The Straits Budget, 21 July 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES 4 MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWBPATES jj, Series No. 465. Thursday, July 21, 1955. Price 40 cents (Malayan) Or 1 Shilling.
    29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 186 1 N s> Si J* v> s ss '-5? s XX 3.^ Keep your buckskin and canvas shoes sparkling white with Meltonian Sports White Geaner. A small sponge supplied with every jar, makes the job easy and quick. s I 11 nu i r* ‘4 V 5 O'* n 7! fc*
      186 words

    • 577 2  -  T. C. Singapore. WITH all due respect to Miss Quitzow and her hard working band of amateurs, it seems that they have yet to realise that their audience must, of necessity, be limited. If fifty people asked Miss Quitzow about the next play and all
      577 words
    • 119 2  -  CITIZEN. Singapore. AT a time like this, when the barometer of public feeling, 1 the share market, reflects little confidence in the eco- nomic future of this country, the Chief Minister could re- f assure the public. He has admitted that he is a rich man,
      119 words
    • 276 2  - ‘ABSURD OFFICIAL RULING A DOCTOR. Singapore. WITH reference to the item concerning: the appointment of a successor to Dr. D. R. McPherson as radiologist in the General Hospital, may I correct some of the false impressions that will arise in the minds of renders? It is stated that instead of
      276 words
    • 269 2  -  M. E. ALBANY (MRS.) Singapore. INEZ QUITZOW :,sks “what does S;n-, pore want from its teur theatrical and as one who saw the opening night r the present production U f St. Joan the answer I would say, surely, is i n the one wora ••entertainment.'*
      269 words
    • 29 2  -  PEDESTRI V* Malacca. IT is hoped that the Malacca town bu< vice will extend its from the bus stand to v kok Manga via Ga.1ah ,c rang.
      29 words
    • 53 2  -  THREE DIMENSK Singapore. A LTHOUGH letters JrY written on the conditions of the form* authorised hi\ts in Km Chua Heng, nothing w- tually done about reality only notices wen out to close public well merly approved bv the M cipality. How did the City fail to notice the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • The Straits Budget
    • 541 3 —Straits Times. July 14. -r; may be a case for the of Malta with the Kingdom. Half Malta’s J income comes from g r j*j,h defence expenditure oVt r which the people of that j a!V j have no control. A sudden i.M n
      —Straits Times. July 14.  -  541 words
    • 707 3 —Straits Times, July 15. On a first reading, the new Singapore Land Acquisition (Temporary Provisions) Ordinance appears to be a distinct improvement on the highly controversial amending Bill that was held over from the old legislature. The same intention underlies both versions. Like its predecessor,
      —Straits Times, July 15.  -  707 words
    • 593 3 —Straits Times, July 15 The astonishing thing is that charges and counter-charges of filthy, vicious and scurrilous tactics should have come somewhat late in the Federal election campaign. For nearly a month the candidates have conducted themselves with the decorum of a school of mandarins dispassionately expounding
      —Straits Times, July 15  -  593 words
    • 621 3 —Straits Times. July 16. Many employees of the Singapore Traction Company have become associated in the public mind with some singular and unedifying practices. One of these has been the subject of common complaint by bus users, who pay fares but do not always get tickets.
      —Straits Times. July 16.  -  621 words
    • 512 4 —Straits Times, July 18. The nows that three important industrial undertakings may be forced to close down in Singapore underlines some sharp lessons on the effects of strike action. When a strike disrupts a public service, most people tend to think about it in terms
      —Straits Times, July 18.  -  512 words
    • 599 4 —Straits Times. July 19. In the Federation’s election campaigning, much has been 1 said about independence and colonialism, and relatively little about the practical problems that will have to be faced after the transfer of substantial power on July 27. To I whose perspective has been
      —Straits Times. July 19.  -  599 words
    • 374 4 Times. July 19. There is a battle going on for the hearts and minds of the quarter million or so workers in Singapore. The industrial unrest which has dogged the footsteps of the Labour Front Coalition Government is, after its initial exuberance, being directed along channels
      Times. July 19.  -  374 words
    • 758 4 —Straits Times, Juh Since the April elections, Singapore has had to live through crisis after crisis brought on by rioters, subversive elements. rebellious students and sympathy strikers. It now faces a crisis of a different nature. How this will develop is not yet certain. Mr. Marshall
      —Straits Times, Juh  -  758 words

    • 91 4 SWAN: To Brenda and Bungsar Hospital on 16th son Mark Stuart. Both well ALMASI: To Lorna (nee and Louis, a son, at K.K.. 1" Perth W. A. Papers please copv BENNETT: On the loth .1 K.K. Hospital. to Rosamono of Dr. V. Bennett, Muar, a daughter. WILSON: To Rita
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    • 18 4 DENT-CUMMINGS: At Methodist Church Singapore, day 9th July, Iris Cun. Ix>ndon, New' Delhi, to Edward Dent. Birmingham
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  • 250 5 EXPERT disagrees on overseas change* SINGAPORE, July 19. Malayan students v-oiiis abroad for lul'iuT studies are no brutor worse—than students of other countries. Mr. Colin Jackson. well-known hcturer and broadjvtrr. told the Straits Times yesterday. He said students of all na- tqualities had social
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  • 520 5 mew want to throw off union chains and return to jobs BOSS: AMEND LAW ON PICKETS SINGAPORE, July 19. A R E Q U li S T for police protection for factory workers who wish to return to work was made yesterday by the strikebound
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  • 29 5 SINGAPORE. July 19. *rs of the Dale Carneo Singapore, last night p third weekly session ll training at the reI; of a member. Mrs. f-hn Koon Teck.
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  • 144 5 SINGAPORE. July 19. r P.\ hSTY-TWO prizes worth 1 U'jU have been awarded Singapore Art Society r,is ts taking part in the ivctn Malayan blackart competition, r Singapore recently. v prize of $150 for the ntry in the competition n by Mrs. Catherine ’"U. one
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  • 300 5 OOME of the strikers at the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Singapore, have asked the Trade Union Congress for “help and guidance” to settle their dispute with the management. Mr. S. Jaganathan, president of the T.U.C.. disclosed this yesterday, and added that he
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  • 83 5 SINGAPORE. July 14. David LEAN the British film director. Ls using up some spare time before making his next fiLm in India by producing colour travel shorts in Cinemascope. Mr. Lean returned to Singapore from Rail yesterday after shooting enough film to make two shorts
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  • 258 5 ALOR STAR, July 17. THE PRESIDENT of UMNO, Tengku Abdul Rahman, last night warned Malays that religious intolerance could have only one result strife and bloodshed. Ho asked North Kedah villagers at Padang Sera, 22 miles from here: “Do you
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  • 59 5 SINGAPORE. July 1 J. Nah Cheok Tow, 35. was charged in Singapore yesterday with being a member of an unlawful assembly that caused the death of Volunteer Special Constable Andrew Too Bok Lan during the riots In Alexandra Circus on May 12. He was remanded In tin*
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  • 54 5 KUALA LUMPUR. July 18.--The secretary of the National Union of Factory and General Workers, Mr. V. David, today said that 60 workers at the Lee Oil Mills in Klang would strike if the management did not reinstate within a week the union’s branch secretary
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  • 26 5 KUALA LUMPUR. July 19 'Hie Sultan of Selangor will open the $127,000 headquarters building ot the United Malays National Organisation here on July 31.
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  • 1177 6  -  CYNICI’S SINGAPORE, July 16. r\ISCIPLINE is a great thing in a political party, but by the time the storm of expulsion notices flying round the rival parties in the Federal elections has died down it will be difficult to say with accuracy who stands for what.
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  • Article, Illustration
    8 6 BUKOM KECH1L Photo bnKok Ah Chona.
    — Photo bnKok Ah Chona.  -  8 words
  • 277 6 SINGAPORE, July 17, WARN INC that stricter laws are needed to protect the public against dangerous Chinese medicines was issued yesterday by the Malayan Pharmaceutical Associ- ation. The warning was given in an editorial in the Malayan Pharmaceutical Journal, official organ of the association. The
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  • 70 6 JOHORE BAHRU. July 18. npHE ban on the export of logs from Johore to Singapore was lifted today by the Johore Lumbering Association. The ban was Imposed on July 1 in protest against the introduction by the Forestry Department of a removal pass fee of $5
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  • 162 6 TOKEN PROTEST STOPPAGE KUALA LUMPUR. July 13. r rHE 3.000-members Na1 tional Union ot leachers will discuss 1 countrywide token strike at the annual conference in Penang on Aug. 1<A resolution prute against the Governin' apathy to the demand- oi Federation schoolteacher suggesting a token strike be
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  • 534 7 SINGAPORE, July 18. |*L\NS for a large plastics factory in Singapore have been i rapped by Hume Indi!>t ries (Far East) Ltd. I'he factory was to VA ,c been run in conjunction with British Moulded Plastics, the l uuest plastics company oope. Hume has also
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  • 836 7  -  3iuitapj#itin nofefuioA STANLEY STREET YVE in Malaya are reTf proached, perhaps justly but sometimes, I think harshly, with our indifference to the arts. After all, if you read the history of any country you will find that it has always taken an odd century before the pioneers
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  • 661 7  -  TUAN I)JKK. NE afternoon Khoon, with the dogs, was out :k when he heard y kr erring from a mungosteen tree. The barked at it, and the came along to acmy Khoon with their voices to drive the away. The Cook b the Tuan who arrived ’he 12
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  • 126 7 From the Straits Tiines of July 13. 1905: ri’HE total number of immi- grants who arrived in the Colony from ports in China was 204,79 G in 1904. being a reduction of seven per cent, upon the number lor 1903, which was the highest known. The Secretary
    From the Straits Tiines of July 13. 1905:  -  126 words
  • 127 7 Jungle bombing it’s the price of war KUALA LUMPUR. July U. '•[''HE FEDERATION’S Secretary for Defence, Mr. A. H. P. Humphrey, admitted tuday that deep jungle bombing by the Royal Air Force was damaging Malaya’s forest lands. But he denied a charge in the Forester—a magazine published
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  • 64 7 SINGAPORE, July 16. Maj-Gen. T B. L. Churchill, officer in charge of administration, G. H. Q. Far East Land Forces, yesterday returned from 12 days’ talks with Australian and New Zealand Army chiefs in Melbourne. Gen. Churchill would not comment when asked whether more Australian troops
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  • 705 8 *COULP THESE WORDS BE THE RANTING OF A LEADER ON HIS WAY ©UTr y VICIOUS, FILTHY by alliance: Headline in yesterday's Page One TENGKU: LOOK WHO’S MOANING —THEY’RE THE GUILTY MEN KUALA LUMPUR, July 14. r pHE PRESIDENT and Secretary-General of UMNO, in separate statements,
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  • 112 8 SINGAPORE, July 15. WONG PENG SOON has retired from badminton. Malaya’s greatest player, now 37. told the Straits Times yesterday: “I have made up my mind. I have reached the age when it is best for me to give up competitive play.” The Badminton
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  • 73 8 KUALA LUMPUR, July 14. AN APPEAL committee was set up in Selangor last year to raise funds to entertain visiting World Assembly of Youth delegates. A balance of $2,289 has now been put into a savings account for future visits by youth leaders or youth
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  • 699 8 The first of two articles reviewing the PEP report "Colonial Students in Britain,” by a Special Correspondent VIEMBERS OF THE SIN1 1 gapore and Federation Governments will find much food for thought in a report which has just been published in London Colonial
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  • 85 8 SINGAPORE. Jul' TWO Singapore middle si students, Lim Soo and Lim Thian Sang. 1* were arrested in Hong iK in connection with tinriots, w r ere charged y ,,s1 1 day at the Seventh trate’s Court. They were charged with li been members of
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  • 1228 9 Concluding a review, by a Special Correspondent, of the PEP report “Colonial Students in Britain.” /M) t ONI AL DevclopV ment and Welfare iolars and those u 1 1 h scholarships r ..»m Colonial Gov- n ment funds have fees paid
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  • 389 9 They also want a yearly bonus of one month’s salary SINGAPORE, July 15. /MAIMS lor wage increases of from S100 to S130 for all conductors, drivers and inspectors of the Singapore Traction Company were made yesterday by tne S.T.C Employees* Union. f The wage
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  • 61 9 KUALA LUMPUR. July 14. Men of the Somerset Light Infantry yesterday found the body of a terrorist. Low Wah. whom a patrol of the regiment wounded last month in the Bentong area of south Pahang. It was confirmed today that a bandit, Tuck Weng, was
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  • 142 9 ‘NUDE PICTURE PUBLISHED’ SINGAPORE, July 14. VANG Phei Yuen, 23, once acclaimed the •Queen” of Singapore Chinese singers, yesterday sued the principals of a ‘‘mosquito” newspaper, ‘‘The Facts Review’,” for defamation by publishing a nude photograph of her. Summonses, mentioned in the Fifth Police Court, w’ere issued
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  • 60 9 TEMERLOH. July 14 After h<* was caught with four pills of chandu on June 14. Pang Sen. 51. offered a police constable 50 cents not to arrest him. In the Sessions Court here yesterday, Pang Sen was fined $10 for having the chandu and $K)0
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  • 397 10 ‘TOO MANY UNCERTAINTIES IN SINGAPORE’ SINGAPORE, July 15. A $7,000,000 industrial undertaking in Singapore has been shelved because there are “too many uncertainties at the present time” in the Colony. The undertaking is a modern plant for the Alexandra Brickworks Limited, which earlier this year suffered
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  • 46 10 KUALA LUMPUR. July 13— The Postmaster-General announces that on Sept. 4 the present 35 cent postage stamp will be withdrawn from sale in the Federation. In its place will be a new 30 cent stamp of the same colour and design.
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  • 286 10 ANOTHER EPIC PLANNED IN OUR TROPICAL HOLLYWOOD -THIS ONE STARS AN OLD FRIEND, AY A GARDNER SINGAPORE. July 15. A lALAYA'S film boom continues and Ava Gardner is coming back. Twentieth Century Fox has engaged Ava. Spencer Tracy and Raymond Massey for a film
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  • 327 10 GIVE THE EXPAT HIS DUE’ SINGAPORE, July II. G. HAMMETT, the Resident Commit. sioner, said at the Malacca Settlement Council today that expatriate officers should be encouraged to give of their best and not be told continual}' that they were no longer wanted. Mr.
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  • 28 10 SINGAPORE. July 15. Representatives of the City Council Labour Unions’ Federation will discuss 12 grievances today with the City Council Finance and General Purposes Committee.
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  • 129 10 KUALA LUMPUR, July 13. LffVE terrorists battled a 1 patrol of the 2/6 Gurkha Rifles in the Kongkoi area of northern Negri Sembilan yesterday. A Gurkha and a ter rorist were killed. The other terrorists, believed to be members of Negri Sembilan’s 3rd Independent Platoon.
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  • 257 10 IPOH, July 13. THE Perak Government 1 today admitted that it does not know how much it cost to furnish the Sultan’s three palaces at K u a 1 a Kangsar, Teluk Anson and Ipoh. Tlie questions were asked by Che Khadijah binte Abdul Aziz,
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  • 24 10 KUALA LUMPUR July Thirty-five blind po< the Gurney Training C< here will go on a picnic t< Dickson on Aug. 7.
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  • 726 11 VERNON BARTLETT comments... ENTHUSIASM is one of G the most endearing of human qualities. Mr. j iXcvid Marshall has a 1. t of it, but it tends to jose its attractiveness now that he is in a E position of great reE sponsibility. Mich
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  • 263 11 ESTATES MUST KEEP UP HIGH STANDARD OF REPLANTING LIMITS ARE IMPOSED TO MAKE SUPPLIES OF GOOD SEED GO ROUND KUALA LUMPUR. July 11. 'I'HK FKDERATION Government announced 1 toda> that all replanting started by estates this year will be eligible for grants under the Government's
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  • 106 11 JUHORE BAHRU. July 13. THIAN SEE and Tang i 1 Thye, two of four men d with consorting with nun, were sentenced to jail each here today. Yin You and Wei Cho ac other two men, were acquitti d. tour men were arrested wt ne
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  • 84 11 SINGAPORE, July 16. Singapore Progressive m co-operation w r ith entatives of commercial 18 working on a Bill to l 't the “fundamental 1 an d privileges” of cleriurkers. Bill, the party said yeswill include such proas standard hours of work a minimum wage scale, uniform wage
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  • 132 11 IT" UAL A LUMPUR lawyer. Mr. Yong Pung llow. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Yong Shook Lin, am! Miss Cheang Wei woo of Shanghai, after tlieir wedding in London on July 9. Mr. Yong met his bride, who has since graduated at the London School
    —Reuter picture.  -  132 words
  • 175 11 IPOH, July 15. i CTUDBNTS have been banned from canvassing for votes or in other ways helping Federal election candidates in Perak on polling day. A spokesman for the State Education Department told the Straits Times today that this also meant that students
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  • 54 11 SINGAPORE. Julv 10. Malayan delegates to next year's International Student Conference will be given voting rights, the credential committee has decided. Two delegates, Mr. Philomen Oorjitham and Mr. G. S. Gill, were sent by the Pan-Malayan Students Federation to this year’s conference which has just
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  • 503 12 3 FACTORIES MAY CLOSE BLACKMAIL CHARGE SINGAPORE, July 16. r |MIRKK important industrial undertakings in Singapore, all crippled by labour troubles, may close down permanently in the near future. They are Hume Industries (Far East) Ltd., at Bukit Timah. the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.. Kallang,
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  • 54 12 KUALA LUMPUR, July 15.— Discontinuation of security lighting in a number of new villages has saved the Federation Government $230,000 in capital expenditure and $70,000 Defence Department said today. The reason for the cuts was that the security situation in 24 villages no longer made perimeter
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  • 177 12 SINGAPORE. July IG. IMIE Singapore Factory ami Shop Workers’ Union has started a signature campaign for the release of its president, Yong Kok Kim. and Fong Swee Suan, secretary of the Singapore Bus Workers’ Union, both of whom are held under the Emergency Regulations.
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  • 54 12 SINGAPORE. July 16. A Singapore businessman. Lim Kee Soon. 42. w’as injured last night when his car crashed into a lamp-post at Selegie Road, near the junction of Middle Road. Lim. who lives in Upper Serangoon Road, was adnrtted to the General Hospital. His condition was
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  • 182 12 SINGAPORE, July 1« THE Singapore Bus Workers’ Union is demandimr six months’ sick leave a year and paid “funeral leave” from the Green Bus Company. The demands, described by the secretary ut the Bus Owners’ Association. Mr. Kuek Soak En<> r “fantastic,” are:
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  • 121 12 SINGAPORE. July 16 SINGAPORE’S major bu< companies told the straits Times yesterday that the number of tickets sold bv conductors had fallen since last month’s transport strike The Hock Lee Com pan Vs returns are down $l,OOO j dav The manager. Mr Guok Sine
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  • 147 12 SINGAPORE, July 16. SINGAPORE Customs officers seized $lOO,OOO worth of opium in a surprise raid on the Star Betelgeuse just before she sailed for Hong Kong at .3 a.m. yesterday. The raid was made soon ifter the Customs men saw two speedboats
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  • 178 12 THEY WON’T FLY NOW TO SEE U NU PENANG, July 15. P E DERATION and Singapore rice merchants have called ofT a proposed trip to Rangoon to petition the Burmese Prime Minister, IT Nu, to allow the export of (i0,000
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  • 367 13 Ch ief Minister shows the way to El Dorado SINGAPORE, July 14. UK CHIEF MINISTER, Mr. David Marshall, 1 csterday promised employers that the Singapore* Government would protect the legitimate aims of capital. In turn he was assured of emplo-co-operation. Mr. Marshall was addressing the first meeting
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  • 64 13 SINGAPORE. July 16. A 41-YEAR-OLD patient, Lee Chee Soy, of the Woodbridge Hospital, Singapore, was found dead in his ward .yesterday morning. Police are investigating. An attendant of the hospital, who had rushed to the ward on hearing a commotion, found Lee prostrate oil the floor
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  • 197 13 ‘PROVE I’M RED Jap-time chief headman who now hates control ut tenants issues a challenge PENANG, July 13. 1 Labour candidate ior George Town. Mr. Hiiam Siew. today denied Penang’s :il Resident commis- r Mr. D. Gray, to that he was a Communist. l 'ips to Mr. Gray’s >t yesterday
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  • 319 13 SINGAPORE, July 14. THE Singapore Government yesterday gave notice of its intention to free/e certain land in the Colony at its market value on April 22, the date on which the first session of the Legislative Assembly began. It published a Bill to provide
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  • 76 13 SINGAPORE. July 14. A Singapore City Councillor Mrs. Amy Ede, will move at the next meeting on July 28 that the policy on attap huts be relaxed. She will propose that the present policy, forbidding new attap huts in the city, be changed to allow
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  • 304 13 SINGAPORE, July 14. A SINGAPORE towkay, Mr. Chua Chuan Geok, 49, was found murdered at dawn yesterday on the estate he manages off the 9\ milestone Tampines Road. A woman tapper discovered the body under bushes about 50 yards from a path
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  • 36 13 KUALA LIPIS, July 13.—Mr. T. K. Nadarajah, senior assistant master at Clifford School, is acting as principal in place of Mr. J. R. Davidson, who has been transferred to Kuantan as Chief Education Officer.
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  • 241 13 SINGAPORE, July 14 fPHE Director of 1 Fisheries, Mr. D. W. he Mare yesterday warned that with the Colony’s population ini creasing so rapidly, there would not be enough fish supplies to go round. The position was not the
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  • 153 13 rpHE Tamils Representative 1 Council in Singapore yesterday said it refused to accept a denial bv Mr. Tan Siew Sin, UMNO-MCA-MIC Alliance candidate in the Malacca constituency of the Federal elections, that he was anti-Indian. Th( Council, in a resolution said: A stunt "Coming as it does on
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  • 1007 14 MAN VI/HO PLAYED ME AND MY SHADOW' WITH A RED GESTAPO BOSS STEPS ASHORE-WITH A VIOLIN SINGAPORE. July IG. 'PHE man who talked Vladimir Petrov, the Russian secret police agent and Third Secretary of the Russian Embassy at Canberra. Australia, into surrender in
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  • 116 14 BUT THAT DRINK COSTS MORE KUALA LUMPUR. July 17. and smok- ing cost people in the Federation more last year. New customs duties were to blame. But there was a marked overall drop in the cost of living in 1954. says the Federation Annual Report.
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  • 247 14 They must have off-shore fishing fleets or lose livelihood SINGAPORE. July is HPHE FEDERATION Government is worried about the future of the Malayan fishing industry Its 1954 annual report, published last night. ur°es the development of an offshore fishing fleet to safeguard the livelihood
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  • 238 14 Alliance? call it ‘arrogance —Negara SINGAPORE, July 18. r pHE Party Negara vesterday declared that t t 1 UMNO-MCA-MIC Alliance, was “beconnnu increasingly arrogant." ~m vin„ Charging the "Arrogance” party with t v rotten eggs at the Negara's Seremban cons candidate, Mr. H. T. Tan. at an election »j'~ Labu
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  • 66 14 PENANG. July 13 st nd our Party of Malay jJ K three delegates from Lumpur to address a 1 rally on the Espial u p.m. on July 16 the party’s candldat George Town. Mr. Ooi Slow Miss P. G. Lim a lawyer M. Arokiasamy, formersecretary of
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  • 487 15 SINGAPORE, July 17. •the CHIEF MINISTER of Singapore, Mr. David Marshall, yesterday lost his patience with representatives ot the Factory and Shop Workers 1 Union, who went to see him at his weekly “Meet the People 11 conference about their president, Yong Kok Kim,
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  • 47 15 Singapore Assembly House yesterday was tK s crowd, part of a 150-strong Singapore Factory 3"d Shop Workers Union delegation, who went to see the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall to ask for the release of their president, Yong Kok Kim. —Sunday Times picture.
    —Sunday Times picture.  -  47 words
  • 217 15 ('fief's favourite opens Colony French week SINGAPORE, July 14. ANCO-SWISS chef openFrench Week in Singae.sterday and he did one of his favourite Wishes. r HEF: Monsieur Gilbert of the Adelphi Grill. “;f La potee Bourguip ne comme chez la Mere me, or braised beef in
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  • 496 15 Coroncn Shooting unjustifiable t man in charge failed in job T ,,E shoo ‘ine at the Ipoli Detention Camp on June 4 Abd W ul S La U tr S said a today the C r ner nche Jamal bin He gave a verdict of
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  • 295 15 CITY COUNCIL MEN: ‘ON WITH STRIKE 10,000 will stop work if demands are not met in 14 days SINGAPORE, July 18. THE 10,000-strong Singapore City Council Labour 1 Unions Federation has decided to give the City Council 14 days’ strike notice on July 20. This decision was taken at a
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  • 31 15 SINGAPORE. July 19. The Singapore Film Society will show “Film and Reality” at the British Council Hall, Stamford Road, at 6.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m. on July 24.
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  • 286 16 Row over Junior Ministerships SINGAPORE. July 19. MR. DAVID MARSHALL last night reached a decision to resign his post as Chief Minister of Singapore unless the Governor accedes to his request lor the appointment of four Junior Ministers. He is expected to tender his resignation and
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  • 218 16 SINGAPORE, July 20. ''FIRED but cheerful, General Sir Gerald Templer returned to Singapore last night for the first time since he relinquished his post as High Commissioner in June last year. Sir Gerald is on his way to Australia and New’ Zealand for
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  • 255 16 PROVE ITS UNITY—AND BEAT OFF THE LEFT SINGAPORE. July 20. IUIE Singapore Trade Union Congress will have to prove its solidarity and show a new determination to increase membership when it holds its annual conference on Aug. 7. Between 80 and 100 delegates from
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  • 44 16 SINGAPORE, July 20. Two Indian Navy ships, the Cauveri and the Tir, will anchor in the Singapore Outer Roads today. They are on their way to Indonesia on a goodwill visit. They will leave Singapore on July 23 for Jakarta.
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  • 248 16 The Opposition lines up against Marshall ‘the play actor SINGAPORE. July 20. TWO of the main opposition parties in the Singapore Legislative Assembly last night attacked the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall for his inconsistency as regards the Rendel Constitution. They agreed the Issue on the appointment of the four
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  • 174 16 MR. LEE KUAN YEW. secretary of the People’s Action Party, issued the following statement: “We are astonished. Eight months ago. Mr. Marshall said the Rendel Constitution was unworkable. Three and a half months ago he said it was workable. “Now he says it
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  • 119 16 jytß. R. JUMABHOY (Independent—Telok Ayer) described Mr. Marshall as “an amateur with no political background.” He said Mr. Marshall’s bluff had been called. He added: “I cannot understand why Mr. Marshall is holding an emergency Assembly session on July 22 unless he is already
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  • 186 16 KUALA LUMPUR. July 19. The question of w’hether the Malayan Airw’ays should be nationalised will be one of the problems awaiting the new Federation Government which comes into power after the elections. Talks between Singapore and the Federation may be held after the subject is
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  • 18 16 TA1PING, July 19.—The Taiping Chinese Recreation Club will hold a social and dance on Aug. 6
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  • 83 16 IPOH, JiJ> mHE Protector of Abe: Northern Region. M Young, w’ho was due to long leave this week, i*> Batu Gajah hospital broken arm as a res 1 road accident. Mr. Young was retu" Ipoh on July 17 ih Rover after having sa
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  • 1202 17 Door open if Governor relents SINGAPORE, July 20. Tin: CHIEF MINISTER, Mr. David Marshall, 1 h is postponed his threat of resignation. After two meetings with the Governor, Sir )v >i■■ rl Gluck, and three meetings with his Mmi'lers and other members of the
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  • 64 17 SINGAPORE, July 20. Thousands of under-privi-leged children in Singapore will see a free show of the icc revue “Holiday on lee” at the Happy World Stadium at 3 p.m. today. The treat has been arranged by the Social Welfare Department with Fraser and Neave Ltd.,
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  • 19 17 KUALA LUMPUR. July 19— The annual meeting of Kuala Lumpur YWCA will be held on July 30.
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  • 315 17 If they sweep the polls next Wednesday these men will yovern in Federation IPOH, July 19. CABINET posts in the Federation’s first elected Government will be filled by members of the Alliance executive council if they—and the Alliance—succeed in next week’s elections. Tengku Abdul Rahman,
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  • 126 17 KUALA LUMPUR. July If). A ROYAL “ghost” has joined the Federal elections light The “ghost” is I'utri Gunong Ledang (Princess of Mount Ophir on the Malacca-J oh ore border), who according to legend, occasionally appears to visitors to the mountain as a beautiful woman
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  • 497 18 CASH AID FOR OWNERS? WELL, MAYBE.... SINGAPORE. July 13. fpHE committee of the A Singapore Turf Club has affirmed “most emphatically” that it has no intention whatever of breaking away from the Federation turf clubs and organising racing on its own. This was announced
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  • 103 18 SINGAPORE, July 19. The Singapore Government is now examining the pensions structure and allowances paid to its retired employees, the Chief Secretary, Mr. W. A. C. Goode, announced last night. This is being done to decide whether there is any need to revise the pensions
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  • 76 18 SINGAPORE. July 19. Six sets of Malay wedding costumes, worth $3,000, and jewellery to go with the garments, worth another $1,820, w*r? stolen from a Malay house in Teo Kim Eng Road, off Jalan Eunos, Singapore, yesterday morning. The thief pulled away a plank of the house
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  • 211 18 Challenge to Govt, on two unionists SINGAPORE, July 19. Amotion deploring the continued detention of two Singapore trade unionists, Fong Swee Suan and Yong Kok Kim, will be introduced by the People’s Action Party leader, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, in the Legislative Assembly on July 26.
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  • 54 18 SINGAPORE. July 19. The Assistant Minister for Commerce and Industry, Singapore, Mr. J. M. Jumabhoy, will hold “meet-the-people” sessions at the Ministry, Fullerton Building, every Thursday, beginning on July 21, between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. Heads of departments in the Ministry will be available at all times
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  • 260 18 IT S CALLED BY PAP UNION SINGAPORE. July 18. ANEW strike broke out in Singapore yesterday when 54 workers employed at the Kim Lam Brickworks started picketing and camping at their work site in Aljunied Road. The workers, including some elderly women, are members of
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  • 1050 18 fTHEWEEKIW SFQ^ WONG PENG SOON, Malaya’s greatest badminton player, has announced his retirement. Peng Soon, now 37 years old, said last week, “I have made up my mind definitely. I have reached the age when it is best for me to give up competitive play.”
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  • 164 18 SINGAPORE, July 19. ■piVE Singapore Chinese 1 women, colleagues in a European firm in the city area, have won the first prize of $350,000 in the Federation Social Welfare Lottery, drawn in Penang 10 days ago. But they were still working yesterday and were
    164 words

  • 708 19  -  v EPSOM JEEP A LUMPUR, July 14. it KEY Abdul Wahab J up his good work 01 is favourite course u i he landed a splen()i( double for racehorse OW i Mr. S. W. Kim, w it three-year-old Rice K, il and seven-year--ol,i indelible,
    708 words
  • 1015 19  -  Bv F.PSOM JEEP KUALA LUMPUR. July 17. i THRILLING deadheat beA en Permita Dorrnez II w and Cinemascope II Ah* in tlit* opening race, highlighted tht- List day of the Selangor Turi Club July Meeting at Kuala Lumpur yesterday. Thir i was Heremai a
    1,015 words
  • 128 19 Union passes a vote of thanks SINGAPORE, July 19. A LL QANTAS local employees will receive substantial wage increases at the end of this month when a new salary scheme comes into operation. This was announced in Singapore yesterday by the Qantas Empire Airways Local
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  • 42 19 SINGAPORE. July 19. A total of 20 varieties of Malayan orchids will be sent by air this morning to London. They are from the Singapore Botanic Gardens for the display windows at Malaya House, Trafalgar Square.
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 36 19 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) li V, y *n in Br. Empire ir delivery service to the United Kingdom only at rate of $24.00 for six months. AlL THE above ARE IN MALAYAN CURRENCY)
      36 words
  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 130 19 Ul<; SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $200,725 1st: No. *****1 ($54,197) 2nd: No. *****2 ($27,098) 3rd: No. *****1 ($13,549) STARTERS ($2,709 each): Nos. *****1; *****5; *****2; *****1; *****1. CONSOLATION ($1,204 each): Nos. *****0; *****1; *****8; *****8; *****7; *****6; *****6; *****8; *****4; *****6. TREBLE TOTE: Five tickets ($278 each) FORECAST TOTE: Race 2:
      130 words

  • 600 20 1 SHARE MARKET I i By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, July 18. B Ya strange coincidence Alexandra Brick Works, the first share in the list quoted daily by the Malayan Share Brokers’ Association, was the first company last week to issue a report and accounts
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  • 385 20 ItHE following business done in the Singapore Share I Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period July 9 to July 15:— INDUSTRIALS: Blit. Borneo Pets. 45s 44s. 9d. 42s. and 43s. C.T.S. Ords. 34s. 7*ad. F. N. Ords. $1.74 to $1.75 to
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  • 95 20 THE following dividends were announced last week by companies operating in Malaya: NEW SCUDAI LTD.: A first and final dividend of 34 less 304 Singapore income tax, for year ended March 31, payable to shareholders on register July 23. THE TEMERLOH RUB- BER ESTATES LTD.: A final dividend
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  • 178 20 SINGAPORE. July 20. Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were:— Copra: steady: July s2B* s buyers. $2B m sellers; August $2B 4 buyers. $29 sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $42 1 u sellers, drum sellers. Pepper: quiet with no business reported. Muntok white $176. Sarawak
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  • 920 20 SINGAPORE, July 20. INDUSTRIALS Bayers Sellers Alex Bricks Pref. 195 1 95 xd Ords 2.10 2.25 xd Atlas Ice 13.00 (buyers) BB Petrol 47/- 49 B M t rustees 5»' 7 00 Con Tin Smelt. p ref *> aa/Ords. 34 3 35/-cd Eastern United 37 50 id
    920 words
  • 346 20 SINGAPORE. July 16. VAC1LL ATING sentl- ment, the normal sequel to a sudden setback, has had the effect of stimulating a very active market with large turnovers every day, states the weekly rubber review of Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co., Ltd. These rapid changes of
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  • 188 20 SINGAPORE. July 19 THE management of the Shum Yip Leong Rubber Works. Klang. have asked the three Federal election candidates in the Selangor Tengah constituency to explain their policies on secondary industry The constituency :> a important industri... are. < »ntaining a nun goods,
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  • 69 20 SINGAPORE HIDDEN streams Hu cate, which has n offer of $400,000 < M.:I 10 per cent deposit foi estate, is calling an c meeting for July 2r> the directors to accept any other not less fa von may be received. The offer excludes su refund
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