The Straits Budget, 23 June 1955

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 29 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES MALAYA’S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Kt v.' Series No. 461. Thursday, June 23, 1955. Price 40 cents (Malayan) Or 1 Shilling.
    29 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 87 1 SAFEGUARD you/? is <* 7 -sh.X W/TH vV' ««V, Jt’; 1L 0 ;fr"f ra»V ,-k ‘Ct mm > LI :Src? :> PP&& KSJSteW s JbgjF gags*.' J 'V* -Iftv ilium i If Q liSW; "4-. i«£s* R V?. J>4f -m s w *v i'L.'.v, tcrnh m b -rr; IV .f
      87 words

    • 229 2  -  JOHN CITIZEN. Singapore. IT IS heartening to the public that Mr. Marshall’s Government is tackling the strike situation with firmness and commonsense. The harnessing of 200 lorries for public service is a step in the right direction and Mr. Marshall can be certain of the public’s
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    • 284 2  -  FRANK WILLS. Kuala Lumpur. AST year Mr. Freddy Pope received some publicity in your Sunday paper for his record run from Penang to Singapore. It was pointed out at the time the publicity and example would encourage people with less ability and
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    • 119 2  -  TAI SING ONN. Singapore. THE sort of Balkanisation in this country retards its progress to independence. Though there appears to be perfect harmony and concord among the various races in Malaya there is a very dangerous current of racial differences. Even among the Chinese themselves there is discord.
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    • 129 2  -  PANDUWAN BANDAR. Penang. as far as possible to avoid acquiring Malay properties in towns for such purposes as building sites for Government quarters when alternative sites are available. I am certain that the Malay economy under anv government will not improve unless the Malays live in all
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    • 167 2  -  BEWILDERED ASIAN Singapore. WHILE I was driving along the sea beach near Changi, the car got stuck in the sand. This happened in a very lonely spot which, I presume, is about five miles from the main Changi Road. It was pitch dark too. As
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    • 200 2  -  BRITISH WIFE. Penang. I AM in complete agreement with the remarks of the New York World Telegram, when, commenting on the inquest verdict on the death of Mr. Gene Symonds. the American journalist, it says, "There was a time when such wanton killing would not
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    • 160 2  -  CHOO V Singapore. IT looks like Mr. Marshall is going to win the battle this time. He has already won the first round. The weapon he used? The one he hated most. The Emergency Regulations. This is what I heard from one of the strikers —a
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    • 166 2  -  john noi Singapore. IAM deeply disappointed with Singapore motorists. They seem to be a lot of selfish people who have no interest at all in the safety of pedestrians. The other day I saw a blind man cross a road. Cars whizzed past him and he was
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 45 2 m m />■ a*??:wwx m m m j mm i I vm Ifl i M 4J sfs*i Hi V 9 > n < f 9 h/¥ n VT !> I X m c J'-‘, m :<*! 33 ■SHi v.f II. I £+***4 HM) 7/ mmPmrn i I I fc m
      45 words

  • The Straits Budget
    • 831 3 —Straits Times, June 16. Federation’s party maulers can now relax. For weeks now they have been ~l (l in the onerous task of guc'i'dinji their lists of candidate > from the prying eyes of r! :ny agents and curious but innocent newspapermen. The Alliance’s list, in
      —Straits Times, June 16.  -  831 words
    • 406 3 —Straits Times, June 16. Provision of emergency transport for Singapore’s schoolchildren is welcome, but the delay in arranging it cannot be allowed to pass without comment. For three days many boys and girls had to walk to school; some missed their lessons. Did the Ministers for
      —Straits Times, June 16.  -  406 words
    • 710 3 —Straits Times, June 17. All Malayans who wish to see the Emergency ended as soon as possible will welcome the announcement by Mr. Robert Menzies that Australian forces to be sent to Malaya would he used in operations against the Communist terrorists. Attempts by sectional interests, both
      —Straits Times, June 17.  -  710 words
    • 514 3 —Straits Times, June 17. As Singapore draws near the end of a week of unjustified strikes, its people may take heart from the mounting evidence that the conspirators of disorder have failed. The numbers of men out on strike remain virtually frozen, a serious setback for agitators
      —Straits Times, June 17.  -  514 words
    • 413 4 —Straits Times, June 18. Middle Road has acknowledged defeat. Messrs. Lim Chin Siong, Devan Nair and Woodhull last night “recommended” that the strikers should go back to work today, suspending their strike until the Government has reviewed the cases of the men held under the Emergency
      —Straits Times, June 18.  -  413 words
    • 489 4 —Straits Times, June 18. What on earth are the Progressives playing at? Three days ago the Singapore Chinese press carried a remarkable statement purporting to have come from the Party. This laid the blame for the upsurge of industrial unrest in the past two months on
      —Straits Times, June 18.  -  489 words
    • 306 4 —Straits Times, June 18. The shadow of subversion, says Sir Donald MeGillivray, is a darker one than that cast by gunmen in the jungle. In different words, the same warning has been given before. But it is now heavily underscored by the conspiracy against constituted authority which has
      —Straits Times, June 18.  -  306 words
    • 953 4 —Straits Times June 20 The report of the Federation’s Integrity of the Public Services Commission contains none of the startling and sensational exposures that some may have hoped for. On the evidence it collected, the Commission pronounced the civil service as composed of hardworking and honest, if
      —Straits Times June 20  -  953 words

    • 95 4 AJAAH POPPITT: To Doris and Graham, a daughter, Gillian Anne, at W h l sey Cheshire, on June 6th. PRIOR: To Margaret (Nee U and Eddie, a daughter, Abigail, at K.K. Hospital. 15.6.55. WAKELIN: On 16th June. K.K. to Elisabeth and John, daughter, (Fiona), sister Richard. SAVERY: On 17th
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  • 526 5 BARRATT FOUND GUILTY ON NINE FRAUD CHARGES k iMPUR, June 17. mPTAIN William Thomas Barratt, 36, loday ordered to l„ cashiered and sentenced to one year’s jail oy a general court martial. Hi Had been found S ailt" on nine charges of fraud' involving
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  • 261 5 ‘A BETTER C-G THAN ME’ SINGAPORE, June 19 THE Commissioner-General for South-East Asia, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, yesterday referred to his successor, Sir Robert Scott, as the man he had long hoped would take his place. Mr. MacDonald was speaking at an Inner Wheel luncheon,
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  • 130 5 From HALL ROMNEY LONDON, June 19. TENGKU SAKINA, disowned by her father, the Sultan of i Kedah, because she married a I Frenchman, is now in hiding. She married Yves Borotra, 125. son of Jean Borotra, a former world tennis champion. Tengku Sakina met Ives
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  • 254 5 JOHORE BAHRU, June 19 A N estate manager and four special constables shot it out with 20 terrorists who ambushed them on Benut Estate in the Rengam area of Johore yesterday. The manager, Mr. J. E. Donelly, received a slight arm injury. There
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  • 363 5 All Singapore now backs Mr. Marshall—‘a brave man’ D r SINGAPORE, June 19 r K 0r the Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, for his p ondemnation of the machinations of People’s Action c ar ur)| on leaders in the general strike was voiced by re r people of all classes
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  • 65 5 KUALA LUMPUR, June 15—Six Johore boys who spent six months at the Social Welfare Department’s training centre at Morib returned to Johore Bahru wearing suits and carrying suitcases they had made themselves. All six have found jobs as tailors or carpenters. There are more vacancies
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  • 124 5 LONDON, June 15. A YOUNG British soldier reveals in a London news- paper today that he was persuaded by Communists t,o volunteer for service in Singapore so that he could help their brothers in Malaya.” The soldier, Gordon Walsh, 22, tells his story in
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  • 68 5 KUALA LUMPUR. June 16— A young policeman who stole a bicycle saddle from the Traffic Branch and fixed it on his own machine was today hound over for $lOO for six months. Ho Guan Cheong, 22, who pleaded guilty, took the saddle lrom a bundle of bicycle
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  • 1340 6  -  CYNICUS SINGAPORE, June 18. r|NE THING Singapore V has been spared during the past week of strikes is the crank with fantastic ideas on how to Settle the troubles apart, that is, from the “put-’em-up-against the wall and-shoot-’em” brigade which unfortunately is still with us. Not
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  • 287 6 SINGAPORE, June 21 the Singapore Harbour Board nor the S.H.B. Staff Association has yet decided to accept the new proposal for ending the 52-day strike by 1,300 clerks and other monthly paid workers. The proposal calls for a resumption of talks on the three outstanding
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  • Article, Illustration
    9 6 IN PENSIVE MOOD— Photo by Eric Lye
    Photo by Eric Lye  -  9 words
  • 213 6 TECHNICAL AID IS NEW POLICY SINGAPORE, June 21 'THE Singapore Govern- ment is to establish its first Chinese technical school, the Minister for Education. Mr. Chew Swee Kee. announced yesterday. “This is in accordance witn the new Government educational policy for Chinese school students,” Mr. Chew told
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  • 47 7 MR. J. T. CROMEY, a police officer attached to Gelang Fatah police station in Johore. with his bride. Miss Chia Pak Leng. after their wedding at the Church of the Sacred Heart. Singapore. The bride was formerly a Cantonese opera singer.
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  • 649 7  -  TUAN DJEK. I W HY man y kerbau i iwater buffaloes) should have escaped from the padi fields curing the occupa- tion, without being killed lor food, is a mystery, j Tnose that got away from I cur Lukut area are estimated t< have increased by breeding to
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  • 93 7 f hc Straits Times of Junp 15, 1905. T H £-j„ arrai eme nts of the e, E?^ ra P h are de ttlan those M j„ ,tvo hitherto obtainanf tK. IS ass of en t shows ti-iitf. is apparently ai isfactory to show goers and the
    / fhc Straits Times of Junp- 15, 1905.  -  93 words
  • 863 7  -  MALA YStA.% NOTEBOOK STANLEY STREET. “T'ROUBLE ashore, no l one to land,” said the captain of the ship that brought me, a lone passenger among the crates and bales of merchandise, from Singapore. He spoke in tones of relish. All the way out he had entertained me
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  • 85 7 SINGAPORE. June 16. A strike picket was fined $lOO in the Singapore Seventh Police Court yesterday. Yeo Peng Hock pleaded guilty to obstructing a police officer in the discharge of his duty at the Trafalgar Street godown of Nestle’s on June 14. Inspector M. C.
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  • 110 7 SINGAPORE, June 20 OEFORE he entered the water at Singapore’s Pasir Ris beach yesterday, the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, said: “I am a very bad water skier.” But Mr. MacDonald. in swimming trunks, was applauded by on-lookers as he returned to the beach
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  • 20 7 Four hundred people attended the Young Progressives’ first picnic held off West Coast Road. Singapore, on June 19.
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  • 66 7 SINGAPORE. June Hi. VTINE women and girls and a man were charged in Singapore yesterday with unlawfully restraining two police officers, Mr. C. W. Greenaway, A.S.P., and a detective, from doing their duty outside the Fraser and Neave factory in River Valley Road, at 4.10 p.m. on
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  • 620 8 J129 WILL CONTEST 51 SEATS IN NEW FEDERAL COUNCIL Walkover so alliance is one up KUALA LUMPUR, June 15. THE UMNO-MCA-M1C ALLIANCE already 1 hold one seat in the new partially-elected Federal Legislative Council. On Nomination Day today Inche llashim bin Awuiig, Penang Settlement Councillor,
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  • 358 8 KUALA LUMPUR, June 15. Surprise followed surprise today in the nominations for the Federal polls in Selangor constituencies. Party Negara accounted for two of them. In Kuala Lumpur Barat (West) it put up Inche Abdullah bin Ibrahim, 46, an ex-member of
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  • 193 8 TEENAGERS Girls kick over the traces, defy their parents says Social Welfare report KUALA LUMPUR, June 15. MALAYAN teenage girls are now demanding greater freedom from parental restraint, thus throwing a burden upon parents which no one else can carry for them, says the Department of Social Welfare in its
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  • 23 8 KUALA LUMPUR, June 15. One more terrorist has surrendered in the Federation. Details are being kept secret for security reasons.
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  • 110 8 KUALA TRENGGANU, June 15 The Alliance and Party Negara will fight out the three constituencies in Trengganu. Trengganu Tengah will be contested by Ungku Mohsin bin Abdul Kadir (Alliance). 27, a former Health Inspector, and Inche Sulaiman bin Ali (Negara) 33, a former Home
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  • 76 8 PENANG, June l.» CHILDREN wanting t<> go to Government and aided English P r mary schools here next year will have to take t intelligence test. The Resident Commissioner, Mr. D. Gra today said that the tvpof test had not yet bee* fixed
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  • 1025 9 To school —by lorry BIG UNION FEDERATIONS SAY THE STRIKES ARE ALL ‘UNWARRANTED’ SINGAPORE, June 16. \i()RE THAN 25,000 workers belonging to two powerful trade union federations in Singapore and the Trades Union Congress, to which 30 unions are affiliated, la t night condemned the present wave of strikes in
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  • 178 9 W the bandits, but the estate workers, says company chief MPUR. June 15. Food !)l operations in the 01 area of Negri Sembi- nave made life harder .(\state labourers than ommunists, says the V^ l,nniin of the Rembau h, Rubber Company. Mr. I( s Mann in his annual
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  • 235 9 SINGAPORE, June 17. REPORTS that United States shippers would boycott the port of Singapore because of the prolonged strike by the Singapore Harbour Board Staff Association were without foundation, re presentatives of leading American shipping lines in the Colony told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr. J. E.
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  • 143 9 SINGAPORE, June 1(5. MR. WEE CHONG JIN. a Singapore lawyer and cricketer, and Miss Cecilia Henderson were married yesterday at the Cathedral of the Good Shepherd. The bride wore a dress of cream-coloured lace with a white tulle veil, designed for her by her brother,
    .—Straits Times picture.  -  143 words

  • 1281 10 Strike only a cover for violence SINGAPORE, June 17. THREAT of violence prepared under cover of a general strike led to the arrest of six trade unionists in Singapore last week-end. The Chief Minister, Mr. David Marshall, Iasi nigh I revealed for the first time the full
    Straits Times picture.  -  1,281 words
  • 50 10 IPOH, June 16.—The inquest on the three detainees killed in the riot at the Ipoh detention camp on the night of June 4 will open at the Ma trate’s Court here on June The three were Fam Tow Liew Yow Pin. 49. and Chuan Sew. 28.
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  • 326 11 Malayan leaders cheer the Australian offer of help: ‘They ARE welcome’ Johore the first target —perhaps Kl ALA LUMPUR, June 16. IMIE Federation today welcomed the news that Australian troops corning to Malaya will be used us reinforcements in operations against Communist terrorists and not
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  • 291 11 SINGAPORE, June 17. THREE Progressive Party Assemblymen yesterday took the unusual step of calling on the acting Chief Secretary, Mr. A. A. Williams, instead of the Chief Minister. Mr. David Marshall, to urge the Government to take more decisive action in the present crisis. They
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  • 46 11 «ANG, June 16. Three rs are treating about 553 l l(, nts at the Penang u Hospital daily. realise this is inadeV le Resident Commls--1 Mr. D. Gray, told a conference yesterday. 1 K )nal doctors had been lor in the 1956 estimates.
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  • 213 11 SINGAPORE, June 17. CHINESE middle school students* delegation got a shock yesterday when it called on the acting Registrar of Societies, Mr. J. D. Haskins, to discuss the ban on political activities by their proposed union. The shock: Mr. Haskins told the students the union’s constitution
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  • 256 11 SINGAPORE, June 16. THE Nanyang University’s preparatory classes started in Singapore yesterday—after three months’ delay—with 298 of the 406 students who qualified for admission attending. There was no fanfare and no representatives of the University’s executive committee present at the opening of the classes simultaneously in
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  • 64 11 CHE lIALIMATON BINTE ABDUL MAJID, wife of the District Officer of Ulu Selangor, Inche Mohamed Baba, is the only woman in the elections. She is standing in Ulu Selangor constituency for the Alliance. Aged .36, she has been to Britain twice and is noted for
    Straits Times picture.  -  64 words
  • 141 11 SINGAPORE. June 17. Robinson Co. Ltd., are to take over the management of the century-old Singapore store John Little Co. Ltd., which was sold recently. A new company, John Little (Malaya) Ltd. has been formed by the buyers, the Hong Kong firm of Jardine Matheson Co.
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  • 197 11 Polls —a farce, says Labour PARTY WILL USE IT AS FORUM PENANG, June 16. T'HE Labour Party of Malaya told the Straits Times today that the Federal election was a farce. But Labour was entering the field to use the elections as a forum, it added. The general secretary of
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  • 311 12 SINGAPORE. June 17. THE man who the JapA anese thought was the “kingpin” of British espionage in Asia during the war, is to succeed Mr. Malcolm MacDonald as Commissioner-Gen-eral for the United Kingdom in South-East Asia. He is Sir Robert Heatlie Scott, 49, at
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  • 191 12 SINGAPORE, June 17. A SINGAPORE magistrate, Mr. J. M De-vereux-Colebourn, yesterday said he wished he could order a whipping for two boys who pleaded guilty to rioting. Inspector T. S. Zain, prosecuting, said that Sng Koon Ong, 17, and Sng Koon Huat, 15.
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  • 266 12 They are on their own now ALOR STAR, June 16. THE PRESIDENT, Tengku Abdul Rahman, said 1 that UMNO would take action soon against two Kedah and Perak members contesting the Federal elections as independent candidates against the Alliance. “As soon as I return to UMNO headquarters
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  • 19 12 TAIPING, June 15.—A civics course was started here yesterday for the convicts of the Taiping Prison.
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  • 317 12 A distinguished teacher will tell us how bi-lingual schools work Mr. Lim has taught two cultures —with no troubles —for 30 years SINGAPORE, June 16. THE rule in Hong Kong schools is “no politics,’’ Mr. Lim Hoy Lam, a well-known teacher, said when he arrived in
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  • 153 12 PENANG, June 16. T'HIS ISLAND'S “Disas- ter Organisation” is ready for action in any civil emergency. The Settlement Secretary. Mr. H. R. Ellis, told the Straits Times today that the Government had gathered all necessary information and plans of various organisations. More than 40 public
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  • 252 12 SINGAPORE. June 16. TWO Americans who have seen proof of “an enormous interest in music in the East” arrived in Singapore by Pan American plane from Manila yesterday Mr. Walter Hendl, conductor, and Mr. A. Strok, manager, are the vanguard of the 92strong “Symphony of
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  • 103 12 PORT SWETTENHAM.June 16. RELATIVES and friends of two Chinese seamen consulted temple gods and went into mourning when the seamen’s boat did not return to port from a fishing trip. They believed that the seamen had perished in rough seas. But today the mystery of
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  • 1776 13 GO BACK TO WORK, PEOPLE’S ACTION PARTY LEADERS ORDER *SYMPATHY STRIKERS UNION CLASH WAS FEARED But' the threat remains MALICIOUS, SAYS MARSHALL SINGAPORE, June IS. IK STRIKES are over. They ended last night with dramatic suddenness. And today more than 13,300 workers in more than
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  • 199 13 But city sends out warnings SINGAPORE, June 18. Disruption of transport in Singapore this week has prevented many householders from going to the City Council to pay their water and electricity bills. Despite this the Council this week sent out 3,518 warnings that supplies would be cut
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  • 83 13 SINGAPORE, June 18 Ong Ah Too, 25, was yesterday charged in the Singapore Seventh Police Court with being a member of an unlawful assembly, one of whom caused the murder of Gene I). Symonds, manager of the United Press in South-East Asia, at Delta Circus on May
    83 words

  • 981 14 KUALA LUMPUR, June 17. PUBLIC servant who cannot explain how he acquires more wealth than his official income allowS'Should have his unexplained assets confiscated, and, where necessary, be dismissed. This is one of the recommendations made by the Integrity of the Public Service Commission
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  • 193 14 THE SQUEEZE—HOW IT WORKS OFFICIALS could become unconscious partners to corruption. For instance, a man may invite an official out to give the impression that they are close associates, and so increase the prestige and influence of the man who extends the invitation.
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  • 81 14 SINGAPORE, June 16. Arsonists have damaged three more cars in Singapore, bringing the total to 24 since the attacks began on June 8. Two of the cars belonged to European employees of the Cold Storage Company. They were parked outside the firm’s mess in Kampong Bahru
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  • 722 14 VLi E all know 4 Yf the handicaps, and hardships of the latest attempt to overthrow democratic government in Singapore. But what about the advantages to be found in its failure? I wonder whether, m a year’s time we shall not be able
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  • 86 14 SINGAPORE. June 1. POLICE last night appealed to car owners to park their vehicles where tn< could be kept under observation. Another car was burnt yesterday morning outside th Union Jack Club in North Bridge Road, bringing 1 number of cars burnt m ti
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  • 308 15 ‘Mob beat us up two tell court SINGAPORE, June 21 rr\VO LABOUR FRONT supporters gave evidence in l the Singapore Seventh Police Court yesterday at the trial of nine men who are alleged to have beaten them up at an election rally on March 13.
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  • 215 15 Water costs us too much tenants they want meters CHANGED SINGAPORE, June 22. TENANTS living in Singapore Improvement Trust flats with block water meters may call a protest meeting if individual water meters are not installed immediately. A Legislative Assemblyman, Mr Lee Choon Eng, has written to the City Council,
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  • 66 15 KUALA LUMPUR, June 17.— "iution asking for a post umco riin ing school be If! »V t>rec at annual dejvf ,s conference of the -'jj. .if p os t Offices Workers T ya here tomorrow, tii says that, unai ?v rho P 1 is started, the
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  • 28 15 Mr Singapore, June 22. for Taylor will leave sh r on Jul v 4 °n a holiday. During his ablor Ir Tan Ah Tah will act
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  • 35 15 SINGAPORE, June 21. Esai Pulavar N. Shanmugaratnam, a Tamil musician, arrived in Singapore from Madras on June 19 He will give a series of performances during his three months' stay in Malaya.
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  • 189 15 KUALA LUMPUR, June 17. pOLICE anti-vice squads are trying to stamp out soliciting by a group of Aborigine women in this North Selangor town. Military police are co-operating with the civil police in a bid to drive the women off the streets at night. People complained
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  • 260 15 Orange-robed Buddhists welcome Songgram SINGAPORE, June 21 pOUR orange robed Buddhist priests went to Kallang Airport last night to greet Marshal Pibun Songgram, the Siamese Prime Minister, who arrived in the Colony on the last stage of his world tour. The diminutive Marshal stepped from the Pan-American
    — Straits Times picture.  -  260 words
  • 48 15 KUALA LUMPUR, June 20. A Home Guard patrol fired at three terrorists in the Kemasek area of Trengganu on June 18. The bandits fled. Nearby, the patrol found two bashas in which were a big pack, food and clothing. A follow-up was launched.
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 32 15 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES (PAYABLE IN ADVANCE) express air delivery service to the United Kingdom only at in inclusive rate of $24.00 for six months. (ALL THE ABOVE ARE IN MALAYAN CURRENCY)
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  • 80 16 Eclipse was sight and topic of town Thousands of students, workers, hawkers, housewives and pedestrians in Singapore on June 20 watched the eclipse of the sun with the aid of smoked glass, film negatives, and basins filled with water from their office and house windows, playing fields, along
    —Straits Times picture.  -  80 words
  • 390 16 SEGAMAT, June 20. fPODAY is the seventh anniversary of the beginning of the Emergency and four terrorists have been killed by the security forces in Johore in the past 24 hours. Two were killed this morning in the Labis area by
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  • 120 16 SINGAPORE, June 21. rE first part of “A Town Like Alice,’’ Nevil Shute’s best-selling novel, will be filmed in Singapore and Penang by the J. Arthur Rank Organisation. the director, Mr. Jack Lee said on his arrival in Singapore by air last night. Mr.
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  • 83 16 TANJONG MALIM. June 17. —Three empty goods wagons jumped the rails when the brakes of one of them jammed at Trolak. 15 miles north of here, at 3.30 p.m. today. The 27-wagon express goods train was bound for Kuala Lumpur from Ipoh. The three
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  • 96 16 SINGAPORE. June 18. An AUSTRALIAN seaman who fell from a ship's ladder during the South China sea “Anzex” exercises arrived in Singapore yesterday after a 24-hour mercy dash. He is Electrical Mechanic Leonard George Curtis. 20. of Sydney. His condition is satisfactory. Curtis, from
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  • 131 16 150,000 LEAFLETS TELL 25 REDS IN SWAMP: YOU HAVE LOST KUALA LUMPUR, June 20 A IRCRAFT scattered 150,000 leaflets over the Sepang swamp in South Selangor today giving a message from two surrendered terrorists to their former com- rades. “Do not risk your lives fo* a struggle
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  • 302 16 SINGAPORE, June •>] UR. BURHANUDDIN AL-HELMY, chair,,',,,, of the Malay Youth Congress, yesterday so„i i( in Singapore of his “bitter hatred” for colonialism and defended the political aims of the now ban., a Malay Nationalist Party, which he headed 10 Uar ago. He blamed the Government's ban
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  • 206 16 SINGAPORE, June 17. A BUDDING musical genius flew into Singapore yesterday from England. She is 12-year-old Penelope Walker, winner of an open scholarship to the Royal Academy of Music. Smiling modestly, Penny sat quietly while her proud parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker. told a
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  • 46 16 SINGAPORE, June 21 The Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation yesterday opened a new branch in Nlacca Street, Singapore. Mi' than 500 guests attended reception. Mr. Tan Chin Tuan, th bank’s managing direct and Mr. Tan Hong Ghim. new branch manager, we. corned the guests.
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  • 69 16 KUALA LUMPUR, June 17. Hundreds of students in the Federation will know early next week whether they have been selected for teacher training courses in England or at Kota Bharu. Letters will go out from the Education Department bean quarters here to the 1 students
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  • 242 17 both sides are ready TO GIVE AND TAKE NOW—PEACE HOPES RISE SINGAPORE, June 22. i kADERS of three Singapore Harbour Hoard L labour unions held out hope last night that tiu j.'S-day strike by the Board’s 1,300 clerks and other monthly-paid workers may end soon.
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  • 211 17 SINGAPORE, June 22. gPECIAL patrols are to be set up in Singapore to supervise children crossing roads on their way to and from schools. A new bill called the Schools Crossing Patrols Bill will be introduced in the next Legislative Assembly meeting by the Government.
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  • 117 17 Follow-up after ambush REXGAM, Johore, June 20 4 RMY artillery units today shelled 20 Communist terrorists who on June 18, ambushed Mr. J. E Bonnalie, manager of Benut Estate, and four special constables. The terrorists, members of uie ith Independent Communl*[ Platoon, are armed with
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  • 377 17 mm S J NGAPORE June 22. j Prime Miniso < Marshal Pibun Song*sa,ld in Singapore yesv-( 1 a y f that his 30.000-mile “d has strengthened nib :o n yi c ti° n that the peopeacGf l he free nations want sa ld the
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  • 479 17 Touring party has to hustle to keep up with her SINGAPORE, June 22. Yf ADAM Pibun Songgram, wife of the Prime Minister of Siam, now visiting Singapore, yesterday proved herself a keen social worker and a tireless sightseer. In two and a half hours, she
    —Str aits Times picture.  -  479 words

  • 380 18 ANSWERS WILL SHAPE FUTURE POLICY Which type of schooling do you want SINGAPORE, June 22. f f HE SINGAPORE GOVERNMENT has taken the first step to find out from parents the type of education they want for their children. Circulars addressed to parents and guardians were
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  • 29 18 SINGAPORE, June 22. Mr. Abdul Khaliq Malik, secretary of the International Islamic Economic Organisation arrived in Singapore yesV* evening on his way to i akistan from Indonesia.
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  • 103 18 12 REDS THE DELAY MALACCA. June 21. T'HE presence of 12 1 Communist terrorists in Malacca is holding up the proclamation of new “white areas,” Mr. G. C. Norris, Jasin District Officer, said at Simpang Bekoh today. He asked villagers to show a little more courage
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  • 215 18 SINGAPORE, June 22. T'HE Singapore Govern- ment’s declared aim of attracting private capital to expand trade and industry in the Colony will form the subject of a query at the next Legislative Assembly meeting on June 29. Mr. John Ede. (Progressive) will ask
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  • 152 18 SINGAPORE, June 20. NEWLY MARRIED Lillian, 18-year-old daughter of Sin g a p o r e millionaire newspaper magnate Mr. George E. Lee, left the Colony yesterday to make her new home in Australia. With her aboard the Sydneybound Nieuw Holland was her Australian husband,
    leaves Singapore. — Straits Times picture.  -  152 words
  • 1115 18 THE week in sport rE Eddie Choong Wong Peng Soon match which featured the final Thomas Cup trial brought the Singapore Badminton Association a net profit of $2,391. This was mentioned last week at the first meeting of the S.B.A. committee held after the Thomas
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  • 54 18 10 HE LD IN DAWN SWOO P IPOH, June 16-Ten Chin including two women J detained for question l n. the police today follow n screening operation at <* in two areas near cncmo miles north of Ipoh. The screened areas. 1 Hitam new village and Lna kat Kinding Estate,
    54 words

  • 1046 19  -  DELIVERY, DON WAYNE AND BARFLEUR SCORE MAIDEN WINS !5v EPSOM JEEP b lXGAPORE, June 16. II, with Ij Billy Bell astride. u ,t a bright top class s; field over 6f. at 3uK: Timah yesterday, st oi cl day of the Singapore Turf
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  • 1078 19  -  B> KPSOM JEEP SINGAPORE. June 19. /STRESS POINT, a sevenv y» at- Id by the 2.000 Gi;n;« .i> winner Court Martial. >«■ r«d iii> third successive Cup victory when he snatched a n»'i*k win from South Pacific in th» Singapore Cup over U mil* > at
    1,078 words
  • 50 19 SINGAPORE. June 22. Mr. T. J. Hawkins, Secretary to the Australian Department of the Navy, parcel through Singapore yesterday on his way to London fop talks at the Admiralty. Mr. Hawkins said the talks would be “routine.” He expects to spend 10 weeks in England
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 104 19 UiG SWEEP TOTAL POOL: $319,992 1st: No. *****3 ($143,996) 2nd: No. *****9 71,998) 3rd: No. *****3 39,998) STARTERS ($3,999 each): Nos. *****6, *****0, *****7, *****6, *****2, *****6, *****5, *****8, *****4, *****6. CONSOLATION ($2,399 each): Nos. *****4, *****4, *****7, *****5, *****1, *****6, *****9, *****1, *****9, *****2. DOUBLE TOTE: 43 tickets ($142
      104 words

  • 488 20 [SHARE MARKET 1 By Our Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, June 20 CONFIDENCE is slowly returning to the Singapore Share Market, despite the political and labour troubles which still beset the daily life of the Colony. Following the events of the past week, investors are becoming more convinced
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  • 186 20 SINGAPORE, June 22. Singapore Chinese Produce Exchange: noon prices per picul yesterday were:— Copra: steady; June $28 14 buyers. $28 5 8 sellers; July $28 3 4 buyers. $29 sellers; August $29 buyers, $19 14 sellers. Coconut oil: steady; bulk $42 1|4 sellers, drum $45 sellers. Pepper; quiet
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  • 341 20 THE following business done in the Singapore Share Market last week was reported by one firm of brokers for the period June 11 to June 17:— industrials: British Borneo Pets 34s 7*6d„ to 355. 6d., Consolidated Tin Smelters 325. 6d„ Fraser Neave Ords. $1.65 to $1.70 and $1.67
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  • 58 20 SINGAPORE. June 22. Nurses from Malaya. Sarawak and Brunei are among those from many Asian countries who will attend a nursing education seminar in Suva. Fiji, next month. Singapore representatives will be Miss Doris Cowsill, Miss Nora Conway and Mrs. Maude Perera. Miss Wong Soo Chin
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  • 470 20 SINGAPORE, June 18. ITPPERMOST in everyone’s mind this week has been the distrust of the local situation and with several rubber millers and packers on strike, the demand for nearby delivery has been accentuated, states the weekly rubber review of Holiday, Cutler, Bath Co.
    470 words
  • 865 20 SINGAPORE, June 22. INDUSTRIALS Buyers Sellers Alex. Bricks Pre.’ 2 05 2.10 Ords 2.20 2.30 Atlas Ice 12.50 (buyers* B B Petrol 35/9 36,9 xd B M Trustees 650 700 Con. Tin Smelt. Pref. »0'- 22/Ords. 32/- 33/Eastern United 37.50 38.50 Fed. Dispensary 3.00 3.05 Fraser and
    865 words
  • 294 20 THE following dividends were announced last week by companies operating in Malava:— MALAYAN TIN DREDGING LTD.: An interim dividend of 4d. per share, less income tax at Bs. 6d. in the X, for year ending June 30, payable in London on July 22 to shareholders on the register
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