The Straits Budget, 11 May 1960

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER flew Series 716 Kuala Lumpur, Maiy 11, 1960. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 179 1 fp-' l^ii S S/SBfm %¥%§&W 4* *aF*c ”r*«sEyw; >'*wp jy. y y?t%*+ 4 V*• l *i>:. ■vUSTffit*«. ;r. McAlisters CHANGE WITH THE 1 r wjlff J W *x Tte McAlister begins her maiden voyage to Bangkok in 1882. 4' ,v *">•■-. -y /•*’Jf" ..fTvV 4 ,y*t# v The trial run
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    • 466 2  -  E.S.M. Singapore. is much talk today of the need to develop a “national consciousness” and a “national outlook.” In a country such as Malaya where the greater part of each of the racial groups has lived in
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    • 34 2 KUALA LUMPUR, May B. The British High Commissioner, Sir Geofroy Tory, and Lady Tory left yesterday for an Informal visit to North Borneo and Sarawak. They are due back on May 24
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    • 88 2  -  V KLASS. Singapore. A FEW days ago, the police in Singapore became very active, clearing the hawkers and trisha riders from the markets in the Joo Chlat Road and Changl Road area. But once more there is bedlam for the hawkers and trisha riders are
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    • 173 2  -  AMARJ1T SINGH Kuala Lumpur. 'THE Assistant Minister of Broadcasting has said a mouthful. Though he Is correct in saying that the Government has the right to make use of Radio Ma- laya to tell the people of Government policies, it
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    • 101 2  - The ‘Europeans only’ taxis in S’ pore disgusted 1 Singapore. MY wlfe and i I'ame out of a cinema after Jn J0 yl j'8 the shoe and *eS; straight to one of the ty taxis waiting lor t ar We were surprised ,S annoyed when we eouldn? S®t in as
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    • 126 2  -  EX-TEACHER Singapore. A UTOMATIC promo- tlon has been in operation in Singapore and the Federation for the past 10 years with no adverse efTects on examination results. On the contrary both the Federation and Sinespore have had record numbers of passes in the past. To
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    • 108 2  -  yONG YOTK I 11 1 Singapore. r raE Singapore Govern1 ment has announce there will be two thJ stamps issued to niark first anniversary ot government. I would suggest the vernment issue a u® of of stamps preferably a the same value, hut d surcharge of five
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 585 3 —Straits Times, May 2 Hesitantly but unm.stakbh. t |w tlocadc of regional lCu noi:ut groupings has bem, 1,1 South-East Asia, in L ic ami in South America h e idea is under examinaion In Kurope it is already corking, and a wave of reorganisation in industry
      —Straits Times, May 2  -  585 words
    • 401 3 —Straits Times. May 2 If the Federation Government did not cover itself with glory in defending its defence of the 1958 accounts, the Opposition certainly won no medals either. For one thing it attacked the wrong flank. Nowhere in his much discussed report on the 1958 accounts did
      —Straits Times. May 2  -  401 words
    • 662 3 w g —Straits Times, May 3 Coming changes in the structure of the trade union movement in Singapore were the natural theme of the May Day celebrations. They are changes which the legislature has still to debate and approve, but these are formalities which have not
      w” g —Straits Times, May 3  -  662 words
    • 559 3 Straits Times. May 3 Public ignorance about the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference continues to be quite alarming, as was demonstrated when both Teng_ ku Abdul Rahman and Mr. Nehru on arrival at London Airport had to explain that it is not a body for making
      Straits Times. May 3  -  559 words
    • 619 3 —Straits Times, May 4 The original apparent rcluctance of the Singapore Government to submit to a Select Committee its bill amending the Societies Ordinance was scarcely calculated to commend changes in the law which would result, among other things, in putting political parties under the supervision of the
      —Straits Times, May 4  -  619 words
    • 323 4 —Straits Times. May 5 It may be that Tuan Syed Ja’afar Albar is r.ot altogether to be blamed for being unable to resist tweaking the PMIP nose in Kelantan and Trengganu. If the PMIP leaders in those States want the Federal Government to grant them financial aid for
      —Straits Times. May 5  -  323 words
    • 763 4 —Straits Times May 6 An impression that serious crime in Singapore is on the increase is not borne out by police figures. In only two classes of crime are the figures for the last six months worse than a year ago. One of them is kidnapping
      —Straits Times May 6  -  763 words
    • 652 4 —Straits Times. May 7 Tun Abdul Kazak today sets out on the first stage of a country-wide trip during which he will present to the new District Rural Development Committees copies of a Book Plan that will leave them in no doubt about his intention of
      —Straits Times. May 7  -  652 words

  • 55 4  -  motorist Singapore. WHEN the police send out a demand for a driver* particulars, they threat you with a fine of S400 you don’t submit tne within seven days. Recently I met such a quest with a letter of P test for mistaken identWI have not had an acknoj ledgment
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  • 55 4 [PERSONAL *“■"■"Teaths T f cf WILLIAM DONALD flnd Kuala Lumpur Tin <v Verine sAssociated Companies on day May 4th after a I illness. D avld illness. o-vmnnd D avld EAGLAND: r>r- R<‘>n. d on in London May 5th. be. of Mrs. F. C. England jO of Barbara Morley. ;rC h
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  • 940 5  -  by VERNON BARTLETT I HAD seen so many dead men before I was 21 that I wanted my sons never to think of war. Instead of tin soldiers, I o<l ve them tin postmen £nd railway porters. I c ame home one day and
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  • 83 5 IV& A rovM MPUR May 3 la cked W ith d K a sma11 S° down ice br an anri b <? R K of bro en ew viliapp nd fisb at Jinjang *re. earlV tL Ven miles from Theblall^V F< b r°f e out at about
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  • 281 5 KUALA TRENGGANU, May 3. Assistant Minister for Rural Development, Haji Khalid bin Awang Osman, today warned Government officers that they would be transferred if they lacked initiative in implementing the Government’s rural deve- lopment plan. Addressing heads of departments in the Secretariat conference room here,
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  • 46 5 KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 The Federation’s SolicitorGeneral, Inche Mohamed Suffian bin Hashlm, has left for Tokyo to attend a United Nations conference on the law of human rights. Singapore will be represented by the State AdvocateGeneral, Inche Ahmad bln Mohamed Ibrahim.
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  • 207 5 SINGAPORE, May 3.— Two visitors to Singapore today spoke about a $2,100,000 hostel project for foreign students at the University of Hawaii. They are Mr. Wadsworth Yee, a member of Hawaii’s State Legislature and Mr. Lawrence Lau, administrative assistant to Senator
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  • 126 5 Malaya’ s wedding gift a secret I ONDON, May 3.—Malaya’s wedding present for Princess Margaret has been purchased. It will go to Clarence House tomorrow. Until receipt there its nature must remain secret, but it is something In 200-year-old Georgian silver and will prove extremely useful in the Princess' home.
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  • 718 6 STRAITS TIMES REPORTERS Singapore, May 1 Union movement must be in non-Red hands FIFTY THOUSAND Singapore workers today heard the Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, tell them of the problems which they faced in the new era they were now entering. In a non-Communist Socialist
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  • 375 6 "The apparatus of the State is now in the hands of the representatives of the people, the majority of whom are workers. "So all the old frustrations, the indifference of non-co-operation of the administration, the advantage taken of this negative attitude by die-hard
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  • 215 6 K UALA LUMPUR, Mav Ministry of the Interior has tjone ahead and launched two low-cost housing pro jects in the Federation while awaiting agree ment with State Governments on the Question of land. The projects are at ipoh where 56 houses are going ud and
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  • 24 6 IPOH. May I.— lnche Wan Hussain bin Abdul District Forest Officer Rationed in Tapah. has been promoted to Senior Assist* Conservator of Forests.
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  • 888 6 SINGAPORE, May 1 A mass rally of workers at Jalan Besar Stadium today roared “Merdeka” three times to start a boycott of South African goods. The rally urged the United Nations to impose economic and political sanctions against the South African Government with a view
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  • 262 8 TELUK ANSON, May 1. HASTE in converting the medium of instruction to Malay will result in a lowering of the standard of education, the president of the Perak branch of the National Union of Teachers, Mr. Fang Ung Ming, warned yesterday. Speaking at
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  • 75 8 MR. P. G. GILMOUR. Kuala Lumpur manager of tin; Borneo Co. Ltd., who is the incoming president of the F.M.S. Chamber of Commerce. lie replaces Mr H. I. Thornton-Jones, who leaves Malaya later this year on retirement. Mr. Gilmour, an Australian. was
    Straits Times picture  -  75 words
  • 87 8 PENANG, May 1 —The body ot Deputy Superintendent Ghazali bin Osman, deputy head of the Penang Special Branch, is being brought back to Malaya this week. The KLM plane bringing back the body, together with the widow, Siti Aznur, and nine-year-old son. is scheduled to arrive
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  • 288 8 AFTER 12 YEARS A JOURNEY HOME: IT WAS OWNER'S LAST WISH SINGAPORE. May u jin iron cu (f e jn a house in u ppe Serangoon Road a 15. foot python await* the day when it will be free to roam the
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  • 326 9 SINGAPORE, May 1 Mr. TAN LARK SYE, Singapore millionaire business magnate, was today fleeted chairman of 1 1 U newly formed Rubber Association 0 f Singapore and Malaya, an organisation which will unite the voices of those in the rubber trade. He was
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  • 296 9 REPORT OF A POSSIBLE WITHDRA WAL WORRIES THE MINERS IPOH, May 1. TUi; chances of a new International Tin Agreement next year may be wrecked if Thailand carries out its threat to drop out of the world pact. That is the fear of mining
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  • 51 9 KUALA LUMPUR, May LA Radio Malaya announcer. Che Nurlidar binte Sutan Saidi. has left Kuala Lumpur for America on a studytour awarded by the U.S. State Department. Accompanying her on the tour is Inche Sidique All Merican. a teacher and athletics director from
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  • 32 9 TELUK ANSON. May L*Residents of Kampong Lubok Fusing. 13 miles up the Perak River from here, are to build a two-room religious school by themselves at a cost of about $7OO
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  • 156 9 KIALA LUMPUR, May I.—Members of the .Malayan Planters Provident Fund have been criticised over their attitude towards the fund. The latest issue of “The Planter” official publication of the Incoiporated Society of Planters made the complaint in an editorial entitled “Tidapathy.” It said a
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  • 152 9 SINGAPORE, May 1. 'PHE Singapore City Council Labour Unions FedA eration criticised the Government today for introducing legislation which compels every trade union to be affiliated to the Trades Union Congress. The criticism was contained in a resolution passed at a May Day meeting held at
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  • 168 9 SEREMBAN, May 1. i MOVE has been made to start a health resort on the summit of 2,700 ft. Gunong Angsi near here. The Negri Sembilan branch of the Malayan Outward Bound Association is to hold a flag day on May 6 and May 7
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  • 194 9 Sm-APORE, May i. > jir v n £hters in resmoM rescued two r r uda y who werr ,p ffi ,,)nw b y gas in an \f.r, r °om at the Ai‘ ‘Breweries in Xa, ‘-ra Road here, laities. Marutha Muthu. 35. and Moksir
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  • 37 9 TAN JONG M ALIM. May 1. Two teachers at the Methodist English School here Mr. Su Chin Kwee and Mr. T Siva Singam, will leave this week to study at the University of Malaya.
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  • 28 9 SINGAPORE, May l. Twelve couples were married today at the second mass wedding of the year at the Hokkien Huav Kuau here in Telok Ayer Street.
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  • 524 10 ‘JOBS FOR CITIZENS ONL Y’ HINT BY BYRNE Employers mau have to yet Govt approval to take ‘aliens’ SINGAPORE, May 2. EMPLOYERS here may be required to get Government approval to engage nonSingapore citizens. The Minister for Labour and Law, Mr. K. M. Byrne, indicated this in a broadcast over
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  • 109 10 KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. The Malayan Trade Union Congress today sent a cable to the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, assuring him full support on the South African issue he intends to raise at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference. The cable quoted a resolution
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  • 168 10 KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. SPECIAL Branch men have seized a quantity of documents from the Muar Deten- tion Camp. The documents are now being studied by experts at the Special Branch headquarters here. The seizure, which followed a tipotr. was made
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  • 215 10 'J'IIE people of Negri Sembilan on May 2 gave a big welcome to the former Queen, Tengku Khursiah, after a two and a half years’ absence from the State. They lined the main street of Seremban and watched as her
    • Straits Times r:<'2 9 shows Tengkuh • ,,t bei?iQ welcomed Negri border.  -  215 words

  • 944 11 DON’T CONDEMN ALL WHITE MEN OVER SOUTH AFRICA PLEA KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 rruiE SENATE to1 dav unanimously backed the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, in bringing up the South African question at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference in London. More than 15 Senators
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  • 420 11 KUALA LUMPUR, May 2 Arabic love songs will be kept away from Islamic religious programmes over Radio Malaya in future to avoid offending Muslims. The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, said this in a written reply to an allegation that these songs were
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  • 50 11 BUTTERWORTH. May 2. Mr. Lee Sin Fook. a lecturer from the Agricultural College in Serdang. has taken over duties as agricultural officer in Butterworth. He succeeds Inche Ahmad bin Mohamed Amin, who has been posted to the Agricultural Department headquarters in Kuala Lumpur as an agronomist.
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  • 399 11 IPOH, May 2. —Repeated questions on South Africa’s apartheid laws and the “White Australia” policy forced the visiting president of the Australian Senate. Sir Alister McMullin, today to retort at one stage: “No comment.” To another question he
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  • 616 12 SINGAPORE. May 2 FIELD OF WORKERS TO BE WIDENED, SAYS MINISTER IN RADIO BROADCAST TtHE Singapore Government is to introduce a comprehensive code of legislation aimed at covering the conditions of service of workers. II will be called I he Employment Ordinance and will be
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  • 207 12 LUMPUR. May 2. The Federation and Japan have reached agreement on main trade issues after holding talks for 11 weeks. Only a few minor points in their proposed trade agreement remain to be settled and a formal announcement of complete accord is expected to be made
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  • 344 12 S’ PORE STUDENT ASSISTS IN US RESEARCH ON HERB CURES SINGAPORE, May :j A SINGAPORE student in (he United Stales lias been appointed research assistant in an institute engaged on a multi-million-dollar research programme on the medicinal value of herbs, plants and drugs. Melwyn Yeo. 20, now In his final
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  • 54 12 TAN AH RATA. May 2.—Four forged $1 notes have been found in the Cameron Highlands area in the last two days. Two of them were handed to the police by farmers living at the 56th milestone while the other two were found in cotree shops in
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  • 32 12 KUALA I UMPUR. May 2 The Minister of Labour, lnche Bahaman bin Shamsuddin. will leave for Geneva towards the end of this month for the International Labour Organisation’s annual conference.
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  • 38 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Ma: The Government a nr*today that 932 people reissued with certificate.' d citizenship in the Fort era** during the third utvr&gt; April. liliV n s A total oi 1.04 npplr-.i.* were received dim.: week
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  • 235 12 SINGAPORE. May 3.—Former hitch-hikers are among people from both Singapore and the Federation who have sent in a new batch of donations totalling $56 to the Straits Times for “fellow hitch-hiker” Gunter R. H. Hclm-Holz. who had $l,OOO stolen from him last week. One letter
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  • 114 12 UALA LUMPUR. May 2 Detailed surveys of the proposed new site of Kuala Lumpur’s international airport will be carried out with the $200,000 voted by the House of Representatives on April 30. The acting Director of Civil Aviation, Mr. S. W. F. Palmer, announced
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  • 298 13 PERAK TURF CLUB PRIZE MONEY IPOH, May 3. rp KAJ, 49, formerly of Brown, Phillips and Stewart, a firm of accountants who were treasurers of the Perak Turf Club, was lull'd s:;o« in the Magistrate’s Court here yesterday for making a
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  • 139 13 KUALA LUMPUR, May 3. k FIVE-MAN team of World Bank experts is due A here tomorrow to examine the economic and mcial needs of the Federation and the prospects economic development. he mission will be led by h Erich Bachem. who »s i uge
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  • 140 13 pENAXG. May 3. Sir A i s t e r McMullin. resident of the Austra:,;n S' hate, today prais- Malaya for her “sta- and strong” government. U are a rich country—i- 'v- J" resources, rich and rich ln ad r :ivr leaders,” he told Y
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  • 201 13 OENANG, May 2. An 1 appeal has been made for more Malayan priests. “The Church’s need for vocations has never been greater than at present.” says a joint pastoral letter to all Catholic churches. The appeal—signed by the Archbishop of Malacca and Singapore (Monsignor M. Olcomendy)
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  • 41 13 JOHORE BAHRU, May 3 The Family Planning Association of Johore Bahru will hold a Jumble sale on May 6 at 10 a m. at the premises of the Anti-T.B. Association ln Jalan Tangga Duke in aid of Its fund.
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  • 101 13 SINGAPORE, May 3..—The University of Malaya Society here today cabled Commonwealth Prime Ministers now in conference In London expressing the view that South Africa should be “excluded from the Commonwealth if it continues with the apartheid policy.” In the cable, the society, representing graduates
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  • 313 13  -  By TAN TOCK SAIK Kuala Lumpur, May 3 T'HE Malaya-Japan trade agreement to be A signed here is likely to contain provisions for “most favoured nation” treatment between the two countries. Trade observers said today this would ensure that there would be no
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  • 58 13 KUALA LUMPUR, May 3 More than half of the new Government $5O million loan has been subscribed since It was launched 13 days ago, the Strait? Times learned today at. the Accountant-General’* office. A spokesman there said subscriptions were coming In satisfactorily. This Is the
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  • 214 13 Chung Cheng to aid the language jCINGAPORE, May 3. Malay has been made a compulsory subject at Chung Cheng High School, Singapore’s biggest Chinese secondary school. More than 3.000 students who went back to school today after the Easter holidays found a change in their
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  • 59 13 TELUK ANSON, May 3 The headmaster of the AngloChlnese Primary School In Kampar, Mr. Fang Ung Ming, has been elected chairman of the Perak branch of the National Union of Teachers. Other officials are: vicechairman Miss Llm Chin Llan, secretary, Mr. Teoh Chal Chin, treasurer Mr.
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  • 415 14  -  OFFICER WAS CHATTING AND LAUGHING...THEN DIED By K. BASKARAN T’HERE was a solemn scene at the Kuala Lumpur airport on the morning of May 3, as the coffin bearing the body of the late Deputy Superintendent of Police, Inche Ghazali bin Osman, was carried from a
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  • 173 14 KUANTAN, May 3. APADI planter, Mat Said bin Deban, who shot dead a Communist terrorist while out looking for his buffaloes earlier this year, will receive a cash award of $1,500 from the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Tun Abdul
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  • 95 14 ITU ALA LUMPUR, May 3. v The Raja Mnda of Selangor, Tengku Abdul Aziz Shah, will be sworn In as Regent at a ceremony at the Istana Kota, Klang. on May 16. He will deputise for his father, the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan llisamuddln Alam Shah,
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  • 118 14 PORT SWETTENHAM, May 3 Harbour Board Trade Union executive committee will meet here tomorrow to consider a statement by the Malayan Trade Union Congress that dock workers should boycott the handling of South African goods. The union has about 2.000 members stevedores. wharf labourers
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  • 155 15 rUALA LUMPUR, May K 4 --Nearly 3,000 mu- T ipal employees here v ir they may lose their bs when the Federal mital comes under the iministration of the deration Government he Municipal Secretary, i "he Moliamed Din bin Ali •‘The Government v t
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  • 117 15 f)V all the nameless dreads that make a soldier's life so terribly hard, none is regarded with greater horror than fainting on parade. This is Just what happened on May 4 to FOUR of the guard of honour from the 4th Bn. Royal
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  • 413 15 SINGAPORE, May 4 THE University of Ma--1 laya in Singapore is hoping to get a total of about $1,700,000, subvet to certain conditions, for development purposes from the Colonial Development and Welfare Fund. The Vice-Chancellor of University, Professor a Oppenheim.
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  • 80 15 cur iKir J 3 vis 'f to the Australian Staff &gt;'t Oueensdiff, Victoria, Lieut.Commanding OffiTtt Royal Malay Regiment, 5, epheV on c un,r yman Capt. Victor sever &lt; apt Stephenson is one 1 'cers from neighbouring countries attending the current 10 months' staff course at
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  • 67 15 KOTA BHARU. May 4. The Kelantan State Legislative Assembly today offered prayers to the late Yang dlPertuan Agong and observed a two-minute silence. A resolution recording the Assembly’s deep regret and extending sympathy to the Tengku Puan Besar, Tengku Khursiah, was unanimously adopted. The Assembly also
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  • 43 15 SINGAPORE, May 4—The newly-established Guild of Nanyang University Graduates Ls to send a delegation to see the Government on the employment problems of Nanyang graduates. The executive committee of the guild made this decision at its first meeting.
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  • 337 16 NEW FIGURE 96.64 p.c. OF PRE-RESTRICTION PRODUCTION LONDON MARKET FREED FROM CONTROL OF BUFFER MANAGER? Kuala lumpur, May 4 Miners today generally welcomed Malaya's increased percentage of the world tin export quotas in the next quarter —decided on yesterday by the International Tin
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  • 299 16 KUALA LUMPUR. May 4 ATOP Indonesian Government official today suggested that Asian countries should seek financial and technical aid from both Communist and Western powers for their development projects on condition that “no strings are attached.” He is Mr. M. Hutasoit. secretary-general of
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  • 207 16 NOW A WOMAN TAKES ON BIG JOB IN SINGAPORE ITUALA LUMPUR, May **‘4. Mrs. Hedwig Anuar has been appointed head of the Raffles National Library in Singapore. She is the first Malayan and the first woman to head the library. She was
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  • 39 16 KUALA LUMPUR. May 4. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong has approved the promotion of Major Mohamed bin Hajl Mohamed Noor, of the Royal Malay Regiment, to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. He will also hold the temporary rank of Colonel.
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  • 213 16 pENANG, May 4 1 French priest' who came to Malaya more than half a century a?c died here today jj months after celebrating his golden jubilee in holy office. Inmates of the Home f 0» the Aged run by the Little
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  • 122 16 IPOH, May 4.—Two young girls who began hitchhiking to Britain from Australia four months ago are now in Malaya. The girls are Beryl Henthorn, 22, and Fay Vergoe, 24. Beryl comes from Lancashire, England, but four years ago went to Canada and
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  • 391 17 KUALA LUMPUR. May 5 r !l h ASSOCIATE!! 1 Indian Chambei oi ((ininierce has sent a telegram to the Lcdt&gt;ration Prim* Minister Tenffku Abdul Halmian, in London informing him that the organisation has •resolved to boycott South African goods forthwith.” I'he v
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  • 359 17 b.e.a. backs a history OF THE EMERGENCY, BUT NOT JUST AS A TALE OF TRIUMPH* SINGAPORE, May 5. THE British European Association has come out in support of a recommendation by Professor K. G. Tregonning, of the University ot Malaya, that the Federation Government should take
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  • 95 17 SINGAPORE, May 5. The acting Commissioner for India, Mr. G. J. Malik, today set a precedent for diplomats by donating blood at the transfusion centre at the General Hospital. It was the eighth time that the Indian diplomat, who arrived to take up
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  • 53 17 KUALA LUMPUR. May 5. Group Captain (Rev.) E. Mantle, recently appointed Principal Chaplain for the Royal Air Force. Far East, will pay his first visit to Kuala Lumpur this weekend. He will conduct morning prayers at the R.A.F. Station and preach at the morning service in the Presbyterian
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  • 158 17 SINGAPORE, May 5.— Singapore s threeman delegation to the South-East Asia air services and communications conference in Bangkok returned here today after talks on better air links in this region. They are. Mr. I’an Beng San. acting Deputy Director of Civil Aviation; Mr.
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  • 71 17 KUALA LUMPUR. May 5 All types of writing, printing, wrapping paper and cardboard, fibreboard, paperboard and tissue papei manufactured here have been declared pioneer oro ducts. Chemical animal feeo another product which has been declared to be of pioneer status, according t( a Government statement today.
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  • 160 17 LOVE, which welled with the beat of music, resulted in the wedding on May 5. of pianist Eddie Gomes and singer Trudy Connor at the Kuala Lumpur Registry. Miss Connor came to Kuala Lumpur four years ago to sing at the Griffin
    • This picture (by Soong Fton Sin) shows the happy couple leaving the Registry.  -  160 words

  • 878 18 KUALA LUMPUR, May 6 TBIE Deputy Prime Minister, political. trade union and commercial leaders today hacked the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman. on his decision to quit the apartheid talks with South Africa's Minister of External Affairs TUN RAZAK BIN HUSSEIN told the Straits Times: “Tengku
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  • 79 18 KUALA LUMPUR. May 6. —A $23,520 birthday present tor the Yang di-Pertuan Agong will arrive at Port Swettenham on May 10. It is a black limousine, an Austin Princess, with royal insignia on the doors. The car was bought by the Raja Muda of Selangor,
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  • 69 18 KUALA LUMPUR, May 6. A Siamese police patrol killed a terrorist in a clash with 19 Reds in the border area it was announced today A policeman was seriously wounded in the exchange ol tire when the patrol attacked a camp occupied by the terrorists. Arms
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  • 72 18 PENANG, May 6. -The Butterworth Town Council has decided to adopt an otficial seal and coat-of-arms. The coat-of-arms will have as emblems a coconut tree, sugar cane and padl with the motto “Berkhidmat Ka-arah Kemajuan” (To Serve Towards Progress). The Council will invite the public to submit
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  • 459 18  -  COUNTRYMAN’S JOURNAL TUAN DJEK THE DUSUN (Kota Tinggi) QN the 25th Mr. Burkill, Director of the Botanic Cardens, family, and Dr. R. E Holttum paid a short visit to the Dusun on their way to inspect the swamp jungle through which the road to Kuala
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  • 73 18 KUALA LUMPUR. May •&gt;■ INVESTIGATIONS have shown that at least e ls of British servicemen were employed at the tu&lt;» shut down here recently. t lrnl ent Vesterday. the Royal Air Force revealed in that one RAF wife was “involved”. ;I rtny Today,
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  • 663 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP Penang, May 5.— Old Gallant Turk, with Arthur Ward up, snatched a thrilling victory in the main race (Class 3) over Sh.-loday| Gallant Turk, beat Umjrian b.v a short head in i photofinish with Trigger II the hot favourite, hird Gallant Turk
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  • 771 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP PENANG, May 8.— Veni Vici Stable s West Slar, ridden by Noel McGrowdie, won the Kedah Cup over 8Jf here today. It was West Star’s first uccess in Malaya Arthur Ward had a good ay. riding three winners. He fought oil an
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  • 50 19 KUALA LUMPUR, May B.— ileven staff members of the irunei Marine Department »ave returned to Brunei after ompletlng a training course n naval subjects at th e Roal Malayan Naval Barracks ’i Singapore. The course Included eamanship. physical training lrst aid and parade ground .raining
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 77 19 T TTTTTTf nong Kong far East builder tstablished 1936 1 lit Monthly Periodical of Rl Uif W of Real si,ltf Activities 1,1 long Kotw Hu Far RasL CONTAINS full accounts, plans, perspectives and photo graphs of new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts. An 'indispensable source of
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 90 19 THE BIG SWEEP: Total pool $178,300 1ST PRIZE: No. *****0—$48,490. 2ND PRIZE: No. *****9—$19,396 3RD PRIZE: No. *****9—$9,698. STARTERS ($2,770 oach) Nos *****3. *****0. *****8, *****3. *****4. *****1, *****6 CONSOLATION PRIZES ($1,000 each): Nos. *****3. *****1. *****6. *****1, *****4. *****8 *****0, *****7, *****4. *****4. THE etc SWEEP: Total pool $195,200
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    • 1321 20 From today brokers will meet at Bank Negara By Our Market Correspondent THE Malayan Stock Exchange had a good week’s business and there was widespread demand for shares throughout the list. The two big factors which stimulated the market were the rise in the rubber price, which
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    • 417 20 SINGAPORE, persistently took the initiative early in the week and it appeared that neither London nor New York were going to follow report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current rubber market survey. However, on Wednesday, alter a rather disappointing close here, both oversea* centres unexpectedly moved
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    • 26 20 Tin Rubber (per picul) (per lb.) May 3 $385.50 t 5*85.25 $1.23*4 4 $386.75 $1,244 8 $366.50 $1.27*4 6 $388,874 $1.26 4 7 $386.28
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    • 59 20 SINGAPORE, May 7 The tin price In Singapore yesterday was $386 25 per picul, down 831 cents on an offering estimated a*. 225 tons. Singapore Copra Association noon prices per picul: Pair merchantable Bombay mixed copra: May $351 (nominal). Tone was quiet. Singapore Coconut Oil Millers’ Association:
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    • 44 20 Current Date of Total Total f« payment payment for pmiaa year year j F&gt;d. Dispensary 10% May 28 10% 10% Kluanf ord. and pref. 30%+ June 17 30% Riverview 60% June 17 70% 15% Runyel Hagan 10% May 25 30% t intedlm.
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    • 42 20 MHNTAKAB, May B.—The Mentri Besar, Inche Wan Abdul Aziz, today presented a cheque for $15,000 to the chairman of the Lanchang school committee. Mr. Ut Cheong Swee. from the ft»* cial and Welfare Lotter* Board for building extensions.
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    • 1142 20 THE following Hat of revised 1 quotations was Issued by 1 members of the Malayan Stock Exchange after their last meeting on Saturday (May 7) H and L stand for Mg heat and lowest for business done this year. INDUSTRIALS a t i i Alti tricks. 2.40
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