The Straits Budget, 29 December 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWIPAPKK New Series No. 488. Thursday, Dec. 29, 1955. < Price 40 cento (Malayan) Or 1 Shilling.
    28 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 176 1 i ’Ar J SmiM' Ijlil MB 1 B I I I v;> .<. ,5k n/Mima •s>. %t H M [HB 188 I fl afyUBB HHfl v fcp J&*. x^^ f *s\.%■" 4L lB§%3jiiss&vc&^^*ff'Cj^^ i-; *-V {V v I BB I■• lT a;#- i L •>> «W <. >: •s■■■ sSOiJ
      176 words

    • 534 2  -  M. HASSAN. Kuala Lumpur. ANAK SINOAPURA” wrote an excellent letter which is of course 100 per cent, facts. From the point of view of an ordinary Malay ‘‘ordinary” means a man who has no professional qualification I should also like to say something
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    • 175 2  -  GOOD MALAYAN. Johore Bahru. -1 AGREE with Dr. B. D. Molesworth. the Medical Superintendent of the Sungei Buloh Leper Settlement, who said that there was a poor response from local people “to help to form an aid society’’ with a view to improving the social well-being
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    • 101 2  -  M. NOOR. Singapore. I THOUGHT the Government had made it clear that students who went to Red China would not be allowed to return. Now one of them, a young woman who found life in Red China not to her taste, has come back. Surely there are
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    • 380 2  -  JOHN ERE. Singapore. TN your editorial entitled “The Black Belt” you state that the Queenstown farmers have refused to move, although offered fair terms of resettlement, which included the provision of a concrete base for a hut and “enough money to build the hut
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    • 279 2  -  ANTI-INJl > '•'iCK. Kampar. Members of the Kampar community have been shocked to hear that at the last meeting of the Methodist Church officials held in K.L., it was decided to dismiss the present headmaster of the Methodist Afternoon School, Kampar. The headmaster concerned has served the
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    • 132 2  - REAL FEELINGS LAV' Malacca. 1 congratulate the Sultan of Johore on his forthright statements and Anak Singapura for the able way he has put the real feelings of every right-thinking person of Malaya. The peoples of Malaya, so say our psuedo-politicians, are entirely behind them in their aspirations for independence.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 770 3 ---Straits Times Her 21 The prospects of successful mnesty talks with the terrori, aders are growing no brighter. The Federation's Thief Minister is still waiting ♦or Chin Peng’s reply to his aoposal which set a place a av and an hour. The Malayn Communist Party’s headjuarters
      ---Straits Times Her 21  -  770 words
    • 861 3 -Straits Times. Dec 22 Singapore's Malayanisation Commission breaks new ground today when it examines the memorandum of the Director of Personnel. The memorandum makes three important statements. The real risk, it says, is that Malayanisation will proceed too fast and not 100 slowly. Secondly the Government
      -Straits Times. Dec 22  -  861 words
    • 129 3 Straits Times, Dec 22 The Communist Government of China has now confirmed the demand of Malaya’s Communist terrorists for a place in the Alliance sun. Peace in Malaya, declares a political commentator in th** official People’s Daily, is possible only if military operations against the terrorists are
      Straits Times, Dec 22  -  129 words
    • 584 3 Straits Times, Dtc. 23. Mi Marshall return from ins lionrion mission today to a tiiumphal welcome organised by the Labour Front and its allies. When the rejoicings are over, tin* Chief Minister will lie quickly reminded that self-government i.s hy no means the only problem that claims
      Straits Times, Dtc. 23.  -  584 words
    • 331 4 -Straits Times. Dec. 23 It is a significant thing when powerful employers and powerful trade union leaders chide those of theii numbers who refuse to support organisations of employers, or workers. Unorganised workers and employers alike were rebuked at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur of representation
      -Straits Times. Dec. 23  -  331 words
    • 630 4 Straits Times. Dec. 24. Singapore's Chief Minister came home yesterday to a tumultuous welcome —and to some hard work. He deserves his hour of triumph, for his London visit i.s an encouraging beginning for the negotiations which are to be held in April, The concessions which
      Straits Times. Dec. 24.  -  630 words
    • 1128 4 —Straits Times. Dec. 27 Malayan Communist Party statements on the talks with the Chief Ministers of the Federation and Singapore are very plain warning against vacillation at the coming meeting on the jungle's fringe. The Chief Ministers may indeed have to make up their minds in the
      —Straits Times. Dec. 27  -  1,128 words

    • 127 4 WALLICH To Peggy and Jin', a son on 21.12.55, tit Kandan Kerbau Hospital." GRIFFITHS To Kitty an.; Hugh at K. K. Hospital on 21 12.5a a son Simon Patrick DICKSON. To Barbara am Mylrea. on 23rd December, at Spottiswoode Park, a daughter CLINTON; To Maxine, wile or Andrew, at
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    • 27 4 DRYSDALE-DE SILV A K eldest son of late Alex I ’t and Mrs. Lesslar. to C* voungest daughter of Mr !>*' and Mrs. E. R De Silva.
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    • 29 4 BAYLES-FIELD: On December 17th at S' Church. Kuala Lumpur of the late H. L. Bayl< and Mrs. F. M. Bayles. youngest daughter ol i Field, C.M.G. and Mr.
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  • 760 5 YOU remember how M. Aristide Briand lost the premiership of France because the press photographers caught him trying to play golf with Mr. Lloyd George at San Remo, and the French public did not then think this behaviour was dignified? No, probably
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  • 132 5 THE OFFICIAL RELIGION—ISLAM KOTA BHARU, Dec. 27. f PHE Pan-Malayan Islamic Association, at its an- nual meeting today, urged members to win back for the Malays the undisputed position they formerly held in the country and to make Islam the official religion of the Federation.
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  • 296 5 YOUTH. WOMEN TO HAVE MORE SAY IN ASSEMBLY. BUT WILL BE STRICTL Y SUPER VISED Kuala lumpur, Dec. 27. —The revised constitution of the United Malays National Organisation adopted at its general assembly here yesterday provides for more effective and centralised control of the party. It
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  • 86 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. -7.—The Minister for Economic Affairs, Mr. Oscar Spencer, is to join the Federation contingent to the London constitutional talks as an adviser. He is leaving here by plane for London on Jan. 7. His presence at the “Merdeka” talks is considered
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  • 45 5 fOHORE BAHRU. D»c. 27. it ni 20 gamblers found in iiop at Plentong, police a reeded in arresting three. r 'day, Wong Tak. Wong ftg and Cheong Kwang r re each fined $25 in the 'ixtrate’s Court for gamb-
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  • 88 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 27. F)RTY children of the orthopaedic ward of the General Hospital here put on their biggest smiles of the year when they were given a Christmas party by the Royal Australian Engineers today Father Christmas distributed presents to the children. The party was
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  • 40 5 SINGAPORE, Dee. 28 Tay Tan Soo. 48. fell about 15 feet from the first floor of u house in Chander Road, Singapore, while working yesterday. He was admitted to hospital with a neck injury.
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  • 220 5 For Singapore and Federation SINGAPORE. Dec. 28 r rHE Singapore Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, said yesterday that the Colony was not seeking union with the Federation “out of weakness.” “I would like to stress the fact that we are not trying to join the Federation
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  • 33 5 KUALA LUMPUR Dec. 27. The Sungei Jenka temporary bridge at the 6 l Jth mile on tile Temerloh to Maran Road, in Pahang, has been closed to truffle because of flooding
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  • 1162 6  -  '—Cl NH t SINGAPORE, Dec. 24. IF the evidence of the 1 brittle and ageing files of the Straits Times is accepted. Christmas in Malaya was a poor festival fifty years ago, and a hundred years ago was hardly observed at all. Even in 1905, the
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  • 8 6 —Photograph by Kok Ah Chong.
    —Photograph by Kok Ah; Chong.  -  8 words
  • 443 6 SINGAPORE, Dec. 28 SINGAPORE’S 10 Chinese bus companies yesterday settled their 42-day-old dispute with their 1,600 locked-out workers. The owners will try to run a skeleton service today, and all buses will be back on the roads tomorrow. The dispute, between the Bus Owners’ Association
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  • 106 6 Sudden cave-in holds up traffic in Colony: Repairs today SINGAPORE. Dec. 28. A SUDDEN cave-in held up traffic in Stamford Road, Singapore, yesterday. A big hole appeared in the roadwmy near the Capitol flats. It was about ten feet deep and sloped down to a manhole There was
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  • 378 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 24. AIR. MARSHALL last night indicated forcefully 1T1 what he would do if his talks in London next April on complete internal self-government for Singapore fail. He said he would then plead for the inclusion of
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  • 220 7 From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, Dec. 23. First man ashore when the troopship Empire Orwell docked at Southampton was Private Gerald Wright, home after two years* in Malaya. Gerald had been given 30 minutes special shore leave to meet his fiancee 18-year-old Dawn McFarlane,
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  • 827 7  -  MALA YS/AA XOTLHOOK STANLEY STREET THE lights of Telok A Ayer Street barrows seldom gleam on rows of shiny cars. But last week was exceptional. The Peking Opera was performing, for two nights only, and leading personalities, and those who like to think that they are leading
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  • 577 7  -  TUAN I)JEK THAT the weather continues delightful means very little; we must wait and see. We have been able to plant more bananas. and to do some cultivation. The labour force consists of the Cook, and the Tuan, both crocks, and Khonn. the 14-year-old. Our only cat has
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  • 18 7 SEGAMAT, Dec. 26.—A new concrete bridge is to be constructed over the Segamat liver next year.
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  • 127 7 From the Straits Times "f Dec. 27. 1905: BUSINESS was resumed today in the City after the two days’ holiday with which Christmas was c< lebrated. There were, as 1 ual. many private parties aI id meetings to observe ’he ancient festival. Spe•al services were held at
    From the Straits Times "f Dec. 27. 1905:  -  127 words
  • 27 7 SINGAJTJHE. Dec. 24 I he Governor ot Singapore, Sir Robert Black, presented six Scouts with Queen’s Scout Certificates at Sands House Armenian Street, yesterday afternoon.
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  • 204 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 21. IZASIM BIN AMIR, a 23-year-old Malay attendant at the University of Malaya, who pleaded guiltv to a charge of being intimate with a 14-year-old girl Chan Geok Eng, was yesterday bound over to be of good behaviour for two years
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  • 97 8 A LARGE number of expatriates have ap- j I plied to the Singapore f Government for transfer to other territories over the past few months. Revealing this to the I Straits Times yesterday, S i the Singapore Establish- r ments Officer, Mr. Nor- I man Ward, said:
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  • 192 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 20. —Malayan students at the Teachers’ Training College in Brinsford Lodge, near Wolverhampton. boycotted breakfast one morning last week. A letter from a student to his father in Kuala Lumpur says that this was because of a “childish and unnecessary punishment'’ imposed by
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  • 155 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 21 TTIE Commissioner of Police yesterday assigned a 1 senior officer to full-time duty in a bid to combat sabotage of Singapore Telephone Board pro- perty. The officer is Acting Superintendent of Police Song Hoo, the senior locallyrecruited officer. This
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  • 105 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 20. HPHE Federation Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, today denied reports that he had offered the president of Party Negara, Dato Sir Onn bin Ja'afar. a high Government post abroad. The reports which appealed in a number of vernacular newspapers,
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  • 1136 8 WARNING TO THE COMMISSION SINGAPORE, Dec. 22. A STATE of “emotional tension” may soon result in Singapore’s public services unless the Government takes urgent steps to make a clear-cut announcement on the future of expatriates under the Malayanisation scheme. This warning is
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  • 31 8 SINGAPORE DecThe Governor. Sir I d Black. yesterday Connell House. He toured the bu swimming nool a!u for an hour and “K* the staff and seam* n
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  • 264 8 He says: The plan will end Malays’ special status K. LUMPUR, Dec. 26. Th e Federation’s Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, told the UMNO general assembly here today that he had no intention of creating a single nationality for all the people who owe undivided loyalty
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  • 151 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 21. TIONG GEE, of Simpang, Taiping, who was charged in Singapore on Dec. 19 with manufacturing sand crackers, is wanted by the Taiping police in connection with an explosion there earlier this month. Tliis was stated in the Fourth Magistrate’s Court yesterday by
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  • 32 9 JOHORE BAHRU. Dec. 21. lnche Abdul Karim bin Hit am has been appointed president of Johore Bahru Town Council to succeed lnche Ahmad bin Hussein who i> on retirement leave.
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  • 263 9 BIGGEST MALAYA BOOM SINCE 1951: TIN AND RUBBER DO THE TRICK SINGAPORE, Dec. 22. MALAYAN trade is 7 enjoying its biggest boom since 1951 because of the higher rubber and tin prices in world markets. This year will be the second best in the country’s trading
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  • 225 9 Guarantee status Alliance told K. LUMPUR, Dec. 21. THE Malay Rulers want a written guarantee lrom the UMNO-MCA-MIC Alliance, the ruling party in the Federation, that their status as constitutional heads will be fully upheld, as a condition of their support for the Alliance target dates
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  • 116 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 22 \BOI’T $10,000,000 worth of textiles has been shipped from Singapore to Indonesia during the past three months. Giving details yesterday, Mr. I). Djohan. Chief of the Indonesian Customs in Singapore, told the Straits Times that this
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  • 347 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 21. The Federation Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, was surprised today when he was shown a Peking report which linked his coming talks with the Malayan Communist leader, Chin Peng, with the Federation’s march towards independence. Radio Peking quoted an r,r ‘icl<> in
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  • 91 9 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 21. CTRIP-TEASER Rose Chan and her troupe failed to appear tonight at the Queen’s Theatre, Kuala Lumpur, where they have been performing nightly for the last four weeks. Tile police withdrew the theatre’s licence to stage her show because, it is alleged. Rose
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  • 19 9 SINGAPORE. Dec. 23. More than 120 Singaporeans left in the Canton yesterday to spend Christinas in Penang.
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  • 82 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 2T SIR HARTLEY SHAWCROSS, Q.C., AttorneyGencral in the former Labour (iovernment, is seeking admission to the Singapore liar as an advocate and solicitor. A notice applying for admission on his behalf has been filen by .Messrs. Drew and Napier with the High Court Registry. Sir
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  • 125 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 21. rpHE Director of Posts, Singapore, Mr. M. L. Durrant, 1 yesterday issued a warning to the public to be on the look-out for bogus postmen. He said that last year a man posing as a postman went round homes and shops in
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  • 131 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 34 SOME exporters in Singaporc have been labelling low grade salt fish as quality and sending it to I ndoncsia. Now a panel of experts has been set up in Jakarta to examine the fish before it goes to the importer.
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  • 221 10 are 29 super--f scale posts in the Government service which need “Malavanising.” Six of these are classified as ‘‘vacant’* but arc filled bv officers in an acting capacity. According to Mr. Higham there are only nine local men in the administrative service with
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  • 67 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 23. “The Christmas Story, a selection of eight carols and anthems of English. French. Chinese and American Negro origin, will be sung by the Wesley Evening Choir at Wesley Church, 4. Fort Canning Road. Singapore, at 5.30 p.m. on Dec. 25. Mr. Andrew' Lee will
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  • 670 10 SINGAPORE. Dec. 22. I OGAL administrative officers of the Singapore Government fear that it’ expatriate officers are allowed to serve al ter Malavanisation, they would “jockey themselves into positions of dominance over local men/’ The local men maintain that they can
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  • 169 10 Knock knock —enter 3 robbers SINGAPORE, Dec. 22. Three men, one armed with a pistol, bioke into a book store in Middle Road. Singapore, yesterday morning and robbed the owner and his family of $1,750 in cash and jew’ellery. The robbers knocked on the door and then rushed into the
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  • 359 11 LEE KUAN YEW Will. REPRESENT UNIONS AT INQUIRY COURT SINGAPORE, Dec. 24. THE Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, delved into Singapore’s labour problems 15 minutes alter returning to the Colony yesterdav. He did so at the airport, when the T.U.C. president, Mr. S. Jaganathan,
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  • 177 11 GOVT. PLANS TO AID WEAK UNIONS K. LUMPUR. Dec. 22. 'PHE Minister for Labour, Mr. V. T. Sambanthan, 1 told the Straits Times today that the Federation Government was planning to set up of a Wages Council for employees in the retail trade. -The council will
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  • 124 11 SINGAPORE. Dec. 24. CERTAIN brands of liquor were sold out yesterday, a number of Singapore firms reported. A spokesman of C aid beck MacGregor and Co., Ltd. told the Straits Times: “Sales have been extra good this year. "We ar<> out of stock in 10
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  • 42 11 War claims —a deadline KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 23. The War Damage Commission warned today that documents and information supporting claims for payment must be sent before Feb. 1. If the information is not supplied before then the claimant will not be paid.
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  • 234 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. 24. AN INTERNATIONAL j Labour Organisation expert, Dr. Erland von Hofsten, warned yesterday that Singapore would be faced with a “severe economic problem” if the present birth rate continues. He told the Straits Times yesterday that he had studied the Colony’s birth
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  • 146 11 LUMPUR, Dec. 22.—The working committee of the Federation of Government Administrative and Clerical Unions decided today to call its 15,000 members out on strike if they get no answer to their increased pay demands before Dec. 21. Early this month the Federation demanded an increase
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  • 241 11 Dr. Huang becomes a Reader SINGAPORE, Don. 23. JJR. RAYSON L. HUANG, Lecturer in Chemistry at the University of Malaya, has been appointed a Reader—the first such appointment at the University—the Vice-Chancellor, Sir Sydney Caine, announced in Singapore yesterday. i rfir Sydney said: “This newly created
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  • 38 11 MALACCA, Dec. 23. A wo- the General Hospital h# re. a man patient Tan Kern Malacca inquest was told ta>Iloong, 53, hanged herself day. A .suicide verdict was with a six-yard bandage in recorded
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  • 200 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. 23. ONE lucky Singapore woman will find a glittering surprise in her Christmas stocking on Dec. 25—a 515,000 diamond necklace. A Chinese bought the necklace for his wife at a High Street jewellery store yesterday. And the manager,
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  • 61 11 LABIS REDS— LAST CHANCE SEGAMAT. Dec. 22. A “giveup or die” leaflet raid was launched at the terrorists in the Labis area of Johore toOn Nov. 1 a bandit gang am bushed a patrol in Labis new village, killed a police constable and escaped with four shot-guns. Security Forccss later
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  • 541 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 23. Building has begun of new premises for the Straits Times Press Ltd., said the chairman of the company, Mr. R. C. Kendall, in a stateme n t accompanying the publication yesterday of the accounts for the year ending Sept. 30.
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  • 216 12 Rulers want committee revived K. LUMPUR, Dec. 22. THE Malay Rulers have decided that the advisory committee which they and the High Commissioner appointed last year to consider amendments to the Federation Agreement should be revived. They want the committee to be included in the special independent
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  • 126 12 ABOUT 40 drivers of the CommissionerGeneral’s Office in Phoenix Park, Singapore. have received a Christmas windfall. They will be given $3O to $OO in wage increases for three months Their new salary scale, approved by the British Foreign Office. increases their
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  • 88 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 23. THE Education Minister, Mr. Chew Swee Kee, yesterday said Singapore now has “a host of boys and girls with Grade Two or Three certificates seeking white-collar jobs.” But the city was still crying out for qualified craftsmen and technicians. Mr. Chew was
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  • 39 12 SINGAPORE. Dec. 23. Miss Tan Seek Ho, 28. a nurse at St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital in Tanjong Pagar Road. Singapore, collapsed and died after an injection at the hospital yesterday evening. The police are investigating.
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  • 40 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 23. Air-Vice Marshal W. J. M. Akerman, Air Officer Administration, Far East Air Force, left Singapore yesterday with his wife for Britain in the Canton. He is returning after 35 years in the R AF.
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  • 474 12 FESTIVAL-BUT IT WAS HARDLY FESTIVE Kuala lumpur. Dec. 22.—The High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, stayed away from a cultural festival staged here last night by the PanMalayan Students’ Federation because the organisers refused to play “God save the Queen.” And today because of the students’
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  • 28 12 SBGAMAT. Dec. 22.-Meij SeA.^l* another bandit in the Jom Pahang area r„rkhus A patrol of the Gurkha* found a camp and shot ti bandit.
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  • 48 12 K. LUMPUR. Dec. 22.- Fourteen English schools in Kuala Lumpur who ha* f ease the Christmas mail rush had the busiest day lives in the General Post Office he jj. bau* They had to sort and stamp mails froi received this morning from Britain.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 72 12 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) Singapore Town Area No Postage 5.20 10.40 an; 20.80 V(Ml |i) The weekly issues of the Straits Budget can it express air delivery service to the United King ,M an inclusive rate of S24.00 for six m° nth (ALL THE ABOVE ARE IN
      72 words

  • 1650 13 Fair deal guarantee or expatriates will quit SINGAPORE. Dec. 23. *THE Director of Personnel, Mr. J. D. Higham, told the Malayanisation Commission yesterday that if the intention was to Malayanise the Singapore civil service at all costs 4 *then the
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  • 190 13 )VfR BYRNE was taken ill to task by Mr. Iligham for saying that the proceedings of Government disciplinary tribunals were a farce. At Dec. 19 meeting of the Commission, Mr. Byrne had aiitgeu that officers appearing before a tribunal were
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  • 71 13 i° ,d th< Commission that he would "get 1 sutin. thl'i'pW Government 1 thjt Pnss reports were wrong in savinu said: V reprCSen ted expatriate officers. Mr Higham "I am here as Director of Personnel I look if'ler <>f ClasM “f '•Hiffrs—rxpatrfeUi-^and It
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  • 1361 14 Dominion status: Gay Mr. M. Says I have date' SINGAPORE, Dec. 24. THE CHIEF MIN1SA TER, Mr. David Marshall, indicated on his return to the C o 1 o n v yesterday that Singapore would get Dominion status in April 1D.V7. He seemed confident that this would be agreed to

  • 259 15 CTCD KLIAN INTAN, Dec. 24. AFTER seven years of jungle war, the whole Kedah-Perak-Siam border was quiet this morning. Operations were called off at midnight last night for Chin Peng to come out and meet the Chief Ministers of the Federation
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  • 78 15 IPOH, Dec. 26. A TIGER weighing 300 katis was shot by a hunt_ ing party at Layang Layang. near Parit, yesterday The party of 10 round the tiger in the lallang and surrounded it. One of tho hunters shot It In the back while
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  • 193 15 CHRISTMAS CROWD LOOKED ON SINGAPORE, Dec. 27. 4 17-YEAR- OLD 4 schoolboy, Teo Liang Hee, was found stabbed to death after police broke up a gang tight outside an open air cinema in Ganges Avenue, Singapore, on Christmas night. Two other teenage hoys were
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  • 31 15 PENANG. Dec. 27.—Malay-an-born Indians in the Federation will offer prayers tomorrow for the success of the meeting between Chin Peng and the Chief Ministers of the Federation and Singapore.
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  • 321 15 KLIAN INTAN, Dec. 27. THE VILLAGt of Klian Intan was sealed off today as Chin Peng’s emissary, Chen Tien, had his fifth meeting with the Federation Government’s envoys, Mr. Too joon Hing, Assistant Minister for Education, and Mr. I. S Wylie, acting Commissioner of Police.
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  • 244 15 SINGAPORE. Dec. 25. THE CHIEF Minister, Mr. David Marshall, said last night he would be "glad to welcome" European expatriate offi%'ers in the Colony’s public services if they were prepared to become Singapore citizens. He also announced that there would soon be a reshuffle of
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  • 94 15 SINGAPORE. Dec. 27. WINS were among the 71 babies—43 girls and 28 vs -born at the Kandang "foau Maternity Hospital •Singapore on Christmas 1 *>ay. 1 The twins, both boys, were born to Mr. and Mrs. Quek Chok Wee of 129. Beach Road. The first was
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  • 148 15 KUALA LUMPUR Dec. 27. nPHE Director of Operations. Lt.-Gen. Sir Geoffrey Bourne, returned here from his talks in London today and received a briefing on final arrangements for the meeting between the Federation’s Chief Minister, Tengku Abdul Rahman, and the Communist leader, Chin Peng.
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  • 55 15 KUALA LUMPUR Dec. 27 A Hammond organ has been Installed at St. John’s Roman Catholic Cathedral here. It cost $12,000. But already parishioners have collected nearly half the organ’s cost. They started collecting only three weeks ago. The organ was used for the first time at
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  • 770 16 Cheng-lock: Terrorists cannot win Both sides taking part in this week's "'peace" talks in North Malaya have made clear their positions. The Communists have declared that the talks will fail if they are not allowed to work equally with the legal political parties for Malayan independence. And
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  • 140 16 ALOR STAR. Dec. 26—A Malay terrorist was killed yesterday by a police patrol in the Tolak area of Kuala Nerang district, north Kedah. Tlie dead man’s two Chinese companions fled without tiring a shot. The police patrol saw the bandits on the jungle fringe. They
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  • 391 16 ‘Grant it or negotiations fail’ Bv Our Political Correspondent SINGAPORE. Dec. 28 rpHE Malayan Communist Party yesterday warned the Chief Ministers of the Federation and Singapore that the talks with Chin Peng will fail unless the Communists are allowed to work together with all political
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  • 123 16 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 26. THE Alliance Government could not agree to a proposal by Mr. Marshall that the Federation and Singapore should make a joint request for dominion status, Tengku Abdul Rahman told the UMNO General Assembly here today. The Alliance had a mandate
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  • 327 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 25. jVIR. Charles Gamba yeaterx day wrote to the Minister for Labour, Mr. Lim Yew Hock, resigning from the Commission inquiring into the Singapore bus strikes. His letter stated: "Tliis morning at 11.30 I was in attendance by appointment in the Chambers of His Honour,
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  • 98 16 PENANG, Dec. 24.—Although there were no special attractions, apart from racing and the annual trade fair, Penang had one of its biggest postwar holiday crowds this Christmas. There was such a rush of visitors from neighbouring states and towns that cars had to queue up
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  • 34 16 PENANG. Dec. 27. A vent teacher. Miss Gun' Eow, elder daughter and Mrs. Gunn Lay 1 1 today married to Mr ence Yeo Kim San. wh the staff of the City Council.
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  • 391 17  -  From FELIX ABISHKOANADKN KOTA TINOCiI, Dec. 27. (TEAR ha« gripped the people of peaceful Lornbong village, four miles from here. Bandits who struck at the Sungei Bcsi Tin Mines on Dec. 21, came back again last night. But their plans were toiled when an alert Special
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  • 552 17 We 9 re very happy 9 Beck children tell mother —so they get more time IPOH. Dec. 26. f |VIE Beck children were splashing joyously in the swimming pool specially built for them when 1 ont to see how they spent their last Christmas with
    m Ipoh on Christmas Day —Straits Times picture  -  552 words
  • 151 17 Temerloh praised loggers punished ALA LUMPUR. Dec. 27. Temerloh District War utive Committee today ived a congratulatory age from the Pahang Executive Committee on iiu 100 terrorist nations so far this year, announced at the same its decision to close 1 two sawmills in the ai and Kuala Pilah disand
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  • 235 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. r PHE Christmas holi- days brought another big success to Security Forces in Selangor. Five terrorists surrendered and one was killed in the Sungei Buloh area, about io miles north-west ol here. The number ot terrorist eliminations
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  • 173 17 SINGAPORE, Dec 28. '■MIE P.A.P. louder in the Singapore Assembly, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, yesterday hailed as an “idea worth discussion” the proposal of Tengku Abdul Rahman that Singapore should become a member state m the Federation of Malaya. The Tengku had said at
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  • 1618 18 Big sceurity clamp on the area KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. f pHE CHIEF MINISTERS of the Federation and Singapore, Tengku Abdul Rahman and Mr. David Marshall, and the President of the Malayan Chinese Association, Dato Sir Chenglock Tan, will meet the Communist leader. Chin Peng, at
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  • 997 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP 4 a n n .KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. \1 AZOOKA, with Shelley Geyer astride, clearly established himself as a sprinter of quality when he carried 9.8 to a handsome 1} length win in the P and 0 Cup over
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  • 264 19 MARSHALL PLAN TO MEET ECONOMIC THREAT SINGAPORE, Dec. 28. pVERY effort was being made to cope “economically,” with Singapore’s rapid population growth, the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, told the Straits Times yesterday. Greater industrial development, expanded technical education and increased trade were envisaged.
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  • 202 19 SINGAPORE, Dec. 28 president of the A Singapore Hire Car Owners’ Association, Mr. T. A. Simon, yesterday jubilantly hailed as a “grand idea” the City Council proposal to offer 25 per cent of any fine imposed on a “pirate” taxi operator to the
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  • 16 19 SEGAMAT, Dec. 23.—Johore will spend $170,000 on a TB. sanatorium at Tampoi, Johore Bahru.
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  • 61 19 SINGAPORE, Dec. 28. Mr. Heng Giok Kim 35, a clerk at the City Council abattoirs, was killed in an accident in Norfolk Road. Singapore, on the night of Dec. 26. He was driving home after a party when his car left the road and crashed into
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  • 69 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 27. Terrorists entered the pumping shed of Pamol Estate in the Kluang area of Johore yesterday morning and put the water pump out of action bv removing some bolts and the controlling mechanism. The pump was put right later, and Security Forces are
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  • 135 19 PENANG, Dec. 27. Two thousand and five hundred parents, headed by Mrs. Khoo Choo Poon, a housewife, today petitioned the Federation Minister for Education, Dato Abdul Razak, to retain Mr. G. D. Muir as Settlement Chief Education Officer. “Mr. Muir is a prudent, capable
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 48 19 sweep TOTAL POOL $*****0 1st: No. *****3 ($*****) 2nd: No. *****0 ($*****) 3rd: No. *****5 ($*****) STARTERS ($1375 each): *****2. *****8, *****3, *****3, *****1, *****6, *****4, *****5. CONSOLATION: ($550 each): Nos. *****2, *****4, *****1, *****4, *****8, *****5, *****0, *****6, *****3, *****5. TREBLE TOTE: S1 x tickets ($197 each)
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  • 271 20 SHARE MARKET By Our Market Correspondent J)UE to the November rainy season, particularly in South Johore, rubber production in the Federation of Malaya fell by five per cent last month compared with October; actual production was 51,917 tons. Despite the drop, however,
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  • 73 20 Batu Liniang due to the higher commodity price and lower costs earned a profit of $264,555 (22.4 per cent) ioi the year ended June 30. The final dividend of 10 per cent is the first distribution since 1952. Net liquid assets at balancing date worked out at 209,432
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  • 83 20 >lalaka Pinna Rubber made a net profit of $518,295 (74 per cent) for the year ending August 31 and the proposed final dividend of 12 per cent will make a total of 22 per cent for the year. Net liquid assets at balancing date were worth $351,066 or
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  • 32 20 The directors of the Rembau Jelei Rubber Ltd. have declared an interim dividend of 7V 2 per cent less tax for the year ending December 31. payable on January 24.
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  • 409 20 THE pre-holiday spirit has invaded the rubber market this week and it has lapsed into a dull and lethargic condition, reports the current review of Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co. Ltd. Business has been mainly limited to squaring off and day to day covering by the trade,
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  • 340 20 By Our Market Correspond SINGAPORE, 0,., s [FEDERATION of iMalaya trade in the eleven months of this year was v higher than in the corresponding in i year, while that of Penang was 29.7't more as the result of
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  • 890 20 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers Alex. Briekworks Pref 1.80 i.Bi Ords 1.95 2 oft Atlas Ice 13 00 (buyers) B B. Petrol 4ft/- 47/B.M Trustees 6.10 650 Con. Tin Bmelt Prer 19/- 20/Ords. 30/- 31/Eustern United 36.50 37.50 Fed. Dispensary 3.55 3.65 Fraser and Neave Pref
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  • 415 20 SINGAPORE, her :>k. fWVIE following business done in the Singapon share Market last week was announced by one firm of brokers for the period December 17 to December 23 INDUSTRIALS: British Borneo Petroleum 45s 7' lh d 47, including stamp. Consolidated Tin Smelters Ord. 30s B*,d Fr.i-er a
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  • 19 20 SINGAPORE. !>»;/;• RUBBER: SI I lb. (down 1! cents) TIN: $401.75 picul (down con COPRA: S2S per (unchanged).
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