The Straits Budget, 15 December 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 28 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPO t'W Series No. 486. Thursday, Dec. 15, 1955. Price 40 cents (Malayan) Or 1 Shilling.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 133 1 7 ELECTRODES CHOSENyFOR THE WORLDS BIG WELDING JOBS V > m m f riff r S Ki SB* ,/r m V A ®wmm •y > •r sSSs yy sws V. m m m >••> xVv >- m 9T$-: 1 3yjgyg||\v > 1 :”W. V*' <** v< Mure* arc welding Icctrodes
      133 words

    • 220 2  - Britain’ s obligation for defence M. HASSAN Kuala Lumpur. 1 AGREE with Mr. Arnold Nasshn in his criticism of Inche All Raus of Singapore UMNO regarding the entry of Australian troops. Britain not only has the right to defend but also an obligation to defend this country. inche All Raus
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    • 156 2  -  KAEL SINGH Johore Bahru. T*HE return of Mr. F. W. 1 Dailey to Malaya is timely, for Singapore is facing two difficult problems. Firstly:— The strikes and the mingling of politicians in trade unions; secondly, the lock-out by the bus companies. The first problem requires investigation and
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    • 115 2  -  ALLAN ROBERT. Johore Bahru. THE Lido, at 2»/ 2 mile Jalan Scudai, Johore Bahru, is now being well used by the public, not only from Johore Bahru but also from Singapore, for bathing on holidays, especially Sundays. In view of the drowning cases we have had
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    • 90 2  -  T. K. GOH. Singapore. mHE dangers mentioned by X Mr. John C. Behague in his article on gangsters of tomorrow are too true to be gainsaid by anybody. Spending of more money by the Government on youth training alone will be in vain if the evil is
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    • 398 2  -  J. C. COBBEIT. Singapore. ]V/f AY I offer a few com--1 ments on the new Bill relating to Muslims? It does not appear to have a short title. Why is it necessary to define “anak dara’’ in Latin? A “female virgin” would be good enough. In
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    • 282 2  -  KUMBANG fill IN A. Ipoh. TORUE Malayans should feel grateful to L.C.L. for his able letter on Malaya’s official language and his sincerity in upholding the truth in so far as it affects the merits of English. He says. “Language is essentially an Instrument
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    • 198 2  -  HAIR Tapah. 'THE report by your special x correspondent on the jungle bungle over the Kea Farm terrorist incident provides food for thought on the lethargic attitude taken by the Perak SWEC. Virtually a deaf ear was turned to the advice and repeated pleadings of the Tapah
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    • 140 2  -  BABA MELA Singapore. AMIDST the many ungracious and sometimes M 1 remarks about Britain one has had the mist' to come across of late, it is most refreshing to fI letter in your paper acknowledging the fact that nialism” (once called British protection) “has made what
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 702 3 —Strains Times. Dec. 7. \\V do not know whether anyone’s duty to keep Chief Minister informed party and public reaction his guy flight to London, it is time that Mr. Mar.colleagues gave him benefit of their advice. It !.me he stopped talking. he left Singapore five ago,
      —Strains Times. Dec. 7.  -  702 words
    • 427 3 —Straits Times, Dec. 7 Next year the Federation Government will provide 8,000 additional places in English primary schools. For the first time there will be a desk for every child who wants one. By 19G0 this new arrangement will have benefitted 48.000 children who would
      —Straits Times, Dec. 7  -  427 words
    • 570 3 .Straits Times Dec 6 The Federal Legislative Council did quite right to turn down a motion by Mr. K. V. Thaver, a nominated member for the trade unions, calling for a committee to inquire into the medical services. To have approved it would have set a bad
      .Straits Times Dec 6  -  570 words
    • 575 3 —Straits Times. Dec. 9. The proposal to place broadcasting in Malaya in the hands of a public corporation is not new. But Tengku Abdul Rahman’s statement in the Federal Legislative Council now directs attention to the practical problems, for the principle at last has been accepted.
      —Straits Times. Dec. 9.  -  575 words
    • 262 4 —Straits Times. Dec. 9. The Singapore Government’s Opium Treatment Centre on St. John's island apparently rejects inveterate addicts on the ground that they aie beyond redemption. This decision places habitual smokers in a cruel situation. Unless they can master unaided the craving which has held them prisoner for
      —Straits Times. Dec. 9.  -  262 words
    • 304 4 —Straits Times. Dec. 9. A Federal Legislative Councillor, Mr. Lee Thean Hin, has suggested that doctors who graduate from the University of Malaya should serve in Government hospitals for three years. Medical students on Government scholarships are expected, after graduation, to be in Government service for a
      —Straits Times. Dec. 9.  -  304 words
    • 542 4 —Straits Times. Dec. 10. The budget debate in the Federal Legislative Assembly ended yesterday with the last of 340 speeches, excluding Ministerial replies. Never has the Federation’s budget received so detailed an examination in public. It had been expected that debate would be perfunctory, and it was
      —Straits Times. Dec. 10.  -  542 words
    • 335 4 —Straits. Times, Dec. 12. The trade union complaint that the cost of living indices in Singapore and in the Federation are based on an unrealistic formula is not new. Nor have the two Governments ever denied the charge. Recently a spokesman for the Malayan Statistics Department admitted
      —Straits. Times, Dec. 12.  -  335 words
    • 643 4 —Straits Times. Dec In the three days since he arrived in London, Singapore’s Chief Minister has done much to remove the unfortunate impression made by reports of some of his statements in Ceylon and India. Mr. Marshall moved into his first television interview, our special correspondent cabled,
      —Straits Times. Dec  -  643 words

    • 35 4 HOOPER: To Joey and Kandang Kerbau Hospital a ter Judith Anne 11th De both well. DICKINSON: On Dec*”-'' 1955. at Dewsbury. Engi-j Sylvia and Toni, of the ment of Agriculture. Lumpur, a son, Jonathan
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  • 1855 5 r rHE gravest danger to civilisation is not, perhaps, the hydrogen bomb, since the chances are that nobody will dare to use it. The danger is that the world production of food will not keep up with the world production of
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  • 90 5 IPOli, Dec. 12—Seven pounds of Malayan orchids will travel half way round the world to a little Yorkshire town for a Boxing Day wedding. The flowers, a mixture of pure white and coloured varieties, will cost Lieut.-Col. W. Whittaker $2OO, including air freight. Mr.
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  • 1304 6  -  CYNIC* .< SINGAPORE, Dec. 10. A LTHOUGH the Federation Government enjoys the support of 98 per cent of the elected members of the Legislative Council, this happy dominance did not shelter the Alliance from exhaustive debate on the budget. In the end the critics had to
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  • Article, Illustration
    6 6 -Photograph by Terence Khoo.
    -Photograph by Terence Khoo.  -  6 words
  • 346 6 From LESLIE HOFFMAN LONDON, Dec. 12.—The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, seemed pleased at the way preliminary talks between his self-government mission and Colonial Office officials went this morning. As he left Church House, where the talks were held. Mr. Marshall told
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  • 146 6 SINGAPORE, Dec. lJ WHAT were the chief causes of the recent wave of strikes in Singapore? Were they staged to “gin-ger-up” the Government, or to support the Opposition? These are two of the questions which Mr. F. W. Dailey has included in his questionnaire
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  • 606 7  -  THAN DJKK. iN view of the semi-official 1 prediction of an early flood it has been necessary to stock up with firewood. Alter some prodding the Cook engaged a decrepitlooking Chinese who rashly quoted a price for sawing and splitting long-felled distorted remnants of Mata Kuching logs. In
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  • 45 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 9. Malaya’s culture is to be studied for the first time as a university subject in Australia shortly. The Australian Government has offered a grant for a course in Sydney University. It will be studied alongside Indonesian culture.
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  • 124 7 From the Straits Times oj Lee. 16. 1905. SUBSCRIBERS to and advertisers in the Straits Times Annual will doubtless sympathise with this paper, when they learn that a cable dispatch from Home two days ago announced that the total issue of the Straits Times Annual, which had
    From the Straits Times oj Lee. 16. 1905.  -  124 words
  • 766 7 LESLIE HOFFMAN reports from NEW DELHI SINGAPORE. Dec. 9 THE VISIT of Singa1 pore's Chief Minis- r. Mr. David Marshall, to Ceylon and India v. ill have an important, it not a vital, effect on tile constitutional future of Singapore. It will not however
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  • 781 7  - Monkeys and t he juke box MAI. A YSIA.X NOTEBOOK STANLEY STREET ]t]Y FAVOURITE resort in Singapore has just acquired a juke box. That, I suppose, is its own affair and only indirectly mine. None the less, I feel extremely irritated. It was one of the few restaurants in the
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  • 402 8 *REDS DON’T KNOW WHAT THEY’RE FIGHTING FOR NOW’ BOURNE IS OFF TODAY TO CONSULT TEMPLER KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 6. AN INTENSIVE drive to arouse the people into giving more help to the security torces in the war against the terrorists will be launched
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  • 129 8 SEGAMAT. Dec. <> MEN of the 1/7 Gurkhas have killed yet another bandit today, bringing their total score to 219. While out on operations in the Serakek area north of Puloh Kasap. they shot and killed Lew Kok Chai, a branch committee member of
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  • 33 8 SINGAPORE. Dec. 10. A 14-year-old boy, Long Hian Say. was attacked by hornets in Lorong 3, Geylang Road, Singapore, yesterday. Long, who was badly stung, was admitted to hospital.
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  • 128 8 LUMP UR, Dec. 6.—An appeal to the Federal Government to establish public libraries in the main towns was made in the Federal Legislative Council today. Dato Haji Mohamed Eusoff (Aborigines) said: “It is surprising that a country with such wealth is without them.” He said many
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  • 25 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Doc. 7.— A ceremonial opening will precede tomorrow’s budget meeting of the Selangor State Council. The Sultan will address the Council.
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  • 371 8 Bus owners tell locked-out men SINGAPORE, Dec. 7. SINGAPORE Chinese bus owners, at a meeting yesterday, reaffirmed their decision to sack 75 of the 1,600 workers who have been locked-out for the past three weeks. The owners said that if the men were not sacked,
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  • 103 8 SINGAPORE. Dec 7. THIS IS Noriko Tada, elephant girl of the Japanese Kinoshita Circus. who says it is just as comfortable to sit on the back of an elephant as on a chair if you know the elephant. A 16-piece band will play classical Japanese music. All the musicians are
    .—Straits Times picture.  -  103 words
  • 153 8 They cost three sailors a week in jail and no wages SINGAPORE. Dec. 7. rpHREE sailors were each sentenced to a week's jail by the Singapore Sixth Magistrate, Mr. Ahmad Ibrahim, yesterday for deserting their ship. Ronald J. Dickman. the chief cook. Trevor Bernard, the second cook, and
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  • 122 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 8 EIGHT youths were charged in Singapore yesterria.v with being members of an unlawful assein which rioted at the Lim Clan Association prenuM in Nee Soon on the night of Dec. 6. It was alleged that they were among 20 non-members who trespassed
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  • 36 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 7. An area security unit patrol killed a woman terrorist, Nyct Yoon, in the Ipoh area i of Perak yesterday. A with her escaped. A hand grenade v.\ 1 covered.
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  • 628 9 HIS FOREIGN TUTORS SHOULD TEACH HIM TO SHUT UP’ SINGAPORE, Dec. 7. S a( ers no hones yesterday that they would like the nlot Minister, Mr. David Marshall, to “stop shooting off his mouth.” Their advice to him was: “Confine
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  • 125 9 Other views MR. IAP PHENG GECK, vice-chairman of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, said: “It looks like Marshallism on the rampage.’" I>R. C. J. POH, a City Councillor, said: “Mr. Marshall is voicing only his opinion and that of two or three
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  • 161 9 Lady Black tells the Guides: This is what leadership and loyalty mean SINGAPORE. Dec. 8. LADY BLACK, wife of the Governor, had something to say about leadership and loyalty at yesterday’s meeting of the Singapore Girl Guides Association. “A good leader never asks anyone to do anything
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  • 28 9 SEGA MAT. Dec. 14. The body of a two-year-old Malay girl was recovered from a village well near Kuala Paya, north of Buloh Kasap, yesterday.
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  • 142 9 8,300 bags of mail to arrive within next 12 days SINGAPORE. Dec. 8. More than 8,300 bags of Christmas mail from overseas will arrive in Singapore within the next 12 days. The Director of posts, Mr. M. L Durrant, told the Straits Times yesterday that this year’s mail
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  • 233 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 7. I3ATIENTS have to lie on the floor at the Johore 1 Bahru General Hospital because there are not enough beds, the Federal Legislative Council was told today by Mr. K. V. Thaver (trade unions). He added that the shortage
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  • 36 9 SEGAMAT, Dec. 7.—Preparations have been completed to meet the flood menace in Segamat. Vernacular schools will be used to house evacuees from flood areas. Floods usually occur between late December and early January.
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  • 44 9 SINGAPORE. Dec. 8 Fifty-two students from the Technical College, Kuala Lumpur, left Singapore yesterday in the liner Tjiluwah for a sports tour of Hong Kong. They will spend 10 days there as guests of the Hong Kong University.
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  • 295 9 I{UALA LUMPUR, Dec. 7. —A warning that having sand crackers could be a capital offence under the Emergency Regulations was given by the Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. J. G. Adams, in the First Magistrate’s Court here today. He wa.s pressing lor a deterrent sentence on
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  • 864 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 8. POLICE throughout the Federation and Singapore yesterday clamped down on sand crackers, called “midget atomic bombs,” now held to have been responsible for the series of explosions w hich have killed nine people and injured 33. In Kuala Lumpur and
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  • 295 10 An ocean-going liner calls at Malacca Malacca. Dec. 7. The first ocean-going ship to call at Malacca since the war arrived here yesterday. She was the Norse Oriental Line’s cargo passenger ship Hallvard, which brought a big consignment of flour. She is on the
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  • 179 10 'End indirect taxation’ call I/'UALA LUMPUR, Dec. Dec. 7.—The Financial Secretary, Mr. C. J. Thomas, rejected a suggestion during the Federal Legislative Council budget debate today that indirect taxation should be abolished. Mr. M.P. Rajagopal (Trade Unions) referring to inland revenue estimates for next
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  • 154 10 K. LUMPUR, Dec. 7. —Three police officers from Pakistan, Saigon and Hong Kong attending a police course in Kuala Lumpur under the Colombo Plan—had their rooms burgled in the Embassy Hotel here last night. The thief placed a long pole against the wall of
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  • 255 10 Utter nonsense say two ministers KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 7. rpHE British Red Cross Society was today attacked and called a “snobbish and classy” organisation for trying to separate itself from other voluntary bodies. This attack in the Federal Legislative Council by Mr. Tan Suan Kok
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  • 102 10 SINGAPORE. Dor Singaporeans d r a n jj more, smoked more s.m used more petrol ioi ihe first 11 months oi tms» year than ever before Revenue from these items jumped by ae 1 $5 million over the cmi* mated revenue and year’s figures for the
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  • 259 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. 8. IMPORTANT recommendations relating to marriages and divorces among Muslims are contained in the Muslim Bill which has been introduced in the Singapore Legislative Assembly. The Bill, designed to give effect to the suguestions of the Muslim Advisory Board recommends: 1. Establishing
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  • 176 11  -  By PATRICK CHEE SINGAPORE, Dec. 8. i 31-YEAR-OLD mother of four, Lily Tan. was found by the police secured with a do g chain to a pillar in an attap house in Tiong Bahru Road, Singapore. Police set
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 11 1ILY TAN... )lrc e days in chains'
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  • 100 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 7. MR. P. P. NARAYANAN (Trade Unions) alleged at today’s budget meeting of the Federal Legislative Council that employers and workers were being hoodwinked by the Government’s unscientific system of working out cost of living indices. The Member for Economic Affairs, Mr. Oscar
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  • 70 11 Klang Dec. 7.—The chairman of the Klang Town Council, Mr. T. J. Mathias, said at the council’s monthly meeting today that work on the proposed $5 million bridge over the Klang River will start in May or June next year. A resident engineer to supervise the
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  • 254 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. 8. TiO you suspect your wife of having an affair with the man next door—or wasting her housekeeping money on mah-jong? You do and she won’t admit it? Well, stop biting your fingernails and ask her to agree to see a private
    ■Straits Times picture.  -  254 words
  • 60 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 7.—A working party of the Federation Government is inquiring whether it is possible to lift the duty on goods manufactured in Penang and sent to the mainland. This was stated in the Federal Legislative Council today by the Financial Secretary, Mr. C.
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  • 267 11 ‘Make graduates serve 3 gears’ KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 7. DOCTORS who graduate from the University of Malaya should serve in Government hospitals for at least three years, the Federal Legislative Coun- cil was told today. Mr. Lee Thean Hin (Alor Star) said
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  • 122 11 ...that $200,000 tip-off cash K. LUMPUR. Dec. 7. —The Federal Legislative Council heard a little today about the Customs Department’s secret service which has been voted $200,000 as reward money next year. The Financial Secretary, Mr. C. J. Thomas, was reluctant to talk about its work.
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  • 589 12 ALL EXPATS SHOULD BE GONE BY 1960, COMMISSION TOLD Many jobs to a man—for economy SINGAPORE, Dec. 9. wADIO MALAYA’S acting: Director, Mr. Norman Lloyd-Williams, and the president of the Broadcasting: Employees’ Union, Mr. Frank Sullivan, clashed last night over methods of Malayanising the department.
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  • 161 12 To stand in during London talks KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 8. THE High Commissioner, Sir Donald MacGillivray, in consultation with Tengku Abdul Rahman, will appoint an Alliance minister to act as Chief Minister while the Tengku is in London. Other ministers will take the portfolios of
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  • 31 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 10. There am now 39.476 cars in Singapore, an Increase of 4 073 over the past 12 months. T ,Vi total number of register- < S 107.087
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  • 410 12 Byrne: ‘They were hired to teach but they don’t teach SINGAPORE. Dec. 9. ALLEGATIONS that special-ly-seconded expatriate officers had not instructed local men in the Income Tax Department how to do their jobs started a row at yesterday’s sitting of the Malayanisation Commission. During
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  • 382 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 8 JAR. ABDUL MAJID BIN ISMAIL, the Federation Queen’s Scholar who was the centre of a nation .1 controversy last month, is now the centre of a nns tery. He has sent his sister Aishah here a posteTd from Holland to say that he
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  • 275 12 BOTANIC GARDENS TO BE ILLUMINATED SINGAPORE. Dec. 9. Tomorrow. Mr. Henry Nicholas Ridley, “father” of Malaya’s rubber industry. will be 100 years old. and many organisations in Singapore will pay tribute to him. Tonight. Radio Malaya will broadcast an hour-long programme featuring some of
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  • 1044 13 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 8. the Federation police and Customs today started a lull-scale investigation into the various parts of Malaya caused by midget atom bomb” sand-crackers* a warning was given that large stocks of the killer “toys” may be hidden in shops and houses. 1 housjnds ol
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  • 186 13 K. LUMPUR. Due. 8. AN IDEA of the great power of sand crackers was Riven this morning when an Army explosives expert, Captain B. Kelly, detonated nearly 14,000 of them. They had been put in water for 24 hours after the police had seized
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  • 59 13 Biggest jump of the gear SINGAPORE, Itrr 9. MLDTfl the highest jump in a day this year of $9.50, the tin price in Singapore yesterday was quoted at $403 per picul. This was the first time the price had .stood above the $100-mark since early 1953. Tin shares were
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  • 48 13 SINGAPORE, Dec. 9 Tang Kwee Bak, 37, pleaded guilty in Singapore yesterday to a charge of having 37 shells in Frankel folate on the night of Dec. 1. The case was postponed tm Dec. 12. while the shells are examined by Army experts.
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  • 429 13  -  from LESLIE HOFFMAN NEW DELHI, Dec. 8. Singapore’s Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, tonight exploded when he heard that he had been criticised for using the phrase “I have come to place myself at the feet of Mr. Nehru.” Looking angry, he thumped the
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  • 277 13 RENGAM, Dec. 8. A TERRORIST gave up under the amnesty on Ulu Remis Oil Palm Estate, 12 miles from here, early today—and told how four of his comrades, who also want to surrender, are 1 lying tied up in the jungle on the
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  • 465 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 10. pOLICE here have started a shop to shop search for the "midget atom bomb sand crackers which have killed 1 1 people and wounded nore than 40. I They are telling shopkeepers: “If you have any jjnd crackers surrender
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  • 109 15 SINGAPORE, Dec. 12. Or. Tilling Liong Hooi, a Medical Officer at the Singapore Ceneral Hospital, and his bride, the former Miss Lim Syn Neo, after their marriage at St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday. Mrs. Tilting, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lim Choo Chiang, wore a
    town from France.—Sunday Times picture.; — Sunday Times picture.  -  109 words
  • 226 15 SINGAPORE, Dec. 13. v >MPLAINTS by Malay •students that they l 'p not given sufficient ’’ice of an examinathey took yesterday c unjustified, said Minister for Educjh, Mr. Chew Swee hf?e. students made the aint on Dec. 11 after off a boycott of
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  • 32 15 SINGAPORE, Dec. 13 A thief stole a pair of trousers from the Siglap Hill. Singapore, home of a doctor on Sunday morning In the pocket was a $2,000 diamond ring.
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  • 574 15 MERDEKA BY 1957 SAYS NEGARA ‘Within the Commonwealth KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 10. pARTY NEGARA is to ask the Alliance “Merdeka” mission to London next month to demand independence for the Federation, within the British Commonwealth, by Jan. 1, 1957. This was unanimously decided at the second annual national council meeting
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  • 55 15 SINGAPORE, Dec. 13. The body of a week-old Chinese boy was found in a dustbin outside a house in Rochlie Drive, Singapore yesterday afternoon. The dead child wa.s wrapped in a piece of blue cloth. There were no marks of violence on the body. The police
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  • 48 15 SINGAPORE, Dec. 15 Five people were injured when two secret society Kangs clashed near an openair cinema at Siglap. Singapore. last night One is in hospital in a serious condition. Bottles, knives and sticks were used in the clash The police are investigating
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  • 656 16  -  From LESLIE HOFFMAN LONDON, Dec*. 11. rpHE QUESTION of raising Singapore’s status L to that of a Dominion will, I understand, be discussed during the constitutional talks which begin tomorrow morning between the hief Minister, Mr. David
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  • 110 16 LONDON. Dec. 11. MR. MARSHALL’S talks with the Colonial Office which begin tomorrow will be based on an eight-point agenda. It is: 1 Dates and duration of the conference in London next soring 2 The addition or a Minister to his present Government to leave
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  • 261 16 Four Singapore police inspector*, two from the Special Branch, one from the Marine Division and the fourth from the Police Courts, have been selected for a special 10-months’ police course in Britain. The four, Ho Kah Shoon, M. R. Balakrishnan, Clement Hubert de Souza and
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  • 177 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 12 A MAJOR STEP to combat floods in the Bedel; r settlement area was completed yesterday hVn two Bailey bridges were erected at the 9th miW’u,n< Changi Road. Singapore. jT —J Construction of a new culvert beneath the bridges to carry the flow of
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  • 31 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 13 Mr. K. Holyoake. the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand .arrived in Singapore yesterday by BOACQantas on his wav home from his goodwill mission to Russia
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  • 109 16 KUALA LUMPUR, I>ee 11 TH E Pan Malayan Government pensioners’ Association is not happy about the latest increased pension rates. "The Federation Government is treatin': us like barking dogs," the president of the Assetiation. Mr. V. Kanapathy Pillai, said at a meeting here
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  • 204 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 12. |T was “all lights on” in 28 garages at the Changi Prison quarters in Moon Crescent at midnight on Friday But how they got lit up almost simultaneously has the owners baffled. Prison officers, their wives and families were rudely awakened
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  • 188 16 SINGAPORE. Dec. 11. ABOUT 50 National Servicemen and Volunteers of the Singapore Muitary Forces last night erected two Bailey bridges, each weighing 30 tons, in iront of the Bedok Resettlement area in Changi. Mr. Francis Thomas, the Minister for Communications and Works, who at
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  • 144 17 SINGAPORE, Dec. 13. DR. AND MRS. L. R. HILLYER, a globetrotting \mcrican couple with a princess in the family flew into Singapore from Bangkok on Dec. 11. 1 heir son. Vincent, made world news after his turnulent marriage to Princess Fatimah. sister of the •'hah
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  • 194 17 ALOR STAR, Dec. 12. r r\VO special constables were wounded when a six- man police party was ambushed by 15 terrorists on the Similing-Merbak main road, Kedah, at 8.30 this morning. It was the first major bandit incident in central Kedah since the Emergency began. Th,*
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  • 34 17 JOHORE BAHRU. Doc. 9.— Captain Wan Rahim bin Wan Ngah, former ADC and private secretary to the Tengku Mahkota, has been appointed ADC and assistant private secretary to the Sultan of Johore.
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  • 56 17 IPOH, Dec. 11.—A police team from Kuala Lumpur will spend 10 days in Perak recruiting Chinese youths to the force. It will visit seven centres in the state, beginning a t Taiping tomorrow. Other towns on the team’s itinerary are Kuala Kangsar, Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Teluk Anson,
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  • 50 17 IPOH Dec. 11. Two schoolboys were drowned last evening in a mining pool here. A party of six boys went for a swim and two got into difficulties. The victims were Wong Thiam Choo, 10. and Yong Chin Ah, 11. Their bodies were recovered last night.
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  • 31 17 SINGAPORE, Dec. 14. The Minister for Health, Mr. A. J. Braga, who is also acting Chief Minister, yesterday presented gold and silver medals to 57 Singapore blood donors.
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  • 93 17 1POH, Dec 12.—A surrendered terrorist who has been pining for his widowed mother cheered up today when told she is still alive. The mother. Chin Fook Lin, will be brought to see him tomorrow in Kuala Kangsar, where he
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  • 125 17 SINGAPORE, Dec 13. THE Governor of Singapore yesterday said that he was proud that people were contributing to the Colony’s security by joining the Volunteer Special Constabulary. Sir Robert Black said: From what 1 have seen of your demonstrations,
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  • 258 17 THERE’S DANGER FROM ‘OVERT POLITICAL FORCES’ BUT THE COUNCIL DECIDES TO GO AHEAD 'INGAPORE, Dec. 13. THE Singapore Youth 1 Council decided yes;day to start a youth nim despite the op>rt unities it might prodo for “overt political rccs.” touth without a forum is a man
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  • 118 17 SINGAPORE, Dec. 12. AN AMERICAN PASTOR who is described by Christian leaders throughout the world as a miracle worker because of his numerous successful cures through prayer will arrive In Singa p<»re on Dec. 15 for a series of lectures and demonstrations in the Colony and
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  • 477 17 SINGAPORE, Dec. IS. Chinese bus owners yesterday announced drastic pay cuts for their 1,600 locked out workers, but offered them a shorter working week and improved benefits, including 19 paid holidays a year. And to replace the loss of manpower caused by the increased off-days
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  • 117 17 SINGAPORE. Doc*. 12 Singajx>rc Junior Chamber of Commerce will take part in “Operation Brotherhood which hu.s been launched bv the* International Junior Chamber of Commerce. Mr. P, T. Wong who has returned to the Colony afU*r attending the 10th World Congress of tlu* I J C
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  • 803 18 A rmy, police swoop on hide-out KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 13. THREE PLATOONS of the 1st. Bn., the Royal Hampshire Regiment, shot dead 11 terrorists in a surprise raid on a camp in the Ulu Langat valley of Selangor yesterday. Among Ihe terrorists killed was Llum Lo,
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  • 228 18 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 13 Chan Lo had been secretary of the Selangor organisation since 1949, when he took over from “Shorty” Ah Kuk who was decapitated by one of his own men in Johore a year or two ago. He was
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  • 172 18 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 13. Asian Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents of Police are to ask the Federation Government to appoint an Asian as Commissioner of Police by 1960. This decision was reached at secret meetings held here during the week-end. Inspectors and ASPs.
    172 words
  • 348 18 Roads blocked LTU ALA LUMP! r Dpr v 13. —Monsoon rain sweeping across ui. ast coast for the pa Uvo days has flooded roads disrupted ferry services and swollen rivers Heavy seas have bulleted fishing boats and coastal rl lages have been lasted bv rain and spray.
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  • 33 18 KUALA LUMPUR 1 The Chief Minlst* Abdul Rahman talks with Mr. Dashall and the Cabinet before he the constitutional London early next He is expected England on Jan. 1.
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  • 1098 19  -  By EPSOM JEEP IPOH, Dec. 7. f WAS Alex Baxter again at Ipoh yesteriv. second day of the rak Turf Club Decernr meeting. This senJonal apprentice landa good-priced double La Ronde ($60) and »wn Eyes ($39) to :ig his total to seven iners. hstributor, with Geyer
    1,098 words
  • 1049 19 IPOH, Dec. 10. RAKING sudden breakaway at the half mile The Camel, with Jackie Jones astride, just hung on to win from So What in the Class 2, 1 l-mile trophy race at Ipoh yesterday, concluding day of the Perak Turf Club
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 98 19 Big Sweep TOTAL POOL: $242,528 1. No. *****4 ($67,758) 2. No. *****5 ($33,879) 3. No. *****8 ($16,939) Starters ($2,420 each): Nos. *****0, *****2, *****1, *****5, *****2, *****4, *****7. Consolation prizes ($1,000 each): Nos. *****3, *****3, *****8, *****3, *****2, *****1, *****0, *****0, *****6, *****5. TREBLE TOTE: One ticket $793. Big Sweep
      98 words

  • 404 20 SINGAPORE, Dec. 10. THIS has been a week of active trading on the Singapore Rubber Market and one which has had many operators puzzled report H. C. B. Co. Ltd in their current review. The period opened on a quiet note but with no bearish features
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  • 867 20 SINGAPORE. Dec. 14. INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers Alex. Brickworks. Prel 1.80 1.88 Ords 185 a.» Atlas Ice 13.00 (buyers) cd BB Petrol 43/- 45/BU. Trustees 8.10 6.50 Con. Tm Smelt Prer 18/- 20/Ords. 30/- 31/Eastern United 38.50 37.50 cd Fed. Dispensary 3.45 3.55 Fraser and Neave Pref 600
    867 words
  • 441 20 SINGAPORE, Dec. 12. /COMPANIES operating v in Malaya announced the following dividends last week:— THE BASSETT RUBBER CO. LTD.: An interim dividend of 10% less 30% Malayan income tax, for year ending December 31, payable to shareholders on register December 15. Books close December 15 to 21 inclusive.
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  • 642 20 MATA 1.1. V SHARE MARKET REVIEW INDUSTRIALS STEAD) SINGAPORE, lvec. 12. \yiTH the tin price last week at its highest level for 32 months it was not surprising that tin counters on the Singapore Share Market came in for considerable interest and appreciated in price.
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  • 341 20 SINGAPORE. Dec. 13 THE following business done in the Singapore Si are Market last week was reported by one firm oi brokers for the period December 3 to December 9: INDUSTRIALS: Consolidated Tin Smelters Ord. 30s. 6d. Fraser Neave Ord. $1,734 to $1,714, Fraser <fc Neave Prefs. $5.95
    341 words