The Straits Budget, 12 August 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ETw Set 077. Singapore, August 12, 1959. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
    27 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 93 1 f t < %n ~t t*~ Tl? V -v V j'&r 1 o-v*”' -''.n v 1 te t i s 'v. 1V 1 r -f- “i”. snwir w* •-> >..* r r"* ‘0 *r J h "''4*1. ••Cl'. J >‘- v -ec r HtSAFEGUARD >w/> ppopppry W/TH F0AM1TE FIRE EQUIPMENT
      93 words

    • 396 2  -  TUAN RAJI MU 8T APR A ALBAKRI Chairman, Malayan Association for the Blind. Kaala Lumpur. THE public seems to be under the Impression that the object of the recent nationwide flower aay campaign of the Malayan Association for the Blind was to raise funds to
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    • 214 2  -  AGRICOLA Malacca. AFTER the publication of the article from the Ministry of Agriculture on the work of Japanese rice experts in Malaya (B.T. July 28) I read again your editorial of July 22. I must confess after having done so that I fall to see
      214 words
    • 157 2  -  L.C.H. Singapore. r l HE parking ca to r r e e d RWSfo 18 a motorists nnd it jJ* to keep left w> hS? ?hi ga POr the pernicious haw? WHBV.S, «?•Ir rt ,l Tlmah, where t m c at a good spec.- can exceedingly danr-rous In
      157 words
    • 153 2  -  OOi AH GA! Penang. QUITE often we hear of v Government Junior clerks being transferred from one state in the south to another state In the north a distance of 300 miles Apart from the Inconvenience and hardship caused to the
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    • 146 2  -  A SC XLIS 1 Singapore. “EFFICIENCY” (S.T. July 23) has complimented the Government on the speed with which he received a reply to a letter sent by him to one department. While I shall hesitate to make a generalisation on the basis of a single instance.
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    • 88 2  -  $3.uw FAl r LA Singapore. SINCE Singapore Government employees belonging to the “privileged class” have been coerced into having to accept a drastic cut in their salaries as a sacrifice for the state. I have a suggestion for the promulgators of this action. I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 37 2 rtv\ mmm lIPpiMs w "*A v-5: m r A >< •r> U for, cril 1 _—n~ /rt *t* if* .^4r ■'■:>/ ft <■>:.■ v ■«m v s» <;•• PIONEERS ALL The Federation Government’s first land development scheme was launched last week.
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 651 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 3, 1959. Towering arcs of concrete hiding back immense reser‘.o;rs of water have become as utal to big communities as the pump and the well are to the village community. They have, indeed, become the accepted sVin bol of material progress in developing
      —Straits Times, Aug. 3, 1959.  -  651 words
    • 333 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 3, 1959 “A happy choice” is Dr. Lim Chong Eu’s comment on the appointment of Dr. Cheah Toon Lok as acting president of the M-C.A. It is an apt description. The position, in present circumstances, calls for a man who has not been deeply committed
      —Straits Times, Aug. 3, 1959  -  333 words
    • 330 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 4, 1959 The Singapore Government s decision to replace the Queen’s scholarships and fellowships with State awards completes the break with a tiadition that goes back threequarters of a century in Malaya. Last year the Federation Government discontinued the Queen’s. These decisions were
      —Straits Times, Aug. 4, 1959  -  330 words
    • 155 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 4, 1959. The Singapore Muslim Advisory Board has received complaints against publicity for cases heard in the Shariah Court and it has even been suggested that the Press —and presumably the public—should be excluded. Divorce and maintenance cases are routine news coverage, and the Malay
      —Straits Times, Aug. 4, 1959.  -  155 words
    • 596 3 —Straits Times, Aug. 5, 1959. Arrival of the first settlers in Bilut Valley has taken land development in the Federation a long step farther. This is not, of course, the first large scheme undertaken by the F ederal Land Development Authority; the Ayer Lanas settlement in
      —Straits Times, Aug. 5, 1959.  -  596 words
    • 424 3 Straits Times, Aug. ti. Dali The election manifesto of the People’s Progressive Party makes its appearance almost a full fortnight after the Malayan Socialist Front’s. There has consequently been that much more time for the P.P.P. to develop a more uninhibited statement of aims and beliefs that
      Straits Times, Aug. ti. Dali  -  424 words
    • 416 4 Straits Times, Aug. <>. 1959 In his broadcast talk on Tuesday th<* Minister for Education, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, went into further detail about the application of Singapore’s now familiar education policy. He rightly spoke of future plans rather than past shortcomings, but he will have had
      Straits Times, Aug. <>. 1959  -  416 words
    • 609 4 —Straits Times, Aug. 7, 1959 A fortnight ago two thousand I people gave* up their day eif re*st on Sunday in response to the* Singapore Government’s call for voluntary spade and shovel work on the Nicoll Highway promenade. Last Sunday more than 13,000 were at the* old
      —Straits Times, Aug. 7, 1959  -  609 words
    • 719 4 —Straits Times, Aug. 8 It was impossible to contemplate the Commonwealth Education Conference—before it started —without some passing doubts about its usefulness. If it really got down to business and delegates genuinely intended to go in for eo-operative efTort, it could obviously achieve wonders. But would
      —Straits Times, Aug. 8  -  719 words
    • 464 4 —Straits Times, Aug. H. It is not only, or even m,, sanly, "from the press of view’-as Mr. Lee K Yew would have it—,haV, Singapore Government appeared to be "more bitive than constructive' since it took over office l t i closed down pintable su lo T and
      —Straits Times, Aug. H.  -  464 words

  • 598 5  -  by John Williams TIIV infant Singapore Government’s first s |,s towards winning friends in Southl i- t Asia seem certain to be directed jt er t he Federation to her populous and troubled neighbour, Indonesia. Singapore
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  • 649 5  -  OLD CAMPAIGNER IS CONFIDENT BUT NOT OVER-OPTIMISTIC FELIX ABISHEGANADEN reports from Kuala Trengganu, Aug. 6 DATO Sir Onn bin Ja’afar, 63-year-old Party Negara chief, is in the thick of it again —vigorously fighting his third election battle in four years.
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  • 65 5 SINGAPORE. Aim *&gt;-A young University oi Malaya graduate left in the Corlu lor London today to work for a Ph D. degree in history. Mr. J. C. Rajarao. 26. who obtained a first-class arts honours degree at the University. is on a British Council scholarship.
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  • 70 6 UN can be had even during hard work. That is the theme demonstrated here. It shows Madam Ho Puay Choo (PAP —Bras Basah) in the centre smiling broadly, and Miss Chan Choy Siong (PAP—Delta) throwing sand from a basket during work on the promenade
    —Straits Times picture.  -  70 words
  • 712 6  -  By PETER de CRUZ Singapore, Aug. 2 A STAGGERING 13,000 pick-and-shovel volunteers turned out today to speed along the Government’s “lungs for the people” project. They came in answer to a call by the .Ministry of National Development to help turn the weed-covered
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  • 142 6 SINGAPORE, Au 2. T'HE Postal and Telecommunications Ui Stall Union today decided at its anna. ing to seek immediate negotiations wi* ne Government on the cuts in variable allowa* &lt; The union also decided to press for the promotion of all assistant postmen to
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 71 6 Hong Kong Far East BUILDER Established 10.W» A Bi-Monthly periodical of Building Real Estate Activities in llong Kong and the Ear East. Contains full accounts, plans, perspectives and photographs of new and projected constructions In Hong Kong and other parts An indispensable source of information lor all concerned in architecture,
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  • 276 8  -  2 REACH AGREEMENT FOR JOINT FIGHT AGAINST ALLIANCE IN FEDERAL POLLS By FELiX ABISHEGANADEN Temerloh, Aug. 2 Soti ilist FroiU and thr Pan-Malayan lslamic Party are believed to have come to a gentleman’s agreement to fight the Alliance in the Federal general election in Pahang. Horanse
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  • 261 8 K U A I,A LUMPUR, *Y Ani». 2. A father ol six. who left his home in Klang lor work here on .July 31 is missing. H&lt; Mr C Vnllipu ram. 30. flue! sforekeept-r m a Kuala Lumpur cciinpa; v Mr. Valllparam.
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  • 85 8 gATU GAJAH, Allg. 2. A girl was killed and 10 others, including three women, injured when a bus overturned near here shortly after midnight last night. The girl. Aw Kam Sool, 21, was pinned between the seats. Tlx* injured were rushed to the Batu
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  • 20 8 MFUSING. Aug 2. The Johorc Government lias given $5,7(10 for well construction at k:\mpongs and islands oil derslng.
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  • 63 8 CINtiAPOKE, Aug. 4.—The Singapore I nion of Journalists today expressed ‘‘deep concern over the abrupt suspension on July 31 of the publication of the Singapore Standard and the Sunday Standard b\ the proprietors. In a statement, the SI J said it was greatly perturbed over
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  • 120 8 IIK is Flying Officer Ronald Whitman. stationed at Fenang. HIS BRIDK: Miss Brigid Kerr, a former teacher at the
    cer’s mess.—Straits Times picture.  -  120 words
  • 32 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Aug 3 Four Communist terrorists surrendered and one was wounded In tlx* Federation last month. There were no casualties to security forces or civilians.
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  • 57 8 ]&gt;ENANG, Aug. 2. Datin Wong f-*ow Nee, wife of Penang’s Chief Minister, gave birth to twin boys at the maternity hospital here yesterday evening. The good news was conveyed to Dato Wong on his return from Kuala Lumpur the same evening after attending the MCA central working
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  • 307 8 BILUT VALLEY, Ail &gt;. r jpHE PIONEERS of the Federation C ln meat's first land development s -me arrived today to begin a new life in tip Valley, about 12 miles from Bentong, West Pahang. They had boarded trucks and Land l overs at Hilut, seven
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  • 286 9 TVV C MILLION letters go OUT WITH A PERSONAL BE FRIENDS’ PLEA M \LA LUMPUR, Aug. 3. aiokL than two million letters M u ju soon go out to voters in the general election. They will bear"' the signature of the Alli:llltr national leader, Tengku Abdul
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  • 32 9 LUMPUR, Aug. 3. ir &gt;')i Unr has been n nan of the Board ol the Co-oper-■»l Bank. Feder- luya. Mr. V. S appointed vicevith Inche Abu Mahmood Ariff and treasurer.
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  • 70 9 AIK. Low Soon Eu, fourth son of Mr. and Mrs. Low lloon Chong, of Kuala Lunipur. and his bride. Miss Chiew Siew Choo. youngest daughter of Mr. and Airs. Chiew Lay Swee. after their wedding in Kuala Lumpur on Aug. 2. The bridegroom
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  • 199 9 FEDERATION’ S FIRST AGRICULTURAL CENSUS BEGINS KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. 3. 4 15-MAN team today began the Federation’s first A agricultural census. The Minister of Agriculture. Inchc Abdul Aziz bin Ishak. told these men-mem-bers of the Commission ol Agricultural Census that they had "a task of great national importance.” The census
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  • 163 9 KLANG. Aug. 3— Mr. C. Valliparam, reported missing from his home here since July 31. arrived back at 11 p.m. tonight. His eldest daughter, Miss Margaret Valliparam. told the Straits Times: “It was a tremendous relief for all of us. “My father looked very
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  • 314 9 SINGAPORE, Auk. 3. r rHE future of the Singapore Youth Council will be discussed at an emergency meeting of its 40memoer General Council tomorrow. -lie General Council.] whose meeting tomorrow is described as "very impor-; taut, comprises representatives from 3o
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  • 21 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. 3. A total ot 061.094 citizenship certificates have been issued, according to a Government statement today.
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  • 277 9  -  From FELIX ABISHEGANADEN Mentakab, Aug. 3 THE Alliance national leader, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today completed Phase One of his tour of the east coast states after having:— DELAYED a train at Mentakab for seven minutes; CKCISED (Iowai the Pahang River in a
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  • 52 10 Second was Miss &lt;centrei was irmuinl “Miss iili-coms of Malaya” at the KaniaTa Lawrence of Kuala Lumpur (left) and third was annual Telecommunications Athletic Welfare Association Miss Lucy Ilo of Bukit Mertajam.—Straits Times picture. —Straits
    —Straits Times picture.  -  52 words
  • 109 10 KI.WG. Aim. 1. —Tcngku sh.irilah Aiasiura, 6‘i, who oner sat on the throne ••I Selangor with her late husband. Tcngku Klana Java I'utra. died at hrr li iiih* in Istana Itank here yesterday. I fn- Sultan of Selangor, who is hrr brother-in-law, is rxpritnl
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  • 113 10 Reuter. JAKARTA. Aim 4 Major General DJatlku.sumo. Deputy Minister of Comrnunlentlons and former Consul-General in Sinpore. said yesterday that trade relations between Indonesia and Singapore should be re-started on a new basis. Antara News Agency rejKjrted The Minister was speaking to the Press after his arrival a
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 359 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. 3. r rilL Minister of External AlTairs, Dr. Ismail Din Dato Abdul Rahman, tonight denied that the Alliance was a capitalist party “as understood bv most people.” He said in an Alliance election broadcast tlsal the party took advantage
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  • 181 10 SINGAPORE, Aug. I. THE Minister of Education, Mr. Yong Nyuk Lin, 1 said today that education is a social service and not a business, and warned that he proposed to put a stop ;o schools becoming “shops.” lie was speaking during a over
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  • 303 10 EARLY START ON SPECIALISED WORK SINGAPORE, Aug. 3 0 City Council and Public Works Department labourers today continued work on the Government’s “Operation Lung” project to turn the old Kalians Airport into a park and playground A group went to
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  • 45 10 IPOH. Aug. 4.—A burglar broke Into the Methodist Afternoon School oflice here last night and stole $ll5 from i desk. He entered through a opening in the asbestos (t 1 ing after removing the tn- and then let himself dow.* a rope.
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  • 60 11 The Alliance national leader. Tengku Abdul Rahman, crossing a narrow plank bridge with an umbrella after addres sing the people of Kcrdau during his election campaign tour of the East Coast on Aug. 3 Straits Times picture by Lim st
    st on Aug. 3— Straits Times picture by Lim Yaw Chong.  -  60 words
  • 264 11  -  prjx ABISHEG AN ADE N reporting from K j3 la Trcngganu Aug. 4 r:;OM lirst impresi .ions, tht* people of -p.MIP state.” 7:*nimami. like fiery They made obvious yesterday. n d at the trance here Ai’i.n.ce national Abdul Rahthp PM IP was
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  • 216 11 Allg. 4. A man told the Third District Court today that he wrote an extortion letter to the wife of his former employer because he “was very angry at being dismissed and was later advised by a friend to write
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  • 445 11 SINGAPORE, Aug. 4 THE former national president of the Malayan Chinese Association. Dr. Lim Chong* Eu, left for Britain by air today amid speculation that he would return to play a key role in the MCA after the party’s reorganisation under its new constitution.
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  • 70 11 BUTTER WORTH. Aug. 4 Seven Butterworth MCA members, including a town councillor. have resigned from the association. They are: Mr. Goh Chin Cheng. Butterworth town councillor and member of the Penang MCA working committee. Mr. Goh Chong Hong, Mr Lee Ah Keat. Mr. Yew Kim Hong.
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  • 290 12  - SCRAMBLE for RUBBER Supply not enough, price hits year’ s best By GEOFFREY BOLAND SINGAPORE, Aug. 4 THE BIG squeeze in rubber is on in earnest and a scramble for available supplies took the price in Singapore today to $1.07%, only 2}/z cents below the year’s highest. The 01'iicial close
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  • 147 12 Aug. 4. —A line of drums across the entrance io the proposed Kallang Park, from Mount batten Road, has ere,it* d a barrier to lovers ana to learner drivers. Since they have been nut up. courting couples and learner drivers have had to go
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  • 81 12 SINGAPORE, Aug. 4 The Chief ol the Imperial General Stall, Gen. Sir frauds Festing, llew into Singapore today lor a brief •stay before leaving for Australia. (bn. Festing, who was e-in-C Far East Land Forces till about a year a«o, told reporters at the airport: “I
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  • 306 12 s4mil., 5,000 ACRES IS SET ASIDE JOIIORE. BAHRU. Aug. 3 —Pioneers today began work on the initial phase of a million scheme which will give the Federation its first oil palm estate ow ned entirely by smallholders. The estate will cover a 5.005-acre
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  • 353 12  -  By ESME BAPTISTA Singapore, Aug. 4. a FTER years and years of cnasing rainbows shapely Singapore model Daisy Szeto is at last wi:hin reach of that crock of gold. She took the big step today when she went aboard the liner Asia
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  • 98 12 SINGAPORE. Aug -1 Seven children tccn.;. searched for mother. Madam L:r. Chee Hong. 40. \vh&lt; been missing from tl: home in Prince Pi* -P Avenue since y&lt; Madam Lim. an believed to be worried her inability to siipp&lt; t" children, aged bctwi and 18. Tht ir
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  • 22 12 KUCHING. Aug. 3. Governor of Sarawak. Anthony Abell, will open $140,000 headquarters ot Sarawak Government I mation Service in Kuc.’dtomorrow.
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  • 288 13 sMING: MORE CASH, BETTER JFE FOR 8,000 FAMILIES \LA LUMPUR, Aug. 4. n Federal Land Develop1 Authority will need m S36A million to comn,‘ &gt;\ “No Need to be Poor’* which will help 8.000 J i;; families improve their j n and raise their standard "press conference
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  • 252 13 KUALA TRENGGANU, Aug. 4. nPWENTY-FIVE years ago a section oi Ma- lays came to Trengganu and were on the verge of violence because Trengganu Malays were still provincial in their attitude. Recalling this last night, a PMIP Assemblyman, Inche Mohamed
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  • 463 13 SINGAPORE, Aug. 4 4 DELEGATION of mu r employees of th( Singapore Standard today met the .Tar.anement at the Mini try of Labour and and submitted claims for the V. f V S \v are: M FRANCE PAY: minimum ot one
    463 words
  • 279 13 PENANG, Aug. 3. YfALAYAN Chinese are no longer eager to visit China because of the Communist Government’s present treatment of overseas Chinese, a spokesman of the Federation Immigration Headquarters said here today. A few years ago. he recalled. the Peking regime encouraged
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 68 13 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Br. Empirs Singapore Malaya Foreign Town Area (Including (Including No Postage Postage) Postage) 5.20 575 675 v 10.40 11.50 13 50 20.80 23.00 27 OC to weekly issues of the Straits Budget can he ’U by express air delivery service to the V'fed
      68 words

  • 636 14 Baby among six children thrown into blanket SINGAPORE, Aug. 5. FORTY-TWO people made a dramatic escape from their homes in a fire at Boat Quay before dawn today. A woman, Eng Ah Lan, G7, is presumed to have died after being trapped by falling debris. Late
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  • 206 14 IPOH. Aug. 5. The aerial magnetic survey of north-west Johore and south Malacca indicated iron ore fields comparable with Bukit Besi in Trengganu. Malaya’s largest iron producer. The official report. Issued today, says the area. Bukit Kepong. Johore, was already well-known to have iron.
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  • 292 14 l/’UALA LUMPUR, downs in the Federation are empty today because traders have exported all available stock following heavy buying and a bid by traders to beat an expected new duty on Aug. 6. Exports in July could be expected to be a record since
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  • 157 14 PLANNER GA VE NO NOTICE SINGAPORE, Aug. 3. While on two days’ local leave, Mr. H. Firshman, senior planner (development control) of the Singapore Improvement Trust, boarded a plane and left Singapore and his job. On July 10, two days later, the Trust
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  • 58 14 PENANG. Aug. s—Penang's Socialist Mayor. Mr. D. S. Ramanathan. is a hot favourite for the post of chairman of the National Union of Teachers. His only rival Is Mr. Lum Kin Tuck, of Kuala Lumpur. The National Union of Teachers will hold its annual delegate conference
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  • 88 14 SINGAPORE. Aug. s.—Miss Nora Inge, former Chief Commissioner of the Girl Guides Association in Singapore, received “The Beaver” the second highest award of the movement for long and exceptionally good service at a tea-party at Government House today. Miss Inge, 59, has been in the Guide
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  • 98 14 DATO RAZAK TO OPEN P HONE EXCHANGE AT K. ROMPIN KUALA LUMPUR. Aug. 5. The Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak. will open an automatic telephone exchange at Kuala Rompin, Pahang, on Aug 7. The exchange, costing $150,000. is part of the Government’s plan to extend and develop communications in the
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  • 29 14 SEGAMAT. Aug. 5 Yusoff bin Mohamed v has taken over as Ex&lt; Engineer, P.W.D.. S’ s: from Mr. J.B. Reeve, w. left the country under Ma anisation.
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  • 246 15 SINGAPORE, Aug. 5. m j i AS LARK SYE, chairman of the Nanill ng University executive council, today ll: K over the day-to-day administration of tin v ersity. accepted the extra appointment as m oi‘ tne administrative council, in place Viang Tien-tse, who, however, remains ihe
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  • 168 15 Cu:: litution...and MIC role i/UAl.A LUMPUR, ft va 5. The Aliian/t national leader. Abdul Rahmar.. today told the Indian community that the Malayan Indian Congress had contributed much to the writing of the Federation Constitution. aid this in personal .etnr &gt;ent to Indian voter**
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  • 323 15 NATURAL TO FETCH GOOD PRICES |(UALA LUMPUR. A *-Aug. 5.—A rubber expert toaay forecast that die natural rubber industry would face a de- j licit of 30.000 tons this year. Speaking on the position of the industry over Radio 1 Malaya, the
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  • 113 15 IT WILL DESTROY THOSE TEACHER-PUPIL BONDS -—SCHOOLS CHIEF nnuD/tu*! PENANG, Aug. 5 punishment will destroy the atmosphere oi friendliness and sympathy between teacher and pupil, the Penang Chief Education Officer, Mr W Burton, said today. n, y the headmaster or headmistress should inflict such punishment,*’ he told 30
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  • 324 15 From FELIX ABISHEGANADEN, Kuala Trengganu, Aug. 5 rPENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN was snubbed when he visited a Party Negara stronghold today. He spoke. And at the end of his speech some of the villages who had ignored him bowed and kissed his hand. The
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  • 236 15 &lt;i\PORE, Aug. 5. With hands ‘retched like Mfcn of the cross” *n lumped from at Meyer Mankind landed on a j "as related by a s at the Inquest to--I(’how Wai Menu, 10 by, who
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  • 35 15 SINGAPORE. Aug. 5 —The Prime Minister. Mr Lee Kuan Yew. will be guest speaker at the luncheon meeting of the Singapore Union of Journalists at the Cathay Hotel (Dragon Room) on Aug. 16.
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  • 228 16 ALLIANCE CAMPAIGN SPOTLIGHT TODAY TURNS ON THE PREMIER MERSING, Aug. G. nnilE FEDERATION Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Razak, returned here today after keeping a date with 1,000 islanders in Pulau Tioman, 30 miles to the north east of this fishing town.
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  • 83 16 KUALA TRENGGANU. Aug. 6.—Tengku Abdul Rahman, the Alliance leader, today travelled about 100 miles by road and boat between here and Besut In his Trengganu campaign. Tie stopped at six villages talking to about 300 Alliance election workers. At Pasir Mas, 20
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  • 64 16 .SINGAPORE, Aug G The University of Malaya’s Guild of Graduates has elected 10 representatives to sit in the University Court. They are Dr. Abdul Majid bin Ismail, Mr. P. Abisheganaden, Mr. Chang Min Kee. Dr. Chen Su Lan. Mr. Cheong Hock Hai. I)r Benjamin Chew, Dr A
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  • 96 16 Pianist from Korea to put on children’s special MISS SIRA KANG, a Korean pianist (above), who will make her Singapore debut on Aug. 9, will give a special recital for school children at 5.30 p.m. today. Presented by the Singapore Chamber Ensemble, her Brogramme will include eethoven’s A p p
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  • 231 16 PENANG. Aug. 6 AN employment agency manager posed as a police inspector and ordered two constables to search some mahjong players for weapons, the first magistrate’s court was told today. Yap Kim Wah, of the U-Lee Agency, pleaded guilty to an altematiye charge
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  • 57 16 KOTA BHARU. Aug. 6.—The Minister of External Affairs. Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman, said last night that this country’s good name abroad must be preserved if Malaya was to have the confidence. trust and respect of other nations. He was addressing an Alliance rally at
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  • 384 16 SINGAPORE, Aug. OIX Scouts of the 34th Perak House Sea Sc«mk Troop, who flew home this morning Manila, discredited reports that the world &gt; lin boree there was “like a concentration camp They were among 67 Scouts and Scouters from Singapore who
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  • 134 16 LUMPUR, Aug. 6 The Federation Government today welcomed news of the proposed visit of the Soviet Prime Minister. Mr Nikita Khrushchev, to America. It said that the people of the world pinned their hopes for peace and security on the greater understanding between America and Russia.
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  • 237 16 POLTERGEIST OR PRANKSTERS? MALACCA. Aug. (j. Weird happenings were reported to have taken place last week at Kampong Bandar Hilir. in the heart of Malacca town. Two adjoining houses occupied by an Indian ai d an Eurasian family have been the target of &gt;to:.ethrowing
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  • 34 16 KUALA LUMPUR. A’ 0 —The recently-opened lex service linking M y with several countrn now been extended to Africd The minimum charge call of three minutes dur. is $46.20.
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  • 863 17 ELECTION NOTEBOOK: 2 THE Alliance national leader, lengku Abdul Rahman, has ended his “invasion” of Trengganu. And this weekend he turns his attention on penetrating the homes of the Pan-Malayan Islamic Party in Kelantan. The question that political observers in the beautiful
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 17 Picture by Chan Wai Hon
    Picture by Chan Wai Hon  -  7 words
  • 175 17 SINGAPORE, Aug. 7. A cook who lived in constant fear, died today—the victim of a gang assault. He was Ng Kwang Ileng. alias Ah Wee. 38. who was found unconscious behind a house in Tanglin Road at 9.30 last night. His face was
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  • 53 17 SINGAPORE. Aug. 6. In a move for drastic reductions of cargo rates. PanAmerican World Airw’ays have ordered 12 special long-range Lockheed 207 turbojet air freighters. A statement today said that each new 115-ton aircraft is capable of carrying a 35-ton payload, four times the capacity of
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  • 127 17 From the Straits Times of Ana. &lt;V 190!) A LTIIOUCiII owing to unfavourable conditions of trade the past year has not been quite good generally. signs are not wanting, says the Itritish Resident of Negri Semhilan that the Malay peasant becomes more prosperous and well-to-do year by
    From the Straits Times of Ana. <V 190!)  -  127 words

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    • 1327 20 By Our Market Correspondent THERE was a fair volume of business written on the Malayan Share Market last week which was strengthened by the rubber price going over the $1.08 level. The gain in the commodity price resulted in renewed interest
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    • 45 20 KUALA LUMPUR, Aug. B. Dock workers and their employers will on Tuesday sign a memorandum of agreement establishing the Port Swettenham Port Transport Industry Joint Council. The signing will take place at the Chief Port Manager’s office in Port Swettenham.
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    • 28 20 Current Date of Total Total for payment payment for previous year year Aostra Amal. 10% Sept. II 20% 5% Austral Malay 2s. Sept. 25 3s. 2s.
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    • 1141 20 rE following list of revised quotation.? was issued by the Malayan Share Brokers’ Associ ition after its last neeting on Saturday (Aug. 7). H and L stand for highest and lowest prices for business done this year. INDUSTRIALS Hi S Ale* Bricks. 1.72% »70 Pref 1.60|| 1.80
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    • 366 20 jnOCU8 this week r been on the pren of August 1 R.S.S September, report H.C.K Co. Ltd., In chelr cur rubber market survey It has been difficult to s exactly how much of the pn. tlon and Imports have been mltted. and whether short-. Ing in hedge
      366 words
    • 25 20 TIN RUBHLK (per picnl) (per lb.) Aog. 4 $398.37 H $1.07 9 $398.25 $1.05*;. 8 y399.R0 S 10»: 7 $398.50 SI.OF 8 $398.59
      25 words
    • 66 20 SINGAPORE, Aug o. The tin price In Sin lpore yesterday was unchan u a at $398.50 per picul on ar offer; ing also unchanged i t 175 tons. The copra price ha not been quoted officially b ne Slngapdre Copra Assoc &lt; since Thursday, as have beer no
      66 words
    • 59 20 KLANG, Aug. 8.—The Mini ter of Education, Inche M hamed Khir bin Johari, t&lt; day announced the reco; nition of the diplomas issue to graduates of Malaya’s on. Muslim College here. He told graduating stu dents at the college tonigh the recognition would enectlve only after a
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