The Straits Budget, 4 February 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES <- .*> Hr J *7’*‘.f~;»i i-..' New Serici §5O. DI wv> m A rCDTUAry. 4, 1959 (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
    28 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 a flro. w. -r. v .v .*V w>^2p m i v < m W ■"Tf **-»?■> yjgjjPafc^K; '.1 1 *\"V x s v‘ Ji > In ■s* t i the r r ft- r‘ <X 5&3&HSfte£&v. j,_ •v n V7. employing #5 IfcAWjG ’< tfce 3S with aU fi£-/?sre Wit
      146 words

    • 399 2  -  CHINA TOWN VOTER. Singapore. YOUR editorial “Reluctant Voter” (B.T Jan. 26) makes Interesting reading. But by what logic did you contend that contesting in only 14 wards and polling 30 per cent of the total votes in 32 wards is not a creditable victory?
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    • 144 2  -  KHOO Singapore. I HAVE written several letters to the Federation’s Employees’ Provident Fund Board asking for the refund of my contributions. I quoted the clause referring to refund in cases where the contributor was leaving Malaya with no intention of returning. I wrote to the
      144 words
    • 133 2  -  LIM KIM GUAN Singapore. r r O Assemblymen have recently criticised tourists for visiting Sago Lane’s “Death House,” but why blame these visitors to our cRy? What about the touts who call themselves “tourist guides” and some of our taxi drivers who bring them to these
      133 words
    • 128 2  -  SENSE OF PROPORTION Johore Bahru. {KNOW *inche Khir Johnri a delightful per u who. when he speaks tc a gathering, appears to possess all the seriousness of a headmaster, but is n reality ah irrepressible wisecracker. There is nothing he enjoys better than a gokj Joke couched
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    • 54 2  -  CHONG SISTERS Muar, rE exi>ort of monkeys to foreign countries is economically sound (S.T. Jan. 27). But the impression left In Western minds is that Malaya is all Jungle, The monkey industry will only confirm the belief held by.foreigners that Mklaya is still undeveloped and its
      54 words
    • 193 2  -  RUBICON Singapore. IN recent weeks the C.I.D. Chief, Mr. Brian Goodrich, has been offering sound advice to members of the public to help rid Singapore of the secret societv gangsters. It would seem to be an opportune time to consider
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    • 209 2  -  JOHORE BAHRU RESIDENT Johore Bahru. I hear that under a new regulation students residing In tlje Federation can only join the Kuala Lumpur division of the University of Malaya. This might make things difficult for students living In Johore Bahru and its neighbourhood.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 40 2 fh' 1 5 w e£ ir 4 f? a r* n <> Bi *A 0 •:•> y- > sTSi <r SB .vs m V* 3 2 j/iyP <7 N* Tourist chiefs visiting the Federation claim that safaris will attract American travellers —News il
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 622 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 28. The tightening of the elect- ion laws seems to have won •cneral approval in Singa- nore. except for UMNO j )1)S iti(.n to compulsory vot- loc. and wide although not fI uite general approval in the federation, except for new provisions concerning
      —Straits Times. Jan. 28.  -  622 words
    • 237 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 28. Dr. K. M. Reddy, Superintendent of the Sungei Buloh Settlement, has urged the formation of a Malayan Leprosy Relief Association to awaken public interest in the disease. Leprosy has not attracted the attention that tuberculosis has. Yet like tuberculosis, leprosy must be combatted beyond
      —Straits Times. Jan. 28.  -  237 words
    • 302 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 28. The market has given a more cordial reception to Russia’s intention to limit her tin exports this year to 13,500 tons than perhaps this news deserves. It is only a twelve months commitment, and there is reason to think that 13,500 tons is about
      —Straits Times. Jan. 28.  -  302 words
    • 783 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 29. The Superintendent of the Singapore City Council’s Markets and Hawkers Department, Mr. L. A. Marcus, resigned last week after a stern questioning by the Mayor on the recent prosecutions of hawkers. Mr. Marcus, however, is not to be left alone. By
      —Straits Times, Jan. 29.  -  783 words
    • 500 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 30. After long inquiry the Federation committee appointed to consider whether changes are desirable in the procedure of commital for trial by jury has agreed, it is believed, not to recommend any change. Opinion seems to have been divi led, and it
      —Straits Times, Jan. 30.  -  500 words
    • 613 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 31. The “perhaps” which has now been added to an official report of a Ministerial speech announcing that only Federal citizens will be allowed to own agricultural land makes quite a difference. Inche Bahaman, addressing a conference of chairmen of State land committees, was
      —Straits Times, Jan. 31.  -  613 words
    • 244 4 —Straits Times. Jan. 31. The People’s Action Party of Singapore has appealed to Federation Chinese not to challenge Malay privileges. To do so, it says, would be to court the disastrous strife whic h recently engulfed Ceylon. This concern for continuing goodwill among Malaya’s main races is
      —Straits Times. Jan. 31.  -  244 words
    • 355 4 —Straits Times. Feb. 2. Some sixty thousand people crowded through the gates of the Singapore Constitutional Exposition when it was opened on Saturday. Weather permitting, it is not unlikely that this number will be repeated on each of the thirty nights of the Exposition’s life. A good
      —Straits Times. Feb. 2.  -  355 words
    • 237 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 27. At last there is a genuine prospect that M.C.A.’s national leaders will resolve the immediate differences that have threatened to split the party. A special sub-com-mittee is to meet next month “to reconcile various viewpoints” on the disputed M.C.A. charter, which will then be
      —Straits Times, Jan. 27.  -  237 words
    • 522 4 —Straits Times Feb. 2 A very cautious and lukewarm attitude towards the teaching of civics in the nation’s schools seem to have been taken by the Federation’s General Syllabus Committee. If not exactly alarmed, the committee reveals an unmistakably nervous twitch. The idea of introducing civics into
      —Straits Times Feb. 2  -  522 words
    • 143 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 29. Operations in Ipoh hospital are being postponed because the supply is running low in the blood bank. Such blood as there is is being reserved for very urgent cases. The hospital, complainits Medical Superintendent, has always lacked an adequat* supply and this for the
      —Straits Times, Jan. 29.  -  143 words

  • 1031 5 KUALA LUMPUR. ■iVEX those of us who ij zo early to bed on St. Andrew’s Night and who have never eaten haggis know that the best-laid shorties of mice and men gang oft a -lev. I fear, lias happened i:: the
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  • 1526 5  - Singapore s need-An expanding economy by Dr. LIM TAY BOH Dean of Arts and Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of Malaya SINGAPORE. Jan. 30. THERE is general agreement that it urgent for the Singapore Government to lan a programme of industrial development which will in:*ase employment opperc unities to absorb
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  • 689 6 ‘APPLICANTS HAVE TO BELONG TO A CERTAIN PARTY AND HOLD CERTAIN CONVICTIONS' SINGAPORE, Jan. 26. BLYMAN Lim Cher Khenjj (Ind) told the Legislative Assembly today that applicants for jobs in the City Council stood a chance only if: (I) They first became
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  • 456 6 Jan. 26 The People's Action Partv was charged in the Legislative Assembly today with trying to make political capital OUt of the one-week postponement of the opening of the Singapore Constitution Exposition. The accusation came from Mr. Lim Koon Teck (SPA* 'during
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  • 116 6 IZUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 26 —The Federation Ministry ol Commerce and Industry announced today that Russia had agreed to limit its exports of tin to countries outside the Communist bloc to 13.500 tons this year. This follows an understanding reached recent l\ between the
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  • 53 6 SINGAPORE. Jan. 26—The Federation Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman todav presented, on behalf of Ins Government, a cheque for $5,000 to the Singapore Anti-Tuberculosis Association. The gift is irom the Social and Welfare Service.-. Lotteries Board. It was hand ed over to the Medical Director. Dr.
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  • 158 6 A LOR STAR, Jan. 26 —Mr. S. Borotra, 27, wealthy French husband of Tengku Sakinah, younger sister of the Sultan of Kedah and a niece of the Prime Minister, has been converted to the Islamic faith. Following his taking the faith in a
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  • 166 6 SINGAPORE, Jan. The entertainment duty on “live” performances will be cut to half its present rate under a Bill to amend the entertainments duty ordinance, published today. The “live” performances, which exclude those in an amusement park, are: a stage play, a ballet, a
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  • 193 7 Ground staff save lives of 4 crew |(IIALA LUMPUR, J 3 n. 26,-Prompt and gallant action by RAF ground staff saved the four crew of a Valetta voice plane which crashed and burst into flames seconds after take-off at the airport here today. The ground staff had
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  • 93 7 K 1 A L A THENGGANU. V Jan. 26 —Ice plants to facilities for J 'u fish are expected to l> l/ .uit along the east T) ri J> t *oon. 'ieration Government c ‘hosen the sites j, ’ii 1 oat. Kuala Besut. K
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  • 25 7 'ORE BAHRU. Jan. 27— Mackenzie, superinthe Istana Garoo has been away in °n six-month leave, 11 ne d to J hore Bahru.
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  • 194 7 MALACCA, Jan. 27 A The Earl of Home, Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, said today that he was pleased by the location of the Commonwealth Forces Cantonment here and by the progress being made in its construction. The Earl was shown round the cantonment
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  • 37 7 IPOH, Jan. 27—The Perak Medical Department has launched a campaign to persuade parents to have their children immunised against diphtheria. The department hopes to immunise about 50.000 children in the urban areas this year
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  • 263 7 SINGAPORE. Jan. 26 —‘The Prime Minister of the Federation, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today visited Times House, headquarters of the Straits Times Press Ltd., and spent an hour seeing how a modern newspaper plant operates. The Tengku was greeted on his arrival by the Managing Director, Mr.
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  • 115 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 26 The whole Kuala Selangor division of UMNO has been struck off the Selangor headquarters membership list for failing to pay subscriptions for 1957 and 1958. An UMNO division is required to pay its state headquarters an annual subscription
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  • 91 7 LUMPUR, Jan. 24—Malayan Airways have decided to end its five-month-old Skymaster service between Singapore and Hong Kong because the airline has been running the flights at a "considerable loss," a Government source told the Sunday Times today. The withdrawal of the service is a
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  • 47 7 JOHORE BAHRU. Feb. 1 Members of the Rent Assessment Board for Johore Bahru this year are Inche Abdullah bin Mohamed. (president!. Dato Wong Shee Fun, Mr. M. Ali Hassan, Inche Awang bin Ude, Mr. R. Vaithyalingam. Mr. Kuok Ho Yau and Mr. Cheong Chee Kan.
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  • 60 7 SINGAPORE, Jan. ‘26.—The Legislative Assembly today passed rules governing the Auxiliary Eire Service which made its ac tive and reserve members liable to mobilisation in an emergency. The rules arc* similar to those which govern other branches of the Civil Defence Corps. The motion for their adoption
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  • 897 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. 2d A Bill which will make voting compulsory in the next general election had the support oi nearly all members who spoke on it in the Legislative Assembly today. The P.A.P. leader. Mr. Lee Kuan Y*w. who did not oppose the Bill, said:
    897 words
  • 112 8 SINGAPORE. Jan. 27. NEW ZEALAND’S new High Commissioner to Malaya, Lt.-Col. C'harles Moihi Bennett, arrived in Singapore yesterday from New Zealand with Mrs. Bennett. Col. Bennett, who was recalled from Oxford University where he was doing post graduate work, will present his credentials on
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  • 408 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. 24. A HfcAVi programme has been arranged for the three-day visit of Prince Philip to Singapore next month. Highlights of the programme announced today by the Singapore Government include garden parties at Government House, inspection of a youth rally on the Padang, a lunch
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  • 463 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. 26. THE CITY COUNCIL Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. P. C. Marcus, said today that the action of his brother, Mr. L. A. Marcus, in the recent arrests of hawkers was in accordance with the policies expressly laid down by the council. Mr. Marcus was answering
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  • 97 8 SINGAPORE, Jan. 26— When the 5,769-ton Royal yacht Britannia arrives on Feb. 22, it will berth alongside the Singapore Harbour Board’s $250,000 passenger terminal at godowns 42 and 43. The Britannia will lie alongside the wharves during the three days Prince Philip will stay
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  • 36 8 PENANG, Jan. 26. The Governor, Raja Tun Uda oln Raja Muhammad, and his wife, Tengku Puan Nor Saadah. today paid an official visit to the Federation school for the deaf In Northam Road.
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  • 275 9  -  from HALL ROMNEY i ONDON, Jan. 26. pEN OKU ZUBEIDAH, 1 a grand-daughter 0 f" the Sultan of johore, was secretly married a few weeks (V to a Singapore student, Mr. Alan Sriiarenguivel. 24, at Bt fast, Northern Ireland. TV:-tai Zubeidah Is the voiiasest daughter
    275 words
  • 67 9 K r 'LA LUMPUR Jan 26. 1 hi* ifiinisiei of FinCol. Sir Henry HauLee, today presented million cheque to Central Bank. 1 1S the Government’s proM«n for working capital, •'though the bank’s total lVs,< ‘ts will be $lOO million. henry presented the ,rs
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  • 22 9 A lion dance began the day for the PATA delegates from 22 territories. —Straits Times picture.
    —Straits Times picture.  -  22 words
  • 583 9  -  By DON BERESFORD SINGAPORE, Jan. 26 —The opening of the eighth annual conference of tne Pacific Area Travel Association at the Victoria Memorial Hall this morning was attended by 200 experts from 22 countries. The first—and busiest day of the five-day conference began
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  • 337 9 SINGAPORE. Jan. 26. m THII F c d emtio n Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Hallman, supports the walk-out by two Singapore UMNO assemblyman this morning, in their stand against the compulsory voting Bill. He was referring to Dato Abdul Hamid bin Haji
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  • 185 9 $200,000 a year —in monkey business KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 26. STATE GOVERNMENTS expect to get a total revenue of about $200,000 a year from Malayan monkeys. The sum will be raised in licence fees for catching or shooting the animals. For every common kera monkey taken there will be a
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  • 1120 10 Tun Lim accuses the P.A.P. SINGAPORE, Jan. 27. Tn£ LEGISLATIVE Assembly today passed, on a voice vote, the Bill which introduces compulsory voting in Singapore. The Loenl (iovcrnmcnl Klcrlions (Amciui11iciiI) Bill, which innkcs failure lo vote in In!tin* loenl government elections tin oll’cnce, is the
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  • 76 10 KI’ALA LIMPIR, Jan. —The Deputy Prime Mi nister and Minister m Defence Dato Abdul R zak bin Hussein, todav said he would changi the name of Radio Mala> i “if that is what the pen pie want.” He thought that “Radio Persekutuan Tanah !Vlclayu”
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  • 376 10 BILL ALSO MAKES VOTING COMPULSORY UII SINGAPORE. Jan. 27. A KILL which reiers to qualifications for persons who can contest the Legislative Assembly elections under the new Constitution was published today. I Ik. Hill, whit h also makes v<>1 illcompulsory in such
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  • 118 10 Inter-racial marriages in S pore up by 33 SINGAPORE, Jan 27—There were 1,9(>8 civil marriages at the Singapore Registry ,a t vear compared with *'"0") in the previous year. Ol the totat, Chinese marriages aeeount for 1,692 against 1.427 in 1957 Inter.racial marriage is next with a total of 112
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  • 154 10 LUMPUR, Jan 27.—Business executives in Selangor art' planning to form an employers’ consultative body to safeguard the interests oi bosses. They propose to call it thi Industrial and Commer cial Employers’ Consulta tive Association. It will be open to all trading and industrial firms having more
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  • 552 11 SINGAPORE Jan. 27 TIIK Minister for (Commerce mid Industry, Mr. .1. M. .InMKibhoy, said to* j;iv: “There is no (jtieslion that manufacture is a prolitahle and proposition.” He was commenting on a statement by the Singapore Tobacco C unpany, Ltd., which disagreed
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  • 166 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 27. SPEAKERS and canvassers in the coming State k and Federal elections will be screened by the Government so that "bad characters” and aliens will be excluded. In cases where there are grounds lor prosecution in court, the police will be ordered
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  • 457 11 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27 The People's Action Party leader. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. told the Legislative Assembly today that no one would make any commitments involving millions of dollars on the basis of promises held out by a government whose term of
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  • 177 11 SINGAPORE. Jan. 27. pit. Nanyang University Commission will start work on Feb. 16, the Ministry of Education announced today. Commission of five in'I; i*i" na lly known scholars ‘f’' liVci by the Singapore rn ment in conjunction Wi Nanyang University I "k into
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  • 71 11 CiINGAPORE. Jan. 27.—A Bill amending the Civil Law Ordinance provides that sums paid under *an Insurance policy on the death of a person should not be taken into account in assessing compensation to a family for his death. Under the Bill. damages may also be
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  • 275 11 Kuala lumpur, Jan, 27.—A full review of the Razak education policy will be made by the Alliance after the parliamentary elections in August. The Deputy Prime Minister Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, the architect of the Razak report, will head a nine-man
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  • 257 12 Kuala lumpur, Jan. 2(i The Indonesian Ambassador to Malaya. Dr. Mohamed Razif. arrived bark here today from Jakarta with an -‘important message” from his Prime Minister. Dr. Djua n d a. for Tengku Abdul Rahman. Thr- message, it Is understood. concerns the Federation
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  • 53 12 Jan. 27 Malaya sot up a record in rubber production last month producing 71,676 tons. This represented a rise of 38.6 per cent on November. Previously the record was 09,878 tons in December 1950 The big jump in output caused heavy selling today and Uie price fell
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  • 42 12 PENANG. Jan. 27. The Penang branch of the ExServices Association of Malaya spent $97 In relief funds for 27 needy cases last month •Six new members joined during the month The braneh has now 337 ordinary members.
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  • 361 12 SINGAPORE, Jan. 27. pW() leading American experts on tourism are now in Singapore to investigate ways of developing the tourist industry in the area. The Iwo Iravel consultanls, Mr. 11. (.'lenient and Mr. .1. S. Robbins, have been in Singapore since Jan.
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  • 178 12 SINGAPORE. Jan. 27. THE ban on the import of six types of cotton textiles from Red China will be lifted from tomor- row. The acting Controller and! Registrar of Imports and Exports, Mr. C.W.B. Maddox.; announced today that applications for import licences would
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  • 42 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 27The Sultan of Selangor today laid the foundation for the $400,000 Chinese Maternity Hospital here. The president of the Chinese Maternity Association, Mr. Cho Yew Fai. stressed that the hospital was open to all races.
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  • 207 12 SINGAPORE. Jan. 27. —The Jakarta Government has drawn up a black list of ships that have traded with the Indonesian rebels and firms that have Dutch capital. A spokesman of the Indonesian consulate here told the Sttaits Times today that
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  • 185 12 K. LUMPUR Jan. 27. lOO rebellious students of the Sa’adiah Religious School in Kampong Haji Salleh near Temoh, 33 miles south of here, have been warned that they will be expelled if they do not return to the school by Feb. 10. The secretary of the
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  • 277 12 Kuala lumpur Jan. 27 The Prime Minister. Tengku Abdul Rahman, said tonight that the Alliance would stand firm on its principle to see that peace and prosperity were restored in this country even at the cos* of losing the coming state and Federal elections.
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  • 717 13 Govt. gives its assent to draft legislation KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. MALAYANISED version of Britain's anti-dumping regulations primarily designed to protect local industry and those of countries with which Malaya has trade pacts has been accepted in principle by the Federation Government. The proposed legislation is based
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  • 378 13 LONDON Jan. 28—The following Malayans have passed the Bar Final examination held in London in December:— Class 2 Div. 2: K. S. Lai. Class 3: S. I. U. Ahmand, K. Y. Choy, P. K. Das. J. H. B. Frederick, W. bin S. Hamzah. S. N.
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  • 130 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28— The first four Malays to seek a career in commercial flying will leave for Indonesia on Feb. 2 for a two-year course at the Indonesian Civil Aviation Academy at Tjurup, Jakarta, on Indonesian Government scholarship They are: Tengku Zainal Adlin
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  • 153 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28— The 73 boys and girls of the Selangor Children’s Home chorused “selamat datang Tuanku” when the Raja Permaisuri Agong visited them today. The Queen brought them four big parcels of gifts, mostly toys. It was her first
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  • 252 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 28. rpHE Federation Government plans a national land code which will allow only Federal citizens to own agricultural land. This was disclosed by the Minister of Natural Resources, Inche Bahaman bin Shamsuddin, at a conference here of chairmen of
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  • 294 14 GOVERNMENT PLAN TO EDUCATE 700,000 ON NEED TO TAKE PART IN GENERAL ELECTION SINGAPORE, Jan. 28. AN ISLAND-WIDE campaign to tell Singapore’s 700,000 voters that they “MUST” go to the polls in the general election is being planned bv the Government. Yesterday the Legislative Assembly gave
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  • 95 14 PENANG, Jan. 28. The Golden Gate Quartet, famous television and recording artists, will be performing at St. George's School hall here on Feb 11. The Quartet—Clyde Riddick •first tenon. Clyde Wright •second tenon, Caleb Ginyard i baritone) and Orlandus Wilson (base) specialises in Negro spirituals,
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  • 195 14 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28— The managing director of the P O Steam Navigation Company, Mr. R. M. Thwaites, said today that more of his company’s liners would call at Singapore in future. Mr. Thwaites is here on a fortnight’s visit to Singapore
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  • 64 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 28 The Minister of Transport. Inehe Abdul Rahman bin Haji Talib, will inaugurate a now Kuala Lumpur Port Swettenham express bus service by the Sri Jaya Transport, Company Ltd. on Feb. l. The service will only stop at Klang and Sungei
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  • 109 14 SFRKMBAN, Jan. 28. TIIK Regent of Negri Sembikm will declare the whole state a “white area on Jan. dl. The announcement will also be made by voice aircraft. District officers will also read the declaration. About 170,000 leaflets will be air-dropped. Last night, one of
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  • 360 14 J. BAHRU. Jan. 28. rpWO seasoned world travellers who have just completed a coast-to-coast motor tour of the Federation have brought to light a glaring deficiency in the country’s tourist promotion plans. There is NO official road map. Two big oil companies both distribute maps
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  • 364 14 KI CKING, Jan. 28. 4 CROWDKD and colourful programme awaits Prince Philip when he steps ashore at Pending, on the Sarawak River, at (> p.m. on Feb. 2i> to begin his live-day tour of Sarawak, Brunei and North Borneo. He will
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  • 221 14 SINGAPORE, Jan. 28— University of Malaya authorities have decided not to take any action against Professor E. H. G. Dobby, who had submitted his resignation while away on sabbatical leave. Prof. Dobby was the former head of the university’s geography department. The Straits Times reliably
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  • 703 15 SINGAPORE, Jan. 29 A TRAGEDY no less catastrophic than Ceylon’s recent bloody civil strife will befall Malaya if the Chinese insist on having the same rights as the Malays immediately, the Chinese version of Peti'. organ of the People's Action Party, warned today.
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  • 207 15 I/UALA LUMPUR, Jan. 29. —The question of allowing only Federal citizens to own land in the country in the future is an idea put forward for consideration by the National Land Council. Nothing has been decided, he Deputy Prime Minister. Dato Abdul
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  • 274 15 JOHORE BAHRU, Jan. 29. EXPORTERS’ proposals that the Government should act as a buffer between the smallgrowers and the canneries by buying fruit from the former and selling to the latter at what might turn out to be different price level, were rejected at
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  • 64 15 SINGAPORE. Jan. 29. Mr. Ee Soon Howe, president of the Singapore Rotary Club, will tomorrow morning lead 20 delegates to the Rotary International conference (District 320) In Saigon. District 330 Includes Singapore, Malaya. Borneo. Sarawak. Siam, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. About 250 delegates arc •pected to
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  • 331 16 Singapore, Jan. 30 fHE Mayor of Singapore, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, today warned that the City Council would take drastic action against local officers who were unwilling or lacked the ability to carry ouf policies laid down by
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  • 105 16 SINGAPORE. Jan. 29. A proposal for visafree travel for tourists visiting member countries has been made at the Pacific Area Travel Association conference here. Delegates have discussed minimum government requirements for entry and departure of tourists from member countries and are expected to submit
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  • 64 16 SEREMBAX. Jan. 29. The last terrorist in Negri Semoilan a state committee member—has surrendered. This (lovernment announcement was made today—36 hours before the entire state is declared a “white” area by the Regent of Negri Sembilan. The terrorist. Yeung Tin. gave himself up to a taxi driver
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  • 237 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29. A BUREAU of standards, to ensure that locally manufactured products which are given protection are up to standard, will he essential to the success of the Federation’s new antidumping law. n The (iovernment must also see that the prices of
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  • 117 16 ALOR STAR, Jan. 28. f rHE Minister of Natural Resources, Inche Baha- man bin Samsuddin, today urged Malays to do away with “the old customs or spending large sums of money on marriages and funerals.” “They binder the progress, of our young nation.” Inche Bahaman
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  • 97 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 30. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong today approved the appointment from Feb. 1 of Dr. Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman. now Minister without Portfolio, as Minister of External Affairs. This appointment, says a Government announcement, was made at the request of the Prime
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  • 239 16 Kuala lumpur. Jan. 29. A former Kuomintanc: o fli ci a 1 and Governor of Fukien Province. South East China. Gen. Lee Leong Weng, will head a $l,800.000 cement and prestressed concrete factory at Batu Caves five miles from here The factory is being financed jointly
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  • 203 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 29. THE POLICE. Social Welfare and Education Departments are trying to stamp out student gangsterism in Selangor schools. This was disclosed today by the Chief Education Officer of Selangor. Mr. T.K. Taylor, at a Press conference Mr. Taylor
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  • 44 16 KOTA BHARU. Jan. 29 The former Assistant Officer in charge of Criminal Invest igations, Inche Ibrahim bin Hitam. is now the OCPD ot Kota Bharu police district. He succeeds Inche Yusoti Shah who has been tramferred to Kuala Lipis.
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  • 43 16 KOTA BHARU. Feb 1. The Minister of Health, Mr V.T Sambanthan. accompanied by the Chief Medira Officer. Dr. T.M- Ward, today inspected a six-acre site f« r a proposed small hospital in Bachok. a fishing district, for 50,000 people.
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  • 1285 17  - As I was saying CYNICUS SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. THERE is nothing like 1 successful conference of travel exts to boost the tourist industry. Two mo re travel conferences* and this will DC a record tourist vear The visitors jeave impressed, so they say, by the attractions Malaya offers, and with
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 17 The Morning Catch
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  • 483 17  -  —TUAN DJEK. \jyE are hoping that the prevailing Scotch mist weather will soon end. No one thinks that a belated flood is possible. Had we been cut off from town by a flooded road on the 16th when the Nyonya had an accident no medical attention could have
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  • 169 17 (From the Straits Times of Jan. 21, 1909). Compared with past years, the police courts were practically empty on Saturday. Obviously the police overlooked the incurable amusement of games of chance indulged in by the Chinese, and gave them a day’s respite on this festive occasion. There
    (From the Straits Times of Jan. 21, 1909).  -  169 words

  • 50 18 Dragon dancers meander their way into the Singapore con stitution exposition, after it was declared open by the Chief Minister. Tun Lim Yew Hock. The troupe, belonging, to t he Chin Bu Athletic Associations, is one of the best in Singapore. Straits Times picture. Straits Times picture.
    Straits Times picture.  -  50 words
  • 254 18 And M.P.D. Nair takes over CINCAPORE, |an. 31 Mr. Francis Thomas. < Minister for Commumca- tions and Works, resigned today from the Govern ment. Announcing this, a Gov- j ernmcnt statement said: “The Governor, after consultation with the Chief Minister, has decided to appoint Mr. M. F.
    254 words
  • 332 18 SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. AMASS of humanity 60,000 strong streamed through the brilliantly lit grounds of the Constitution Exposition at Kallang tonight. Lovely weather favoured the fair and as the searchlights probed the skies thousands, young and old, poured in for a first night view
    332 words
  • 229 18 SEREMBAN, Jan. 31—Ten thousand people cheered today when the Regent declared all Negri Sembilan "white" in a ceremony on the padang here. For the 364,000 people In the State, it means the end of the shooting war—and the lifting of all Emergency restrictions. About
    229 words
  • 470 18 SINGAPORE, jan. 31. OPENING the Singapore Constitution Exposition this evening, the Chief Minister, Tun Lim Yew Hock, said that the fair was something new and on a larger scale than anything ever attempted before and there could be no better introduction for “our year
    470 words

  • 921 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP SINGAPORE, Jan. 28. Mi k. Y. LIM’S Bukit Timah specialist High >cks, with Arthur Ward astride, chalked up ve t nother win over his favourite course today. arting a Arm favourite. High Socks beat the m ,t or ArUna by
    921 words
  • 1023 19  - Prince’ takes the Cup in record time By EPSOM JEEP Singapore, Jan. 31. DRHXIANTLY ridden by jockey Arthur Ward, Prince of Lalita snatched a thrilling: head win from Who Knows in the last running of the Governor's Cup over 11 4 miles at Bnkit Timah today. Race One CLASS 1,
    1,023 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 65 19 The Big Sweep TOTAL POOL r *172,322 1st No. *****7 ($77,544) 2nd No. *****8 ($38,772) 3rd No. *****1 ($21,540) STARTERS •HR): *****9, ($1,795 *****1, *****0, *****2, *****1, *****4, *****2, *****3, *****4, *****8, *****3, *****2. v CONSOLATION ($1,292 each): *****5. *****5, *****9, .7 *****5, *****4, 3S 3S& 4921 FORTUNE TOTE: 1st
      65 words
    • 68 19 THE BIG SWEEP •>*£...• >*^*7is ,y TOTAL POOL: $194,334 1st No. *****8 ($87,450) 2nd No. *****4 ($43,725) 3rd No. *****4 ($24,291) Starters ($2,024) each: *****9, *****5, *****1, *****4, *****8, *****3, *****1, *****7, *****5, *****6, *****6, *****7. Consolation ($1,457 each): *****8, *****9 *****0, *****3, ******, *****4, *****7, *****5, *****6, *****5. FORTUNE
      68 words

  • 874 20 SHAKE MARKET By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Feb. 2. A REASONABLE volume of business was written on the Malayan Share Market last week and prices were generally steady. Despite the approach of the Chinese New Year, the market was not as quiet as might have
    874 words
  • 362 20 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. TIN is now back to its highest level for 21 months and yesterday at $389.50 per picul was only just over one dollar below the highest price for 19/>7. The local market is following
    362 words
  • 43 20 Current Date of Total Total for payment payment for previous year year W. Hammer and Co. Ltd. 10 cts. March 31 20 cts. 24 cts Kamunting Tin Dredginr South’;™ Klnta 4VI M Ch 3 9Mt M Ch 5% 16% 12 15%
    43 words
  • 356 20 SINGAPORE, Jan. 30 fITHE week under review na> 1 been an extremely difficult one for dealers, with little rhyme or reason to the fluctuations. report H.C.B. and Cs. Ltd. in their current rubber market survey. The announcement of December’s production came as somewhat of a surprise
    356 words
  • 30 20 TIN RUBBER (per picul) (per lb.) Jan. 26 $385.57*4 86«4 <*• 27 $388.87*4 84*4 ct*. 28 $287.50 84*4 cts. 29 $388.75 85V4 eta. 38 $389.50 84*4 eta. 31 $390.50
    30 words
  • 926 20 SINGAPORE, Jan. 31. INDUSTRIALS Buyer* Seller* Ale* Uriel i pref i.eo °rd» 2.20 1.30 At, a» !<*« 11.00 «J (buverai B B Petrol 45/- 47/. B M Trustee* 500 650 Con. Tin smelt Pref 16/6 17/6 cO Ords 29/3 30 '3 Fed Dispensary 1.12 Fitzpatricks
    926 words