The Straits Budget, 29 June 1960

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1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 21 1 The Straits Budget I|E|WEEKLY issue straits times NATIONAL NEWSPAPER fc«y» oßxPSwbk St* kwtfa Lampnr, Jum 3>. 1960 Price 40 cents QrXgluiiig
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 128 1 'i jjB ft V sC v* A* s v*5*- *e» n Vto. I f» s- W s Nfl p.' «K 3* fjfcwW to k*. >W ICVm* > •aW^MpBh 0*f4 £££&mHESBi f i'W V2B -J S* r. At 9 afK'aSra S»?2S When trade with the rich Far Eastern markets was still
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    • 439 2  - Sick state or Malaya’ s hospitals MALAYAN DOCTOR VOU have commented with praise, albeit lukewarm, on the Federation’s health plans. Your ”til11 recently progress on the remedial side was slower" implies that there his been a quickening. Yet in many hospitals there has been not only a lack of improvement
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    • 202 2  -  ML j&THOMAfc t.Mcnglcmbu. ALLOW me to write a few words In support of your tecent leader .“wild words”. It would take pages to record all that the NTJPW VthaJ.Hone' yfoiflK the plantar tlon workers of this counV try. There was a time when these workers were disunited
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    • 156 2  -  S. RAMACHANDRA Singapore. \IR. KITCHENER’S letter m (S.T June 15) referr-' ed to tbe Wild Animals',and Birds Protection Ordinance which makes tt' illegal to* set snart* J Or;ferats except on cultivated iand^ >'A As Mr. Kitchener himself, wa3 once a State Gamfe Warden, perhaps i*e could say whether
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    • 137 2  -  PRO BONO jftingapore. COMETTHING appears to r* have happened at the Singapore passport office. It takes an unusually long time to get any passport. When you apply for one, you are given a chit to make inquiries about your application only after three weeks or so.; After that you
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    • 304 2  -  FACT Fr -^B Singapore [N. the Sunday nes T n W re P 01 Le '»at the w>*JGL had .>h fu a »*«>■}•» to ,;e m. the lac v relating 0^irri he M l iS Ut r' lj t en the Ford Motor Co.
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    • 50 2  -  N. R. Johore Bahru. MR. KARAM BINOH. speaking on the Secu-.-rlty Bill, is reported to have v said J u $&4 '-'M f l V' < If there is any mythical lather of Malayan freedom let him :sp6me Jffiirward?: t 0.,, its defence now." v:ls this not asking too
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    • 23 2  -  lYB Kuala Lumpur. “CENS1TIVE LA! 3 June 18) wh' why typhoons. s. ine nanies s ’’“vTah raises tu< the woman blows
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 684 3 —Straits Times, June 20 rapturous reception South Korea has given to Mr. Sisetihmver will go a long way „ls straightening Far Astern .-sues and putting the “Lo wall wallahs in their Ihct The streets of Seoul a L weeks ago were thick with tudent ami desperate young
      —Straits Times, June 20  -  684 words
    • 729 3 —Straits Times. June 21 The Federation’s Finance Minister was at his persuasive best yesterday when moving the second reading of the Income Tax Amendment Bill. As a result the proceedings became almost a formality, Mr. Tan Siew Sin's assurances of careful and scrupulous use of new powers
      —Straits Times. June 21  -  729 words
    • 205 3 —Straits Times. June 21 Physical violence in elections and election campaigns in the Federation has grown alarmingly. At Kampar, at Grik and now at Ampang and Cheras there have been unpleasant ructions reflecting the most extreme discredit on everyone involved and, indeed, on the nation. After the
      —Straits Times. June 21  -  205 words
    • 738 3 —Straits Times. June 22 Trouble in the higher echelons of the People’s Action Party is not a new story, and that Mr. Ong Eng Guan was involved was fairly generally known or suspected. To this extent Mr. Ong's downfall, much the most important inner event in
      —Straits Times. June 22  -  738 words
    • 688 4 —Straits Times, June 23 It is quite true, as the Federation’s Minister for Defence has said, that the principle underlying preventive detention has been argued over and over again. But there was every reason for compelling the Government once more to defend itself and its intentions
      —Straits Times, June 23  -  688 words
    • 383 4 —Straits Times. June 23 In 1958, the year Mr. Karam Singh M.P. came of age, the Secretary-General of the National Union of Plantation Workers, Mr. Narayanan, made a rather forceful speech in the Legislative Council in which he asserted “there is no freedom without economic freedom.” His use
      —Straits Times. June 23  -  383 words
    • 637 4 —Straits Times, June 24 Mr. Ong Eng Guan seems bent on making his own and PAP’s problems as difficult for himself and the party as possible. His intention to hold a mass rally at Hong Lim Green on Sundav confirms it. For this he requires the permission
      —Straits Times, June 24  -  637 words
    • 574 4 —Straits Times. June 25 The International Development Association, of which the Federation is to become a member, is an affiliate of the World Bank. It will be staffed by the Bank and it is designed to do work which the Bank is excluded from doing. A combination
      —Straits Times. June 25  -  574 words

    • 28 4 CROWE: To Jane and P* pr Singapore Nursing Horn*' 11 21st June a daughter Eil/aW’" GRAY: To Gwyn and at Batu Gajah on June son, Christopher Michael
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  • 57 4 DEATHS GENOVIA FERNANDEZ mother of Jossie O E and H. E. Fernandez passes > at 10.40 p m. (23.6.60). in: r 5 p m. on 24.6.60. Kuala l 5 pm. on zs.o.ou. rwu.w.. EGERTON Prank I General Manager and Chairman. Central Board 1949—1953; very mi at his home 7 Ashdown
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  • 1532 5  -  by ALLINGTON KENNARD Kuala Lumpur, June 20 WHAT is wrong with Malaya’s pineapple industry? Practically everything. The canneries are inefficient, the sales organisation barely exists, there are far too many brands and even the pineapples are. not what they were. They
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  • 74 5 KI'ALA LEMPER. June 20 The Government set a precedent today by answering in Rumi written questions in Kumi submitted by M.P.s. Questions in English were answered in English. Written replies to questions tabled in Parliament this morning including one in Itumi by the Minister
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  • 83 5 KUALA LUMPUR. June 20 The Minister of External Afairs Dato Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, said today the Federation Government was not aware of any intention by the United States to send 120 supersonic planes to South-East Asia. He was replying In the House of Representatives
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  • 563 6 ‘Expel him’ call to executive SINGAPORE, June 19. THE central executive committee of the People’s Action Party is to consider a decision that Mr. Ong Eng Guan, Minister for National Development, be expelled from the party. The decision was laken at the two-day conference of central
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  • 26 6 SINGAPORE, June 19.—Inche Buang bin Omar Junid, Assemblyman for Kallang. will open the new Jalan Tenteram community centre on June 25 at 5 p.m.
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  • 152 6  -  BY GHAFAR Malacca. June is.— The Chief Minister, Inche Ghafar bin Baba, said here today that Malays welcomed only those Chinese who wanted to live and die in this country. Those who owed allegiance to Communist China and Formosa should go back
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  • 40 6 SINGAPORE. June 19. Thirteen members of the Work Brigade were Injured late tonight when a truck taking them to their Pasir RUs camp skidded and overturned. They were treated in hospital and allowed to go home.
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  • 409 6 KUALA LUMPUR, June 19 AT LEAST 20 people were injured in a light which broke out among more than too supporters of the Socialist Front and The Alliance during the Ampang village local council elections here today. Two gun shots were heard at the
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  • 171 6 KUALA LUMPUR, June 19. THE Federation Government is to give a six-month “amnesty'’ to those who obtained citizenship through false declarations. During the period —July 1 to Dec. 31 those who made false declarations will not be prosecuted if they surrender their citizenship
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  • 162 6 1/ A JANG, June 19. A tight oroke out among 30 Alliance and Socialist Front supporters during the tnera. local council by-election The fight, at the 9th mile Cheras Road, broke up wh'JJ about 100 riot squad men arrived within a tew minm. Four
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  • 2848 7 PRESS MEETING A ‘VITAL ERROR’ THAT IS WHAT CONFERENCE BECAME AFTER HE MADE ‘PEARL HARBOUR’ STATEMENT -iSGKU Abdul Ran- told the House j'inM v,.ntatives yesrda now. at the rum ni o nwealth talks in LonL llc raised the mie'stion of
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  • 575 8 DETAILS OF WELFARE GRANTS NOT READY KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 HPHE SOCIAL Welfare Services Lotteries Board has paid its agenls nearly $12 million in commission on sales and on winning tickets from its inception in 1956 up to the end of last year. The
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  • 87 8 PENANG, Jun' 20. scholarship fund se. to send Jane Chwee. a year-old blind orphan for specialised sncoi-cui.v education in Britain. passed the target fiumc $5,000. “It has now reached Miss P. Kelly, aupi'.nnn'i dent of the St. home for the Bind. today. ti ..rod Jane,
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  • 15 8 KUCHING. June 2(1 1 14-day Sarawak ends on June 29 is der way.
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  • 5492 9 Armed police are here,’ he alleges at meeting Ong accuses party bosses of undemocratic methods and having agents with guns SINGAPORE, June 20 The PRIME MINISTER’S office tonight announced the suspension of Mr. Ong Eng Guan as Singapore’s Minister for National Development until his future in the People’s Action Party
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  • 3432 12 CONFESS-AND PAY UP-CALL TO DODGERS The type of predatory capitalism KUALA LUMPUR, June 20. THE Government today announced a nine-month amnesty for tax dodgers. Defaulters who wish to make a clean breast of their earnings must abide by these conditions: PAY the full tax lost, plus a
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  • 3448 14 ‘WE’LL FIGHT BORDER REDS TO THE END, SAYS RAZAK The big debate on the Internal Security Bill KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 j TIIK Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, said the Government would fight the border terrorists until they were eliminated or ceased to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 48 14 IliflllllMItlllimiHIMHIIMIIIIIHHIHIIHIHIimilHHMIHHi; jpNMIllHntHHMIlllMIMIMlllMIIIIIMIMMtlllMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIHimilllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIb STRAITS BUDGET] I SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in advance) Singapore Kuala Lumpur No postage Fed Malaya Br. North Borneo incl. postage Br. C'wealth Foreign incl. postage United Kingdom Eastern Australia Only by Express Airfreight iiMiMiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiinniiimtiiiiiiuiiiiiMiiMiiiiiiii i Ml It 1 1 Hill Hill IMf MUM l*IM Ml Itf'ttf
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  • 46 15 KUALA LUMPUR Juno 21 The wT,'e of the British High Commissioner to Malaya Lady Tory, left for a holiday in Britain by air today. Sir Geofroy Tory, who will loin her next month, will return in time to attend the Merdeka celebrations.
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  • 2291 16 ‘HE’S TRYING TO USE THE RESOLUTIONS AS RED HERRING SAYS PARTY SINGAPORE, June 19 THE central executive committee of the Singapore People's Action Party tonight issued a point-by-point reply to the 16 resolutions submitted by the Hong Lim branch at the special party conference held
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  • 1315 17 SINGAPORE, June 23 THjr people's Action Party’s central executive committee tonight issued a statement listing “a few examples of the blunders" which Mr. Ong Eng Guan was alleged to have committed during his term of oltiee as Singapore’s Minister for National iwloDinent. Thp statement said
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  • 265 17 WANTED: CASH FOR -A BOOKS MACHINE- CINGAPORE, June 23. Miss Nellachi Plllay, a teacher at the Singapore School for the Blind, has returned from New Zealand with new ideas and with a certificate for Braille writing. She had a year’s training
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  • 19 17 JOHORE BAHRU. June 23 Senior Inspector S Kathlgesu. of the Johore Police Contingent, has been promoted Chief Inspector.
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  • 210 17 If U ALA LUMPUR, n Jun„ 123.—The Government today said that more than 30 postmen had been attacked and bitten by dogs while delivering mail to houses in the past year. In a statement the Minister of Works, Posts and Telecommunications. Dato V.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 72 17 Hong Kong Far East builder Established 1936 y/>/ Monthly Periodical of ‘P of Real !iUf Activities Hof/a Kotl<J 'hr Par Fast. CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photo graphs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned in architecture,
      72 words

  • 532 18  -  —Til AN I)JEK. THE DUSUN, I une 17. QN Sunday we had an arranged visit from some Singapore people; a married couple with two boys, who were struggling against a cut in allowances and voluntary contribupetty economies thev looked well. The other
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  • 85 18 From the Straits Times of June 23, 1910 High-level talks arc understood to have taken place in the Federal capital with a view to the formation of a Federated States Medical Department. TIE shorthandedness of senior European and local officers in Kelantan is conspicuous by some of
    From the Straits Times of June 23, 1910  -  85 words
  • 174 18 Kuala lumpur, June 24 A “significant” step forward to the day when Malaya will issue its own currency through the Central Bank was taken today. The House of Representatives passed a Bill to ratify a new currency agreement signed by the Federation, Singapore, Brunei, Sarawak and
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  • 247 18 SINGAPORE, June 24. The City Council today refused permission for Mr. Ong Eng Guan to hold a mass rally at Hong Lim Green on June 26. Mr. Ong, who has been suspended as Minister for National Development, wanted to hold the rally to give his electorate his
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  • 168 18 KUALA LUMPUR June 24 ]yf ALAYANS and Britons killed du.m l Emergency dialled 4 R terrorists lost 6.710 dead UJ T w This was disclosed in a written reply by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence. Tun Abdul Razak. to a question
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  • 393 18 SINGAPORE, June 24 r FHE Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, said today that the Singapore Government would introduce two new mobile radio telephone services for cars and launches. The one for harbour craft will be known as the Singapore Harbour
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  • 31 18 TEMERLOH. June 24 Sultan of Pahang, why 1 n ed the Abu Bakar Scho< years ago on June 8. n t open the school science and crafts tomorrow.
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  • 931 19  -  By -OM JEEP J r J n 22 K OMjfegj? 1 1 ,_ABt. IK. alt's V^MaBtiS Vem ii (7) c*’ f Barratt l 1 McOrowdie 3 i iris 9.0 t«» t wnson 3 j JC .use II 8.13 '2 »<‘ Ward 4 „,da. '••liMtel
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  • 819 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, JUNE 26 RACE ONE CL. 5. DIV. 3—6 F. Mr. and Mrs. M. Warden’s (2) \\>HKOLGH B.S (1370—.428) Posner l (I) Sh.mi;rila U 8.5' 1433 225) Wilson 2 (8) Tritaia 8.13 (480- 256) Burton 3 (6) Twenty I’er Carat 8.8 carr
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  • 56 19 IPOH, June 25. TWO R.A.F. helicopters made an emergency landing on a 1 held near Kampong Coldstream New Village, near Tapah. today. They were on a routine flight when they developed engine trouble. They landed safely without injury to pilots or passengers, They will be guarded by
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 110 19 BIC SWIiP: Tafst Pool $175,5^ Ist No *****8 $47,598 2nd No. *****6 $23,699 3rd No.. *****3 $11,849 Starters ($1,316 each) Nos *****8. *****8, *****2, *****0, *****1. *****9. *****1. *****4*/ *****2. CONSOLATION ($1,053 each): Noe *****2, > *****0, *****5, *****4, *****4, *****8. *****1, *****0, *****3, *****7. TRIBLI TOTI: Seven tickets ($193).
      110 words

    • 1357 20 m* 1 SI M J—r I ci 1 i >', jl-SKfc /illll A lil» ill UJ|M market X.ILAV.VK -HOAUi:* SHARE*. AAR TO AG HAH |N BIG BOOST-IP I//** By Onr Market Correspondent 7W'. (Irr t/*A y*i jjB^b3fci*flSarxj>. MAIN business on the Malayan Stock Exchange laat week was written in tinfc
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    • 62 20 SINGAPORE. June 26 Singapore Tin price yesterday was quoted at $393.25 per picul down 37cents., The estimated offering at 250 tons was up 10 tons. .Singapore Copra Association noon prices on Saturday: fair merchantable Bombay mixed copra: July $3O 3/4 (nominal). -tyf 8 Singapore Coconut Oil
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    • 32 20 Current Hate of Total Total »«r ,> U* v payment payment for preyfr^b year year ®SJ 11 July So 18% 17 V* Bertam Con. 17*0% Au«. 12- 17*0% 15% i. v
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    • 31 20 ipifJL Tin Robber (per bIwbI) 6|pcr Mg) June tO -.330 75 fl.2t*x < £1 1s90i7*i $LH% 2 s W OO iui$ £1 3393UH ftJUW, 24 1X33 f' ’it -393.35 fjfi
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    • 164 20 fgfi T, \:z cAnf maintai half cent premium ov/1 August, rep C^ ■A <o. Ltd. In if cur rent review. 1 Turnover wa,; bot wS ;f sew advices shou, e v thusiasm adds the i,;-ort J^®L rci i ly i m 1 dev loped in forward <Idivert*
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    • 1033 20 THI foOowtag IW «f rfrPed quotatiew* wA* t—wed by Sinfaporr members of the Malayan Stock Exchange after their last meeting on Hatorday (June ti) H jprd L stand (or highest and lowest for hnatneas done this year.r„!>/ mOWTRIAiI vSy Ml kirn 2.40 22 0 OrdS 10(H) 100
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