The Straits Budget, 4 May 1960

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 81 1 The Straits Budget .pi lltiM MBPMI 11. *4M4it -JP A. ir< r.\ v W* V* JA. 2/ V-*»< ?A ~-./’o\A I tLA>CB,HM-.' r” ijaWIHH-Htf T**r£. r r. gamtfck-/<f~ A. 'str>.V^ :xi^a2i3KigL^iXij., a THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAHB **>!& wJr" k fJSl^.^?V^ *sr ijjF 9'
    81 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 149 1 Bj BEHHi MpHL HL SB H 9 fl <\ j& jSR BBi fIH he HE m H hHsjflHßHi *s» ssar -V Jp tSI' -4 century ago, McAlisters <V O ’I .y t i4 <|. 4 v 4 j »S .*s* *%s > *,T Those were the days...the days when old
      149 words

    • 92 2  -  TAXPAYER Kuala Lumpur. WHAT sort of cat b Mftlaya s Ambassador to Indonesia going to get for $34,000? Surely this is a growl* excessive price, unlei the car Is gold plated? Most of the large American limousines eo*t half the figure mentioned—with the It
      92 words
    • 146 2  -  D.MJ). Petallng Jay a. CAN nothing be done to rationalise the exchange rate for book prices? Fifty cents to i shilling strikes me as a bit steep. Freight, of course, adds to the basic price— but does it add $1.50 (or 3s 6d) to a £1
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    • 25 2 SUNOEI PATANI, April —Thred Redemptorist pn«J3 from Australia have arrive in Malaya to join the net, Redemptorist Monastery Tambun Road, Ipoh. 1
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    • 374 2  -  CHIA Singapore. I AGREE with Dr. Toh Chin Chye that the previous policy of automatic promotion has been responsible for the poor results in the recent Cambridge examination. I have been teaching In a mission school
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    • 188 2  -  K,R Johore Bahru. T®® recent case of the “hantu langsiak” seen by a business man of Sungei Patani reminds me of%a similar case which occurred to a friend of mine last year on the Pontian Kechil road. He was driving back to Johore Bahru
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    • 91 2  - MONEY’S WORTH. CHEN CHIA-KUANG Singapore. r PHE Ministry of National Development In Singapore should be congratulated on the magnificent parks it has built where the masses can go for relaxation. The recently-opened park and regional open-air theatre is beautiful and tastefully designed, and built at a minimum of cost. Now
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    • 183 2  -  tantohhono Kuala Lumpur. THE proposed Indoor sports stadium is going to cost the Federation another few million dollars, even though there are already good facilities for sports. The Merdeka Stadium may not have a roof, nor fanciful gadgets like a vanishing stage and alr-condl-tloned
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 76 2 i f yi w v iV fj *K-r\ P >.!.«| -f*SU 1 Sp \Vax\ n»L •♦wSwaat jj|HHKfl s~~4 M -JK' r g**r 3 l yjMi x 'i.\ i ■'■*s By JR; l p s^ H£ JL f ub •‘liMkg y- fj; jfnWMmffStir^ iy r, J^m^ r Vv; >&r xS^?sw MI
      76 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 636 3 —Straits Times, April 25 Although it is only six m onths since the Ministry 0 f Rural Development came “nto being it is possible to j, ee the emphasis on rural affairs in almost every aspect 0 f the Federation Government’s domestic policy. So many of
      —Straits Times, April 25  -  636 words
    • 666 3 —Straits Times, April 26 Debate on the bill to amend the Federation’s constitution has been long and acrimonious, centred on the special powers the Government is seeking to defeat subversion. It can hardly be said that the sound and fury were unexpected. Preventive detention is an
      —Straits Times, April 26  -  666 words
    • 163 3 —Straits Times, April 26 Weighed against his patient moderation in dealings with France President Bourguiba doubtless feels genuinely aggrieved by incursions into Tunisia by French troops fighting the insurgents in Algeria. The fact that in a legalistic sense he is equally to blame for allowing Algerian insurgents to
      —Straits Times, April 26  -  163 words
    • 350 3 —Straits Times, April 26 The meeting in Kuala Lumpur of the Asian regional conference of the World Confederation of Organisations of the Teaching Profession must be seen in its perspective. Its theme, Child Health and Schools, is the subject of papers and debate not only here but at
      —Straits Times, April 26  -  350 words
    • 617 3 —Straits Times. April 27 The collapse of the Opposition’s fight in the House of Representatives against amendment of the constitution was easily the most singular feature of these important proceedings. While it may be doubted whether further concessions could have been wrested from the Government
      —Straits Times. April 27  -  617 words
    • 351 4 —Straits Times, April 27 If the unanimity of the House of Representatives in approving the Government motion on South Africa is not adequate proof that the Prime Minister has the nation behind him he can cite the debate itself, which both by its length and passion left
      —Straits Times, April 27  -  351 words
    • 371 4 —Straits Times, April 28 Tengku Abdul Rahman, and by implication the whole of Malaya, will be in the van of the South African Government’s critics at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference next week. The Tengku will not be alone. Mr. Nehru has taken issue on South African racial
      —Straits Times, April 28  -  371 words
    • 710 4 —Straits Times, April 29 Too many people on too little land is not a peculiarly Malayan problem. But every question connected with land is complicated in the Federation by States rights, and consequently parliamentary approval of new legislation controlling land settlement is going to be only
      —Straits Times, April 29  -  710 words
    • 667 4 womens Tlmes^AP^^ Changes in the Muslim marriage law proposed by the bill which the Singapore legislature discussed in January have emerged from the Select Committee proceedings very little altered. The main purpose of the bill is to increase the powers of the Shariah Court, which will be
      womens .« Tlmes^AP^^  -  667 words

  • 1048 5  -  BY VERNON BARTLETT Or the very real threat to the Commonwealth from South Africa SINGAPORE, April 27 1HAVE little respect for proverbs —1 those capsules of wisdom which are supposed lo guide our conduct for 1 can always find one to justify any action, however unworthy
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  • 245 5 SINGAPORE, Apr. 27— The Bishop of Singapore and Malaya, the Right Rev. H. W. Baines, will sail for Britain tomorrow leaving behind an unanswered question--who will be his successor? In a farewell interview here today after spending 11 years in this region, he
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  • 42 5 RAUB. April 27 Mr. G R. Chelliah. of the Central Fleetrlclty Board here. has been transferred to Mentakab as chief clerk in place of Mr 1* Arunachalam. who has been posted to the Chief Accountant's office in Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 245 6 KUALA LUMPUR, April 24. A HYDRAULIC lift stage which will disappear below the floor when games are played will be a feature of Stadium Negara, which is planned to be built here for indoor sports. Details of this proposed stadium to be
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  • 130 6 KUALA LUMPUR. April 24. —The Royal Malayan Air Force is to assume more responsibilities in the defence cf the country From July 1 it will take over from the R A F. the contr »1 of all aircraft, whether Malayan or Commonwealth in anti-terrorist
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  • 145 6 SINGAPORE. April 24. A German hitch hiker, Gunter R. H. Helm-Holz, 24, was robbed of about $1,000 in various currencies while sleeping in his tent in an open space in front of the Britannia Club here last night. He reported this at the Beach
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  • 153 6 SEREMBAN. April 24. rpHE riot squad was again called out this morning to Seremban Estate, where about 200 workers have been on strike since March 27. A police spokesman said this morning that the strikers had attempted to prevent new workers from entering the estate
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  • 32 6 JOHORE BAHRU. April 24. —Chan Ah Kow, who arrived here from Singapore with 12 prohibited packets and 20 sticks of fireworks was fined SlOO in the Magistrate’s Court here yesterday.
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  • 103 6 IPOH. April 24.— School boys and girls, who are the strongest supporter? of the Perak Library, were today given a voice in its management. They will henceforth have three representatives on the committee of management. This year’s representatives are Umi Kalsom binte
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  • 209 6 SINGAPORE, April 24.—Mr. Lee Gee (’hong, 49, the kidnapped “biscuit king”, was found today dead, llis head had been battered in His body, wrapped in a blanket, was found by children playing in a disused graveyard at Plantation Avenue, off Yio Chu Kang Road. News of
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  • 270 7 CELEBRATIONS PLANNED for nationaugust 1 EXPECTED TO BE PUBLIC HOLIDAY KUALA LUMPUR, April 24. r'Ol'VrRYWIDE celebrations will be held to j mark the official ending of the Emergency it midnight on July 31. Aug. 1 is expected to be a public holiday to enable Malayans
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  • 86 7 LT \1 A LUMPUR. April 24.—* I' A Federation Government dot-tor and 10 nurses and hospital assistants are now in Mecca looking after the welfare of more than 1.000 Malayan Muslims who have gone there on pilgrimage. The doctor is Dr. Hussein bin Abdul
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  • 86 7 KUALA LUMPUR. April 24.—. The chairman of the Elections Commission, Tuan Haji Mustapha Albakri, is to attend the Rotary International assembly which beams on May 19 at Lake Piacid. New York. He will then fly to Miami, to atten d tlie Rotary Internal.onal convention there.
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  • 34 7 JOHORE BAHRU. April 24. —Kanniah. 20. an estate labourer. was fined $l5 today for failing to register and obtain an identity card. He said he was unaware that he had to register.
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  • 285 7 SINGAPORE, April 24.— The Dean of St. Andrew’s Cathedral, the Very Rev. E. O. Sheild, has written of the “overnight change” in the relationship of the Anglican Church to the Government. This came with the election of a new Government undei the
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  • 207 7 IPOH, April 24. THE deputy secretary-general of the National Union of Plantation Workers, Mr. John Emmanuel, today accused the managers of some estates of adopting the “unhealthy policy ..1•t t 1 1 M of divide and rule. Mr. Emmanuel said it was
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  • 47 7 KUALA LUMPUR. April 24Dr. J. H. Newton was reelected chairman of the Malayan Youth Hostels Association at its annual meeting last night. Other officials are: Mr. R.A.E. Morris < vice-chair-man), Mr. Mahima Singh (vice chairman). Mr. M. Senathirajah (secretary) and Mr. Yuen Hon Chong (treasurer).
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  • 30 7 PERTH. April 24.-Malayan Red Cross Society secretarygeneral. Mrs. V. T Koruth. of Kuala Lumpur. Is touring Western Australia for nine days before going on to the eastern states.
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  • 91 7 KUALA LUMPUR. April 24. —The University of Malaya here will soon have to have a new library building. The number of books has increased by 21.000 in the past seven months. This brings the total to 33,000 volumes, very near maximum capacity of
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  • 150 7 SINGAPORE, April 24.—Mr. Han Swee Inn. chief reporter of the Sin Chew Jit Poh, died in the General Hospital this morning after a short Illness. Mr. Han 49 (above), leaves a wife and four children. He first Joined the Sin Chew Jit Poh
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  • 26 7 SINGAPORE. April 24 More than 100 printing workers, including ofllee workers, with the Malaya Publishing House, have Joined the Singapore General Printing Workers’ Union.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 40 7 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Payable in n jOpcre L J 1 ur No postage I F'- Vo. o o Bf. North •ncl. postage j C wealth ln cl. postage p_ r|,, -U Kmgrjom r Australia Only y Express Airfreight advance)
      40 words

  • 561 8 1 KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 TENGKLTS WORDS RAISE LAUGHTER AMONG TEACHERS FROM ALL OVER WORLD AT BIG MEETING THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that the Federation Government could provide free education if the people were prepared to pay for it. The Tengku
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  • 40 8 IPOH, ADril 24. Three youths attacked a vegetable seller with wooden chairs in the central market this afternoon. Loke Poon. 44, who received several bruises, was treated as an out-patient at the district hospital here. Police are investigating.
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  • 38 8 KUALA LUMPUR, April 24. Yee Yoke Thing, a 24-year-old carpenter, was admitted to hospital here tonight after being stabbed on the arm and chest by thugs in Jalan Kanaga. off' Pudu Road. His condition is serious.
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  • 306 8 SINGAPORE, April 24. A YOUNG girl who played hide-and-seek with 10 policemen on the roof of the Nanyang Theatre in Bukit Timah Road early today was caught when she landed on a “jumping sheet” spread out by 20 firemen.
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  • 175 8 JOHORE BAHRU. April 24. The Tengku Mahkota of Johore, Tengku Mahmud, will be accompanied by his pretty English wife. Che Kalthom, on a pilgrimage to Mecca next month. They leave by air on May 19 on what will be a historic trip. He is
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  • 99 8 I'UALA LUMPUR. April 24. x The Federation Government has sold three Beaver aircraft which helped solve transport problems during the height of the Emergency. Their sale was confirmed today by the acting Deputy Director of Civil Aviation. Mr. AAV. Hayes. “The Government accepted an
    99 words
  • 57 8 KUALA LUMPUR. April 24. The Malayan Students’ Association in Madras plans to start classes in Malay for 125 Malayan students there. The general secretary of the association. Mr. Philip Adolphus, who is back here on vacation, said today that the classes would be hcid with the
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  • 284 8 KUALA LUMPUR. April 24. THE University of Malaya’s first Agriculture Department will start functioning on May 23 with 35 students —Prof. G. M. Davies, head of the department, said today. Twenty-five of the students taking the first-year course will be trained
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  • 112 9 I His was the solemn scene it llie Anaac Day ceremonv held at the Cenotaph in Kuala Lumpur at daw n on April 25 in memory of Australian and New Zealand soldiers who died at Gallipoli during the l-irst World War. Xddressing the gathering is the Australian High
    Straits Times picture.  -  112 words
  • 217 9 IN BRIEF I'UALA LUMPUR, April 25. —The cost of training Federation teachers at K-rkby College and Brins-•'-(1 Lodge. England, was *•9.016,163 up to the end of ia.'t year. Since these colleges were H up 1.444 teachers had graduated by the end of •W
    217 words
  • 328 9  -  By A S. SRIPATHY Malacca, April 25 THREE hundred students at the Malay Women’s Teacher Training College here today remained in their dormitories and refused to attend classes. They say they will continue to do so until the college principal. Miss P. M.
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  • 315 9 SINGAPORE, April 25. A S the funeral of the kidnapped “Biscuit King,” Mr. Lee Gee Chong, 49, took place here today, CID detectives interviewed his friends and relatives and established several possible theories in connection with his death. Mr. Lee was abducted on
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  • 391 10 KUALA LUMPUR, April 25 11 Opposition members not in seats PIE HOUSE of Representatives today passed by 75 votes to 13 the controversial Constitution (Amendment) Bill. The vote was taken after Tengku Abdul Rahman had warned of the grave dangers to which the country would be
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  • 76 10 PERTH, April 25.—A West Australian author, Gerald Glaskin, has begun work on his latest novel, “The Beach of Passionate Love/’ with a setting in the famous area on Malaya’s east coast. Mr. Glaskin’s novel “A Lion in the Sun”, with a Singapore and West Australian
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  • 54 10 KUALA LUMPUR, April 25 Talks between the Federation and Singapore on the establishment of a common market will be held soon. The Minister of Commerce and Industry, Inche Mohamed Khlr bin Johari, said this today in Parliament when replying to a question raised by Mr. V. David, Socialist
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  • 33 10 MALACCA, April 25.—A Sin. gapore lawyer. Mr. David Marshall, will give a talk on ‘’Asia Today” at the Malacca Indian Association in Banda Hilir Road on April 27 at 7.15 p.m.
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  • 511 10 KUALA LUMPUR, April 26 Malayan Industrial Development A Finance Limited, sponsored by the Government, will have a free hand to deal in almost every aspect of business, in or outside the country. The immense scope of its activities is reflected in
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  • 101 10 KOTA BKARU, April 25About 50 members of the Police Field Force were sent to the KelantanTrengganu border area early today follow ing 1 report that some terrorists had been seen in the area This was the first time for some years that bandits were
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  • 79 10 KUCHING, April 25.-A young Iban impostor na. been making use 01 “J counterfeit moni7 &c here to fool people in handing him real curron yPosing as a police Dector. the man first l his victims to produce their currency notes. He then declares tha the
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  • 443 11 KUALA LUMPUR, April 25 N 0W HE'LL LEAVE ON APRIL 30—AND FLY STRAIGHT TO PREMIERS’ CONFERENCE THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has postponed his departure for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ conference for three days because the current session of Parliament is lasting longer than expected.
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  • 71 11 Lorry in ditch--driver fined JOHORE BAHRIT, April 25 —Vayapurl, a Town Council van driver, was fined $l5O ln the magistrate’s court today for driving under the influence of liquor as a result of which his lorry went into a ditch. He was also disqualified for 12 months from holding a
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  • 131 11 Kuala lumpur, April 24. The Government was urged today to resume the management of the Employees’ Provident Fund. The proposal was made at a meeting of about 100 EPF contributors at the Chinese Assembly Hall here. The meeting formed an association—to be known
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  • 21 11 BUTTERWORTH, April 26 The Butterworth Town Council will move to its new offices at Pantai Road early next month.
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  • 166 11 NAVY MAN LOOKS FORWARD TO HIS NEW FAR EAST APPOINTMENT IJlENANG, April 25.—The I Commandtr-in-Chief designate, Far East station. Vice-Admiral Sir David Luce, said on his arrival in Penang today in the Carthage, he was looking forward to taking up his new appointment. Vice-Admiral Luce,
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  • 55 11 SINGAPORE. April 26 Sir Alister McMullin. chairman of the general council of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, arrived here today on a three-week tour of Singapore. the Federation and Borneo territories. Sir Alister, who has been actively connected with the CPA for several years, is here to
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  • 194 11 pENANG. April 25-The chief of Staff of Australian Forces. Lt.-Gen. Sir Ragnar Garrett, said here today Australians serving in Malaya were proud of the part they had been playing in helping this country fight Communist terrorism. “We are happy to have
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  • 43 11 PENANG, April 26.—A City Council draughtsman, Mr. Tong Sum Yong, was admitted unconcious to the General Hospital here after the car in which he was travelling collided with another at the junction of Light Btreet and Esplanade Road this evening.
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  • 358 11  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND Singapore, April 25 JJlSTciry will be made in the rubber rach in Malaya when IK ‘w pan -Malayan WM anal Or 6 ar risation its inaugural otm-r here Qn May 'he Rubber and (> J Singapore presen
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  • 4465 12 HOUSE FLAYS SHARPEVILLE MASSACRE Premier’s hand strengthened for London KUALA LUMPUR, April 26 Mandate for S. Africa move ON A UNANIMOUS vote, the House of Representatives today gave Tengku Abdul Rahman a mandate to raise the question of the South Africa shootings and violence at next
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  • 83 13 THAT this House, while fully recognising the responsibility of the South African Government for its own internal policies and administration, nevertheless, consistent with the Federation Government’s attitude in respect of violations of fundamental principles of human rights as exemplified by its stand on Tibet, expresses abhorrence the shooting
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  • 1561 15 KUALA LUMPUR, April 27 f EGISLATION for Yj the Government's first major step forward in rural development w a s approved by the House of Representatives today. The Land (Group Settlement) Areas Bill, successfully moved by the Deputy Prime Minister. Tun
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  • 149 15 TENGKU KCRSHIAH, the Consort of the late Yang di-Pertuan Agong, has been given the title of Tengku Puan Besar. A Government statement on April 27 said that tin* Yang di-Pertuan Agong has accepted a Federation (io ve r n men t rec um mend
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  • 88 15 KUALA LUMPUR. April >7— Shri Yogendra Krishnan Puri has been appointed Indian High Commissioner in the Federation, it was announced today. The new High Commissioner has served in various ministries of the Indian Government and was deputy high commissioner for India in Lahore,
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  • 234 16 TEAM OFF TO BANGKOK FOR TALKS: THAIS PLAN TO CUT OFF FOOD AND MEDICAL SUPPLIES KUALA LUMPUR, April 27. OPERATIONS against terrorists lurking on the Malayan side of the Siamese border will be stepped up during the next three months. The Secretary for Defence. Mr.
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  • 104 16 KUALA LUMPUR. April 27. —Mr. R. G. D. Houghton, executive vice-pre-sident of the Malayan Planting Industries Employers’ Association, the man who has conducted the nego- tiations of estate owners with their workers lor the last eight years, will retire to Britain in June. His successor
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  • 119 16 DEPUTY SIPT. Ghazali bin Osman (above) until recently deputy head of the Special Branch, Penang, has died in Amsterdam while on a holiday tour. News of his death was received in a cable sent by his wife, Siti Aznur, to her brother, Inche Sreedam Shah
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  • 33 16 IPOII. April 27. Thieves broke into the car accessories department of Messrs. Fook Lee Chan Ltd in Jalan Yang Kalsom here last night and stole 14 tyres worth $525 and $ll7.
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  • 354 16 Kuala lumpur. April 27. Dr. Tom Dooley, the famed American “jungle doctor” of Laos who has only a few months to live, flew into Kuala Lumpur today from Saigon to offer the Federation Government assistance in creating new health facilities in rural areas
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  • 163 16 KUALA LUMPUR. April 27. Only six of the cars bought for use by VIPs attending the 1957 Merdeka celebrations have been sold. One was bought by the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman. Nineteen cars were otTcred tor sale by public tender in May
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  • 100 16 PENANG. April 27. The Federation Government's decision to construct an 8.500-scat indoor stadium >135 in Kuala Lump- piven the City (< il oll t second thou' a V-j buildin.’ an im.' in Penang, too. ♦■idiuSi “With a nati in the Federal Internationa i- will no
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  • 1923 17 I KUALA LUMPUR, April 28. ■SCHOOLS throughout Malaya would have s hut down in 1958 had it not been for the frealistic approach” of the Federation Govlernment to educational problems confronting Kt at that time. This was stated today by the Deputy
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  • 29 17 KUALA LUMPUR, April 28 The Yang dl-Pertuan Agong has approved the promotion of Major (temporary lieu-tenant-colonel) Mohamed bin Hajl Mohamed Noor toLlejtColonel and the temporary rank of colonel.
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  • 269 18 AUSTRALIAN EXPERT BACK FOR FURTHER TALKS PENANG, April 29. rpiIE Australian Government has submitted a report to the Federation Government on the proposed establishment of a medical faculty in the Kuala Lumpur division of the University of Malaya. The report was written
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  • 146 18 Kuala lumpur, April 29 —The Director of Broadcasting, Mr. A. T Read, will leave Malaya in July. The Assistant Minister for Information and Broadcasting. Syed Ja’afar Albfir, said today Mr. Read had submitted his resignation about three months ago. His present contract expires
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  • 126 18 MALACCA. April 29.—Singapore lawyer. Mr. David Marshall, said in a speech here that the peoples of Asia needed a long period of constructive peace to rebuild their shattered culture and economy. He was speaking on “Asia Today*’ at the Malacca Indian Association in
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  • 38 18 JESSELTON, April 29. —Sir Geofroy Tory, British High Commissioner in the Federation, and Lady Tory will visit North Borneo next month. Sir Geofroy and Lady Tory are due to arrive in Jesselton on May 15.
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  • 376 18 ONE LITTLE STRAY HAS ALL THE ESTATE IN A STATE SINGAPORE, April 29 —A little stray monkey is causing: havoc in Sembawang Estate. It invades houses, scratches the furniture, and terrifies children. The monkey, a “resident” of the estate for
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  • 215 18 T PENANG, April 29. HE Federation Government has refused to grant political asylum to 15 refugees who landed in Malaya after escaping in a junk from Communist-ruled Hainan Island. The refugees have been told to choose one of two courses: O To
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  • 51 18 SINGAPORE. April 29—Deputy Superintendent S. K. Sundram will become the new Officer-in-Charge (crime). Area “A” from May 2. Deputy Superintendent Dudley de Cruz will succeed him as 0.C., Courts. It will mean for Mr. de Cruz a return to a post which he had previously
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  • 36 18 SINGAPORE. April 29 mer Vice-President of Indonesia. Dr. Mohammed Hatta, flew Into Singapore 1 today from Jakarta on his wav to America at the invitation of the U S State Department.
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  • 51 18 KUALA LUMPUR, April 29 “Full agreement’” was reached on all points discussed at the joint talks between Malayan and Thai security officials on the border antlterrorlst campaign, it was announced here today. I he two-day discussions ended in Bangkok today. The Malayan delegation is due back
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  • 767 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP 0ENANG, May 1* Azarole, ridden by Laurie Johnson, sprang a surprise in t he main race (Class 4) over a mile here today. Azarole beat stableiate& Youghal Bridge by neck and paid $78 on ip win tote. uarole is
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  • 183 19 pENANG, April 30— Pro- fessor S. Sunderland, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Melbourne University, today praised Malayan students. “They are a credit to your nation,” he said. “They have proved excellent ambassadors and we are very happy to have them.” Of the medical
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  • 517 19  - Tuan’ s telephone emits sparks during storm rjTtr ir IMwilTOT' COUNTRYMAN’S JOURNAL .—TUAN DJEK THE DUSUN, Friday, April 22. CANNOT remember ever having experienced such a terrific thunderstorm as occurred yesterday afternoon between four and five o'clock. There was not much rain. Although our telephone is protected from lightning, the
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  • 96 19 KUALA LUMPUR, April 30. The Ministry of External Affairs today issued a statement to clear the confusion over the price of a car for a MaiKyftn ambassador. It was reported In Parlia* ment that a car for the Malayan Ambassador to Indonesia, Inche
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  • 41 19 KOTA BHARU. May, 1. 1 The following canditates were successful at the local I council elections at Bertam, Ulu Kelantan: Inche Abdul Rahman bin Suleiman, Inche Ya’acob bin Ibrahim. Inche Mohamed bin Abdul LatifT and Inche Zakaria bln Abdullah.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 43 19 THE BIG SWEEP: Total pool $182,100. FIRST PRIZE: No. *****7—$49,630. SECOND PRIZE: No. *****6—$19,852. THIRD PRIZE: No. *****5—$ 9,926. STARTERS ($3,308 each): Nos. *****6, *****3, *****3, *****8. *****8, *****5. CONSOLATION ($1,000 each) Nos. *****2, *****1, *****3, *****9. *****0, *****2, *****0. *****8. *****1, *****5.
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    • 1119 20 STOCK EXCHANGE HAIL ED GOOD TRADING WEEK: BUSINESS IN TINS By Our Market Correspondent •THE announcement lait week that the Federation of Malaya is taking the first practical move towards the formation of a Stock Exchange was generally welcomed by investors. Although only a modest move—It entails the dally meeting
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    • 400 20 THE feature of this 1 week's trading has been the increase in premium which has been paid for May 1 R.S.S. report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current rubber market survey. They add this now stands at two cents and has contributed to the general steadiness in
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    • 26 20 fin Rubber t$«f Fteuf) (for lb.) Afril 2S $$88.10 $1.20* $887.90 $1.21 *7 $387.12* $1.20* 28 1887.25 $1.81* 2$ $$$6.75 $1.21* 20 $$$6.00 w—
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    • 33 20 t urrent Date of Total Total for payment payment for ptwiou Slme Darby HMga 174% lO% Cold Storage 16% May 23 15% Pahang Con. ord. 13% June 4 134% t Interim
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    • 18 20 April aver ac< prices were: Apr. 1960 March ISM Rubber: 119.97 cts 119.05 ch Tin: $386.85
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    • 65 20 SINGAPORE. April 30. The tin price here yest «r+ day wag quoted at $386 per picul, down 75 cents on d estimated offering of 261 tons. The Singapore Copra Association noon prices per picul! rair merchantable Bombu mixed copra May $371/1 vnominal). TQne was quid.
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    • 1252 20 THE following Mat of revtoed 1 quotations was tamed by members of the Malayan Stock Exchange after their last meeting on Saturday (April M) H and L stand for highest and lowest for business done this year. INOUSTRIAIS I l Alt* tricks 2 40 2.20 O.ds 2
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