The Straits Budget, 17 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 34 1 The Straits Budget THE DfafcKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIICIES i i i w 1 v MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWBPAPER Ne es No. 508. Singapore, May 17, 1956/ Price 40 cents (Malayan) Or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 More than a great Engineering Organisation x* ‘JT ...A NATIONAL INFLUENCE -.y i -'■v 5^ 'f k;., 4 JsJEs*' $f§/ »>> H L a. >' ilw Ff tftt Lrt> <t f <r»* r N ft t saw* >; M ,f> ft JRkj» I v.\ v “Covering every side of the
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    • 78 2  -  A.R.M. Ipoh. f\NE would be Interested to know what constitutes a record output for any one mine or dredge in terms of daily or monthly outputs. Gossip has it that some 40 years ago; one European company produced 10,000 piciils in one month from an*open cast
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    • 72 2  -  INDIGNANT Singapore. RENCENTLY I visited the Woodbrldge Mental Hospital and I was surprised to read a notice at the entrance, which said that no cooked food was allowed to be brought in. It is most ridiculous to forbid visitors to bring some food to feed the Invalids.
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    • 619 2  -  STANLEY ADAMS. Kuala Lumpur. TOHE questions before the British Government, Just now, is not what should Britain now do to preserve her life-line in the Far Bast but, what should Britain do for the greatest good of the largest number of people in the Federation of
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    • 263 2  - Mr. MARSHALL REMEMBER Mr. NEHRU AN INDIAN. Singapore rE Chief Minister Mr. David Marshall frequently talks of resignation should he fail in his Merdeka Mission. It is really a matter for grave concern that he should contemplate resignation under such circumstances. He must remember .what Pandit Nehru told him: “There
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    • 164 2  -  K.H. Seremban. Recently there appeard a statement to the effect that the first air-, craft to land on Malayan soil touched down at Singapore’s Farrer Park on Dec. 4, 4919. Whilst the event no doubt took place as stated I have some doubt if the aircraft concerned
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    • 251 2  -  INOK Seremban. *PHE Education Depart- < ment intends recruiting teachers for their Primary Schools from those who have passed Form Three. The very thought that our children will be taught by those with Form Three qualifications will shock us, fot it will
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    • 164 2  -  A. R. M. Ipoh. DURING a varied travelling experience., I have never quite heard or experienced such reception as one gets in Malaya, from Radio Malaya and the B.B.C. We have had several explanations of sun s which never seem to a. at Radio France, Radio
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 492 3 —Straits Times, May 10. „j iloilars have been war on Singaservices. But this liberal and pending, the he General increased In For a population and a quarter 900 beds at the <; (or acute surgical cases. f LVl l with this desperate of beds,” says the
      —Straits Times, May 10.  -  492 words
    • 402 3 —Straits Times, May 10. Mr. Chew Swee Kee’s warning word to Malayan students on the motives ;f the coming Communist sponsored Afro-Asian students’ conference in Bandoeng is very much a word in season. Indonesian students are responsible for the exposure. Articles in Pedoman and the Keng Po, and
      —Straits Times, May 10.  -  402 words
    • 216 3 —Straits Times, May 10. Singapore’s Education Minister is a much misunderstood man. When Mr. Chew Swee Kee was quoted some months ago as having said that the Malays must be given an education which would fit them for jobs better than those of peons and syces, he was
      —Straits Times, May 10.  -  216 words
    • 575 3 —Straits Times, May 11. Any attempt to estimate the prospects of the London negotiations on Singapore’s constitutional future is very quickly fogged by the secrecy which has enveloped the conference from the beginning. It is a very proper secrecy. But it is not quite complete. There have
      —Straits Times, May 11.  -  575 words
    • 304 3 —Straits Times, May 11. Padi cultivation is not the full answer to the problem of rural poverty in the Federation. By encouraging more farmers to grow rice, rural poverty indeed could even be worsened. This point was brought out forcefully by a University of Malaya lecturer, Ungku
      —Straits Times, May 11.  -  304 words
    • 288 3 —Straits Times, May 11. “Immediate enforcement” of a land settlement scheme for Indians is being sought by the Port Swettenham branch of the Malayan Tamils Association. The frequency and regularity with which this demand has been pressed suggest that the attractions of such a plan are overwhelming.
      —Straits Times, May 11.  -  288 words
    • 650 4 —Straits Times, May 12. The Razak plan for education is not all things to all communities. First comments nevertheless suggest that the Minister has not misplaced his confidence in the acceptability of his report “to the people as a whole.” It would have been too much to
      —Straits Times, May 12.  -  650 words
    • 292 4 —Straits Times, Mav 12. The new Socialist Government of Ceylon must be popularly rooted to be able to trifle with the salaries of its bureaucracy. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Posts intends to introduce a resolution to place a ceiling of Rs. 1,000 a month
      —Straits Times, Mav 12.  -  292 words
    • 259 4 —Straits Times, May 12. Although the joint AngloRussian note to South and North Vietnam reminds these two governments that they have agreed to the principle of national reunification through free general elections, it is apparent that there is no hope of an early settlement in Indo-China. Moscow and
      —Straits Times, May 12.  -  259 words
    • 498 4 —Straits Times, May 14. The Singapore Government cannot be accused of rushing through with its plans for setting up a Polytechnic. Every step it has taken was the result of carefully prolonged deliberation. More than three years have passed since a committee made its urgent recommendation
      —Straits Times, May 14.  -  498 words
    • 446 4 —Straits Times. May The Federation Government has disclosed the contents of a document found last December in a terrorist camp »n Selangor. It is entitled: “An interpretation of the Ng Heng announcement.” The Ng Heng announcement was the Communist “peace offer” sent last year by the representative
      —Straits Times. May  -  446 words

    • 48 4 BLACKBURN: At R.S.V Edinburgh on 6th May. l'- Ro>Ae (nee Chan*, wife of 1 Blackburn, a son. B M H., Singapore to B: wife of Fitzroy Fletcher daughter. TODD: To Ivy. wife of Jo* William, a daughter. Valerie A a sister for Elaine, at BinHospital, on 6.5.56.
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  • 858 5  -  CHINESE FEELINGS MAY INFLUENCE OUTCOME OF LONDON CONFERENCE by VO.V BAHTi.KTT Straits Times special writer who is back after a visit to London during the first half of the merdeka talks. V 0l li Mr. David I H shall.” someth said l«> me m Hu; aimI
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  • 1070 5 WHILE the Chief Minister of Singapore fights his constitutional battle in London, the Chief Minister of the Federation is having to face some of the consequences of his own recent success there. An Alliance presupposes a potential enemy, but only Communists can still
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  • Article, Illustration
    7 6 Photo by Han Hai Fong
    Photo by Han Hai Fong  -  7 words
  • 1224 6  -  —CYNICUS SINGAPORE, May 12. 21X of the eight members of the internation a 1 committee which is organising the coming conference of students in Indonesia are well known Communists. Three of them are paid party workers, and not students at all. The majority of the Indonesian
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  • 471 6 POTENTIAL DANGER BUT NOT A THREAT. SAYS SIR SYDNEY SINGAPORE, May 13. THE political situation is a genuine potential danger to .the University of Malaya but the danger will not become actual unless the situation deteriorates, the Vice-Chan-cellor of the University Sir Sydney
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  • 274 7 li MPUR. May 11. K* I ne Queen has awarded the Military Medal to Cpl. John Clarke, of the 1st Bn. cnval Hampshire Reeinient, for h' s ea dersliip and courage to an attack on terrorist' in the Kuala Kubu District ot jjorth Selangor on
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  • 74 7 KUALA LUMPUR, May 10. MR. TAY HOOI SOO, Alliance elected Councillor for Wellesley South, has a four-point plan to improve facilities at district post offices. He win ask the Minister for Posts in the Legislative Council on May 16 to:Provide public writing desks. Build cycle racks
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  • 143 7 THE LIB-SOCS. START EARLY SINGAPORE. May 12. THE Singapore Liberal Socialist Party has started pre-election w °rk among potential supporters the secre-tary-general, Mr. E. K. Tun, said yesterday. "We arp working among Chinese and English;Pf‘ a king groups,” he said. have been sending fri!? rs prospective
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  • 28 7 JOHORE BAHRU. May 11.— Villagers of Bukit Gambir have sent a petition to the Johore Government against the closing of a Government dispensary in the village.
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  • 177 7 (Frovi the Straits Times of May 10, 1906). rE question of dealing with nuisance of white loafers in our midst is one that presses for the attention of the Government. The nuisance steadily grows in dimensions, unchecked, whereas a simple measure (not the Detention House Ordinance) enacted
    (Frovi the Straits Times of May 10, 1906).  -  177 words
  • 749 7  -  MALAYSIAN NOTEBOOK STANLEY STREET. THE road ran through A the jungle, straight, as though it had been laid out with a ruler The road was red laterite and it was the jungle virgin. The lofty trees towered to obscure the evening sky. In every fork where
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  • 504 7  -  TUAN DJEK WE are hoping that the rainy spell is nearly over. After 18 days it was possible to do the second round of tractor ploughing. At least ten consecutive dry days are needed before the raking can be done; if the ground is wet it is a
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  • 96 7 SINGAPORE. May 12. Lady Templer, after two years absence, returned to Malaya yesterday morning. She will fly to Penang today to revisit the School for the Deaf there, which she inaugurated before she left Malaya. But it is a far more important event
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  • 271 8 SINGAPORE, May 10. THE movement of capital from Singapore to Hong Kong has increased considerably since the merdeka talks in London on April 2.1, Reliable Chinese Chamber of Commerce circles estimated yesterday that $2,000,000 at
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  • 104 8 I/’UALA LUMPUR, May 9. The bepuzy Public Prosecutor has filed notice of appeal against the acquittal here yesterday of a rice merchant. Foong Soon Seng, 40, was acquitted by the Sessions Court Judge. Mr. B. V. Rhodes, after a 28-day trial. He was charged with
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  • 192 8 Advice came too late SINGAPORE. May 10. A CHINESE merchant for wnom a warrant of arrest had been issued in Province Wellesley left Singapore for China on May 6. The merchant. Sim Tong Kuan. 33, wanted for alleged evasion of Customs duty amounting to $1,845, was
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  • 308 8 Reds-in-unions report pooh-poohed SINGAPORE, May 10. president of the Singapore Trades I n ion Congress, Mr. S. Jaganathan, said yesterday that there was no cause for undue alarm at Communist infiltration into trade unions. No infiltration Commenting on a report by
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  • 323 8 SINGAPORE, May In 'J'HE Singapore Government is criticised f spending millions of dollars on remodel I il* “perfectly good” wards at the General Hospital without materially increasing its bed strength The latest issue of the journal of the Alum' Association of Malaya, the official
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  • 118 8 Kuala lumpur, May 9. —Rubber estate workers who plan to down tools every Friday as part of their “go slow” campaign may be barred from work every Thursday. The employers argue that there is no point in allowing tapping on Thursdays if the factory hands are not
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  • 239 8 ‘How can you be so snooty?’ SINGAPORE. Mav 10 CCHOOLGIRL Ellen Crabb of Raffles Institution yesterday Save Singapore Rotarians an uncomfortable five minutes when she told them bluntly that men still think they are better than women. She challenged the men: “You could
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  • 675 9  -  From HARRY MILLER LONDON, May 9. 'pHK Labour Front i and Alliance members in the Singapore delegation were tightlipped last night and t„dav over a report that‘.Mr. David Marshall was seriously considering handing ever leadership of the mission to Mr. Lim Yew Hock. It
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  • 293 9 When flag-waving leaders met MPs for tea...oh, how it stank —council told PENANG, May 9. —An Alliance councillor, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, today criticised the “deplorable” arrangements made for the British Parliamentary delegation’s visit to Penang last month. .“They stank,” he told this afternoon’s meeting of the Settlement Council. Referring
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  • 231 9 SECOND PROTEST OVER TENGKU’S BURIAL JOHORE BAHRU, May 9. The Johore Bahru branch of the Johore State Government Workers’ Union today protested to the State Secretary over the burial of Tengku Abu Bakar in Britain. Shocked The union said in a
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  • 236 9 SINGAPORE, May 10. I"' n^ d nesian C °nsul-Ge-H K- m Singapore, Dr. -<i J vn'^.Y 0 last ni ht Connn n dt lc S a ‘es from W Collnt nes would di-nts' n* Afro-Astan Stu<otn„ li„ at Ban- “dm May 26 to 31.
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  • 196 9 SINGAPORE, May 10. THE Board of Governors has applied to the Government for a minimum of 34 acres to extend the Singapore Polytechnic, according to the Board’s first annual report published yesterday. Four acres are needed to extend the polytechnic site in Shenton Way and
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  • 191 9 PENANG, May 9. A PPRO.YIMATELY 1,200 contract labourers struck work in Penang Harbour today and loading on two ships berthed alongside Swettenham Pier ceased. There was no apparent reason for this sudden stoppage. The men’s union, which was to open wage negotiations with the contractors this afternoon,
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  • 702 10 Brash alleges breach of Municipal Ordinance SINGAPORE, May 10. ll/IR. LOKE WAN 1T1 THO, director of the Cathay Organisation. was “foolish” to begin building a theatre at Katong when he knew the project was to be challenged, a lawyer said in the Singapore High Court
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  • 25 10 KUALA LUMPUR, May 10. Members of the United Malays National Organisation will celebrate its 10th anniversary next week with a “nasi merdeka” dinner.
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  • 147 10 KUALA LUMPUR. May 9 T'HE Institute for Medical Research has just com 1 pleted a preliminary survey of the incidence of cancer in Malaya. r The results are now being analysed. The Institute’s pathology division is trying to find out the cause of
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  • 75 10 KUALA LUMPUR, May 9. Sentencing a prisoner of Pudu Jail to another term of six months, the president of the Sessions Court, Raja Azlan Shah, told him: “Prison is the right place for you M. Nagalingam, 23. now serving a three-year sentence for breach of a restricted
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  • 55 10 KUALA LUMPUR, May 9. SEVENTEEN people have been arrested by Special Branch police in the Ulu Lang at district of South Selangor The arrests. made under the Emergency Regulations, were in Semenyih Broga. Kajane and other places. A nolire spokesman said tonight "The people were
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  • 148 10 SINGAPORE, May 10. OINGAPORE Police searching in the thick undergrowth of the jungle reserve oil Rifle Range Road yesterday found about 100 bombs. The search, which covered a wide area of the jungle, followed an explosion on May 8 in which a farmer
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  • 279 10 KUALA LUMPUR, May 9.—Benham salary scales were “thrust down the throats of unions” in 1952, a special three-man Arbitration Tribunal was told tonight. Mr. G. Leo, chairman of the staff side Whitley Council, said that the unions then were not adequately
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  • 353 10 KUALA LUMPUR May 9.—The Malayan Communist Party is launching a political campaign which they consider will be more effective than any military offensive. They have also admitted for the first time that their entire let’s-have-peace campaign— begun a year ago with the letter from
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  • 42 11 Joyce —the girl from Scotland SINGAPORE. May 10. JOYI'E PR1NDLE, captain oi Scotland's women’s hoc-i-ev team, which will cornnote against 10 internatiunal teams at the international hockey conference n Sydney. Australia. She passed through Singapore yesterday with other members of the team.
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  • 179 11 ALOR STAR. May 9. CIX sappers were today sentenced to be dismissed the army for their part in a disturbance outside Sungei Patani police station on Feb. 11. They will also serve various terms of imprisonment or detention. Acting Sergeant Adnan bln Ibrahim was
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  • 609 11  -  CITIZENSHIP TALKS MAKE Mr. M SO HAPPY From HARRY MILLER LONDON, May 10. —lt was a happy Mr. Marshall who emerged from today’s merdeka talks. At the end of a 50minute session which discussed citizenship, the Chief Minister told me: ‘‘l am quite satisfied. The communique you will
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  • 71 11 SINGAPORE, May 10 DR. MARTIN D. BRUNNER (above) likes to look the world in the mouth. He is a dental surgeon and he is touring the Far East to study the dental health of people in the countries he visits. He said in
    — Straits Times picture  -  71 words
  • 39 11 9 Orwell salred yesterday Inr, notorious Cltikus Fo.v,n rv in the Teluk Anf‘ tTOf, P ()f the Frv 1,1 Batt(i ry. Royal Artilis u moving out of ws2 r V ic^° rtly aft( r 3
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  • 162 11 KUALA LUMPUR, May 9. AN accidental meeting, a friendly chat and Cupid’s arrow has found Its mark on the most eligible bachelor in the Alliance cabinet. It was love at first sight for Mr. V. T. Sambanthan. the Federation’s Minister for Labour and president of
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  • 203 11 SINGAPORE, May 10. SEVERAL Chinese students who left Singapore for Red China now want to return. the acting Chief Minister, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Chew said that among the students there was much evidence of disillusionment. In recent months,
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  • 195 11 SINGAPORE, May 11. A MYSTERIOUS fire broke out in an attap hut housing a Malay family of eight near the Junction of Geylang Road and Tanjong Katong Road, Singapore, about 2.30 a.m. yesterday. Seconds before the fire, an eight-month-old boy, Saprlne. woke up the
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  • 61 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Mav 9 Part of Lornie Road here will be closed from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. on May 12 and from 8 am. to about 5 p.m. on on May 13 while the Malayan Motor Sports Club’s “Lornie Kilo” speed event is in
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  • 218 12 Kuala lumpur, May 10—Three hundred men of the 25th Regiment, Royal Artillery, were given a big send-off at the railway station here last night. Cheers and “Auld Lang Syne,” played by the band of the Ist Bn., Royal Hampshire Regiment, drowned the muse
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  • 428 12 Star in a jungle clearing, then tight to the finish JPOH, May 10.—An I ban tracker today told the l|x)h coroner of a lil’e-and-deatli struggle with a bandit collaborator in a gloomy jungle but. The coroner, Inche Abdul Kudir bin Yusof, recorded a verdict
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  • 145 12 LONDON, Fri. Today’s session of the talks ended after two hours 10 minutes the longest single sitting so far. The delegates will meet again tomorrow morning. Mr. Marshall said as 'he emerged from today’s session that “some progress” had been made on the questions of the
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  • 317 12 Temporary clerks can win if they go to court —hut they won’t’ SINGAPORE, Mav 11. Singapore Civil Service Tribunal was told yesterday that the Government could be forced by law to meet the demands of its 729 temporary clerks for 30 months’ back pay. Mr. C. H. Koh, counsel for
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  • 140 12 SINGAPORE, May 11. 'T'HE Director of Mili- tary Operations at the War Office, Maj.Gen. J. H. N. Poett. arrives in Singapore today for top-level discussions with Army chiefs in the Colony and the Federation. It is understood the question of the Colony’s internal security will
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  • 225 12 THE BANDIT TERROR WHO WORE A TRILBY IS SHOT DEAD AT DAWN A DAY’S MARCH IN JUNGLE ITU ALA KLAWANG, May 10. —Chi Ying, the bandit “Beau Brummel’’ who sported a trilby, is dead He was killed by security forces yesterday as he was leaving camp
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  • 393 13 Go-slow it is—plus bus strike? sl\<;.\POKE. May 11. I AS I-MINUTE bid in avert the “go campaign on Malaya's rubber states failed last night. The country’s 3211.(100 estate workers will not be working today. Work will resume tomorrow it it doos not rain in the morning:. After that? It all
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  • 455 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. acting Health Minister of Singapore Mr. Chew Swee Kee, yesterday challenged a charge by locally qualified doctors that millions ol dollars were being wasted in remodelling perfectly good General Hospital wards without increasing the number of beds. Mr. Chew suid the
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  • 37 13 A 1 >OFtE 11. Partv I ,a P° re Progressive •solved "offlciaUr disu last night. J overnment Gazette supplement revoked the 1947 Gazette notification which declared the Progressive Party as a political association.
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  • 161 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. THE vanguard of Indonesian President Soekarno’s U S.-bound party arrived in Singapore yesterday in a chartered Garuda Convair. It is preceding the President to Washington where he will pay a state visit. A former Vice Premier, Mr. Suwirjo. (above) now the President Director
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  • 62 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. A Singapore branch of the Association of Supervising Electrical Engineers has been formed with Mr. F. R. Emmerson as chairman and Mr. S. Dawson secretary. The branch, which meets on the first Tuesday of every month, aims to raise the status of the
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  • 27 13 BUTTER WORTH, May 11.— Leading Aircraftman L. B, Blackmore, 21, of Sussex, was killed yesterday afternoon in a rocket accident at the RAF base here.
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  • 172 13 SEREMBAN, May 10. r PENGKU Suleiman bin Tengku Burhan, of Sri Menanti, today appeared before the Seremban Magistrate, Inche Abdul Wahab bin Ma’asul, on a summons charge of having given false information. He is accused of having written to the State Replanting Officer, Mr. K.
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  • 161 13 MALACCA, May 10. CjTAFF NURSES, residing in hostels in the Federati?n are to protest against the Government’s decision to deduct $45 every month from their pay as hostel rent. This follows pay increases, ranging from $47 to $92 monthly, for the staff nurses from
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  • 138 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. Establishment of a Japanese bank in Singapore has been agreed to in principle by the Government, the acting Chief Minister, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. Chew said that there had been no objections to a request by
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  • 113 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. HTHE United Malays National Organisation which claims to have more than 10,000 members in Singapore, is planning to open five new branches. One will be at Pulau Tekong. It will be the first UMNO bid to get a foothold in
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  • 94 13 SINGAPORE, May 11. THE industrial situation in Singapore is “very satisfactory” the Minister for Communications and Works. Mr. Francis Thomas. said yesterday “There have been only 14 new strikes this year—only four in April.’’ he said. During 1955 there were 256 strikes. Mr. Thomas attributed
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  • 510 14 K lAMIUH, May IY# ii. Tengku Alxlnl Halunan today appealed to the people of the Federation to he “calm, conlidenl and reasonable” in considering tile country’s problems and so preserve peace and liarmonv. The appeal was contained in a Hari Raya message. He said: “An
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  • 178 14 KUALA LUMPUR, May 11. ltf ALAYA’S terrorists have started a propaganda-by-personal-letter campaign. And it has misfired badly. A Government spokesman said today that “quite a number” of propaganda letters had recently been posted to prominent Malayans. Vernacular newspapers had also been getting
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  • 596 14 KUALA LUMPUR, May 11.—Union leaders today spoke of “ultimate victory” as branch after branch reported complete success on the first day of the national rubber go-slow. A union statement tonight claimed that almost the entire 320,000 plantation labour force stayed off work. Figures issued by the
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  • 145 14 May 12 T'Hfc Singapore Sea X men's Council of Action is planning unite nine unions reimsenting 10,000 ~.a im. n into one organisation The council prop,,*, to call ,t the National Union of Seamen The council chairman Mr. S. Jaganathan who is also president
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  • 47 14 KUALA KANGSAR. May 11. —A labourer. Ho San. 48. was taken to the hospital with a suspected broken arm yesterday, after a road accident in w’hlch an Army jeep was involved. Ho w'as riding a cycle at the time of the accident.
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  • 133 14 BUTTERWORTH. May 11.— An 81-year-old padi planter going to a wedding feast suggested to his friends that they should first call at the mosque and pray. But when he crossed the road, he was knocked down by a motor-cycle and fatally Injured. In the Butterworth Sessions court
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  • 133 14 SINGAPORE, May 12. “No smoitlng” warn the signs in two Singapore courts. And from May 14 that’s w'hat they will mean: “No smoking’’—ALL th e time. Lawyers and witnesses at the Criminal District and Magistrates’ Courts in South Bridge Road have never strictly
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  • 106 14 SINGAPORE, May 12. THE National Union of Plantation Workers is investigating reports of retaliatory measures by three estates in Negri Sembilan where the water supplies were said to have been cut ofT and estate schools and shops were closed for the day by
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  • 432 15  -  from HARRY miller LONDON, May 11 t|IL i>»itish (lovernment yesterday accepted in principle Singapore’s proposals for citizenship and nationality. i.c-j| experts will now draw up a deiinili,,, of a “Singapore citizen.” H.;*ain will then present the proposals to commonwealth countries for formal approval.
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  • 729 15 CHRIMES: ALL THIS IS IMPROPER SINGAPORE, May 13. 'pilK chairman of 1 h e Singapore Harbour Board Mr. 1\ A. T. Chrimes, told the Malayanisation (commission yesterday that he fell Ihe Board members had been undergoing an inquisition before the Commission.
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  • 25 15 KUALA LUMPUR, May 11. Kuala Lumpur Municipal Council will hold a special meeting on May 22 to consider new sewerage and drainage by-laws.
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  • 460 15  -  from HARRY MILLER LONDON, May 12. The Colonial Secretary, Mr. Alan Lennox Boyd, has cleared Hie decks for final action. Hp told the merde*a delegation this morn ing that the Bri--1 n Cove rn men t a clear-cut decision on legislate
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  • 822 16  -  From HARRY MILLER LONDON, May 13. 'J'HERE has been a crucial switch of alignments within the Singapore delegation, a switch which is hound to affect the whole outcome of the London talks on the Colony’s future constitution. Following the Colonial Secretary’s angry, biting ultimatum yesterday, lliere is
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  • 120 16 FROM SINGAPORE: rE General Council of the Singapore Labour Front yesterday cabled the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, reaffirming its faith and confidence in his leadership of the nierdeka mission. The pledge of support was one of seven resolutions adopted after a six-hour meeting attended
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  • 47 16 LADY TEMPLLK. wife of tieneral Sir Gerald Templet former High Commissioner in the Federation, visited the Federation School for t he Deaf in Penang during the weekend. Here she is se en carrying Murugiah, one of the young pupils.- —Strait s Times picture,
    —Strait s Times picture,  -  47 words
  • 144 16 SINGAPORE. May 14. THE Singapore Government will be asked to declare a public holiday the day Mr. Marshall and his merdeka mission return from London—if they are successful. So that the maximum number of Singaporeans can welcome the mission! it has been decided delegates
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  • 71 16 KUALA LUMPUR. May 13 Twelve caaet officers from the Federation Military College at Port Dickson will •> to England from Kuala Lumpur tomorrow to undergo a six month course at Lto:> Hall, an ollicer cadet sen 1 in Chester. On completion of course, the cadet officers
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  • 216 16 Kuala Lumpur, May 12. Semenyih women tappers can still be seen while being searched in the new seareh booth at the Kaehau Gate every morning on their wav to work, but they do not mind. “We don't have to strip now, so we are not
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  • 1619 17  - THE TALK MUST NOT FAIL Vital point —but Boyd insists... JIG-SAW PIECED TOGETHER SPECIAL DISPATCH from HARRY MILLER SINGAPORE, May 15. ,r, i LONDON NEGOTIATIONS ON i ;i\<;\PORE’S FUTURE CONSTITUTI| i v RESUME this morning in an \T’>H)SPHERE of crisis. familiar has Singapore become with the i< c of alarm
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  • 53 17 PENANG. May 14. The Prai branch of the United Malays National Organisation celebrating their tenth anniversary yesterday, were told not to discuss jus soli in coffee shops. “Do not talk about this in public places, but leave it to our leaders.” said Che Sooiah binte Akib. chairman of
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  • 1002 18 Marshall (‘I’ll resign) returns on May 20 Singapore May 16 THE Singapore merdeka talks ended last night without agreement being reached. An official communique issued in London at the end of a 50-minute afternoon conference between the Singapore delegates and the British Colonial Office team said: “It
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  • 96 18 SINGAPORE, May 16. Lieut.-General R. Bower, who is taking over from Lieut.-General Sir Geoffrey Bourne as Director of Operations in Malaya, arrived in Singapore by (Juntas Constellation yesterday. He was met by MajorGeneral L. II. 0. Pugh, Chief of StafT, G.H.Q. Farelf, and will fly to
    week.—Straits Times picture.  -  96 words
  • 153 18 SINGAPORE. May 16. A22-year-old Malay girl Janyah binte Salleh was stabbed because she resented being fondled by a man. the Singapore Assizes was told yesterday. Facing a charge of murdering Janyah on Jan. 14 were four men. Ignatius Thomas. Amin bin Mohamed, Phillip Foo alias
    153 words
  • 157 18  -  From HARRY MILLER LONDON, May 15. The London talks on the future constitution of Singapore Anally broke down on the single point of the chairman of the Defence Council. The Colonial Secretary. Mr. Lennox Boyd, rejected the proposal to have a Federation chairman
    157 words
  • 51 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Ma 1 The Chief of Stall ol 1 South Vietnam Army, a- Gen. Tran Van Don. wih mm Kuala Lumpur tomorrow. The general, who is no* Singapore, will be met 't railway station here b. Chief of Staff. Malaya <■ mand. Maj.-Gen. J-
    51 words

  • 1296 19 foe triumph in f ree states I u a triumphant weekend for Rest W rick tins in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and I f5?hes* °e centres they L Att /hei nual matche ,-ans by 49 -'ore, eight wicf 1 gj K Lumpur and P ets a !S n .<ts
    1,296 words
  • 1240 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP SINGAPORE, May 11. JOLLY SAILOR, with Mickey Donnelly astride, 0 followed up his Spring Cup success with a thrilling nose win from Nazakat in the'Stamford Raffles Stakes over one mile for Class 1, Div. 1 horses at Bukit Timah yesterday, opening day
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 53 19 BIG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $299,460 1ST: No. *****0 ($134,756) 2ND:. No. *****6 <$ 67,378) 3RD: No. *****1 37,432) STARTERS ($2,879 each): Nos *****7 *****3 *****8; *****5; *****2; *****9; *****7; *****9; *****5; *****1; *****0; *****0. CONSOLATION each): Nos. *****4; *****8 *****7 *****7 *****6; *****1; *****8. ($2,245 *****1; *****2; *****3; DOUBLE TOTE:
      53 words

  • 456 20 SHARE MARKET By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, May 14. AS May progresses, so the volume of business A written in local' shares on the Singapore Share Market appears to be shrinking. Last week was no exception and the amount of business transacted was definitely lower
    456 words
  • 32 20 British Borneo Petroleum have declared a dividend of Is. sd. per share, tax free, an increase of one penny.- A capitalisation issue of one for seven la also proposed
    32 words
  • 27 20 SINGAPORE, May 16. RUBBER: 84% cents per lb. (up one-eighth of cent). TIN: $376 per picul (up $1). COPRA: $29.87% per picul (down 12% cents).
    27 words
  • 249 20 /COMPANIES operating v in MahQra announced the following dividends last week;SULOH RUBBER ESTATES, LTD.: the Anal dividend of 10 per I cent less 30 per cent income tax for the year ended December 31, 1955 payable to shareholders on the register on Max 16. 1956. Also, an interim
    249 words
  • 65 20 Pengkalen has declared a fourth interim dividend of 15 per cent on both classes of shares, payable in England on June 8, in respect of the year ended September 30, 1955. In addition a second interim dividend of 25 per cent on both classes of shares has been
    65 words
  • 34 20 The following April rubber crops are notified: Ayer Panas 74,500 lb., Glenealy 64,000 lb-.; Kluang 61.500 lb.; Pajam 99.700 lb.; Talisman 24.800 lb.: Teluk Anjon 37,348 lb.; and Ulu Renut 28,500 lb.
    34 words
  • 325 20 SINGAPORE. 10 T HE j advance in the robber price .J place last week was maintained r k s&ssiBi a sr* **i However, when the talks had been t without satisfaction to either side, and tlv o sir2* policy ordered by the
    325 words
  • 325 20 following bus,..,*, d Marxet last wee*. portea by one win „i uroud «or_tbe per,on May, MOVSnLiLS: Bm.* Bom. Petroieum 495. yu ana nus sauaatea Hu Bnienas' u ro 308. Prtt.ei it Neave Ora to *1.65, liamniuns nX LO 4X«®b cd., Hammer Co. Hongnong Sana (CoToonJ Malayan Cement jijT
    325 words
  • 824 20 SINGAPORE May, 17. INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers Ales Brtcsworss Pref. 1.00 100 Ords 1.99 9 05 A ties tee 19 00 Oarer* B. B. Petrol 41/« 48/6 cd cbl B.M. Trustees 510 Oon. Tin smelt Pref I#/- 20/Ords. 28/- 29/Kasieru Onlted 36 50 97.50 Fed Dispensary 1.85 1.90
    824 words
  • 141 20 Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices pei u.’cul ye terday were:- Copra: quiet; June $29*2 buyerj $3O sellers. Coconut oil: J steady; bulk $45 no $49 sellers. Pepper: qui< t business reported done, white $93; Sarawak s9’ Sarawak black $69 (r 1 v riel,w down $2). 4 Singapore
    141 words