The Straits Budget, 19 November 1958

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 34 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER New Series 639. Singapore, November 19, 1958. Price 40 cents (Malaya) or 1 Shilling. (k H._k. A V a.. i f
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 68 1 4 The new LRH 410 LATEX CONCENTRATOR Expert advice readily and freely given by I Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., and McAlister Co., Ltd. .1 Specialized servicing given our Ipoh workshop at DE LAV EL WORKSHOP IPOH v m t.- m m m m m v m v v' m m DE
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    • 246 2  -  ELSIE. Kuala Lumpur. VOUR correspondent of November 8. Mr. Goh Kha Pheow, who supported the suggestion of the dismissal of married women, completely fails to realise that the majority of married women have children to support, and that many by force of circumstances
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    • 116 2  -  RATEPAYER Singapore. IN the Saturday Forum recently a correspondent, “Toothache”, complained about the shortage of surgeons and lack of facilities at the dental clinic at the General Hospital. and suggested improvements. Considering the financial difficulties the Colony Government is facing now. I doubt
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    • 85 2  -  GOH KHAY PHEOW Singapore. rE suggestion that married women whose husbands are in well-paid Jobs should vacate their Jobs is a sound one. Such a gesture on the part of married women will do much to relieve unemployment In the country. However. I doubt whether
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    • 92 2  -  A. FRASER-BRUNNER Curator. Van Kleef Aquarium Singapore. I AM glad to see in youT columns that Dr. Hans Hass enjoyed his visit to Raffles Lighthouse. It is a well-known collectingground for zoologists, and the Uni verity of Malaya has a small laboratory there. Moreover, the general public of
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    • 147 2  -  UNEMPLOYED Singapore. THE resolution p f the Federation ir vices Unions ask.r xhl Chief Minister to r i le British Oovernnu to agree to discharg< vp<s and children of personnel before k.r m ployees are discha; redundant, gives ri very pertinent pom ,th H"*. the
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    • 453 2  -  PENGIRAN MOIII). YUSUF State Information Ofliter Brunei. VyiTH reference to a re- port In the Straits Times of Oct. 20. in which your correspondent interviewed His Highness tfw Sultan of Brunei at the Istana Darul Hana, the public in Borneo have drawn the conclusion
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 55 2 mm 6 Cv KOJAK 6 u il 7 A V X •:*.:> 5S*S •V V v ‘TW sw 44 r J m'iii •zx > v w M if’* WHAT'S WRONG WITH A 6000 MALAYAN OlSM?^ The chairman of the People's Action Party, Dr. Toti Cam Chye t has described tae
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 561 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 11 The Supply Bill, published ja>t week, hinted at economies m Federal expenditure and probably an over-all cut in Budgetary expenditure next aar. The estimates this M orning confirm this. While recurrent expenditure is up By $25 million, special exI enditure is down by
      —Straits Times. Nov. 11  -  561 words
    • 240 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 11 Where before the doctors of Malaya spoke with two voices, they will now speak with one the Malayan Medical Association. Hitherto two organisations The Alumni Association of the King Edward VII College and the Malayan branch of the British Medical Association have represented the
      —Straits Times. Nov. 11  -  240 words
    • 211 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 12 Agreement by the oil workers’ unions to negotiate new wage contracts with two of the three companies with whom they are in dispute has removed the fear that this morning the men would strike and Singapore be facing a disconcerting issue. The third company,
      —Straits Times. Nov. 12  -  211 words
    • 588 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 12. Mr. Lim Yew Hock’s call for a united front to safeguard Singapore’s permanent interests against “destructive forces” has attracted wider support than appeared likely only a month, or even a week, ago. The Singapore People’s Alliance is led by men drawn from three
      —Straits Times. Nov. 12.  -  588 words
    • 368 3 —Straits Times, Nov. 14 Whatever the challenge Mr. David Marshall may offer to the dissolution of the Workers’ Party, of which he is—or was —chairman, the party ceases to exist as an effective political organisation as a result of the special meeting of its executive last week.
      —Straits Times, Nov. 14  -  368 words
    • 409 3 —Straits Times. Nov. 17. A resolution to be moved by the Mayor, Mr. Ong Eng Guan, at today’s meeting of the Singapore City Council, will seek the Council’s dissolution on the ground that “it no longer reflects public opinion.*' At the Council’s last meeting, in which there was
      —Straits Times. Nov. 17.  -  409 words
    • 670 4 —Straits Times. Nov. 13. What Mr. Ong Eng Guan calls the “crisis” in the Singapore City Council has produced a proposal for the complete revision of th? committee system which is the basis ol the British system of local government. The British system, as Mr.
      —Straits Times. Nov. 13.  -  670 words
    • 301 4 —Straits Times. Nov. 15 The December Municipal elections in Kuala Lumpur will not bring about revolutionary change in the Council. Only four of the twelve elected seats are at stake, left vacant by Alliance councillors retiring after their year's term. Nor can it be claimed that the Federal
      —Straits Times. Nov. 15  -  301 words
    • 232 4 —Straits Times, Nov. 17 Mr. Brian Goodrich, Singapore’s Assistant Police Commissioner, is right when lie says that the ultimare answer to the problem of secret societies is “collective resistance” by the public. Given full public co-opera-tion, there is no doubt that gangsterism could be ended within a few
      —Straits Times, Nov. 17  -  232 words
    • 188 4 —Straits Times. Nov. 14. By seeking asylum in the Indonesian Embassy in Manila, the third ranking Filipino Communist has embarrassed the Indonesian Government to an extent that may provoke crisis in relations between the two countries. Saulo is the propagandist chief of the Communist Huk rebels. But
      —Straits Times. Nov. 14.  -  188 words
    • 556 4 —Straits Times. Nov. 17. Although a great deal has been said of the gross exploitation of shop assistants and workers in related trades, much of the evidence laid before the Federation’s Wages Council Commission has power to shock and shame. The Commission’s comment is that by and
      —Straits Times. Nov. 17.  -  556 words
    • 218 4 —Straits Times, Nov. 13 It is doubtful if many children or even adults are aware that every time they eat a moon cake they are saluting the memory of a band of revolutionary heroes in ancient Chinese history. Similarly, the dragon boat festival is being celebrated in
      —Straits Times, Nov. 13  -  218 words

  • 959 6 C I N G A P 0 R E Nov. H. —The Mayor, Mr. Ong Eng (Juan, told the Singapore City Council today that the 1959 budget showed a complete reversal of the practices of more than a century of colonial municipal
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  • 182 6 V LUMPUR. Nov <j 1V# —A British corporal was killed when a helicopter flying on a merev mission over the thick jungle-clad hills „t Pahang crashed io miles north of Furr Telanok yesterday evening. The helicopter, commanded by Muster Pilot Clark, was sent to Fort
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  • 504 6 Mayor wants 5 to 10 full-time councillors, Speaker gINC.APORE, Nov. 9. —The Mayor Mr. Ong Eng (Juan, today outlined his plan for a cabinet system of local government to solve the present “crisis” in the City Council. In a statement criticising
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  • 167 6 PENANG, Nov. 10.—A Fean* Muslim leader today urged that Remembrance Day be no longer observed as a public ceremony. “It might be more appropri ate to confine it only to members of the militar' forces,” said Tuan Haji M. YusofF, a member oi the local
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  • 1582 7 Attack on estimates but City Council passes $3.8 m. credit SINGAPORE, k Nov. 6. —The City (ouncil today passed 1959 budget which shows an estimated surplus of $3.8 m i I lion —an estimated income of $125.6 million against expenditure of $121.8 million. The estimated surplus would have been nearer
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  • 379 7 SINGAPORE, Nov. 3. —The Mayor’s proposals to run the City Council under a Cabinet system, as in the central government, was described today as another of his schemes while labouring under a sense of crisis. Mr. Ong Eng Guan’s proposal: Form a cabinet
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  • 1447 8  -  By L. C. HOFFMAN Editor-in-chief SINGAPORE. Nov. 8. r rHE Straits Times has been accused by the Member for Tanjong Pamir and secretary-general of the Peoples Action Party. Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, of having caused panic among the people of Singapore by
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  • 474 8 SINGAPORE, Nov 7The Minister for Health. Mr. A. J. Braga, left tonight by JAL for a two-week holiday in Japan and Hons: Kong pleased and angrv. PLEASED at the news that 29.000 children had now been immunised with Sabin vaccine. ANGRY at reports
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  • 198 8  -  By HARRY MILLER K LUMPUR. Nov. 7. Lieut. General Sir James Cassels will relinquish his appointment as Director of Emergency Operations in the Federation in the first week of January. His work will be handled by Maj.-Gen. F. H. Brooke in addition to his duties as Chief
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  • 409 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 7. THE FEDERATION Government has been asked to establish a polio research unit at the Institute of Medical Research here. The Medical and Health Advisory Council made the recommendation today after a daylong conference on measures to combat the polio menace in
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  • 92 9 IPOH, Nov 11.—The highest ranking terrorist in Perak, Siu Ma, a member of the Malayan Communist Party’s all-power-ful central committee, has lost the services of one of his most trusted bodyguards. A police patrol operating In deep jungle in the Ipoh area on Oct. 28.
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  • 107 9 |>UTTERWORTH, Nov. 13 7.—The third flight of Avon-Sabre jets for the R.A.A.F. station here had to break formation on their trip to Malaya. One of the jets is delayed at Labuan, British North Borneo, and another has stayed back to accompany
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  • 50 9 PENANG. Nov. 7—Malayan kapur. one of the hardest and most durable timbers produced in this country, may be used for lighting schemes in Great Britain. Specimens of this timber will be on display at a public works exhibition in London’s largest exhibition hall. Olympia, next week.
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  • 281 9  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND SINCAPORE, Nov. 7. 'J’HE tin price rose sharply here today by $2.75 per picul to $380 following the announcement in London that the export quota for the six producing countries of the International Tin Agreement would remain unchanged in the first
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  • 638 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 7. A 550 MILLION iron mining project is to be developed in thick mineral-bearing jungle in south Pahang. It should begin to produce ore by 1964 and will have sufficient equipment to enable two million tons to be exported every year if
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  • 153 9 1/ LUMPUR, Nov. 10. —Malaya is implementing the first stage of a long term million dollar a year plan by Dz. J. S. Sodhy to combat tuberculosis in the country. Tho existing tuberculosis services throughout the Federation are now being reorganised for their
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  • 1093 11 SINGAPORE, NOV. 10 FORMATION of a new political party, the Singapore People’s Alliance, with the Chief Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, as its chairman, was announced tonight. Mr. Lim said that the new party was immediately settling down to the
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  • 303 11  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND SINGAPORE, Nov. 10. jyjALAYA’S tin industry which has tightened its belt until it hurts may soon see happier days. There has been another sharp rise in the Singapore tin price today by $4.50 to $588 per picul. This has resulted in more confidence
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  • 39 11 TAN JONG MALIM, Nov. 7 Mr. Leong Kim Wah and Mr. Loo Ngiap Soon have been appointed district Home Guard officers holding tin? rank of captain for the districts of Kinta and Batan'i Padang in southern Perak.
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  • 113 11 KUANTAN, Nov. 9—The District Ollicer here, Inche Mohamed Sidek bin Abdul Latlf. said today the state government was considering whether it was appropriate to make ex-gratia compensation for damage to property and crops during monsoon floods. He told the Straits Times, that penghulus
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  • 249 11 V LUMPUR, Nov. 10. of Hindus here today celebrated their festival of lights—Deepavali —by flocking to the temples and visiting friends and relatives. Early in the morning, they ushered in the festival by taking traditional oil baths before going to the temples where
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  • 27 11 SINGAPORE. Nov. 10 Inche Syed Moh. en AlsagofT, a Singapore estate valuer, has been made a fellow of the English Association Estate Agents and Valuers.
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  • 202 12 TURF CLUB BRANCH OPENS TELUK ANSON, Nov. 11. pUNTERS in the Lower Perak district can now place off-the-course bets at a branch of the Perak Turf Club which was opened in Anson Road here today. This is the first branch office of a
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  • 148 12 Kuala lumpur, nov. u.— The Federation Government today confirmed the sending of an unofficial fiveman Muslim mission to Formosa headed by the President of the Johore Religious Department, Dato Raja Haji Omar bin Chik. The other members are a central executive committee member of the Pan-Malayan Islamic
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  • 22 12 KOTA BHARU. Nov. 11. The Rotary Club here will present a radio to the T.B. inmates of the general hospital.
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  • 115 12 I/'UALA TRENGGANU, Nov. 11. —Party Rakyat and Party Negara will fight the Alliance for three seats in the annual elections for the Besut Town Council on Dec. 1. When nominations closed yesterday the candidates were: KAMPONG RAJA WARD: Nik Mahmood bin Yaacob (Alliance).
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  • 78 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 11. •—University of Malaya graduates have been asked to nominate representatives from their guild to the Kuala Lumpur and Singapore Divisional Councils of the University. Under the new constitution. there will be eight representatives from the guild of graduates four for the
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  • 107 12 KUALA TRENGGANU. Nov. 11. The Mentri Besar. Trengganu, Dato Haji Kamaruddin bin Haji Idris, today asked Malay women to cease the habit of gossiping about the affairs of other people. Speaking at the opening of a three-day civics course for 50 members of the Women’s Institute in
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  • 130 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 9. r FHE newly-formed Malayan Ceylonese Congress 1 will contest the general elections next year, Mr. M. W. Navaratnam, the president, said today. Mr. Navaratnam was speaking at a meeting here to form the Selangor branch of the congress. He appealed to
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  • 211 12 SINGAPORE, Nov. 11. JHE Liberal Socialist Party secretariat today warned delegates to its annual conference on Nov. 9 to prepare to fight “Left-wing ex- tremism.” In a directive to the delegates, the party secretariat said: “Singapore is going left, and unless you realise this now
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  • 152 12 SINGAPORE. Nov. 11 The City Council will soon be advertising abroad for two experienced accountants and offering them short term contracts at a salary of between $1,400 and $1,900 a month. Although the posts are classed as assistant treasurers, salary range compares with that of the
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  • 186 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov li THE FEDERATION Government has drawn un a A new pay scheme for the 100 Malay teacher* who walked out of the Language Institute Johore Bharu last week protesting against th/ir scales of salary. The Minister of Defence, Dato
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  • 69 12 MR. E. J. B. ROSE. Director of the International Pres s Institute which has headquarters in Zurich who arrived in Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 10 to meet Federation newspaper editors and discuss plans for a special series of I.P.I. sponsored seminars aimed at solving some
    Straits Times picture.  -  69 words
  • 138 12 OINGAPORE. Nov. 11. —The Public Service Commission has advised the City Council to promote the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. P. C. Marcus, to Chief Administrative Officer. The Council has sought the concurrence of the Minister for Local Government. Lands and Housing. La to Abdul Hamid
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  • 1033 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 11. THE Chief Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, is to form a People’s Alliance—UMNO-M.C.A. < lulition Government for Singapore next month. It is expected that he will announce the mposition of his new Government to the Le.'slative Assembly when it meets
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  • 196 13 1/ LUMPUR. Nov. U. Tyro production in Russia shot up from 5,000.000 units a year in 1955 to nearly 13,000,000 in 1957 says the latest issue of Natural Rubber News. The publication adds: “The Soviet automotive industry has helped to pay for substantially increased
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  • 306 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 11. THE Selangor Government is looking for a site lor a second satellite town to Kuala Lumpur to house about 60,000 people. This follows its “concern" over the incrc using number of houses being built on state land by squatters. Today,
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  • 115 13 ‘Come to Penang brochures go out PENANG, Nov. I|. The Penang Tourist Association will soon send out 15,000 colo>ur brochures to woo tourists to the island. Entitled "Penang in Colour,” the brochures, printed in England and depicting 13 local landmarks and scenes, will be despatched to all countries in the
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  • 52 13 IPOH, Nov. 11—a patrol of the 2/6 Gurkha Rifles, operating in the Ipoh area jungles, found the skeleton of a terrorist on Nov. 3, it was disclosed here today. Along with the remains, scattered nearby, were a carbine. 50 rounds of ammunition, a grenade and
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  • 177 13 OINGAPORE, Ncv. 11. The executive committee of the Nanyang University Stude nts’ Union today called on the Federation Government to follow the lead of Singapore in giving aid to the university. A Student's Union statement said that as the university “belongs” to
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  • 69 13 SINGAPORE, Nov. 11.—Rubber closed at 91 7/8 cents today—its best price yet for the year and a gain of 1 1/8 cents over yesterday’s price. Good buying and improved London and New York prices were responsible. At one stage it reached 92 3/8 cents. But tin,
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  • 273 14 SEREMBAN, Nov. 12. nrrwo TOWN councillors who resigned from the Labour Party two months ago, this morning tiled their nomination papers for re-election under the Alliance banner. They are: Mr. Cheah Yen Kwee. a teacher, and Mr. Lum Teck Choon, a lawyer’s clerk, whose
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  • 105 14 If UAL A LUMPUR, Nov. 12 —The threatened demonstration by a group of jobless youths here, scheduled to take place outside the Ministry of Labour this morning, fizzled out. Last week Mr P Jagathesan. claiming to represent about 160 unemployed people called a Press
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  • 258 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 12.—The International Bank is ready to consider requests for further loans for development in Malaya. The Vice-President of the Bank, Mr. J. Burke Knapp, told the Prime Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, this today. Mr. Knapp, who is touring the Federation, met the Tengku,
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  • 386 14 SINGAPORE, Nov. 12 THE Education Minister, Mr. Chew Swee K„ said today he had joined the Simran,?,’ People’s Alliance led by the Chief Minister Vr Lim Yew Hock. 1 r 1 t Alt, He told the Straits Times: “I have all along supported
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  • 165 14 IPOH, Nov. 12. 4 ROARING trade was done at the rate of $l,OOO an hour —for the first few hours after the NAAFI Overseas Canteen Services opened its newest self-help service shop for families of Commonwealth troops in Ipoh yesterday. The garrison commander.
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  • 58 14 KOTA BHARU, Nov. 7. The Kelantan Malay Chamber of Commerce has nominated two of its members to attend the Afro-Asian economic conference starting in Cairo on Dec. 8. They are Inche Ismail bin Dato Haji Ahmad. the chamber secretary, and Inche Mohamed bin Idris Ibrahim, a committee
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  • 77 14 IPOH, Nov. 12—Musically, minded terrorists left a trumpet and a trombone in a cave in the “Operation Ginger” area of Sungei Siput, north of Ipoh. Yesterday a patrol of the 1st Bn., the Sherwood Foresters operating in the area recovered the two
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  • 164 14 ‘BOYCOTT ENDS AT PETALING JAYA PETALING JAYA. No* 12.—Six Petaling Java local councillors who “boycotted” meetings of the town committee for more than a month over a dispute regarding their “duties and responsibilities” are to resume sitting in committee next week. The reason: The councillors—four Alliance and two Labour—have obtained
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 153 14 4 THE STRAITS TIMES ANNUAL. 1959 A Chinese philosopher once said, ‘One picture »s worth a thousand words.” Only The Straits Times Annual can give you direct access to the colourful world of Malaya and South Fast Asia by sheer photographic grace. For Malayans and txMalnvans abroad the Annual is
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  • 135 15 pENANG. Nov. 12.—A City Councillor, Mr. A. Kaja Gopal (Independent) has formally requisitioned a meeting of the council to reconMitute its Assessment Appeals Committee and ensure impartiality. In a letter to the City Sectary. Mr. Raja Gopal asked jnr th.e meeting to be held on
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  • 57 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 12. The Federation’s Chief Inspector of Fire Services. Inche o>rnan bin Haji Abdul Manr.un, will visit fire brigades in the country in the next two months to judge the etticiency of firemen competing for the Suleiman Trophy presented by the Minister of Interior and
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  • 200 15 KUANTAN, Nov. 12. '•'HE price of dog flesh, which is eaten by the 1 Chinese, has gone up from 80 cents to $l.lO a kati in this east coast town. This is the normal annual increase in price coinciding with the approach of the
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  • 91 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 12. —The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce has been asked for its views regarding government’s intention to set up a wages council for shop assistants and other employees in hotels, restaurants and bars. The request to the ACCC was made by the Minister of
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  • 184 15 OENANG. Nov. 12.—A former state councillor. Mr. N. Ponnudurai. today criticised parents who neglect their children and waste their time and money “playing mahjong and keeping up with the Joneses.” He said parents could not blame juvenile delinquency on other people such as teachers. At the
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  • 32 15 IPOH Nov. 12. —Thieves broke into a house in Gunong Rapat New Village here yesterday and stole a pet monkey and jewellery worth $52. the property of A. Rayappan. 68.
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  • 136 15 IT LUMPUR, Nov. 14. —The Federation’s Minister of Finance, Col. Sir Henry Haushik Lee, said today it was likely that Malaya would ask for further loans from the International Bank to finance Us development projects. He disclosed this when interviewed by reporters as he
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  • 194 15 SINGAPORE. Nov. 12. T*HE Chief Minister, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, today assured the managements of three oil companies here and their employees’ unions that he would continue to give his personal attention to their negotiations. He will also do all he can to
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  • 56 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 12. -The Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Mr. G. S. Dass, will leave tomorrow for Rangoon to attend the sixth session of the International Labour Organisation’s regional seminar on co-operation from Nov. 17 to 29. Afterwards Mr. Dass will spend two weeks in
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  • 59 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 12 Three members of the unollicial Muslim goodwill mission to Hong Kong and Formosa this morning spent more than an hour with the Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman, at his oflice In Brockman Road here. The mission will leave by air tomorrow
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  • 372 15 SINGAPORE, Nov. 12. T'HE Singapore Certificated Teachers’ Association 1 here today urged its members to exercise patience and calm, and not to listen to malicious rumcurs aimed at splitting wider the ranks of the teachers. In a circular referring to the Government’s proposed
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  • 52 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 12 The Malayan Railway Administration announced today that the new diesel rail car service between Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur will be extended to Tampin next week. From Nov. 18 the service will leave Kuala Lumpur at 11.22 am. for Tampin and return at
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  • 49 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 12 Malayan manufacturers have been invited to take part in a trade exhibition to be held in Hong Kong from Dec. 4 to Jan 5. The Selangor Chinese Chamber of Commerce has sent circulars to its members asking those interested to contact the chamber.
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  • 391 16 JOHORE BAHRU. Nov. 13. THREE BULLETS, fired at point-blank range on the edge of the jungle north of Kulai yesterday, have ended 10 years of terror for the people of south-west Johore. The area will be declined “while” in the next few days because the
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  • 442 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 13. X” ELY E industries and more than 40 products which are to get “tax holidays” are listed today in the first notice published under the Pioneer Industries (Relief From Income Tax) Ordinance. The tax relief is designed to encourage new industries
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  • 177 16 SINGAPORE Nov n T'HE number of salary scales In the Qinw Civil Service will be reduced consideratll w P h° rC the Government completes the job of Lj™ ing” the structure of the service atlona >*^ The Chief Minister. Mr.
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  • 47 16 PENANG. Nov. 13—The Siamese flag was flown at half-mast today at the Siamese Consulate here to mourn the death of the Buddhist Patriach. Phara Vajirayawongse. who died in Bangkok on Nov. 11. Memorial services were held in various temples today by local Siamese priests.
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  • 67 16 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 13.— The vice-president of a Canadian construction company, which may tender for the Port Swettenham development project, today Hew over the port in a chartered aircraft to observe the site of the proposed new’docks. He is Mr. R. Drummond, of Angus
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  • 72 16 MALACCA, Nov. 13.—The State Government is to be asked to sponsor tourism by forming -a tourist association here on the lines of one already formed in Penang. This was decided at a meeting here today attended by Singapore’s Director of Tourism, Mr. R. A. Howlett, the Principal
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  • 203 16  -  By GEOFFREY BOLAND SINGAPORE. Nov. 13 k Th e Malayan dollar strengthened its position against the today. It now stands at “normal top” for the first time since December 1956. Today’s rise of another 1/32 of a penny puts the Malayan Exchange Banks' Association s rates
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  • 85 16 JESSELTON, Nov. 13. T u North Borneo Eleetrici’\ Eoard has reduced electric:*.* rates for Labuan and Tav-u-Under the new rates, hob enjoy a reduction ot thn cents per kilowatt, nun.* it 12 cents. Rates for other consume: have been reduced. ran from three to five
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 40 16 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES The weelcly issues of fhe Straits Budget can be sent by express air delivery service to the United Kingdom only at an inclusive rate of $24.00 for six months. (All The Above Aro la Malayan Currency)
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  • 1158 17  - As I was saying CYNICUS ON Nov. 17, Singapore’s Mayor is askjng the City Council to deplore the plight to which he has reduced it, and no doubt the Council would be happy to oblige if he had not coupled with this motion a request to Government to Ussolve the
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  • Article, Illustration
    4 17 THE FARMER
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  • 417 17  -  TUAN DJF.K. FRIDAY, Nov. 7, 1958. |T is reported that a bear cub was lately caught in a "jerat" (wire-noose trap) in a rubber estate some miles distant. The men trying to release it were driven off by the parents who were standing by the cub. At first
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  • 151 17 (From the Straits Times of November 12, 1908) IT is reported that boring operations are being conducted in the vicinity of the deep water point below Port Swcttenham. It is believed there is some chance of erecting port accommodation for large vessels. TIFE Japanese Government which has
    (From the Straits Times of November 12, 1908)  -  151 words

  • 617 18 PROBE BY THE POLICE SINGAPORE, Nov. 14. THERE has been another leakage of school examination questions. Because of this the Ministry of Education announced tonight that the three-dav government Chinese Senior Middle III examination completed today would have to be taken all over again. This is
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  • 216 18 K LUMPUR, Nov. IY# 14.—Tlu* Government has decided to establish a wages council to help 72,000 employees in shops, restaurants, hotels and bars secure fair terms of employment. These employees do not have unions strong enough to negotiate competently with their employers, according to
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  • 124 18 SEREMBAN, Nov. 14. A Labour Party town councillor, Mr. Kat Fye Yin. last night criticised the Singapore Government for not taking earlier measures for combating the outbreak of polio. Mr. Kat, who was speaking on the adjournment of the monthly meeting of the town council,
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  • 26 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 14 former president and founder member of the Malayan Indian Congress, Mr. Budh Singh, died in India recently.
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  • 302 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. M THE capacity of Malaya’s only cement company, Malayan Cement. will be increased from 100,000 tons a year to 220,000 tons next year, enough to meet almost the entire current requirements. Mr. J. Drysdale, chairman of Malayan Collieries, refers to this
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  • 118 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Nov. 14. High level talks were held here this afternoon over the question of appointing a Malayan to the post of Chancellor of the University of Malaya. The talks were attended by the British High Commissioner to India. Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, who is the
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  • 127 18 JOHORE BAHRU. Nov. 14 mHE salary committee representing the Mshu teachers who staged a walk-out Language Institute in Johore Bahru on Nov. today rejected the Government offer of a w bonus. At the same time it called upon Prime Minister Tengku Abdul Rahman to intervene personally
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  • 53 18 fTtANA RATA. Nov. 10 Tie X vice-president of World Bank. Mr. Burk Knapp, and the bank loan officer. Mr. A Gasem Kheradjou, > ved in Malaya from Delhi yesterday. Today they visited the imposed multi-million d Cameron Highlands h. electric project which is being built
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  • 1008 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 12. [SITING Melbourne jockey Peter King followed up his first day’s successes with a illiant riding treble at Kuala Lumpur today. Young Peter got off to a good start when he i.ded Jara a neck winner from Kra in
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  • 1138 19 KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 15. MOSES LEE and Chris Dragon, the two outstanding apprentices on the Malayan turf, were in the limelight here today. Lee landed a double for his master, Milton Sullivan, on Quiny in Race Four and Lucky Came in Race Five. Sure Profit, with
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 120 19 THE BIO SWEEP TOTAL FOOL: $160,450 lit. No. *****0 ($43,321) 2nd. No. *****8 ($21,660) 3rd. No. *****0 ($10,830) STARTERS ($1,805 each): Not. *****9, *****4, *****8, *****3, *****7, *****7. CONSOLATION ($962 each): Nos. *****4, *****7, *****5, *****7, *****5, *****0, *****9, *****0, *****0, *****6. TREBLE TOTE: One ticket ($500). FORECAST TOTE: Race
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  • 1031 20 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Nov. 17. ALTHOUGH it was a short week on the Ma- lay an Share Market, because of the Deepavali holiday, the volume of business was most encouraging, particularly in Federation centres. This revival of business in the Federation, where turnovers are stated
    1,031 words
  • 469 20 By Oar Market Corresponded SINGAPORE, NoTHE tin pnce in Singapore yesterda w ground, dropping $1.37* to $383 picul on an estimated offering of aro,.- an tons. The local price drop followed a slight London overnight which was due to the ex
    469 words
  • 50 20 Current Date of Total Total lor payment payment for previous Kuala Kampar Tin Fields LW 2s Dec. 10 28. 5s Malayan Tin Dredging 0 10% 36 2/3% 40% Southern Malayan Tin Dredging Ltd. 8d 26 12/15% 33 1/3% The Snngei Besi Mines I*** 15% Dec. 31 85% 70%
    50 words
  • 33 20 TIN RUBBER (per picul) (per lb.) No. 1$ $388.04 11 .$334.50 91% cts. 12 $334.50 92)fc cts. 11 $334.87 92 1 vt cts. 14 $381.50 90 t h cts. 15 $383.50
    33 words
  • 946 20 SINGAPORE, Nov. 15 INDUS HUALo Bayers Seller* Ale* dries* r Do 1.60 Ords 2.20 2.50 aiima ice il iouyerei B. B. Petrol 50/- 53/-cd B. M Trustees 5.50 8.00 id Con. Tin smelt Pret 17/8 t Ords 27/9 28/9 Fed. Dispensary 1.08 1.10 Fraser Si Neave Prel
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  • 283 20 The Malayan Share Brokers’ Association reported on Nov. 15 mi sections on me locai share market were generally steady and the turnover small." Singapore and Federation broker* reported the following business: Fraser Neave oras $1.60 and $1.50; Gammon Si 7>; W. Hammer $1.57 and Malayan Cement $1.58 and
    283 words