The Straits Budget, 1 January 1953

Total Pages: 18
1 19 The Straits Budget
  • 7 1 THE STRAITS BUDGET lomiarv 1» l953 i_
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 748 1 Thurs. Jan. 1953. —Straits Times, Dec. 24. Malacca Settlement Council has been showing interest in IWO problems of Federation interest -houses .and eduWhat the Resident Commissioner had to say about both could not have been to the Council’s liking. The Settlement has had to cut Important provisions
      Thurs. Jan. 1953.; —Straits Times, Dec. 24.  -  748 words
    • 419 1 —Straits Times, Dec. 24. The season of goodwill and joy is on us, a few days in which bureaucracy can rest from its self-imposed task of whittling away what is left of the personal freedom of the ordinary citizen. For in the Christmas holidays there surely will
      —Straits Times, Dec. 24.  -  419 words
    • 608 1 --STRAITS TIMES, DSC. 27. Publication of the judgment of the President of the Sessions Court, Kuala Lumpur, in the ?ase of a police officer charged with two offences arising from ‘he acceptance of $509 from a police informer, removes much of the uneasiness aroused by 'he conduct
      --STRAITS TIMES, DSC. 27.  -  608 words
    • 585 1 —STRAITS TIMES, Dec. 27 Two weeks before Governor Dewey, twice the Republican candidate for the U.S. Piesidency, visited Malaya, the Straits Times published a front page picture of race riots in Cicero, Illinois. A mob of 4,000 demonstrated in this all-white Chicago suburb where a negro family
      —STRAITS TIMES, Dec. 27  -  585 words
    • 681 1 Straits Times, Dec. 29. Welcome indeed is the news that Federation police will no longer carry rifles when they are on “friendly duty”. Col. Young, lent by the City of London temporarily to head the Federation Police at a difficult time in its history, will be remembered
      Straits Times, Dec. 29.  -  681 words
    • 699 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 30. At the November meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council the locally recruited civil service, whose representatives had approached Unofficial mcmbr rs of the* Council in connection with expatriation pay and family allowances, was rebuked by the Governor. The rebuke was sharp and it
      —Straits Times, Dec. 30.  -  699 words
    • 783 2 —Straits Times. Dec. 31. The Naval Base labour disoute has reached the deadlock that confronted Singapore’s postmen earlier in the year. And for exactly th.’ same reasons. Negotiations have been suspended and there is a strike which both sides say they do not want. The way out
      —Straits Times. Dec. 31.  -  783 words
    • 226 2 —Straits Times, Dec. 3! When the large aggregate of war damage compensation is remembered, together with the fact that the Malayan taxpayer eventually will bear substantial proportion of inis burden. it is singular that the working of this scheme does not attract more attention in the Legislative Councils.
      —Straits Times, Dec. 3!  -  226 words
    • 160 2 —Straits Times. Dec. 3) Singapore’s City Council ha iot heard a more disgraccft ttack on the Legislative Cour. •il and the Colony Govern nent than that made yesterda by Mr. P. R. Williams, th Labour member for Roehori Singapore’s million pound gij ‘o Britain, said Mr. William
      —Straits Times. Dec. 3)  -  160 words

  • 113 2 SINGAPORE, Dec 31. THE SINGAPORE CoutiCl for Adult Education ha d plan to bring health art nappiness to the people in th Colony’s slums and kampong: But they need the help 0 30 men and women who knov English and one or two ver nacular tongues.
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  • 134 2 AI.OR STAR, Dec 20. SOBBING nurses sang “Tei Thousand Miles” las night at a farewell party fo the Kedah matron, Mrs O. M. Donaldson. The girls broke down wher the State Surgeon, Dr. M. B Osman, sn id: “Our belover matron will soon be 10,0011 miles away
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  • 232 4 1MU neighbourhood of the Singapore City Council building suddenly became like old Bethlehem soon after midnight on Christmas Eve as a floc k of about 400 sheep blended their •‘voices'* with those of a thousand carollers during the Singapore Christian Youth Council’s carol rally. Is
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  • 846 4  -  By R. K. HARDWICK QNCE. during high floods and heavy rains in the north-east monsoon, when tracking became impossible and enforced idleness intolerable. I decided to climb a tree after honey in the same manner as natives. The favourite trees for bees is
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    • 161 4 COX: On Dec. 28th at the K.K. to Sylvia, wife of Richard cox, a son, Richard Anthony. TO BETTY. Wife Of F.J.L. Leonard, a son. Both doing well at K.K. Upcountry papers please copy. REEVES: On Decerncer 29th, at the K.K. Hospital, Singapore, to Frances (Nee Benbow') wife of
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    • 115 4 MABY-ROGERS: The engagement was announced between David Anthony, youngest son of the late Mr. H C. Maby and Mrs. E. F. Maby of Sundown. Isle of Wight, and Susan, daughter of the late Mr. c. Rogers and Mrs. E. D. Rogers of Sanderstead, Surrey. THE engagement is announced between
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  • 37 4 The British Government Is studying the possibility of sending instructors to Asian countries to train persons disabled by the war. This follows a meeting of the World Veterans’ Federation held in London recently.
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  • 34 4 Mr. Jogendran Ponnlah, eldest son of Mr. V. Ponniah, of the Colonial Secretariat. Singapore, arrived by air yesterday from Wesley College, Melbourne, to spend the holidays with his parents.
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  • 198 4 From Our Own Correspondent LONDON. AN ORIGINTAL painting of Singapore harbour as it was nearly a hundred years ago is to find a home in Singapore, to which it has been presented (through Mr. Ward, the Malayan Commissioner in Londom by the London Borough of Camberwell.
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  • 19 4 DEATHS GRAY ANDREW FLEMING be-I loved husband of Edith, on 24th December as a result of a road accident.
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  • 25 5 (A toy woollen duck for On* Kah Ah, at the St. Andrew’s Mission Hospital, Singapore. Straits Times photograph.
    Straits Times photograph.  -  25 words
  • 651 5  -  CYNICIIS. *pWO old and trusted companions of Governor Thomas E. Dewey died during the Governor’s trip to the Pacific last year. News of their death comes in his book “Journey to the Far Pacific,” a report on his travels. Neither truth nor accuracy survived the rigours
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  • 1013 5  -  Stanley Street. Interjection I \ESPATCHES from the Lon- don Colleague include a philological note from PC. 49. It is a new description of the dropping of a penny. Brian Reece (the B.B.C.’s PC.) is now back in Britain after entertaining the troops in Malaya with
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  • 14 6 This study, “Country Life comes from Khau Eng Boin of 26, Kinta Lane, Penang.
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  • 515 6  - Countryman’ s Journal TUAN I)JFK U vninc: the Tuan •sv typing when r was rent by a explosion, of a such as he had hi fore heard. On to the verandah li» f ard a deep hissing and then grey or steam was to he St in nenetrating the tall
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  • 162 6 Straits Times of 1902. I)' 1 The Colonial Office ■-‘■inplating the adplacinst the cur- •<- Straits Settle’olcl basis, and a o decide on the t s already been I! v j; m now contemto pass, and the only a token, •certainty as to money invested government will
    Straits Times of 1902.  -  162 words
  • 668 6 RANDOM tug at the shelves in a deserted corner of Raffles Library has produced a bizzare set of sidelights on life in Asia round about 1818. The book is a collection of several numbers of a missionary paper called the IndoChinese Gleaner, published in Malacca. In those
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  • 81 6 News of the death of Mr. Andrew’ Fleming Gray. 49, secretary of the Singapore Harbour Board, has been received. Mr. Gray, a Scot,, died at Edmund in New’ South Wales, Australia, in a motorcar accident. He left Singapore on Nov. 18 on five months’ leave. Mr.
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  • 39 6 TAIPING, Dec. 24 -News has been received of the death of Mrs. Alice Hume, wife <>t a former British Resident. Perak, Lt. Col. W P. Hume, at a nursing home in Britain. She was 79.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 67 7 THE HIGH COMMISSIONER, Gen. Sir Gerald Templer, visited the t Buddhist Association during his tour of Penang, Picture above shows Gen. Templer, without his shoes, in the prayer hall of the Association. Below, Gen. Templer, i s seen chatting with the Chief Abbot, Rev. Chee Khoon
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  • 159 7 SINGAPORE, Dec 25. GENERAL headquarters of the Malayan Communist Party, in a four-point directive, has told members to stop stealing identity cards, slashing rubber trees, burning workers’ living quarters and destroying public utility services. These points were contained in a document read out in Singapore
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  • 72 7 Singapore, doc. 27. Singapore’s Director of Education, Mr. R. M. Young, declared open the lirst AllMalaya Chinese school teachers conference at the Chinese High School in Bukit Timah Road yesterday. Following the opening ceremony in the school hall, the 147 delegates—lo 4 from the Federation and 43 from
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  • 51 7 SINGAPORE, Dec 2G. Mr T. R Sundaram. Indian film producer and managing director of Modern Theatres Ltd., arrived in Singapore with his wife and two children by Comet yesterday for a holiday. H** was met at Kallang Airf port by Mr Runme Shaw, the Malayan theatre
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  • 129 7 Medical heads discuss suggestions PENANG, Dec. 24. PROPOSALS to extend health services to kampongs and new villages were discussed by State and Settlement medical heads at their annual conference which ended in Penang yesterday. The conference, which lasted four days, was closed to 1
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  • 27 7 TELUK ANSON. Dec. 26. Major E. C Hollis, Assistant State- Home Guard OlTicer, Ipoh, has taken overall command ol the Home Guards in lower Perak
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  • 48 7 SINGAPORE, Dec. 27. BEN Travers, the British playwright, will visit Singapore early in February for a two-weeks holiday. He will stay with Mrs. M.C. Dack—his former secretary—and her husband. Ben Travers came to Singapore over 40 years ago anc* worked here for three years
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  • 31 7 The total amount of currency notes in circulation on Dec. 1, was $787,053,437. according to Mr. W. C. Taylor, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Currency, Malaya
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  • 920 7 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 24. < MK J G Adams, president of the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court, today issued a statement clarify, ini- the decision he took on Monday in sentencing a uolice circle intelligence officer to a $l,OOO or nine months’ gaol for
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  • 198 7 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 24 SELANGOR’S Mentri Raja Uda bin Raja Muhammad, is certain to get tli Malayan Commissioner's post in London if the Sultan ol Selangor agrees to release him. the Straits Times reliably understands. This important semi-diplo-matic appointment is made b:> the Singapore
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  • 88 8 TAN Lock, 26, a Univer1 >:»• i: Malaya arts studrnt Singapore this week Dn vi\ r.tary exile to Red ?hin.s. Tan and other undermi were detained oy the Branch last January, ran the frist to be released fro:- >: John's Island deten:ior. camp. H
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  • 121 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. THE Sir Franklin Gimson Portrait Fund, started by friends of the former Governor of Singapore, has been oversubscribed by $3,530. The fund now totals $9,530. The sponsors are considering a proposal to spend the extra money on a smaller painted portrait
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  • 223 8 v 0 IPOH, Dec. 24. jyjALAYA S youngest heroine of the Japanese occupation, Dawn Kathigasu, will sail for England from Penang on Doxing Day in the liner Canton on an eight-year Government scholarship. She will study medicine there. Dawn, the younger
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  • 47 8 a: LUMPUR, Doc. 24. o Riven the people rak an encourag- ir.a.s present. The.v arecl three armed Li and accepted the °f three more, j! police who, it is u *V’ vealed. are operation. Kuala Lumpur area j Helped in the capture dree
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  • 71 8 ‘NC-APORE, Dec. 28. r.t Kcng Lian, presid- Malayan Chinese Ucl branch, ;i v s auday Times yesterbranch is willing i the SingaChamber of Com- !l ght for citizenT lUr a Nen Chinese. L Government has Et c<cnv n memoranchamber and I c itizenship can i fed
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  • 208 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 27. in 1 67-ton precast concrete deck, the first step multi-million dollar extension scheme of gapore Harbour Board, has been successfully .ud on its bod of piles. laying of the deck is considered by engineer's to be one of the biggest
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  • 60 8 I poll. Dec l\. A TOTAL of $30,000 lrom the Rural and Industrial Development Authority has been provided as loans for five community tractor projects in Perak. These projects are centred in the Kuala Kangsar and Sitiawan districts. The tractors are to he used for cultivation of
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  • 35 8 RAUB, Sun.—Dr. W. H. Jeffrey, State Medical and Health Officer, Pahang, has been transferred to Selangor us the State Medical and Health OfHi cer. He is replaced by Dr. S. L. Oehlers from Penang.
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  • 69 8 “No one ever comes to see,” said bedridden Mrs. Kathrine Rozario, when the Colonial Secretary’s wife, Mrs. W. L. Blythe, on Dec. 24 presented her with Social Welfare’s Christmas parcel. PARTY FOR THE YOUNG, (below) Even with Lady Templer behind you Father Christmas is a bit
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  • 113 8 SINGAPORE, Dec. 27. THE Singapore Social Welfare Department plans to provide 13 children’s social centres in rural areas between 1953 and 1957. Until the rural district committees become self-governing these centres will be branches of the Social Welfare Department. They will also house
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  • 108 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec Thousands of war damage claimants in Malaya t) been paid their first and second private chattels dividends in time for Christmas. Mr. R. Graham. Chairman of the War Damage* Commission, told the Straits Times today. The payment started early in November, he said.
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  • 351 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 26. /1NE of the most urgent jobs in Malaya today is to get people to grasp responsibility and to stand up under the strain of grasping it, declared the High Commissioner, Gen. Sir Gerald Templer. in his Christmas Day message to the Federation.
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  • 420 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 25. iVfR. TAN CHIN TUAN, representative of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce on the Legislative Council, is not hound to any hard and fast rule by the Chamber, Mr. Tan Siak Kew, the Chamber president, told the Straits Times yesterday. Mr.
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  • 42 9 No civil liability claim will bo considered if it is not lodged before April 1, 1953, a Singapore Government gazette notilication states. Similarly, no defence corps and volunteer forces demobilisation pay claim will be considered after April 1
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  • 276 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 20. 11/1 ALAYA faces ll»e possibility of a yellow fever epidemic because of the Unmet air service ami other fast-flying aircraft. The World Health Organisation has recognised this risk Jk at d has declared Mala y “yellow fever receptive r
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  • 57 9 THE STAFF of the Game Department, Kluang, led by Capt. Ahmad bin Mohamed Doon (centre, standing) the acting Game Warden, Johore, killed a tiger and a tigress last week at the eighth mile Kluang-Ayer Hitam road. The animals had killed a cow, a horse and a buffalo of the Central
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  • 255 9 SING APPOKE, Dec. >5. City Council is not interested in the acquisition of an expensive site in town for the future extension of City Hall, the planning co-ordina-tion committee has been told. rpHE Council’s finance and general purposes comA mittee agreed that if the
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  • 61 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. The Pan-Malayan Director of Civil Aviation, Mr. A. W. Savage, flies to Hong Kong today to discuss regional air service developments in the Far East. Accompanied by Mr. W. C. Gawthorne, civil aviation adviser at the CommissionerGeneral’s office, he will attend the meeting of
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  • 225 9 IPOH, Dec 24 THE ‘uncrowned King’ 0 f Kramat Pulai leaves by Comet for London on Chri>tmas Day after 26 years’ mining in Malays. He is Mr. John Weekley. njl general manager of Pulai Ltd. The M<*uri' Besar. Perak, recently gave him that title. Mr
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  • 69 9 SINGAPORE, Dec. 28. THE Singapore Public Relations Office proposes next year to make a film on housing in the Colony, Mr. H. Armstrong. acting Public Relations Secretary, told the Sunday Times yesterday. Arrangements had not yet been finalised, he said. A $15,000 vote was available for
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  • 40 9 TELUK ANSON, Dec. 28. One of the busiest and most congested roads in Teluk Anson —Ah Cheong Street between Prince and Queen Streets will be widened by four feet, a meeting of the Lower Perak Town Board decided.
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  • 212 9 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. THE Federation Government is “tapping” rice sources in other British territories in a new bid to increase the rice supply in Malaya, The Sunday Times was told today. rrM- a O' j V J WW The first token shipment or 250 tons
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  • 124 10 Do more’ he tells Dept. KVALA LUMPUR, Dec. 28. Labour Department’s ina*tion machinery should ned to bruig presestates to improve ’lines for their hus create better tions. Mr. P. P .a. secretary-general iron* Plantation r V:\a n of Malaya, told s today. a; certain Asian and itea. far away ie
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  • 73 10 ALA LUMPUR. Dec. 28. *'•’>. Battalion Suffolk ’lit has killed ani )rlst, bringing the total to 192 179 1 13 captured Suffolks are due to l a lor England early rist was killed in near Cheras in the riot of Selangor. I terrorist, who is ‘-AVe been
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  • 62 10 V r J VGAp ORE. Dec. 29. Apore Stamps Deb c Coil tmittee, which i. lnen t appointed al- *rs ago, has sub- -nal recommendaT ‘its Times under-:i-,s°nt 15 new pic* a of different deleave been sugjtrive Malayan industries in cnGovernment ap* *si c »n s the
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  • 538 10 Bv Straits Times Reporter SINGAPORE, Dec. 27. MBS was essentially a soldier’s Christmas—and it was no holiday for the terrorists. Security ’ora's on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day v j|| 0( si* terrorists and took the surrenders of in'i* more. CHRISTMAS DAY Gurkhas near Serein,,n killed
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  • 205 10 SINGAPPORE, Dec. 25. SINGAPORE branch of the British Red Cross Society has applied to the Colony Government for permission to run a $500,000 lottery in the Colony. The application is under consideration, a spokes- man said yesterday. If permission is granted, the lottery will
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  • 23 10 KOTA TINGGI, Sun. The International Club of Kota Tlnggi is building a library of gramophone records. Regular programmes have been arranged.
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  • 151 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 28. a YOUNG Chinese was in A Singapore yesterday gaoled for five years for having terrorist documents. Ho Sing Kit alias Ho Ah Fatt alias Boh Sam. a meat seller’s assistant, was arrested at the corner of Waterloo Street and
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  • 92 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. Malayan films will be among other Asian films that will be shown in England to promote cultural understanding between Asians and Britons. Indian and Pakistani students in London believe that in addition to furthering cultural understanding, films are also a medium
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  • 140 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. THE Singapore Government is to find out In a survey next yea** il present conditions and poverty levels warrant the introduction of social insurance in the Colony. The survey, which will be carried out by trained investigators from the Social Welfare
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  • 123 10 SINGAPORE, Dec. 27. QANTAS Empire Airways may discontinue its weekly Skymaster service between Singapore and Sydney via Cocos and Perth from Jan. 1. Capt. Hugh Birch. Singapore manager of Qantas, told the Straits Times that the service is likely to be stopped. One reason
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  • 319 11 ‘FRIENDLY DUTY--NO RIFLES KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. pROM Monday, policemen on “friendly duty” in the Federation will cease to carry rifles. Announcing this in Kuala Lumpur today, the Police Commissioner, Colonel A E. Young, said. "Policemen on friendly duty have no enemies. They don’t need rifles.” This is the latest
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  • 388 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 28. VfEN of the Suffolk Regiment this morning said farewell to their fallen comrades at the Kuala Lumpur Cheras Road military Cemetery. It was a colourful and solemn ceremony with music by the band of the Queen’s Own Royal West Kents.
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  • 285 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. ALL leave has been stopped for 500 Naval policemen at the Singapore Naval Rase because at 7 a.m. today 10,000 workers starlet the Colony’s biggest-ever strike. More Hum llirce months of negotiation and deadlock ended yesterday evening when ||w Naval Rase Labour
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  • 18 11 A roadbuilding programme costing nearly £500,000 is now under way in the Seria oilfield in Brunei
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  • 137 11 SINGAPORE, Dee 29. A SPOKESMAN of the t om-missioner-General’s office in Singapore last night dog. cribed as “rubbish” an assertion in the London Daily Graphic that Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, the Com mis. sioner-General for SouthEast Asia, had called for j list of suspected
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  • 119 11 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec 2 vJiXTEEN Selangor pengd c are learning the mod n “tricks” of running a kam a: smoothly and with as little tape as possible. A special one-week co r covering all important as' oi kampong life has been arranged for them by the
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  • 83 11 SINGAPORE, Dec. Mr. M. Gopala Menon. Hepreservative of the Governmerit of India in Malaya. terday appealed to Indiat {0 give generously to the Cy< !ie Relief Fund to help victii i n South India. “Indians in Malaya, I sure, will respond to the peal made by
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  • 20 12 The scene —Penang, where many Malayans spent the Christmas holiday. The cameraman Teh Bee Heng of 185, Carnar von St.
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  • 93 12 SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. lIALAVA will be represented *1 a>;ain at the meeting of ;he working committee of the nternational rubber study iroup in London on Jan. 5. The Malayan representatives nill bp; the Federation Memvr for Economic Affairs. Mr. I'Car Spencer; Mr. Khoo Teik
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  • 32 12 PENANG, Dec. 29. The UMNO Youth League !as decided to press the Setlem er.t Government to introluce free elections to the SetJtment Council “as early as Kj&sible.”
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  • 149 12 llf SINGAPORE, Dec. 29. JHE latest scientific methods will be introduced in Singapore next year to get more and better quality >ra\vns. Dr. p. d. Ommanney, director of the proposed warmo Research Station at Changi Point, has asked Colonial Office for two biologists and
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  • 46 12 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 29. Mr M. J, Hogan. AttorneyGeneral of the Federation, left on six months’ leave yesterday. His place has been taken by Mr. T. V. A. Brodie, the Soli-citor-General. Mr. A. D. Farrell has been appointed to act as SolicitorGeneral.
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  • 32 12 Tlie new Methodist church at the 9 l 2 -rnile Bedok Road, Singapore, will be dedicated by Bishop R. L. Archer at a special service on Sunday, Jan. 11.
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  • 149 12 MACHANG BUBOH, New Village, Dec. 28. rpiIREE HUNDRED Catholic parishioners in Machang Buboh who could not attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve because they had no church, have contributed 81,000 towards the building of a church in the village. The cost is estimated at
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  • 211 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. INDIANS REPATRIATED under the Emergency Regulations have done much harm by spreading false information in India about the Emergency, Mr. V. M. N. Menon, Federal Legislative Councillor and Trade Union leader, told The Sunday Times today. Mr. Menon recently returned
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  • 33 12 Mr. Justice Fletcher Rogers, formerly a judge of the Singapore High Court and now a judge of the Sarawak High Court, is spending a short holiday in the Colony.
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  • 347 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 27. people—nine Malays including two women and a baby girl and an Indian—were killed near Labis, Johore, yesterday when a gang of 30 terrorists ambushed 13 men, women and children returning from a mosque. A complete family of three was
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  • 25 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 29. Poppy Day Fund collections in Trengganu this year amounted to $7,193. This is $l,OOO more tlvm last year.
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  • 28 12 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 29. A gang murdered a Chinese rubber tapper in the Kulim area of Kedah yesterday and scattered Communist leaflets round the body.
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  • 24 12 PENANG, Dec. 29.—Penang had 30 traffic accidents during the Christmas holidays from Dec. 24 to 28, but none was fatal or serious.
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  • 192 12 THE SIX--MURDER TERROR IS SLAIN KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 39 fFHE Alor G a j a h A (Malacca) Police killed a Communist district committee member, Yeung Kit Kwan, chief terrorist of the Malacca central district, in a battle yesterday. Yeung was wanted for at least six murders. In a regular
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  • 153 12 PENANG, Dec. 29. rfE Malayan T*”’ ,T-\. Union plans to hold Its first educational conference in Singapore in August next year at the University of Malaya,. At a meeting in Penang today, the union’s executive committee decided to ask the Singapore Teachers’ Union
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  • 89 14 MR. MacDONALD’ S NEW HOME THIS IS THE HOUSE in Gallop Road. Singapore, that the Commissioner-General, Mr. Malcolm MacDonald, is moving into in the New Year. He is leaving his present residence in the palace of the Sultan of Johore at Bukit Serene where he has been living V er
    noving into a flat in the Cathay buildings.—Straits Times picture.  -  89 words
  • 76 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 30. IKE member for Home AiTairs. Dato Onn bin ia:'ar today denied that he u> planning to form another 1 ;.ual party. A Singapore Malay newsape: reported that some Dhore politicians said that »>• Or.n would form a new 1
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  • 200 14 JOHORE BAHRU, Dec. 29. 'HE PRESIDENT or the Johore Bahru Sessions L Court, Mr. N. L. Cohen, today imposed a fine of 13X00. or 18 months’ imprisonment on a Johore tahru postman, Amin bin Othman for evasion of on 49 dozens of assorted cosmetics, 95 wrist
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  • 62 14 Inch. SIN S APORE 31. luko'r u Has hln bin Ha]l *Risir i? IX h S s been Deputy 1 Sl ngin OrM 0 r MU f Sm Marri ages. Eve dl6d B *’e r "is l hlm f thp Lands Is r/,' lct n B
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  • 33 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 29. The Federation PostmasterGeneral announced today that from Jan. 1 the maximum charge on a cash-on-delivery parcel to or from India will be increased to 500 rupees.
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  • 118 14 YOUTH CENTRE FOR S’ PORE M.C.A. BRANCH SINGAPORE. Dec. 30. TiHE Malayan Chinese Association, Singapore branch, A will early next year convert its former premises at Robinson Road into a youth centre, Dr. Ho Pao Jin, the vice-president of the branch, said yesterday. This will be done as soon as
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  • 28 14 SINGAPORE. Dec 31. The Singapore City Council approved yesterday the arbitration award to allow W. Hammer and Co. Ltd. to increase their water rates to shipping.
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  • 154 14 SINGAPORE, Dec 31. ON his arrival in Singapore by Qantas-BOAC yesterday, the designate A.O.C., Malaya, Air Vice Marshal F. R. W. Scherger, met one of his old cadets. The former cadet, Capt. Hugh M. Birch, manager of Qantas Empire Airways, was one of the VIPs who met
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  • 63 14 SINGAPORE, Dec 31. Charged with hurtine a clansman. Low Ho Tha w yesterday toCd a Singapore court: “He belongs to a higher class than I. Besides, he would be considered to be of the ruling class, if he were in China. “Out of respect I
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  • 179 14 So Indians don’t know truth SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. *THE PEOPLE in India are getting the wrong imA pression about the Malayan Emergency as a result of the distortion of the news by Communist newspapers, a visiting Indian author and journalist, Mr. S. K. Pottekkat, told the
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  • 40 14 Six rare rhesus monkeys were flown into Singapore in a Qantas-BOAC freighter from India for the University of Malaya. The baby monkeys, sent by the Indian Malarial Institute, will be used for research into infectious diseases.
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  • 143 14 SINGAPORE. Dec 30. r "Vf ALAYA is well up with tho times in social welfare work, said Mr. Rowland Lyne, on his return from the 6th International Conference of Social Work at Madras. There is every reason to be satisfied with what has been
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  • 195 14 BULAK SETAP. Sarawak, Dec. 29. A 16-MONTH search, costing $5 million, for oil in the jungle in Sarawak is to be abandoned. No oil has been found, but useful information has been obtained bv Sarawak Oilfields Ltd. Bulak Setap well is deep in virgin
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  • 55 14 SINGAPORE, Dec 31. The 7,181-ton French owned Calais arrived in Singapore yesterday with 600 French troops on board bound for Marseilles after service in Indo-China. The Calais only stopped in Singapore for a few hours to take on 250 tons of rubber, bunkers and provisions
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  • 153 15 By Our Market Correspondent MALAYA will be strongly represented on the British delegation at the meeting called In Bangkok of rice producing and importing nations, by Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. The F.A.O. has asked 67 member nations to send
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  • 89 15 Federation’ s advisers KUALA LUMPUR. Tues.—The Federal Advisory Board for 1953 will be: Chairman, the Member for Industrial and Social Relations: Government representatives, the Commissioner for Labour (deputy chairman), the Director of Medical Services, the DirectorGeneral Of Teftccommunications. the Trade Union Adviser and the Controller of Establishments; employers’ representatives. Mr
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  • 144 15 Up to Council to decide SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. IT is up to the Singapore Legislative Council to decide whether it should simplify the present procedure requiring visitors to Council meetings to produce a pass, Mr. L. W. Donough, Clerk of Council, told the Straits Times yesterday.
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  • 28 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Dec. 30. The Architects Ordinance 1951 and the Medical Registration Ordinance 1952 will come into force on Jan. 1, it was announced today.
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  • 29 15 SINGAPORE, Dee. 31. Gen. Sir Charles Keightley, Commander-in-Chief Far East Land Forces, has returned to Singapore after a routine visit to Hong Kong where he spent Christmas.
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  • 145 15 SINGAPORE. Dee. 30. OINGAPORE Chinese Chamk her of Commerce has estimated the number of local Chinese killed just belore and during the Japanese occupation at over 10.000, hut only 1,521 names have been registered with the chamber. Because of the poor response, the
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  • 68 15 AN 81-YEAR-OLD GREAT GRANDMOTHER. assisted by a relative, casts her vote in the first elections to be held in Perak, when the people of Pasir Pinji New Village in Ipoh went to the polls to elect a council of 15 members from 48 candidates. Among: the candidates was her son,
    —Straits Times picture  -  68 words
  • 148 15 SINGAPORE. Dec 30. rIE Singapore Government has invested three trust funds of undisclosed amounts, in the $100,000,000 Federation of Malaya security loan, Mr. W. C. Taylor, the Colony’s Financial Secretary, told a Press conference yesterday. Subscriptions to half the loan, which will be
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  • 298 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Dec. 29. A L L business activities in Malay kamponn should be run by Malays and should be strict!] controlled to prevent “foreigners” from gaining control of kampong economic life. This is stated in a memorandum by the Ketui Kampong Association, of Selangor,
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  • 124 15 KUALA LUMPUR. I)*< >9 1UIE Federation lN,ii(' e Commissioner, 0 A. E. Young, is introducing a personal touch into “Operation Service.” e personally replies to everyone who writes to him about police court, esy. In a broadcast lua night, Col. Y’oung “Operation Service” had
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  • 154 15 F SINGAPORE, Dec 31. RESH water has been found sixty-five feet below Singapore's new “big business boulevard,” Shenton Way, by a firm of drillers. It flowed up throuch the hollow steel shaft of the drill, without beinr pumped, and proved tbe conviction
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  • 66 15 mi IPO f I. Off AN Ipoh girl, Miss Foong Slew IYluoy, won first P among 49 successful candidates of the first V r itt of the M. 8.8.5. examinations at the l of Adelaide, where several Malayan students arc ,l higher studies. Miss Foong secured
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  • 1003 17  -  By EPSOM JEEP PENANG, Dec. 26. WITH Hilly Bagby astride, Mr. Kok Hoong’s record time of 1 min. 39 2 5 on a fast track at side put up a delightful permas Cup over a mile in a new form a nee to win the
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  • 1047 17 From EPSON JEEP. PENANG, Dec. 28. KABAKA, a useful Frenchbred three-year-old by that great stayer Souverain. chalked up his third victory of the season when he trounced a bright lot of Class 2 horses in the Goodwill Stakes over 7 f. at Penang yesterday, second day
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 86 17 Big Sweep TOTAL POOL $282,470 1st No. *****8 ($67,792) 2nd No *****0 ($33,896) 3rd No. *****6 ($16,948) Starters ($4 237 each) Nos. *****4, *****5, *****3, *****3, *****3. *****7, *****1. 113L>9. Consolation ($1,694 each): Nos. *****6, *****6, *****4, *****2, *****7, *****8, *****3, *****4, *****9, *****8. Big Sweep TOTAL POOL $263,400 FIRST
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  • 54 18 THE RAJA MUDA OF PERAK inspecting a parade of the first batch of Home Guard inspectors under training at oh. On his right is the Commandant of the Training Centre, Capt. P. G. B. Hall, and on his left, in dark glasses, Lieut.-Col. C V. Rose, State Home Guard Officer,
    —Straits Times picture.  -  54 words
  • 373 18 SINGAPORE, Dec. 31. HE Singapore City Council yesterday decided ■to increase the city assessment rate next year Km 25 to 30 per cent. There was one dissentient Ke and two abstentions. W Mr PR. Williams (Lab. Rochore), speaking on I motion, said that the Government,
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  • 120 18 Com mission to study Asian trade SINGAPORE. Dec 30. m KANTILAL J. shah, ::'.a;;ac;ng partner of Jits' Kantilal and Co., imB t xporters, has alBy :t :or India where he U x• nt the Singapore Chamber of Commerce B e Commission on Asian m F.: Eastern Affairs at Butt a
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  • 23 18 i K I’MPUR. Dec. 30. H uWin 8 of bonds, the Loan (PreK Ordinance 1951, in will be held on
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  • 103 18 Dec 30. alth. Officer, Dr. '-oton, yesterday |H In the Boon lea Petaling Road ■e ni plained about If om a rubbish to be tolerant while. Bin question is low H, ideal breeding V quitoes, it, Ls now being filled up with the refuse that is
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  • 95 18 SINGAPORE. Dec 30. SINGAPORE businessmen are hoping, along with colleagues in the Federation, that the new year will see the ooening of the radio link telephone between Singapore and Indonesia which has been mooted for the past two years, but has not yet materialised. The radio
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  • 760 18  -  THE WEEK IN SPORT By EDIN PETERS SINGAPORE, Dec. 30. ABOUT 10,()00 spectators paid $34,000 to see the fight between the American Negro light-heavyweight, Mel Brown and Isimeli Radrodro, the Orient and Fijian light-heavy-weight champion at the Happy World Stadium. The American won easily on
    —Straits Times picture.  -  760 words
  • 166 18 T PENANG, Dec 29. HE RACEHORSE Owners' Association of Malaya have won the first round in their fight against the strict Straits Racing /tssociation ban on the importation of racehorses. SR-A., at a meeting at Penang over the weekend, decided that owners can now import horses
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  • 281 19 Industrials steady tins strong share market; From A Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Dec. 28. A FAIR MEASURE of business was transacted in the three-and-a-half days before Christmas. Industrials were generally steady and tins strong, but rubbers were almost completely neglected. Loans, too, had few dealings. In the industrial section, four stocks
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  • 28 19 The Pakistan Minister for Industries is to discuss development of the rubber manufacturing industry at a special meeting called in Lahore for January 12
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  • 153 19 Business done in the Malayan Share Market last week included: Industrials:— C.T.S. Ords. 21/9: Fraser Ac Neave $2.50; Federal DisEensary $2.20: Gammon $3.50; lammer $2.85; Hongkong Bank (Cclonial Register) $745 t 0 $755; Malayan Cement $1,124 to $1.10: Malayan Collieries $1,474; McAlister $39.25; Raffles Hotel $2.70: Slme Darby
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  • 110 19 rpHE following dividends were announced during last week:— Henry Waugh, 10 per cent inti rim, less 30 per cent tax. payable on Feb. 3. Books close Jan. 27 to Feb. 3. Malayan Tin, 6d. final, less tax, and Is. 6d. interim, less tax, payable on Jan. 30.
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  • 972 19 SINGAPORE, Dec 31. IMIUSTHdALK Buyer* Hrllcvs Brick* Pref s 15 2 30 Ords 3 .BE* 4 05 Atltt* Ice i2.25 13 25 Xu B Ji. Petrol 34/6 35/6 B M Trustee* 0 50 150 Con. Tin Smelt Pref at'* 2 a/Ords. 21/6 22/6 Eastern United 38 00
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  • 184 19 AT the annual general meeting of the Austral Malay Or° u P the chairman dwelt on the diminished ore reserves of three associated companies and furnished T ne following estimates:— Kain|> o n u Katnunting Tin Dredging Limited: Three years dredging in greund averaging less
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  • 49 19 |>KRAK River Valiev Rubber Company's liquidators account for the year to Sept. 30. 1952 shows that a tctal of $1,109,881 or $2.62 S.per share has been paid to shareholders. Balance in hand is only $3,926. but there may be a further small instalment from War Damage Claim.
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  • 267 19 'J'HE ACCOUNTS of Jelebu Tin Dredgin? Limited, alter $27,537 (one-half the expenditure incurred on road deviation! is charged, and providing $26,258 for the depreciation cf fixed assets, shows a profit of $197,305. A second dividend cn the company’s war damage claim yielded $26,404. which added to
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  • 209 19 By Our Market Correspondent I SINGAPORE barter trade will benefit by the tndj i sj a n Government decision to allow ',0041 worth of Colony Roods into Indnesian n..-tj ports. t on I Th goods represent the 30 per cent balance of payment for
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  • 218 19 AT the early age of I MR. TAN PLAY h3 is a leading figure in Sa ga pore's rubber industl and represents the rJ ber Trade Association J Singapore on the MalaJ Rubber Export Kegistll tion Board. 1 Educated at St. Joseptf Institution. Mr. Tan
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  • 46 19 SINGAPORF Dec Singapore Chinese 1 odufj change (noon prio f 1 Steady, buyers $41 sellers $42. Ccconut 0 seIlf! Pepper: All varieti-' vn Muntok (white) $530 Herswak $525; Lampong i>* clc Lewis and Peat (cl' Copra: Buyers ’'/L $41 *4. Coconut oil quiet.
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  • 36 19 The Mandai-Teko: (Sj Rubber Estates Ltd. of $6,777 for the year <i« J 1952. Net liquid 10 sheet amounted to cents per share). No n ber producer, this valued in market on prospects.
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