The Straits Budget, 23 September 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 26 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER i? 683. Singapore, September 23, 1959. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 70 1 i HST? W’ The new LRH 410 LATEX CONCENTRATOR > f Jk V. •-'V Expert advice readily and freely given by I Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., and mi McAlister Co.. Ltd. M fa V Specialized servicing given at our Ipoh workshop L>F LAVE!. WORKSHOP IPOH SSm fM m m: Ill&nSSaSff' mm
      70 words

    • 215 2  -  POH SOO JIN Secretary, Malayan Society of Engineers. Singapore SOME students of the Singapore Polytechnic seem to object strongly to the abolition of external examinations. To them the examinations of the royal engineering institutions in Britain are the only examinations worth taking. They do
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    • 127 2  -  SOCIALIST Seremban. I THINK It childish of So- clallst Front MPs to fight over attire in Parliament when they were given the choice of wearing national costume. If they despised Western dress, and if they were genuine Malayans and true party, men they
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    • 138 2  -  T. C. S. lohore Bahru. QF ail the eonum inoratlve stamp nhieh Malaya has Fsued in recent years to c< mmemorate national occasions, the latest set of three stamps issued to mark the inaugi ration of the country s first
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    • 227 2  -  STt **FNT Singapore. 'THE recent move by Dr. Toh Chin Chye to reorganise the Polytechnic Is commendable as far as it relates to the closing down of the commerce department, with the exception of the accountancy section. A number of shorthand and typewriting classes
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    • 88 2  -  HFC Singapore. A CCORDINQ to the Minister of Health there is no shortage of doctors but of nurses only. It was only the other day that I took my daughter to the ear, nose and throat department to be told that the department had closed
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    • 167 2  -  j r- Singapore. 'THE recent mass resigna--1 tions of doctors, teachers and men in the legal profession have been viewed apathetically. Evidently the prime cause of this unfortunate state of affairs is the recent pay cut. Another reaspn is the additional work Imposed on
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 647 3 Straits Times. Sept. 14 Tl u Federation has been accustomed for some time to jnany of the forms of parliamentary democracy; it has held elections, experienced parliamentary procedure and lasted the rule of law. But on l v now has parliamentary democracy in this country become
      Straits Times. Sept. 14  -  647 words
    • 361 3 Straits Times, Sept. 14 The large number of degrees and diplomas awarded at the convocation on Sept. 12 (there were 485 graduates) offers fresh reminder of the growth of the University of Malaya, particularly in Kuala Lumpur. Established only a little more than a year ago, the
      Straits Times, Sept. 14  -  361 words
    • 622 3 Straits Times. Sept. 16 Mr. Tan Siew Sin, the Federation Minister of Finance, estei day added his voice again to a growing chorus when he said there is a lot more capital in the form of money available in this country than is generally realised. The habit
      Straits Times. Sept. 16  -  622 words
    • 336 3 Straits Times, Sept. 16 Addressing the Kelantan Malay Chamber of Commerce, the Prime Minister dwelt with some emphasis on the desirability of encouraging Malay participation in commerce and industry. The subject is familiar, and has in fact engaged the attention of at least four committees in the
      Straits Times, Sept. 16  -  336 words
    • 251 3 Straits Times. Sept. 16 There is every cause for satisfaction about the formation of a joint committee to examine the Malay and Indonesian languages. It is a direct outcome of the treaty of friendship signed by the Federation and Indonesia in April this year. There is, of course,
      Straits Times. Sept. 16  -  251 words
    • 770 3 Straits Times. Sept. 17 News that the British Government is to sell 100,000 tons from its natural rubber stockpile, coming on top of the United States decision to decrease its stockpile by 470.000 tons, should have at least one welcome effect. It will put an end to the
      Straits Times. Sept. 17  -  770 words
    • 544 4 Straits Times. Sept. 17 Speaking recently on the civil service pay cuts, Singapore’s Finance Minister observed that if something painful had to be done, it was best to get it over and done with quickly. Dr. Goh Kong Swee has been as good as his word.
      – Straits Times. Sept. 17  -  544 words
    • 605 4 Straits Times. Sept. 13 Possibly the most horrifying side of the toll of life anc! health taken in Malaya by tuberculosis is that it is very largely an environmental j disease. One Malayan in every j seven suffers or has sufTered from it for no better reason
      Straits Times. Sept. 13  -  605 words
    • 626 4 lU 101 o.nt 19 Straits Times. 5iP l For once the use of Hollywood language can be justified. Colossal is the word for the housing programme which Singapore’s Minister for National Development, Mr. Ong Eng Guan. announced yesterday. There can be no doubt that the Government’s intentions
      lU 101 • o.nt 19 _ Straits Times. 5iPl:—  -  626 words

  • 93 4  -  ‘goh hood KKM> Singapore. I THINK it is a very u f gesture on the part the Bishop of Singa p CK call on Christians to r 1 voluntary service to m o improve public aoie (S.T. Sept. 16). opnin o It Is surely in keepi
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  • 466 5  -  3y EC BOON LEE Singapore, Sept. 13 I-* film "The Nun's Story I now being screened in two local cine- uas. has provoked a sharp controversy in Catholic circles here, iells the story of a young girl who became
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  • 499 5  -  CJ'JNTRYMAN’S JOURNAL TI’AN DJEK. KOI' A TINGGI, Sept. 18. building housing tne Ministry of Home V’ ui"s. Singapore, has rebeen invaded by a of swallows. After •v.n!: .g a description of 1 .:r oehaviour the Tuan It >ure that the birds .•,re a party of our abojiu: able
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  • 274 5 gINGAPORE, Sept. 13—Ra- jender Kumar Pawa, aged six. leit by air for New Delhi this afternoon on his way to Cologne for two operations which will give him a chance to live. The boy is suffering from a rare blood
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  • 187 5 SINGAPORE, Sept. 13. 4 SMALL group of American scientists here workA ed till late tonight in an effort to “get in touch” ,vith the Russian rocket speeding towards the moon. They are members of the IJ.S. satellite tracking station. which was set
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 72 5 Hcng Kong Far East 1 JILDER tii Wished 1936 Bi-Monthly periodical of 'idling Real ‘te Activities 111 Hong Kong J»e Far East. Contains full accounts, plans, pers* pectives and photographs ot new and projected constructions in Hong Kong and other parts An indispensable source ot information lor all concerned in
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  • 109 6 SINGAPORE, Sept. 13—Malay Aim star Zaiton left this morning by PAA for the Pacific Festival with a huge wardrobe and some presents. THE WARDROBE consists of 44 baju sarongs and sarong kebaya—all of the latest styles—which she will wear at
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  • 74 6 SINGAPORE. Sept. 13—A Conservative M.P., Sir John Barlow, today expressed his admi:|ation for the wav yesterday s opening ceremony of the Federation Parliament was conducted Sir John told the Straits Times on arriving nere from Kuala Lumpur that he was greatly impressed by the dignity and
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  • 57 6 SINGAPORE. Sept. 13—Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, British High Commissioner in India, and Chancellor of the University of Malaya, arrived here this afternoon after attending yesterday’s university convocation at Kuala Lumpur. Mr. MacDonald—“l'm always glad to be in Singapore” —said he will stav here for a few days
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  • 258 6 MINISTER (FORMER UNIONIST) SAYS... SINGAPORE, Sept. 13 The Health Minister, Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim. told representatives of the Naval Base Labour Union today not to expect the Govern-; ment to do everything for them. Speaking at the union’s 12th annual representatives’
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  • 264 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Sept < people in Selangor were today awarded b-Vdoe* k and certificates of commendation ftn their services with the Police Volunteer Reserve The awards from the Commissioner of Police, Mr. C. H. Fenner, for their devotion to duty, were
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  • 158 6 Prophet’ s Birthday rally on big scale J/'UALA LUMPUR. Sent 13.—The Sultan of Selangor, who is the Deputy Paramount Ruler, will tomorrow start off the biggest Prophet Mohamed’s Birthday procession yet seen in Malava About 20,000 people. Including men from the Federation Armed Forces the Royal Federation Police and university
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  • 30 6 JOHORE BAHRU. Sept. 13Lady Marcella, widow of Sultan Ibrahim, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Meriam. will be leaving for Britain towards the end ol October.
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  • 124 6 STERILISATION BAN URGED IN S’ PORE SINGAPORE. Sept. 13. A ROMAN Catholic newsletter here today praised the Federation Government’s policy towards sterilisation and hoped Singapore would follow it. The newsletter of the Singapore St. Joseph’s Church, said that the time had come for the new State to look to Kuala
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  • 56 6 SINGAPORE. Sept. 13 A team of 12 Hong Kong Chinese stage stars arived in Singapore in the A* day to give a series formances here anr. Federation. tr The troupe is sclv give its first perform the Victoria Memoria. tre on Sept. 18. The: here for 20
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  • 98 6 IT UALA LUMPUR. Sept. 13— A top official of the People’s Progressive Party in Selangor has resigned from office but remains as an ordinary member. He is Mr. Chew Choo Soot, secretary of the Selangor PPP, who unsuccessfully contested the Municipal and State Assembly elections earlier
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 72 6 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Br. Empire Singapore Malaya Foreign Town Area (Including (Including No Postage Postage) Postage) Quarterly 5.20 5 75 6.75 Malf-yoarly 10.40 11.50 13 50 ▼••rly 20.80 23 00 27.0C i he weekly issues of the Straits Budget can bo sent by express air delivery
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  • 403 7 KING AND QUEEN WILL HAVE TO EAT IN TRAINS L I ALA LUMPUR. 1X Sept. 13 The Yang di-Pertuan Agong and the Raja Perniaisuri Agong will have five meals in trains during their state visits to India and Pakistan, beginning on Oct. 9. 7
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  • 81 7 DR. RONNIE McCOY and his bride Miss Beatrice (Twinkle) Vethavanam drive away after their wedding at St. Mary’s Church. Kuala Lumpur, on Sept. It. More than 1.000 people attended the reception at the Federal Hotel. I)r. McCoy serves at the General Hospital. The bride, of
    —Straits Times picture.  -  81 words
  • 161 7 Malaya giv es $7,500 to aid refugees Kuala lumpur. Sept. 13.—The Federation Government has given 5T.500 to the United Nations World Refugee Year to help the 2.500 000 refugees the U.N. is caring for Mr. Claude do Kcmoularia, personal assistant to the U.N. Secretary-Gen-eral. said this today after talks with
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  • 277 7 SUNGEI PATANI, Sept. 13. ‘DIG guns” of the Alliance, Pan-Malayan Islamic u Party and the Socialist Front are expected to arrive here from tomorrow to back their candidates in the deferred parliamentary election in Kedah Tengah. The Deputy Prime
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  • 200 7 1/UALA LUMPUR, Sept 1V 13.—The president of the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party, Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy. said last night that his party would question the Alliance Government in Parliament on the national debt. Addressing a PMIP rally at the Sultan Sulaiman Club dang here, he claimed
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  • 185 7 SINGAPORE, Sept. 13. AN American economic expert today advised Malayans wishing to go to the United States for further studies never to forget the need “to translate and adapt what you are learning to vour own country.” Dr. Clifton R. Wharton has just finished
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  • 59 7 MISS SOON CIIOON KIM. 2?). just hack from London after completing her Bar finals at Gray’s Inn, said today she studied law heeause she found it “easy and interesting.” Miss Soon, of Penang, arrived in Singapore o n Sept. 12. Sin* is holidaying in
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  • 37 7 TANJONG MALIM Sept 13. N'g Lens Chat, 24. was stabbed in the back while eating in a stall near the Hex Cinema here on the night of Sept 11 Police are investigating.
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  • 306 8 GOVT TOLD: IMPROVE CONDITIONS OR FACE LABOUR CRISIS PENANG, Sept. 14. T! IE president of the Penang Port Commission Employees’ Union, Mr. Gerald Abraham, warned today there would be labour unrest in the country in a year or two if the Government did not improve
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  • 49 8 SINGAPORE. Sept. 13—Four men walked into a house in Lorong 14. Geylang. last night on the pretext of looking for a friend and robbed the occupants of $2,000 in cash and valuables. The occupants were locked up in a room while the gang ransacked the premises.
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  • 56 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 13— The Minister of Finance, Mr. Tan Slew Sin, has fixed the following prices for the purpose of fixing Customs duties from Sept. 9: Rubber. $1.08$ per lb.; copra. $614 a ton; coconut oil. $1,010 a ton; palm oil. $744 25 a ton;
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  • 73 8 SINGAPORE. Sept. 14 A fruiterer, seeking a reduction of a S3OD-a-month maintenance order, told a magistrate today that his main reason was the paycut of civil servants. “How can the Government pay-eut Dossibly affect you?” Mr. Robert Chee. the magistrate, asked Ng Say Thuan
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  • 83 8 WOLF CUB A. Shanmuganathan, nine, shows the Sultan of Selangor how to tie a knot at the first Selangor Cub Ccrroboree (cubs’ jamboree) at the Castle Camp yesterday. Looking on is the organising commissioner of the Corrohoree, Mr P K. Singh.
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  • 23 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept. 13Lee Ah Soo. 17. of Chow Kit Road here, was admitted to the General Hospital tonight with scalds
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  • 152 8 SINGAPORE, Sept 13 PaO rishioners of the St. bernadette’s Church in Zion Koad will hear a new sound during their services —the true melodious tones of genuine bells. Since the cnurch was opened on March 30, they have been listening—most of them
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  • 86 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept. 13— The Minister of External Affairs. Dato Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman left here today on the first leg of his journey to New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly meeting this week. The other three members of the
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  • 178 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept. 13. fVATO Onn bin Ja’afar tonight told his supporters why he laughed so much when he was with the Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, his bitterest political opponent, after the opening of Parlin- inent yesterday. He was referring to
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  • 86 8 J/’I ALA LOIPt’R, Sept. 13 —The Federation Government is to be asked to Hit its “wage freeze” and settle a three-jearohl claim for more nay put up by the 3 20-strong Public Health Inspectors Cnion. The union submitted a memorandum in i9">7 asking that
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  • 134 8 10,000 JOIN CONGRESS, NOW- KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 13. TOR the first time in this country teachers hi English, Tamil. Chinese and Malay schools have I been united into one organisation to speak with one voice. This followed the admission of the 10.000 memcer Federation
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  • 68 8 SINGAPORE, Sept. 14— The body of a schoolboy. KhaloKdad bin Kaim Khan, aged seven, was recovered from a monsoon drain off Macph* tson Road early this morning, two days after he had deco reported missing. Khalokdad Is believed to have slipped into the swollen drain while
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  • 30 9 ELICiOUS LEADERS including the Chief Kathi, Tuan Haji Hussein (second from the right) leading the precession in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Straits Times picture.
    — Straits Times picture.  -  30 words
  • 676 9 STRAITS TIMES REPORTERS THOUSANDS of Mus- lims throughout the F ration celebrated thv Prophet’s birthday ;e*terclay by taking part in giant processions and rallies and feeding the poor. In SINGAPORE, the celeng which got under
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  • 151 9 Wean them younger and they grow faster, weigh heavier Malacca, sept. 14. A highly successful experiment carried out here by the local veterinary department may revolutionise the pigrearing industry throughout the country. The experiment, which started five months ago, showed that by weaning pigs earlier they grew faster
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  • 36 9 SEREMBAN, Sept. 14 Mr. Gan Tam. 95. the “grand old man” of Negri Sembilan and a millionaire was buried he v this afternoon He died On the morning of Sept. 9.
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  • 159 9 OENANG, Sept. 14.—A copra producer today urged the Federal Coconut Advisory B>ard to consider the “other side” when examining a proposal to increase the export duty on copra. “Thousands of producers will be affected by any change in the present rate of duty.” Mr.
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  • 465 10 THE LATE SIR GEORGE MAXWELL ON PUBLIC PREJUDICE KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 14. nPHE Federation Government is to consider a suggestion that it should employ cured lepers to help eradicate the prejudice that the public tends to have against them. The suggestion came
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  • 194 10 BHARU. S*‘pt. 14. Tengku Yusofi bin Tengku Mohamed Jiwa. 23. a nephew of the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and Tengku Embong Suria binte Tengku Majid. 20. a member of the Kelantan royal family, were married here last night after a courtship,
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  • 64 10 JOHORE BAHRU. Sept. 14. Dato llaji Noah bin Omar, who was elected Speaker of the Federal Parliament last week. Is expected to resign his seat In the Johore Legislative Assembly Tills will necessitate a byelection He was elected in the Plontonu constituency Iasi June. defeating Hajl
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  • 204 10 SINGAPORE. Sept. 14. -Miss Catherina Ng Soli Hia, 18. of the Straits Times, will represent Singapore and the Federation at the Ford Motor Company's 1959 teenage press conference at Dearborn, Michigan. Her choice as Malaya’s delegate will take her around the world in
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  • 41 10 SINGAPORE. Sept 14.-Th-two Government loans of $l5 million and $25 million, which opened on Sept. 8 were almost fully subscribed by today. A finance ministry spokesman said that there was less than $l million left of each loan.
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  • 294 10 SINGAPORE, Sept. 14 f PHE third criminal district judge, Mr. K. T. 1 der, today rebuked a crippled father for lying in the witness box to protect his son. The son, Ho Boon Tiong. 17. of Duxton Road. w as found guilty
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  • 100 10 KUALA LUMPUIL Sept. 14An “urgent” appeal for funds was today made by Mr. John Drysdale, chairman of the board of governors of the Lady Templer Hospital. Mr. Drysdale said the hospital was now running at a loss and unless more funds. were available, something
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  • 184 10 LUMPUR. Sept 1V H. —The Minister ot Transport, Inche Abdul Rahman bin Talib. was admitted to Hospital on the night of Sept. 12 after a heart attack. His condition is reported to be satisfactory. He is expected to stay in the hospital lor a
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  • 50 10 SINGAPORE. Sep Singapore’s Coirp’-' of Income Tax, Me. G» Holloway, is back at hi* after his holiday began before the new eminent came into pow« He resumed duties I t' month Mr. Holloway was a 7 witness in the Chew Swei inquiry in Singapore ea this year
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  • 27 10 PENANG. Sept. 14 Mo dispensaries of the vepr-- department gave 24.840 u khet and fowl pox vaccinnu in 109 villages and kampo last month.
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  • 340 11 KOTA KUALA MUDA, (Central Kedah), Sept. 14. rv Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Kazak, said here today the 1 x ople of Malaya could not accept Socialism. What they want is not equality out better living conditions” he to lci
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  • 38 11 BAHRU. Sept. 14— find bail of $3OO. binte Abdullah. 19. a charge of theft was remanded In t ding hearing of artted in the Mar,urt here today, owledge of what 1 ’led.
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  • 168 11 PENANG. Sept. 14. A LL Federal education institutions have been askn ed to use Malay in future on signs, notice boards and letterheads, in a directive which urges ‘•immediate action" to effect this The directive, stressing the I Education Ministry’s
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  • 58 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 15.—Kamarudin bin Amat, 27 and Lampai bin Sampo were admitted to the General Hospital this morning after being involved in a fight in Bussorah Street. Kamarudin was stabbed in the stomach and Lampai was slashed with a parang. A third man. Rashid All. 23.
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  • 202 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 14. THE Minister for Finance, Dr. Goh Keng Swee, leaves for London on Sept. 1G to represent Singapore at the lirst Commonwealth finance ministers’ conference to be held since the PAP took "'tlice. Dr. Goh has already paved the ground for the
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  • 134 11 pENANG, Sept. 14.—The 1 Curator of the Penang Botanic Gardens, Mr. K. C. Cheang, today warned visitors not to provoke monkeys in the gardens. “Some of them may turn nasty.” he said. Mr. Cheang said warning notices had been put
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  • 146 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 14 TWO daring housebreakers, caught in the act in x daylight, jumped down from a 25-foot high oalcony in crowded Tiong Bahru Road and eseaned i -w J V- V* this afternoon. In their hurry to get away, the men left behind two
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  • 25 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 14 —The Prime Minister. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. will visit the Ministry of National Development on Sept. 16 and Sept. 18.
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  • 159 11 KUALA PERLIS, Sept. 14. YfORE than 2,000 fishermen are likely to strike 1 1 here on Sept 18 if their demand for a 50 cent increase in their daily pay is not met by their employers. The fishermen, the majority of them Malays, are now
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  • 42 11 KOTA BHARU, Sept. 14. The High Commissioner lor Canada. Mr. Arthur R. Menzles, today ended a three-day visit to Kelantan. Mr. Menzles paid courtesy calls on the Sultan and the Mentri Besar, Tuan Haji Ishak Latli bln Omar.
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  • 316 11 SINGAPORE. Sept. 14. The International Press Institute today released the report of its sntcial observer. Mr Armand Gaspard. on his investigation into freedom of the Press in Singapore. Mr. Gaspard visited Singapore from June 5 to June 18. This followed a resolution at the
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  • 454 12 SINGAPORE, Sept. 15. T'ilE engine ot* the south-bound night mail A train from Kuala Lumpur had to be changed near Sedenak in South Johore early this morning after a collision with a bull elephant. The violent impact at
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  • 94 12 SINGAPORE. Sept. 15-The manager of the Industrial Development Board. Mr James Puthucheary. said tonight that a national bourgeoisie was emerging in Malaya. Speaking on the control of tlie national economy at Nanyang University, he produced statistics to show that recently there had been an increase
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  • 41 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept 14— Mr. D. Frazer, of Harper Gilflllan Co. Ltd. here, was admitted to the General Hos- pital tonight after a car near Kajang. His wii<‘ was also hurt, was t; as an outpatient.
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  • 1625 13 Communist revolution unlikelu as it must come from Malay peasantry and not urban Chinese SINGAPORE, Sept. 16 r* u i; immediate i danger to Malaya va> i;ot C ommunism i t) u t communalism, !i ihe Prime Mini- r .Mr.
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  • 117 13 Kuala lumpur, sept 16. The Malayan High Commissioner in India, Dato S. C. MacIntyre, said here today that Indian experiments had shown it was not possible to replace English as the medium of instruction at univeisities “for a long time to come.” He was
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  • 37 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept. 16.—Three Federation Army officers have been selected for further military training in j Thev are Major Mohamed Ghazali bin Mohamed Seth. Major Othman bin Ibrahim and Captain Peh Teck Foo.
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  • 31 13 RUTTER WORTH. Sept. 1G Several thousand spectators in Province Wellesley witnessed a two-hour Battle of Britain air display staged bv the Royal Australian AiForce over its Butterworth base today.
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  • 1631 14 SINGAPORE, Sept. 16 SINGAPORE woke up to a $16 million tax shock this morning. Up from today goes I ho price ol petrol and cigarettes. Full details ol Ihree other new laxes will be announced soon. A Government statement on I he
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  • 324 14 JOHORE BAHRU Sept. 16 P)1D the late Suit. :1 of Johore. > ;r Ibrahim, once to be one of richest rulers in t.. v world, leave a wi.. Two applications i been made to .Johore Supreme Cc in
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  • 90 14 SINGAPORE. Sept. 16—A new medical body—the Singapore Medical Association—was formed last night with Dr. B. R Sreenivasan as Its f!r<t president. Other officials are: Pres.-dent-elect. Mr. Y. Cohen: secretary, Dr. S. K. Poh; treasurer, Dr. R. L. Taylor. committee: Dr. K. S. Rat11am, Dr. Lee Ho
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  • 23 14 SINGAPORE. Sept, h labourer, Tan Chee Senwas fined $2O or 14 day today after he pleaded to obtaining two id* cards.
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  • 27 15 PENANG. Sept. 1G —Penang contributed $17,500, or nearly 10 per cent, ot the total sum collected in the Federation on last year's Poppy Day appeal.
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  • 301 16 HAJI KUDONC (Central Kedah), Sept. 16. THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said here last night he was worried to see a political party trying to split Malays in this country. The Tengku told about 3,GOO people at an
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  • 174 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 16. THE Federation’s 900 doctors have given up the idea of forming a pan-Malayan medical association. Instead they will form a purely Federation one. i This, follows the recent decision of the Registrar of Societies here not to license the Malayan
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  • 178 16 IZUALA LUMPUR, Sept. Maori priest, the Rev. M. Cameron, is perturbed by the “many temptations” here to which New Zealand troops “fell ail easy prey.” On his return rrom a recent visit here he urged army authorities to appoint Maori charlains to New
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  • 56 16 PENANG, Sent. 16.—Mr. Oh Eu Kok. an engineering graduate from the University of Malaya, left for America yesterday for a year’s training at the central engineering department of the United States Rubber Company. New York. Mr. Oh. 25. is making the trip on a
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  • 518 16 SINGAPORE, Sept. r jpLIE FINANCE Minister, lir. Goh Ken s«ee who left for Britain at noon today t 0 end the Commonwealth Finance Ministers’ ■onference. will ask the British Gover-me-. lor S28 million. 77_. ew He explained that the money would
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  • 78 16 ITU ALA LMPW. Sept. 11 A S900.000 bridge is to replace the ferry at l.mab Puteh in Pahang. The bridge. being built under the Development Loan Fund scheme, '-'ill be 410ft. long and will be known as the Taiuh Put*" bridge. It will have
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  • 248 16 l/UALA LUMPUR, Sept 16. Four students, a ♦wher and a labourer detained for a year for alleged subversive activities were released last nivht on certain condi--1 ions The six. including three girls, arrived here this morning from Batu Gnjah. '•here they had been held
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  • 486 17 SINGAPORE. Sept. 17 V l SH of water at 4 p.m. today signalled a historic moment for two of the little islands south of Singapore. It meant that, after decades of dependence n rain, the 1.000 or
    Straits Times picture.  -  486 words
  • 51 17 PENANG. Sept. 17. The Mayor. Mr. DS. Ramanathan, today invited residents in Penang Island areas where electricity supplies are at present not available, to apply to the Rural District Council. It will in turn communicate with the City Council to ascertain the possibility of extending electricity to these
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  • 20 17 BENTONG. Sept. 17.—Mr. Yip Kam Chong has been elected chairman of the Telemong branch of the Labour Party.
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  • 357 17  -  By JACKIE SAM Singapore Sept. 17 VE TERAN police investigators experts in their own fields have been drafted into the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau. They include a secret society expert, Superintendent P. Rajaratnam. two Homicide Squad men. Inspectors Tan Chin Wooi and Phang Chcow
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  • 569 18 PORT DICKSON TRIP LED TO MARRIED CONSTABLE’S DEATH Kuala lumpur. Sept. 18. —A police constable, father of three, advised his 14-year-old sweetheart to study hard and ‘‘forget 1 ever excited.” Then. the constable Ibrahim bin Ilaji Abdullah, shot himself. In the Police Court
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  • 29 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Sept i 3 Registration of voter.* r Federal and State electl: >. which began on Sept. 1 *L end on Oct. 12 in the Li is District.
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  • 431 18 INSPECTOR FOUND SHOT ON A BLOOD-SOAKED BED INVESTIGATORS FACE MYSTERY OF TWO EMPTY CARTRIDGES, ONLY BULLET SINGAPORE, Sept. 18 A DETECTIVE inspector was found shot dead in his quarters at the Tanjong Pagar police station this morning. Now the police are faced with the mystery of
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  • 39 18 PENANG. Sept. 18 A man sought in connection with the alleged swindling of several people has been detained in Singapore. A police inspector and two detectives left Penang last night to escort him frum Singapore.
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  • 221 18 LOCAL SYNDICATE TO RUN BAR SINGAPORE. Sept. IS. LOCAL syndicate with a $100,000 capital is taking over Toby’s Paradise in Anson Road h re. The bar's boss. Nigerianborn Emmanuel Toby, was banned from Singapore last month. Toby crossed over to the Federation only to be
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  • 54 18 KLANG. Sept. 18.—A fly--man committee has been pointed to study the K.y.y Town Council's draft for next year. Members of the comnii y are Raja Abdul Aziz "h man). Raja Shah tv (secretary). Mr. Cheons y* Hoe. Mr. G. S. La Brooy 1 Tuan Sheikh
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  • 305 18 SINGAPORE, Sept. 18 THE WIFE of a British Army sergeant was burned to death in a mystery fire which swept through her ground-floor flat in Alexandra Avenue tonight. She was Mrs. Helga Hicks, 31. mother of an 11-year-old son. Peter. By the time a
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  • 1113 19  -  BY EPSOM JEEP) Ipoh Sept. 20 n jeNT Choice, by Y alyogan (sire of H r Melody), won ime out here tori j pay $41 for a win highest dividend 0 f i dav. p. nt Choice Was ridden hv
    1,113 words
  • 341 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Sept. 14. CEi ANGOR will meet Singapore in the inter-zone i inal of the Foong Seong Cup badminton compi't ion to decide the challengers of Penang, the holrtc rs. T- 1 light at Kuala LumPur Selangor beat Perak 8-1 the
    341 words
  • 390 19  -  By F. SALAHUDIN SINGAPORE, S«p». 14. MR. Soh Ghee Soon, president of the Singapore Amateur F.A., today expressed the fear that the association is likely to go bankrupt in two or three years if the standard of soccer
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 57 19 THE BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL $193,600 No. 2S9546 ($53,010) No. *****8 ($24,947) No. *****2 ($12,739). Starters ($1,474 oacli):' Not. *****2, *****1. *****8. *****0. *****5. *****8. *****7, *****8. *****1 Consolation ($1,000 oack). Not. *****8,. *****1. *****8, *****3, *****9, *****8. *****1. *****6, *****9, *****3. Numbort ffprocatf pool: 46 ($1 pays $70). Latt
      57 words

    • 1645 20 THE MARKET REFLECTS •OUTSIDE INFLUENCE’ By Our Market Correspondent THERE was a reduced volume of business on the Malayan Share Market last week, hilt it was one of the most eventful weeks this year as far as outside influence* were concerned. One of the most important
      1,645 words
    • 1067 20 THE following list of revised quotations was issued J>y the Malayan Share Brokers’ Association after its las* meeting on Saturday (Sent 19). H and L stand for hlfliest and lowest prices for business done this year. INDUSTRIALS s i as AH* Bricks. 1.72 Mr 1.70 Prof 1.60
      1,067 words
    • 25 20 TIN RUBBER (Per picul) (per lb Sept. 14 S4UU.OO $1.07 15 $400.00 Closed 16 $400.50 $1.02% 17 $401.12% $1.02 18 $400.87% $1.01% 19
      25 words
    • 190 20 has been a short and eventful week, during which the Rubber Market has seen more movement than of late in an atmosphere of extreme nervousness and irritability, report H.C.B. Co. Ltd. in their current market survey. BUSINESS DONE #H *L. Spot FOB 111 N 1041 104 i
      190 words
    • 38 20 Current Date of Total Total payment payment for previoi year v f Robinson 13% t Oct. 21 18# Talam Mines 10% Oct. 10 JO Sel. Coconuts 15% Nov. 8 25# 35 t Includes 6% bonus. Interim.
      38 words