The Straits Budget, 1 February 1961

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NKWSPAPU t v. Series 754. Kuala Lumpur, February 1, 1031. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 173 1 C m-' McAlisters CHANGE WITH THE TIMES f vA A SM* P -JEW*®** V McAlisters receives a shipment of goods from Britain. Hi r" n lHrWT5. It was a “red letter" day for Singapore —the date... 21st August, 1866. A ship was in—after months of waiting—and McAlisters were first again
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    • 291 2  -  T.E.K. Singapore. PROTEST AT THE POWERS GIVEN TESTERS THE present system—if it is a system—used by the traffic police to test a person’s competency to ride a motor-cycle or a scooter is both unsatisfactory and inconvenient. There does not appear to be any fixed or uniform guide for
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    • 91 2  -  GRATEFUL Malacca. J WISH to express my gratitude to the police officer and two constables who came to my aid when my car skidded and ran Into a ravine at Kelapa Sawit, Kulai. They rendered immediate tirst-aid and furthermore made arrangements for my car to be
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    • 142 2  -  K.T. OOI Kuala Lumpur. AS one of the hundreds of motorists who every day has to call at the Ampang Road entrance to the Bukit Nanas Convent, I have to complain that the traffic policemen on duty seem unable to differentiate between
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    • 68 2  -  C. T. Singapore. SHOULD like to protest to “Respect” (S. T. Jan. 14) that his sentiments are fatuous and should never have been expressed. If the older generation desires respect it must act in such a way as to engender respect. If “Respect” feels that he Is
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    • 195 2  -  MILON NANDY, Headmaster. IVlaharani English School. Muar. PERMIT me to remove the doubt existing in the minds of many, including individuals who should be better informed, regarding the standard of the GCE examination. An ordinary level pass in the OCE is undoubtedly higher than
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    • 71 2  - Very nice, but O. C. CHUA Singapore. r HY can’t some house holders keep their dustbins within their compound instead oi placing these outside their gates or across the five-footway. Many compound bungalow owners also dump cuttings of overgrown bourgainvillea and other thorny trees on the roadside, thus endangering the
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    • 117 2  -  D. M. U Pttaling Jaya \VITHOUT wishing to dictatorial I would i: t* to see legislation agai.-si selfish thoughtlessness particularly of the sort i experienced at the wetend. when I took a frie:; a stranger to Kuala Lur, pur, to Batu Caves.
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    • 151 2  -  DAVID CHE Singapore. r ]'HE staff at the National Library should be congratulated on their efficient and friendly ser- vice to the public. As most of Singapore's adult population work six days a week, it is hard to •i understand why the library
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    • 36 2  -  P.b Singapore I HAVE no direct share any material benei from the late Dr. To Dooley, but I believe has set an excellent exo pie of service, love a courage to the whole mankind
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 38 2 I <*■ lev <V h v t X ■5^ u r HZ. <v r- A ■x* r r #K§ GCOE r±*\6 f bSJ 1* DH J i >- i I'VAX < f i S > jOVif ai/A yzz Vhf S «J LONG
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 557 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 23 St agiv backed by India, gnta lias approached the SoV( t Government suggesting 4 j, lt as co-chairmen of the 21*154 Geneva Conference they should ask the Indian Government to re-convene the Intern -t »nal Commission for Supervision and Control in Lao
      —Straits Times. Jan. 23  -  557 words
    • 349 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 23 Singapore's total trade last year was worth $7,559 million, an improvement of S2ll million on the 1959 figures. Her trade with countries in the Ecafe region W'as also up, by $167 million to $4,862 million. It is possible to extract some satisfaction
      —Straits Times, Jan. 23  -  349 words
    • 741 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 24 So systematic have been attempts by the Soviet bloc and by rowdier Afro-Asian elements to besmirch the role played in the Congo both by Mr. Hammarskjoeld and the U.N. itself that it cannot hurt to repeat what the Secretary General told the
      —Straits Times. Jan. 24  -  741 words
    • 309 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 24 Sheikh Mahmoud Shaltout, whose position as Rector of A 1 Azhar University invests him with unique authority in Islamic affairs, has helped to resolve doubts on two questions of interest to Muslims in Malaya. In response to a request by Tengku Abdul
      —Straits Times. Jan. 24  -  309 words
    • 607 3 Straits Times, Jar. '25 Next month Malaya will join actively in the worldwide campaign to wipe out malaria. For a year an eradication team, assisted by W.H.O. experts, has been making preliminary surveys and collecting data in the pilot project area around Rawang. More than 400 square
      Straits Times, Jar. '25  -  607 words
    • 179 4 Straits Times. Jan. 25 'I h** dozen men of Singapore’s trade delegation have taken great expectations with them to Jakarta where, at the invitation of the Indonesian Government, they hope to prepan the ground for a trade treaty from which may grow a new era of prosperous
      Straits Times. Jan. 25  -  179 words
    • 663 4 —Straits Times. Jan 26 Par l,hill'd Nations ntion in tin* Congo stands tod.iy in jeopardy, and tin* whole ot the Congo with it A quarh‘i of tin* UN force is fjeinp withdrawn, the several warring provincial authorities are taking increasingly independent and disastrous action, the Baluba tribesmen
      —Straits Times. Jan 26  -  663 words
    • 330 4 Straits Times. Jan. 27 Dr. Lim Chong Eu. the former president of the M.C.A., has been quick to dispose of reports, published in Penang, that he was expected to lead a new’ political party to be called the Malayan Citizens Party. He insists that he is not
      Straits Times. Jan. 27  -  330 words
    • 219 4 —Straits Times. Jan. 27 Inche Khir Johan's negotiations in New Zealand should not be expected to produce startling new departures in the essentially small-scale trade between the two countries. Volume has been increasing in recent years but in the first eight months ot 19(10 Malaya still earned only
      —Straits Times. Jan. 27  -  219 words
    • 608 4 —Straits Times. Jan The fii 'st phase of Bulan Bahasa Kebangsaan, which begins today and lasts a fortnight, will feature much more activity than was provided in Minggu Bahasa Kebangsaan a year ago. Business houses and shops are being encouraged to give first place on their signboards to
      —Straits Times. Jan – ■  -  608 words

    • 29 4 SIMPSON on 21st Januan Satu Gajah to Ann and Pe daughter Elizabeth Mary sister Michael. Both well. GOTTLIEB To Sheelagh Steve a son. Michael Stephen Gleneagles on 23.1.61.
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    • 29 4 SMITH-BEAVEN: On 11 between Prank, younger son el and Mrs. E. Smith, of Nor-’ England, and Lynette Eliza* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H ven. Winchmore Hill. London
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    • 34 4 CHENG-CHAI: Wei Chai e son of Rev. and Mrs. Cheng Chu of Singapore to Slew youngest daughter of the lat* Chal An Nam and Mrs. Cha Ipoh on 28.1.61 In Christch’ New Zealand.
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  • 851 5  -  KENNEDY’S PLEDGE TO THE WORLD by VERNON BARTLETT OFFICIALS in every foreign office have had their weekend leisure interrupted by the need to study the inaugural address of President John F. Kennedy. on such an occasion must seek to offer something to mJv. This
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  • 151 5 K '*!TR. j., n 24. tin- lour-day ration of the *°i the GovernAbbas, were •e today. 'h d it the r by the tant Minis- ’’’nation and b'- ml Ja afar 1 Abbas will Merlin to a meeting >* Rahman will confer u and
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  • 202 5 SINGAPORE. Jan. 24. MEMBERS of the Singapore Business Houses Employees Union engaged in seven firms, at a meeting last night, authorised their headquarters officials “to implement any form of industrial action for the branches as and when they think fit." The
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  • 60 5 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. ‘24 The Minister ot 'iransport. Indie Sardon bin H.iji Jubir. will visit Port Swettenham on Feb. 2 to inspect installations and meet port officials. He will al-o meet members of the Port Swettenham joint council and representatives ot the National Union of Railwaymen
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE. Jan. 24 -1 he state coroner. Mr. N. A. d'Ro/nrio. today recorded an open verdict on a cyclist, Goh Choo Seng, who died I after an accident with a car in Scrangoon Road on June 1 29.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 256 6 AZIZ BLASTS CERTAIN GOVT. EMPLOYEES WHO SLACK BECAUSE BOSSES ARE ASIANS KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 22 TIIE Minister of Agriculture and Co-opera-tives, Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, was harshly critical today of government employees who did not do their best because their bosses w ere Asians. Inche Abdul
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  • 93 6 CINGAPORK. Jan 2U Property worth $4,035 wa tolen from ttn* home of a Gorman sales representative. Mr II G Schroter. in Leedon Hoad. Itoday. The thelt was discovered this morning by a servant. A police spokesman said the trout door had been lorced p<
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  • 101 6 Jan. 22 The Apex Club movement of Malaya is t<> .start a goat farm for the rehabilitation <-l cured lepers at Sungei Buloh. This was disclosed at a conference here ot delegates from five Apex clubs Singapore city, Katong, Johore Bahru, Seremban and Kuala
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  • 57 6 SINGAPORE. Jan. 22 -Prince Chula of Thailand and his English wife. Princess Elizabeth, arrived In Singapore today In the liner Willem Ruys, for a oneday sightseeing visit on their way to Bangkok for a holiday. With them—their four-year-old daughter, Narlsa. They will board a plane
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  • 234 6 FROM ADEN TO HK -TO SEE FIANCE SINGAPORE. Jan. 22. Love prompted Druscilla Yerbury. 18. to throw up her secretarial job in Aden and take a trip to Hons Kong to pay a surprise call on her fiance. But teday Druscilla
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  • 206 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Jail r rlIE FEDERATION Government is to carry o new method of making roads—using center. stabilise the soil wherever stones are not rean:iv available or uneconomic to bring to the site. A P.W.D. spokesman said that tin* lir.'t
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  • 99 6 SINGAPORE. Jan. 22 The University of Malaya Students’ Union in Singapore is planning to send a goodwill mission to Indonesia during the long vacation. which began on Jan. 21 The Undergrad, organ of the students’ union, said that the aims of the delegation would
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  • 27 6 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 22-. A Malayan trade delegation left here today for New Zealand to sign a trade agreement with the New Zealand Government.
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  • 215 6 Kuala lumpur. Jan. 22— Cheap and easy-to-make m i d wife's clinics. \vh; n will save millions r the government, be put up m the rural areas. They will be of red n> ranti wood specially tri ced to resist attacks by
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  • 24 6 SEGAMAT. Jan. 22 pector E.J.A. de Silva, oi district police headqu.n here, has been transfers i contingent police head ters at Johore Bahru
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  • 143 6 IPOH, Jan. 22 THE 15 Alliance candidates who will stand for the Taiping Town Council elections will not have to spend a cent on election expenses. The Larut and Matang Alliance committee has decided to bear the expenses of all its candidates Even
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 36 6 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in Singapore Kuala Lumpur No postage Fed Malaya Br North Borneo incl postage Br C'wealth Foreign incl postage United Kingdom Eastern Australia Only By L press Airfreight advance) •••in min limn.
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  • 329 7 TIN EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE TIES HIT ‘NEW LOW KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 22 I ion leader: The industry making money but what about the workers? rv riK president oi the All-Ma-1 lay an Mining Industry Staff l nion, Mr. C. A. Mathews, said t0( *av the relationship between pmpioyers and employees in the
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  • 44 7 Jan 22 A special 1 >t cut-blooms of -i Team or yellow T'Hated in Penang 1 be displayed at Gardening So- onthiy meeting ott Road on Jan. 26. Tong Lye. agri‘anist from Alor *eak on “Botany 1 -lfp of man.”
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  • 69 7 MR. C. KAMALANATHAN. former Perak soccer, hockey. cricket and rugger star, and his bride. Miss Patsy Fernandez. Perak hockey player. walking under an archway of hockey sticks held by hockey players after their wedding at the St. Michael’s Church in Ipoh. Mr Kamalanathan is an Assistant
    in Ipoh.—Straits Times picture.  -  69 words
  • 25 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 22 Tlw Philippines ambassador. Mr Yusup R Abubakar. has -eturned here after a three week visit to Manila for consultations.
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  • 105 7 TELUK ANSON. Jail. 22. A CLEANLINESS competition for kampongs in conjunction with rural development will be launched in the Lower Perak district. The contest will be run at mukim and district levels and will be divided into two groups. The first three cleanest houses from
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  • 48 7 IPOH. Jan. 22.—The Assistant Minister of Rural Development. Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman, will tomorrow start a four-day tour of development projects in Perak. The districts he will visit are Batang Pudang. Lower Perak. Dindings, Kuala Kangsar. Selama, Lartit and Matang and Krian.
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  • 143 7 Johore Bahru to get teachers college A BAHR U. Jan. 22.•v y 1 v secondary school—- Johore— and college tv lohore Bahru the college s master plan lor 1 |l,,rJ last wecK s If in Jalan I .r,.R, 4jPen 7 °ned for the There is no Malay or Indian secondary
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  • 290 7 LEGAL AID: ‘A SERIOUS GAP BRIDGED SINGAPORE Jan. 22. THE annual report of Singapore’s Legal Aid Bureau for 1959 said that during the short period of two years since the Bureau existed ‘*a serious gap in our society is now recognised and bridged.” Of the (302 cases handled by the
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  • 65 7 pENANG. Jan. 22 The vicar of the Church of Seven Sorrows, the Rev. Father Philip Lee, today warned his parishioners against the “morally sinful’ praetice of consulting so-called gods for lucky numbers in the 1.000 character lottery. “It’s all wrong.” he said in
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  • 52 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Jan. 22 Malaya’s runaway boy hero. Mohamed Nor bin Omar. 16. returned to the Junior Trade School here today and said that he had run away because he was “homesick” Mohamed ran away from the school the day after he was admitted on
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  • 236 8 Gang suspects released after questioning, five women charged JOHORE BAHRU, Jan. 22. FIVE women were arrested and 20 gangland suspects were detained by the police last night in an all-night crackdown on secret society haunts and vice spots. The arrests were the continuation of a biv:
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  • 199 8 BAN IMPORT OF LARD’ PLEA |>ENANG. Jan. 22. The Penang Pig Butchers’ Association has petitioned the Chief Minister. Dato Wong Pow Nee. to request the Federation Government to ban the import of lard, dried and salted pork or increase their import duties. "Unless the Government ♦•nforces some sort of restriction
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  • 21 8 PORT SWETTENHAM, Jan -2.- Two ships, the Salmara and the* Sotie, collided alongside wharf No. 6 here yesterday.
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  • 85 8 Hong kOng, Jan. 22 —a British jockey, Mr. J.S.C. Neel, died in hospital yesterday after his horse fell in the first race at the Jockey Club meeting. Mr. Neel, 44. who hu< served with Malayan Airways. was a director to sev eral Hong Kong
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  • 322 8 SINGAPORE. Jan. 22 Lady marcella. widow of the late Sultan of Johore, and her pretty lfi-year-old daughter. Princess Meriam. sailed Into Singapore today Ladv Marcella and her daughter will attend Johore’s “royal wedding of the year” between Che Zahrah binle
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  • 164 8 KUALA LUMPUR EMVE hundred and sixty-seven people, in Ann. secret society gangsters and other thug*, been registered under the Prevention ol Ordinance up to the end of last month. A spokesman of the Mi- i nistry of the Interior said today that
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  • 23 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. Inclosing date for applicat* for entry to the Nan. University preparatory ses has been extend'' Feb 10
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 105 8 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 A Hi-Mont lily periodical of Hu i Id inti of Real Estate Activities in I long Kotifi and the Par East. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of
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  • 404 9 Ong’s lies —by Lee Every one of them will be rebutted’ he says SINGAPORE, Jan. 23 ONG ENG GUAN, former jw| Minister for National Development, was cross-examined for almost the entire session of today's hearing of the Commission of Inquiry investigating the allegations of nepotism he made against the Prime
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  • 154 9 DR. FONG KIM II ENG (a member of the Housing Board); Mr. Lee said that Mr. Ong might be interested to know that Dr. Fong, “a political associate of us all”, recently gave up his practice for
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  • 63 9 SINGAPORE Jan. 23 —The University of Malaya Socialist Club plans to hold a giant lunch-time rally in Fullerton Square on Jan. 26 in honour of Mr. Ferhat Abbas. Prime Minister of the Algerian provisional government. Mr. Abbas, who is now in Indonesia, will make a twohour
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  • 185 9 rpAWAU, (North BorA neo). Jan. 23.—Pirates killed eight seamen ana stole nearly 1,000 bags of copra in five separate raids near here recently. Reports reaching here say that another man has been wounded, and three others are missing. Seven of the men were killed in
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  • 112 9 'j'UMPAT. Jan. 23. The magistrate’s court here today ruh'd that a bus driver, Ramil bin Mat Amin, was not to be blamed for a collision with a train at a level-cros-sing in which two people died and 14 others were injured. The magistrate. Inche Harun
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  • 34 9 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Jan 23. -More than 200 applications have been received by the Bukit Mertajam Town Council tor its proposed low-cost ($6,000 to $13,000) houses to be built in Kulim Road here
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  • 806 10 SINGAPORE, Jan 23 I N G A POKE S three top unionists today called for full support for the Government in the forthcoming: Hong: Lim by-election “to safeguard left-wing unity and the unity of the people/’ They aje MR. FONG SWFK SI
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  • 51 10 I ELUK ANSON. Jan. 23. A proposal to extend the firms activities to mining will be discussed at a meeting of the Lower Perak Transport Co.. Ltd., here on Feb. 4. The meeting will also consider a proposal to Increase its present capital ot $lOO,OOO to
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  • 33 10 PENANG. Jan. 23. The Chief Minister, Dato Wong Pow Nee. today opened the Val dor Village community in Kepala Batas, one ot the minor rural development projects in the State.
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  • 271 10 Walked in sleep —fell to death from tree JOHORE BAHRU, Jan. 23 JHIE body of an unemployed man. Abd, Hamid, was found this morning at the foot of a tembusu tree in a Muslim eerru tery near the General Hospital here. And his father, Haji Mohamed Khasiran. 52. a retired
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  • 52 10 BENTONG. Jan. 23 Teachers 01 the Sulaiman Primary School here have sent a telegram to Dr. Tom Dooley's brother. Malcolm, expressing their condolences to his mother and members of his family over the death of the jungle doctor of Laos. More than 20 teachers signed
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  • 33 10 BUTTER WORTH. Jan. 23. Twenty-five school uniforms have been reported stolen from the Permatang Pauh Malay School here. The uniforms were missed when the school re-opened today. alter the weekend.
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  • 174 10 If U A L A LUMPUR. 1X4 Jan. 23.— The Yang di-Pertuan Agons will receive the Philipines highest award the Order of Sikatuna from President Garcia in Malaya next month. This was stated here today by the Minister of the Philippines in the Federation. Mr.
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  • 59 10 ALOR STAR. Jan. 23 K dah will spend $3,742,500 rural development proj» this vear. Of this $2,038,000 will c< n from the Federation Govci ment. The 18 schemes to be fanced by Federal funds mainly lor building roads a bridges. The 16 State-financed pr
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  • 318 11 Own home’ plan for 50,000 ;OVT. EMPLOYEES TO BE GIVEN STATE land and loans at low INTEREST RATES KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 23. pi I V THOUSAND Government employees will be given state land 1 at a nominal price and low-in terest loans so that they can build then own houses
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  • 342 11  -  By By FELIX ABISHEGANADEN U r A L A LUMPUR. lx 23. Tin natural industry can intensified comfrom syntherovided it is not heavily burdened*’ ’.'.Nation. the opinion of the world’s leading “tors. Da to Sir Sir John, who is of Guthrie
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  • 49 11 RE -UNION OF THREE PIONEER PLANTERS t•». 11, J- m rs rubber industry in Malaya Dato Sir John Hay, 72, chairman of ‘states Agency Ltd. (centre), Mr. N. J. A. Foster, 70. principal of a planters ninK S( hool (right) and Mr. Freddie Cunningham, 71, a retired planter (left).
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  • 340 11 THEY WISH TO SAVE EMBARRASSMENT If U A L A LUMPUR. Jan. 23. Ex-King Leopold of the Belgians and his wife, Princess Liliane de Rethy, will come to Malaya two weeks earli er than originally planned because of the coming puasa. “They
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  • 127 11 2INGAPORE. Jan. 23. Two masked men raided a China Street cake shop early today, apologised for waking up their victim, shopproprietor Tay Toh, r>B. and left with $3,000 after thanking him for the money. Pleasant "Byr. bye." they said, as they left. Earlier they
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  • 50 11 SINGAPORE. Jan. 24 A writ has been tiled in the High Court registry here by the Comptroller of Income Tax againt Too Eng Theng. ot Angullia Park. claiming $236,444 trom him as the balance ot income tax payable by him for the years 1951. 1952. 1953 and 1954.
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  • 385 12 HE AGREES WITH COMMISSIONER: I’VE BEEN GIVEN EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO SAY WHAT I LIKE SINGAPORE. Jan. 24 FORMER Minister for National Development, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, agreed at today’s session of the Chua Commission of Inquiry that he had been given every opportunity
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  • 116 12 SINGAPORE. Jan 24 —The Danish ship Else Maersk will leave tomorrow for the Congo with 143 boxes of gift parcels weighing 12 tons lor tile 61J-strong Malayan Special Force. Two films presented by the Cathay Organisation', a record player and a case
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  • 132 12 QINGAPORFI. Jan. 24 A single union for all working journalists in Singapore is to be formed to protect their interests and to safeguard freedom ot the Press. At present there are three Journalist organisations in the state tlu“ Singapore Union of Journalists, the Singapore Chinese
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  • 128 12 Girl 18, and youth die in flat falls SINGAPORE, Jan 2: i GIRL was killed and an unemplo’ youlh fatally injured in two sepai. falls from skyscraper ilals in the Tiong Bal area today. The girl was 18-year-old Lee All Hong who Hipped and fell while pulling up a pail
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  • 180 12 A GROUP of children (above) scooped up liquid latex from a damaged wagon after two goods trains collided at the Kuahi Kangsar railway station on the evening of Jan. 23. The children gathered the spilUng latex in pails and later tried to sell
    — Straits Times p-ictur-  -  180 words
  • 54 12 KUALA LUMPUR Jan Four civilian clerks, wh tween them have nearly years of service with the 1 tish Army in Malaya, to received the Commander Chief’s testimonials for 1 and faithful service. They were Inche Sulain hin Haji Hasbullah. I Mohammed Zin bin Ma: Mr Low Peng
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  • 388 13 BIG RUSH FOR STALLS AT S’ PORE AIR SHOW 60 foreign firms have already applied for space SINGAPORE, Jan. 25. rpnEHE has been a big rush by aircraft and equipment manufacturers from many (ounlries to book stalls at Singapore’s first international air show which begins on April 8. \bout t30
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  • 97 13 v AUSTRALIAN teacher ‘i who is “terribly fond" of -h Asian students she has t.iusjht has used her lifeto visit their homes in llong Kong, Japan. tm ho ‘ha, South Vietnam, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore and Indonesia. is Mrs. Barbara N. A' r ton,
    , ni. —Straits Times pict r<  -  97 words
  • 28 13 771 K ANSON, Jan. 25,-A r v i.distant here, Goh Ah was lined $1 300 in •'•■ions Court yesterday. u Possession of fireworth $650.
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  • 42 13 Hi f“ cIMfi AN\ Jan. 25.—The M r .Kuala Lumpur, AiiJ h’u 1 nic Ve ndargon, 1 Om.i 4 °P en the new .'hu; f r s 1 ball at the the Visitation F, b 4 at 6.15 p.m.
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  • 30 13 KUALA SELANGOR, Jan. 25. —The Kuala Selangor Social and Recreation Club will hold a satay party and dance '*n Feb 11 to raise funds for the club
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  • 98 13 Kuala lumpur. Jau. 25. -Ten cases of poliomyelitis were reported in :he Federation in the first week of this month it. was disclosed today Eight of the cases occurred in Selangor, one in Penang and the other in Malacca. There was no death. But
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  • 203 13 A LOR STAR. Jan. 25. Four men from Johore sold unauthorised photographs of the King and Queen in a Kedah illage after hinting it was an offence not "o buy them, the Sessions Court here was told today. Kamsari. 21. Hamid bin Salam,
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  • 197 13 gUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 25 A 20-year-oid Scots am flew 0.000 miles to Malaya this week to marry her childhood sweetheart. SIIE is attractive blonde hairdresser Marion Steele. lIE is Cpl. Boh Milne. 22. who used to live near her in Forfar, Scotland. Bob
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  • 233 13 MALACCA, Jan. 25. AN 18-year-old labourer of the Central Electricity Board, S. Krishnan, was today found guilty in the High Court here of attempted murder of a mutton seller. He was ordered to be detained at the Henry Gurney School until he was 21. A
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  • 32 13 PORT SWETTENHAM Jan. 25 The fire brigade put cut a blaze in an opet railw iy goods wagon containing 50 jars of sulphuric acid at the wharf area here *&gt;.night
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  • 384 14 Influenced by the Ministers? Never’ SAY THREE PSC MEMBERS SINGAPORE. Jan. 25 f riIKKE numbers of the Public Service Com- mission today said on oath that on no occasion were they influenced by any Minister in the exercise of their duties They were Mr. Lim Eng Bee (chairman), Mr. Lim
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  • 203 14 11*011. Jan 35—Mr ADC. Peterson, who directed the psychological campaign during the height of the Emergency in Malaya, ha.s returned in an unofficial capacity to visit “this really very fine country." “It is wonderful indeed to come back and find that
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  • 29 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 25. The president of the Malayan Association of Youth Clubs. Tengku Abdullah, will address a meeting of the vouth club here on Jan. 29
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  • 37 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Jail. 25 The Minister of Transport. Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir, will open a conference of registrars and inspectors of motor vehicles at the road transport headquarters at Petaling Jaya on Jan 27
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  • 599 14 SINGAPORE. Jan. 25 JUDGE SAYS BLAZE IN HOLD WAS DUE TO NEGLIGENCE: REGISTRAR IS TO ASSESS THE AMOUNT OF DAMAGES THE HIGH COURT here today dismissed j $879,293 claim by the Singapore Harbour Board against the Austasia Line Ltd,, owners of the freighter Mandama, for
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  • 256 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 25 r |'HE direetoi of the Language and Literature* Agency, Syed Nasir bin Ismail, is not put oil by a Canadian proh'ssor. Dr F. Cyril Jamc»s. who claimed lhat Malay could not be “effectively used’ in the University of Malaya for the*
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  • 39 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan —Three Malayan studen have passed their Bar fin. examination in London They are Inche Abu. Manan bin Othman. Inch' Yusof bln Mohamed jin Inche Hashim bin Y« c Abdullah Sanl.
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  • 211 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 25. HDERATION Army officer, who married A j (German girl while attending a course in a lia and was jailed last week for nine V kn ths on a bigamy charge, walked out of Pudu here last night a
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  • 264 15 JAKARTA, Jan. 25. TV, o Singapore men are among 21 people—passengers and five crew in a Dakota between Jakarta and Bandoeng since .viTciay morning. &gt; Mr. L. Oswald. Singamager of Swissair. •f'r is Mr. Anthony -Hill, said to be a Bri- lessor living in Singai
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  • 117 15 S 1 .Ian. 25. A 1,1 1,1 m tlie Federation ho was on his wav r ni Inoh for his k.iil f ,n 5 «»an. 28. was a r. oa &lt;l accident v I, "V 08 r r,h 01 n (&gt; i' n afternoon, s
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  • 163 15 'J'ELUK ANSON, Jan. 25.— The people of Kampong Selabak, four miles from here, have rejected a plan to improve their livelihood. The people derive their Income mainly from the pineapples planted on 900 acres of land. They have been hard hit because of
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  • 161 15 Kuala trengganu, Jan. 25 —Flood stricken families from three fishing villages in the district of Kemaman want the Government to evacuate them to safer places People of Pulau Sekepeng, Baran and Kampong Tepi Laut. have reported that some of their houses have been wrecked
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  • 20 15 PENANG. Jan. 25. A mechanic w’a.s robbed of $47 by two men in Dato Kramat Road last night.
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  • 494 15  - Greetings from a friend who’ s had a good innings COUNTRYMAN'S JOURNAL —Tt’AN DJEK. THE DUSUN, Fri., January 20. JT MUST be the last letter containing New Year greetings that the Tuan received a few days ago from a retired Dutch planter living in Durban; a contemporary of his who
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  • 117 15 I/UALA LUMPUR. Jan 25 lv The Philippine Minister in Malaya, Mr. Yusup R. Abubakar, today expressed surprise that the Philippine Foreign Secretary. Mr. Felixberto Serrano, would come to Malaya next, month before President Carlos Garcia. He said: “I have not been officially informed of the
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  • 42 16 PENANG. Jan. 26 A trisharider. Chong Ah Tang. 23. today was jailed for six weeks for possessing a housebreaking implement a wire cutter in Burmah Road at 3.50 a m. on Jan. 19. i He had six previous convictions.
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  • 207 16 MALACCA. Jan. 2\' THREE soldiers of the Federation Army and L 1 civilians who were reported missing last nigh: while on a fishing trip at sea turned up this morning after they had been picked up by a Chinecargo vessel in the Straits of Malacca.
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  • 73 16 THE AUSTRALIAN High Commissioner in Malaya, Mr. T. K. Critchley, arranging wdd flowers of Australia, specially flown to Kuala Lumpur by Qantas Airways, for decoration at a reception in his residence to mark Australia Dav yesterday. The wild flowers included Waratah, Australia’s national flower, and
    —Straits Times picture.  -  73 words
  • 47 16 SINGAPORE. Jan. 26.- T coroner, Mr. N.A. D'Rozan today recorded a verdict death by misadventure on cyclist, Aw r Thiam Sing. 1 who died in an accident i: volving a lr»rry at the .iun tion of North Bridge R (1; and High Street on Sept.
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  • 407 17 MORE THAN 127,000 ACRES OF NEW LAND TO BE OPENED UP SEREMBAN, Jan. 26. jikmES costing more than $31 million for O the improvement of rural areas in Negri Sembilan under the second five-year developnuni plan were announced at a Press conference here today.
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  • 109 17 i Lus STAR Jan. 26. A rhe Prune Minister. -kii Abdul Rahman. d- scribed the s African Govern- .is the real eriKIiS. c.v.. *.hey accuse u&gt; of :mailers when we. with other coun*he United Nations, for human ’.he Tengku said. 'Blackmailers’ mmenting on
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  • 67 17 K v LUMPUR, Jan. 26.— I- *‘deration CommisN’ational Registra1 Ibrahim bin Mi. !l| r a full report on ’’•here a clerk re1 i't ration of four Federal citizens v w &lt;’re all under (1 rred at the Ipoh »i fice recently ’ahim said today: eligible for
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  • 90 17 Kuala lumpur. Jan. 26 English music hall and radio comedian. Arthur English, will head an all star cast of entertainers who will fly to Malaya next month to entertain the troops. During their 25-day tour of the Federation, the party will put on 10
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  • 81 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 26 Four youths will leave for Jakarta next month to undergo a two-year course to obtain commercial pilots’ licence* at. the invitation of the Indonesian Government. They are the thiid batch to go to Ind-jneju. for training as pilots. They are Mohamed
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  • 123 17 PENANG. Jan. 26 Ij'X-PRESIDENT Eisenhower, has praised Malaya J for her contribution towards world peace He said this in a personal farewell letter to the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman. It said: *T shall always remember with profound satisfaction the mutual co-operation between my
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  • 51 17 SINGAPORE. Jan. 26 Police today warned bicycle owners. “Take extra precautions against bicycle thieves.” The Police Secretary. Mr. Lim Seng Huat. said that an average of 10 bicycles had been reported stolen daily during the past week. “This calls for the use of stronger locks.” he
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  • 59 17 $8,000 FOR MONTH’ IN PAHANG KUANTAN, Jan. 26.—The Pahang Government is spending $B,OOO on National Language Month. A big rally of children at the Kuantan padang at which the Mentri Besar is expected to be present, will mark the start of the month on Jan. 28. There will be debating;
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  • 23 17 TELUK ANSON, Jan. 26An unidentified man. aged about 55, collapsed into a drain and died in Price Street here today.
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  • 22 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 26 The Women’s International Club will hold a social at its headquarters in Damansara Road tomorrow night
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  • 293 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 26. Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs, Inche Ghazali bin Shafie, today attacked the Communists for distorting facts to suit their own ends. He was commenting on a news agency report from Hong Kong which quoted Hanoi
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  • 31 17 SINGAPORE. Jan. 26 Poniah Thuraisftigam, a government employee, accused of betting in a common bating house in Geylang on Nov. 13. was today acquitted by the fifth magistrate’s court.
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  • 102 18 A CHAT WITH WELL-WISHERS AT THE STATION KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. Hundreds 01 people at tin* Kailway Station here tonight saw tlu* King nml Queen leave for the first state visit of their reii.n —to Perlis and Penang. The royal couple left the official party
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  • 351 18  -  Ej DAHARI ALI. M.P. K Lumpur, Jan. 27 YIALAYAN recognition of the Provisional Algerian Government figured prominently in the talks between Tengku Abdul Rahman and the Algerian leader. Dr. Ferhat Abbas, in Kuala Lumpur today. They held private discussions lor more than an
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  • 83 18 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Jan. 27 —The Bukit Mertajam Town Council last night decided to •spend $5,000 to celebrate the visit of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong to the town on Feb. 3 There will be a garden narty at 530 p.m. followed by a dinner
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  • 100 18 IPOH. Jan. 27. There can be no happiness and prosperity unless the people sweat for them. Tun Abdul Razak. the Deputy Prime Minister, said here today. He told the Straits Times: “It is our firm determination to build .a sell-reliant people and it is not
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  • 22 18 SEREMBAN. Jan 27—Automatic telephone service will be introduced in Seremban, Bahau and Kuala Klawang by the end of next year.
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  • 130 18 pENANG. Jan 27—Tht ?r -it Minister. Tengku Apia* Rahman, today urge:! i* Indians to remerr.oe* *‘u main object of their 1 ty while paying respe 4 the origin of their a:i 4 it culture and tradition “It is cjuite right and tor
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  • 89 18 rrillP KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 27. I rplIL NLW Age of Majority Act. 1 1 which was published yesterday applies only to civil law and in cases concerning wills and contracts, a Legal 1 Department spokesman said today. He stressed that it was not applicable
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  • 1141 19  -  EPSOM JEEP M‘ORE. )an. 28. O ti Duel*, with )ohnny yy;; stride, scored a srri six-length win in th j n .s 2. mile handicap t0 “p $84 for a win at R,,lot rr.ah today. Ttu st
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  • 205 19 IPOH, Jan. 27 In one of the most rashionable weddings seen here for a long time, the bride. Miss Jean JamiesonBlack, wore a $1,300 dress, specially designed for her by Jacques Heims. the&gt; famous French couturier. Made of white silk delicately
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  • 34 19 PENANG. Jan. 28.—The Governor of Penang, Raja Tun Uda, today presented letters of appointment as Justice of Peace and medals to 17 people at an Investiture ceremony held at the Residency.
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  • 145 19 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 27. —The Government is to give food and clothing to Indonesia, where floods are still washing away thousands of acres of padi land and cutting communications. The decision was taken after the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, had read reports that rice and
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 45 19 THE BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $153,997 1ST No *****4 ($69,289) 2ND No. *****7 ($34,649) 3RD No. *****4 ($19,249) STARTERS ($1,749): Nos. *****5, *****0. *****8, *****8. *****3. *****1, *****7. *****6, *****4, *****9, *****3. CONSOLATION ($1,154): Nos. *****8. *****4, *****4. *****5, *****4, *****4. *****7, *****7. *****8, *****3.
      45 words

    • 1093 20 By Our Market Correspondent THE MALAYAN share market last week wa9 generally steady and selectively firm in industrials and tins, while rubbers were dull and easier, particularly in the sterling section. The seasonal softness appears to have gone out of tin, but
      1,093 words
    • 25 20 vASansears’ Priest) Kirs- Mn’nvan 1 22 1 Mrrond Mala van 1.00 1 07 xd First Hong Kong 11? 1 10 (11 K. currency)
      25 words
    • 582 20 If ERE are points from n this week’s Singapore rubber market reviews, issued yesterday Holiday, Cutler, Bath and Co. Ltd., say: The market has gone through an uncertain period this week. There have been no new features to help develop a trend and after
      582 words
    • 35 20 1 SLiit ZX i T* **W-. «Nn t RUBBER x, (per lb (p,. t Jmn »9 IIHito. N WKct*,.,' V. M 71*6 cl*. $J,; 5 Met.. |;.i V *7 7**ct.. is,. $s\ V
      35 words
    • 1237 20 rE state of shares on the Malayan Stock Exchange showing last business to Jan. 21 (A) and last business since that date (B). with H and L standing for Highest and Lowest business last year and to date, was: INDUSTRIALS N L A Alta Snell 1.00 .80
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    • 18 20 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28. Tin Price: S390.87J a picul, down 75 cents. Estimated ufering 260 tons, unchanged.
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    • 21 20 Singapore Copra Association noon price per picul. Fair merchantable Bombay mixed copra. Feb: $27% (nominal), and March $28‘4 (nominal).
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    • 16 20 Singapore Coconut oil Millers’ Association: Bulk $42.50 sellers, drum $48 sellers. Tone was steadv
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