal la. 6d.t March 24 "*r S» “wch Jo Muclud* 6d. bonus. cent M%
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    • 1161 20 -2 %r k 7 THE state of shares on the 1 Malayan Stock Exchange showing last business to Feb. 4 (A) and last business since that date (B), with H and p standing for Higheat and Lowest business last year and to date, was: INDUSTRIALS ML AS
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    • 504 20 OOINTS from this r week’s Singapore rubber reviews, issued yesterday, are: Holiday, Cutler, Bath and Co. Ltd.: There was no sign of a new feature tc reUeve the tedium of the week’s trading. advices have changed fractionally on balance, which induced little
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    • 21 20 < Managers P'*c«i) M«*av*n > 1 Kl •>ccond Malayan 1 03 l.jO bin* Hong Konn I 10 V2T (H K currency)
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    • 123 20 pENANO, Feb. 12.—Inmates of the leper camp at Pulau Jerejak presented two requests when the Chief Miniser, Da to Wong Pow Nee, visited them yesterday afternoon to present ang pows and gifts for the Chinese New Year. The red packets and gifts had been
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