The Straits Budget, 1 June 1960

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 60 1 The Straits Budget ';tf»; Tp^ifljftos'TiMES T»^rs k:A& -W^e?Jk 1\ ji# t y*--A; •*->??-' i&HpPrmK *y Tk&fffl lgwggX r W~ ‘fc MALAYAN NATIONAL NEWSPAPER fitf; :*i- fm :.y O#- vTw’-/.ffc J I Ne* -fries 71*.^ ~—r ,m ”.”.„T 1 1 1 Kuala Lumpur, Juju l, 1960. L iri'A. v v j■■
    60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 162 1 KyXM .A Vj ?$h« ‘,?4 1 V V tort z U s ahCrMr f'i [.•<■■ M*K« rKi ■i” 4 R 4 rari •■vi 4 13/5? '.y 'aej Alexander McAlister, founder of McAlister 6f Co. in Singapore, of a hardy magchafltewho act uff hujtoes* in the Colony when* the domination of
      162 words

    • 110 2  -  SEAH NUI KOK Singapore. THE Singapore Government has approved off-course betting shops, and the public sale of sweepstake tickets. May 1 take this opportunity to request the Government to start a State welfare lottery? It would give the people a chance to win
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    • 90 2  -  A D. MATER Petaling iaya. V CANNOT understand how “J.W.H/ reached the conclusion ..that Tengku Abdul Rahman was- unfair to other Commonwealth Prime Ministers in London. To him certainly goes the credit for raising the apartheid Issue although other Prime Ministers, notably Mr. Nehru and Dr. Nkrumah. condemned
      90 words
    • 490 2 P ‘IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN (Mti POLICY TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE GOVT.’ v JV r/Iro. ■*>*& Ss&tffr* *-S8 I WISH to comment on the statement made by Mr. Tuhin Mukeriie of Negri Sembilan MTUC on the use of Malay as an official language and a medium
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    • 25 2 I WOULD like to jtoint out to both yourselves and Radio Singapore, that the term “tidal wave” you are using in connection with
      25 words
    • 207 2  -  A ABAB Singapore WEEK Was NQI 1 M have taslsu tha?^', slx-day l we. k L l *j cause 01 the p< gt«-»b ,tho2 NoS7rt,h eu,! l, ion. j Idt thObt pie hf>ar the views of a .v n whl ra t Je C^l e th Xa 110,1
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    • 133 2  -  E.D Kuala Lumpur WE are all, 1 am sure, very glad that the Emergency Is to be officially ended on July 31, and I am equally sure that we are all conscious of the debt which we owe to the security forces who have done so much to
      133 words
    • 47 2  -  R G S ,0NS Singapore. C’OULD we please gl the some example o. rights of lt LdoW neo, the tJniteo and South Afrh y i of If exercised by ck would the ed an offence u. new ordinance? ft Presumably the discussed by the Assembly? NS
      47 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 613 3 —Straits Times, May 23 I It 1S contorting to have Mr. L, ,\s assurance that t K 1 1 :i does not intend a new Berlin r v Russian Premiers PL m East Berlin is the EL positive sign of all that L collapse of the summit
      —Straits Times, May 23  -  613 words
    • 318 3 —Straits Times, May 23 Debate about the causes of juvenile delinquency is endless, and pitfalls are unavoidable, but Dr. Gob Keng Swee, who has published some thoughts on the subject in his party’s journal, might have avoided the most obvious error of over simplification. Attempting an answer
      —Straits Times, May 23  -  318 words
    • 256 3 —Straits Times. May 23 It is a pity a replacement for Malayan Airways' five-seater Beaver aircraft has not been tound in time prevent a rupture in the service, for these little planes have proved over and again the worth of a regular service to the East Coast. They
      —Straits Times. May 23  -  256 words
    • 363 3 —Straits Times. May 24 Although for nearly 80 years the Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate has been conducting examinations in Malaya so eflectivelv as to seem a part of die local scene, its dominant role has become an anachronism. It was perfectly natural for Mr. Yong Nyuk
      —Straits Times. May 24  -  363 words
    • 624 3 —Straits Times. May 25 Doubts of the wisdom and the efficacy of the tin restriction scheme, which persisted for some time after this international producer-consumer commodity agreement came into force nearly foui years ago, disappeared when the scheme finally weathered the recession which became so sore
      —Straits Times. May 25  -  624 words
    • 258 3 —Straits Times. May 25 One result d Ministerial responsibility for news and comment broadcast by Radio Malaya, so contentedly claimed by Tuan Syed Jaffar Albar, is that opinions which otherwise might be disregarded as the personal idiosyncrasy of the man at the microphone must be accepted as
      —Straits Times. May 25  -  258 words
    • 361 4 —Straits Times. May 26 It is a principle that used to be well understood in the East that statements should be studied to find the truth in them and not for the sake of disproving them. Modern science would not have got very far if this had
      —Straits Times. May 26  -  361 words
    • 241 4 —Straits Times. May 26 In less than three months nearly 17,000 people have died as the direct or indirect result of earthquakes in Morocco, Iran and now Chile. Some countries, like Iran and Japan, are chronic earthquake sufferers: others again regularly suffer devastation by tornadoes. Year by
      —Straits Times. May 26  -  241 words
    • 642 4 —Straits Times. May 27 The first talks on the Malayan common market begin in Singapore early next month, a meeting of officials of the two governments to prepare the way for the political talks at which decisions will bo reached. The preparatory conversations are likely to
      —Straits Times. May 27  -  642 words
    • 752 4 —Straits Times. May 28 The microphone within the American eagle’s beak should ruffle a few feathers. In a carved wooden leplica of the Great Seal of the United States, presented by admiring Russians to the American Ambassador in Moscow and hung on the wall behind
      —Straits Times. May 28  -  752 words

  • 48 4  -  ut it. rP reader Ipoh. 1AM distressed at the way some bus drivers tea: along at a reckless spe™. Even at bends, they do n l slow down. They are a.' much a danger to ger-s as to themselves The traffic police shouia do something about it
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    • 63 4 births d NICHOLSON: To IVi '“Ljh. Shelia (nee McCoy 1 J,;. er Taiplng on 18th Ma> Sincere thanks to all SKOIEN: TO Annemarje Arne at Youngberg Men.oiU 1 a pital Singapore on daughter. d Hans VELDHUIS: To Hem ‘*na at Assunta Hospital 25th Gwendeline on Wen Mav Both well
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  • 30 4 ACKNOWLEDGE!* CORNWELL James g d ar .d family in U.K. New flor ,l Malaya thank oier.ce tributes and letter 9 '.net 11 received and all help' of their late father.
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  • 963 5  -  by VERNON BARTLETT IT may seem a little late to comment on the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference. It is, I believe, still too early to try to r-;ess its results. As the Tengku sad at London airport: “Whatever happens in South Africa, they cannot ignore the fact
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  • 368 5  -  By By GEOFFREY BOLAND OINGAPORE, May 25. —The proposed Federation ruhber exchange and the trade in Singapore should operate in a complementary way to each other. This is the opinion of Mr. H. Kissin, deputy chairman of Lewis and Peat Ltd., the London
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  • 148 5 KUALA LUMPUR. May 25 —The First Magistrate, Haji Abdul Rani, today visited a house and a monsoon drain In connection with a preliminary Inquiry about an alleged murder. He was accompanied by the prosecuting officer, Insp. Akh_ bal Singh, a Sikh interpreter Mr. Ranjit Singh, and
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  • 91 5 MALACCA, May 25.—A new State Legislative Assembly chamber costing about $200,000 is to be built here early next year. An architect of the Public Works Department head- quarters in Kuala Lumpur is now preparing the design. It will be built on historic St. Paul’s
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  • 28 5 IPOH, May 25.—The popular holiday resort of Pangkor will get a past ofllee on June 6. The island is now served by a postal agency.
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  • 412 6 KUALA LUMPUR. May 22 OOLICE were today investigating an ap- parent attempt by a gang of four men to kidnap a Penang millionaire, Mr. Tan Teong Sin, 75, near Pudu Jail here. Mr. Tan’s son and his driver fought the attackers,
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  • 23 6 JOHORE BAHRU. May 22 Inche Mohamed Shukor bin All, from Selangor, has succeeded Mr. Charles Watts as State Social Welfare Officer.
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  • 480 6  -  80 VILLAGERS DEFY GOVT. WARNING AND START -CLEARING RESERVE LAND- By By ABDULLAH AHMAD Kuala lumpur, May 22.—A Kedah prince is leading a band of 80 landless people at Kampong Subang, 20 miles from here, on a Government-defying mission.
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  • 128 6 Kuala lumpur, May 22—1 A proposal to set up a special committee to woo rural Malays into joining the Labour Party will be discussed at the annual delegates conference of the Selangor division of the party here on May 29. The suggestion is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 77 6 44 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 1936 CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An indispensable source of information for all concerned in ad- am it architecture, building and A nt Monthly allied trades. Subscription periodical of enquiries
      77 words

  • 293 7 IPOH, May 22. H r EMI 4l sian Union of Malaya today deferred 1 t V ision on a proposal that it should withdraw jrom political activities. The proposal was made by Mr. H. Lawrence of Malacca, at the annual general
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  • 187 7 |T (J A L A LUMPUR. K Ma y 22.— The Australian and New Zealand University Graduates’ Association will ask the Federation Government to set up an advisory body to assist students going overseas. 4 t its annual meeting here today the association decided t 1
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  • 49 7 'lay 22.—Thirty-six hours after he went into a 1 1 medium Chuah Ah Wai, 21. was still under a |t| T’l* ’"'Iat his Chetty Lane home. ,i/ ls no sleep since May 20 and all efforts to break th,> S P« II have failed.
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  • 271 7 Director replies to MTUC move Kuala lumpur, May 22.—The Director of the Language and Literature Agency. Syed Nasir bin Ismail, today advised Malayans to ignore people who try to retard the Government’s national language policy. He was commenting on a statement made by Mr. Tuhin
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  • 281 7 KUALA LUMPUR, May 22 j ‘deration Ter- ’’ial Army has 0 m,,f -2 infantry batnine tech"al ;:a ‘s in just over d year T; tv"'- i' 30 infantry tht-, r,t dils year fa: only 22 in- ions seven t year *e win pro* ,l 'i<
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  • 230 7 KUALA LUMPUR, May 22. police are getting ready to crack down on 120 new gangs which have sprung up during the past 15 months. They are keeping a watchful eye on the activities of members of these gangs, to pounce on
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  • 71 7 SINGAPORE, May 22.— Malayan exports for January to April this year showed an increase of $308.7 million over the figures for the same period last year. Figures Issued by the Statistics Department today showed total Malayan exports for the first four months of 1960 to
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  • 62 7 KAJANG. May 22 —The Ulu Langat District Welfare Committee will launch a drive soon to get entries for a parade at which a "Miss Kajang” will be chosen. A “Mr. Kajang” contest and a baby show will also dc held at the town fair on the
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  • 172 7 KUALA LUMPUR, May 22. ]t lEMBERS of the St John Ambulance Association last nigh: re-elected the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, as their president although he had said he wished to withdraw in favour of a new president after having served in that
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  • 424 8 KUALA LUMPUR, May 22. TIHE MINISTER of Commerce and Industry, Inche Mohamed Khir bin Johari, has a plan to encourage industrial development in the Federation. The idea is lo form a corporation which would buy land from
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  • 135 8 KUALA LUMPUR, May 22. /GOVERNMENT stenographers were urged today to learn Malay shorthand if they did not want to be left behind in the new Malaya. Speaking at the annual meeting of the Government Stenographers and Typists Union, Mr. K. S Menon, retiring president, said
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  • 200 8 SINGAPORE, May 22 T'HE Singapore Government has decided not to 1 amend the liquor licensing regulations to pro. hibit bar waitresses from sitting with customers This was disclosed today by the Director of Social Welfare. Mr W. S. Woon, at a meeting of
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  • 168 8 SINGAPORE, May 22. Detective Lim Kim Ann, 30, ran 50 yards for help after he was accidentally shot in the back by his own revolver in Penang Lane early today. Doctors at tlie General Hospital performed an emergency operation on him soon
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  • 198 8 f>ENANG, May 22. —A 1 Royal Air Force officer who was decorated twice for operations against the Japanese during the last war arrived here today to take over command of the Royal Malayan Air Force. He Is Group Captain J. N Stracey. a
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  • 256 8 KUALA LUMPUR, May 22 Malaya and west Germany have agreed to consider an agreement for the mutual protection of investments. This was stated In a Federation Government communique on talks which the Prime Minister. TengKU Abdul Rahman, had with the German Chancellor. Dr. Adenauer, and his
    256 words

  • 463 9 DIDN'T CALL BROTHERS T IGA SUKU' IN SPEECH. THEY TELL the high court KOTA BHARU, May 23. A P:\SIR MAS town councillor denied in the High Court here today that he had described three textile dealers as “tiga suku” (crazy), “pengachau” (trouble-makers) and ‘•penipu" (cheats) because
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  • 17 9 IPOH, May 23.—The Ipoh District Welfare Association will hold a flag day on June 11.
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  • 74 9 KUALA LUMPUR. May 23. Thieves entered a room In the South East hotel in Brickfields here early yesterday and made off with a .32 Smith Wesson pistol, a watch and S3OO. Police said today the pistol belonged to a businessman from ITu Yam Bahru. The
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  • 14 9 KLANG. May 23 Lee Neo Yang. 60. was stabbed in the stomach.
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  • 175 9 KUALA LUMPUR, May 23 Salam, a newspaper published by the Shell Company in Brunei, has won the Award of Excellence in the House Journal competition organised annually by the British Association of Industrial Editors. Salam was entered in the newspaper section of this
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  • 31 9 TfHE Malayan Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, signs his name in the Golden Book of Hamburg watched by the Mayor, Mr. Max Brauer, left. U.P.I. picture.
    U.P.I. picture.  -  31 words

  • 781 10 REBELS CLAIM ‘UNLAWFUL DETENTION, SEEK WRIT IMMIGRATION CHIEF ASKED TO ‘SHOW CAUSE': HE WILL CONSULT MINISTER PENANG, May 23 T*HK 30 Indonesian rebels now bein*; held as illegal immigrants today applied to the High (ourt for a writ of habeas corpus. In an affidavit accompanying the application, the rebels’ leader.
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  • 155 10 JOHORE BAHRU, May 23. r rHE acting Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak bin 1 Hussein, said today that the Alliance victory in the Sri Lalang by-election yesterday was proof of the “growing; confidence” of the people in the Al- liance Government. Declaring himself “very
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  • 25 10 ALOR STAR. May 23.—The State Government has spent about $20,000 in transporting 1,743,250 gallons of water to drought-stricken villages in Kedah this year.
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  • 383 10 SINGAPORE. May 23. —Prof. B. H. Sheares, who retired from the University of Malaya today, called for the early establishment of a full-time separate teaching; unit for obstetrics and gynaecology within the Kandang Kefbau Hospital to exploit the “abundance” of clinical material there. In a tarewell
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  • 71 10 Why PPP won —by Mr. S IPOH. May 23. —The secretary general of the People’s Progressive Party. Mr. D. R. Seenivasagam. claimed that his party’s victory in the Kampar parliamentary by-election was due to the “total collapse of the Malayan n> I sociatloh as a poll vic He was speaking
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 44 10 •iiiiiimiimi'ii.i i iiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiii'miiimmittiiiiimiiiiminiiitHimimiiii iiiiim. MMMMMMMIMIIMIMMMMMIIIMMMMMIIMMMMMMIIMMIMMMMIMMMMMMtMMM i|f#fi###|tt lt|| g |||M|lllltM STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in Singapore Kuala Lumpur No postage Fed Malaya Br. North Borneo incl. posiage Br. C'wealfh Foreign incl. postage United Y ingdom Eastern Australia Only by Express Airfreight advance) hmmmmhhhmhhhhhhmhhhhmhhhhhhhmhhmm MHHIIMIMIMMnMHIMlimHHMHMMMMMMtJmHMmt
      44 words

  • 491 11 KUALA LUMPUR, May 23. TWENTY non-Malays, including seven oirls, are taking up Islamic studies at the Lniversiiv of Malaya here this year. v They feel that knowledge of the cultural -unround of the official religion of the country tAential for
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  • 156 11 Kuala lumpur, May 23.—The University of Malaya here is looking for 100 sand sharks in Singapore for its Zoology Department. Professor J. R. Hendrickson. head of the department. told the Straits Times today that the sharks are for dissection by students. He
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  • 158 11 Kuala lumpur. May 23. The Federations delegate on the International Jurists Commission. Mr. Ong lluek Lim. left hy air for Geneva this morning to attend the International Legal Inquiry Committee on Tibet. Mr. Ong said the committee would meet on June 11 to
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  • 235 11 KUALA LUMPUR, May 23. AN estate did everything possible to help a financiall.v troubled contractor, who is now suing the estate for $50,000, the High Court was told today by the estate manager. Mr. E.L.D. Evans, manager of the Sungei Gantong division of
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  • 44 11 SINGAPORE. May 23. Another $5O was received today for stranded German hitchhiker Gunter R H Helmholz. who had $l,OOO stolen from him here last month Four “Malacca Sympathisers'’ sent $4O and Mr. AC. Lochlan. of Nnsslm Road. Singapore, sent $lO
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  • 306 11 Husband-wife team gather material for book about... SINGAPORE, May 23. An American husband and wife author team have arrived in Singapore to gather material for a book about the Far East, which they described as ‘‘a brave new world.” The couple are
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  • 78 11 TEL UK ANSON. May 24. Colin James Glass. 'l2. a planter, was lined $l5 here yesterday when he pleaded guilty to failin'; to attend court on Mav 2 in answer to a traffic summons. He also pleaded mnlty to driving his ear without due
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  • 291 12 MINERS CONFIDENT OF SUCCESS —LOOK FORWARD TO IMPROVED PACT IPOH, May 24. MALAYAN miners are confidently looking forward to the successful outcome of the talks which began today at the United Nations in New York to renew the International Tin Agreement. The talks, at
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  • 197 12 Kuala lumpur. May 24.—Malaya's national progress depends vitally on the soundness of public administration. said the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, in a special message to the civil service today. Writing in the first Issue of “Cuepacs.” magazine of the Congress of Unions of
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  • 54 12 SINGAPORE. May 24.—The 6.701-ton Italian freighter Sirio left for India today with a cargo of wheat several hours after being freed from a coral bed In the Western Anchorage 8he was pulled off the reef at 7.30 last night by the Singapore Harbour Board tug
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  • 110 12 KUALA LUMPUR. May 24 -Student organisations representing the Federation and India agreed today on a plan for exchanging university students between the two countries. The programme will begin next year. It was originally discussed at the Asian regional seminar of the International Students’ conference
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  • 148 12 Kuala lumpur. May 23. —The Minister of External Affairs. Dato Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman. will send a goodwill message to all Commonwealth countries, including South Africa, on the occasion of Commonwealth Day tomorrow. The message will be sent through the respective High
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  • 282 12 GUNTER IN SEARCH OF A SOLUTION— 1TUALA LUMPUR, May 24. —A young German traveller Gunter R. H. Helmhoiz, 24/ is a man with a series of problems. They started a few weeks ago in Singapore when he was robbed of more
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  • 177 12 SINGAPORE, May 24. f FHE four chambers of commerce In Singapore A have formed a joint standing committee “to speak with one voice on problems of commercial interest.” The committee comprises two members each from the Singapore Chamber of Commerce. the Chinese Chamber of Commerce,
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  • 42 12 SINGAPORE, May 24.-A former junior minister in the Labour Front Government. Mohamed Sidek bin Haji Abdul Hamid was fined $25 here today for failing to furnish his income tax return for last year within the specified period.
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  • 201 12 Kuala lumpur, May 24. Malayan pineapple smallgrowers are to receive prices ranging from two and a half cents to four cents per lb. for their fruit under an order by the Malayan Pineapple Industry Board. The order, covering the period from April 1 this year
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  • 161 13 Tun Razak accepts Malaya’s biggest warship —a gift the Deputy Prime Minister sprinkled a few grains of holy rice on the ship A few minutes later, after the guests had disembarked. the ship with her new crew of three officers and 23 ratings left her berth and put to sea.
    – Straits Times picture.; — Straits Times picture.  -  161 words
  • 297 13 SINGAPORE, May 24 THE ACTING Prime Minister of the Fede- ration, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein, today {hanked the British Government as he formally accepted the former Royal Nan coastal minesweeper Darlaston for the Royal Malayan Navy. In the handing-over ceremony
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  • 26 13 BAHRU, May. 24 tia^ht. t ra, ‘°n Smith. C. H Smith, yf'.t,,, lawyer, fact admitted to F, ‘df*rati the Ba r of the
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  • 372 14 ‘NEIGHBOURS ARE TRYING TO DEVELOP OWN FACILITIES' SINGAPORE, May 25. THE MASTER Attendant, Captain J. A. L. Pavitt, today suggested that the port of Singapore might have to face competition in this area for the first time in its history. He was
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  • 137 14 DRUSSELS, May 25. 0 Tengku Abdul Rahman, after his tour of an arms factory in Liege yesterday, asked for samples of weapons to be sent to Malaya for examination by defence authorities. The Tengku and his party spent the morning at the Fabrique Natlonale. which
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  • 214 14 I UMUT. May 25. About S.OUO tons of ore from Malaya’s newest iron mine, owned by the Perak Iron Mining Company, will be loaded in a Japanese freighter, the Nasusan Maru. here tonight. This is the first time that a freighter has
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  • 50 14 SEREMBAN. May 25.—Twen-ty-two villages in the Tampin district will be served by a mobile post office from June 2 The travelling post office, based at Tampin. will visit these villages Monday to Saturday to enable people to deposit money, buy stamps and send money orders
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  • 321 14 SINGAPORE. Mav 25 THE secretary ot the Malayan Orchid Societv u. Morgan Kho Chay Aun, today urged the Sir!,' pore Government to give assistance for the up a big-scale orchid industry. un This move follows the news that an exhibit of 1,700 sprays of
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  • 188 14 SINGAPORE, May 25.- Design work on the Shell Company's sio million refinery at Pulau Bukom has started. Construction will begin soon. Experts from Shell offices In Europe arrived in Singapore a few days ago and have had talks on the refinery. The team,
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  • 327 14 SINGAPORE, May 25 A LEADING Indian industrialist Mr. S. P. Godrej, today warned that, in its zeal to industrialise, Singapore should not do anything to impair its commerce. Singapore, he said, had a reputation as a free port a status which some of the other countries
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  • 317 15 VILLAGE LEADERS TOLD OF THEIR SPECIAL ROLE KUALA LUMPUR, May 25. rpHE DEPUTY Director of the Information 1 Services, Syed Zainal Abidin, said today that the public must not regard the Government as a “fairy godmother” ever ready to Ehower gifts at
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  • 234 15 v:EREMBAN, May 25 —The J mystery ol the missing seladang head that has had all Seremban guessing (or a week was solved today. The head, official symbol of the town council, was missed on May 16 from its customary place
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  • 49 15 May. 25. —The br °ught N) Du 2 4 era founded n gapore a 10 her from t rans ferred eea rom a freighter at Khan** 1 42 -y e ar-old °m a as t the freighter eral Ho S pit^ ken t0 the Oen-
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  • 51 15 KUALA LUMPUR. May 25. —The Federation of Malaya today established diplomatic relations with the Argentine Republic. This was effected by an interchange of letters at the Argentine Embassy in Jakarta between the Malayan Ambassador, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, and the Argentine Ambassador. Dr. Ricardo Mosquera
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  • 27 15 JOHORE BAHRU, May 25. —A massage parlour in Jalan Yahya Awal has closed down of its own accord. It was opened about three months ago.
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  • 123 15 KUALA LUMPUR. May 25 The Director of Museums, Mr. Mubin Sheppard, left by air today on a pilgrimage to Mecca. A large crowd of Muslims turned up at the airport to bid him farewell. The former British Adviser of Negri Sembilan will be away three
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  • 252 15 IPOH, May 25 T*HE past year had A been featured by progressively improving exports and a steady increase in employment in the industry, the Malayan Mining Employers Association was told at its annual meeting in Ipoh today. “Indications at present are such.” said
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  • 133 15 pENANG, May 25.—The 1 chairman of St. Nicholas Home, the Ven. A. C. Dumper, today denied a rumour that the home would close down soon because of lack of funds. "We shall carry on as best as we can,” he said. But, he
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  • 29 15 SINGAPORE, May, 25.—The Architectural Society of the Singapore Polytechnic plans to tour Java to collect data for a comprehensive study of the architectural heritage of South-East Asia.
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  • 156 16 A FTER more than 15 hours in the air, the crew of the record-breaking R.A.F. Valiant bomber are pictured, at Changi on May 26, beside their aircraft. From left: Squadron Leader John Garstin, 35 (captain and pilot), Flying Officer
    ■ Straits Times; picture.; – Straits Times picture.  -  156 words
  • 268 16 Singapore, May 26 OIX British airmen finished their tea in England yesterday, then took off in a Royal Air Force Valiant bomber. Today the plane landed in Singapore—just in time for tea again. The Valiant had made the whole trip 8.110 miles without stopping, setting
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  • 115 16 pENANG, May 2G.—The 30 Indonesian rebels detained in Penang prison since May 18 were freed this afternoon after the Penang High Court had granted their application for a writ of habeas corpus. More than 100 people waited outside the prison as the rebels’ lawyer, Mr. JagJlt
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  • 86 16 KUALA LUMPUR, May 26. The Federation’s 1,100 Customs officers want to be put on a pensionable status like other Government servants. Annual delegates conference of the Customs Services Union of Malaya will discuss the subject on June 12. The union has already raised the question in
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  • 107 16 KUALA LUMPUR. May 20. TiHE DEPUTY Prime Minister and Minister i Rural Development, Tun Abdul RazaK. today “there was no question of political ism” in the Government’s rural develop programme. He was replying to criticisms by Inche Ahmad Boestamam, leader of the Socialist Front. Inche Boestamam
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  • 37 16 SINGAPORE. a British sailor Ji* ni Pj f r ge-north-bound train a b pl: gamat yesterday taken to Lurfl* camp, outside K li pur. by two other tV He was reeaptJ* hours later.
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  • 372 17 KUALA LUMPUR, May 26. A HIGH COURT judge, who is leaving after 15 years’ service here, today paid tribute to Malaya as a remarkably law- abiding country. Said Mr. Justice Smith. “This, more than anything pise has struck me during iny
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  • 48 17 T^ l Vi, A L i^P UR May 26. has r f k Hi'Pertuan Agong Wi] r (>k ar l l ointed Mr. W H r 4n?V he Berner ot N l i? ank f Malaya ar frrn i! a) for another J an. 26. 1961.
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  • 63 17 KAJANG, May 26.—Gift* were exchanged between the Federation Artillery and the Royal Regiment of Artillery to mark their affiliation at an impressive parade here today. The parade was watched by the Chief of Staff, Federation Armed Forces, Lt.Gen Sir Rodney Moore, the Deputy General Officer
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  • 39 17 SINGAPORE, May 27—A 03-man Mexican trade delegation will pas through Singapore tomorrow by air on their way to Indonesia. The delegation is led by the Mexican Minister of Industry and Commerce Mr. Raul Salinas Lozano.
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  • 187 17 KUALA LUMPUR, May 26. A P.M.I.P. leader, Inche Abu Bakar Omar, today said that his party would send officials to welcome home the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, in mid-June, as he had done well in his protests against the South African apartheid policy. Inche
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  • 182 17 IZ'UALA LUMPUR, May 26. Contractors and architects here say a boom in the building trade is on. They attribute it to the good prices now being fetched by tin and rubber. Excluding Government projects, a record total of $22 million worth
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  • 234 17 KUALA LUMPUR, May 26. SIXTEEN men will meet in Federal House on May 28, for discussions which may eventually lead to the establishment of a commodity exchange for Malaya. They are members of a committee appointed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry t.o
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  • 427 17 SINGAPORE, May 26 of the new $4O million oil refinery on Pulau Bukom will be an international affair with materials and men coming from all over the world. Dr. M. J. Gattiker, coordinator of manufacturing for the Shell Company, in Singapore, said today Dr.
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  • 1368 18  -  INDONESIANS KEEP MIDNIGHT RENDEZVOUS FOR GET-AWAY BOAT...SIGNALS MIX-UP STARTS NEW ALARM...THEN 22 OFF AT DAWN By KHOH CHEANG KEE Penang, May 27 rpWENTY-TWO of the 30 Indonesian rebels released from detention yesterday sailed for a secret destination from Penang shortly after six
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  • 184 18 LUMPUR. May 27 The ireaerai'un s iormer High Commissioner. Field Marshal Sir Gerald Tempter. has been informal!? invited to witness the celebrations marking the official end ot the Emergency on July 31 He has not yet indicated H he will be able to
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  • 18 18 KAJANG, May 27.-A firefighting unit is to be set up in the 18th mile Ulu Langat Village
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  • 672 19 KUALA LUMPUR, 'May 28 the most exciting finishes seeftaat^jttrtoa ting in Malaya 'Barracuda, with Rao Rajah, Weuchope up, hashed past th* M m the division tvyo Deletion Derby oypf 0it [he judges declared deadheat. on the tote Rao h i $£T, for a win ?Jf. h H
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  • 256 19 HE STARTS UK IH AHLY WITH THE w° RL <^ SINGAPORE, May 27. J0 PROFESSOR A.A. Sandosham, head of the Department of Parasitology at the University of Malaya, has accepted a job with the World Health Organisation as director and co-ordinator of
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  • 36 19 KUALA LUMPUR, May. 37.—" The secretary of the Malayan Planting Industries Employers Association, Mr. J. A T. Perera. left here tonight to attend the annual conference of the International Labour Organisation in Geneva.
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  • 523 19  -  COUNTRYMAN’S JOURNAL —Tuan Djek fHIS is an extract from “jungle Nurse,” ,vj?; by Pamela Couldsbury: “Theg Orang Lpvt, pr Sea Gipsies of Kuala Reclang on the S.W. <^xr^r r cK!3® telligent ond useful breed of dog "It Is a large breed with golden-coloured
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  • 112 19 KUALA LUMPUR, May.27 Gurbaksk Singh, a 22-year-old Malayan student studying in Australia, was killed when his motor cycle collided with a bus at LeedervUle, near Perth, last night Gurbaksk was a second year accountancy student at Perth Technical College His home was at Kampong Pandan, Kuala Lumpur
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 51 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $332,150 1ST: No. *****3, $02,680 2ND: No. *****0,* $31,340 3RD: No. *****4, $15,070 STARTERS $2,611 each— Nos. *****1. *****8. *****8 *****5, *****1, CONSOLATION each—Nos. *****5. 19*130, *****4, *****2, *****4. *****5, *****7. FORECAST TOTE: Race 3 $5, Race 5 $19, Rac* 7 $13. tllllllMlIlllllltllUIIIMIllIiliililllllllllllltlllltlillllllll *****2. $1,392 *****3.
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    • 1138 20 Ayer Hitanti Ptingah fp|Ba|e8 spiral up By Our Mu^^fl^^respondeAt FEATURE on the Malayan Stock Exchange 7* last week was increased interest In mining •hares, particularly sterling issues, which were -i- very active. .••j&v 4 jv There were two stars In the section Ayer Hit&m and Pungah. Ayer
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    • 24 20 TIN RUBBgB (par Mewl) (per Uk i May 29 9WM fUBi u 55.7$ 84 fittf.U* $144 A. 87 $388.87 sl34* ■ft „rSBM.M
      24 words
    • 91 20 Speak Malay planters urged LUMPUR, May 22. who wish to pass the national language y examinatiosi sponsored by the Incorporated Society of Planters must first be able to discuss their work to fluent Malay.v-^T, They will toe asked to converse with a Malay, who may not he able to speak
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    • 46 20 JOHORK BAHRU. May IB.— Owing to the death of Da tin Rugayth binte Abdullah, wife of the Mentri Besar, Johore. the garden party due to be held on June 1 at the Residency here will now be held at the Diamond Jubilee Hall instead.
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    • 1336 20 rpHE following list of revised quota tious was leaned by members of the Malayan Stock Exchange after, their last meeting on Saturday (May H and L stand for highest and lowest for business done this year. ieeusTitAti raLvi; aim Br*ck* jar 240 2 20 0m 2.30 t»
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    • 233 20 trend 0 f jflf ha been certain dm the report H it co,kB kl their ri;•: t-nt sunKj Recent nigh lejH fbjRDd normal market "factions to puce decllSH has made evervonec3|| tious in the 'appajSg absence ot any new take for Jr, a shipmifljj r.adds the report
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    • 62 20 binoapok: uw»H F\The Tin prl> ll l u 53H pore on May 27 ‘T*jB *388.50 a picul of M cents on an est liea 1 ing of 260 tons. Singapore Cor tion noon P r Fair', merchant l50 (n® mixed copra: V I mlnal). .M Singapore
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