The Straits Budget, 13 May 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 27 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NKWBPAPBB New Series 664. Singapore, May 13, 1959. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 39 1 J V GOOD MILK GOES! •<*>> i ■:■> mtUk :vX $S88w A® 1 ||§ra WW warn Visa 1 V f *\Or* L ,t>.. &*H NNt\OVW 3 Distributors mcauster co., ltd. f0r Jtf&lciyCl Singapore Kuala Lumpur Ipoh Penang Port Swettenham Butterworth Kuching
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    • 718 2  -  GAN TECK YEOW Vice-President Malayan Estate Owners Association Kuala Lumpur. JUST now everybody seems to be bitten by the “syn-thetic-bug." Scarcely a day goes by without the papers lamenting the present high price for natural rubber and expressing the fear that this will give synthetic rubber
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    • 128 2  -  CHARLES LEONG. Singapore. IN his attack on Ha'ayat last week, Mr Lee Jumn kew clamieu tnat anyone woo calls himseu ££aust ui me For once at least, 1 think, Mr. Lee must aamit that he must have been mistaken. l believe all that a genuine Socialist
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    • 358 2  -  L W. URQUHAR1 Singapore. T'H£ subject or the A freedom of the Press nas oeen a controversial issue tor many years. However, in a genuinely democratic state it has been accepted as necessity. 1 am surprised that the newspaper man
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    • 104 2  -  LEONG KOH Singapore. IT is time the various Singapore political parties got down to business rather than hurl insults at one another. Such childish practices simply make them the laughing stock of the democratic world When they use such terms as P.A.P ‘bombs’,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 528 3 —Straits Times, May 5. It 19 regrettable that the fedfiftion Government should have had to invoke, 9b soon after its passage, the p u bir Order Preservation Ordii* nee, a law to deal uitn .-filiations where public ord( r V *s been “seriously disturbed or threatened.”
      —Straits Times, May 5.  -  528 words
    • 333 3 —Straits Times, May 5. Whose blood is Mr. Lee Kuan Yew trying to freeze? On Saturday, speaking in Malay at one of P.A.P.’s election rallies, he said history had shown that the instruments of power like the police and army would mutiny if they were used to
      —Straits Times, May 5.  -  333 words
    • 583 3 —Straits Times, May 6. Injudicious comment by the Peking People’s Daily, making its first observations on Malayan affairs for a long time, has annoyed when possibly it was meant to soothe. This complaint of an unfriendly Federation policy was couched in moderate terms, yet Peking ought not
      —Straits Times, May 6.  -  583 words
    • 242 3 —Straits Times, May 6. Penang Alliance shares with its Selangor counterpart the distinction of having one of its candidates returned unopposed when nominations closed for elections to the new State Legislative Assembly. In the other 23 constituencies the Alliance faces the challenge of just about every party there
      —Straits Times, May 6.  -  242 words
    • 345 3 —Straits Times, May 6. Rubber is going through another of its periodic scrambles, and in the end it will do the industry no good. But while twelve months ago Malaya was calling down maledictions on the Russians for forcing down the price of tin, no-one here is going
      —Straits Times, May 6.  -  345 words
    • 609 3 Straits Times, May 8 Singapore’s political future is not an election issue, although there are moments in the campaign maelstrom when it is difficult to realise this. There are P.A.P. speakers who still like to take a lash or two at the corpse of colonialism, and the
      – Straits Times, May 8  -  609 words
    • 599 4 —Straits Times, May 9. j Johore, joined by the rest of Malaya, today mourns the passing of its Sultan, His Highness Major-General Sir Ibrahim ibni Almarhum Sultan Abu Bakar. It is no ordinary king to whom the half-masts pay tribute. At 85, Sir Ibrahim had been
      —Straits Times, May 9.  -  599 words
    • 377 4 —Straits Times. May 9. Alliance, but on its own terms. The party’s hopes now rest on a narrow policy of communalism which Dato Onn, in his progressive I.M.P. days, firmly rejected. Nominations for the Johore State Assembly elections, to be held on June 10, are interesting chiefly
      —Straits Times. May 9.  -  377 words
    • 326 4 —Straits Times. May 8. More and more of the two thousand people who fled Pangkor island after the first disorders last Friday are returning from the Perak mainland where for a week they have been taking refuge. Fishing boats have put out to sea for the catches which
      —Straits Times. May 8.  -  326 words
    • 190 4 —Straits Times. May 8. Motorists may now drive all the 400 miles from Johore Bahru to Sungei Siput in Perak without restriction on the articles they may want to take with them. More than almost anything else, this freedom from permit and search over such a wide
      —Straits Times. May 8.  -  190 words
    • 337 4 —Straits Times. May l Registration, licensing and supervision of prostitutes as a measure to reduce venereal infection is a suggestion that is superficially attractive. It seems realistic. It admits that prostitution goes on whatever steps the community as a whole takes against it. At heart, however, it
      —Straits Times. May l  -  337 words

  • 1232 5 K t JALA LUMPUR, country cousin i in Singapore t j n Kuala Lumpur I if you prefer it. t iv citizen from the Malayan metropolis v.ou visits the provincial port south of th<. Johore CausevwV) finds himself involved in a strange mixture
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  • 349 5 SINGAPORE, May 7. pOLICE were called to the City Hall today during an inquiry by the City Council’s finance committee into who had given authority to make the documentary film “Majulah Singapura.” The report to the police was made by the City
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  • 126 5 SINGAPORE, May 7. Equal treatment for all the four main language streams of education In Singapore English. Chinese. Malay and Tamil is the policy of the Government, the Director of Education, Mr. Lee Slow Mong said today. He was speaking on “Some Aspects of Education"
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  • 208 5 SINGAPORE, May 7. ANEW hospital with 400 beds, built at a cost of $4.1 million, will be opened by the Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga on May 19. Situated on high ground off Toa Payoh Road, the new Thomson Road Hospital will serve
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  • 505 6 KUALA LUMPUR, May 4. r rHE TENGKU Abdul Rahman Hall tonight presented one of the most colourful spectacles ever seen in Kuala Lumpur when the Yang diPertuan Agong opened the sixth Asian Film Festival. The hall was packed with stars and delegates from seven
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  • 118 6 KUALA LUMPUR, May 1.—A historical film showing Malaya's achievement of independence and the part played by the former Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, may be produced one day. The chairman of the executive committee of the Sixth Asian Film Festival, Mr. Run
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  • 587 6 PANGKOR ISLAND. May 3. LED by the Prime Minister of the Federation, Dato Abdul Kazak bin Hussein, police and community leaders were today making all-out efforts to restore normal conditions to this island where "teddy boy" inspired clashes on May 1. resulted in one death, injuries
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  • 460 6 SINGAPORE. May I MR. LEE KUAN YEW, secretary-general of iT1 the People’s Action Party, said today that history had shown that instruments of power like the police and army would mutiny if used continually to oppose social changes for too long. Mr. Lee said
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  • 186 6 PENANG, May 4. THE Penang branch president of the Peoples Pro- gressive Party. Mr. Jag-jit Singh, said today v would appear the Socialist Front of Malaya “under its present leadership, is getting its inspiration from somewhere beyond the boundaries of the Feder- ation.” "This union
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE II ADVANCE) The weekly issues of the Straits Budget can be sent by express air delivery service to the United Kingdom only at an inclusive rate of S24.00 for six months. (All The Above Are lo Malayan Currency)
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  • 769 7 p N (I K O R IS- I \ND, May 4.— (juicK resolute aeti(,n l>y the poliee prC u-nte(l a further .|.,.h between two opposinst groups of residents of this island at 9.15 a.m. today. Tension began to mount tiiis morning utUi n (lav of
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  • 168 7 Ma >' 4.—Relief supth M > fw.T'* hein K rushed to < 0 men, women and who fled from island and are u staying in Lumut on T lh <*. tn unland. ov..i' n( !u rs who <* r °ssed diM th of the
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  • 152 7 0R 'TAR, May 4—Shaikh Ibrahim, an Indecandidate for Alor erg! warned the Fedaiiv;, Government that in the price of T 'Id be "disastrous.” Rh Press statement, man accused rice a r tr >’ in R to take adthe present padi He said an increase in
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  • 300 7 PENANG, May 4. MR, D. S. RAMANATHAN today announced he had accepted his school board’s offer of eight months’ leave without pay to keep his job as mayor of Penang. Mr. Ramanathan told the Press that he had been full-time Mayor since May 1.
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  • 45 7 SINGAPORE, May 4 New officials of the Automobile Association of Singapore Employees Union are: President, Inche Rais bin Taib; vice-presidents. Inche Haron bin Haji Mohamed, Inche Atan bin Ahmad; secretary. Inche Mohamed Shariff bin Kaulan; treasurer. Inche Mohamed Nooi bin Mohamed Salleh
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  • 329 7 TAPAH, May 4. QNLY the Alliance Party can bring peace and prosperity to multi-racial Malaya, the Prime Minister, I)ato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, declared here last night. Speaking at an Alliance election rally at Tapah Road, six miles from here, the Prime Minister
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  • 77 7 KIIALA LUMPUR, May 4. The Federation police today reminded election candidates and those assisting them in campaigning that it is an offence for students under 21 to canvass for votes. A Government spokesman reminded candidates that, under the Election Ordinance, children cannot canvass for votes for
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  • 369 8 SEREMBAN, May 4. THE SIX Alliance members of the Town Council today withdrew a motion of “no confidence” in the president of the Council, Mr. Tham Tat Ming, who is also an Alliance man. A special meeting of the Council had been called this morning to
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  • 95 8 PENANG. May 4.—The Peninsular Malays Union plans to nominate “at least 80 candidates” for the general election, the party’s secretary-general, Inche Esa bin Hussein, announced here last night “We want to have a strong voice for the Malay masses,” he told the union’s annual
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  • 522 8 SINGAPORE May. 5. A DECISION will soon have to be reached about the orderly disposal of the remaining tin in the international buffer stock, Sir Ewen Fergusson, chairman of The Straits Trading Co. Ltd., told the annual meeting here today. Sir Ewen said he presumed
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  • 282 8  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND Singapore. May ;> rpHE re-entry of China into the Singapore rubber market today produced one of the most hectic days for several years. The price fluctuated sharply during the day's operations, finally closing at $l.OB, a rise of 4] cents. The
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  • 130 8 JOHORE BAHRU, May 5 The allocation of seats to the three Alliance partners was finally settled today after three meetings in the past 10 days. Nomination day for the Johore State elections is tomorrow. At the first meeting in Batu
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  • 167 8 SINGAPORE. May s.—The City Council’s public utilities committee, which meets tomorrow. is expected to rescind a PAP decision which brought private housing development almost to a standstill. The PAP decision required ‘commercially administered housing estate developers” to pay the full cost of installing electricity
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  • 289 8 KUALA LUMPUK. May 4. Fourteen Klang Chinese school managers today protested against" the manner in which 11 headmasters and four Chinese schools teachers were banned from teaching in the district. They saw the acting Minister for Education. Inche Abdul Rahman bin Talib, for an hour this
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  • 22 8 SINGAPORE. May 5. —Tun Haji Mohamed bin Haji Ha san has been appointed member of the Muslim Ad visory Board.
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  • 482 9 clNCAPORE, May 5 _T h e Chief Minister today rece)vcd a letter threatening him w jth death. 'I'li, Idler told him w ilulraw from the nils or lie would I," "jinished oil” •>•> bullet was enclosed in the letter. T r was signed with similar
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  • 89 9 s 'I ORE. May 5. The -Ot carrier. lIMS and the frigate. Chester, will stage demonstrations on for a number of organisations, inschools and the 1 ’et Corps. nitrations, code--1 “Showboat.” are fi tn show aspects work of the Royal l! ‘d will include a
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  • 55 9 SINGAPORE. May 4 —The rubber price advanced to fresh heights in Singapore today and gained nearly three cents to close at $1,031. This was the highest closing price since Jan. 9, 1957. During the afternoon, a cent was added to the price on general
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  • 30 9 SEGAMAT. May s.—lnche Hussein bin Ahmad has taken over as senior A.D.0., Segamat, from Tuan Haji Ahmad who has retired after 35 years’ service with the Johore Government.
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  • 77 9 KUALA LUMPUR. May A— The reiteration's first Malay Solicitor- G e n eral, Inehe Mohamed Saffian bin Gashim, left for Brunei last night shortly after his appointment was announced by the government. Inche Sulfian will spend two months iti Brunei as constitutional adviser to
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  • 177 9 SINGAPORE, May 5. Commissioner Herbert A. Lord, founder of the Salvation Army movement in Singapore and Malaya, arrived today aboard the Himalaya and said he was amazed at Singapore’s political development. Commissioner Lord, 69. who has been In Asia for 50 years, said that he
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  • 79 9 SINGAPORE, May 4—Two Russian freighters, the Urshum and Tashkent, now berthed at the Singapore Harbour Board wharves, are lifting a total of over $21,000,000 worth of rubber for Odessa. The Urshum is loading 6.000 tons while the Tashkent is taking on 3,500
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  • 27 9 KUALA LUMPUR. May 6. Income tax collected in the Federation during April this year amounted to $4,657,397. an Income Tax Department statement said here today.
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  • 633 9 JOHORE BAHRU, May 6. ALLIANCE will contest all 32 seats in the coming Johore state elections. Eighty-three candidates nine independents and the remainder from the Alliance, Party Negara, Islamic Party and Socialist Front —are taking part. Nominations closed at noon today.
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  • 168 9 SINGAPORE. May 6.—Sir Kenneth Robert Wray, a Colonial Office prisons expert. who flew into Singapore today is keen to study the penal system here. He said: “I understand that like Hong Kong, Singapore too has a fine system. I would like to educate myself and
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  • 194 10 JPOH, May f>.—There is mounting confidence among the people of Pangkor as conditions slowly but surely return to norma! on the island, the scene of disturbances last week-end. The Perak Government has sent a group of senior officers from Ipoh to help the
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  • 217 10 MALACCA, May <>. VKTKHAN planter who Ikis had nearly 50 years' experience in rubber planting sxiicl here* loday that if replanting was carried out too speedily there might be “a tidal wave in the outflow of rubber,” causing a temporary depression in
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  • 276 10 SINGAPORE, May 6. QOME City Councillors who complained last year that they were not given a preview of “Majulah Singapura”—a tilm aoout the council’s work —will ask at a finance committee meeting tomorrow who authorised its making and who should
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  • 84 10 SINGAPORE. May 6. Any member of the public who has any evidence or information on corrupt practices during the coming election should contart the fluty officer, Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau. The bureau lias been charged with the task of investigating allegations of eorrnption from
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  • 44 10 JOIIGRE BAHRU. May 5. Wor! on the new nine-line ;m»e s the Muar Rive;* was held up last year owing to the Into delivery of rubber ho'p from Sweden. The work, costing $15,437. is expected to be completed this y\:ar
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  • 388 10 KUANTAN, May (>. TWENTY-FIVE thousand pamphlets have been distributed in the Bentong-Tek*. mong-Manchis area of Pahang telling people of rewards totalling $168,000 on the heads of 12 terrorists in hiding in the nearin jungle. Security forces have begun a drive to force them
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  • 95 10 SINGAPORE. May 6.—The Singapore election office will begin sending poll cards at the end of next week to the 586.363 Singapore citizens entitled to vote in the elections. The Commissioner of Election, Mr. M. Ponnuduray. said today that the poll cardwould tell voters their
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  • 242 10 ALOR STAR, May 6 former Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, declared last night that he was not a dictator. “If I were one. I would not have resigned to work like everybody.” he told a rally at Tandop. three miles from here.
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  • 68 10 PENANG. May 0. A resolution urging the Government, to lower the optional retirement age at 45 w’ll ly> con l r< d at the annual deh'rehs conference of the Union of Post Oiluv Workers Penang branch on May 10. The argument for a younger retirement age
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  • 498 11 KUALA LUMPUR, May 8. .LAYA AND SINGAPORE won five awards in the 6ixth Asian u Film Festival held here. They are: The best documentary of the year for the Malayan Film Unit entry "Brunei.” Best comedy Shaw Brothers' “Pendekar Lapok.” portrayal of a com.
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  • 175 11  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND, Singapore, May 6 AFTER the price of natural rubber had reached A a new high level today of the market turned very erratic and nervous. The close at $1.07$ for the May position was the lowest for the day. An extremely
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  • 72 11 S i ORE. May —The unemployment will uet worse if r:iLit ton continues ls >u at its alarming inuh Government 1 '•aid today. ain» was given by Commissioner Mr. Goh Koh i Nan.vang Cnia< Towntanoy st u'’o toured the oTi. es. < *nt <»;
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  • 295 11 IPOH, May 6. jyjORE than 600 of the 2,000 residents of Pangkor Island who fled to the mainland town of Lumut after the disturbances on May 1 and May 2, returned to their homes today. Twenty launches and dozens of fishing boats ferried the women
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  • 173 11 SINGAPORE, May 6.— A much travelled freelance Paris journalist thinks the cheongsam !s the “sexiest dress in the world.” Mr. Frank Pilko. 28, who is OH a four-year world tour, also praised the ‘‘superb artistry” of the sarong and kebaya. The fine roads of Malaya
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  • 201 11 SINGAPORE, May 6.— The Pan-Malayan Islamic Party today called on all parties opposing their members in three electoral divisions to withdraw their candidates. The call was made by the party's candidate for Kamnong Kembangan, Inche H. M, Yahiya, at an election rally at Jalan
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  • 44 11 KOTA BHARU. May 0 -The Rural and ustiiai Dovelonment Authority has eivc* a. Jo-' of s'i.f MO U) lncho Vva* Abdullah bin Wan oin ir o f Kubnng Kerian. near here to help him o n cn up a coconut oil factory
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  • 488 12 SINGAPORE, May 7. SINGAPORE People’s Alliance leader said today that he doubted if the British Government would suspend the Constitution, however badly a PAP government might mismanage Singapore. Mr. Peler Lim, deputy seerelary-genernl ol llic* SPA, said in a broadcast over Radio Singapore tonight that
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  • 154 12 TENGKU SAYS IT DIVIDED RACES: IT WILL CRUMBLE KANGAR, May 7 The former Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said here last night that Britain during: its 100-year rule in Malaya had built a “wall which divided the various races.” “It is not possible for us to pull down
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  • 217 12 SINGAPORE, May 7. "THE Dean ot St. Andrew’s Cathedral, the Very Rev. E.O. Sheiid, has advised Anglicans “to elect a responsible government w hich will uphold the principle of freedom and pledge itself to the ser- vice of the community.” He said, in a letter
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  • 101 12 OINGAPORE. May 7. report of fresh Chinese buying which could not be confirmed pushed the price of rubber up to even higher levels in Singapore today. The price closed at $1.09. having gained half a cent towards the end of the afternoon session on the
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  • 201 12 IPOH, May 7. —Feder- ati o n travellers can now take with them articles previously restricted under the Emergency regulations from Johore Bahru right up to Sungei Siput, 20 miles north of Ipoh, without a permit. This has been facilitated
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  • 39 12 SINGAPORE. May 7. As from today, a 100 per cent re-export of rice will be allowed against all rice imports arriving in Singapore, the Minister for Commerce and Industry, Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, announced this afternoon.
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  • 252 12 I/UALA LU M PUR.I May 7. The Prime' Minister, Dato Abdul Ra/ak bin Hussein, has accepted an invitation to make a state visit to Siam towards the end of June or in early July. He will be accompanied by the Minister of External
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  • 357 12 TWO OFFICERS WOUNDED ALOR STAR, May 7. t£EI)AII police today disclosed that two Malayan police lieutenants were wounded when a combined Malayan-Siamese patrol a grim, one-hour battle with a large force of border bandits last week-end. The clash took place in thick, hilly jungle
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  • 49 12 KUALA LUMPUR. May 7 The Deputy Director of Me;!:cal Services (Medical). I Tan Hor Kee will repre the Federation at the L” world health assembly mf ing in Geneva on May 12 H* leaves by air tomorrow. The meeting will di technical matters on' education
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  • 26 12 KUALA LUMPUR. May 7 Many homes in low lyi parts here were flooded th evening some to thr< feet after a sudden clor. burst.
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  • 305 13 SINGAPORE, May 7. CINGAPORE is in danger of falling behind in >5 development of jet age airport facilities, lhc Director of Civil Aviation, Mr. W. P, Nicol, warned today. Plans submitted for extensions to the run,lV improvements to the visual approach li.ditin?* system, new
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  • 100 13 SINGAPORE, May 7. A government Gazette suppleJ r err Published today has auinonsed the principal or supervisor of every primary school in SinT 1!j :V{ 1() endorse the identity a r ot their pupils with the ord 'tudent.” li! endorsement, which oo made on cards held
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  • 105 13 Kuala lumpur, May 7.—R übberised badminton, tennis and baseball courts have been tried out with good results in Indonesia. A survey by the Natural Development Board, disclosing this today, also said that old courts were being given new coats of rubber asphalt paint. Roads too
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  • 90 13 KUALA LUMPUR, May 7. —A landslide at the 18th milestone Kuala LumpurBentong road early this morning brought traffic to a standstill for about five hours. A Public Works Department spokesman said the landslide occurred where workmen had been carrying out road improvements. Heavy
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  • 187 13 KUALA LUMPUR, May 7. The former Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, is expected to win a prize for his play “Mahsuri” which was made into a film and entered for the Sixth Asian Film Festival here. The Straits Times understands that the festival executive
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  • 309 13 PANGKOR ISLAND, May 7. HERRIES and fishing boats today took another 1,000 Pangkor residents back to their island homes from the mainland. Yesterday about 600 people returned to Pangkor from Lumut on the mainland. A Perak Government statement said today that
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  • 285 13 IPOH, May 8. PHINESE children on Pangkor Island trooped back to school today as conditions on the trouble-torn island returned to normal. The island's only Chinese school, the Hua Lian Primary School, with branches in Pangkor village. Sungei Pinang Besar and Sungei Pinang Ketchil, was
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  • 88 13 SINGAPORE. May 7. Colombo continues to impose delays on shipping and vessels are bypassing the port in favour of Singapore. Colombo cargo which normally should be discharged at that port has been overcarried here. Due in the Colony this week are two vessels,
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  • 50 13 SINGAPORE, May 7. Revenue collections by the Customs Department for the past four months totalled $37,233,000—an increase of $1,711,000 over the corresponding period in 1958. Tobacco yielded more than $14,000,000 in duty while petroleum was next with $ll,138,000. Revenue from liquors increased by $374,000 to $B,144,000.
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  • 133 13 SINGAPORE, May 7. —Authoress Han Suyin today predicted that Nanyang University would eventually become one of the most important factors in South-East Asia. At the end of her lecture, “reality and language.” delivered to the packed arts theatre of the university this
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  • 28 13 MALACCA. May 7. The Minister of Works. Posts and Telecommunications. Inche Sardon bin Hajl Jublr. will inaugurate the mobile Post Office service here on May 20.
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  • 2494 14 JOHORE BAHRU, May 8.Amid the solemn splendour of a sombre Royal occasion, the Tengku Mahkota of Johore, Tengku Sir Ismail was tonight proclaimed Sultan in succession to his illustrious father, Major-General Sir Ibrahim, who died in London this morning. Visibly
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  • 68 14 IPOII, May 10. The Perak Chief Police Officer. Mr. J. R. 11. Burns, today assured Pangkor islanders that adequate police personnel would remain on their island for some lime “to a-ssist in consolidating th* present peaceful situation.'’ From tomorrow, people will once again
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  • 149 15 SINGAPORE, May 6. piE CITY Council’s public utilities committee today rescinded a decision taken in August last which caused private builders to shelve 'its of dollars’ worth of housing projects. decision, supported by -■'-or P.A.P. councillors, "d builders of housing to pay the full cost
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  • 19 15 JOHORE BAHRU. May 6.Mr. L.E. Bywaters. Controller of Telecoms. Johore, has left for Britain on leave.
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  • 191 15 K LUMPUR, May 8. —News of how an RAF Whirlwind helicopter flew 11 sick and wounded policemen out of deen jungle after a gun-battle with Communist terrorists was revealed here today. The policemen were members of a combined Malayan Siamese security force which captured a
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  • 259 15 SINGAPORE, May 8. THE secretary-general of the Liberal Socialist Party Mr. E. K. Tan, today said that children would be “thoroughly brain-washed” if the PAP took control of the schools. He said: “The moral and spiritual values of your children will be dictated by
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  • 43 15 SINGAPORE. May 6 —Assistant Bishop Roland Koh of the Anglican Church left Singapore today for Hong Kong on the liner Chusan. accompanied by 14 other Chinese clergymen. They are attending a twoweek conference of Chinese clergymen in South-East Asia.
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  • 209 15 KLANG. May B.—The heads of the management committees of 14 Chinese schools in Klang, Kapar, Port Swettenham and Pulau Ketam last night decided to lodge a strong protest against the discourtesy of a Selangor edu cation official. The official is alleged to have made a
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  • 1048 16  -  By NELSON RUTHERFURD JOHORE BAHRU, May 9 THE BODY of the late Sultan of Johore, Major-Cen. Sir Ibrahim, is to be brought back from Britain by sea for burial here. It will travel in the Willem Ruys, which is due at Singapore on
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  • 342 16  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND Singapore, May 9. rubber traders are wondering how the Singapore market will react on May 11 t 0 a Washington proposal not to replace rubber sold from the American stockpile. Stockpile materials, including rubber, must be rotated to prevent their deterioration. A
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  • 102 16 SINGAPORE, Mav 8. M R S. M. Vasagar, who was elected chairman at today’s City Council meeting, said negotiations were proceeding for a settlement of the cinema owners’ civil action against the council. The council had also taken action to expunge a decision against Mr.
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  • 38 16 KLUANG. May 7. The State Secretary, Dato Abdul Rahman bin Musa, today opened a new fire station which has two engines and 16 men. After the opening, the firemen gave a demonstration of rescue technique.
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  • 151 16 SINGAPORE, May 8. The City Council today confirmed a finance committee recommendation to the Minister for Local Government, Lands and Housing. Dato Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat. to dismiss summarily Mr. Gary Wang. Director of the Information Bureau. The committees recommendation said tiiat he
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  • 191 16 Kuala lumpur, May 9 A Seven-man Pakistani trade delegation arrived here this morning to try to bridge an annual S2O million gap in the trade between Pakistan and Malaya and also to negotiate a trade agreement between the two countries. The
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  • 1284 17  - As I was saying CYNICUS. tiNC-.APORE, May 9. n \-E day, when we O'bot h Have t h e H;re for it, I shall ;to ask one- of my :.ds on ihe far o explain to me -vested interest.” guilds an indecent )rt of thing, and to Left it probably
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 17 ART-BENT Photo by K. S. Kong
    — Photo by K. S. Kong  -  8 words
  • 424 17  -  tfan djek. Friday, May 1, 1959: EVERYONE in the Dusun except the nyonya and Albertus has been vaccinated. Albertus refused, but his mother decided not to be done till the children had got over the feverish stage. Yesterday morning everyone except the Cook and the Tuan went to
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  • 149 17 (From the Straits Times of May 6, 1909). THE Financial Adviser of the Kedah Government in his annual report says that the Yen district may be described as the garden of Kedah, large quantities of fruits being exported annually to Penang. FOR some time past rubber shares
    (From the Straits Times of May 6, 1909).  -  149 words

  • 325 18 KUALA LUMPUR, May 9. MALAYAN Railway must become more efficient or “run itself out The U warning was given today by the Railway's new manager, Mr. C. M. Wheat, in a message to staff in Keret* Api. the railway maga- zine. Although road
    325 words
  • 272 18 SERIA, May. 10. WILL the sales of liquor be restricted in Brunei? That is the question small liquor retailers and cofTee-shop keepers Here are asking today as they await a decision —expected in June —by the Kuala Belait licensing board. For if the board decides
    272 words
  • 193 18 SINGAPORE, May. 10. —An American film chief, Mr. Zygmunt Sulistrowski, is now in Singapore to negotiate borrowing equipment from the Cathay Organisation for shooting some films here. Mr. Sulistrowski, producerdirector of the International Film Enterprises in California, arrived here yesterday after attending the
    193 words
  • 76 18 SINGAPORE, May 8. An Army spokesman said here today that no posters should be put up on Army buildings or within its premises by candidates constesting the general election. He said: “The Army is completely neutral and no posters of any political party are permitted
    76 words
  • 317 18 MALACCA, May 9. JHE Malacca coroner was told today of a special constable who killed his wife and then took his own life on April 10 second day of Hari Raya Puasa. The coroner, Mr. Ramanatha Iyer, was conducting an inquiry into the
    317 words
  • 118 18 gINGAPORE, May. 10The Indonesian Ambassador to Japan, Dr. R. R. A. Asmaoen. who flew into Singapore from Jakarta by Air India today, said foreign nations were now regaining confidence in Indonesia. “This is so because of tne increasing stability in the country. More confidence “Many
    118 words
  • 336 18 Poser for election men —By a Priest SINGAPORE, May 10.— The president of the Malayan Christian Council, the Rev. John Fleming, today called for the need of more religion in Singapore politics. Mr. Fleming, whose council represents 13 Christian bodies in Malaya, said in a written statement that political and
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  • 1523 19  -  By EPSOM JBBP Singapore, May 9 TUDOR WONDER, with Mawi. up, scored a I good three-length win from the well-backed grave general in tne Class 1, Div 1 mile handi,aD at x5uRit Timah today. Y Monitor, with Johnson astride, led all the way to W
    1,523 words
  • 567 19  -  By NORMAN SIEBEL May 4 SINGAPORE Amateur Football Association’s plans to niake a soccer festival of the Asian Football Confederabon’s Asian Cup' central zone batches starting here on May 9 have received a severe Seventh hour setback. Burma, one of the four counJ Iles
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 45 19 -The Big SweepTOTAL TOOL: $181,800 Itf No. 4S4858 ($81,810) 2nd No. *****2 ($40,905) 3rd No. *****5 ($22,725) Starter* ($1,893) No*. *****2; *****4; *****5; *****9; *****2; *****6; *****8; *****3; *****8; *****3; *****5; *****4. Consolation ($1,363) No*. *****2; *****5; *****0; *****4; *****2; *****2; *****2* *****2; *****9; *****7.
      45 words

  • 1364 20 [share market By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, May XL THE volume of business transacted on the f Malayan Share Market last week was somewhat reduced compared with the previous two weeks. ,A In addition, prices were subjected to profittaking,' particularly in the rubber section of the
    1,364 words
  • 31 20 Current Date el T«itai fetal for payment payment for prsrieu year year Gammon (M) Ltd. 25% May 28 25% 25% Jackson and Co. Ltd. 8% May 28 8% 8%
    31 words
  • 1003 20 SINGAPORE May 8. INDUSTRIALS Bayers (teller# Aits oriel* P*M I.9ft ».ftb UfO* 1.3 V 1.10 Alto# ice 11.00 sj iOut B B Petrol sft/. ft 7/. B ftl Trustee# 5.00 6 fto con Ho Bmelt Prel IS/- Ords 36/- 36/ Pea Dispensary 1.13 Fitzpatricks 93 94
    1,003 words
  • 297 20 The Ma*yaa snare Brokers’ Association reported on Saturday (May 9): “All sections on the local share market continued to ease on further profit-taking" Singapore brokers reported the following business: Industrials: Fed. Dlsp sl.n Praset and Neavo ords $1.58 (T, O), 91.67; Gammon $1.86 to $1.84 cd; W. Hammer
    297 words
  • 28 20 TIN RUBBER (per picul) (per lb.) May 4 8397.87)4 8103)4 5 $398.37 <4 I*®* 6 *397.87 (4 lo7^ 7 8398.12)4 *1.09., 8 *398.00 81-08^ 9 8398.00
    28 words
  • 43 20 The following further April rubber crops are announced:— Amal Malay 82,300 lb. Temerloh 80,500 lb. Bata Lln.ang 201.000 lb.. and Parit Perak, 48,648 lb. Benta 84,000 lb., Jeram Kuantan 68.000 lb., Kundeng 38.546 lb., 58,000 lb. and S«ngel Sagan 170,000 lb.
    43 words
  • 54 20 Outputs from the various f tates and mines in the Gutb' 1 1 Group for April and for 1? todate In brackets are as folio' —rubber 8,315,0001b., (27,002.0 > lb.), tea (black) 156.000 (618,000 lb), pdm oil 1,660 to (6.013 tons), palm kerneds 4 tons (1,931 tons), and
    54 words