The Straits Budget, 18 February 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’B NATIONAL NEWSPAPER s 7» Series 652. Singapore, February 18, 1959 Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
    28 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 95 1 •N, k A K U w V Nv\ cr* g *v> 1 r^v+.o \*Si *1 *k S?. js3fc I :'A 1 k< r- < ■sMi'i. •j fe vV W y +> r\ «i n/ v»4 -v2^sS Yfc?* X -*^vj -*^5 T'> 'N, >> X >- A n« S/Vy-*T x r
      95 words

    • 347 2  -  K.A. CHOY. Muar. VOUR report of the Unlversity students protest over their food brings back memories to me. All along the students have been neglected in this respect. Many complaints were voiced, some loudly, some not so loud, most of them subdued by the
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    • 100 2  -  OLD FASHIONED Singapore. rE Federation’s Minister for Transport has gone to Hong Kong for the launching of two boats for the Penang Butterworth ferry service. He would have been spared this Journey had these boats been in Butterworth or Singapore. It is
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    • 97 2  -  DEMOCRAT. Singapore. IF a country gets the Government it deserves It would not be unreasonable to assume that a city gets the Council it deserves. Can the present shambles be regarded as an indication of things to come? It Is disturbing to find among the more
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    • 101 2  -  NEW CITIZEN Singapore. A MAN who becomes a Singapore citizen gets the right immediately to vote and thus influence political trends. Yet he cannot get a government Job until he has fufllled certain minimum residential qualifications. This is most odd. I know of no civilised country
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    • 73 2  -  ANAR MELA YU Ipoh. rE leader of the People's Progressive Party. Mr. D. R. SeeniVhsagam. has challenged the Tengku to contest the coming Federal elections in. his constituency in Ipoh-Menglembu which is his stronghold. A fairer fight would be to take the Tengku on at Kuala
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    • 63 2  -  CITIZEN Singapore THE Mayor’s fight for power to Intervene in the daily working of the staff of Singapore City Council is absolutely undemocratic. Even if the executive power is not expressly denied him in the Local Government Ordinance, it Is only In keeping with the dignity
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    • 122 2  -  T. 8. DHAM Koala Lumpur. JIAR. D. R. SEENIVAS ivl GAM maintains th it would be Intimidation Government took acti ’against the two offici, who refrained trom voti. on the issue of mui Jingualism In the ip Town Council. Their ar stention resulted in t!
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    • 97 2  -  L. GRIESENBI K Singapore. IAM an American b i nessman who travelled extenslv. throughout South East A and have had an oppor unlty of observing traffic control in many Am an countries. I am, therein:* somewhat qualified in commending your police force upon the excellent job
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    • 91 2  -  K. M. M Kuala Lumpur. INDISCIPLINE and inattention is the m> cause of failures of students In some priv v schools. In a class room a private school the t cher’s vo ce is drowned the din of disorder amcis the pupils. Under such co ditlons even
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    • 145 2  -  KHEW KHOON LIM Lumut. lI7ITH reference to the ?f inadequacy of Radio Malaya ‘programmes (B.T. Feb. 4), readers will fully endorse Mr. Low Wan Kim’s view that the programmes "leave much to be desired.” The new Radio Malaya is. of course, handicapped
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 644 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 10. 1 ;.u Abdul Rahman will to be Prime Minister April 15, and wiU then all his time to UMNO, u .h he remains Presinl Shocked though the OlN General Assembly xv u and as the nation is b l: .:> announcement, it was
      —Straits Times, Feb. 10.  -  644 words
    • 288 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 11. Selangor, and indeed the whole of Malaya, has good reason to rejoice over the news that the State is at last rid of its four remaining terrorists. These were diehard Communists. Two of them were killed. The third, a woman terrorist, was wounded
      —Straits Times. Feb. 11.  -  288 words
    • 655 3 —Straits Times. Feb. 11. Compulsory voting in local government elections in Singapore was discussed so thoroughly in the Assembly last month that there can be little left to be said that will be new when attention is turned today to the Legislative Assembly Elections Ordinance. -In it
      —Straits Times. Feb. 11.  -  655 words
    • 620 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 12. Agreement between Greece and Turkey on the future of Cyprus has been brought very near in the talks in Zurich between the two Prime Ministers and their Foreign Ministers. The solution now envisaged takes the form of a quasi-federal government, an independent republic
      —Straits Times, Feb. 12.  -  620 words
    • 318 3 —Straits Times, Feb. 12. Perak’s Mentri Besar, Inche Mohamed Ghazali, has announced that the State Government will not approve the majority decision of Ipoh Town Council to introduce multilingualism into the Council. There are many strong reasons for this veto, and none of them has anything to do
      —Straits Times, Feb. 12.  -  318 words
    • 544 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 13. Tengku Abdul Rahman’s broadcast last night, and his statements to the press the day before, should put an end to speculation about the reasons for his resignation and about his future intentions. He will lead the Government again if the Alliance is returned
      —Straits Times. Feb. 13.  -  544 words
    • 291 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 11. Minds too unimaginative to understand the dreadful cruelty involved in the snaring of animals with a wire noose may perhaps be converted to the outlawing of the “jerat” by the colour movie taken in the jungle near Seremban of a tigress held captive
      —Straits Times. Feb. 11.  -  291 words
    • 623 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 14 The first reaction to the substantial amendments proposed for the immigration ordinances of the Federation and Singapore is relief that the two Governments have found agreement on a common policy that will keep the causeway open. The second is that proper and satisfactory
      —Straits Times. Feb. 14  -  623 words
    • 576 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 16 Twice in less tnan twelve months fire has roared through Singapore’s kampongs, destroying hundreds of attap huts and making thousands homeless. The Kampong Tiong Bahru disaster ranks with the worst of Singapore fires. Many of the victims have lost literally everything except
      —Straits Times. Feb. 16  -  576 words
    • 167 4 —Straits Times, Feb 10 For the last ten years the normal-trained teachers have cajoled, threatened and pleaded w’ith the Singapore Government for a fully unified education service. The unkindest cut was delivered early iast year w'hen the Government announced a new salary scheme for teachers which, instead
      —Straits Times, Feb 10  -  167 words

  • 1493 5  -  Delegates to the extraordinary general meeting of UMNO spoke foreefully and frankly on a variety of subjects ranging from education and multi-lingualism to reorganisation of the party machine. The Tengku's blunt criticism of State leaders aspiring to be Mentris Besar paved the
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  • 307 5 l/’UALA LUMPUR, Feb. 12.—A Bill allowing the Federation Government to impose an anti-dumping duty was published today. It enables the Yang di-Per-tuan Agong to make regulations to ascertain the cost of production of goods imported. The new law will run concurrently with the Customs Ordiance of 1952.
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  • 100 5 lOHORE BAHRU, Feb. 12. Work has begun on the construction of a Cheshire Home in Johore Bahru —the first of its kind in the state. The state government has supplied most of the building requirements with material salvaged from the demolished transport shed at Bukit fambalan. Boys of
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  • 365 6 THE FORMER CHIEF MINISTER ACCEPTS CHALLENGE BY DR. TOH CHIN CHYE SINGAPORE, Feb. 7. THE chairman of the Workers’ Party, Mr. David Marshall, today welcomed a challenge by the chairman of the People’s Action Party, Dr.
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  • 217 6 SINGAPORE. Fob 7. A SINGAPORE Harbour Board tug, With four men believed trapped in her engine room, sank at 7.25 a m. today after a collision with the Japanese freighter Takeshima Maru at the west, em entrance of Singapore Harbour. Another man who was
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  • 172 6 IT LUMPUR, Feb. 8. —Three gift planes from Britain to the Royal Malayan Air Force arrived here today after being delayed in Africa by dust storms. The planes bring the strength of the R.M.A.F. up to four aircraft. At the
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  • 151 6 SINGAPORE, Feb. 7—Singapore’s Director of Civil Aviation, Mr. W. P. Nicol, will return to Britain in May to take up a new appointment with the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation. Mr. Nicol, 41, had been seconded to the Singapore Government for a
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  • 347 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 8. gWIFT ACTION by police has prevented what experts believe would have been the biggest gang clash in Kuala Lumpur in recent years. More than 200 thugs armed with acid bombs, parangs and bicycle chains were to have taken part in
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  • 73 6 BUKIT MERTAJAM Feb 10 Mr. Ruffell Dugdale Caswell, at 92 the oldest Englishman domiciled in Malaya, died in the Bukit .vlertajam hospital last night after a long Illness. Mr. Caswell retired from the merchant navy after the first world war to settle in
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  • 34 6 JAKARTA, Feb. B.—The police commission in Soerabaya has banned “such dances as the cha-cha-cha, rhumba, mambo and the like in order to safeguard general order and to keep up the moral norms.”—U.P.l.
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  • 154 6 I/UALA TRENGGANU, Feb. 10. —Two battalions of the newlyestablished Territorial Army will be formed soon in Trengganu, the Straits Times learned today. Two officers. Capt. Mohamed bin Haji Ngah and Capt. Nadzri bin Awang, have already been posted to the state for the formation of
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  • 294 7 STALWARTS JOIN OTHER POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 8. pARTY NECARA has lost contact with 97 of its branches. It does not know what has happened to them. The party has lost several ctalwarts who have gone over to other parties. The most
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  • 903 7 KUALA LUMPUR Feb. 9 TEXKKU ABDUL RAHMAN, t h e president of UMNO, stid today that some state UMNO leaders were inclined to adopt provincial policies because of the powers given to state organisations under the present set-up. Addressing the extraordinary
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  • 270 7 K. LUMPUR. Feb. 9. The Frime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, who gives up leadership of the government on April 15, will continue as a back-bencher in the Legislative Council. The Tengku told the Straits Times this morning: “You know I will
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  • 90 7 JOHORE BI1ARU, Feb 8.— Schemes are now either underway or being investigated by the Johore Land Development Board for planting 70,000 acres with rubber, oil palm or fruits. Selected areas formerly barred for* development because of the Emergency, are now being opened
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  • 24 7 JOHORE BAHRU, Feb. 9. Mr. VS Powell-Evans, Chief Police Officer in Johore. has returned to Johore Bahru after leave in Britain.
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  • 962 8 THE TENGKU RESIGNS Shock —then a resolution of thanks KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 9 THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today announced his resignation from the premiership to give himself time to concentrate on the coming State and Federal elections. The resignation will take effect on April 15. Tlur Tengkifs announcement,
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  • 421 8 SINGAPORE, Feb. 10 'JMIE INTENDED resignation of Tengku Abdul Rahman from the Prime Minis tership of the Federation was one of the best kept secrets. Only a handful of people in the Federation knew about it. But it was no surprise to
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  • 195 8 1>UKIT MERTAJAM. Feb. 10. —One hundred and seventy Province Wellesley Malay families are waiting to “emigrate” to Pahang soon under the Federation Government’s land development scheme. They have applied for land on East Coast and are expecting to be called
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  • 57 8 BUTTER WORTH, Feb. 9-Negri-born Malays subject:' of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong who are staying in Penang and Province Wellesley plan to form their own association to preserve the culture, traditions and customs of Negri Sembilan. Inche Samah bin Ahmac told the Straits Times the association would
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  • 501 9 SINGAPORE, Feb. k 10. Singapore’s 050.000 voters may 1)0 justified in being contused when they U o to the polls in May to elect their first fully-elected Legislate Assembly under the new self-govern-ment constitution. At least nine political parties are busily preparing for the coming
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  • 196 9 SINGAPORE. Feb. 9. The Public Service Commission has taken action to rectify two unsatisfactory features in the Malayanisation policy. T:h commission complain- 11 s 1957 report, published last week, that the Govirmnent’s guarantee to ex-i-unate officers of equal l 'ment with local officers n. a eligibility
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  • 120 9 KOTA BHARU. Feb. 10— The people of Bukit Panau, in Tanah Merah. 42 miles from here, are living in fear because of two bears which have already killed an old man. The victim was Soh bin Abdullah. 70. a Chinese Muslim convert who
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  • 891 9  -  ‘Strong Man* of UMNO by SAMAD ISMAIL K. LUMPUR, Feb 10. RELEGATES to the UMNO Emergency General Assembly applauded when Tengku Abdul Rahman announced that he had chosen Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, Minister for Defence and Deputy President of UMNO, as his successor
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  • 116 9 Kota bharu, Feb. 10 The isolated East Coast of Malaya could be turned Into a "terrific asset" in the country’s tourist trade. This was the opinion of Mr. H. Coxhead, chief of the New Zealand delegation to the recent Pacific Area Travel Association conference
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 71 9 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Br. Empire Singapore Malaya Foreign Town Area (Including (Including No Postage Postage) Postage) Quarterly 5.20 5.75 6 75 HalNyoarly 10.40 11.50 13 50 Yearly 20.80 23.00 27 00 The weekly issues of the Straits Budget can be sent by express air delivery service
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  • 488 10 Kuala Lumpur Feb. 10 TENGKU ABDUL RAHMAN'S “sac rificial” resignation from the premiership is to ensure a 100 per cent victory for the Alliance in the coming parliamentary elections. The executive secretary of the Alliance, Mr. T. H. Tan,
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  • 683 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 10 THE DECISION of Tengku Abdul Rahman to resign from the premiership had this impact on the Malayan public today: PRAISE from his political supporters; SHOCK among various sections of the community; CRITICISM from his political opponents. Dato Sir Cheng-lock Tan,
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  • 358 10 Army wife risks her life SEREMBAN, Feb. 10 AN Army officer’s wife, Mrs. Susan Wilson, who has criticised the trapping of wild animals by means of the “jerat” (wire noose i, yesterday risked her life to take a cine colour film of a trapped tigress. Mrs.
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  • 52 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 11The Federation Government announced today that a collection of $2l a picul under the Tin Control (Buffer Stock) Regulations would be made for the 14th contribution period from Feb. 15 to 28. This is an increase from $l2 a picul for the previous
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  • 42 10 JOHORE BAHRU. Feb. 11.— Saban bin Abdul Rahman. 18 pleaded not guilty here todav to a charge of entering the Federdat'on from Indonesia on Feb 2 without a passport He was allowed bail of $5OO lending trial.
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  • 2377 11 S'pore Assembly debates elections ordinance SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. conflicting forecasts about the likely outcome of Singak pore’s approaching general elections were voiced by party leaders the Legislative Assembly today. Mr. Kuan Yew, the PAP leader, said the re cult was “a
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  • 415 12 Dissension in Alliance KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11. The Prime Minister, Tcngku Abdul Rahman, today gave the full reason for his resignation. lie said there were signs of dissension in the Alliance—and he feared this would lead to a scramble for scats in I he elections.
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  • 434 12 OINGAPORE, Feb. 11. Five Bills went through their second and third readings in the Singapore Legislative Assembly today without debate. The Civil Law (Amendment) Bill relates to the assessment of damages when death is caused by some wrongful or negligent act. It amends
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  • 168 12 JAKARTA Feb. 1 1 INDONESIAN Foreign 1 Ministry sources said today that the British Embassy had protested against the take-over by the North Sumatra local authorities of three British rubber estates. Estate agents said the takeover. which happened during the weekend, was the first move
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  • 77 12 SINGAPORE. Feb. 11, The Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga, who is in the Singapore General Hospital, was this morning placed on the dangerously ill list. He was admitted to hos- pital yesterday after suffering a heart attack. However it was stated tonight that his
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  • 171 12 ALOR STAR, Feb. 11 A*\ ALLIANCE Councillor, Inche Azahari Tail), today accused “certain political parties” of recruiting students in religious schools for their political campaigns. “Such parties are busy moving with these students, especially during their school recess.” he told the State Council this morning.
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  • 40 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11 The 3rd Bn., the Royal Malay Regiment will exchange gifts with its affiliated British regiment. the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, at an informal ceremony in Batu Gajah on Feb. 14 as a mark of goodwill.
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  • 193 12 SINGAPORE, Wed. The Indonesian Con-sulate-General is no longer worried by rebel activities in Singapore. The Information Officer of the Consulate-General. Mr Surjono Sastrowardojo. told the Straits Times today that the lew rebels still in Singapore had lost their importance. “The rebels here are less and
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  • 43 12 SINGAPORE. Feb. 11.— Tin Chief Minister, Tun Lim Yew Hock, has sent a message to the Secretary oi State for the Colonies, Mr. Lennox Boyd, thanking him for his good wishes on the opening of the Constitution Exposition.
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  • 354 13 MALACCA, Feb. 11. v\\ E Malayan political parties have warned 1 the Federation Government of the “grave danger” which will face the country if a large utive section of the population were “muzzThe warning was given in a memorandum vvtiifh the parties have submitted to
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  • 281 13 SINGAPORE. Feb. 11. ?:r lan Jacob. Di-rector-General of the BBC. believes that Singapore will have teleision within three or years, but he 'iimks* it would be madness" to introduce it mto rural countries like the Federation so >oon. Sir lan.
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  • 51 13 IPOH, Feb. 11.—The Federation Government has set aside $2 million for the expansion of co-operative so'ictles movement in the rural areas. This was revealed by the Minister of Agriculture. Inche Abdul Aziz bin Ishak, to members of the Slim village Co-operative Society near lanjong Malim this
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  • 255 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11. —Singapore’s new official symbol Singa, the stone lion —was discussed in the Legislative Assembly today. A big image of Singa already sits aloft the Government pavilion at the Singapore Constitution Ex. position and be will also appear on six new stamps to
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  • 189 13 JOHORE BAHRU, Feb. 10. VERY strict control on the use of shotguns within the state is now being enforced in Johore. This is because the Sultan is “extremely displeased” with the destruction of wild life in the state, a senior police spokesman said
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  • 98 13 IPOH Feb. 11.—The Malayan Communist Party has posted Chinese New Year greetings to prominent members of the local Chinese community, which reached them only today. The pink envelopes, bearing a Kuala Lumpur postmark on ten-cent stamps, contained a Chinese New Year greeting cyelostyled
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  • 104 13 OINGAPORE, Feb. 11.— A Bill to tighten the immigration regulations was today introduced in the Legislative Assembly by the Chief Minister, Tun Lim Yew Hock. Called the Immigration (Amendment) Bill, it was drafted on a pan-Malayan basis. It comes up for first reading
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  • 138 13 2EREMBAN, Feb. 11.— A pang of 10 men attacked a funeral procession in front of the Catholic church at Mantin, 10 miles from here, this afternoon and killed a Chinese youth. The procession was following the hearse of a 60-year-old labourer, Ng Kee, when
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  • 117 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11.— Three shipping conferences have reduced the freight rate for pepper exports from here to the United States by US$lO to US$6O a ton. This follows appeals from local exporters that they were in a less advantageous position than Indian export ers. The
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  • 35 13 SINGAPORE, Feb. 11.—The heavy American cruiser. USS Bremerton, arrived here this morning on a three-day visit to Singapore. Aboard the Bremerton Is Rear Admiral G. H Miller, commander of Cruiser Division Five.
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  • 58 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 11 More than 11,000 children who failed the Malayan Secondarv School entrance examination last year were today urged to join trade schools The Controller of the Federal Examination* cate Mr. K Arianayagam. said this was the only course open to candidates who
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  • 417 14 K. LUMPUR, Feb. 12. II K IMtOPOSKI) amendments to the Klection Ollenees Ordinance are designed to ensure that undesirable persons, like criminals and members of secret societies, are debarred from taking an active pari in parliamentary a n d state elections. This was the Government’s reply
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  • 609 14 WE SHALL WIN—TENGKU KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 12. THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has set himself the task of making sure that the right men will be in office when the Alliance Government is returned to power. He said in a broadcast tonight
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  • 311 14 IYUCHING, Feb. 12. The Governor of Sarawak. Sir Anthony Abell, in his Chinese New Year message, told Sarawak Chinese that there was no room any longer for divided loyalties. "This country is in fact your motherland and those who share its destiny
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  • 148 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 12. A new Government order to give "tax holidays" to 10 more Industries and 57 more products was gazetted today. The new list of products to be given this privilege includes beer, stout, vitamins, cattle fodder, lipstick, tooth paste and bicycles. This
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  • 32 14 SINGAPORE. Feb. 12—The Customs and Excise Department here has set up a series of Customs stations at various parts of the island to facilitate collection of duty.
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  • 524 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 11. ~fHE Federation of Malaya and Singapore will no longer provide a sanctuary for rebels from other countries. This is the biggest surprise in bills to Ul ml the Immigration Ordinance of the Toleration and Singapore published simul- uK ously in Kuala
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  • 145 15 SINGAPORE, Feb. 13. —One thousand girls from the Nan Chiau Girls' High School will take part in a mass physical drill rehearsal—one of the items of the mammoth youth rally staged to welcome the arrival of Prince Philip on Feb.
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  • Article, Illustration
    158 15 First 30 recruits from Federation pass out SINGAPORE, Feb. 13. The first batch of 30 recruits oi the Royal Malayan Air Force from the Federation passed out at a simple ceremony held this morning at RAF Seletar. Proudest recruit was 20-year-old Ahmad Jawas bin Hassan. of Kota Bharu
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  • 280 15 PENANG, Feb. 13.— The Mayor of George Town, Mr. D.S. Ramanathan, will have to decide soon whether he wants to stay as Mayor or be a teacher. The Ministry or Education today issued a circular pointing out that under present regulations
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  • 139 15 SINGAPORE, Feb. 13.—First picture or the just-com-pleted tiara which is to be presented to the Sultanah of Kedah, Tengku Bahiya, as a gift of the state on the eve of her husband’s formal installation as Ruler on Feb. 19. It was reported
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  • 299 15 Singapore Turf Club may set up ‘betting shop branch offices SINGAPORE, Feb. 13 T HE Si ngapore Turf Club may soon set up branch office “betting shops” where members can place bets or buy sweep tickets without going to the races. This proposal is made in o statement by Mr.
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  • 338 16 M ALA LUMPUR, Feb. 13. 4 MINIMUM monthly salary of 51,200 has 1 been fixed as the requirement for people entering Malaya to take up jobs. Hut this figure will be relaxed il it is shown that no local people are available and that
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  • 211 16 OINGAPORE, Feb. 11.— The Controller of Immigration may at any time, within two years, cancel the entry permit of a person who has entered Singapore. if he is later found to be a prohibited immigrant. This will be one of the additional powers
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  • 65 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Feb. 12 The general manager of Malayan Collieries Ltd., Batu Arang. Mr. Noel Makepeace Warmington, died in Guy’s Hospital, London, yesterday. He was 50. He fell ill just before Christmas and was sent to the Singapore General Hospital for treatment. Later he was advised to
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  • 933 16 SINGAPORE, Feb. 13. SEVERAL thousand lost their homes in a Friday the 13th fire which swept through K a m p o g Tiong Bahru here today. Strong gusis o£ wind sent sheets of flame roaring through the thickly populated village. Fire-fighting was
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  • 56 16 JOHORE BAHRU. Feb 13 The Sultan of Johore. Maj. Gen. Sir Ibrahim, is expected to return to Malaya from London by ship in May witii the Sultana, Lady Marcella and their daughter Princess Meriam. The Sultan who will be 35 years old this year, left for
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  • 234 16 (SINGAPORE, Feb. 13.— The Labour Ministry here today stepped in to try and settle the dispute between the management of the Lam Huat Hup Kee pineapple cannery near Kranji and all their 180 employees who were dis- missed on Feb. 11. Leaders of the
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 17 The Builder Photo by Larry Leon
    — Photo by Larry Leon  -  8 words
  • 1235 17  - As I was saying CYNICCS SINGAPORE, Feb. 14. P.A.P. vote against 1 1 t he illumination of Civ Council buildups and the padang r0 lte which will be t by the Duke of Edinburgh when he V isi.s Singapore is not surprising. But it is perhaps the \vorst display of
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  • 533 17  - Countryman’ s Journal TUAN DISK. W E DON’T know whether we are in for a drought or another rainy SDell People visiting the tropics for the first time would find the weather delightfully cool; oldtimers such as the Tuan would prefer more sun. Last evening he attended the performance of
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  • 176 17 (From the Straits Times of Feb. 11, 1909). WERE a record to be taken of the attendances of the Penang Municipal Commissioners at the various meetings of that body in the past twelve months, it might occasion some surprise to discover how very few were the times
    (From the Straits Times of Feb. 11, 1909).  -  176 words

  • 695 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Feb. 15 THE Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today emphatically refuted suggestions that he would be "interfering" in the coming Singapore elections. At i\ lnrcwell Press conference lie goes on two months' leave tomorrow belore resigning from the* premiership the Tengku said: “I
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  • 308 18 JINGAPORE, Feb. 14. The Director of Tourism, Mr. R. A. Howlett, has decided to cancel a deal he was negotiating with the Dudley Pictures Corporation of America to make a travel film about Malaya. He explained that the contract offered by the corporation
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  • 504 18 SINGAPORE. Feb. 15 JHE PEOPLE’S ACTION PARTY, opening its pre-election campaign, last night warned Federation leaders, if they came to Singapore, not to say things that might “embarrass” them if they had to deal with a P.A.P. Government. Addressing a rally at Hong Lim Green, the
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  • 73 18 SINGAPORE, Feb. 14. There were 586 more cars on the road between Dec. 31 last year and Jan. 31, according to the Registrar of Vehicles monthly statistics released today, ’he total number of cars registered up to Jan. 31 was 54,107, compared with 53,521 up to
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  • 285 18 SINGAPORE, Feb. 15. The chairman of Singapore UMNO, Dato Abdul Hamid bin Haji Jumat. today rejected a suggestion by the PanMalayan Islamic Party branch here that all Malay political parties should form a united Malay front to fight the general election. Dato Abdul Hamid
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  • 962 19  -  ay EPSOM JUP MPUR, Feb. H. M— \ND MRS. Loh 'Mil’s brilliant suv Knows. lt h in Forte astride, p'r ur a smashing perform. e to win the i Selangor Gold Cup ;h 9 7 r time of 2min 3 t Kuala Lumpur tod'i command
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  • 778 19  -  By l EPSOM ISBV K LUMPUR, Feb. v 10.—]3ob Bagby, tlu* youngest trainer in Malaya, had only two acceptors here toil and both won. TIMBEALANE (Bill Chadwick) lea all the way in Race 4 and MARI--i) (Moses Lee) won Hi 5 cleverly from Tob,- <-o.
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 165 19 e Big Sweep TOTAL POOL: $195,800 1st No. *****5 ($52,866) 2nd No. *****1 ($26,433) 3rd No. *****9 ($13,216) STARTERS ($1,468 each): Not. *****9; *****0; *****7; *****4; *****4; *****2; *****1; *****1; *****8. CONSOLATION ($1,174 each): No*. *****8; *****9; *****1; *****5; *****1; *****0; *****1; *****0; *****8; *****4, TREBLE TOTE; Three ticket* ($214).
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  • 868 20 SHARE MARKET iiy Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Feb. 16. TxIERE were only three and a nail days’ trading on the Malayan Share Market last week oecause of the Chinese New Year and as a result the volume of business was much re(1U t'6(l unusually the bulk
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  • 30 20 tin rubber (per picul) (per lb.) Feb. 9 dosed dosed 19 closed closed 11 (396.25 8 b i* It (196.0# 86 H, It $396.13}# 85k 14 vt#7.B7H close
    30 words
  • 29 20 > iM-r t/ttitcus na.c 01 lowi iutti for payment payment for previous Consolidated Tin JW year tii% saa u ,H% M4rch 7 25% ****bitertm. ,H%t Marctl 4 10
    29 words
  • 933 20 SINGAPORE, Feb. 14. Buyer* Seller* Ale* Brie** i.n uo Ora* 3.2 b a. 30 Alla* ice t II 00 SJ lt)uv<r<i B B Petrol 47/- 47/9 B M trustee* 60" 5.60 Con i'ln Smelt Prel 16/6 t 17/6 co Ords 29/6 30 6 Pea Dispensary i.n 1.18
    933 words
  • 474 20 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Feb. 14. J'HERE may be a net deficit of ?,000 ions he. tween world -tin consumption and pro. duction by the end of this year according to estimates drawn up by the London metal merchants, A. Strauss Co.
    474 words
  • 216 20 The Malayan Snare Brokers' Association reported on Feb. 14: “Quiet conditions prevailed in all sections of the local share market with few price changes. There was a small turnover/' Singapore brokers reported the following business: Ptaser and Neave ords $1.55 and $1.55*; W. Hammer $1.57 cd; Malayan Cement
    216 words
  • 22 20 Malayan Share Market: Feb. 13 Feb. 12 Industrials: 89.35 89.72 Tins: 94.07 94.29 Rubbers 110.83 110.63 Jan. 1 1958 100
    22 words