The Straits Budget, 8 February 1961

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Nov Series7ss. Kuala Lumpur, February 8, 1861. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
    27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 69 1 i McAlisters symbol of trade in the East Good relations between East and West have been built on trade. S i J,l In over a hundred years of operation, McAlisters have become a symbol of trade in the East. The fine reputation tcALISTER CO. LTD SmmSMM S 1 Xf>OR E
      69 words

    • 474 2  -  X. Y. Z. Singapore. THE GOVT. SHOULD THINK AGAIN ON ITS OFFER TO DIVISION II OFFICERS A 8 a disinterested citizen, allow me to comment on the Government proposals for the partial restoration of variable allowances. In the first place the offer of a 10 per cent restoration,
      474 words
    • 167 2  -  MEDICO Singapore. 1 FULLY endorse views expresses “ABC” (.B.T. Jan 27, Estate owners are n in the unenviable pc Kon so to speak, of being l e J tween the dfevil mnd *n e deep blue sea.” If they complain to ia te authorities about unauti. c lsed
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    • 101 2  -  GRADUATE Kaub. THOUGH the discrepancies between the relative worth of a general and honours degree have in the past being unduly emphasised by the educational systems of the country. I think it is time that the myth was buriedj In keeping
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    • 260 2  - PORT SWETTENHAM: NO TIME TO BE LOST. PORT USERS Port Swettenbam \\fE read with interest the V V editorial (S.T. Jan. 24) commenting on the scheduled visit of the Transport Minister to see the congestion at Port Swettenham for himself. The port users welcome and appreciate this Interest in the
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    • 55 2  -  TEAC‘»JR Singapore. \[R. Milon Nandy, m 41 Saturday’s Issue <? T. Jan. 28) says some rather interesting things about the GCE in comparison with the School Certificate examination If what he says is, in fact, true, we ought to know more about it. Perhaps Mr. Nandy nv.ght care
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    • 133 2  -  A. FRASER- BRUN Cur: Van Kleef Aqun» Singapore MR. LEONG CHEE ONN’S comments on sharks J (S.T. Jan. 25) are of inter- est. though most people do not swim in the harbour area and very seldom carry treshly killed chickens with them. In my
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 62 2 TV —T t" X3 \J. ft 0/ <iv<> 4 ftr iiw V iWsK-m mat If! •>.:: ■F <* s SB& ill! it <✓ i < i< >mm%. m mm® Si 8 m,. i i mMmk r f f y M l a \x -Mm xsssftx x 0 XN A I
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  • The Straight Budget
    • 549 3 —Straits Times. Jan 30 I* .still too soon to thaw in the cold KMsibility increase* V j r< yuit-nt Kennedy and vj, K irushchev will meet in nt the spring to to the summit. tan be only the beginning. Many a v j preparation will be
      —Straits Times. Jan 30  -  549 words
    • 422 3 —Straits Times. Jan* 30 In 1958, the first year of the communes, Liu Shao-chi, Chairman of the Chinese People’s Republic, forecast three bitter years for the Chinese people, and said that 1959 would be the crucial year in agricultural production because, as the People’s Daily explained, completed
      —Straits Times. Jan* 30  -  422 words
    • 612 3 —Straits Times. Jan 31 The Ecafe Committee on Trade, meeting in January, threw up some interesting points —as it was bound to but concluded nothing of any value about them. Asia is too large for generalisation and even a fairly safe statement about the momentum of
      —Straits Times. Jan 31  -  612 words
    • 191 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 31 Too much must not bo mode ot the visit which Tengku Abdul Rahman and a number of his ministerial colleagues paid to Singapore over the week-end. It was mainly a social occasion; there was a golf match to be played by teams led by
      —Straits Times. Jan. 31  -  191 words
    • 643 3 Straits Times, Feb 1 Tengku Abdul Rahman’s statement on merger will be welcomed in Singapore as much for a significant shift in emphasis a> for its general indication of a warmer relationship between the two governments. Tht last time he spoke on the subject, at Canberra a
      Straits Times, Feb 1  -  643 words
    • 579 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 2 There have been few State of the Union messages as blunt and forthright as President Kennedy’s. He has promsod action at home, and eadership abroad, a challenge to America and the West, and a challenge to freedom’s enemies. Even from Russia there comes
      —Straits Times. Feb. 2  -  579 words
    • 234 4 —Straits Times. Fib 2 Once again there has been a great rush for identity card lrtters of appointment at the registration centre in Suleiman Building. Yesterday’s crowd began forming at five in the morning, and by nine o’clock several thousand people were standing two or three abreast in
      —Straits Times. Fib 2  -  234 words
    • 598 4 -Straits Times. Feb 3 Until the second five-year development plan is laid before Parliament next Monday, the general public will not know what the Federal Government intends to do about the housing shortage. Whatever these intentions may be, they can hardly fail to aim at a considerable
      -Straits Times. Feb 3  -  598 words
    • 645 4 —Straits Times, Pel It is good to see the Minister of Transport deeply and personally engaged in the matter of Port Swettenham. Inche Sardon’s promise of further action and the pledge that the port authority will be autonomous in 1964 are both welcome. But the Minister possibly
      —Straits Times, Pel  -  645 words

    • 33 4 BETWEEN Dr. Ah’X 1' the late Mr. and Mrs a Mknn Singapore and Ml: 1*’ '.dan daughter of Mrs It md the late Mr H. G c f 5,a i"C on 28.1.61.
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  • 870 5  -  'jljr Congo: Kennedy plan raises world hopes By VERNON BARTLETTJ i. i wo news items in rs could be linked one could again a n optimist. PreK.nnedy according ni. would welcome a talks with Mr. •liev at the March ot the
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  • 511 5  -  COUNTRYMAN’S JOURNAL Tf AN P.IFK THE DUSl'N, Friday, Jan. 27. 0 N the morning of the 23rd the Tuan, though not feeling at all bright, attended the official opening of the Kota Tinggi branch of the Malaycn Banking Ltd., in Jalan Tcmbctan. At
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  • 43 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 30 A former senior police officer in Malaya. Mr. C.S.K. Bovell. 40, now Inspector-General of the Nigerian police, has been created a Knight Bachelor by Queen Elizabeth. He was in the Federation police from 1935 till 1955.
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  • 39 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 30 Che Sa'adiah Sardon, wife of the Minister of Transport, returned today after attending the Pan-Pacific and SouthEast Asia Women’s Association conference at Canberra. Australia. She was away for more than three weeks.
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  • 32 5 SEREMBAN. Jan. 30. The Vang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan, who left for the United States early this month for medical treatment, is due to return here on Feb. 1.
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  • 29 5 KUANTAN. Jan. 30 The people of Sur.gei Shetan.g village will go to the polls tomorrow to elect nine members to the village committee. Fourteen will contest.
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  • 55 5 TELUK ANSON Feb. 1 A seven-member d e p ut a 1 10 n from the town council here will call on the Mentri Be-ar, Da to Sha’ari bin Piai. in Ipoh tomorrow’ to present a memorandum urging the Government to solve tin; problem of
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  • 49 5 KLANG, Feb. 1 I in* national language will be used exclusively by the Town Council here from tomorrow until the end of the National Linyuaue Month. This was announced to-t-Uht by the chairman of the council, Mr M R Read, at the monthly meeting.
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  • 435 6 NAKROW ir/.V fO/i THE MALAYANS IN VIG MATCH CIXGAFORE. Jim. 2i*. The battlf- oi t he V.I.G.s very important pollens led by Premiers T e n u. k u Abdul Rahman and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew had all the excitement of an important,
    points to 51. — Straits Times picture.  -  435 words
  • 141 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29 \|R. KENNETH Bradley, Director of the Commonwealth Institute, London, arrived Kuala Lumpur by air yesterday for a three-day visit on his tour of Commonwealth countries. Mr. Bradley said that he would have talks with the Minister of Education. Inche Abdul
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  • 25 6 IPOH. Jan. 29 P‘ branch of the Tecln Association of Malaya L urge its central council press for a royal charter the association.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building of Real Estate Activities iti Jlong Kong and the Par East. CONTAINS full occounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. pensable source of information for oil concerned in architecture,
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  • 400 7 SINGAPORE. Jan. 29 jurong industrial site impresses Federation premier and he says S pore is grand now rp \(iKl ABDUL RAHMAN today steered 1 turbo-jet speedboat from Tanjong |v;;;ini to Jurong to see the 18,000Arr industrial site being developed by the Npiirapore Government. i I am
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  • 232 7 IYUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. —The Montfort Boys Home and Training Centre in Batu Tiga, Selangor, has received a large number of applications for places from pupils who have failed to get admission to secondary schools. A spokesman for the home said today that only
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  • 20 7 I\lR. LED Kl AN YEW completes a drive during his match oM Jan. 29
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  • 148 7 lOHORE BAHRU, Jan. J 29. —Elec:ed Town Council members here have unanimously decided that they should be entitled to a monthly allowance of $lOO with effect from Jan. 1 last year. They also approved the payment of arrears from the Town Council fund and
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  • 28 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Jan. 29.A fish-seller. Tan Ah Leng. today hooked a 10-ft python out of the Sungei Seget here and captured it after a 10minute struggle.
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  • 126 7 I/UALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29. >- The campaign tor family planning Ls to be stepped up in the Federation Soon, the Federation oi Family Planning Associate ns will have branches in all States. The president of the !<* ration. Dr
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  • 208 8 REVOLVER FIRED AS BRAWL BREAKS OUT AT PACKED IPOH OPEN AIR DANCING PLACE II’OH, Jan. 29. TWO persons, a businessman and a police constable, were slightly injured at 1.30 this morning at the crowded open air dance floor of the Kinta Swimming Club in Silibin
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  • 159 8 SINGAPORE. Jan. 2S--A move to form a single organisation to represent all rubber raaers is oeing made by tin* Singapore Ruuber Packers' Association. The association, one of hree bodies here represen tug ruboer dealers, will soon end out feelers on tlie plan o the other
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  • 83 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29 Two lournalists left here to<iay for a two-week tour of New Zealand to obs* rve the trade situation there and it.s < nnecUon wit fi Malaya I’h< re are Mr Chan Ken Sin f (‘deration editor of Sin Chew Jit Poh,
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  • 421 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. TMIL Prime Minister of the Algerian Provisional Government, Dr. Ferhat Abbas, today called on the United Nations to hold a refeiendum in the best possible manner and in an atmosphere of free will” in Algeria
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  • 87 8 IPOH.Jan. 30—The Medical Superintendent of the Central Mental Hospital. Tanking Rambutan. Dr. A.S. Sandhu, today appealed to the public for gifts of old magazines and Christina* ea-d for the institution’s inmates. Of the 4 300 inmates in the hospital, he said, about half would be able
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  • 364 8 KANG AK, Jan. I’d Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja F i A maisuri Agong began the second dav of their otlicial visit to their home state, Perns, by paying their respects to the King’s ancestors it the royal cemetery at Arau today. Hie King
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  • 33 8 KUALA LUMPTJP, The Sultan of Selang r present the Tn^* riM> 'nnointment to Tnche Hn bin Hail TdH.s as T.caal vlser S°lan fTr > r tom 0, **nw the Istana Selangor here
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  • 74 9 THEY WILL HELP IN RURAL UPLIFT DRIVE SIX New Zealand surveyors arrived in Kuala Lumpur on (an. 29 to join six others now working on Malaya’s rural development scheme. They will be here for two years under the Colombo Plan. The new arrivals are (from left):
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  • 275 9 Work on $6 million plan to start soon KOTA BHARI\ Jan. 29. TilK I’MIP-controlled Kelantan Govern--1 ment will this year carry out some of the development schemes suggested by the Alliance dominated town council here nine months ago to change the face of
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  • 133 9 PENANG, Jan. 30. An Alliance rural district councillor, Inche W. A. Bahaudin today urged the Federation Government to ban the use of Chinese scales and use another scale which can be more easily understood by kampong folks. “Kampong people are not happy
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  • 291 9 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29. fTHIE West German acting Foreign Minister, Dr. H. J. von Merkatz, said here today that his country would consider sending technical experts to Singapore if the need arose. He said: “We are watching with close interest the rank! industrialisation plans
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  • 59 9 SUNGEJ PATANI. Jan.3o. A police pensioner. Inehe Embi bin Din. was killed last night in a motor colli, ion near the ntrance of Sunset Tukang estate, two miles from here. Inehe Embi was riding a scooter with a pillion passenger. Inehe Ismail bin Ibrahim. another police pensioner. when
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  • 19 9 SINGAPORE. Jan. 29 Thieves broke into a shop in Rochore Canal Road yesterday morning and stole $1,500.
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  • 272 9 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29 M v AP °RE had 130 ’istered trade a total sh U> of 144,n, end of Depd;o comparu 17* unions a for 146 579 'ho previous .f -j! in the number vas either due to f of corMOcntp,; Pfl'M'l J’-'Moti and
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  • 399 10 Investment guarantee will produce ‘favourable results KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 30. TIIK Republic of Germany expects “very favourable results” to spring from the investment guarantee agreement recently concluded with Malaya, her acting Foreign Minister. Dr. 11. J. von Merkatz, said here today. “We hope
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  • 171 10 CINGAI'ORE, Jan. 30 The Rev Goh Hood Keng. the weh-known Methodist pastor, died in lhe General Hospital here tonight after a short illness. He was 72. He was one of the last surviving pupils of the late Bishop WF. Oldham, who founded the
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  • 161 10 SEREMBAN Jan. 30 STRIP-TEASE artist was acquitted by the magistrate’s court here today for alleged indecent exposure beeau e her act could not have “annoyed” four police officers who arrested her The font officers admitted under cross-examination that they took Fong So Fan. 2. r t
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  • 787 10 PENANG. Jan 30 Sessions Court president, Mr. K. Somasundram. today held that a town councillor was not a public servant. He acquitted and discharged Phee Joo Toik. former deputy chairman of the Butterworth Town Council. who had pleaded
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  • 47 10 SINGAPORE, Jvi. < iV t nations totalling $20. 470 been leceived by the Si', pore Anti-Tubereulosi.-' soclation in response t< annual appeal for funds This sum includes ri tlons of $10,000 from the S’ pore Turf Club and from the Straits Time- 1 <M> Ltd.
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  • 261 11 aA Y OF DRAMA AT INQUIRY COMMISSION AS ONG ENG GUAN CROSS-EXAMINES THE PREMIER IN THE BOX SINGAPORE, Jan. 30 FORMER MINISTER for National Development, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, today personally took over the crossexamination of Mr. Lee Kuan Yew after
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  • 127 11 MERGER KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 30 The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that the question ol the merger of Singapore and the Federation would have to wait for some time. The Tengku, addressing a party of German press, radio
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  • 49 11 KUALA KANGSAR. Jan 30— The Raja Perempuan of Perak was among the large gathering at the funeral here yesterday of Che Arfah blnte Haji Abdul Raof. wife of Toh Muda Abdullah bin Noordin. former Perak State Secretary and former secretary to the Ministry of Health
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  • 694 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 30 I\ AILS ot three v Bills aimed at ucing legal otl- > in netting in the k ation. lighleni tu* laws against makers and adron*. ng members of r.iblic to turf club arses were eheu today. .‘irst Bili is for up a totalisator
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  • 113 11 JOHORE BAHRU Jan. 30. MADAM LIM PHAIK YEONG. 42, a former chairman of the women’s section of the Malayan Chinese Association, died in the General Hospital here early today after a stroke. Madam Lim was the wife of a prominent Johore Bahru resident. Dr.
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  • 58 11 SINGAPORE. Jan. 30- Pillai Nlllpalil Neelakandan. an employee of Boustead and Co., Ltd., today pleaded not guilty to a charge oj committing criminal breach of trust ot $1,354 belonging to his company on Dec 12 last year He was allowed bail of $2,000 till
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  • 332 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. SINGAPORE’S Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, today said that his Government agreed with the statement by the Federation Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, that the road to merger “lies ultimately in all the races in Malaya
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  • 65 12 PENANG, Feb. 1 -The Mayor, Mr. Ooi Thiam Slew, will declare opc n the David Chen Gardens, named after a lormer principal of Chung Line; High School, at 430 pm. on Fe*b. 4. The gardens, oil Ayei Itam Hoad and Batu Lanchang Lane, are dedicated to the
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  • 42 12 SINGAPORE. Feb. 1 Four motorists were each lined $2O hi the Traffic Court here today for exceeding 30 m.p.h along Nlcoll Highway They were Tan Kheng Hln. Ong Bok Koon, Koh Chee Chong and Yahaya bin Mohaned Noor.
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  • 30 12 IPOH. Fob i .Thieves broke t" the house ol Capt w A Vokc (he ‘J/<i Gurkhas <11 !ieeh» r Hoad. o‘l Tambun Koad last night and stol $100.
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  • 40 12 11*011, Jan. :u Mi Jessie Tye Chll Pin. daughter oi Mr ve Smo Llm ot Ipoh has returned alter completing in <’ Vf if course at ihe rrl i! ‘.v College Music in amd ere he obtalnec 'wo diplomas
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  • 199 12 Kuala lumpur, jan. 31. —The national, monument to commemorate the ending of the Emergency and the triumph of freedom and democracy in Malaya will cost 5840.000. The Federation Government will contribute $200.000 and the balance is to be raised by public subscription. According to a Government statement
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  • 121 12 JESSELTON. Jan. 31. A buffalo was made to swallow an ounce of DDT here recently —to pacify irate villagers The villagers had alleged that the DDT used by antimalarial spraying teams was killing their bull aloes. The government denied this. To
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  • 21 12 SINGAPORE. Jan. 31. T. A Simon has been n elected pre. ident of I.h» Singapore Buddhist Association for 1961.
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  • 379 13  -  6v HO SAI KONG: Penang, Jan. 31 4 m arine DEPARTMENT vessel, the 670A f ,ii Aktina, was today attacked by armed pii ates 16 miles south-west of Penang. hnliPVPfl to bP p ates. believed io be ms, ft red 4b shots
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  • 282 13 THOUSANDS o f worshippers all over Malaya and Singapore yesterday thronged Hindu temples to pay homage lo Lord Subramaniam, the spotless and valiant one. Hundreds carried kavadis with silver skewers piercing their checks or bodies to fulfil vows rradf last vear
    Straits Times picture.; —Straits Times picture.  -  282 words

  • 304 14 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDED TO ST. NICHOLAS YOUTH PENANG. Jan. 31. a BLIND young: pianist ol St. Nicholas Home, A pete r Chin Peng Kong, bade his family a tearful farewell at Penang airport today when he left on a scholarship for Adelaide
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  • 199 14 CINCAPORE. Jan 31. A young slightly-built milk depot worker irom India, today ben an a proposed non-stop four-day endurance bicycle ride in Farmer Park The cyclist. R Muthukumar. 25, aims to beat his own record of staying 72 hours on a bicycle,
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  • 31 14 SINGAPORE. Jan 31 Unit Gen. Sii Reginald D *n ning aiirj Larly lx lining arrlv< d if] tli#* Canton yesterday for a two-W'*ck visit, to Singapore and the Federation.
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  • 207 14 SINGAPORE. Jan. 31. A party of five round-the-world adv e n.t.u rer s, no w stranded in Singapore, today appealed to local travel agencies to help them get to Australia. Making the appeal on behalf of the party was a crippled
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  • 226 14 m DVPLICATION AND NO ‘DODGING’ SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. TAELEGATES of the Japanese and Singapore governments have concluded a draft convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of tax dodging, after three weeks of negotiations at the Finance Ministry here. The draft, convention,
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  • 155 14 JPOH, Jan. 31.—a mvi1 tenous shortage or coins in the country is setting a problem for banks, particularly with Chinese New Year st near. The shortage came to uar.t when banks made their usual requests for coins were told bv Government treasuries F the main
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  • 98 14 SINGAPORE. Feb. 1. THE Commission of Inquiry investigating allega- tions of “nepotism” made in the Legislative Assembly by the former Minister for National Development. Mr. Ong Eng Guan. against the Prime Minister and the Minister for Labour and Law ended its hearings today. The Commissioner, Mr.
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  • 143 14 KOTA BHARU, F’eb 1 Neariy 1,400 landless people from all parts of Kelantan today started work o opening up 10.722 acres ol jungle land in IJlu Kelantan district They got land under the Kelantan Pan-Malayan Islamic Party Government’s Land Development Board Gnder the
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  • 20 14 TANJONG MALIM, Feb.l.— The new president ot the Slim River Boy Scouts’ Association is the Rev p Athimuthu
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  • 84 14 SINGAPORE. Feb. 1-A st dent. Sng Liang Chee. was stabbed m the arm i Balestier Road last mgl shortly after a “starin incident. He was treated a an outpatient Sng told the police that h was cycling along Balestie: Road when another cycle' blocked his
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  • 289 15  -  DRUNKENNESS is no excuse for the killing of a person, says judge e JACKIE SAM 5 spore, Feb. 1 vr xgkimwah, *V.. u> Linda Fong, \-cabaret bar -(ir. was today r 10 years for ;nslaughter of -man T a n h m her bedk.t
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  • 132 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 1 A UNITED Nations expert on demography—the study of population—arrived here today to carry out a six-day research survey on population growth in Malaya. He is Prof. I Mohamed A. El-Badry of I Egypt, sta- I tioned at the D e
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  • 53 15 SINGAPORE. Feb I—A 14-year-old boy pleaded guilty in the juvenile court here today to a charge of trespassing into War Department grounds on Jan. 30. He told the court that he had entered a military camp to bathe at a standpipe there. The magistrate. Miss Jenny
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  • 32 15 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Feb 1 -—Three thousand villagers of Kampong Pertama and its suburbs today received their first supply of piped water. Three standpipes have been installed in the village.
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  • 259 15 RULINGS AMENDED ON QUESTIONS SEEKING CERTAIN INFORMATION KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 1. jyfEMBERS oi' Parliament will in future have be more diplomatic when I hey ask questions in the House relating lo foreign countries. Under amended regulations, they cannot questions seeking information about the internal
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  • 249 15 Kuala lumpur, Feb. l. A clear statement on whether Malaya will recognise the Algerian Provisional Government is expected to be made by Tengku Abdul Rahman when the House of Representatives meets on Feb. 6. The Tongku will be asked by Inche Zulkifiee bin Muhammad
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  • 971 16  - PORT S PLIT BY 1964 Sardon plans regular visits by YAP CHIN KVVEE Port Swettenham, February 2 OORT Swettenham will be split from the .Malayan Railway and become a completely autonomous undertaking by 1964. This was disclosed today by the Minister ol Transport, Indie Sardon bin Haji Jubir, at the
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  • 221 16 PORT SWETTENHAM, February 2 r r\VO Federation Ministers today argued publicly over the presence of Press and radio reporters at Port Swettenham. They were the Minister of Transport Inche Sardon bin Hajl Jubir. and the Minister of Finance. Mr. Tan Siew Sin. The reporters had been
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  • 121 16 r llF, Yang di-Pertuan Bosar of Negri Senibilan returned lo Kuala Lumpur «>n Fob 2 alter being awav three weeks for medieal treatment in the L’n'ted States. the Ruler, who looked fit u is v.armly welcomed hy the Tengku Ampuan, members of
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  • 449 17 PENANG, Feb. 2 VISIT TO ALMA MATER: he says the queen A!\iD I DEEPLY TOUCHED T Vang di-Pertuan Agong. wearing his old j u >ol tie, was loudly cheered this morning hen he paid his first official visit to his tija Mater, the Penang
    ,—Straits Times picture.  -  449 words
  • 216 17 PENANG, Feb. 2. T'HE Raja Permaisuri Agong today urged women to join the Women’s Institute “for the good of the nation.” The Queen made this appeal at a reception given in her honour by the state Women’s Institute. She praised members of the institute for
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  • 177 17 SINGAPORE. Feb. 2. 4 T ALENTED Malayan pianist, Mr. Lee Klim Sing, aepes to take part in the international Tchaika A-:y competition in Moscow at the end of this year. Penang- born Mr. Lee. 26. J a been encouraged by Wirtem Tatyana Nikolayeva. Russian
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  • 74 17 SINGAPORE, Feb 2 During a school reces~. two girls ran into one another while playing a game. Three days later, one of them died in the General Hospital as a result of a fractured skull. This was stated at the inquest today.
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  • 66 17 IPOH, Feb. 2—Perak’s Chief Police Officer. Senior Assistant Commissioner Mohamed Salleh bin Ismail—the first Asian to hold the job—leaves this week for a new appointment. First, he will accompany Mr Justice Ong to New Zealand where they will attend a United Nations-sponrored seminar on human rights On
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  • 33 17 SINGAPORE, Feb. 2 Dr. EG Leonard, formerly o r the Singapore General Hospital. has passed the FFARCS (Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists. Royal College of Surgeons) examination in London
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  • 135 17 SINGAPORE. Feb. 2 fiERTAIN Singapore and Federation stamps withdrawn on Sept 4. 1955. will be invalid from Aug 1 “tor purposes of postage and revenue The Singapore stamps, in the 1 2. 4. 5 6.8 10 12. 20 25. 35 50 cents $1 and $5
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  • 201 17 Kuala i, u m pur. Feb. 2. Driving schools are to come under government control and supervision to ensure their soundness and efficiency in operation. New rules lay down certain qualifications for driving Instructors and empower the Minister of Transport to call tor returns and,
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  • 1115 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 3 THE FEDERATION’S second Five-Year Plan requires an investment of $5,050 million —$2,150 million by the Government and public enterprise and $2,900 million by private sources. This was announced today by Ihe Deputy Prime Minister, Tun
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  • 58 18 SINGAPORE Feo. :j. Three partners of Chop Swee Hin Churi wen* abjudicated bunkriipt by the Chief Justice, Sir Alan Hoc, in the High i f ur today on a petition by the Bank ol America They are Tan Kok Bong, Uiua Cheng Hock and Tav Ihian Seng.
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  • 137 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 3 *Th Minister of Interior. Date Suleiman bin Dato About Rahman, has been askei to become Malayan new High Commissioner Australia Dato Suleiman said today that he had not yet made a decision. Hr was now or sick
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  • 992 19  -  ePSOM JEEP ,.,;*por«, J* n ,*CE ONE 1)1V. 2—7 FURS. *\s, ihk* I A i HUB II 8*0 ,101 .464) McGrowdie 1 Ignore 8.9 0-791) Ward 2 ?er Carat H 12 15 519) Lwng 8 .463) Donnelly 4 ;\V0R8H1P 8.7 .-25) Bougoure 5 :MO MIST
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  • 855 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP Singapore, Feb 5 RACE ONE < L 2, DIV. 3—OF. UiiL* :,oi. stable’s. i2 HTETMUSTEK 8.11 ’744-870) 'Maddock 1 >6 ti<jiida> Flight 7.12 039-547) Lee 2 *3 Martingale 8.0 '7-652) Posher 3 4 NKDRAFT 7.11 K 9—477) Barratt 4 AYA II 7 7
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 94 19 0—4. THE BIC SWEEP—Total pool $146,739. 1st prise No. *****7 ($66,032). 2nd prise No. *****9 ($33,016) 3rd prise No. *****6 ($18,342). STARTIRS ($1,667 i*ch>: No.. *****8, *****2, 20S870. *****9, *****6, *****0. *****8, *****1. *****9, *****2, *****1. CONSOLATION ($1,100 tack): Not. *****7, *****5, *****8. *****4, *****7. *****1, *****1. *****3, *****8, *****5.
      94 words

    • 445 20 POINTS from this r week’s Singapore rubber reviews, Issued yesterday, are: Lewis and Peat: After a 2| cent drop from last Friday noon quotations prices climbed sharply on active dealer shortcovering. wiping out all but i cent of the drop. Sentiment appears to have turned
      445 words
    • 29 20 ftvbber Tin (per lb.) (per picul) Jsn. SO 77 eta. $280.50 »l 1390.62*£ Feb. 77* eta. $390.71 2 71*5 cU $391.12*5 S 78*4 els $391.25 4 1391.82*5
      29 words
    • 977 20 By Our Market Correspondent THE MALAYAN share market has had one of its best weeks since the May-June boom last year, with tins and industrials moving sharply ahead in good demand. The strongest rises were in the mining section but several industrials advanced
      977 words
    • 20 20 (Managers' Prlees) First Malayan 1 *4 1 31 xd B«cond Malayan \o\ 1 Ho KoM s,t. M wJ5
      20 words
    • 911 20 rB stale of shares on the Malayan Stock Exchange showing last business to Jan. 28 (A) and last business since that date (B), with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business last year and to date, was: iNSvrriuis Hi A 8 Mil StlCka 1.00 .80
      911 words
    • 20 20 Total Total for payment payment for previous M. Cement *f*, r v r KimuntTnf 74d j lO I°**
      20 words
    • 299 20 Malayan Stock Exchange quotation chances, with Federation prices ih«/«n only when they differed from or win additional to Singapore's, were: INDUSTRIALS ••pert K L. SRI Boustead 1 27 l 30 I SO 1 321 Fed. Dia. 1.57 Orda 212 S. 14 Qaramon 2.23 2.24 321 i. Waugh 1.55
      299 words