The Straits Budget, 7 January 1959

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 23 1 The Straits Budget the weekly issue of the straits times MALajta’B NATIONAL newspaper "nSOTSTES Singapore, Jaima^TTTSSST" Frice 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 509 2  -  LIM CHER KENG Assembly House. Singapore. RECENTLY i have received many representations from various merchants complaining about the policy of the Shipping Conferences on local trade particularly the export of timber and coconut oil. I am compelled to agree with Mr. J.M. Jumabnoy, Minister for
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    • 177 2  -  CITIZEN Singapore. THE reply by Mr. Francis A Thomas to my letter (8.T. Dec. 27) evades the issues raised by me. Hi 8 stand two and a half months ago was over the proposed formation of the U.SJF. as a political party and had nothing
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    • 59 2  -  GOH HOOD KBUfe Singapore. the other day, in reference to the recent Mayoral election. that she "refused to contribute to the filth of so-called politics” l have always retarded politics as a "dirty game and there are many who agree with me. I am afraid that
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    • 42 2  -  EmpText •poh •wv. iT'r®' THE choice of “Ape* Turn A' Nonya *fanU M u the ggnature tune of J Radio Singapore* U a stroke of genius, it describee exactly the attempts of naughty old Singapore to woo the sweet t
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    • 221 2  -  D. LEBEZ? Singapore. article about cornea ,J grafting in the Sunday Times,. Dec. JB, Is most interesting. l have read about eye banks In the West and orten wonder, whether we hate one In Singapore, or would be having one In the near
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    • 137 2  -  JM. Jesselton. fFHE outbreak of several 1 cases of polio in this country has resulted to worried parents rushli l to register their under-flfteens *or Inoculations against the disease. About 2,000 have so far lass? 1p& ton. The f e Per person for three injections
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    • 94 2  -  STEVEN. Singapore. f HAVE been a reader of A your paper for years and have always regarded a which reflects u« lon the in addition to giving fair, JJjChnd accurate news as far as is possible. (t^ ays lssu occ. *E3) i was surprised to find
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 39 2 SWif As mSSfim m m m h m m A'lf: 1 m /s *Sik m f >» m '-■.< m sT HC -3 *Ts .J *r. s« ■X*. r > ■*zy.\- 4 a *> X £D v» rA s > > fc K 'V *v
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 940 3 —Straits Times, Jan. 1. General elections in the Federation and in Singapore —with the introduction in Singapore of full internal self-government will make 1959 a notable year. This is not the moment for political prediction. But when the political future poses unanswerable questions it is difficult
      —Straits Times, Jan. 1.  -  940 words
    • 258 3 —Straits Times. Jan. 5. The arrest of two hundred Communists in Egypt and Syria will not bring any reaction from Moscow. The Russian press, of course, will not even print such vulgar news. The faithful and pathetic tools who have been rounded up by Nasser’s policemen are expendable.
      —Straits Times. Jan. 5.  -  258 words
    • 521 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 30. Among the parties represented in the Assembly, UMNO alone will defend the right of the Singapore citizen not to cast his vote. The others, led by the People’s Alliance, accept compulsory voting with varying degrees of enthusiasm. But how to force the voter
      —Straits Times, Dec. 30.  -  521 words
    • 404 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 31. If every word of the election manifesto of the Singapore People’s Alliance were to be taken in deadly earnest, Tun Lim Yew Hock and his colleagues must expect a strong leavening of sceptical comment in the midst of much praise. Utopian promises are always
      —Straits Times, Dec. 31.  -  404 words
    • 269 3 Straits Times, Dec. 30 The plight of the pineapple industry is a frightening comment on plans for other industrialisation. Before the war pineapple canning was Malaya’s third industry. Four-fifths of the world’s pineapple exports were Malayan. But the industry was already in need of reorganisation, for the canneries
      Straits Times, Dec. 30  -  269 words
    • 507 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 3. Can parliamentary democracy succeed in Asia? Mr. Tan Slew Sin’s anxious thoughts on the subject, confided to the Penang Rotary Club on New Year’s Eve, will be shared by many Malayans but, understandably, within the narrower compass of the Malayan setting. The severe
      —Straits Times, Jan. 3.  -  507 words
    • 407 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 3. The Federation is not going to be able to eat its way out of the pineapple crisis. More’s the pity. To eat imported fruit when millions of pines are going to waste may be morally a crime, as the Minister of Agriculture says,
      —Straits Times, Jan. 3.  -  407 words
    • 658 4 —Straits Times, Jan. 5 One of the achievements of 1958 which has had less than its proper share of attention was the addition of 48 million people to the world’s population. It has not gone unremarked by the United Nations Population Commission, but it is not
      —Straits Times, Jan. 5  -  658 words
    • 279 4 —Straits Times. Jan. 5 A controversy is developing in Singapore City Council over the delegation of powers to standing committees. At the last meeting, the Mayor successfully moved for powers to be delegated to the public utilities and health committees. As a result, the public utilities committee
      —Straits Times. Jan. 5  -  279 words
    • 262 4 Nkrumah’ s Way —Straits Times, Jan. 2. Ghana’s Prime Minister, Dr. Nkrumah, now visiting India, told the Indian Council of World Affairs that Ghana society was “fundamentally democratic in character.” But some of the actions of his Government appear to be attempts to revive and strengthen the old autocratic traditions.
      —Straits Times, Jan. 2.  -  262 words

  • 1012 5 As 1958 draws to a close our commentator wipes the dust off his plastic < crystal ball to give you a taste of things to come KUALA LUMPUR riNCE more here are extracts from Old Bartlett’s Almanack for the coming year. And I hope
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  • 397 5 IPOH, Dec. 28. EXPORTS, and consequently production, of iron ore for its only overseas market —Japan—has reached the limit, Mr. S. K. Jagatheesan, managing partner of the Malaya Mining Co., told the Straits Times to- day. Mr. Jagatheesan’s gloomy forecast for the future
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  • 65 5 PENANG. Dec. 30.—A 17-year-old schoolboy Abu Hassan bin Rejab who Is cycling round Malaya to study Malay culture has arrived in Penang after a two-week trip. Abu Hassan left his home in Muar. Johore. on Dec. 13 with only $2 50 in his pocket. A senior Sea
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  • 222 5 pENANG, Dec. 28. —The inaugural meeting of the Penang Ratepayers’ Association was held at the Khek Association here today. One of the new association’s objects is to observe the administration, conduct, operation and methods of working of the Penang State Legislative Assembly and City and
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  • 188 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 29 THERE will be a spate of elections next year. From March, the Ruler of the nine Malay states and the governors of Penang and Malacca will dissolve the existing state councils to prepare the way for elec tions to fully-elected or majority
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  • 376 6 IPOH, Dec. 29. TDK YEAR 1958 will go down in the history of Malaya as a “moment--1 oils” one for it marked the final destruction of militant Communism as a potential threat to the security of the country. In a review of the Emergency
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  • 110 6 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 1. —UMNO headquarters here today ruled that the Singapore UMNO decision to expel city councillor Mohamcd SharifT bin Dollah was constitutional. Inche Ismail bin Yusof, the UMNO secretary-gene-ral said this to the Straits Times. Inche Mohamed SharifT was expelled
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  • 217 6 L r U A L A LUMPUR, Dec. 29. —The Federation's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence, Dato Abdul Razak bin Hussein, will officially announce over Radio Malaya on Jan. 4 1959 the splitting of the pan-Malayan Department of Broadcasting. The
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  • 265 6 Dec. 29. The Singapore Government is prepared to study counter proposals from rice merchants who are against its stockpile system. Mr J. M. Jumabhoy, the Minister for Commerce and Industry, said this today in reply to protests from traders. In an interview with
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  • 30 6 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29—The birthday anniversary of Sri Sarada Devi. the Holy Mother, will be celebrated at the Ramakrishna Mission auditorium. Norris Road, at 6.30 on Jan. 1, 1959.
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  • 292 6 ‘BRITANNICA* PROMISE TO ALTER ARTICLE Dec. 29. The Encyclopaedia Britannica is to revise its section which describes the Malay race as lazy, dishonest and immoral. This follows a protest from the Borita Harian to the encyclopaedia's publishers. The Berita Harlan Editor-In-Chief yesterday received a
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  • 278 7 PARTY’S 12-POINT PLAN FOR SINGAPORE SINGAPORE, Dec. 2d. T1IK Singapore People’s Alliance tonight announced a 12-point plat- form designed *’to safeguard what is good, and abolish what is evil and detrimental to the interests of the people." The platform was agreed to at an extraordinary
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  • 154 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 29. T'HE Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council is to revalue properties in the town. Work will begin next month and will continue for two and a half years. The programme will cover 30.000 properties. Four experts from England will arrive here on Jan.
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  • 157 7 LOR STAR. Dec. 29.—Joget girls here today joined a protest against the Kedah Government’s decision to increase entertainment licence fees. The new rates, which will come into force on Jan. 1 1959. are from two to 30 times higher than present charges. The spokesman
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  • 434 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. T'HE Minister for Commerce and Industry, Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, has again given an undertaking that the operation of protection in Singapore will be carried out with the minimum of possible damage to the entrepot trade. He stated this in his
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  • 151 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. Although the rate of Muslim divorces in relation to marriages has decreased in the Rust four years, Muslim leaders here continue to be worried by the high level ol broken marriages. The highest ligure in recent years was reached in
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  • 395 7 Kuala lumpur. Dec.j 29—The Secretary to the Treasury, Mr. A. H. P. Humphreys, told the Straits Times today that the Federation Government welcomed the international step which had just been taken towards full convertibility between sterling and hard currency. Commenting on the new sterling
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  • 174 7 It’ s preventive measure only, says consular spokesman pENANG, Dec. 28. —The Indonesian consulate in Penang is to make a private check on the movements of Indonesians living in Penang, Kedah and Perlis. A spokesman of the Indonesian embassy in Kuala Lumpur who is now here told the Straits Times
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  • 324 8 THK Chinese Chamber of Com--1 nierce here today decided to make a joint protest with the European, Indian, and .Malay Chambers of Commerce, against the (Jovernment move to give itselt powers to enable it to impose cus- SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. toms duties on
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  • 384 8 K. LUMPUR, Dec. 29 TDK incidence of almost every type of crime in the Federation has taken a big jump upward, making this year the blackest since the war. There have been more than 40 murders, five attempted murders and numerous robberies, housebreaking and
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  • 22 8 KUAI.A LUMPUR. Dec. 30. < unities to Communist rr<,r ts nr to security forr/v' re reported in the Federal n today.
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  • 288 8 I/UALA LUMPUR, Dec. 30.—The Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, has warned Malayan In- j dians to beware of people who play on mistrust and suspicion j among the various communities. In a message to the MIC Kuala Langat branch, which celebrated Its sixth anniversary during the
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  • 349 8 KlIALA LUMPUR. 1Y Dec. 30. —Rule out suspicion, slum mistrust :uul cry down en\v. This is the New Year message from the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, to the Straits Times today. “Let your heart be tolerant. your mind
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  • 48 8 SINGAPORE. Dec. 30.—The Coroner. Mr. Gi-am Chon;* Hing. has ordered an inquiry into the death of Theresa Woo. 30, tourist guide and former reporter, who was found strangled in her Bournemouth Road home on Dec. 14. The inquiry will be held on Jan. 21.
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  • 178 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 30. —Malay leaders I here today expressed satisfaction that the Encyclopaedia Britannica has undertaken to revise the section which describes the Malay race as lazy, dishonest and immoral. I They praised Berita Harlan tor taking the initiative in writing to the Encyclopaedia’s
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 39 8 SUBSCRIPTION (PAYABLE HI i RATES Quarterly Half-yearly me oiraus Budget can be sent by express air delivery service to the United Kingdom only at an inclusive rate of $24.00 for six months. (All The Above Are lo Malayan Currency)
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  • 163 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 31.— The Governor, Sir William Goode, said today the first and allimportant step tor Singapore in 1959 was to choose wisely those who would form the new Government. “This is no time to allow Singapore to fall Into the hands of
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  • 56 9 PENANG. Dec. 30.—'Two new women Justices of the Peace. Mrs. Ung Guan Hoe and Mrs. Edith Massang, were entertained to a tea party yesterday evening by the women’s section of the Penang MCA. Another woman J.P., Che Dasimah binte Dasir, chairman of the Penang UMNO
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  • 355 9  -  By PATRICIA MORGAN SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. —A diamond and platinum tiara, ordered by the Federation Government as part of the $60,000 crown jewels for the Raja Permaisuri Agong, has been completed in Singapore. It is expected to be
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  • 241 9 K. LUMPUR. Jan. 2. BANK OF CHINA I A here today stopped giving overdrafts and asked its clients to return their passbooks. This is regarded as the first step in closing down its operations in the Federation. Clients have also been told that the bank
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  • 159 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 28.— The Government is to provide bursaries for poor Malay students to help them carry on their studies in English secondary schools. The Permanent Secretary to the Education Ministry, Mr. Lee Siow Mong, disclosed this at the annual meeting of the Malay Education
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  • 35 9 JOHORE BAHRU, Dec. 29 Mr. K. Kumaran has been nominated to the Johore Bahru Town Council in place of Mr. R Vaithilingam who has been unable to accept re-nomination for health reasons.
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  • 120 9 DENANG, Jan. 2. 1 Police started the new year here yesterday with an operation to check up on pintables. Police parties visited arcades in amusement parks and other parts of the city. But they found them closed. Coffee shops with pin-tables had also stopped
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  • 156 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 31. Singapore ended the year with two unsettled strikes involving about 260 workers. The strikes are at the Singapore Glass Manufacturers Co. in Henderson Road and at the Lian Tai restaurant in Geylang Road. Leaders of the Singapore General Employees’
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  • 829 10 JOHORE BAHRU, Dec. 30. THE PINEAPPLE crisis is over. The canneries will begin accepting smallholders' fruit again almost immediately. A shili'inctil issued lure tonight niter rm •ill d,i\ meeting nl the executive committee (>t‘ llic M ihvun Pinenppte Industry Hoard said: I hr growers will meet
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  • 186 10 MALACCA. Jan. 2. NINE secret society leaders were held by the Malacca Police during 1958, of which live have been nlaced unaer restricted residence in various ij v ii v u v/ v parts of the state. The Malacca CID chief. Mr Jogindcr Singh,
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  • 53 10 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 2 Th»* Pahang Government has gazetted two enactments to authorise the borrowing ol up to $2,325,000 for development in the state. A sum of $1,325,000 is for a water supply scheme at Bentong and $1 million for buildings and equipment required for modernising the
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  • 41 10 JOHOHE BAHRU. Jan. 'j ■> Phllomena James who v a teacher in Muar. and Che Maim uiiah blntc Sarnia a local t. achrr. have lelt ()f l' ucta r course of traind- at Kirkby College I n l Jo ni
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  • 68 10 SINGAPORE, Jan 2 Dr C’.A Gibson-Hill has been elected president of the Photographic Society of Singapore at its general moe 1 mg. Other officials an*- Vicepresidents. Mr. Luke \\j up Dio and Mr. PL Chan 1 m*cr«*tAry. Dr. Boon Tiong; v' L ■‘•nvtaric.-. Mr \Vao
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  • 158 10 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 30. A DECISION on the future of Wan Abdul Hamid. the former Johore assistant state secretary, who was arrested in Johore Bahru on Dec. 10, on his return from Britain after six years, may be known this
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  • 111 10 SINGAPORE. Dec. 30. The Singapore Government has detained a second cargo of food from Formosa for chemical tests. The first cargo of 250 cases of bamboo shoots was held up on Dec. 1C following reports from Formosa that 98 per cent oi canned food nrepared there
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  • 158 10 Kuala lumpur. Dec. 30. Thieves with a laste for and knowledge of precious stones last night burgled the house of an Australian couple in Ampang Road here and took $7,500 worth of jewels. Mr. C.E. Cagnacci. manager of tin* tractor and equipment division of
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  • 117 10 SINGAPORE. Dec. 30. The Chinese Chamber of Commerce today decided to support local rice dealers’ demand that the Government should abandon the rice stockpile system. They will send a delegation to see the Chief Minister, Tun Lim Yew Hock, and the Minister for Commerce and
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  • 109 10 SINOAPORE, Dec. 30.—New$ has been received of the death in London of Dorr Maude iDenny* Murray, wife of Mr. j Dalton Murray, formerly of the General .s staff in Singapore Mrs. Murray died in a Lon<mn hospital on Dec. 13, a«*pc 34
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  • 278 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. 31. Central Board of Pineapple Packers today denied an allegation that Singapore and Johore canneries had infringed statutory regulations in refusing to accept smallholders’ fruit. In a statement issued after a meeting here at which the CBPP's legal adviser. Mr. David Marshall, was present,
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  • 105 11 PENANG. Dec. 31. The Penang Straits Chinese British Association will contest elections in future. This decision was approved in principle by the annual meeting held at the Rubber Trade Association premises last night. The meeting also agreed to ask the incoming committee to consider
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  • 693 11 SINGAPORE. Jan. 31. —The Mayor, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, in a policy speech today, outlined the City Council’s targets for next; year. He told councillors at an ordinary meeting: “The emphasis of our work shall continue to be on providing more standpipes, creches,
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  • 82 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 30. A member of the Federation legal service has been given a top iob in North Borneo Mr Yap Yook Siew. senior assistant registrar. Supreme Court, leaves next month for Tesselton as AdministratorGeneral and Registrar of the High Court. Jesselton Mr Yap.
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  • 661 11 THE KING’ S SIX-POINT MESSAGE FOR PEACE KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 31. THE Yang di-Pertuan Agong told the people tonight that the solidarity of the nation would prevent disloyal elements from wrecking the efforts of loyal citizens. The King, in a New Year’s live broadcast, asked Malayans to look towards the
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  • 591 12 AWARDS FOR 41 IN NEW YEAR HONOURS LIST SINGAPORE, Doc. 31. The Queen has recognised the services of civilians and Servicemen in Singapore and the Federation in her New Year honours list announced this morning. Three* knights were named in the shortest New Year list
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  • 102 12 PENANG. Dec. 30.—The president of the Penang Straits Chinese British Association. Mr. Heah Joo Seang, said today the association supported a merger between the Federation and Singapore. “They are indissolubly linked.” he told the annual meeting this afternoon. “It may be said that Singapore
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  • 39 12 KUALA KANGSAR. Dec. 31. —lnche Hamid bin Haji Mohamed Razalli. of the Rural and Industrial Development Authority. Port Dickson, has been transferred here to succeed Inche Ghazali bin Haji Abdul Jabar, who has gone to Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 317 12 KOTA TIX(i(lI, Dec. 31. 'fHE last black area in Johore was made white today, bringing the Emergency in the State to an end. It was the most significant declaration ever heard in Johore, marking the end of 10 years of grim no-quarter fighting. When
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  • 431 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 31. OPPOSITION councillors were outvoted 17 to 14 i n the City Council today in their attempt to place two party leaders on the council’s new finance and general purposes committee. One of the opposition members. Mr. J. C. Corera
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  • 241 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 30,-Soap manufacturers today disputed a statement by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry that they are keening up production and employment despite the Federdut°y nS 20 P r Cent lmport A spokesman for the manufacturers said: “The Ministry’s statistics are correct. But they are
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  • 406 13 ALOR STAR, Dec. 31. THE FEDERATION Minister of Commerce 1 and Industry, Mr. Tan Siew Sin, tonight strongly criticised “adventurers and opportunists” who seek to disrupt 1,000 years of Si no-Malay friendship. Their aims, he said, were doomed from the start because the Malays and Chinese
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  • 165 13 MR. YAP PHENG GECK, vice-president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, advised Singapore citizens to watch carefully every step taken forward in 1959. “There will be a tremendous change and rearrangement in the affairs of every citizen of Singapore in 1959,” he said. “It will
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  • 18 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Jpn. I. No emergency casualties or incidents have been reported in the Federation today.
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  • 49 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 4. The secetary of the Negri Sembiian branch of the National Union of Plantation Workers. Mr K. Mariasoosai, will leave for Calcutta next week. He will attend a threemonth course at the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions College t here.
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  • 245 13 JYUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 28. —Malay launguage teachers were assured today that all those attending the educational conference organised by the Malayan Teachers National Congress could use the national language or English or Chinese or Tamil. The assurance was given oy the secretary-general of thr
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  • 50 13 IPOH, Jan. 1. The chairman of the Ipoh Town Council. Inche Abdullah bln Udl, will go to Malacca on promotion next week as State Secretary. Malacca. The Governor of Malacca, Tun Leong Yew Koh. and the Chief Minister. Dato Osman bln Talib, were also rrom Ipoh.
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  • 256 13 Trade depends on happy labour force —Mr. Lee SINGAPORE, Jan. 4. SINGAPORE’S trade depends on an efficient and smooth working harbour upon which its happiness, prosperity and welfare ultimately will flourish or fail, writes Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, legal adviser to the Harbour Hoard Staff Association, in its 12th anniversary
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  • 88 13 Kuala lumpur. Dec. 3i As the Federation’s new territorial army is born tomorrow, the Federation Volunteer Force. formed 56 years, ago. will cease to exist. Its 1.050 officers and men will be absorbed into the territorial army, which will slowly expand into a battalion for
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  • 28 13 MERSING. Dec. 31.—Two independent candidates, Mr. Chan Ju San and Mr. Tan Liang Seng, have been elected to the Merslng Kechll Council for a three-year term
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  • 143 13 SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. A spokesman for the Singapore branch of UMNO said today that Inche Mohamed Shariff bin Dollah, was not entitled to demand a conference to discuss his expulsion from the party. Inche Shariff. a city councillor, was expelled for allegedly voting for
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  • 385 13 MNGAPORE. Dec. 31. —ln his New Year message, the Chief Minister, Tun Lim Yew Hock today reminded the people of Singapore that 1959 would be their own year of challenge and decision. “It is the year in which we shall choose the men and
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  • 308 14 PENANG, Dec. .11. The Minister for lonmieice and Industry. 'lr Tan Mew Si.i, said today that as a result of political apathy, the standard of candidates contesting elections at all levels In the urban areas has been distressingly low." “The position Is such that
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  • 120 14 A LOR STAR. Jan. 1. A Kedah stale councillor and president of the state M.1.C.. Mr. K. K. Nair, last night appealed to the Federation Government to help thousands of padi planters “now living in poverty.’ Mr. Nair. who was speakini; at a
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  • 224 14 lOHORE BAHRU, Jan. 1. —The on-off pineapple crisis is on again. A meeting between represent;! lives ol the growers :m<l runners here tcxkiy ended in deadlock idler the parties tailed lo :igree on the price to he piiid for the fruit. The Straits Times
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  • 135 14 Offered his old job at the Chung Cheng but he says no SINGAPORE. Doc. 31. The management committee 0 f the Chung Chong; High School recently ottered to reengage Dr Chuang Chu Lin, who was released several months ago after having been detained under a Banishment Order, as
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  • 72 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 1. Alliance candidates were returned to all lour seats in the Temerloh Town Council elections on Dec. 30. Mr. Goh Ann Alliance) beat Inche Zainal Abidin bin All (Socialist Front) by 63 votes m the north ward. The other three were returned unopposed Inche
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  • 73 14 SINGAPORE, Dec. 30.—Six Australian university students will arrive in the Charon tomorrow for a twomonth tour of Singapore. Malaya and Siam as guests of members of the Colombo Plan Students’ Association in Adelaide'. The tour is organised by Asian students at the Adelaide University. While here the
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  • 112 14 KI’ALA Ll’MPt’R, Jan. I. Constable Ahmad bin Mohamed, 24, of High Street police station, was injured when his revolver went off yesterday evening while he was trying to get into a car. Police stated that the re. volver fell out
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  • 54 14 SINGAPORE. Dec. 31.—The rubber market ended the year’s trading here today with Russia in the market again tor fairly substantial quantities. Russia had been out of th»* market since the first hail of November. The demand for January first grade sent the price up to
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  • 37 14 SINGAPORE. Dec. 30.—The Kampong Soo Poo branch of the Liberal Socialist Party has decided that all its committee members should resign en bloc “to give their unequivocal support” to the Singapore People’s Alliance
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  • 267 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 1 The Ulu Selangor District, the only black area in Selangor, where lour notorious terrorists are still lurking, was today declared a "selected area.’* The State and District War Executive Committees decided this stop in view of the improved Emergency situation.
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  • 188 14 SINGAPORE. Jan. 1. Six visiting Australian university students spent New Year s Day in Asian homes here. The students, wno are on a short tour ot Malaya and Siam, arrived in Singapore yesterday aboard the liner Charon. Their tour is sponsored by
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  • 75 14 PENANG, Dec. 31. Five children suspected to be suffering from polio have been admitted to the Penang General Hospital during the past week, the chief Medical officer, Dr. Tan Hor Kee. said today. “But there is no cause for alarm,’’ he said. “\Vt are
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  • 63 14 KOTA BHARU. Jan. 1. Two more schools for aborigine children will be opened soon. The state “minister” for works, Inehe Mohamed bin Idris, who is also a member of the State Education Board, lold the Straits Times today that the board was looking for two teachers
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  • 434 15 SINGAPORE. Jan. 2. SINGAPORE and Johore canners made two offers to growers today to end the crisis in the pineapple industry. They arc: $40,000 unconditional gift t 0 the >mall?rowers pending determined workable price for their fruit, and new price
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  • 267 15 PENANG, Jan. 2 rTHE Federation and Singapore governments are working out amendments to the immigration ordinances in both territories as a matter of “some urgency.” A spokesman of the Federation immigration headquarters in Penang told the Straits Times today that talks had reached
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  • 160 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 2. \S in o.her parts of the world the number of bed A tiims in Malaya is growing, the Governement announced today. It added that bed-bugs were becoming resistant to residual insecticides and the onlv way to get rid of th* m
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  • 37 15 KUANTAN. Jan. 1. The P'deral Government has aloeated to Pahang $700,000 lor 1 1'-ap housing schemes r hcse schemes will be in tne town council areas of Kuantan, Bentong, Kuala l-ipis and Pekan.
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  • 121 15 ¥POH. Jan. 2.— Perak trade union leader, Mr. C.H. Yin, has resigned his three-month old presidentship of the Federation of Clerical and Administrative Staffs Union. Mr. Yin. who took over leadership of the Federation when the union was in trouble with the registrar
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  • 143 15 KUCHING, Jan. 2.—The general purposes committee of the Kuching Municipal Council has decided to put into effect very strict control on strip-tease stage shows. on strip-tease stage shows. It was stated in the meeting that several shows from Singapore and Hong
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  • 175 15 iyNGAPORE, Jan. 2. The Australian Comniissioner, Mr. D. W. McNicol, today praised Malayan students for f heir “kind and nice” gesture in inviting Australian underpraduates to visit this country. He was referring to the visit here of six Australian
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  • 116 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Jan. 2. The Federation Government’s $5O million loan at 5£ per cent, interest has been substantially oversubscribed, the Secretary to the Treasury, Dato A. H. P. Humphrey, told the Straits Times today. Applications, wnich opened on Dec. 23,
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  • 45 15 KUCHING. Jan. 2,—The Chicago Natural History Museum has granted the Sarawak Museum $3,000 to assist work at the Niah Caves this year. The money will be used for the collection and study of fish and reptiles in the area.
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  • 33 15 PARIT BUNTAR, Jan. 2. Inche Hisham oin Mat Piah, deputy assistant district officer. Krian. will be leaving here on transfer to Teluk Anson, where he will take up a similar appointment.
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  • 534 16 Eat more pines’ campaign to save 16,000 KUALA LUMPUR, Jan. 2. rrilE FEDERATION (lovernment today launched “Operation Pine--1 apple” to save at least 16,000 people whose livelihood is threatened because of the pineapple crisis. An emergency unit under the chief marketing officer, Inche Hussein bin Ibrahim, has been established to
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  • 182 16 SINGAPORE. Jan. 2. MOUNTAINS and caves have an irresistabie lure lor Mrs. Isabella Haller who is in Singapore honina to lind someone to take her to Batu Caves. 1 As the only woman member of Associated Swiss CaveExplorers, Mrs. Haller is
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  • 317 16 SINGAPORE, Jan. 2. T'HS small island had neither the space nor the market for anv great industrial development. Mr. J. M. Mason, said vesterdav. A or; would the capital required for anv such development he lorthcoining until there was political
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  • 49 16 PENANG. Jan. 2.—A former secret society leader who has been excluded from the state for five years was picked up at Church Street Pier last night. The man. "exiled” on Sept. 17. 1956. was arrested when he stepped off the ferry -at about 11.30 pm
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  • 166 16 LUMPUR Jan. 2.—A German who los: a leg during World War II when he stepped on a mine in Stalingrad is going round the world on mopeds (auto-cycles) with a friend. He is Mr. Georg Knobei 36 an engineer lrom Ingolstadt. West Germany.
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  • 119 16 KLANG, Jan. 2. The National Union of Railwaymen today called on the Railway Administration to end the 33 day “work to rule” campaign by 5.')0 workers at Port Swettenham. In a letter to the general manager of the Malayan Railway, Mr. G.
    119 words
  • 137 16 J/UALA LUMPUR. Jan. 2.—The Brothers of St. Gabriel, whose Serendah Boys’ Home in Selangor is to be taken over by the Government, will transfer their work to Kuala Lumpur. The Rev. Brother Paul if the home told the Straits Times today that
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  • 107 16 BANKER: ‘WE HAVE GREAT FAITH IN NEW MALAYA TAIPING, Jan. 2.—Mr. A. L. A. Bonbernard, manager of the Mercantile Bank in Ipoh, said today at the opening of the bank’s branch here: “We have great faith in the new Malaya and believe that the best antidote to the trade depression
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  • 1194 17  - As I was saying CYNICUS SINGAPORE, Jan. 3. n 'PEN company tax \> was raised last month by 33 1/3 per the Assembly ,.,'c told that the Singapore Government's economic adusers approved. As Government has net had an economic ivisor since May, VI alone “advisers” V» 10 reference possibly wa-
    1,194 words
  • Article, Illustration
    7 17 Photo by Lai Hin Fatt
    Photo by Lai Hin Fatt  -  7 words
  • 443 17  - Countryman’ s Journal TUAN DJEK. A KIND friend took the Tuan to the Club on Christmas morning. He met several people who were there last year. Among them was the M.1.0.* with his wife who last December were looking for quarters in Kota Tinggi. Now that Operation Badak has been
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  • 125 17 (From the Straits Times of January 7, 1909.) FROM the early morning: on the Ist instant the Malay community of Singapore was in a mild state of excitement. The Malays are great water lovers and the New Year day sports was highly entertaining for the other communities
    (From the Straits Times of January 7, 1909.)  -  125 words

  • 239 18 KUAN YEW, SHERIDAN OFF TO NEW DELHI JURISTS CONGRESS SINGAPORE, Jan. 4 The secret-ary-general of the People’s Action Party. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. who is also a prominent lawyer, today boarded a CPA airliner for New Delhi to attend the International Congress
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  • 433 18 K LUMPUR, Jan. 1 4. The Federation’s independent broadcasting service was inaugurated today with a promise by the (Jovernment to meet the wishes of the people in every way possible. Listeners were told tonight in an opening broadcast by the Deputy
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  • 334 18 SINGAPORE, Jan. 4. RADIO Singapore was born today when the Chief Minister, Tun Lim Yew Hock, oiTicially declared the service open by delivering a five-minute talk after the 1.30 p m. news. In a clear voice, the Chief Minister began with the new station’s slogan “Anika
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  • 32 18 JOHORE BAHRU. Jan. 4 Inspector B. H. Henry on completion of a special course of training at Dudun Tua, Selangor, has been posted to the Police Field Force at Kulai
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  • 225 18 POH, Jan. 4—Malaya today “offers as many opportunities to its young people as any of the leading prosperous countries in the world,” said the Minister of Education, Inchc Mohamed Khir bin Johari. “Today more than ever we need doctors, engineers,
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  • 148 18 JESSELTON, Jan. 4.—A village youth armed with a stick fought a duel with a venom-spitting 10-ft. king cobra and killed it though the snake had sunk its fangs on his foot. The youth died two hours after the battle while the villagers
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  • 230 18 ft OTA BHARU, Jan. 2. —Two district officers will resign from Government service to contest the federal elections this year and two serving federal councillors will withdraw to contest the state elections. Kelantan will have 30 memoers for its Assembly and 10 members for
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  • 75 18 BUKIT MERTAJAM. Jan. 4 Survivors of the SiamBurma death railway during the Japanese occupation decided today to claim compensation from the Japanese Government. The Penang and Province Wellesley Death Railway Workers’ Association will ask for $l,OOO compensation for each surviving labourer, and $BOO for
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  • 554 19  -  By EmpText Penang, Jan. t lormidable i >i nation j?o< a JaHKHj ie Screen 'll IH u c Four^%ere| e a just nosed out Melianthus in a great finish Race Three.^ All three winners started odds-on on the win tone a dose-up thirds FUght^jl
    554 words
  • 75 19 A LUMPUR Jan 2 Mrectojfof ions, General Da to Sir CasselSßH nial farewell on Jan 7 .ie files hflek to Britain. e wJF ot a V and nnllee <nis*rri nf h r for the aenera? The p« and -twd n bands will nlav that will be repre-
    75 words
  • 1061 19 > u. .»dvi *r ->. HMU4 nil i -mm armriw m M-Monin.ini i 9y MOftMAM fiUBBSI p 0 U R sportsmen rj. and, one sportsgirl get Sportsfroot’s accolade as the foremost Malayan athle- tes of 1958 They are Tan Howe Liang (Singapore) Rahim Ahmad
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 41 19 mmm <q**» zz 99ftot v zmmVwml tmi* '8TSMI **S*tI ■wcts* hum tints JMfl! tON :<H»» •0#‘I*> NOIXV70SN03 mi.| Jtm tints mam :<. Ufa) ssxitvi <w‘8 *> tuns -oul <w«if> nmz ON pus («ss*srt) twit 'on *«i OTfttl* 700X T I Z2 8®; mb,
      41 words

  • 901 20 SHARE MARKET By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Jan. 5. THE Malayan Share Market closed 1058 on a generally steady note which was surprising as the market during the year was subject to waves of extreme depression in sentiment. In retrospect pernaps some of the prognostications have
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  • 284 20 by Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Jan. 3. WHEN the Singapore Tin Market opened yes TT terday the estimated offering was 150 tom or the highest for nearly three months. It wait- the first day s trading in the’ flftl control period imposed by the
    284 words
  • 264 20 SINGAPORE, Jan. 2. /Ance again ine Singapore U Rubber Market has beer Interrupted by seaaona holiday, but the volume continued good, aitnougn. apart from ouying January shipment to Odessa uk majority of business has been confined to tidying up and some swucnlng operation beiore tne end ol
    264 words
  • 28 20 tin rubber L per p4cu, > ,b Dec. 29 $385.62 83% eta. M $385.12* s4* eta 31 $383.50 84% ©ta, Jan. 2 $381.62 85 eta 3 $381.86
    28 words
  • 896 20 SINGAPORE, Jan. 3. INUoTKIaLS Du yen Sellers Ale* Buck* 1.60 1.80 Ords 1.30 8.30 I®* 11.00 Kd (buyers* B B. f eyol 60/- If Trustees 6.00 6.60 Coo. Tin Smelt Pr«f 18/8 17/8 Ords 87/8 88/8 Pea Dispensary 1.07 1.09 Prater k Neeve Bref 4.16 4.36 Ords
    896 words
  • 207 20 The Malayan Share Brokers* Association reported on Jan. 1: "There was selective support for both Industrials and rubbers Tina were featureless. The turnover was smaU." Singapore brokers reported the following business: Fed. Dispensary $1.07 (O), $1.08; Gammon $1.75 and sl.7s; W. Hammer $1.60; Henry Waugh $1.30; Malayan Cement
    207 words