The Straits Budget, 20 March 1952

Total Pages: 20
1 20 The Straits Budget
  • 31 1 The Straits Budget THE WEEKLY ISSUE OF THE STRAITS TIMES [ESTABLISHED OVER A CENTURY] y N scries No. 294. Thursday, March 20, 1952 Price 40 cents (S.S. Currency) Or 1 lh.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 127 1 Wm -UI i s if V V i ROBEY m i 5db OF LINCOLN V R>s: h. i THE WORKS icASfcjtf AND THE PRODUCTS l H 2! X .< I' w; k ALSO Horizontal Long Stroke Steam Engines Medium Stroke Steam Engines Single Cylinder and Compound Superheater Steam Engines Oil
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    • 311 2  -  FULLSTOP. Kuala Lumpur. THE conditions Paula Fitzgerald complains of are representative of Rest House accommodation throughout Malaya with few exceptions. The fault appears to lie firstly with the Colonial Ulfice in making promises that cannot be fulfilled, but me root of the trouble is
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    • 432 2  -  PERMANENT GUEST. Singapore. APPARENTLY the world’s most important news of the day last Sunday was the question whether monkey brains are eaten as a delicacy in Singapore, together with demands for an apology from the unfortunate victims of a gullible and a.: i
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    • 147 2  -  HELPFUL. Penang. WHILE sympathising with the feelings of Government servants over the housing shortage, one cannot help but think that the problem could be overcome if there were fewer Government servants for whom quarters had to be found. Owing to the Emergency, it has been
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    • 108 2  -  PRO BONO PUBLIC HOUSO. Johore Bahru. WHY must present-day Governments insist on interfering with the simple pleasures of ones life? I read with dismay your report of the Singapore Government’s announcement of the increase of duty on beer and whisky, particularly as T have just returned
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    • 49 2  -  TEETOTALLER. Singapore. DEER and spirits, it i s an- nounced, are to go up in price in Singapore. The reason of the rise is an increase in duty. This, no doubt, is necessitated by the remarkably small number of people in the Colony assessable for income tax?
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    • 445 2  -  E.F.L.R. Kuala Lumpur. MR. Arthur Helliwell is to be congratulated on nis article in bringing to the notice of the Western world the disgusting culinary habits of the Chinese whose dinners we enjoy so very much. Tn all fairness to the Chinese it is
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    • 877 2  - A Councillor on City’s progres s, A. P. K v, Singapore. 1FEEL that in your leader on the City President’s Administration Report for 1951 you showed less than your usual fairness, suggesting: complacency by Mr. McNeice and only a “reasonable year’’ of work by the City Council. You quote the
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  • The Straits Budget
    • 550 3 -Straits Times. Mar. 3. ,»i ,ty is Malaya for supplies of rmoured cars? in the staff ol X 1 n or ol Operations -kt (1 to reply to iioism of the conthe delivery of l<> Planters was imistic. But at to have been h.„ alone is a
      -Straits Times. Mar. 3.  -  550 words
    • 760 3 —Straits Times, Mar. 14 The House of Commons is not the best of all places for consideration of the problems of the Malayan smallholder, hut it is remarkable how often the Secretary of State is called on to explain Federation policy. By comparison with the Federal Council. Westminster
      —Straits Times, Mar. 14  -  760 words
    • 391 3 Straits Times, Mar. 14. London registered Malayan tin and rubber companies await with some anxiety the full details of the excess pro- fits tax which Mr. Butler an- i nounced in his budget speech. The finance bill may elucidate provisions which will recognise the special position
      Straits Times, Mar. 14.  -  391 words
    • 725 3 Straits Times. Mar. 15 Both legislative councils will have before them next week the national service hills. They will be taking, however, somewhat different action. In the Federation the bill goes before the Federal Legislative Council on a certificate of urgency. Tn Singapore, the hill is being presented
      Straits Times. Mar. 15  -  725 words
    • 386 4 Straits Times, Mar. 15. Tlit* freedom of the city of Singapore is an honour which the City Council intends to bestow with great discrimination, the President of the City Council said yesterday at the ceremony in the Victoria Hall which saw the Governor, Sir Franklin Gimson, become
      Straits Times, Mar. 15.  -  386 words
    • 718 4 —Straits Times, Mar. 17. i Commenting on tho recent ECAFE conference in Rangoon, the bulletin of the International Confederation of Trade Unions makes a strong case for more emphasis on workers’ problems in ECAFE’s future planning. At Rangoon, the ICFTU delegate discussed the practical aspects of
      —Straits Times, Mar. 17. i  -  718 words
    • 627 4 Straits Times, Mar Another ten cents a pint on beer, and smaller increases in the duty on whisky, brandy and still wines are not going to meet any opposition from the Unofficial at today's meeting of the Singapore Legislative Council. But they are increases which really should
      Straits Times, Mar  -  627 words
    • 487 4 —Straits Times, Mar. 18. Retjorls f rom “Kanip,,,,,. Kirkby, and from tho ers under training there. courage confidence in the sue T f S uch criticised scheme. The first discovert which so many of the students made on arrival i„ Kirkbs would seem indeed lo speak for
      —Straits Times, Mar. 18.  -  487 words
    • 617 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 19. Singapore is fortunate in having a straight-speaking, hard-hitting Director of Medical Services in Dr. W. J. Vickers. Latterly the meetings of the Legislative Council have been livened by his blunt, factual statements on the shortcomings of the Colony’s medical services, the achievements
      —Straits Times, Mar. 19.  -  617 words
    • 263 5 —Straits Times, Mar. 19 No better memorial to Sir Henry Gurney can be envisaged than that every town and kampong in the Federation of Malaya where there is not already a playing field where the young folk can engage in healthful sport should have a “Gurney” playing
      —Straits Times, Mar. 19  -  263 words

  • 470 5  -  f]y 808 KROON gangs of 1 the Darul Islam and similar organisations continue to spread misery in West and Central Javanese villages. Recent reports from Central Java say the hard-hit DI groups have gone halfberserk under the relentless pursuing-actions of the Indonesian army. The exhausted insurgents
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    • 76 5 ALLEN—To Thyra and Prank Allen, a son, at the Youngberg Memorial Hospital on the 10th March. TO MARGARET, wife of O. P. Darke, at Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Singapore, on 12th March—t Son. BLACKBURN—to Audrey, wife of Jack at Kandang Kerbau Hospital on 12th March—a daughter, both well. SIMPSON, to
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    • 42 5 THE engagement is announced Pamela, eldest daughter cf Dr. St Mrs I. O. Hardlnge of Taiplng. Malaya, and Stephen Harvey, only son of the late Lt. Colonel J. P. James, 1.M.8. and Mrs. C. James of George. Cape Province, S. Africa
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    • 141 5 On Wednesday 12 th March, 1952, by Rev. Robert M. Greer. M.A. B.D. at the Presbyterian Church. Frederick L. Morris to Jean McDonald. WOOLS CHEAH On 15-3-52 qu’etly in Kuala Lumpur. Jackson Vincent Wools to Irene Cheah Geok Lan. ON SATURDAY, 15th March. 1952, in Singapore, Richard Gerald Baron
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 STRAITS BUDGET SUBSCRIPTION RATES The weekly issues of the Strait*. Budget can he sent by express at delivery service to the United Kingdom only at an inclusive rate of $34.00 for six months. 'ALL THE AROVY ARE /.V STRAITS CURRENCY)
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
  • 27 5 DEATH LOR1MER —suddenly at the Hollies. Auchtnblae, Kincardineshire. Scotland, on 6th March, 1952, John Gibb Lorlmer, late of Port Dickson, Malaya, dearly beloved husband of Alice Reid
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  • 8 6 Photograph by Hedda Morrison
    Photograph by Hedda Morrison  -  8 words
  • 664 6  -  CYNICUS. SINGAPORE, Mar. 15. THERE were broken I 1 hearts in the vivid story told by a Straits Times special correspondent yesterday of the seven day jungle trek of the 217 villagers of Belum. Was their journey really necessary? A child of five and a woman
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  • 1057 6  -  Stanley Street Study in finance Discussion about the vaiut of the pound sterling, which is one ol the poinis r.hat Mr. Butlers Budget raises again, is the sort ol discussion in which we do not shine. There was a time, many years ago, when wt cent
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  • 57 8 A PHASE OF THE “NIKAH” ceremony, one of the Muslim marriage cites, at the wedding of Tengku Khaladiah binti Almarham Sultan Sulaiman Shah, sister of the Sultan of Selangor, to Raja Redzuan bin Raja Yacob, held at the Selangor Istana, Kuala Lumpur, on Mar. 11. Raja Redzuan, dressed in white,
    ,—Straits Times; picture.  -  57 words
  • 129 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 12. EVERY effort was being made by the Federation Government to increase padi production. the Director of Agriculture, Mr. O. S. Voelcker, told Kuala Lumpur Rotarians today. Experiments with high yielding padi were now being carried out and this could not be
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  • 90 8 IPOH. Mar. 12. CAUGHT by a detective scaling the back gate of the eastern hotel at 2 a m. on Feb 29, Marine Commando C. Hardman, of 45 Commando. Royal Marines, was today sentenced to a day’s imprisonment and a fine of sloo, or one month’s rigorous
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  • 70 8 SINGAPORE, Mar. 13. lIRB. Jean Harding Calf aged 31 wife of a Royai Navy lieutenant-command-er in Singapore, wns found dead in a motor-car in the garage of her house in the Kranji Wireless Station late on Tuesday. Royal Nava] police are Investigating. but no foul olav
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  • 446 8 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 12. RESPITE denials by Indian leaders that men preparing to leave Malaya were trying to avoid conscription, there were indications in the Federation today that the exodus panic was beginning to spread. Managers of two rubber estates in Selangor today reported that labourers
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  • 45 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 12. Dato Syed Abdul Kadir bin Muhammad, the Mentri Besar, of Johore, and Inche Ibrahim Abdul Rahman, the State Secretary, were welcomed as members of the South Johore Rotary Club at a tea party in Johore Bahru yesterday.
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  • 191 8 KULIM Mar. 12. MR. W. H. Frames. OCPD Kulim was killed yester--1 day while leading an attack !on a bandit camp in the 1 Sungei Ala area, eight miles from Kulim. Three band.ts are believed ;to have been hit in the en- suing engagement.
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  • 28 8 Mr. T. S. Pow’ell, chief of the public relations depart- mpr>t of the Shell Company in London, arrived in Singapore by air on Mar. 12.
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  • 231 8 SINGAPORE, Mar. 13. VIAL AY AN aquarium fish —250 of them —will live on pure oxygen for three days in the Qantas-8.0.A.C. Airlines plane which set off with them as “passengers” from Singapore last evening. Tlie fish are being sent to London in
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  • 234 8 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar }•> T HE young and hand*m,, I servam thought it wa the thing to do. For it wa s iwilight and tli re alone on the lawn Taylor House. a n Armofficer Sa he Wifl ot an So. the First Magistrate told here
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  • 93 8 DR. Mary Mostyn. whose aim is to cure tubercular children, has arrived in Singapore to be physician at the S.A.T.A. centre in Tanjong Pagar Road. She worked at the Queen Mary’s Hospital. Hong Kong, before. From 1949 till 1951. Dr Mostyn worked at the West China
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  • 15 8 Bandits murdered a rubber tapper near Port Dickson. Negri Sembilan on Mar. 12.
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  • 1059 10 BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT JELI, Vlln Kelantan. Mar. 13. II'ITH weary si#iiies. 21"< t Malays, men. women and children put down their loads at Jeli in l lu Kelantan today more than 50 miles from Kota Bahru after a
    to K.cnpong .fell.—Straits Times picture; —Straits Times picture  -  1,059 words
  • 156 10 SINGAPORE, Mar IV T IIE Singapore Rubber T r; t u A Association yest e r il i cabled the Rubber r Association and KuoWt Manufacturers’ Association both of New York, i. V S Government' u allow free import and sumption by m
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  • 263 11 PENANG, Mar. 13. THE Penang Rubber Trade Association has through the Member for Economic Affairs, Mr. 0. A. Spencer, a protest against the “series of measures introduced by the American Government to strangulate the natural rubber industry”. The association urges the British Government to make
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  • 159 11 SINGAPORE, Mar. 15. THE first post-war consignment of Malayan bauxite for the Central Trust of China. Formosa, will begin loading tomorrow from the former Japanese-owned mines in Johore The 2.300-ton freighter. Pins Tung, belonging to the Taiwan Navigation Company, is loading 3,200 tons from the
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  • 33 11 JOHORE BAHRU. Mar. i 3. Mr. P. H. D. Jackson, Superintendent of Police, who is Chief Police Officer. Johore. has been promoted Assistant Commissioner of Police, Federation of Malaya Police.
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  • 93 11 SINGAPORE, Mar. 14. A/fORE tuberculosis patients in Singapore have received financial help from the Government during February than ever before. In its February monthly report, the Social Welfare Department disclosed that 146 new cases were approved by the Advisory Committee for the T.B. Treatment
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  • 64 11 PENANG, Mar. 13— Many Penang lawyers attended 'l\? funeral today of Mr. Khoo Soon Chee. Followed bv a long procession of cars, the hearse was taken along a 10-mile route from Mr. Khoo’s home :n Tanjor.g Eungah to Kek Lok Si temple. Ayer Itam. for the cremation.
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  • 67 11 Committee members of th° Filot Association Office. East Wharf Sir.eapore. for 1352 are as folJovs: Capt. R. J. J Sr.eddon, Capr. L. Newine. Capt. W. Gibson. Capt. O Wrieht. Capt W. A. Balch. Capt. J. D. Whyte, Capt. F. M Squ re. Cap*. E J. P.. Nor*.
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  • 323 11 PENANG. Mar. 13. 4 FTER an extensive investigation tour of the Federation, Mr. Ramakrishna Rao, the Government of- India's Agent in Malaya, is “convinced” that Indians now leaving the country are not doing so to avoid conscription. Mr. Rao told the Straits Times in Penang today
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  • 71 11 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 13. No one has yet been chosen to take the place of Mr R. P. Bingham as Resident Commissioner, Penang, when he goes on leave next month. It is understood selection of a successor Is difficult because of the shortage of senior officers.
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  • 27 11 Maj.-Gen. L. E. Beavis. the new Australian High Commissioner In Pakistan, passed through Singapore bv QantasBOAC on Mar. 12 on his way to Karachi.
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  • 252 11 Farewell to the gallant ‘45s BATU GAJAH, Mar. 12. MEN of 45 Commando Royal Marines said farewell to Perak today. They are leaving for Malta, after two years of bandit fighting in which they have killed 86 bandits and have had 70 others surrender to them Speaking to the men
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  • 247 11 SINGAPORE, Mar. 14. VIK. Alex Josey, Radio Malaya’s chief news editor, yesterday said that it was completely untrue that he h id Communist sympathies. Mr. Josey was replying to a statement made in the House of Commons by Lord Malcolm DouglasHamilton that the Trades Union
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  • 105 11 MR. P. P. Narayanan, president of the Malayan Tracies Union Council, cabled to the Trades Union Congress in Britain on Mar. 14 that the council has complete confidence in 'Mr. Alex Josey. Radio Malaya’s Chief News Editor. The cable asked for a refutation of the allega:ion made
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  • 38 11 A police jungle squad ana a fire engine were rushed to a mine :n the Tapah area of Perak on Mar. 13 to put out a fire in an en ine shed sterttd by terrorists.
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  • 542 12 SINGAPORE. Mar. 15. OIR Franklin Gimson, the Governor, yesterday became the first honorary Freeman of the City of Singapore and said: “Singapore has been well served in the past by her sons and daughters, both by bifth and adoption, and I am happy that I
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  • 739 12 SINGAPORE. Mar. 15. SIR Franklin Gimson. Governor of Singapore, was chaired out of the Victoria Memorial Hall last night h\ a group of City Councillors after the reception which followed the conferment of the freedom of Singapore City on him. Councillors representative of
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  • 286 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 14. RELAXATION of the language qualification, the reduction of the residential qualification from 15 to 10 years and the easing of citizenship rules for National Servicemen are three of the principal recommendations made b> the select committee on the Bill to amend
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  • 189 13 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 14. THE Federation Govern* ment today denied that there was any Malayan armoured ears scandal, as had been alleged in a London newspaper. 4 spokesman of the Director of Operations staff said that although deliveries of armoured ears ordered for the police
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  • 75 13 SINGAPORE. Mar. 15. r pHE Cathay Cinema in Singapore this week Ls screening the latest issue of he Malayan Gazette, which includes the movie shots t.ikcn by the Malayan Film -nit cameraman who went the epic patrol of the < ameronians in North Selaneor recently. lined
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  • 62 13 The 48-year old troopship. Empress of Australia, left Singapore on Mar. 13 for Hong Kong. On board was the 7 Royal Tank Regt., which has come from Britain. A military spokesman ;aid that it isprobably the last voyage the Empress of Australia will make as a
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  • 188 13 In the dark —and it’s intolerable’ SINGAPORE, Mar. 15. THE frequent blackouts are becoming intolerable, the Singapore Ratepayers* Association says in a letter to the City Council President, Mr. McNeice. The letter says: “The loss of output and earnings time, comfort and convenience is not easily calculated But it is
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  • 61 13 SINGAPORE, Mar. 14. BRANCH committees are to be formed on the west coast of Singapore Island to train civil defence workers, the chairman of the Pasir Panjang Rural District Committee. Mr. H. J. C. Kulasingha. said last night. Mr. Kulasingha. appealing for volunteers, says. “Everyone
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  • 68 13 THE Government Health Department distributed 23.184 pounds of free milk among poor children and mothers in the rural areas of Singapore during 1951. An average or 1.600 children benefited every month. An average of 10,600 children a month attended -the rural welfare clinics for
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  • 146 13 K,?a LA LUMPUR, Mar. 14. T 1IE fertile Belum valley in North Perak, which once boured and fed bandits. n °w a forbidden ghost i: >se, with all its inhabi- "•'s evacuated, its homes ben down, and its crops .royed. 1 one is allowed
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  • 188 13 FREE MALAYA ‘STILL NEEDS BRITISH PENANG, Mar. 14. F*VEN when Malaya gains independence, it will still need the British, said Mr. Heah Joo Seang tonight when he presided at a meeting called to discuss the formation of a Penang branch of the Independence of Malaya Party. “We want the British
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  • 80 13 SINGAPORE Mar. 15. ¥OHORE police after an all-night search yesterday. found the wreckage of the missing Army Auster in Kulai, South Johore. The pilot of the aircraft, an Army man, was dead, and the passenger, a non-com-missioned officer of the R A F., was
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  • 38 13 The Singapore TrafTic Police’s experiment to determine whether or not white scotchlite strips on the rear mud-guards of bicycles make them easier to see by night will be carried out for a month In five Divisions.
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  • 305 13 US rubber policy hits smallholder KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 12. RUBBER smallholders in Malaya are being lx very hard hit by a reduction in the purchase of certain lower grades of rubber by America, the Malayan Trade Union Council, has told the U.S. Government. In a note to the U.S. Government,
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  • 28 13 A donation of $1,500 from Standard-Vacuum Oil Company for the new clinic tops the of the latest contributions to the Singapore AntiTuberculosis Association
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  • 135 14 KUALA LUMPUR. Mar. 16 Allowances fo r Malayan students in Britain on Government scholarships may soon be increased to meet the cost of living there The special committee appointed to consider the question will tomorrow start interviewing students recently returned In asking tin*
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  • 50 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 17. A prowcsMonai march o> 150 nitormed youth groups tUhhghtcd the first annual •ombined service organised bv the Singapore Christian Youth Council at St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday. The presentation of colours was made bv Canon R. K 3 Adairs who later delivered in addrpss
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  • 28 14 JOHORE BAHRU. Mar. 16— Mr Woon Chow Kai. a Johore •in miner, leaves Singapore on Thursday on a round-the-world trip accompanied bv bis wife and family.
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  • 192 14 CHANGI GOES BACK ‘ON THE AI R’ SINGAPORE, Mar. 15. RADIO system that started life as a couple of battered Jap army wireless sets will be back on the air at Changi tonight after eight months of silence for re-equipment. It is the Changi Broadcasting System, which will radi- 1
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  • 41 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 16. Six hundred and fortyseven babies were born in Singapore during the first, week of this month. Total number of deaths during the period was 206. Of these 119 were males and 97 f(>males.
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  • 182 14 SINGAPORE, Mar. 15. THE European Civil Servants’ Association °i 1 Malaya (Singapore branch) is asking the Colony Government to encourage Asian officers to buy their own houses. This, they say, would be a long-term solution to the accommodation problem facing European officers because it
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  • 76 14 SINGAPORE, Mar. 17. The annual general meeting of the East-West Society was held at the British Council Hall last week. The following office-bearers were elected President and chairman: Mr, P. S. Raman: Vice-presi-dent: Mr, P. K. Hernon; Joint secretaries: for minutes: Miss M. Keel, for programme: Miss
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  • 137 14 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. H Bill permanent bandit base has been found near Betong, in South Siam, by a combined Malayan and Siamese police patrol, the Federation Government announced this evening. The patrol found the camp yesterday not far from the border iii the Betong
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  • 121 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 17. A TOTAL of 1.089 deaths was reported to the Singapore Coroner during 1951 There were inquests on 722 without jurors. Of 28 inquests held with Jurors, four were on condemned prisoners, and 19 on prisoners dying in lock-ups and police stations and hospitals
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  • 71 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 17. The marriage of Mr J V Wooll. a SelangoY planter to Miss Cheah Geok Lan a formei receptionist at a Singapore dental surgery took place at Kuala Lumpur yesterday It was performed bv Mr J G Adams the Registrar ot Marriages, Selangor
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  • 53 14 TAIPING. Mar. 16. The Taiping Indian community yesterday entertained their leader, Mr. Jal Manecksa. to a tea party at the Hokkien Hoay Kuan in honour of his recent appointment as a Justice of the Peace bv the Sultan of Perak. The large gathering included the Sultan
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  • 151 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 15. MORE than 1,000 new wooden sleepers worth 512.000 were destroyed and i railway waggon was damped yesterday when a lal- ms fire broke out in the marshalling yards of Singavire railway station A Malayan Railways offl•>al told Straits Times hat the fire orobablv
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  • 242 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 16 gPECTATORS at a presentation parade at the Singapore Police Training School in Thomson Road yesterday watched three unassuming schoolboys being publicly commended by the acting Commissioner of Police. Mr N. G Morris, for their “public spirit, courage and initiative.” Tham Klui
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  • 64 14 SINGAPORE. Mar. 1" THE Singapore Art exhibition °f and drawings bv seven t lish and American y om artists, which finished v* terday afternoon, resulted the sale of 46 pictures lor a total of $2,450. This was the ninth exhP tlon of painting* organise d ?fthe Society
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  • 58 14 ALOR STAR, Mar Eleven new' kongsis, r <> sen ting over 100 shops, ed yesterday in five K villages in the “restri area of Baling. Formed under the Ei gency Regulations for coi of shops and the move" of essential commodfthese kongsis will now t
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  • 710 15 From A Special Correspondent KOTA BAHRU, Mar. 16. rrHE 11 small kampongs of Belum Valley, now 1 evacuated to Kelantan, were dominated by Communists for the last year or so, Mr. J. E. Aitken, former District Officer of Upper Perak, told the Straits Times.
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  • 166 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 16. THE High Commissioner. General Sir Gerald Templer, has congratulated all who took part In the airborne operation of Belum in North Perak. The operation finished yesterday. To the Malayan Scouts Special Air Service Regimpnt whose men were dropped into the Belum
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  • 45 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 16. KALUMPANG village, in North Selangor, was at tacked by bandits at dawn this morning. A police constable was killed and two Home Guards were wounded The police and Home Guards drove them off after the Initial surprise.
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  • 151 15 SINGAPORE, Mar. 17. SINGAPORE Government and City Council Labour u Union, at a special delegates' conference on Saturday, decided to ask the Colony Government to exempt its members from call-up under the proposed National Service Bill. The conference decided that since members of the union were
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  • 281 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 16. FI week-end battles, Security Forces killed three terrorists and wounded six more. Yesterday, in Pahang, a Mentakab police jungle squad, led by Corporal Ismail, acting on a ‘‘whisper’* from the public, attacked a terrorist camp and killed two bandits and wounded
    Straits Times picture.  -  281 words
  • 28 15 THE practical examination. 4 of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, London, will be held In Singapore between August and September this year.
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  • 65 15 SINGAPORE. Mar. 18. ON the eve of the Singapore Governor’s departure for Britain on retirement, the Bukit Timah Boys’ Home in Clementi Road has been renamed “The Gimson School for Boys.” There are more than 100 boys at the school. Instruction is given in basketry, carpentry,
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  • 114 15 PENANO. Mar. 16. A BANDIT platoon operating In Province Wellealey has executed six of Its men for “wavering”. This was disclosed by a surrendered bandit. Chong Ah Cheng, who gave himself up at a police post in Province Wellesley. He nad with him a
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  • 68 15 KUALA LUMPUR. Mon The High Commissioner has appointed Mr. Lee Thean Chu a temporary unofficial member of the Federal Legislative Council for the period during which Mr. Lim Khve Seng is absent from the Federation. Terrorists burned a lorry on an estate In the Kluang district of Johore,
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  • 108 15 KUALA LUMPUR, Mar. 17. FkAY mail train services were cancelled between Gemas and Kluang todav because bandits derailed a train in Johore. It Is hoped that normal running will be resumed tomorrow with the day mail trains. The Malayan Railway todav said that the down local
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  • 866 18 One abstains —as liquor price rises SINGAPORE, Mar. 19. CINGAPORK Legislative Council yesterday k approved by 11 votes to nine, with one abstention, the increased tax on liquor, the estimated annual yield of $2,500,000 from which will be used for the expanding civil defence services. Councillors representing the three Chambers
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  • 99 18 SINGAPORE. Mar. 19 REGULATIONS for imposing deterrent penalties for the mishandling of arms and explosives by anybody in the Colony weup approved by the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday. Introducing the regulations fit a motion, the Colonial Secretary. Mr W. L. Blythe, s aid that recently there
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  • 339 18 SINGAPORE. Mar. 19. OIR Franklin Gimson, the Governor, told the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday that the way Singapore was conducting its affairs provided the best answer to the menace of Communism. 1 Sir Franklin, making ins last speech to the Council. said that the
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  • 193 18 SINGAPORE Mar. 19 THE retiring ag<* of Singapore civil servants should be extended by live «>r 10 years, said Mrs. Elizabeth hov (nominated* at yesterday's meeting 01 the Singapore Legislative Council. Speaking during fh t adjournment. Mrs. Choy said that because of the present policy
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  • 46 18 A Bill to amend the Municipal Ordinance to exempt Singapore schools from paying assessment on their playing fields is now under consideration, Mr. C. C. Tan was told in the Singapore Legislative Council The amendments will bo introduced in Council as soon as possible
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  • 221 18 SINGAPORE, Mar. 19. THERE are 35,000 more 1 seats in Government English primary schools in Singapore today than there were two years ago, said the Director of Education, Mr. A W. Frisby. at Singapore Legislative Council meeting yesterday. He was replying to criticisms by Dato
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  • 337 18 SINGAPORE* Mar. 19. THE Senior Unofficial member of Singapore Legislative Council, Mr. Tan Chin Tuan, \<k. terday paid tribute to Sir Franklin GimsonVthe retiring Governor. The Unofficials, he said, were losing a just and reasonable Governor. Sir Franklin had been a capable administrate) and
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  • 138 18 SINGAPORE. Mar 19 MR. C U Tan Prog. Tang Uni asked Govern mem in the Singapore Legislative Council yesterday review the benefits paid te dependants ol Government servants who died whilst tr. service, and so remove "grave hardships.' Speaking during rht ad lournment. Mr Tan referred to
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  • 72 18 SINGAPORE. Mar. 19. A Lady Assistant Secretary for Economic Affairs w;appointed last November relieve the temporary stafii shortage, Government to a Dato C. J. Paglar at the Legislative Council meeting yesterday. She was engaged on month to month basis an her qualifications were University training
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  • 1097 19 SINGAPORE, Mar. 16. JOCKEY Roy Percival, back inthe saddle after a month, made a great come-back when he brought home four winners for the van Breukelens on Congo, Gold Rise, Curlew and sing Glory at Bukit Thnah yesterday, opening day of the Singapore Turf
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  • 1142 19 THE WEEK IN SPORT VOT optimistic about the outcome of Malaya’s defence of the Thomas Cup? Ridiculous. That was what Mr. Lim Chuan Geok, Thomas Cud team manager and non-playing captain, said when asked about a newspaper report attributing that view to him. “Not, optimistic? I’m
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 53 19 Big Sweep Total pool: $463,785. 1st No. *****3 ($20*702) 2nd No. *****7 ($104,351) 3rd No. *****6 57,973) Starters ($6,441 each) Nos. *****9, *****6, *****1, *****4, *****0. *****8, *****8, *****4, *****1. Consolation prizes ($3,478 each) Nos: *****5. *****6, *****9, *****4. *****8. *****1, *****9, *****5, *****7, *****1. DOUBLE TOTE DOUBLE TOTE: 303
      53 words

  • 470 20 From A Market Correspondent SINGAPORE, Mar. 17. THERE was a distinct lull while Malayan markets waited for Mr. Butler’s Budget and a reduced volume of business was recorded over the week. Malayan commercial opinion welcomed the Budget proposals as resolute steps to save sterling
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  • 125 20 Hammer Co. seek new water rate SUPPLYING shipping with water at rates fixed in 1933. Hammer A: Co.. Ltd., was able to meet an unprecedented demand and show a profit fer 1951 after tax of $420,379 <40.2 per cent), which would b° equivalent to at least 58 per cent before
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  • 86 20 SHAREHOLDERS of the Tangga Batu Rubber Company are notified that the estate has been sold at $230 per acre, or a total purchase price of £16,019. The company’s other assets In Malacca are being realised and its liabilities settled, and the directors consider that the company
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  • 212 20 SINGAPORE. Mar. 17. BUSINESS done in the Malayan Share Market last week included: Industrials: Fraser Neave $3.674 c.d. to $3.724 x.d., Jackson Co. Ltd. $2.50. Malayan Breweries $5.00 x.d., Malayan Collieries $1.70 to $1.65 to $1,724. McAlister $41.00 to $40.50. Singapore Cold Storage $4.65, Straits Trading $21.75 to
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  • 229 20 r THE Directors of Ayer Hitam Tin Dredging Ltd., have declared a Third Interim Dividend of 1 3d per share, less Income Tax at 9 6d In the in respect of the vear to June 30. 1952, payable on April 16 to all shareholders on the register on
    229 words
  • 284 20 A LACK of balance in the future econoim Malaya was predicted by Sir Charles I* 1( s Chairman of the Mercantile Bank of Judi;/ when he presented his farewell statement ut e annual general meeting of shareholde r London. Sir Charles, who is retiring
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  • 40 20 \f H Ashworth Hope nas resigned as chairman and director of Malayan Tm. Southern Malayan Tin and Kramat Pulai Mr HoDe also left the Doaro of Tronoh. Southern Tronoh. Sungei Besi. Ayer Hitam and Kepong oredging companies.
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  • 22 20 Sale of Sardycroft Rubber Company’s estate has been completed and in due course directors will be making recommendations to shareholders
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  • 27 20 DUKIT Katil Rubber Estate Ltd., rubber crop for February was 33.504 lbs. Ayer Molek Rubber Co., Ltd., crop for the same perlo* was 25.061 lbs.
    27 words
  • 933 20 SINGAPORE, Mar. 19. INDUSTRIALS Ale. «r.ct. Buyer At rd, l 2 9b 3 0a H k p*?? 12 50 ‘3 M H B Petrol 42/- 43/BM Trustees «00 7 00 Con Tin Smelt 2l- 22/- ca rd 21/6 23/6 Eastern United 38 00 39 bO Fed Dispensary
    933 words
  • 361 20 T SINGAPORE Mar 15 HE week has again bee. active, with fluctuation, in price (airly wide. There have been moderate sized orders here, both for Amenca and Continental account says Lewis and Peats weekly report. The market has been extremely sensitive and quick to react in
    361 words
  • 56 20 rPALAM MiVcS Limited work* A three opencast mines wi' hydro-electric plant to m;u--$487,023 (81 per cent) in 1951 at final dividend of 15 per cent a bonus 20 per cent will makt total of 70 per cent distrm for the year. Nett liquid assets at $471/
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  • 21 20 EASTERN Bank maintain 1951 dividend at 6 per c< with unchanged final u> end of 3% per cent.
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