The Straits Budget, 10 May 1956

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget New :e s No 507 MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Singapore, May 10, 1956. THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES Price 40 eents (Malayan) Or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 54 1 .3 m SJ?? A •i f 1 11 I-,** ■«S SAND SPUN HM Kf X m METAL SPUN CAST IRON PIPES Pri? urf? 4 m V V *$31 V *5 THE STAVELEY IRON CHEMICAL ENGLAND NR. CHESTERFIELD CO., LTD. Agents in Singapore Malaya mcalister company limited INGAPORE, I. KUALA LUMPUR
      54 words

    • 335 2  -  western honours GRADUATE Singapore. AS an honours graduate of a large western university, I am astounded to learn of frustration among local graduates caused by having to order tea. answer telephone calls and the other “routine work.” In my first Job, Just after the economic depression of
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    • 80 2  -  CLERK/TYPIST K. Lumpur. AFTER reading the news f item*headed “The Hon- ours Tea Girl” in your paper dated 27.4.56, I feel that my own could be of some interest. I was working as Clerk/Typlst under a University of Malaya graduate who made me sharpen his pencils and
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    • 139 2  -  CURIOSITY JANE, Johore Bahru. One would imagine any-* one required to teach English to adolescent trainees (who have passed Form III) should have had teaching experience, not in a primary school, but in a secondary school. It is hard to see where the primary school experience helps. One
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    • 82 2  -  “MEDICO” Muar. I REFER to your report in the Straits Times of April 28 on the question of part-time private doctors. Many more doctors in the Federation would be quite willing to help the Minister for Health in part time work if they were asked to do so.
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    • 77 2  -  E. L PEAKE -Chairman, Central Provident Fund Board. YOUR correspondent, Mr. P.P.A. Kunhi, appears to have misunderstood the provisions of the Central Provident Fund Ordinance. The Ordinance provides that a contributor who “proves to the satisfaction of the Board that he is about to leave Malaya with
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    • 174 2  -  “D.” Singapore. -r meStlc those who have ti ‘DSS tuberculosis rate- o est gapore. This was ve X reC6nt 8A v Three out of six mah," whom I sent fu> were found to su. bM Se Thi .5 *3 other servants, .isuaiil "Uve” with their npS ?l
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    • 528 2  -  GWEE AH U m Hon. Gen. Seen Alumni Aisoeii Singapore. rE recent leading articles in the Straits Times have quite rightly pointed out the congestion in Government hospital clinics. However, congestion and shortage of doctors are not synonymous and hence it would
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    • 146 2  -  P. C. B Penang I HAVE resided In Malaya for 41 years and on my return from leave in Britain in February of this year, I applied, with the assistance of the Penang Registrar, for Federal Citizenship. My application was returned for further details and was again
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 65 2 Pi! it«t s. i4 r ALIENS ALIENS u (NECK Hf RE X ftfttCK NUU ■r r i I >3 n;: m f wa ml r V u on HU a j a n j LI 3 C gs&Sl mm 1 t r 38 r SINGAPORE FRONTIER FEDERATION FRONT! EH *2?
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 676 3 —Straits Times, May 3 Not „.iv the Chief Minister n t a that May Day in as 0 Ljv was celebrated Rut Mr without toience. But Mr. ILhti might not have quilt so pleased had he ami.'ied the May Day meetings. and appreciated •he tone >’f
      —Straits Times, May 3  -  676 words
    • 251 3 —Straits Times, May 4 A letter which we published yesterday adds to the misgivings, expressed frequently in recent months, over operation of the Federation’s citizenship laws. The writer has lived in Malaya for over forty years. All his savings are in this country. He has no wish
      —Straits Times, May 4  -  251 words
    • 537 3 —Straits Times, May 4. The future of the Nanyang University is assured, but not that of its graduates. Nanyang is planning for the enrolment by the end of next year ol some 3,000 students, and 5,000 by 1960. This is nearly three times the number of students
      —Straits Times, May 4.  -  537 words
    • 204 3 —Straits Times, May 3. The Federation’s Chief Minister has told a Malay literary society that only Malay will be used in Government offices within the next ten years. Some Malays, said the Tengku, think ten years is too long a period. But it must of necessity be
      —Straits Times, May 3.  -  204 words
    • 227 3 —Straits Times, May 5. In the last five year s the number of accounts in the Singapore Post Office Savings Bank has doubled. There are over half a million depositors with $55,000,000 to their credit. This expansion is an indication of glowing prosperity, although Singapore is not the
      —Straits Times, May 5.  -  227 words
    • 547 3 —Straits Times, May 7. Six people died in the Sago Lane fire. This single fact sets it apart from the fires of Kampong Bug is and Geylang Serai which, although they swept a far larger area and were much more destructive to property, did not take a
      —Straits Times, May 7.  -  547 words
    • 293 4 -—Straits Times, May 7. There has been “heated debate” in the United Nations Commission on narcotic drugs. As far as Malaya is concerned, the more heated these debates are, the better. They may lead in the end to more effective international action against the drug smugglers. Allegations
      -—Straits Times, May 7.  -  293 words
    • 346 4 —Straits Times, May 7. A reader from Klang has drawn attention to a matter which might well attract the attention of local fashion writers. He complains that pyjamas provided for patients at hospitals are not merely inelegant but deliberately designed to make the patient more hideous than he
      —Straits Times, May 7.  -  346 words
    • 715 4 —Straits Times. May 8. A month after it assumed office, the Alliance Government set up a committee, composed entirely of elected representatives of the main communities and headed by the Education Minister, to examine the Federation’s education policy. The committee was charged with the task of formulating
      —Straits Times. May 8.  -  715 words
    • 279 4 —Straits Times May 9. The fifteen cent gap between the union demand and the employers’ offer on field workers’ wages is not all that stands in the way of a new agreement between the Planting Industry Employers’ Association and the National Union of Plantation Workers. But
      —Straits Times May 9.  -  279 words
    • 226 4 —Straits Times May 9 The Federation Government has acted with commendable swiftness on Mr. Justice Thomson’s report on the Semenyih inquiry. There will be immediate satisfaction ith its order that future searcr.i must be so conducted u cause as little convenient and embarrassment as no sible. No-one ha
      —Straits Times May 9  -  226 words

  • 191 4 SINGAPORE, May 9. T'HAT threat to SingaA pore’s power supply is off. Workers at Pasir Panjang and St. James power stations have called off the one-day protest strike they have been planning. This removes the threat of a bigger strike by 10.000 City Council
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    • 52 4 THOMPSON: To Betty an Tommy on 4th May at Malact General Hospital, a daughter. BURTON: To Joan and Pcrr\ a son, Ross Anthony, (11 lb. 4o? at Brisbane Women’s Hospitn, 31st March. Brother to Susan an Tinah. CONNOLLY: To Patricia an l Freddie, a girl, at Bungsar Hospital, 4th
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  • 1699 5 Changes are needed and must be ‘boldly made' $25 m. a year for new buildings, night class boost |ri i.A LUMPUR, I'-M .v C. —A ten-year ‘,n l<> reorganise ll u |'.duration’s edu(.;l|j„n system and „j u all schools a MaJ! 1Vi ,i,
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  • 140 5 THE Education Committee has recommended that Malay and English be compulsory subjects in all primary and secondary schools. But instruction in other languages is to be given in primary schools when needed. “The reason for the study of Malay is the
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  • 79 5 JOIIORE BAHRU, May 7 —A tailor in Muar told his apprentice that the “earth was a motionless cube.” The young man, who had been taught that It is more ot less spherical, disputed his boss’s statement. The tailor promptly sacked
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  • 1234 6  -  —CYNICUS SINGAPORE, May 5. T'HE pleasant vision of the Communist threat in Singapore fading away with self-government, held out by Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in an interview in London, contrasts rather oddly with what is happening in the Federation The Federation Communists are not fading away.
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  • 580 6  -  From HARRY MILLER LONDON, May 6. SINGAPORE has conceded to the British Government the right to suspend the constitution in an emergency but I believe Britain is now asking for the right to suspend the constitution in part—when internal security is affected. This and further safeguards
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 6 Photo by R. Manikam
    — Photo by R. Manikam  -  6 words

  • 96 7 Sl\(« VPORE, May 5. WTIION V (HEW, a 30-reur-old clerk in the Singapore City Council’s Gas Department, has been reported missing for the past mv days by his wife. Mu 1 said be left their flat in Oe.meneeau Avenue on the night of
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  • 132 7 TWO ROWS OF HOUSES RAZED TELUK ANSON, May 3. 4 BOUT 200 people, mostly Chinese, were made homeless when a fire wiped out an entire village and half miles from sabak Bernam in northwest Selangor at 1 a.m. today. Tht tv were no casualties. Two
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  • 50 7 J i i0HK BAHRU, May 4. '•Cl* k oight-year- N a' i’ A J Wiles, of r.. died last rr)1 -ie hospital here •'•'■s received when joked down bv a h}J mother were ml ay afternoon j v ’hi Tinggi near station when nt occurred.
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  • 76 7 r aits Times of 4 is K* (.'anal 11 R °chore R ?hat re a P d u nat ii bul- r Kn ClUlHf ha(i been sto- 1 tv 1 i\V Wore instiSullivan anal was found at the milestone. Thomson Road, yesterday in the possession of two
    r aits Times of 4 is  -  76 words
  • 845 7  -  nMAEA YSMAIV NOTEBOOK n STANLEY STREET IN Malaya today, specially the “Black” areas of Malaya, the motorist’s nightmare is the fear of breakdown on that always nerve wracking eirort to be back before the curfew at 7. A serious defect In your engine cannot be remedied. In
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  • 605 7  - Countryman ’s Journal IT AN DJEK THE wet weather is holding up tractor ploughing. especially on low clay soils. The cook’s little patch will probably be overdue for its second ploughing by the time the tractor has finished Wa’ Dollah’s land. Before the quarter acre of the Dusun was ploughed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 32 7 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) express air delivery serviee to the Cnited Kingdom only at an inclusive rate of S21.00 for six months. (ALL THE ABOVE ARE /.V MALAYAN CURRENCY)
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  • 447 8  - Sir Anthony to consult cabinet on Singapore ’s merdeka proposals From HARRY MILLER LONDON, Wed. T'HK Prime Minister, Sir Anthony Eden, ha> called a meeting of the (a hi net lor tomorrow at whic h Britain’s answer to Singapore s merdeka mission will he discussed. The Colonial SccTclarv, Mr. Alan
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  • 102 8 SINGAPORE, May 3 BMt. T. V. A. BRODIE. 49, who has been appointed Attorney-General of the Federation. He has been acting in this post since November last year, when the former Attorney General, Sir Michael llogan, left to become Chief Justice in Hong Kong. Mr. Krodie, who
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  • 23 8 KUALA LUMPUR. May 2. It was ail quiet today on Malaya’s jungle war front. No casualties nr incidents were rennrt ed.
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  • 33 8 JOHORE BAHRU. May 2. Mr. K A. Blacker has been appointed Commissioner for Lands and Mines, Johore, in nlace of Mr. S. Angus, who left for Britain on April 29 on holiday.
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  • 46 8 PENANG. May 2. Police and medical authorities yesterday carried out a surprise check on local drug dealers The check was led by Mr C. R. P St radian, of the Medical Department, and Inspector Oureharan Singh Some unlicensed dealers may be prosecuted.
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  • 289 8 WANTED: A CERTAIN EASTERN GIRL SINGAPORE, May 3. ITALY'S top film pro--1 ducer, Mr. Dino do Laurentiis, is touring the Far East looking for a star—and she may be in Malaya. The man who discovered Sophia Loren. Gina Lollobrigida and Sylvano Mangano (now
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  • 197 8 17'UAL A LUMPUR, May 2.—The Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said today that he regarded the “double tenth” as ‘‘a sacred day in the history of China." He said this when denying a. report in a Singapore English newspaper that the Alliance Government was considering banning
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  • 167 8 Ceylonese Q.C. blames fanatics SINGAPORE, May 3. T'HE new Ceylon Government’s rejection of EngA lish as the official language was an act of grave folly, Mr. R. R. Crossette-Thambiah. Q.C.. former Solicitor-General of Ceylon, said in Singapore yes- terday. He saicf that because of this
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  • 118 8 KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. A PROBE into the Labour Party of Malaya’s heariquarters administration in Penang will be started by seven branch representatives on April 27. The “investigators’* were appointed at a conference of Selangor. Johore, Negri Sembilan and Malacca Labour leaders. They met after
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  • 25 8 JOHORE BAHRU, May 2 Dr. P. S. Raman, a J'»h >n* pathologist. has left America and Britain or. a year’s study tour.
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  • 59 8 SEREMBAN. May 2.—Soldi- ers of 2/6 Gurkha Rifles stationed in Negri Sembilan were unable to celebrate the coronation of the King of Nepal today because of operational duties against terror- ists. But preparations have &«■> r made for a big celcbra* when they return from t* l
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  • 246 9 SINGAPORE, May 3. yol lhere, the girl 1 wilh I lit* stars in v( ,iiri-ves. You are so Ml ,v lie is Mr. Right. j)„ \oil know who h m l him to you? And vou gay
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  • 79 9 KUALA LUMPUR. May 2. Pioneer aircraft of the Royal Air Force last month set* a new record for carrying men and supplies to jungle forts. The Pioneer support flight of N 267 Squadron, lifted 642 passenger* and more than 100.000 1b., of supplies
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  • 73 9 K U UMPUR, May 2 v-' 1 Officer Administering ;_V Government. Sir DaWatherston, this I n u congratulated on of the New Zea*‘7 Squadron. 22 Special Regiment, on 1: first anti-terrorist success. of the squadron r '‘;'.V )r billed two terj r v wll
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  • 33 9 Kl u I UMPUR, May 2.— r has sent a 1 ,r telegram to 'Pal on his oon of all Perils is the l n of the Condulor.s.
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  • 240 9 Clague on police careers SINGAPORE. May 3. THE Singapore Police A Secretary, Mr. Peter Clague. last night stressed the importance of joining the force as a constable. "It is NOT undignified.” he emphasised during a talk on “Police as a Career” in the
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  • 214 9 SINGAPORE, May 3. 4 44-YEAR-OLD widow. Fong Yien Sim, fought oil two thugs who tried to strangle her yesterday morning in her home in Henderson Crescent, Singa- pore. The men. one armed with a bearing scraper, pinned her down to her bed. One man had
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  • 66 9 KUALA LUMPUR. May 2.— Sim Kim Sin, 38, Lee Chong, 57, and Yang Tham Mun, 35, of Jinjang new village claimed trial in the First Magistrate’s Court here today to a charge of prospecting for tin without lawful authority at Sungei Tua at 8.30 a.m. on April
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  • 406 9  -  By WILLIAM FISH SINGAPORE. May 3. A LONG-HAIRED Indian yogi squatted on a tiger skin in a terrace house in Sera ngoon Road, Singapore, yesterday and expounded his beliefs which amount to this: “Anybody can do anything—provided I show him how.” Gnanavallal ParanjothiMahan “His
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  • 56 9 KOTA BIIARU. May 2. A Malay has been appointed deputy manager of a Colonial Development and Welfare Fund project -the Kola:.tan hsh marketing scheme at Bachok. near here. is Inche Abdul Snlain bin rbrahim. formerly of the Fisheries Department Ho os pined dutv yesterday under the
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  • 251 10 SINGAPORE, Muy X SENIOR officers of a Singapore bank missed $105,658 when a cashier did not resume work after lunch, it was alleged at a preliminary inquiry yesterday. Soon Huut Seng was accused of misappropriating $105,658 between 0 and 1.30 pm. on Feb. 6, while employed as
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  • 23 10 SINGAPORE. May 3 A nine-year-old boy. saratman bin Ahmad, was found electrocuted in his house at Lorong Tai Sent: Singapore, yesterday.
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  • 40 10 SINGAPORE, May 3 MK. DAVID J. WILLIAMS, who will arrive next month to take up the appointment of Principal of the Singapore Polytechnic. Mr. Williams is a graduate in arts and science of Liverpool University.
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  • 88 10 SINGAPORE. May J. |>LANS to turn out 1.000 skilled workers annually have been drawn up by the Chief Employment Officer, Mr. F. G. Tyson. One is for the Singapore Government to set up adult vocational training centres. The other is for employers to introduce apprentice
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  • 91 10 KUALA TRENGGANU. May 2. A MAN awaiting trial on a homicide change, Mohamed Amin bin Said, escaped from the Central Police Station lock-up here at 1.05 this morning. Police have set up roadblocks at all points of exit from the town in a bid to recapture
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  • 55 10 JOHORE BAHRU. May 2. The Johore Bahru Town Council has again discussed the necessity of introducing a water borne sewerage system. The council has asked the State Government for an expert opinion from a health engineer with a view to making a start with the scheme
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  • 82 10 SINGAPORE. May 3. MISS HELEN WEES (above) has been sent here by the Horid Health Organisation at the request of the (.'diversity of Malaya and the Government to advise on the setting up of an almoners’ training course. Tiu* suggestion Is that the university's present two-year social
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  • 198 10 ‘KING OF HELL IS COMING Hundreds flock to temples PENANG. May mJPERSTITIOUS Chinese here are flocking t 0 t/ rn pies to ask the gods to save them from the “K i r of Hades." The latter, according to a story, appeared before a woman recently in a dream, and
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  • 123 10 Jail and fine penalty too harsh, Chinese chambers protest KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. T'HE associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce today protested to the Federation Government against the double penalty imposed on traders infringing the Registration and Licensing of Businesses Ordinance. r Under the ordinance an offender Is liable to
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  • 43 10 SINGAPORE, May 3. An official of the Nanyang University yesterday said it was “a serious matter” that the Singapore Government could not at present recognise its degrees He said the matter would be discussed by the University’s executive council.
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  • 109 10 KUALA LUMPUR. May 2. The president of the Rubber Producers Council, Mr. H. A. Campbell, said today that sacrifices must be made by Government, estate owners and the workers until the synthe-tic-natural rubber position has been adjusted. He was commenting on reports that Goodrich Company
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  • 188 10 SINGAPORE. May 3. 'i'HE master planner of the new Singapore, Mr. Dennis Komlosy, spent yesterday evening wandering around rubber t ress and planning the eonst.ruet.ion of a little attap hut. Mr. Komlosy s master plan, it has been estimated, may cost the Singapore Government
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  • 324 10 PASTOR’S SON STOLE FROM SCHOOLBOYS SINGAPORE, May 3. T'ALL, good-looking A Chung Chi Kong, 22, one of the nine children of a pastor, who was convicted in a Singapore court yesterday of theft, stood staring at his toes when he was described as “the
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  • 837 11 Singapore. May, 4 S5\ PEOPLE, including two children, were burnt to death when fire swept through nv o floors of a four-storey building in Sago j a ne, Singapore, yesterday afternoon. TIr-v were trapped on the* top floor minutes al ter
    —Straits Times picture.  -  837 words
  • 52 11 ji 'APORE. \r a y 3 a umiui amur. sehoolchilaren hundr< ds oi Vf ‘d an unolhholiday to their 1] 1)1 an outbreak of violence. All private schools and kindergartens contacted by the Straits Times reported mutual attendance. Government and Govern-ment-aided schools did not close on
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  • 179 11 FUNERAL OF TENGKU ABU BAKAR From HARRY MILLER LONDON. May 3. T'ENGKU ABU BAKAR, second son of the Sultan of Johore, was buried in the Brookwood Cemetery at v/oking today. A member of his family and about 30 friends, including; former Government officers, attended
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  • 72 11 KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. The Federation Government has extended the contract of the Selangor State Information Oilicer. Mr. H. J Hackett, for six months. Mr. Hackett s contract was to have expired on Aug. 4 this year. Recently people in several villages in Selangor petitioned the
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  • 122 11 I/UALA LUMPUR, May 3. —An International Labour Organisation expert, Mr. E P. Eltham, said here last night that a national training scheme should be started to prepare trade apprentices for the highest positions in industry. He told Rotarians it was no use turning out “halfbaked salesmen
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  • 26 11 SINGAPORE, May 4. A 43-year-old cyclist, Sam Tong Kwin. was fatally injured in an accident involving a car in Beach Road, Singapore, yesterday morning.
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  • 262 12 PENANG. May An English plainer who Is retiring alter 36 years in Malaya today suggested a solution to the present controversy on jus soli (citizenship by right oi birth). “My personal view is that every Malay should be entitled to two votes
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  • 162 12 SINGAPORE. May 4. rpHE gift ottered by the Singapore magistrate, Mr. J. M. Devereux-Colebourn, to the 81-year-old war heroine. Madam Cheng Seang Ho, resulted in his contacting 8,000 miles away a relative he never even knew existed. Novelist and short-story writer,
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  • 68 12 KUALA TRENGGANU. May 3. Mohamed Amin bin Said. 35. who escaped from the police station lock-up here early yesterday while awaiting trial on a homicide charge, was recaptured this morning. Fishermen mending their nets spotted him walking along the coast at Batu Burok. 2i miles trom here.
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  • 110 12 SINGAPORE, May 4 A KEEPER of Royal confidences, Mr. Michael Parker. private secretary to the Duke of Edinburgh, flew into Singapore by Uantas yesterday, Australia-bound. lie is to spend a fortnight making preparations for the Duke's visit to Melbourne for the opening of
    Straits Times picture.  -  110 words
  • 47 12 SINGAPORE. May 4. Mr. Luke Wan Tho, chairman of the Singapore Youth Sports Appeals Committee, yesterday received an $BOO cheoue from Group Capt. D. D Rogers, the Station Commander oi raf. Seletar. The money came from the officers, NCOs and men of his station.
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  • 167 12 SINGAPORE, May 4. A SENIOR inspector in the British Ministry of n Housing and Local Government, Mr. F. H Carr, will preside at the inquiry into objections to Singapore s Master Plan. i The Singapore Government last night said Mr. Carr would spend some
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  • 24 12 SINGAPORE. May 4. A 19-year-old youth, Foo Say Kwang, was found drowned in the sea ofT Meyer Road, Singapore, yesterday morning.
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  • 195 12 They deal with unlicensed hawkers at the door SINGAPORE. May 4. A MAN yesterday chided certain Singapore WOMEN for being lazy. The accuser is Dr. C. J. Poh, a City Councillor. The women he criticised are those who live near food markets
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  • 102 12 He’s the first since the talks IPOH, May 3. T'HE first terrorist to surrender in Upper Perak since tlie Baling talks gave himself up to the police at Klian Intan on May 1. He is Chan Nan Seng, a member of the terrorist armed
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  • 120 12 KUALA LUMPUR, May 2. Radio malaya is being cheated of about $200,000 a year by people who do not buy wireless licences for their sets. The acting Deputy Director of Broadcasting in the Federation. Mr. Tony Beamish, today warned that he would act against these
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  • 79 12 KUALA LUMPUR, May 3. A schoolboy. Woo rook. lti. was drowned in a mining pool at Kampong Pandang here yesterday evening. YVoo was believed to have gone to the pool for a swim with a party of boys. But none of them could be
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  • 62 12 IPOH. May 3. A BURGLAR entered thre houses occupied bv European police officers last night. He took a brass jewel box containing trinkets valued at $lOO, six tins of cigarettes and $l5. In the second house, the robber found two fountain pens and $lB.
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  • 211 12 IMIE Royal Singapore Flying Club is at last “finding its wings” after moving from the old aii*port at Kallang to Paya Lebar. Mr. P. J. White, the new president, said yesterday that club flying since the move topped the 100 hour mark lust month.
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  • 469 13 Funds set aside to build new centre to retrain young offenders crVOAPORE. May 4. jnslilulion suniA M in Britain s ijoislal I", retrain juvenile delinquents IHiI" U 1 will be ‘j u|, in Smgiipore K .|,,iv the end "I the Will A Government spokesman said yesterd,v
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  • 262 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. HANK cashier told aX a Singapore court yesterday that he saw a fellow cashier, Soon Huat Seng, carrying a bag when he arrived for work at 9 a.m. on Feb. b. Ang Chwee Tee said it vvas iinusual for Soon to 'ome to
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  • 57 13 build 1 lay 3 A now Au sun, u S (l l hal1 fo the in' m j 11 School. Kamuntbv 11V1 p*’ ullic 'ially opened m v a,a Muda of Perak Till. a 1( a.m. ‘e of dedication by Archil bumper of North Th/r >
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  • 224 13 LONDON, May 3. announcement will be made soon by the Colonial Secretary, Mr. A. Lennox Boyd, on a proposal to set up a Commonwealth Service or an Overseas Service. The Minister of State for the Colonies, Mr. John Hare, said that under the
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  • 47 13 SINGAPORE. May 4. Two new honorary canons of St Andrew’s Catherdral, Singapore, were installed yesterday evening by the Archdeacon, the Ven. Robin Woods. They were the Rev. Dr. Sverre Holth, warden of St. Peter’s Hall, and the Rev. Chiu Ban It, vicar of Selangor.
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  • 77 13 Union loses $8,000 to cheque forger SINGAPORE, May 3. A SUM of $B,OOO has been drawn from the bank account of the Singapore Union of Journalists through forged signatures on three cheques, a police spokesman said yesterday. The amount was paid out The forgery was discovered when a fourth cheque
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  • 106 13 U.S. Navy will call officially on Federation it’s the first KUALA LUMPUR. May 3 Three ships of the United States Navy ar*' to make an ofTcial call on the Federation next month. It will be the first official visit ever made by the U.S. Navy. The three vessels a cruiser
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  • 402 13 PENANG, May U. LOH All BAH, 19-year-old rubber tapper, confessed in a statement on Feb. 1(5 that lie bad bit his 17-year-old girlfriend, Lean Kee Nyong, on the head with a bottle, tied a rope around her neck and then removed her
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  • 131 13 SINGAPORE, May 4. AN Irish soldier with a “volatile temper” was yesterday sentenced by a Singapore court martial to 70 days’ detention for refusing an order. He was Belfast-born Sapper Gerald MeCourt, Royal Engineers, Singapore. He pleaded guilty. The sentence Is subject to
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  • 1306 14  - MERDEKA MEN THINKING OF NEW CONSTITUTION GENERAL ELECTION COMPROMISE WILL DO TRICK TALKS TO GO ON NEXT WEEK LONDON, May 4. Today's session lasted 110 minutes. Mr. Marshall said when it ended: "It was a busy morning. Considerable progress was made in clarification of our proposals. Mr. Boyd asked questions
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  • 127 14 SINGAPORE, May 5. rides surprised people who boarded some of the buses operated by the Hock Lee Amalgamated Bus Company in Singapore last night. This “free service’’ is believed to be in retaliation to the suspension of a conductor last w r eek after
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  • 176 14 SINGAPORE, May 5. OINGAPORE Harbour Board will begin to build its first receptionterminal for passengers next week. The $250,000 building should be completed by the end ot the year. It will serve ships berthing at godowns 42 and 43 at the city end oi the
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  • 346 15 May 8. T i I.ark Sye, M irman of the I'niverslty M'uh has strongly the Educaf. r (j,ii.,ter. Mr. tion i{np for fhfH e vili '.t.e Singapore ..t is unable the Univrrs.tyS degrees. i t ,tfor to Mr. Chew r( i, v said his stateihl
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  • 118 15 Govt. officials get lesson on good manners in verse Kl \NTAN, May 4. Quoting a Malay pantun. Pahang’s it tim; state Secretary, Inche Abdullah Said, has told Government officers in the state to mind their manners wiirn dealing with the public. In a circular to all District Officers and heads
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  • 154 15 KUALA LUMPUR, May 5. lAEOURERS on a number of rubber estates today refused to accept their wages while representatives c* the planters and the workers’ unions were preparing to meet for a final round of negotiations tomorrow. As the demonstration spread, there was
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  • 72 15 SINGAPORE. May 5. Mrench and Italian are tipped for ilmgoerg following :it overseas trip by r Shaw, of the -'V H '.hers’ organisation. Sh tv who is at present C mental counto preview I fimh anc j Italian termine their suitfilmgoera in Malrrounding
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  • 30 15 s -RE. May 8. Chf» i 1 4l n Ungs by Mr. b<.; r }lsi which are bit-d in the BriHall, SingaT: r total $5,000. will be open
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  • 33 15 SINGAPORE. May 3. Akriak bln Haji Yusop, 20. was accused in Singapore yesterday of having five rounds of ammunition in Kheam Hock Road. He was remanded until May 14
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  • 659 15 —Reuter. SINGAPORE, May 6. SINGAPORE’S CHIEF MINISTER, Mr. David Marshall, in a recorded broadcast over Radio Malaya last night said there was reasonable hope that the London merdeka talcs would reach a successful conclusion. He said: “For the first time now, I believe there is
    ’—Reuter.  -  659 words
  • 191 15  -  From HARRY MILLER, LONDON, May 5 THE British Government is believed to be asking for much greater safeguards on internal security than Singapore has offered in its counter-proposals. This may sound ominous, and suggests little hope of agreement but the contrary seems to be the
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  • 56 15 SINGAPORE, May 7. Professor J. D. N. Versluys, acting director of the Calcutta UNESCO research centre on the Social Implications of Industrialisation of Southern Asia, flew into Singapore by Qantas-BOAC yesterday for talks with the Singapore and Federation Governments. Dr. Versluys said his centre dealt with
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  • 44 15 SINGAPORE, May 8. A car belonging to Singapore’s Traffic Police Chief. Mr. A E. Minns, was stolen from outside a restaurant in Orchard Road on Saturday night. It was found abandoned on the morning of May 6 in Gallop Road.
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  • 452 16  -  By NELSON RUTHERFURD T. MAUM, May 5. rPEMPORARY Inspector Hassan bin Shahabudin of the Special Constabulary sat in a green-painted office at the police station in the drowsy border town one day last week. Calmly he spoke
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  • 68 16 K. LUMPUR, Mti" The Chief Minister Abdm Rahman, saiii lr n sK that he was going t ‘pt to seek an interest < don from the BritLsh G v, n JSJS to build up the Pc: .i;“ e armed forces tlons “I don’t know
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  • 62 16 K. LUMPUR. May 7 The Emergency Op -rution* War Council whicn met briefly today is still wrestling with the final details of the all-out “people 1 war” planned by the Chief Minister. Tengku Abdul Pahman. Today’s meeting, cut short because the Tengku had to attend the
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  • 345 16 SINGAPORE, May 7. EVERY BUILDING in Singapore’s Chinatown poses a deadly fire risk, the Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, Mr. J. Angus, said yesterday. In a blunt warning he said many buildings were potential “death” houses, like the one in Sago Lane in which six
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  • 60 16 SINGAPORE, May 5. The Malayan Railway will provide extra train accommodation during the Hari Raya Puasa holidays. Additional seats and berths will be available on the services between Kuala Lumpur and Penang, and Kuala Lumpur and Singapore, and on the local trains between Ipoh and
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  • 87 16 SINGAPORE, May 7. ■pORTY FOUR people made homeless by Thursday’s fire in Sago Lane. Singapore, in which six died, are being helped to sot up homes again. Assistance so far: Payment of $3O a person from the Singapore Joint Relief Organisation. Blankets, cooking utensils and
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  • 231 16 THEY’RE NOT A MYTH: JUST, JUST ABOMINABLY ELUSIVE SINGAPORE, May 7. tXDR six months two BBC television men have been hunting for an “abominable snowman” in the Himalayas. Now they have given up and are flying to the desolate Indonesian Aru Islands to film Komodo
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  • 174 16 UNION URGES ACTION IPOH, May C. in Government service in Perak expressed fear today that many of them would be degraded to junior status this year. The annual meeting of the Perak branch of the Malayan Technical Services Union was told there was widespread concern
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  • 81 16 Padi scheme loss —$lm. KUCHING, May 6. THE Governmen' of Sarawak lost nearly $1 million last year after guaranteeing the price of locally grown rice and is preparing for losses exceeding $300,000 on the 1956/57 harvest. This was stated here yes- terday at a meeting n Council Negri bv tbe
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  • 395 17 KUALA LUMPUR, May 7. rrHK I (Ft of a five-month-old son of a police--1 ma i could have been saved had he been lf on 10 minutes earlier, an inquest here o perau<. toH today. hoy. Abdul Wahab, was nearly 40 minutes v of
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  • 198 17 SINGAPORE, May 8. (WIRMAN of the People’s Action Party, Dr. Toh Chin Chye, yesterday advised a British labour M.P. to concentrate on finding Communists in the British Labour Party. In an article in a British newspaper, the M.P., Mr. Woodrow Wyatt, former Parliamentary Under-Secre-tary of
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  • 234 17 SINGAPORE, May 8. X E N THOUSAND Singapore City Council workers, who have shelved strike action until the return of the merdeka men from London, may change their minds and down tools in a fortnight. Everything depends now on the outcome of a dispute involving
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  • 122 17 SINGAPORE, May 8. TWO AUSTRALIAN Florence Nightingales arrived in Singapore by air yesterday to Join in the fight against Malaya’s deadliest killer—tuberculosis. Debron Connor, 26. (left) a red-headed Irish lassie with four years residence in Melbourne, and Margaret Scoble, 28. from
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  • 16 17 TANJONG MALIM, May 8. Mr. K. Retnaslngham, Health Inspector here, has been transferred to Tapah.
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  • 348 17 SINGAPORE, May 8. II7HO will pay the abolition terms of Singapore Harbour Board expatriates if their posts are Malayanised? There was no answer to this question when it was asked by a board member, Mr. Yap Pheng Deck, at yesterday’s hearing of the Malayanisation Commission.
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  • 304 17 f ‘V.APORE. May 8. J 1 onishing what a nuny people make f 1 <* heavenly creaCarriages.” •»■»<> I oster, manager f Methodist Book ade this intro- v r ni ark in a talk ‘oil Marriage’’ to vim,, k, l audience
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  • 1244 18 rpHERE is a likelihood that Malaya might stage an 1 International Hockey Quadrangular towards the latter part of the year. Mr. H. M. de Souza, president of the Malayan Hockey Federation, said that the Dutch Olympic hockey team have already accepted an invitation to visit
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  • 217 18 BELGIAN track and field athletes may be seen in action here when they break journey on their way to Melbourne for the Olympic Games In November. Singapore AAA. secretary, Mr. John Christie, told yesterdays monthly .meeting of the association that a
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  • 226 18 SINGAPORE. May 9 JIMIE Director of Operations. I Lieut -General Sir Geoffrey Bourne, was given the traditional Gurkha send-off for a departing general, by 1.6 Gurkha Rifles in Ipoh on May 7. As General Bourne left the camp in a Land Rover after his farewell visit, he
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  • 160 18 Because to spit is not to intimidate SINGAPORE May 9. A PRETTY factory hand. Wee Bong Chee, 17, who was charged with criminal intimidation because police claimed they saw her spitting at a lorry load of workers during a strike, walked out of a Singapore
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  • 181 18 ‘DANCING SULTAN ROW KUALA LUMPUR May 8 The Keeper of the Rulers’ Seal, Tuan Ha.ji Mustapha Albakri bin Haji Hassan, is to protest to the American Consulate here against an article in the latest issue of the weekly magazine Time. The magazine, writing on the Sultan of Pahang, alleged that
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  • 432 20 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, May 7. THE Singapore Share Market last week was on the whole quietly steady, but presented something of a drab picture with the volume of business written reduced in comparison with the previous week. The Singapore Merdeka talks not
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  • 148 20 COMPANIES operating in Malaya announced the following dividends last week:— THE AYER MOLEK RUBBER CO., LTD.: an interim dividend of 10% less 30% income tax, for year ending September 30, 1956, payable on May 15, 1956, to members on the register. Books will be closed from May 7
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  • 277 20 THE following business done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one Arm of brokers for the period April 28 to May 4: INDUSTRIALS: Consolidated Tin Smelters Ord. 28/6 and 30/-, Fraser Sc Neave Ords. $1.67 Vi to $l.6BVi to $1.65 to $l.67Vi, Federal Dispensary
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  • 24 20 SINGAPORE, MAY 9,. RUBBER: 851 cents per lb. (down 2A cents). TIN: $374,621 per picul (down $1.25). COPRA: $30,371 per picul (unchanged).
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  • 819 20 SINGAPORE, May 9. INDUSTRIALS Bayers Sellers Alex Bricsworts Pref 1.00 1.00 •jrds 1.95 3.06 Atlas ice 13 00 (buyers* B. B, Petrol 49/0 51/B U Trustees 610 6.16 Con. Tin Smelt Pref 19/- 30/- xd Ords 29/- 30/Eaatern United 30 60 .31.10 Fed. Dispensary 1.08 1.93 Fraser
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  • 393 20 RUBBER PRICE EAS ES DESPITE TAPPERS’ GO-SLOW THREAT By Our Market Corresponden. SINGAPORE, Mav ;> gINGAPORE Rubber Market yesterday i i. e v ignored the go-slow threat, scheduled a ke place on Malayan rubber estates on Ma n following the breakdown of negot:. ions between the Malayan Planting Industrie: i;
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  • 517 20 rE rubber market reached Its lowest level of the year at the beginning of this week after which sentiment took a turn for the better, report Holiday. Cutler Bath L Co. Ltd. This however, was not due to greater offtake by overseas buyers, but rather to a
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