The Straits Budget, 10 June 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER New Series 668. Singapore, June 10, 1959. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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    • 149 2  -  MERDEKA Singapore. WHY this overwhelming support for the PAP? It Is because the people believed that it was the only party that could do justice to the people of Singapore. THEY SEE an end to corruption. THEY SEE less
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    • 97 2  -  M. H. B. Singapore. AM sure that the English educated would like Dr. Ooh Keng Swee to clarify his statement concerning the privileges they are about to lose. Singapore has nltherto been a cosmopolitan city and It Is difficult to forsee that any Improvement
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    • 208 2  -  M. G. G. PILLA1. lohore Bahru. THE Singapore genA eral election has resulted In a landslide victory for the People’s Action Party. That the party would win was Inevitable, but a Joint united front of the anti-PAP parties would have helped to reduce
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    • 471 2  -  Y. G. G. Penang. THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITIES OBTAINED DEMONSTRATE CLEARLY WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT BEFORE the Singapore u election we were confronted with various conflicting and sometimes alarming reports of the state of Singapore politics. The voters have now made themselves abundantly clear. The results show clearly that
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    • 97 2 JTUALA LUMPUR, June 4 The Department of Inland Revenue today warned more than 20.000 people to send In their Income tax returns within the next two weeks or be prosecuted. “Only 72 per cent of the 80,000 people who are liable to be taxed have
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    • 163 2  - PAP must not forget they were returned by a vote of 54 p.c LIBEKTY Singapore. HOPE the PAP lead- ers who have emerged victors in the recent election will remember all the time in the ensuing five years that they were returned to power by only 54 per cent of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 61 2 y Sac A ><4 sag :>■ Wj&i w >•'V rwA^ •«o£2Z* $S »r> :V -X tfN# UH* >*> It* f 4 ft M X*.V* (I M 4 \<S> •?:s I v s 1 »•> m m IP C? r<>? "> :■<■ ••i i > r. 5S®j >. m* A'* SSM
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 431 3 traits Times, June 3. Tj v > announcement that l tl ,d in g members of the t> \l’ at'.' to be released tomorrow from political detenUon con'* 1 s as no surprise any ore than the election victory j. ,i u pA P. was a surprise.
      traits Times, June 3.  -  431 words
    • 592 3 —Straits Times, June 4. J' 1 s Constituent As,li,s finally rejected Sockarno’g plea for a return to the 1945 constitution under which he would have been able to apply his “conception” of guided democracy. This re-emphasises Indonesia’s basic political dilemma. the nation-wide need for a discipline which exists
      —Straits Times, June 4.  -  592 words
    • 260 3 —Straits Times, June 4. In common with the other countries of Asia, Malaya is experiencing a phenomenal increase in population. Fortunately there is still room for absorbing much of the new population on yet undeveloped land, but it is to industrialisation that many others must look for a
      —Straits Times, June 4.  -  260 words
    • 685 3 Straits Times, June 5. Once in a long while in the history of a people there comes a moment of great change. Tonight is such a moment in our lives.” This great change of which Mr. Lee Kuan Yew spoke had in fact occurred many hours before
      Straits Times, June 5.  -  685 words
    • 519 3 —Straits Times, June 6. Constitutional and political J-haniio m Singapore has now been followed by physical reconstruction of the island’s admin, stration. The ministry tcn und or the old order IT v n ‘o a Cabinet nine. Not counting the >fficc of Prime Minister, two portfolios Education
      —Straits Times, June 6.  -  519 words
    • 300 4 —Straits Times, June 6. The Bilut Valley land settlement scheme in Pahang, the largest pioneer project of its sort ever undertaken in the Federation, promises to be even more interesting than was originally contemplated When the planners first got down to this task of settling pioneer smallholders there
      —Straits Times, June 6.  -  300 words
    • 619 4 straits Times, June 8. An alleged deterioration in the international situation is just a tame excuse that Dr. 1 Adenauer has cooked up for his decision not to relinquish the chancellorship of West Germany after all. Professor Erhard, the Economics Minister, who seemed sure of the succession, will
      straits Times, June 8.  -  619 words
    • 397 4 Straits Times, June 8. First benefit of the Federation’s $3O million American loan is to be the speeding up of completion of the trunk road from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu in Kelantan by undertaking a full-scale bridge building programme. This will eliminate most of the bottle-necks on
      Straits Times, June 8.  -  397 words
    • 221 4 straits Times. June 8 Although seventeen seats out of twenty-four make a comfortable majority for the Alliance in Penang’s new fullyelected State legislative assembly, the margin of victory in Saturday’s polling is the narrowest thus far in the series of State elections. Winning seven of the eighteen constituencies
      straits Times. June 8  -  221 words

  • 141 4  -  ON-THE-MARK Kuala Lumpur. I TAKE off my hat to those animal lovers who want a zoo in Kuala Lumpur. But I suggest that they postpone their generous effort till our schools have adequate basketball and badminton courts, and two or three
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  • 190 4  -  motorist Singapore. J7VER since the delimitation of the number of taxis in Singapore, ordinary motorists have had to face the prepetual rudeness of these taxi-drivers who are all under the assumption that they “own” the roads. To auote Just a few instances.
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  • 111 4  -  SASSENACH Malacca. THE rather large ‘‘splash* on Scottish country dancing in the Sunday Times of May 24 gives the Impression that this grand pastime is practised only in the Seremban Club. In Malacca there are two groups at present running. one in the
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  • 56 4  -  GOH HOOD KENG Singapore. a Christian minister I am happy to note that “ftPAP Assemblymen will have to maintain a high cod' of conduct.” (S.T. June 4). Living as we do in an Intensely materialistic work' it is fatally easy to forget that, after all. It is
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  • 1299 5  -  ‘I cannot believe he will do things which will damage Singapore in Western eyes...’ BY VERNON BARTLETT SINGAPORE’S irst Prime Minister is one of the most puzzling political leaders I have ever met, and I suspect one reason is that
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  • 173 5 SINGAPORE, June 2. X-ray survey of more than 20,000 people will be carried out in Tanjong Pagar within the next few months, using a new mobile unit, Mr. Wee Kim Wee, chairman of the council of the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association, said today.
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  • 622 6 PAP leaders at Govt. House today SINGAPORE, May 31. TWENTY-FOUR hours after the PAP's landslide election victory, 1 Singapore still does not know who will be its first Prime Minister or who will serve in his govern ment. The choice is likely to dcpeiu on the
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  • 142 6 gINGAPORE, May 31. Victorious People's Action Party candidates in the elections today took to the roads to celebrate their success. In many of the 43 constituencies where they were returned, the new Assemblymen toured the areas to thank the voters. Most of them travelled in
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  • 253 6 SINGAPORE, May 31. r«E Liberal-Socialist Party is likely to fold up be- cause of its total defeat in yesterday’s general election. Party leaders said today that the future of the partly is unsettled and at this stage not too hopeful. The secretary-General, Mr.
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  • 171 6 IPOH, May 31.—The 1 Mentri Besar of Perak Inche Mohainea Ghazali bin Haji Jawi. has been chosen for a further flve-year term of office in the state's new legislative assembly. Inche Mohamed Ghazali. who is also leader o: tv Perak Alliance, was unanimously elected his party’s
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  • 254 6 ALOR STAR, May 31. ITEDAH’S first elected Mentri Besar, Dato Syed Omar bin Syed Abdullah Shahabuddin, plans to appoint an opposition leader in the all-Alliance State Legislative Assembly. Dato Syed Omar, who is the State Alliance chairman, is expected to submit his proposal
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  • 74 6 KUALA LUMPUR, June 2 NONG KONG film star Pearl Au Ka Wai thinks Malayan girls are shy Pearl, who is in Kuala Lumpur tor a six-day engagement in connection with the screening of a Cantonese nirn. said: ‘‘On the whole, I find Malayans more friendi than
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  • 590 7 SINGAPORE, June 2. THE EIGHT PAP members detained in Changi jail are to be freed June 4. The Governor, Sir William Goode, announced this today after consulting the Colonial Office in London. A Government House statement said their release would achieve a
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  • 240 7 KUALA LUMPUR, June 3. r pHE PRESIDENT of the Federation’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Mrs. Ruth Spiers, today offered advice to Malayan postmen on how to make friends with dogs and influence them. A doe owner for the
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  • 255 7 Kuala lumpur, June 2. —A tropical microbe hunter, Dr Jack Ralph Audy has been awarded the Chalmers’ Gold Medal. Dr. Audy. who has been doing research in Malaya since 1947. becomes the world’s 18th holder of the award and Malaya’s third
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  • 113 7 ftUALA LUMPUR, June 2. Malaya’s 200.000 estate workers will get bigger pay envelopes at the end of this month. Under the wage agreement which came into operation the workers will get for the first time, a guaranteed basic wage of 2.20 a day when
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  • 275 7 KUALA LUMPUR, June 2—The Federation will play its part with fairness and justice in the operation of the Internal Security Council to be set un in partner‘■h:n between Singapore and Britain. This assurance was given tonight bv the Prime Minister. Dato Abdul Ra/ak bin Hussein, in
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  • 415 8 Immoral’ life: I blame my mother SHE PERSUADED ME TO HAVE THREE AFFAIRS’ IPOII, June 2. y. RUKUMANY, 22, told the High Court here today of her “immoral” life and blamed her mother for encouraging her in it. She added: “But I love my children and want to keep them
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  • 100 8 SINGAPORE, June 2.—A man operated on at the Paglar Memorial Hospital in Joo C'liiat I'laee yesterday by the president of the Royal College of Surgeons. Edinburgh. is doing well. The surgeon, .Mr. John Bruee, stopped oil in Singapore on his way home from llong Kong.
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  • 73 8 KUALA MJMPUK. June —The Central Bank of Malaya had assets total, inn $134,858,030 at the close of business on May 30, it was officially stated today. A statement bv the bank showed that balances held abroad totalled more than $119,874,000 and Malayan currency
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  • 79 8 PENANG, June 2.—The 80-year-old chief priest of Cambodia, the Veil Sangkanayoke Chunyatha Chuntayatnao. Is expected in Penang tomorrow The chlei priest, who Is returning to Cambodia after attending a Buddhist conference in Indonesia, is due here from Kuala Lumpur by the day mail He is accompanied
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  • 44 8 KUALA LUMPUR, June 2. The director of the Human Rights Division of the United Nations Department of Economics and Social affairs Mr. J. P. Humphrey will address the Kuala Lumpur Rotary club at its weekly lunch meeting here tomorrow on “Human Rights”.
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  • 383 8 White area declaration ‘an election stunt’ Socialist Front man PENANG, June 2 MR. TAN CHONG BEE. a Socialist Front candidate contesting May 30 state election in lanjong £>a rat, today criticised the Governor, Raja Tun Uda bin Raja Muham mad, for having been “persuaded” to declare Penang a white area
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  • 333 8 SINGAPORE, June 2. The People’s Action Party today announced its new central executive committee chosen by the party’s 500 cadres the day after its victory in the general election. The top hierarchy of the party remains the same hut there are four change.-, in
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  • 137 8 JAKARTA, June 2. THE Indonesian Army Chief of Staff, Lt.-Gen. A Abdul Haris Nasution, has prohibited oolitical activity throughout the republic, Antara news i agency reported today. The decree follows the rejection by the Indonesia i Constituency Assembly oi President Soekarno’s “guiird I democracy” scheme. It
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  • 96 8 KUALA LUMPUR. June 2. —A terrorist suspect has been captured in the Jerantut district of Pahang, it was officially announced today. A Government statemei t said that he was captured by a Senoi Praak (aborigine* patrol near Sungei Kundang. News of the capture mad* 1 on May
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  • 36 8 TAIPING June 2. —A verdict of suicide while the mind was unbalanced was recorded by the Coroner. Inche Ismi bin Ismail on a rubber tapper. Ratnam 33. who killed himself with a shot gun.
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  • 313 9 [HEY WANT ABDULLAH YASSIN AS MENTRI KUALA LUMPUR, June 2. C|VK of the 22 branches of the Kuala Lumpur r division of UMNO today protested against the appointment of Inche Abu Bakar bin Bagiiula as Selangor’s first elected Mentri Bcsar. Out' branch
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  • 36 9 KUALA LUMPUR. June 2 K: Selangor Muslim ReAHairs Department L ing more money from tithes this yeai previous years as a of special courses •o tithe collectors, a ment spokesman said waa"
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  • 23 9 -XPORE, June 2—The tapore open novice 1 oi dancing champion- will be held at the Wor’d Cabaret on July July 4
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  • 139 9 TCLUK ANSON. June 2. A Operators of the characters lottery here took a severe beating when a punter hit the jackpot with his dream number —651 —over the weekend. The punter-living somewhere in Lower Perak—won a net sum of about $70,000. So far he has been
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  • 150 9 KUALA LUMPUR. June 2 —Major Mohamed Noor bin Haji Tamlii. ot the Federu tion Armed Forces, has been promoted to temporary lieutenant-colonel and ap oointed the first Malay commanding oificer ot the sth Bn. the Royal Malay Regi- ment. He has taken over com
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  • 58 9 SINGAPORE. June 2-The Comptroller of Income Tax has filed a writ in the High Court registry against Tsang Tak Chuen. of North Boat Quay, claiming $96,696 as being balance of Income tax assessed on and clue and payable and also penalty for non-payment on specified
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  • 288 9 UNDETERRED BY THAT MONSTER... KUANTAN, June 2. N engineer, Mr. A. Potter, who claimed to have seen a “monster” by a-jungle lake in Pahang last week returns to the scene tomorrow —and will begin a search for a “lost city” in the area.
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  • 531 9 Three days of sombre ceremonies to precede burial JOHORE BAHRU, JUNE 2 T'HE remains of the late Sultan Ibrahim of Johore will he Drought ashore at Johore Bahru at 10.30 a.rm on Thursday. This will beginning of three days ol sombre ceremonial leading up
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  • 967 10 ‘A new era is born, but it will mean hard work’ SINGAPORE, June 3. ,4 HUGE crowd estimated at 80,000 jammed the padang here tonight to hear Mr. Lee Kuan Yew call for “hard work for a long time” to ensure the prosperity of the new
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  • 95 10 HOME AGAIN —A MAN WHO CAN’T FIND HIS TYPE OF FREEDOM IN CHINA HE IS DR. THONG SAW PAK. former lecturer in physics at the University of Malaya and British Empire weightlifting silver medallist, who went to China in June 1957. Now he is hack in Ipoh with his family.
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  • 239 10 SEREMBAN, June 3. JNCHE MOHAMED IDRIS BIN MATSIL, chairmar x of the Negri Sembilan Alliance, said here today that the victory of the Alliance in yesterday’s statt election reflected the confidence the people stil had in the part The secretary of
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  • 86 10 KLANG, June 3.— Three people were k.lled in two separate accidents at Kapar and Kepong near here yesterday. At the 14th mile Kapar Road a van and a 1 were involved in a head-on collision. The van driver, Loo C n»» Thye, 24, and
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  • 579 11 L r V A L A LUMPUR, |V June 3.—The first contact between the people’s Action Party, vhkh will take over the Government in Singapore on Friday, and the Alliance Party, in power in the Federation. took place today w hen
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  • 604 11 12.01 o.m. fIHP 140 YEARS OF COLONIftL RULE BIDS SINGAPORE, June 3. SINGAPORE ceased to be a British Colony this morning. At one minute past midnight, the prcclamalion by the Governor, Sir William Goode, that tne island be a
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  • 78 11 SINGAPORE, June 3. O There will be no free “yam sengs” for PAP assemblymen. It Is understood the party has set up a protocol committee to study all Invitations to cocktails and other functions. According to one source, all PAP assemblymen will have to
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  • 56 11 KUALA TRENGGANU, June 3.—lnche Harun bin Mohamed Hassan, an independent candidate in the state Legislative Assembly election, has promised to teach the nonMalays the national language “free of charge” if he was elected. Inche Harun is standing in the Bandar constituency against Mr. Tan Fng Ann (Alliance)
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  • 151 11 KUALA LUMPUR, June 3. —The Australian Minister for the Army Mr. J. O. Cramer, had an informal discussior with the Federatior Prime Minister. Date Abdul Razak bin Hussein, here today. Mr. Cramer said afterwards: “We talked generally about subjects of mutual interest but naturally, as my
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  • 454 12 BETTER FACILITIES IN PEKING—BUT I WONT ‘RETURN, HE SAYS IPOH, June 3. I)R. THONG SAW PAK, 35, who left the University of Malaya in Singapore two years ago to continue his physics research in Peking because better facilities were olTered to him, has returned to Malaya. “I
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  • 156 12 BUTTERWORTH, June 3.Tengku Abdul Rahman said here tonight that the Auiance would honour its promises to tne people as it had amie to iviaia.van communist Party leauei Chin Peng in December, 1955. “I promised Chin peng a sale conduct ii he came out to
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  • 199 12 SINGAPORE. June 3. MR. GOH HOCK GUAN, 23. a Kedah architectural student, who won first class honours in Australia with a thesis embodying a design of a palace for the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, has a master plan to develop Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Gon
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  • 24 12 SINGAPORE. June 3.—General Sir Richard Hull. C-in-C FARELF. leaves Singapore uv air tomorrow for a sixoay visit to Brunei and North Borneo.
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  • 216 12 SINGAPORE. June 3- The Senior Air Traffic Control Ollicer oi North Borneo, Mr G K I’’. Armstrong, will take back to Jesselton from Australia new ideas for opening up remote parts of North Borneo through air transport Mr. Armstrong, a former official of the
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  • 112 12 SINGAPORE. June 3.—Two Hong Kong musicians weie ordered bv a magistrate here today to be remanded at the opium treatment centre for two weeks for a medical report. Chan Siew. 49, and Chan Boon Tat, 51. were convicted of being found in premises used for the purpose of
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  • 44 12 SINGAPORE. June 3—The search for the wounded man who climbed the walls of Outram prison to freedom entered its third day today. Till late this evening. Ten Kau alias Teh Kum. alias Tan Kau. 23. was still at large.
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  • 483 12 SINGAPORE, June 3. 'JHE English educated in Singapore are to lose their special privileges, declared Dr. Goh Keng Swee, the People’s Action Party’s economic expert, tonight. The “salvation” for them, he said, was to identify themselves with the people, in future, it was
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  • 200 13 Alliance controls six states —five to go June 3.—The Aliiance yesterday gained power in a sixth state ejection this time Negri Sembilan, whole they won by 20 seats to four. The Prime Minister, Dato Abdul Rjzak bin Hussein, who is deputy leader of the Alliance Party, said ,n Kuala Lumpur
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  • 692 13 Results mil U (3,751): Thong Hianc Kim (All) 1.529; Chai Yau Foh (SF) 1,282; b Yusof (PMIP) 247 lost deposit). Majority 247 Spoilt votes: 99. Poll parentage 84. JEM POL (4.377): Haji Mohamad Khatib b MohNor (All) 2,758; M ha bln Mohamed 333 Majority: 2.125 Spoilt
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  • 73 13 jJINGAPORE, June 2 A girl, Chan Yock J 51 1! 19, pleaded guilty > to a charge of Manng a basket from u woman during a ll)l i ng show at the estice Theatre yesterday. J 1 *asket contained the nurse and 24
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  • 175 13 KUALA LUMPUR June 3 fORTY assistant nurses at the Lady Templer Hospital here have been given salary increases U P to $2B a month which is one reason why the Hospital has stopped giving them free food. The Increase was Included In last month’s
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  • 91 13 CINGAPORB, June 2. Only 10 cases of smallpox were reported In the epidemic here which was offlciallv declared ended last night. A Health Ministry spokesman said that it was now 28 days since the last smallpox case was isolated. Seven cases were reported within
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  • 90 13 UNION SENDS OUT DOG BITES’ FORMS KUALA LUMPUR June 2. Several hundred forms were sent to postmen in the Federation today from the headquarters of fh newly formed Natlonal Union of Postal Uniformed Staff here urging them to report cases of dog bites while on duty. The postmen a re
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  • 44 13 KUALA TRENGGANU. June 2. The State Secretary, Dato Biji Sura, today called on co-operative inspectors to carry out their duties with patience tolerance and tact. He was speaking at a civics course for 15 co-operative inspectors from 12 fishing villages.
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  • 28 13 SINGAPORE. June 3. More than 20 entries were received for the play-writing contest organised by the University of Malaya Society when applications closed on May 31.
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  • 256 13 SINGAPORE June. 3 BOAC COMET jet airliner, on its inaugurai flight from London to Hong Kong, arrived in Singapore early this morning after a three-hour delay in Bombay, because of bad weather Due to the flooded state of the runway at Bombay airport caused by
    —Straits Times picture.  -  256 words

  • 1414 14  -  An GERALD HAWKINS WHEN Oliver Cromwell commissioned his portrait, he warned the artist: “Mr. Lely, 1 desire you would use u your skill to pain your picture truly like me ana not flatter
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  • 122 14 KUALA LUMPUR, June 3. Federation Government will only appointing its representative to Singapoie* Internal Security Council after an invitation 1 participate in it has been received. Informed sources here say that the matter has not yet been discussed bv the teaeration Cabinet. The representative will be
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  • 63 14 SINGAPORE. June writ has been filed in 1 High Court registry on bcnmi of P C Marcus Chief Administrative Officer. City t oun* cil. claiming damages m libel from the Nanyang contained In an article Vi ed "City Council Information Bureau. Wang accuses CA O eus” and
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  • 1210 16 LEE CABINET THIS IS IT Government's first action City Council scrapped SINGAPORE, June 5. MR. LEE KUAN YEW’s Cabinet was sworn in at the City Hall here today. Immediately after the 40-minute ceremony, the former Mayor Mr. Ong Eng Guan, who has been appointed Minister for National Development, signed an
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  • 498 16 SINGAPORE, June 5. VIR. LEE KUAN YEW, the new Prime Minister of Singapore, told the people of the island ove** Radio Singapore tonight: At 4 p.m. today, my Ministers and I formally took office. The control of Singapore's internal affairs was
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  • 1160 17 MERGER MAY SEEM UNDESIRABLE TO MANY IN FEDERATION BUT THERE MUST BE UNDERSTANDING OF SINGAPORE’S DIFFICULTIES...' KUALA LUMPUR, June. S Vi 7 iiAT different W feelings must have been aroused by the announcement that Singapore has ceased to be a British Colony,
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  • 117 17 hr l the Straits Times 0/ June 7, 1909 A MUSICAL instrument dealer whose affairs Vpre discussed in the '•turuptey cour* attribulet* u s failure to the unpopularity of the banjo. a l me balls on Fort mining and Mount Fa- "ill be dropped daily 1 P
    hr° 'l the Straits Times 0/ June 7, 1909  -  117 words
  • 55 17 IPOH, June 3.—ln the High Court here today, Mr. Justice Good reserved Judgment in the claim between a mother and a grandmother for the custody of three children. The grandmother, Madam P. Muniammal. 60, a widow, Is claiming the custody of her daughter’s three sons Murugan, 10. Th
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  • 50 17 KOTA BAHRU. June 4. An undergraduate of the Thamasat University in Bangkok, Karim bin YusofT, 21. was today fined a total of $5O for entering the Federation illegally. He pleaded guilty to entering near Pengkalan Kubor on the Kelantan-Siamese border on May 18 without a passport.
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  • 811 18 SINGAPORE, June 5 oIX of the eight PAP men released from detention this morning later today endorsed without qualification the PAP’s objective: to create an “independent, democratic, non-Communist and socialist Malaya.” They said the most important task of socialists now
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  • 604 18 Penang, June 5 TOTAL electorate of 182,151 i expected to give the Alliance at least a two-thirds majority—l 6 to 18 of the remaining 23 seats—in tomorrow’s Penang State election, the sixth in the Federation under the new constitution. “We may possibly
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 43 18 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (FATIBIE n ADVANCE) Til* weekly issues of the Straits Budget can be en **7 «xxvret» air delivery service to the tiuitrd Kingdom only at an inclusive rate of S24.00 (or six months. (All Tin Above Are la Melayao Currency)
      43 words

  • 1087 19  - ANOTHER TRIUMPH FOR MARIGOLD LEE By EPSOM |EEP, Ipoh, June 3 »FPK ENTICE Moses Lee rode Pil Stable’s A -\iarigold to another sprint triumph here today. Despite being slowly away, baulked after going f U riong. and hopelessly placed until the straight Ls reached, Marigold won with a brilliant dash
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  • 1148 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP, Ipoh, June 7. Jfjß- K. Y. LIM’S brilliant sprinter, High Socks, finally won a race outside his home ground at Bukit Timah when he scored a clever win in the Class 1, Div. 1, 5 l/2f straight race at Ipoh today. Splendidly
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 122 19 BIG SWEEP RESULT TOTAL POOL $18$,490 1st. No. *****3 ($51,520) 2nd. No. *****4 ($24,214) 3rd. No. *****9 ($12,364) STARTER8 each): Nos. *****0. *****4, *****0, *****0. *****0, *****6. ($1,432 *****0. *****5. *****7. CONSOLATION ($1,000 each): Nos. *****0. *****8, *****0, *****9. 2*6610, *****9. *****5. *****9, *****1, *****4. Eighteen tickets bear, in* last
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  • 1141 20 NO FRESH BUYING POWER By Our Market Correspondent FOLLOWING the Singapore elections on May 30 the Malayan Share Market turned very quiet and featureless, thus indicating the large proportion of Tiusiness which the former Colony contributes to the pan-Malayan sum total. Two or
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  • 29 20 Current Date of Total Total for payment payment for previous Wearne Brothers Ltd. 2%%t June 22 22V4% Kamponc Lanjut Tin la July 1 Is nil t Interim
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  • 165 20 riß stockpile mysterr continues to be a hi seller In the Rubber Mark? but the clues remain hidden and the final out come, which no doubt ut the last Paragraph of tS page, Is stiff anyl lofii guess, report H.C.B. Ltd. In their current
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  • 758 20 The following list of re- vised quotations was issued by the Malayan Share Brokers' Association after Its last meeting on Saturday (June 6). INDI'STKIALb Beyer* Sellers ones* Fret i.av i JO °rds 1.90 ISO atlas lee 11 (X B B Petrol 53/- 54/- vd ccl B
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 28 20 PENANG CLUB An alteration has been made in the Rule relating to Absent Membership. Will those interested please send their address to the Hon. Secretary for further information.
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